Session 1: Goal-Setting Worksheet -...


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Session 1: Goal-Setting Worksheet

My “why” or my purpose in life - what keeps me motivated and disciplined - is: My long-term goal for my Mary Kay business is: The benefits and advantages of accomplishing this goal are: The potential obstacles for accomplishing this goal are: The skills or knowledge that I need to learn or improve on in order to accomplish this goal are:


My plan of action for achieving this goal is: Knowing that short-term goals will help me achieve my long-term goal, my goal for the next year is: My goal for the next six months is: My goal for the next month is: My goal for this week is:


Mary Kay’s mission is “to enrich women’s lives”. Design you business around your life and remember, sometimes it

takes short-term sacrifices for a long-term gain. So, pay now and play later! Decide today to WORK SMART!!!

Program I - Executive Training Program “Fast Track to Directorship.” For the woman who wants to become a leader, replace her full-time job and become a Director on the fast track. Earn a

Prestigious Pink Cadillac and make over $50,000 per year.

Activity Required (Time commitment = 12-15 hours per week)

1. Put the product on 15 faces per week. Three (3) classes is the smartest way to achieve this goal. Double book each

Interview/share the marketing plan with 5 women per week (use the 4-point Recruiting Plan at your classes).

Remember to find her need and fill it with what Mary Kay has to offer.

2. Have 2-3 guests at each meeting/event (book 10-15).

3. Four (4) hours of phone time – booking, coaching, follow-up, customer service.

4. Get 5 new leads a day (where ever you happen to be – errands, lunchtime, etc.)

5. Give out 10 Time Wise sampler cards per week with you website attached – 50% will purchase.

6. If you want to do Directorship in 1 month after going into DIQ, pump it up to 5 Classes a week (25 faces per week)

you are interviewing almost all of them and bump it up to 10 leads a day and 5 guest to every event every week. You

also, make sure you have interviewed 100% of your customer base, friends, family and have revisited the guest that

have come to previous events and it may not have been the right time. The main thing is you have the sense of urgency

of right now.

Results 1. 9-13% commission check of $400-1,500 monthly

2. Monthly sales of $3,200-4,000. Monthly profit of $1,280-1,600

3. 4-8 new team members per month

4. Consistent Emerald Star Consultant

5. National Court of Sales and Recruiting = FREE Diamond Ring and FREE Diamond Bee!

6. Directorship = Financial Freedom and total Success!!!

7. Do this plan for 2 years and teach your people how to do it and you will be a National Sales Director!!!

Program II - Part-time Consultant Program-For great extra income & a Career Car.

Activity Required (Time commitment = 8-12 hours per week)

1. Put the product on 10 faces per week. Two (2) classes is the smartest way to achieve this goal. Double book each.

2. Interview/share the marketing plan with 3 women per week – use the 4-point Recruiting Plan at your classes.

Remember to find her need and fill it with what Mary Kay has to offer.

3. Have 1 guest at each meeting/event (book 5).

4. Three (3) hours of phone time.

5. Get 2-3 new leads a day

6. Give out 10 Time Wise sampler cards per week with your website attached.

Results 1. 4-13% commission check of $100-600 monthly

2. Monthly sales of $1,600-3,200 ($400-600 weekly sales). Monthly profit of $640-1,280.

3. 3-5 new team members per month

4. Consistent Ruby to Diamond Star Consultant

5. You will earn the use of your Car or Cash compensation in about 6 months and become a Director.

Program III - Spare-time/ Hobby Program-For the woman with very, very limited time.

Activity Required (Time commitment = 1-2 hours per week)

1. Get website and business cards.

2. Give out 10-30 catalogs/gift cards per week where ever they are already going, with a business card.

3. Attends sales meeting/events at least once a month.

4. Hold facial/class occasionally.

5. Give out 5 Time Wise sampler cards per week with website attached.

6. Get 1 Silent Hostess Per week to pass around your Portfolio.

7. May do Seasonal Sales during the Holiday Season.


1. Monthly sales of $400-600. Monthly profit of $160-240.

2. New team member by accident = 4% commission check.

Mary K

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E): ________________________________________W




DE): ________________________________

Please note: The Company grants all M

ary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants a limited license to duplicate this docum

ent in connection with their M

ary Kay businesses. This item should not be altered from

its original form.

©1994, 1997, 1999 M

ary Kay Inc., D

allas, TX

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English 7772/Spanish 7773C























































We e k l y P l a n S h e e t

5 . 1 S u c c e s s T o o l s

Consultant’s Daily Organizational Work Sheet Date: __________

Customers To Contact Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________



1 S2 F3 O$11 I1 Tco1 G5 N2 N1 N1 BMeTo

Name _________

Name _________




Interviews to Book Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________



Team Members to Contact Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________

Guests for Meeting Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________

Name ___________________ # ________________















Today’s Schedule 6am _________________


7am _________________


8am _________________


9am _________________




11am ________________


12noon ______________


1pm _________________

Income Producing Activities kin Care Class acials n-the-Go Appointments

00 Customer Service Sales nterview ape w/questionnaire


uest at a meeting ew Contacts (Name & #) ew Appointments Booked ew Team Member us. Debut for New Team mber ($100 & 4 bkgs.)

tal IPA’s Today

Directorship 5 per week or 3-5 per day

Errands to Run ________________________




Notes to Write ________________________




Phone Calls to Return ________________________





2pm _________________


3pm _________________




5pm _________________


6pm _________________


7pm _________________


8pm _________________


9pm _________________

Planning: ____________________________________________________________________








10pm ________________

Classes to Book __________ # ________________

__________ # ________________




6 Most Important Things To Do Today-MK 1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________

6 Most Important Things To Do Today-Other1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

5. ________________________________

6. ________________________________

Income Tax Preparation for your Mary Kay Business

1. Take inventory of all section 1 wholesale merchandise on your shelf as of Dec. 31 $__________ (Use your Consultant Order Sheet to record totals, add up the retail amount, then figure the discount at which you ordered during the year to give you the wholesale amount – 40, 45 or 50%)

2. Go-Kit cost if you are a new consultant during the year. $__________ 3. All retail sales income from beauty appointments and reorders. $__________ 4. All other income. (4-13% checks, and other prizes and commissions from 1099 form). $__________ 5. Inventory carryover from last year $__________

(Wholesale inventory on your shelves as of Dec. 31 the year before.) 6. Business Expenses:

Section 1 wholesale purchases for the year (On computer sheets from the company) $__________

Section 2 business supplies (on computer sheets from the company) $__________

Sales tax paid to the company on product purchases (on computer sheets) $__________

Freight charges on product orders $__________

Non-collected sales tax on gifts, discounts and personal use items $__________

Products used for personal use at cost $__________

Products used for demonstration purposes at cost $__________

Office Expenses $__________

Business supplies $__________ (Includes magazines & publications)

Discounts & hostess credits at retail value $___________

Items used as gifts at cost $__________

Product refunds at retail value $__________

Bad debts (Money not collected on product sold) $___________

Promotions and contest expense $__________

Laundry for dry cleaning of business attire $__________

Bank service charges $___________ (money orders, cashiers checks, Visa/Masterc/Discover card fees, checking charges)

Interest paid on business loans or Mastercard/Visa/Discover for inventory and expenses $___________

Advertising & Preferred Customer Enrollment & Premium fees $__________

Postage & Express mail $___________

Labor $__________

Meeting expenses, workshops, conferences and seminars $____________

Cost of Director suit or Red Jacket $___________

Obsolete products (discarded) at cost $___________

Accountant fees $___________

Auto expenses $___________

Total business miles driven ___________

Gasoline expense $___________

Travel expense Plane, public transit, taxi $__________ Lodging $__________

Entertainment & Meals $__________ (interviews, luncheon meetings, and meals while traveling, etc.)

Charity donations $___________

Legal expenses $___________

Office rent or depreciation $__________

Office Equipment $___________

Telephone $____________ (include voice mail, Voice-Tel, cellular, etc.)

Utilities $___________

Insurance $___________

Product replacement insurance $___________

Medical $_____________


Income Tax Deductions Made Easy I was audited one year, and the IRS agent said that my records were excellent, so we know these tips work. Your income tax records can be completed in just a few minutes at the end of the year using these ideas and the Income Tax Preparation Sheet. ct

1. Use a consultant order sheet to take inventory of your product inventory (Section 1) as of December 31. Be sure to count products ordered, but not yet received at the end of the year, and product loaned to another consultant. Having a big stock at the end of the year is good for tax purposes. Count all the cleansing creams together and record on the order sheet, the same for each other group of products, no matter what the color or formula. This makes counting fast, and is something you can delegate out for someone else to do. Figure the retail value of the products using the Summary portion of your order sheet, then figure the discount at which you purchase your products. That figure is the wholesale value of the products on your shelves that you will record.

2. Use a consultant order form to record the products you will use for your personal

use. Add them up at the end of the year as above, and also figure non-collected sales tax on the retail amount that you can use as a tax deduction.

3. Purchase 12 large manilla envelopes and label one for each month of the year.

Place all your income and expense records for each month of the year, such as statements and receipts, weekly accomplishments, sales tickets and computer printouts you receive with your orders in the envelope for that month. Also include cancelled checks or bank statements for that month from your Mary Kay bank account, and your business charge card statement to document your charged expenses.

4. During the year write up all products used as gift items on sales tickets. Record

the retail amount and amount at cost on the ticket. Keep track of the non-collected sales tax (the amount you prepaid in tax on those products). You can record gifts and non-collected sales tax as part of your Weekly Accomplishment sheet each week, and place the sales tickets in your large manilla monthly records envelope as backup records.

5. Keep the computer sheets you receive with your product orders. They are records

of your product purchases during the year, as well as section 2 and sales tax paid. 6. Use the bank ledger in your Career Essentials materials to keep track of your

business expenses. Add in your cash expenses at the end of each month. At the end of the year, all you have to do is put the numbers in the correct categories and add them up.

7. Keep track of all hostess credits and customer discounts. It is a good idea to charge

sales tax on the full retail value of their order, since you already paid the tax on those products when you ordered them.

8. Carry some petty cash with you from your profits for those items you don’t want

to pay for by checks from your MK account. Record cash expenses in your datebook right away, and transfer to your business ledger at the end of the month. Example, lunch with your team member. Record the amount, reason for the lunch and who it was with, so you have a record to back up your expense. Cash expenditures can add up, so keep track.

9. At the end of the year, record your ending odometer reading from your car, and

place your mileage log and car expenses log with your other records for the year. 10. Use the Income Tax Preparation sheet which appears in your January newsletter for

compiling numbers for your income tax accountant. With the backup records, you’re all set.

Focus Notebook

Focus stands for Follow One Course until Successful I have realized that in Mary Kay we

only get paid for two things. Seeing the people and talking to the people. However, in

order to see the people and talk to the people you must have a system for keeping track of

all of your leads and a solid follow through system. Realizing that most consultants work

Mary Kay in addition to a Full Time job, I recommend that you set up this binder system to

function as a traveling desk. Additionally, you will want to set up your Brain Book and Car

File as indicated below. These items will insure that you look smooth and that your

systems for booking, selling, recruiting and tracking your activity is effective.

Use a one-inch binder with a plastic sleeve on the outside cover.

Outside Cover: Place pictures symbolizing your yearly, quarterly, and monthly goal.

Include the picture of your Star Consultant Prize. Remember that our brains function more

effectively when only having a couple of things to FOCUS on so keep this simple, but

include things like you sitting in the Grand AM with a date on it, A picture of your family

pasted over a brochure of the front of the Disneyworld Hotel with the date that your family

will take the vacation. I might add words like; it feels so good to know that because of my

consistent activity holding just 3 classes and 3 interviews weekly my family is enjoying this

dream vacation to Disney World for one week in April 2000.

Back Cover - Place your Weekly Plan Sheet here. Get a copy on your refrigerator. It is

recommended that you use colors to prepare yours like mentioned in the Career

Essentials Binder.

Inside Pocket - Place the a couple of the most recent brochures, a couple of sales slips,

business cards stamped confirmation and thank you postcards and profile cards. You also

will want to keep copies of these in your date book, because having brochures and

business cards every where is a good idea.

Focus Notebook Back inside Pocket - Place the most recent copy of the Applause Magazine

Divider #1 - Monthly Goals - On or before the first day of the month EVERY month you

should set a goal for the month. Complete the Monthly Goal Sheet with a Retail,

Wholesale, and Team Building Goal. In the margin break it down to a weekly numbers of

faces, classes, booking and interviews. You will create your ‘Six Most Important Things to

do list based on this goal. If you are tracking your car then the most important sheet is the

Car Production Sheet available from your director.

Divider #2- Prospective Hostesses - Use a different prospective booking sheet for each

week. Use this system to track all of your leads. Record their name, address and phone

and keep track of the status. When you book them complete a profile card while on the

phone and then record the date on the profile, on the tracking sheet and in your date book.

Keep your profiles in the front sleeve cover in the order of the dates of the classes for

easy coaching. As you coach their guests add their profile cards. Keep track of notes for

your prospects. If she says to call back in two weeks then write that and also flip in your

date book and make a note. Use abbreviations like NA - Not Available, LMM - Left

Message on Machine, LMP- Left Message with Person (only leave one message), and

CB- Call Back. Remember that booking is the lifeline of your business. Write the thank

you or confirmation postcards as soon as you book them. This section WILL be key.

Always work the most current leads first. If you are on the slow pace in Mary Kay you

should effortlessly generate 10 new leads, to track Star Consultant generate 25 leads and

Career pace over 40+ leads including referrals from classes, conversational booking, etc.

Divider #3- Prospective Recruits -If your work smart not hard your recruit prospects will

come from section 2. Use the Tracking Form to record name, address, day and night

phone, and status. Make notes including marital status, occupation, approx age, children,

what purchased, likes, and dislikes and other descriptive info that will be helpful to know

when interviewing. Also record what info you gave to her and the date that you are

Focus Notebook

following up with her, bringing her to an event, etc. Remember that a recruit is only HOT

for 24-48 hours. Get her to something or meet with her to share the opportunity.

Divider #4- Sales - Keep a copy of last week’s Weekly Accomplishment Sheet here. Keep

blank copies. Record your sales, booking and calling activity daily on your weekly

accomplishment sheet. Transfer your Year-To-Date Totals to the new sheet Keep a piece

of carbon in a page protector and use this to trace over a sheet for your director. Do not

give your director your original. This is to be filed in your income file for taxes. Be sure

that it is filled out completely. Paste to the front cover of this divider a post-it note. Write

your weekly sales goal down and every time your sale subtract to see how far you have to

go. Write your bookings goal down and subtract also. Keep a blank copy of the current

order form and the Section 2 order form.

Divider #5- Tracking - Keep track of ALL promotions and prizes using this section. This

section should include things like: Place the Star Consultant Tracking Sheet first, Century

Club Tracking Sheet, Top Consultant Trip, Court of Sales, and Court of Recruiting

Tracking Sheets, etc. When ever you go for a goal you are given a sheet to track yourself

for that goal or break it down on a piece of paper and track it.

Divider #6 - Events - Keep the most recent copy of the monthly calendar, Hot News,

Newsletter, etc. Immediately transfer all pertinent dates onto your date book. If money is

due write that date down. If you have to bring something write that down on a date before

so you can prepare.

Divider #7 - Customers - File your Preferred Customer Program Print out here. Every time

you get a customer that you would like to add to the list record her name address and

phone on a blank sheet of paper. Put several on a page. Take the little bit of extra time to

do this with each person because it wilt save you time in the long run.

Focus Notebook Divider #8 - Team Members - Keep your most recent copy of your team report and team

member information here. File last months copy in your income file.

Divider #9 - Addresses - Get some address pages and business card page protectors and

keep important business cards and phone numbers here. Take the copy of the company

phone numbers from the Career Essentials Binder and file it here.

Other Helpful systems:

Spiral Notebook - Keep a spiral notebook to record your six most important list, call list,

and notes from conversations and trainings. Change it every month.

Car File - Keep a file in your car that will hold things like brochures, profiles, agreements,

recruiting and coaching packets, cards and all other paper work that you want to be sure

not to run out of when at an appointment.

You will file so polished and professional when you use this system. You will be on your

way to building a great business.

FollowOneCourseUntilSuccessful develops EXCELLENCE!

Name ____________________________________ Month_______________________________________

Star Consultant Goal________________________ Weekly Sales Goal__________________________ Picture of Star Consultant Prize Monthly Recruiting Goal______________________ Monthly Wholesale Goal______________________

Personal Appointments/New Faces

Sales Personal Appointments/New

Faces Sales

1 16

2 17

3 18

4 19

5 20

6 21

7 22

8 23

9 24

10 25

11 26

12 27

13 28

14 29

15 30


Name Phone Booked? Profiled? Coached? Notes/Other Info



Name Tried

Product Tape Guest Interview Response

Next Step

Initial Order

Debut Attended meeting

First Recruit


Monthly Goal

Wholesale Production


For 2004 Seminar Court

Star Goal

Senior Consultant

SEMINAR TRACKING Quarter Sapphire Ruby Diamond Emerald Cumulative





See Star Consultant Quarterly Planner for details of Star Power Contest

QUEENS COURT OF SALES Color one block for each $300 wholesale order placed

QUEENS COURT OF RECRUITING Fill in name of each new recruit. Color with highlighter when Qualified.

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300
