Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas … God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San...


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St. Louise de Marillac is a Roman Catholic community called together as family to worship, to minister, and to evangelize. As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to renew His love and spirit by sharing our time, talent and treasure. �

St. Louise de Marillac Mission Statement

St. Louise de Marillac Church

Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas and surrounding communities.

“My soul is thirsty for you, O Lord my God.” Psalm 63

Fr. Robert P. Fulton Pastor

Fr. Joseph McShane

Associate Pastor

Peter Brause Deacon

Alan Holderness


Omar Uriarte Deacon

Al Valles Deacon

Mass Schedule

Monday –Friday

6:20 am & 8:00 am


8:00 am & 5:30 pm Vigil


6:30 am, 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am,

12:30 pm, & 5:00 pm

Parish Office 626.915.7873

Visit us: 1720 E. Covina Blvd.

Covina, CA 91724 September 3, 2017


Sharing the concern of my beloved brother, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, for the future of crea on (cf. Laudato Si’, 7-9) and at the sugges on of his representa ve, Metropolitan Ioannis of Pergamum, who took part in the presenta on of the Encyclical Laudato Si’ on care for our common home, I wish to inform you that I have decided to ins tute in the Catholic Church the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Crea on” which, beginning this year (2105), is to be celebrated on September 1st, as has been the custom in the orthodox Church for some me.

As Chris ans we wish to contribute to resolving the ecological crisis which humanity is presently experiencing. In doing so, we must first discover in our own rich spiritual patrimony the deepest mo va ons for our concern for the care of crea on. We need always to keep in mind that, for believers in Jesus Christ, the Word of God who became man for our sake, “the life of the spirit is not dissociated from the body or from nature or from worldly reali es, but lived in and with them, in communion with all that surrounds us” (Laudato Si’, 216). The ecological crisis thus summons us to a profound spiritual conversion: Chris ans are called to “an ecological conversion whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their rela onship with the world around them” (ibid., 217). For “living our voca on to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essen al to a life of virtue; it is not an op onal or a secondary aspect of our Chris an experience” (ibid.).

The annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Crea on will offer individual believers and communi es a fi ng opportunity to reaffirm their personal voca on to be stewards of crea on, to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which he has entrusted to our care, and to implore his help for the protec on of crea on as well as his pardon for the sins commi ed against the world in which we live. The celebra on of this Day, on the same date as the Orthodox Church, will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our Orthodox brothers and sisters. We live at a me when all Chris ans are faced with the same decisive challenges, to which we must respond together, in order to be more credible and effec ve. It is my hope that this Day will in some way also involve other Churches and ecclesial communi es, and be celebrated in union with similar ini a ves of the World Council of Churches.

In expressing my hope that, as a result of wide coopera on, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Crea on will be inaugurated and develop in the best way possible, I invoke upon this ini a ve the intercession of Mary, Mother of God, and of Saint Francis of Assisi, whose Can cle of the Creatures inspires so many men and women of goodwill to live in praise of the Creator and with respect for crea on. As a pledge of spiritual frui ulness, I impart my Apostolic Blessing to you, Eminent Brothers, and to all those who share in your ministry.

World Day of Prayer for Care of Crea on - September 1st


All-powerful God, you’re present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures.

You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.

Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live

as brothers and sisters, harming no one.

O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgo en of this earth,

so precious in your eyes. Bring healing to our lives,

that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollu on and destruc on.

Touch the hearts

of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the earth.

Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contempla on,

to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature

as we journey towards your infinite light.

We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle

for jus ce, love and peace.

Pope Francis

*Pope Francis published this prayer in his Laudato Si’ encyclical, and is meant for sharing with all who believe in a God who is

the all-powerful Creator.

A Prayer for our Earth

From the Va can, 6 August 2015 Feast of the Transfigura on of the Lord.

The next Catholic Men’s Fellowship mee ng will be on Thursday, September 7th at 6:30 pm in the Mul Purpose Room. The Catholic Men’s Fellowship is open to all men, please come join us. For more informa on on CMF please contact Gil Alderete at We look forward to seeing you!


Richard Debin Flora May Delgado Herrera


There will be one more “In-service Training” for all current Altar Servers and Eucharis c Ministers in September. The dates for the retraining of Altar Servers is Thursday, September 7th at 7:00 pm and the date for the retraining of Eucharis c Ministers is Thursday, September 14th ay 7:00 pm. Please call the Parish Office to reserve your spot at (626) 915-7873.





Do you know or have a loved one currently serving in the military? St. Louise would like to share their picture in the new ves bule on our perpetual monitor. Please send an image of them in uniform with their name, branch, and their rela onship to you to:

Labor Day Mass

Monday, September 4th is Labor Day, we will celebrate Labor Day at our 9:00 am Mass. There will be NO 6:20 am or 8:00 am Mass on Monday, September 4th.

Labor Day has been celebrated since the 1880’s for two reasons: “to mark the irreplaceable role of the American worker in making this country prosperous and strong; and to have me to a end speeches and events on the spiritual and educa onal aspects of work, the worker and the good that comes from work.”

“The spiritual and educa onal aspects of this holiday have been underemphasized— displaced, ironically, by a day off from doing what precisely the na on is celebra ng: work— Labor Day remains an opportunity for all of us to reflect on the meaning of human work, and specifically our work, not only for the good of our country but also in God’s divine plan.”

The ministry of lector in the Catholic Church is a ministry of service to the Word of God and an offering of love for the community. St. Louise is seeking parishioners fully initiated in our sacraments and in good standing with our Church to become the voice of God in the proclaiming of the Word. Come discern and learn how to reflect on and proclaim the word, and decide if our Lord is calling you to this beau ful liturgical ministry. Please note: We schedule lector training only once a year. This is your opportunity to share your gi s and pro-claim the Word in our Liturgy.

Deacon Omar Uriarte will provide the training. All are invited to a end, but you must reserve your spot by September 8th. Classes begin at 2:00 pm on Sundays, and you MUST ATTEND all classes: September 10, 17, 24, October 1st. Our final class will be October 9th at 7:00 pm. The Commissioning Mass will be on October 15th at 12:30 pm for all the new lectors. High School Confirmed Youth are also encouraged to discern this ministry for the 5:00 pm Sunday Mass. If you are interested in reserving your spot, please contact Dcn. Omar at:

Breaking Bread missals combine the elements of a hymnal and a missal with song and music tles. Last week the obviously worn and torn books were removed from the church and were replaced by the remaining new ones that St. Louise had on hand. The Breaking Bread missals need to last un l the end of the year.

Parish and the Faith Forma on Offices will be closed on

Monday, September 4, 2017

In observance of the Labor Day holiday.




Youth Faith Formation St. Louise de Marillac offers a comprehensive religious education program for children ages 3 through High School including sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. We also offer special sessions, resources, and faith

formation processes through out the year designed to include parents to help strengthen the faith life of the whole family.

Pre-School Ministry, Ages 3—5 Parent/child sessions begin week of September 17, 2017 Sessions meet weekly on Sunday mornings from 9:30 am to 10:45 am

This program educates children about their Catholic faith through a variety of age-appropriate ac vi es.

Elementary Ministry, Grades 1 - 5 Parent/child sessions begin week of September 17, 2017 Classes offered: Sundays 9:15 am to 10:45 am, Tuesdays 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, or Thursdays 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

During elementary years, our faith forma on program nurtures and teaches children our Catholic faith. This program also offers sacramental prepara on for Reconcilia on and Eucharist.

Middle School Ministry, Grades 6 - 8

Sessions meet weekly on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 7:30pm

Parent/child sessions begin October 16, 2017

This faith forma on program is held in a vibrant and interac ve se ng. This program also offers sacramental prepara on for Reconcilia on and Eucharist.

Confirma on is a two year program at St. Louise de Marillac. This journey prepares our youth to grow deeper in their understanding of who Christ is and their rela onship with Him. Each session involves skits, games, music, catechesis and prayer

Confirmation, Grades 9 - 12 Sessions begin September 10, 2017 Sessions meet every other Sunday from 6:15 pm to 8:00 pm or Tuesday 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm

Registration has begun! For All Faith Formation Programs

Please stop by the Faith Formation Office to register. Our hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please bring your original Baptism and Eucharist Certificates. Our phone number is (626) 332-5822. We look forward to seeing you!




and you will set the world on fire.” St. Catherine of Siena.

This year we have improved our Confirma on program, changed staff and made adjustments to ensure that your child has the opportunity to flourish and be more fully united to Christ and His Church. Each Confirma on session (Sunday or Tuesday) will now feature music, games, food and a dynamic faith teaching. Requirements to a end addi onal youth nights and bible studies are no longer needed.


Mass on the Beach

Mass on the Beach is an annual event for our youth. On Saturday, August 19th, we kicked off our new Faith Forma on year with an event at Hun ngton Beach, which included an evening Mass on the beach presided by Fr. Joseph McShane and ended with a bonfire and roas ng marshmallows for the S’mores. All families and parishioners were invited to a end. This year we were blessed with a school family who joined us, and they even caught a fish! This event is always enjoyable and brings the students together in a fun atmosphere to break the ice.

WHAT IS A CATECHIST? Faith Forma on puts a call out at the beginning of each Faith Forma on year for “Catechists.” But what exactly is a catechist? And do you have what it takes to be one?

Do you need to be an expert in the Catholic faith to be a catechist? Do you need to have all the answers? Absolutely not! A catechist simply needs to be willing to spend me with our children and our youth, to share the love of God with them, and to share our common faith together. If you’ve ever felt called to volunteer in Faith Forma on, this would be a wonderful opportunity! Please reach out to us so we may give you all of the informa on that you need at (626) 332-5822. Thank you!


Calling all Catechist and Youth Leaders! We have a retreat prep mee ng on Wednesday, September 6th, 2017, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the St. Louise Conference Room. Please contact Jessica Ruiz at (626) 332-5822 to let her know if you will be there.

St. Louise de Marillac is sponsoring a women’s Bible Study, “Beholding His Glory.” This nine lesson course, shows us how all Scripture points to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We’ll learn to recognize and appreciate God’s plan for our own lives, His awe-inspiring majesty, and His desire for personal in macy with each one of us.

The course will be on Monday nights beginning September 18th, 2017 to November 20th, 2017, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Msgr. Pierce Hall. Registra on is required and there is a cost of $30.00 which includes a books and handouts. Registra on begins on Monday, September 4th in the Faith Forma on Office.

For more informa on please contact the Faith Forma on Office at (626) 332-5822 or Maggie Lara at (626) 824-5007.

The Year One Confirma on Retreat will take place on Saturday, September 9th, 2017 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. All Year One Confirma on students are required to a end this mandatory event. We will have guest speakers, skits, praise and worship.


Confirma on Year 1 and Year 2 students we have our Confirma on Welcome Mass on September 10th at 5:00 pm. Please invite your family to be a part of this special day.

We will kick off our Confirma on night in the Msgr. Pierce Hall right a er the 5:00 pm Mass on September 10th from 6:15 pm to 8:00 pm. A light dinner will be provided. See you there!





Knights of Columbus Charity Car Show

The Annual Charity Car Show which salutes and benefits our local home town veterans was held last Saturday, August 26th at St. Louise de Marillac Church. This event features a wide variety of show cars, project cars, daily drives, junk cars, barn finds and cars for sale. The Knights of Columbus make the event special with music from The Hot Rod Trio and hamburgers, milk shakes and root beer. The Knights provided trophies for the winners and raffles for the guests. All the proceeds from the days event went to suppor ng our local veterans. Thank you to all who were able to come and spend part of your Saturday with us! The event is always fun !


Save the Date! St. Louise de Marillac will bless the animals on Saturday, September 30th at 9:30 am on the basketball courts at the Annual “Blessing of the Animals.” It has been a Catholic tradi on to bless our animals on or near the feast day of St. Francis. Please bring your pets to be blessed on this day by Fr. Joseph McShane! Bring your cats, dogs, guinea pigs, fish, lizards, snakes, birds, mice, rabbits, turtles, hamsters, etc. There will be a prayer and a blessing that is done in the spirit of St. Francis who had a par cular affinity to animals.

Image forund at AEMGallery/etsy

St. Louise has a posi on open as a part me (20—25 hours per week) parish office administra ve assistant. Availability to work evenings and weekends is required. A professional manner and the ability to communicate effec vely with parishioners, staff, and the general public are key elements of this posi on. Knowledge of office organiza on, computer skills, and use of standard office equipment is required. Ac ve par cipa on/knowledge of the Catholic faith is necessary. Send resume or contact the Business Manager, Ray Elder at:

St. Louise de Marillac’s Fa ma Centennial celebration continues on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017, on the anniversary of our Lady’s fi h Fa ma appari on. Come and join us: spend me with our Blessed Mother and keep her company! There will be

Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament from 7:00 am to 8:00 am in the church. Holy Mass will begin at 8:00 am. There will be a short talk on a selected aspect of the Fa ma appari ons, as well as the recita on of the Holy Rosary and the Jubilee Prayers for the plenary indulgence. Then we will have light refreshments in the St. Louise Conference Room. Please join us!

RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY DIGNITAS WORKSHOP Respect Life is hos ng a Dignitas workshop here at St. Louise de Marillac on Sunday, September 17th, 2017 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the St. Louise Conference Room. The topic will be Human Trafficking with guest speaker Rick Serrato, a former law enforcement officer. This workshop will bring awareness and enhance your knowledge of Human Trafficking as well as associated crimes. Criminal traffickers around the world generate billions of dollars by exploi ng the underage and under protected. You will learn the legal defini on of Trafficking, how to recognize indicators of Trafficking, and how to iden fy Trafficking vic ms. Please join us in learning about this horrific crime.


Please pray for those listed below who are sick:


Tere Albano; Joseph Alimon ; Prospero Baesa; Sonny Bernabe; Peter Borde; Ma Byers; Lore a Cady; Sco Carlberg; Sinatra Cornelius; Lilia Corte; Jason Cresswell; Joe Diaz; Charles Joseph Dinisi; Don Dominic; David Erlandsen; Joe Escalera Sr. & Jr.; Aileen Fallis; Pat Fallis; Ana Flores; Gloria Gallegos; Filomena Garcia; Carol Gloyd; Maria Gomez; Carmen Gonzalez; David Gonzalez; Ysidro M. Gurule; Pedro Gu errez; Suzanne Hanson; Mary Hernandez; Mary Howard; Amanda Johnson; Donna Lambie; Nancy LaMascus; Lisa Lingo; Adele Lui; Damacio Marquez; Gloria Marquez; Carolyn Matone; Fr. Bill Moore, SS. CC.; Julie Moore; Rayna Morrison; Kathleen Mo er; Alicia Moya; Nick Moya; Tracie Neria; Saundra Nila; Victor Nuñez; Jess Panlilio; Abraham Romero; Pat Sakaguchi; Teresita Saligumba: Virginia Saligumba; August Santana; Susan Schmaltz; Jennifer Senne ; Pat Serio; Julia Sermeno; Ferdinand Silveo; Ryan Soldridge; Al Stroberg; Fred Tardif; Iva Vasilj; Beatrice Villalva; Luis Villalva; Julie Walters; Sharon Wiessler; Chris Williams; Al Wurst; Cathy Yasui; Melinda Zamora.


There is s ll me to pledge your support to this year’s appeal. You can make a gi online at

Goal for 2017: $140,600 Paid: $ 127,328.16

Parishioners are asked to please contact the Parish Center to have a loved one placed on the sick list.

Parishioners are asked to contact the Parish Center to have a loved one placed on the sick list. For a name to remain on the sick list, please contact the Parish Office by the 15th of every month. Names of the sick and hur ng are published weekly in our bulle n.

St. Louise Women’s Bowling League begins September 8th, 2017 at Chaparral Bowling Lanes, located at 400 W. Bonita Avenue, San Dimas. We are always looking for new members! Please join us as we begin a new season of bowling. For addi onal informa on or to sign up for this season please contact Pat Schneider at (626) 963-4553.

WOMEN’S BOWLING ACCW AT ST. LOUISE The San Gabriel Pastoral Region of the ACCCW, will meet Monday, September 25th, 2017 at St. Louise de Marillac Church. We will feature guest speaker Sr. Gretchen Hailer, who will give a talk on “Finding God at Home.”

Registra on begins at 9:30 am, Mass is at 11:00 am with Rev. Msgr. Brian Cavanagh, and lunch is at 12:00 noon. This event is $15.00. Please make checks to Joanne Smullin and mail to: 1327 Bonne Cove, Glendora, 91740. Please join us!

ST. LOUISE BOOK GROUP Please join us! The St. Louise Book Group is reading “Camino Island” by John Grisham. We will discuss the book on Monday, September 25th at 6:30 pm in the Parish Board-room. For addi onal informa on, please contact Peggy Cornish at (626) 331-3905 or email to:

Thank you for your generosity!


Offertory for Sunday, August 27, 2017

2017 2016 Variance Envelopes $ 18,311 $ 19,023 ($ 712) Plate $ 2,858 $ 3,048 ( $190)

TOTAL $ 21,169 $ 22,071 ($ 902)

STEWARDSHIP Thank you for your generous stewardship. St. Louise appreciates

your support of our many programs and ministries.

Have you misplaced something a er a ending Mass or an event at St. Louise de Marillac? We have a Lost and Found box in our Parish Office. Stop by during our office hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, or on Sunday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Please bring items to the Parish Office if you find something someone may have le . It is appreciated.


SEPERATED & DIVORCED MINISTRY Divorced or know anyone in your family divorced? The Surviving Divorce Program: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family will bring hope and healing to those who have experienced the pain and loneliness of a broken marriage. Find comfort and counsel consistent with Catholic Church teachings. Our group will be star ng September 18th, 2017 and will con nue 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Cost is $25.00 for book and materials. We will meet at Immaculate Concep on Catholic Church located at 740 S. Shamrock Avenue, Room 5 A, Monrovia, 91016. Please contact Julie at (626) 357-6508 or email:



Thank you again for another successful Dine Out in August! Max’s Mexican Restaurant raised over $400.00!

The next Knights of Columbus Dine Out will be at Kara’s Korner Deli, located at 101 West Foothill Blvd., Glendora 91741 on Monday September 18th and Tuesday September 19th from 11:00 am to closing. Kara’s will donate 20% on all sit down and take out orders. Flyers are available in the Parish Office.

Save the date! The Guadalupana’s Street Faire with vendors will be held on Sunday, October 29th in the Msgr. Pierce Hall. We will sell our yummy food items also.


Wednesdays 7:30 PM Saturdays 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Monday, September 4, 2017

9:00 AM Labor Day Mass CHURCH

Tuesday, September 5, 2017 6:20 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 8:00 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 9:00 AM ACCW Planning Commi ee Mee ng PCBR 9:30 AM Rosary (Flora Herrera) CHURCH 10:00 AM Funeral (Flora Herrera) CHURCH 6:30 PM Legion of Mary PCBR 7:00 PM SVDP Bi-Monthly Mee ng SLDMCR 7:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 8th Grade

Wednesday, September 6, 2017 6:20 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 8:00 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 6:45 PM OLPH Novena CHURCH

Thursday, September 7, 2017

6:20 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 8:00 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 10:00 AM Funeral (Richard Debin) CHURCH 5:30 PM Curia Officers Mee ng PCBR 6:30 PM Catholic Men’s Fellowship MPR 7:00 PM St. Teresa Choir Rehearsal CHURCH

Friday, September 8, 2017 6:20 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 8:00 AM Daily Mass CHURCH 10:30 AM FATIMA Rosary Prayer Group PCBR 7:00 PM BINGO MPHALL

Saturday, September 9, 2017 7:00 AM SVDP Homeless Brown Bag Lunch MPR 8:00 AM Morning Mass CHURCH 10:00 AM Private Bap sm (Mia McDowell) CHURCH 5:30 PM Evening Mass CHURCH

Sunday, September 10, 2017 6:30 AM Mass CHURCH 8:00 AM Mass CHURCH 9:30 AM Mass CHURCH 11:00 AM Mass CHURCH 12:30 PM Mass CHURCH 2:00 PM Lector Training MPHALL 2:00 PM St. Teresa Audi ons YouthRm 5:00 PM Mass CHURCH

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Robert Fulton, Pastor (626) 915-7873 ext. 204 Fr. Joseph McShane, Associate Pastor (626) 915-7873 ext. 203 Deacon Al Valles, Permanent Deacon (626) 915-7873 ext. 225 Deacon Alan Holderness, Permanent Deacon (626) 915-7873 ext. 206 Deacon Peter Brause, Permanent Deacon (626) 915-7873 ext. 227 Deacon Omar Uriarte, Permanent Deacon (626) 915-7873 ext. 228


Robert Kochis, Director of Music (626) 915-7873 ext. 207

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Ray Elder, Business Manager (626) 915-7873 ext. 205 l Susan Bugelli, Office Manager (626) 915-7873 ext. 201 l

PARISH SCHOOL Dr. Denise Valadez, Principal (626) 966-2317 ext. 310 Sue Reyes, Secretary (626) 966-2317 ext. 301 l

FAITH FORMATION Teresa Culjak, Director of Faith Formation (626) 332-5822 ext. 403

Cecilia Luna, Faith Formation Secretary

Kathy Prestia, RCIA (626) 963-1463

Faith Formation Hours Monday - Thursdays/ 9 am - 6 pm

& Fridays / 9 am - 5 pm (626) 332-5822

St. Louise de Marillac Parish Center 1720 E. Covina Blvd., Covina, CA 91724

(626) 915-7873, Fax (626) 332-4431 Monday - Friday / 8 am - 8 pm

Saturday / 9 am - 6 pm Sunday / 9 am - 2 pm


MPHALL—Msgr. Pierce Hall 8thGrade-Eighth Grade Classroom MPR—Mul Purpose Room SLDMCR—St. Louise de Marillac Conference Room PCBR—Parish Center Board Room




First Reading — The name of the L has become like fire burning in Jeremiah’s heart (Jeremiah 20:7-9).

Psalm — My soul is thirs ng for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63).

Second Reading — Be transformed; renew your mind; discern what is good (Romans 12:1-2).

Gospel — Those who lose their lives for Jesus’ sake will find them (Ma hew 16:21-27).

The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from Lec onary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora on. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK

Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13; Lk 4:16-30, or, for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Blessing of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911

Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 4:31-37

Wednesday: Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44

Thursday: Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11

Friday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6 Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]

Saturday: Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5

Sunday: Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20

Sunday, September 3rd 6:30 am: Suzan Nash (RIP); Ernest Braunwalder (RIP) 8:00 am: Victor M. Gil, Sr. (RIP); Guillermo Yanzon Cruz (RIP) 9:30 am: St. Louise Parish Families 11:00 am: Ricardo de Guzman (RIP); Daniel Freile (RIP) 12:30 pm: Gregory Galassi (SI); Diane Bolanos (SI) 5:00 pm: Mr. and Mrs. Luis Villalva (SI)

Monday, September 4th 9:00 am: St. Louise Parish Families

Tuesday, September 5th 6:20 am: Anselmo Lozano (RIP); Marcelina Lozano (RIP) 8:00 am: Mady Manila (SI); Rosa Torres (RIP)

Wednesday, September 6th 6:20 am: David Guerrero (RIP); Nanie Mungcal (RIP) 8:00 am: Gilbert Tabuena (RIP); Aida Guerrero (RIP)

Thursday, September 7th 6:20 am: Nikola and Andja Rudela (SI) 8:00 am: Margaret Louise Morris (RIP); Lawrence Koss (RIP)

Friday, September 8th 6:20 am: Father Ed Broom (SI); Teresa Lam (RIP) 8:00 am: Doug Fulton (RIP); Michael Reyes (RIP)

Saturday, September 9th 8:00 am: Consuelo Santos (SI); Robert Quintana (SI) 5:30 pm: Mike Reyes (RIP); James Plant (RIP)

Warn tweens and teens about selfie risks.

Teens and tweens typically like to push boundaries and test their limits, but the new trend of taking dangerous selfies has led to several tragedies. There are far too many people who think that taking a picture while driving, or standing out on a ledge, is more important than their own safety, and that ge ng “likes” on a photo makes the risks worth it. Talk to your kids about safety, smart choices, and being aware of their environment and surroundings, even when they’re using their smartphones. For a copy of the VIRTUS© online ar cle “Selfies are More Dangerous than You Think,” email or call (213) 637-7227 For more informa on on other ways to keep kids safe, contact Linda Filkins, the Parish Safeguard Commi ee Chairperson at (626) 214-7846 or the Archdiocesan Safeguard the Children Office at (213) 637-7227. For par cular help, call the Vic ms Assistance Office at (213) 637-7650.



Save the date! Monday, September 25th, 2017 at the South Hills Country Club, St. Louise will be hos ng their 5th Annual Golf Tournament. Please sign up soon as this event will sell out!

We will have the Golf Ball Drop, where golf balls will be dropped from a helicopter. The ball that lands in or closest to the designated hole wins $500.00. Balls are sold at $20.00 each, or 6 golf balls for $100.00. This will allow golfers and non-golfers to support this fundraiser. You do not need to be present to win.

Registra on forms are available in the Parish Office and the School Office.

St. Louise de Marillac school is hos ng their 5th Annual Silent Auc on and Banquet Dinner, on Monday, Sept. 25th, 2017. Social Hour at 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm and dinner at 5:00 pm. All parishioners are welcome to a end this fun evening with fellow friends. The event is held at the South Hills Country Club. Reserve a table for you and your friends or come as a couple. There will be a silent auc on and presenta on of the golf tournament awards as well as a 50/50 and a great dinner with your fellow parishioner families! Banquet only is $60.00 per person. Registra on forms are in the Parish Office or the School Office. Please call the school office for more informa on at (626) 966-2317.
