Serving with Faith and Love - · Parnell Trust has an amazing line-up of...


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Serving with Faith and Love July 2018

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Bula, Malo ni, Makadini, Annyoung, Witamy, Welcome,

Giving Thanks to the Lord

Question: "Why is giving thanks to God important?"

Answer: The Bible is filled with commands to give thanks to God (Psalm 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 1 Chronicles 16:34; 1

Thessalonians 5:18). Most verses go on to list reasons why we should thank Him, such as “His love endures forever”

(Psalm 136:3), “He is good” (Psalm 118:29), and “His mercy is everlasting” (Psalm 100:5). Thanksgiving and praise

always go together. We cannot adequately praise and worship God without also being thankful.

Feeling and expressing appreciation is good for us. Like any wise father, God wants us to learn to be thankful for all

the gifts He has given us (James 1:17). It is in our best interest to be reminded that everything we have is a gift from

Him. Without gratefulness, we become arrogant and self-centered. We begin to believe that we have achieved

everything on our own. Thankfulness keeps our hearts in right relationship to the Giver of all good gifts.

Giving thanks also reminds us of how much we do have. Human beings are prone to covetousness. We tend to focus

on what we don’t have. By giving thanks continually we are reminded of how much we do have. When we focus on

blessings rather than wants, we are happier. When we start thanking God for the things we usually take for granted,

our perspective changes. We realize that we could not even exist without the merciful blessings of God.

We can have thankful hearts toward God even when we do not feel thankful for the circumstance. We can grieve and

still be thankful. We can hurt and still be thankful. We can be angry at sin and still be thankful toward God. That is

what the Bible calls a “sacrifice of praise” (Hebrews 13:15). Giving thanks to God keeps our hearts in right relationship

with Him and saves us from a host of harmful emotions and attitudes that will rob us of the peace God wants us to

experience (Philippians 4:6–7).


Religious Education

We are so blessed being in a school that has such a great love of God. Every day we are seeing the works of the Holy

Spirit through our children, through our parents, through the teachers and staff. We are thankful for each day we

come to school to such a loving environment.

First Holy Communion 2018

Sunday, June 3rd saw four of our children celebrating their First Holy Communion at the 8.30 am Mass. Raeyah

Maselino, Marie Hoglund, Yzabel Ugale and Lyla-Grace Smith.

Art Exhibition A great success. Thank you to all the parents, helpers, sponsors and staff who supported the school on so

many different ways. As is every year, the money that we collect from the Art exhibition goes directly back

to the art curriculum for the students.

We thank Megan Wright from the Grey Lynn Library who was our adjudicator. The winners are below.

Bayleys and Hills Flooring have again sponsored this exhibition, also in so many different ways, from the loan

of the boards to the prizes for the winners, as well as a sizeable donation to the school.

The Scholastic Book fair not only support us with our Duffy Books but we receive a percentage of all sales

made on the night.

The prizes for the raffles were all donated by staff and board of trustees.

We have also found hidden talents in our parents as great sausage sizzle cooks.

1st in Room 5; Ariana Steffany with her amazing futuristic bridge.

1st in Room 4; Noell Pereira for her ‘Silly City’.

1st in Room 1; Khan Filitonga-Smith for a lovely arrangement of flowers.

Words from Room 5

Learning to write a rap song based on our theme ‘Change’ for our speech competition.

Chorus: Kids stop the violence stop the violence and begin the silence. Kids stop the violence stop the

violence and begin the silence. X2

I was lying in my bed and I suddenly got a fright it was all my sisters just fighting all night. That was it I told

them to stop or else I’ll call the cops. My mum came in and told us off and all of a sudden I had a really bad

cough. We should stop fighting and be nice for dinner we had some yummy chicken and rice. This is the

worst attitude all of us should show some gratitude. We all started fighting all over again this whole fighting

thing is becoming a trend

Kenani Hoglund Yr 6

Chorus: God didn’t make this world so we can ruin it. He made this world so we can love a appreciate it.

But we haven’t done that at all by littering and not taking care of it. So this is my rap about the


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You know my rhymes are so atrocious. Try and play it cool you better pick

up that rubbish. Or your gonna wish you’re a fish swimming in the sea with all of that rubbish. You see the

white tiger it’s so ferocious. Nearly extinct because all of that rubbish. So let’s make a change in this world

and try stop littering. I know we can do it. Yo people at least I think.

Ariana Steffany Yr 6

Chorus: So here I am, at a new school, it’s all new, new friends again, new principal, new teacher changing

school don’t break the rules. Miss Victor I’ll be good for you.

When I first walk in St Josephs of course I was so nerves. I tried so hard to fit in but that isn’t working. Finally,

I found some friends who are nice I asked my nice friends if I can have some apple pie.

Sofia Steffany Yr 5

Room 1’s dream houses

In my dream

house I saw the



My dream house is a fairy castle. It has wings. It has love heart

windows. It has some buildings

and a flag. It has a trampoline. It

has a swing. It has a star roof.


I have a dream house. It has

a tree-house with a ladder.


My dream house is made

of candy. It has a

trampoline. I jump on it.


I wish I had a house

with spikes.


I want to have a space

house and I want to have

a cross on the roof.


My dream house has blue

glittery slime and make

your own mermaid slime.


My dream house has a pool and I

like it. I was happy that I had a new

pool. My dream house has stairs

and walls. It has a swing too.


I saw a queen in

the pretty house.


I wish that I could have a pool

that is big and makers for us

so that we can have a rest.

And we can have a clean

house outside and inside.


My dream house is made out of

chocolate. I have a milo pool that I

sleep in. I have a chocolate factory.

I eat from the chocolate factory. I

like the chocolate from my house.


Assembly and Certificates

Certificate winners from our assemblies

Room 5 showing the school their hard work on their bridges.

Room 4

Room 4 have really enjoyed sharing the stories on this website.

Student Led Learning Conversations

What a fabulous response we had to our Student Led Learning Conversations. 73% of parents came to hear what their children have been learning about these past two terms. So, now, when you ask your children what they learned at school and you receive the response of ‘nothing’ you know that they are actually learning quite a lot.


Our teams have been doing extremely well this term thanks to all members and their supportive parents. It has been hard to organise a couch and manager but in spite of all of that they have been triumphant in their eagerness to play and their fabulous ball skills.

Lost Property

At the end of each term we always have a lot of property that has left your children’s side and we keep it in a ‘safe place’. This ‘safe place’ will be emptied in the holidays so can you please ask your children to come and have a look to see if anything that they have misplaced or lost is in our ‘Safe Place’.

Two colourful keys were found on the afternoon of our Art Exhibition. If they are yours, please see the office as they are also in a ‘Safe Place’.


Thank you to all the people who are parking safely. I will ask for vigilance when you are dropping off or picking up your children. Can you please move to outside the church and not stop directly in front of the gate? There have been a few incidences where another car is directly behind and had to stop in the line of traffic on the road making it very unsafe. Also, when you let the children out of your cars can you make sure there is no other car driving in as they may get run over.

News from your Board

Dear Friends,

A few years ago I decided the very best way to eat in a sponge.

Light, soft and perfect for any time of day - yes even breakfast.

So here is a little mid-winter gift for sponge cake recipe.

Turn the oven on to 150c

Grease two matching spring form cake tins with butter.

Beat six large eggs with a cup of castor sugar in an electric cake mixer till its thick and light and

full of air.

Then using a rubber scraper or wooden spoon - very gently and slowly fold in a cup of sifted self-

rising flour...fold in little by little so you don't lose all the air out of the mixture.

Turn out half into each tin and cook for 20 minutes.

Once cool sandwich together with a tasty raspberry or strawberry jam and whipped cream. dust

the top with icing sugar.

Enjoy with a pot of tea and friends and family - or just eat the whole thing yourself.

Happy sponge caking

Bridget x (a dedicated member of your Board of Trustees)


Happy Birthday to our June birthdays; Isaac Duncan, Kolio Matai and Taliah Mazel.

Happy Birthday to our July birthdays; Afuafu Fa’apoi, Sebastian Smith, Aliliyah Filitonga-Smith, Andreas Finepolo, Enya Siemsen, Mqren Al-Nuaimi, Tanya Hoglund and Khan Filitonga-Smith.

May God always keep you close to His heart.

Term Dates

July 6th Friday Last day of Term. 2.55pm finish

July 23rd Monday First day of Term 3.

Have a safe and happy holiday. Website link:

God Bless

Regina Smuga


News From Elsewhere



Tuesday 25th September, 2018

Duathlon - Run, Bike & Obstacle Course Run

Compete individually or in 2-person team

Year 3 – 8 students

Enter online:

Parnell Trust’s Winter Action Holiday Programme

– fun activities every day for 5-14 year olds from 9-20 July

Parnell Trust has an amazing line-up of activities, adventures and special projects for the July holidays, guaranteed to

keep your kids happy and stimulated all day long! Choose from up to four activities each day priced from $55.

Specially for busy parents, you can drop your kids off as early as 7.30am and pick them up as late as 6pm for no extra

charge. Programmes are available at both Parnell and Epsom schools, from 7.30am to 6pm every day -perfect for

working parents. See our website for details or phone 09 555 5193.

