Set Soalan 6



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(30 marks)

Answer all questions

Each question is followed by four choices of answer which is A, B, C and D. There is one correct choice of answer only. Choose the correct answer. Later in your answering sheet, blacken the area that has the same letter of the choice of your answer.

The time suggested for this section is 45 minutes. If you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question.

1 Diagram shows a plant classification.

Which best represent X and Y?


A sweet potato bananaB Bird nest fern sugar caneC Rambutan yamD chillies coconut

2 Picture shows three types of animals.

Which animals has the same method in protecting itself as the animals shown in the picture?

A horseB millipede C bird D cat

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module






3 Diagram shows internal part of a human.

What is being excreted by P, Q and R?

P Q RA sweat water urineB water Carbon dioxide sweatC sweat Carbon dioxide urineD water sweat Carbon dioxide

4 Picture shows a star fruit and a pineapple being weight.

How many star fruits equals to the mass of 2 pineapples?

A 2 unitB 4 unitC 6 unitD 8 unit

5 In which situation magnet is useful?

A Separating glass and flour B Separating needles and grass

C Separating nails and steel powderD Separating paper clips and thumb tacks

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module












6 What is synthetic materials?

A Materials made of sandB Materials made of soilC Materials made of plantsD Materials made of chemical process

7 Picture shows a sampan.

What physical properties needed in building a sampan?

A ShineB BouncyC ElasticityD Ability to absorb water

8 Amin conducted an experiment using a magnifying glass and dried leaf as shown below.

He discovered that the dried leaf caught on fire. What was he trying to prove from this experiment?

A The Sun shine B The Sun gives out heat.C The Sun gives out lightD The Sun gives out light and heat.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


9 Pictures show several events from the evolution of communication technology development.


Rearrange the events according to the evolution of communication technology development.

A P, Q, R, SB Q, R, S, PC Q, S, R, PD S, Q, R, P

10 Picture shows a tree spreading its seed away from the parent tree.

What conclusion can be made based on the picture? A Plants are able to live in water

B Plants ensure the survival of its species C Plants respond to water.D Plants need water to live.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


11 Diagram shows a food chain in a habitat.

Which is the correct amount of living things if the frogs decrease tremendously?A

Paddy Grasshopper frog snake


Paddy Grasshopper frog snake


Paddy Grasshopper frog snake


STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module



of l


g th




of l


g th




of l


g th




of l


g th



Paddy Grasshopper frog snake

Paddy Grasshopper frog snake

Hot water

12 Diagram shows an electrical circuit.

It was discovered that the bulb does not light up? What is the inference?

A The circuit has been completedB The bulb filament brokeC Double dry cell was used.D The circuit switch was not on.

13 Diagram shows a round bottom flask partly immersed into hot water.

What would happen to the coloured droplets if the hot water were to be exchanged with ice?

A Coloured droplets drop to the bottomB Coloured droplets has no changeC Coloured droplets rise upD Coloured droplets pop out of the glass tube.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


Coloured water droplets

14 A warm milk in the diagram cools after several minutes.

What inference can be made about the heat in the warm milk?

A Heat disappeared into the atmosphere. B The pipe water flows into the milk bottle. C The warm milk sips into the pipe water.D Heat from the warm milk flows into the pipe water.

15 Diagram shows a way to produce sound.

Which musical instrument produces the sound as shown in the diagram?

A GuitarB PianoC Flute

D Kompang

16 Information shows form of energy changes.

Which gadget is experiencing the stated energy changes when it is in working order?

A Computer and television B Radio and torch lightC Iron and television D Electrical kettle and radio

17 Diagram shows a chicken egg fresh out of the refrigerator and was left for three minutes on a table.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


Electrical energy light energy bunyi energy

Warm milk

Pipe water

Based on your observation what process has taken place?

A Condensation B BoilC EvaporationD Melt

Diagram shows an experiment done by a group of students.


Which observation can be obtained after a week?

A Nail in container X will rustB Nail in container Y will rustC Nail in container Z will rustD Nail in container Y and Z will rust

19 All this phenomena are caused by the rotation of the Earth on its axis except

A the rise and fall of the Sun. B the event of night and day C the event of the four seasons. D the end of a day cycle.

20 Diagram shows a marble that was placed in a beaker.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


Iron nail



Iron nail


Calcium Chloride

Hot water



What can to observe if water were filled into the beaker?

A the marble is unseen. B seems bigger. C Seems closer to the water surface. D moves from its original position to the water surface.

21 These are information about phenomena.

The moon changes its shapes when observed from the Earth at night.

Which causes the phenomena?

A The moon was covered by the clouds. B The moon was rotating on its axis. C The moon was revolving around Earth. D The moon was reflecting the Sun light.

22 Picture shows a structure.

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Which is the main strength factor of the structure?

I ShapeII heightIII building structureIV size of the building structure

A I and II onlyB II and III onlyC I, III and III onlyD I, II, III and IV

23 Picture shows two groups of animals that lives in the same habitat.

Which will be a competition between these two groups of animals?

I Water sourceII living spaceIII food sourceIV mating partners

A I and III onlyB I, II and III onlyC II, III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV

24 Picture shows several activities that involves force.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module




Which activity involves attractive and repulsive force?

A P and QB R and SC Q and SD S and P

25 Which helps lessen the friction? J – Sand paperK – Ball bearingL – RollersM – Oil lubricant

A J and MB K and MC J, K and LD K, L and M

26 This information is about the movement of three objects P, Q and R.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


Object Distance travelled Time takenP 200 m 40 secondsQ 600 m 1 minuteR 1 km 2 minutes

Which is correct about this information?

A P is the fastestB Q is the fastestC R faster than PD Q and R are of equal speed

27 Picture shows two types of food X and Y that was left on the table.



Food X spoilt faster than Y. Which is the main factor?

A Temperature B AirC DampnessD Exposure to flies

28 Picture three types of food material.

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Which food preservation method is suitable for J, K and L?

J K LA Canning Freezing SaltB Refrigeration Pickle DryingC pasturing Drying PickleD bottling Canning Drying

29 Diagram shows the reusing of old tyres.

Old tyres


Material X, Y and Z

Which is possible for X, Y and Z?

A Slippers, gloves and balloonsB Tent, cloth hanger and rain coatC bicycle tube, foot rugs and rubber mat.D flower pot racks, artificial reef and road barricade.

30 Picture shows a waste disposal into the water system situation.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


Which is the possible effect? I the event of flash flood.

II water life forms will die.III River will be contaminatedIV Water plants will flourish

A II and III onlyB II and IV onlyC I, II and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV


Section B

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[20 marks]

Time suggested for this section is 30 minutes. If you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question.

Answer all questions.Write your answer in the spaces provided.

1 The table shows quail breeder records of coop A and B.

Write two inferences about the difference in the amount of eggs produced in a week in quail coop A compare to B.

Observation: ……………………………………………………………………


Inference 1:……………………………………………………………………


Inference 2:……………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………… [2 marks]

a. Purpose a secondary observation to support any of your inference in (a).


…………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark]


Write a hypothesis based on the statement above.


STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module

Coops A BAmount of the quail’s eggs laid in a week/ unit. 520 338


The amount of quail eggs produced depends on the female quail.

…………………………………………………………………………………….. [1

mark]e. Based on your hypothesis in (c), state a variable that need to made

constant in the investigation.



[1 markah]

2 The bar chart shows the results of an investigation done by a student pertaining to the cooling down of water.

a. What is the water temperature changes pattern in the container if it was left alone?



[1 markah]

b. Based on the investigation, state :

a. Responsive variables:



STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


[1 mark]

b. Manipulative variables:



[1 mark]

c. What would happen to the water temperature in the container after the 35th minute?


……………………………………………………………………………………... [1 mark]

d. Write a conclusion based on the investigation from the bar chart graph.



[1 mark]

3 Amzar has done an investigation to test the properties of the chemical solutions. He has prepared these apparatus. Each solution was tested with red and blue litmus paper.

Amzar are shown below.

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


litmus papersolution


Blue litmus Red Red litmus Blue

Group S

shampoo chalk water soap water

Group T

Lime juice vinegar mango juice

a. State two variables in this investigation.

1. ……………………………………………………………………............


……………………………………………………………………………. [1


b. What is the relationship of both variables that you have stated in (a)?



[1 mark]

c. Based on Amzar’s results, state the inference of the difference group S’s solution and group T’s solution.



[1 mark]

d. What is the purpose of Amzar investigation?



[1 mark]

e. To proceed, he wants to predict the characteristic of the chemical properties of these items:

Write you answer in the space provided. [1 mark]

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


Soft drinksSolutions

Red litmus blue Blue litmus red

Group S



Group T



Tooth paste

4 The table below is the results of an investigation about time towards the length of a wooden pole shadow formation.

Time 8.00 a.m 10.00 a.m 12.00 p.m 2.00 p.m 4.00 p.m 6.00 p.mlength of a wooden pole shadow / cm

12 8 2 8 12 14

a. What is the length changes pattern in the table?



[1 mark]

b. Write a conclusion about the length of the shadow based on information stated in the table.



[1 mark]

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


5 Diagram shows apparatus arrangement used in an investigation done by Year Six Pintar pupils. Two base rollers were placed under a box. After a repulsive force was initiated toward the box, it moves and the distance travelled until it stops was measured. The investigation was continued by increasing the base rollers under the same box.

The results were recorded in the table.

Number of base roller under the box / unit. 2 3 4 5

Distance travelled by the box / cm 15 20 25 30

(a) Based on the table, write a hypothesis that can be tested.


…………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark]

(a) State a variable that need to made constant.



[1 mark]

(b) What can be said about the result of the investigation?

STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module


Base rollers




[1 mark]


STF (UPSR) Enrichment Program Module