Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


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  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    Setting up my Raspberry Pi and a Logitech

    C270 webcam


    OpenCV, Raspberry

     by Yusro 

     February 24, 2013

    From :

    Im planning to !o some high altitu!e photography with my Raspberry "i, webcam, an! #"$soon. %but thats another story& 'n! remembering the nightmare I ha! setting up my Raspberry "i

    an! C()* +ogitech webcam, I thought it was about time I share! how I !i! it.

    hese instructions are -ery simple an shoul! hopeully sa-e you some trial an! error.Importantly, thanks must go to Insipi! Ramblings an! e00eh or their inormation an! work

    that helpe! me get this ar.

    Im using Raspbian 1hee2y 3istro %(*456*(6*7&, so i youre using another +inu0 O$, your

    results may -ary !epen!ing on what -ersion you use. owe-er, I am assuming that you ha-ealrea!y installe! a Raspbian image, an! can successully boot to the !esktop . $o plug in your

    C()* +ogitech webcam, an! well get starte!.

    1. Add UC support to the image

    3ownloa! an! run rpi6up!ate as !escribe! here. his will up!ate your image to inclu!e the

    initially6missing 8VC support. Reboot as suggeste!.

    2. Update your pac!ages

    su!o apt6get up!atesu!o apt6get upgra!e

    ". #nsta$$ the gu%c%iew webcam %iewer

    su!o apt6get install gu-c-iew

    &. Set up your permissions and enab$e the dri%er

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    su!o usermo! 6a 6# -i!eo pi

    su!o mo!probe u-c-i!eo

    Reboot the Raspberry "i.

    '. (o %iew the webcam image )ust run gu%c%iew

    here are a ew things to keep in min!, the webcam must be connecte! beore powering up the

    Raspberry "i. I not you nee! to run su!o rmmo! u-c-i!eo an! su!o mo!probe u-c-i!eo beore

    it will work.

    opeully this how6to helps you out an! i you ha-e more luck than I using a mouse an!/orhigher resolutions please let me know in the comments.

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  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    Raspberry Pi – Webcam streaming  54

    This entry was posted in Raspberry Pi and tagged  C270 Creative fswebcam HowTo

    Logitech mjpg mjpg-streamer mjpgstreamer motion Raspbian RPi !tream

    !"rvei##ance T$me#apse T"toria# %&02'0 (ebcam on !eptember 2') 20*2 by  !L+ 

    Now it’s time to make my old Creative Live! Cam Vista IM (VF0260) Webcam work

    on the RasPi, I also tried a new Logitech C270 HD Webcam and they both work

    fawlessly out o the bo!

    I ha"e tried three sotwares or the webcam, which I pre"iously tested on my desktop

    machine running #edora and I wanted to try them also on the Pi! $hese are%

    • swebcam

    • motion

    • m&peg'streamer

    (et’s now ha"e a look at them!

    Note% )ince some kernel updates, it’s re*uired to boot the system with a kernel

    parameter that lets the webcam work again instead o taking &ust black pictures! $hanks

    to Web)+-+ or this precious insight.

    Proceed by editing the kernel parameters /le%

    0 nano 1boot1cmdline!tt

    and append%

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam



    5on’t orget to reboot ater adding the parameter!

    •   fswebcam:

    swebcam is the simplest and easiest way to ha"e your webcam capture singlerames, also programmatically at a speci/ed timer inter"al! 6 course it’s also

    possible to call swebcam rom a bash script anytime it’s re*uired, but this is

    another story!

     $o install swebcam simply run%

    0 apt'get install swebcam

    6ne o the nice eatures o swebcam is that it’s possible to add a ooter to the

    capture, where you can speciy your tet o choice!

    #or instance, this is the command I ran swebcam with%

    7 swebcam 'r 89494 ') +: ''fip h ''&peg ;: ''shadow ''title

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    6kay, this wasn’t eactly streaming, so let’s get into more serious stuD!

    •   motion:

    motion is a rather complete sur"eillance system with no ancy stuD and straight to

    the point, yet "ery customiCable! @mong what it can do, it is capable o motion

    detection, rame recording, "ideo recording, timelapse!

    Its installation is as simple as usual%

    0 apt'get install motion

    It comes with a plain web con/guration interace, but /rst o all we need to speciy

    which port motion will run on! (et’s now edit its con/guration /le%

    0 nano 1etc1motion1motion!con 

    and look or the settings webcontrol2port Edeault 44F and stream2port Edeault 4+F,

    which reers to the web con/guration interace and the streaming port, respecti"ely!

    Ghange them as needed or simply get aware o their deault "alues!

     $o start motion run%

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    0 motion

     Hou can now access to the web con/guration interace by pointing your browser to%


    where RPI'IP is the local IP address o your RasPi and webcontrol2port is the same port

    set in the con/g /le!

     $hat said, it’s now possible to browse all the a"ailable settings!

    )ome o them that are worth a mention are%

    width and height% rame dimensions, camera dependent

    ramerate% maimum number o rames to be captured per second

    threshold% number o piels in the image that must change to trigger the motion


    *uality% compression le"el or rame captureDmpeg2timelapse% number o seconds between which to take a rame shoot or

    timelapse recording

    Dmpeg2bps% constant bitrate or "ideo encoding Eignored or timelapsesF

    Dmpeg2"ariable2bitrate% "ariable bitrate or "ideo encoding Eusing a "ariable bitrate is

    the only way to get decent timelapse "ideos, this setting is used or both "ideo

    motion recording and timelapsesF

    and o course the diDerent images1"ideo1timelapses paths where to sa"e the

    captures to are among the settings you might want to customiCe!

    @nother important eature o motion is that it’s possible to eecute any particular

    command anytime an e"ent starts and1or a picture is captured, this is achie"ed bythe setting on2e"ent2start and on2picture2sa"e!

    #or instance it’s possible to send an email and upload the sa"ed picture to an tp

    ser"er by setting on2e"ent2start and on2picture2sa"e as ollows%

    on2e"ent2start sendmail ' H6R#R6?J?@I(Agmail!com 't H6R$6J?@I(Agmail!com

    'u K

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    @nother streaming sotware that I tried was m&peg'streamer, which is not as eatures

    complete as motion, but it is perect i you &ust need a "ideo stream! It also pro"ides

    a web interace to display the stream! I couldn’t /nd a binary "ersion o m&peg'

    streamer or arm processor, so I had to compile it mysel as ollows!

    #irst oD we need m&pg'streamer source code rom O here  and sa"e it in your

    older o choice! I usually sa"e and etract the source packages under 1usr1local1src!

    Position yoursel whiche"er older the archi"e has been sa"ed into, and etract the

    archi"e with the command%

    0 tar "C m&pg'streamer'r8Q!tar!gC

    In order to compile m&pg'streamer, we need the lib&peg'de" libraries, so let’s install

    them /rst%

    0 apt'get install lib&peg'de"

    I also needed to create a symbolic link o one header /le which, to me, resulted


    0 ln 's 1usr1include1linu1"ideode"-!h 1usr1include1linu1"ideode"!h

    Now e"erything should be set to proceed with the compilation process! )witch to

    m&pg'streamer newly created older and compile it with%

    0 cd m&pg'streamer'r8Q0 G#(@)3

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    It’s now possible to get access to the web interace at the address%


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  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    @bout )(=

    Gomputer )cience Jngineer! ISm Aslabua pretty much e"erywhere! #eel ree to check

    my oogle pro/le or more inos% http%11plus!google!com1)al"atore(a=ua

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  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    Astroland  Extreme Urban Astronomy In The Netherlands

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    Using the Raspberry Pi for camera surveillance using Motionand cloud storage

    Posted on November 19, 2012 by Astroland 

    February, 16th 2014

     A fully updated post using BoxFS2 with oauth2 authentication

    !he pre"ious "ersion of this post used an old "ersion of BoxFS which is nowobsolete because Boxco# changed their A$%

    If you are looking for a cheap camera surveillance setup, the Raspberry Pi is a great solution.

    It is small, easy to install and, most important, has low energy usage.

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    I own Model B see the Raspberry Pi !ikipedia page for detail about the models" which uses #.$


    %here are several open source motion detection applications for &inu' such as (oneMinder and


    Both programs are available through the Rasbian repository.

    (oneMinder looks like a real security control center with all those nice cam screens, but it)s too

     bloated and too *P+ heavy for the Raspberry Pi.

    Motion is more lightweight and doesn)t stress the *P+ too much when processing #---

    camera data.

     !ith IP camera)s my average load is less than -.$- on my RasPi, which also serves as an

    caching /0S server.

    1or storage of the 23I video files which contain the captured motion frames, I use a free

    Bo'.com account.

    Bo'.com provides the same service as the popular /ropbo'.

    %he reason for choosing Bo'.com is because /ropbo' has no open source client. %he /ropbo'

    &inu' client is closed source and has, at the moment, no support for 2RM devices like the

    Raspberry Pi.

    1urthermore the free Bo'.com account gives you 4- 5B of free storage. !ay enough to store

    home camera data for a couple of months.

    Bo'1S is the weapon of choice to mount your Bo'.com account as a drive partition on your

    Raspberry Pi.

    Some basic &inu' knowledge is preferred.

    Setting up BoxFS2

    1irst, read the R62/M6 file on the Bo'1S site carefully for the needed dependencies

    Install the needed libraries from the command prompt7

    sudo apt'get install libml-'de" libuse'de" libcurl9'gnutls'de"

    Besides some libraries from the Raspbian repository, you)ll also need libapp and lib8son.

    5et the latest commits from bo'fs, libapp and lib8son7

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    git clone https%11github!com1drotiro1bos-!git

    git clone https%11github!com1drotiro1libapp!git

    git clone https%11github!com1"incenthC1lib&son!git

    *ompile libapp first, then lib8son and bo'fs last using make and sudo make install .

     2fter installing make sure you run the command ldconfig to update links to the libraries for the

    operating system.

    1orgetting this might give you some error messages about not found libraries.

    %he Bo'1S binary will be installed in /usr/local/bin.

    &reating a BoxFS2 config file

     !ith the command boxfs-init  you can create a config file for Bo'1S.%he configuration file will be placed in the directory .bo'fs.

    9pen an editor and the configuration file would look something like this7

    0 Gon /le or bos

    0 edit to /t your needs!

    0 Put oauth- tokens here%

    token2/le 3 1home1pi1!bos1token

    : Set a valid mount point

    mountpoint ;

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    dperm 3 V::

    %he mountpoint #ust be provided in either way. %his can be an empty directory called /motion 

    for e'ample.

     2lso check the user id uid" and the group id gid" of the user you are using.

     =ou can check this in the passwd  file which is located in /etc.

    In my case I)m using user pi which has user id 4--- and group id 4---.

    %o let Bo'fs run as a non>root user you have to add your user to the fuse group7

    sudo gpasswd 'a use

    If you won)t do this, the following error message will be shown7

    use% ailed to open 1de"1use% Permission denied

     2lso the e'ecute bit of the fusermount binary should be set7

    sudo chmod 1bin1usermount

    1orgetting this will cause mounting to fail with this error message7

    use% ailed to eec usermount% Permission denied

    'ounting your Boxco# account using BoxFS

    %o start the Bo'1S client, simply run this command from the home directory of your Bo'.com


     bo'fs >f .bo'fs

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    %o check if everything is doing what it should be doing, go to your Bo'1S mount point and try to

    create or copy some files.

    1or debugging I recommend to be logged in to your Bo'.com account with your browser to see if

    things are actually written in to the cloud storage.

    %nstalling and configuring 'otion

    %o install Motion 8ust run this command7

    sudo apt'get install motion

    Be sure that your camera)s and

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    ' he #eg!sta( ) !n!t!al!*e error 

    +!chtvervu!l!ng !n trecht -

    28 Responses to Using the Raspberry Pi for camera surveillance

    using Motion and cloud storage

    4. #isperas says7

    November 2., 2012 at 1/2 

    Ci, thanks for the article.

    9ne Auestion, how to configure the system on and offD. !he you leave home and arrive E



    .  Astroland  says7

    November 2., 2012 at 202 

    Ci 3isperas,

    9n the Motion website you can read about the built in http interface7


  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    Ci 2strolandF %hank)s very all i needF

    it)s only a few months that I use linu' and raspberry. But already fascinated E

    I mounted the webcam on debiam wheeGy and all is ok E.on the local memory.

    Please, E.could you make a step by step tutorial for setup bo'fs. I do not know where to begin7 i

    don)t know how compile libeappEand create config file.



     &hotca says7

    4ebruary 20, 201/ at 2/2/ 

    It)s all here7 http7

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


     !hy don)t you connect using sshD

    I don)t understand why you should connect a directory using a remote desktop utility.


    $.  )im says7

    4ebruary 22, 201/ at 22/ 

    %hanks, this looks like what I need. I)m planning on using an older android phone wifi only" as

    a IP camera. I tried this setup with Goneminder but performance on the pi was very poor. I)m

    goning to try a few more tweaks in before I give up and try motion instead. But this is good info

    and I didn)t think of using bo'1S.


    @.  Antonio *illa says7

    6arch 2), 201/ at 000. 

    Ci astroland, thanks for the tutorial. 2 Auestion7 why if I contact the webcam at


  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    to stick with Internet 6'plorer7


    %hanks very much


    K.  (ich says7

     Apr!l /, 201/ at 1132 

    %hanks for the article, 2stroland. I)ve been trying to set Motion up on my Pi for a few weeks

    now, and have got it to work initially but it invariably terminates after about $>4- minutes. I)ve

    tried low resolutions, have moved the camera &ogitech *K- L bought especially because it said

    supported on the R>Pi compatibility list" to a powered +SB hub.

    %he best I)ve managed so far is a tiny 4K@4?? image siGe I was hoping to use at least @?-?-,and the camera says it supports 4-@- at #-fps with MJP65

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


     2ny ideas how I can get this working continuouslyD I)m using N&inu' raspberrypi #.@.44O :#K

    PR66MP%) if that)s any use, and I)ve done updatee'ecute>a>command>when>some>te't>appears>in>the>log" that monitors

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    I was assumingu >+ 4--- >5 4--- >1 @?? >/ K$$ >v

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    Cello 2stroland,

    %hanks for the reply. %he problem is that only the root user is only to write to the directory after

     bo'fs mounted. %hanks.


     Astroland  says7

    6ay /0, 201/ at 19/2 

    Ci Ben

     =es, I understand your problem.

    Cave you tried the possible solution in my previous replyD

    In your bo'fs commandline you use the uid and gid of user pi while you want to write as user


    %hat)s giving you the problem.

    +ser root can read

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam



     Astroland  says7

    November ), 201/ at 1)33 

    Cave tried chown>ing the mountpoint before mountingD

    Q sudo chown motion7motion ' root root ?-@ 2ug 4 4?7# mnt

    drw'r>'r>' motion motion /ec #4 4@ motion

    drw'r>'r>' $ root root ?-@ 9ct ? 7# opt

    as user motion had to give him

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    It not longer uses the old and depreciated v4 openbo' api


    4.  +rian says7

    ecember 22, 201/ at 1309 

    1!I!, I)m having the 6'act same issues as Matolok. I)ve also tried and failed" all solutions

    offered here. %he only thing I notice is that when Bo'1S is loaded, it)s root>only access.

    I did a sloppy Nfi') of 8ust running a cron8ob to move files as they appear from where motion

    outputs to the bo'fs directory which is working well enough. I)m a fan of .I.S.S. though, so it)s

    slightly irritating.

    %hanks for the blog entry, it has helped me.


     Astroland  says7

    ecember 2, 201/ at 1)32 

    I will do a revision of this blog entry soonish".

    In the mean time Bo'1S has been updated to Bo'1S which uses a new 2PI and makes Bo'1S

    version 4" useless any day now.

     2s an alternative to Bo'1S, you can also try davfs. !ith davfs you also mount to your bo'.com

    account using bo'.com)s /23 interface at https7

  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    any luck with Pi 0oir D I would like to stack drift>scan images with this imager.

     !ord has it one could use the raw format, and go beyond 4- seconds of imaging. 0ot sure if the

    over 4-sec. treshold could be used but I do not plan high magnifications anyway.


    4?. awosome says7

    4ebruary 3, 201 at 1/37 

     would this camera workD http7mini.htmlDcategoryid;


     Astroland  says7

    4ebruary ), 201 at 11/ 

    It seems like !anscam IP cameras are rebranded 1oscam cameras.

    1oscam cameras have proven to work with Motion7


  • 8/9/2019 Setting Up My Raspberry Pi and a Logitech C270 Webcam


    0ame ( 

    6mail ( 



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