Service Desk From Frontline


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  • 8/12/2019 Service Desk From Frontline

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    Innovative Technology Built Upon Yesterdays Values| Corporate Headquarters +1 719.386.7000|EMEA Headquarters +44 (0) 1793 858

    Recognized by Forresteras an Emerging Leader

    A View from the Frontline

    The Thoughts and Opinions of

    Todays Service Desk Professionals

    Prepared by: Daniel Wood, Head of Research, Service Desk Institute

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    A View from the Frontline


    Todays Service Desks face more pressure and challenges than ever before.Working within a climate of economic austerity, 2012 saw operating budgets

    revised (often downwards) and freezes placed on recruitment and wage

    increases. All the while, Service Desks were asked to support more end users,

    products and services and thus required excellent tools and people for them to

    operate effectively and efficiently.

    So what does the Service Desk look like today? Have the economic realities and

    increasing business demands had a negative impact on Service Desks outlook

    and performance? Do Service Desks believe their ITSM solution is a hindrance

    or an enabler? And what would they like to see improved in the solution they

    currently use? How could their vendor raise their standards of customer service

    support and innovation?

    We found revealing answers to these questions and more through a survey sentout to more than 10,000 ITSM professionals during November and December

    2012. Through these responses, we have attained a clear and concise picture of

    what todays Service Desk truly looks like.

    This report proves insightful for anyone engaged in the ITSM arena. Software

    vendors will be particularly intrigued by the opinions of their customers,

    and potential customers, with many respondents believing vendors need to

    be doing much more to innovate and to make their tools user friendly and


    Key Findings

    Increasing the Service Desks value to the business is the top Service Desk

    priority for 2013.

    During 2013, most people expect to provide more support for mobile devices

    39% stated life on the Service Desk had improved during the last year.

    During the last 12 months, 49% of Service Desks spent most of their time


    Innovative technology features are a key requirement that most

    respondents would like to see in an ITSM solution.

    The top three reasons for choosing a new ITSM software solution are:

    1) product features/functionality, 2) ability to easily customise and

    configure, and 3) ease of use.

    The top three areas that cause Service Desks the most pain are: 1) the ability

    to easily produce metrics and reports, 2) lack of resources to help meet

    business expectations, and 3) features for managing customer expectations

    Lack of features was noted as respondents top frustration with their

    current ITSM solution.

    Lack of support was respondents top frustration with their current

    ITSM vendor.

    Increasing the Service Desks

    value to the business is thetop Service Desk priority

    for 2013.

    Lack of features was noted as

    respondents top frustration

    with their current ITSM solution.

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    A View from the Frontline

    Survey Results

    1. What are your top 5 frustrations with your current ITSM tool and/or vendor?

    The above chart shows the categories that our respondents identified as

    their top frustrations with their current ITSM tool. Examples of respondents

    comments for each category are included below:


    Lacking knowledge management

    Lack of integrated knowledge tools

    Knowledge management least developed of modules

    Poor classification system

    Ability to manage alerts through email when time thresholds are breached

    Request fulfilment not managed by the tool

    Only able to use a single email address

    Lack of a simple project management facility

    No incident matching


    Not able to easily customise and configure ITSM tool

    Cannot amend target dates

    Limited possibilities to change things

    Difficult to adapt to our processes even after eight years use

    Not easily configured

    Lack of flexibility of query views for tickets


    Increases admin time, not decreases

    Difficult to use

    Repetition of data entry

    Web interface not customer friendly

    Solutions are difficult to access for later incidents

    Analyst screen is not user friendly

    Staff dont like it

    Its cumbersome

    Response %

    Features 24

    Customisation 14

    Usability 13

    Reporting 13

    Speed 9

    Process 7

    Price 6

    Integration 5

    SaaS/Social 4

    Reliability 3

    Standardisation 2

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    A View from the Frontline


    Not enough report details Not easy to customise reports

    No built in reporting

    Reporting is limited

    Poor management reporting capability

    Getting reports from it is difficult

    Difficult to report from

    Takes a lot of time to get statistical data

    Reporting is not well integrated with the tool



    Speed of the tool is not up to the mark

    Slow response times when navigating

    Poor performance


    Not integrated with ITIL processes

    ITIL bias, not customer focus

    Does not support workflow processes

    Not ITIL v3 compliant

    Too many ways to do things


    Customisations are too expensive

    Expensive to implement new requests

    Not enough/too expensive licenses

    Vendor development costs

    Additional ITSM services are too costly to add on

    Vendor charges too much for simple changes


    Inability to integrate with other apps

    Lack of integration between key processes

    Not fully integrated into other IT operations and processes


    Stuck on a fat client install

    Limited/lack of mobility options/capability

    Unstable web client

    Requires a client install rather than a fully-fledged SaaS offering


    Stability of web client is poor

    Poor stability


    Incident screen refreshes while working on an incident, and the data is lost


    Tool has a non-standard interface

    Many tools from different vendors not fully integrated

    Too many differences between the modules

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    A View from the Frontline

    The top five frustrations demonstrate that there is a prevalent opinion that

    ITSM tools have areas that need improving. Lack of or poorly-implemented-features was the most chosen option with customers hungry for more modules

    (especially surrounding knowledge management). Service Desk professionals

    are looking for their ITSM tool to be reliable, fast, feature packed and all

    provided at a reasonable price.

    As is the case with any purchase, there is no one size fits all, and features and

    user experience can come at a hefty cost.

    What is true is that ITSM tools have made great advances in recent years, and

    they have strived to become more user-friendly. Clearly though, more needs to

    be done around reporting and customisation. The customisation issue will not

    be an easy one to address as typically this is where vendors have been able to

    generate income. If the customisation of ITSM was put into their customers

    hands, this would cut off a revenue stream but also pose interesting questionsabout whether vendors would be liable for support if user error occurred. In

    times of austerity, it is natural that Service Desks attempt to make do and get

    the very most they can from their existing tool.

    In terms of reporting, users are looking to generate reports quickly and

    intuitively. Users want to display information in ways that are clear and easy

    to understand for the Service Desk, the IT department and the wider business.

    Metrics play a fundamental role in todays Service Desks as they are tangible

    measures of Service Desk performance. They allow Service Desks to reveal how

    their performance has changed over time and what the underlying reasons

    or mitigating factors might have been. Being able to display this information

    graphically is a vital undertaking as it makes the information much more

    accessible and digestible. To see frustrations with reporting feature so high on

    the list, demonstrates that ITSM tools are lacking the functionality that Service

    Desks require. When many Service Desks are strapped for time, metrics reports

    might take a back seat to more immediate tasks.

    Vendor Frustrations

    Response %

    Support 40

    Innovation 21

    Understanding 19

    Implementation 15

    Relationship 3

    Lack of communication 2


    Lack of technical expertise within the support team

    Not easy to access advice and technical support

    Vendor is slow to respond

    Support can be complicated

    Vendor: no transparency with their T2, T3 and 3rd parties

    No support from vendor especially around enhancement requests

    Lack of or poorly-implemented

    features was the most chosenoption when respondents were

    asked to identify frustrations

    with their current ITSM solution.

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    Lack of product innovation Less user friendly since last update

    Would like to see integration with social networking

    GUI interface is dated

    No social media functions


    Lack of knowledge of the tool they support

    Vendor lacks ITIL knowledge

    Vendor does not understand SMEs

    Vendor does not understand our complex business environment


    Implementation gaps

    Poor consultancy/training Not fully configured

    Inefficient implementation of the ITSM tool by the vendor

    No proper handover and knowledge transfer


    Lack of customer focus

    Relationship lost several years ago

    Vendor does not act as a partner

    Lack of communication

    Feels like we speak a different language

    Vendor does not relate to what we need

    The vendor frustrations reveal that many customers are unhappy with the

    level of support they receive from their software vendor, with respondentshighlighting slow response times and a lack of understanding. As with the ITSM

    solution frustrations above, respondents have pointed to a lack of innovation,

    no doubt accelerated by interest in SaaS and social media. Customers expect

    vendors to innovate and stay ahead of the curve, but as we have seen in the

    tool frustrations, innovation often comes at a financial cost. One could possibly

    argue that the lack of innovation is due to a prior heavy focus on becoming ITIL

    aligned rather than diversifying and improving the tool.

    Perhaps the most worrying aspect of the vendor frustrations revolves around

    relationships and lack of understanding. When buying an ITSM solution,

    customers are entering into a partnership. There is an expectation that the

    solution will need to be configured and customised, and thus, there is a need to

    form a partnership with a vendor based on mutual respect and understanding.

    The results above indicate a high level of investment in front line sales, but its

    unclear whether the same level of investment is made to existing customers.

    Those who chose the understanding option highlighted a problem that vendors

    face in regards to how ITIL aligned and focused their solution should be. Half

    of respondents noted a too high and overbearing ITIL focus; the other half felt

    more ITIL focus was needed. Somewhere in the middle lies a happy medium,

    but these results demonstrate that one size does not fit all, and thus, a variety

    of solutions are required.| Corporate Headquarters +1 719.386.7000|EMEA Headquarters +44 (0) 1793 858

    A View from the Frontline

    The vendor frustrations reveal

    that many customers areunhappy with the level of

    support they receive from

    their software vendor, with

    respondents highlighting slow

    response times and a lack of


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    A View from the Frontline

    2. What would influence your selection of a new ITSM tool?

    Please choose 3 from below.

    Response %

    Product features; functionality 55

    Ability to easily customise and configure 50

    Ease of use and GUI 29

    Integration capabilities 29

    Ease of implementation and low on-going management overheads 26

    Marketed as ITILcompliant 22

    Solution automation capabilities 20

    Mobility capabilities (i.e. Portal, browser, tablet, smart phone,

    social media, etc.)


    Peer references 16

    Access to quality support when things go wrong 15

    Consultant and/or analyst recommendation 7

    Extended business platform capability 4

    Had previously worked with product/vendor 2

    Choice of deployment model 2

    Vendor marketing 1

    Vendor culture 1

    None of the above/other 1

    Market status of vendor 0

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, features is the most popular reason for choosing an

    ITSM solution. Away from reviews, references and marketing, it is features that

    buyers focus on. Buyers are concerned with whether the solution can deliver

    what it promises; whether it fits the organisation and what the Service Desk

    is trying to accomplish; and whether it has the functionality to cope with

    future requirements.

    We see again that customisation features highly, predominantly because some

    Service Desks will want to change, modify and adapt their solution without

    assistance from their supplier. This could be for financial reasons or simply

    because people on the Service Desk want to be involved and to flex their skills

    and innovation abilities. This ties in with the third most popular option ease

    of use and GUI as lots of changes to the off the shelf configuration will be motivated by making the tool easier to access and to add layers of functionality.

    ITSM tools have made great advances in recent years to become more

    streamlined and aesthetically pleasing. This is even more important if the

    solution is made accessible to end users if the Service Desk wants to promote

    and encourage the use of self-help and self-service, it needs to offer users a

    clean, intuitive and accessible interface.

    Buyers are concerned with

    whether the solution can deliverwhat it promises; whether it

    fits the organisation and what

    the Service Desk is trying to

    accomplish; and whether it has

    the functionality to cope with

    future requirements.

  • 8/12/2019 Service Desk From Frontline


    3. Choose 1 key innovation/improvement you would like to see in an ITSM

    tool in the next 12 months.| Corporate Headquarters +1 719.386.7000|EMEA Headquarters +44 (0) 1793 858

    A View from the Frontline

    Features topped the list of what respondents would like to see improved in the

    next 12 months. This is a broad categorisation that attempted to capture and

    categorise as many similar responses as possible. Some of the responses that

    fell under the features category include:

    Enhanced problem management capabilities

    Incorporate quality management

    Better workflows for the approval process

    Links to or references from configuration management details

    Voice recognition to complement manual call logging

    Built in system monitoring and remote control capabilities

    OLA by resolver group Searchable knowledge base

    Integrating user contact information with asset information

    CRM functions

    Google like with predictive search results on the fly

    Second on the list is the demand for a mobile offering. This demand has

    arisen as a result of the proliferation of mobile devices in the workplace. With

    employees having greater access to mobile devices, it makes sense for them to

    be able to use the ITSM solution on their mobile to log calls, check the status

    of calls theyve logged and access information and help. Some ITSM solutions

    already offer this functionality, and others have dedicated apps available on

    the Apple App store or Android Play store. In the future, we can expect this to

    increase as Service Desks look to make it as easy and as flexible as possible for

    customers to access the information and services they require.

    The third choice on this list also resonates with current trends for engaging

    with social media. Social media has exploded in the past couple of years,

    and many Service Desks are interested in exploring how social media can be

    used as another channel to engage with customers. Previous research we

    have conducted shows that social media is a fledgling technology amongst

    Service Desks, but those that are forward-thinking are already exploring ways

    in which social media can offer new opportunities and channels for customers.

    Response %

    Features 23

    Mobile offering 19

    Social media component 14

    Easily configurable 11

    Reporting 10

    Usability 9

    Self service 7

    Process integration 5

    Price 2

    Forward-thinking Service Desks

    are already exploring ways inwhich social media can offer

    new opportunities and channels

    for customers.

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    A View from the Frontline

    Furthermore, for social media to be a viable proposition, it needs to be fully

    integrated within an ITSM solution. Service Desks want social media integrationto be as effective and efficient as possible to avoid manual re-entry of data.

    Rounding out the top four is a demand for ITSM solutions to be more

    configurable. This is mentioned numerous times in this report, demonstrating its

    significance and importance to the Service Desk.

    4. In your daily Service Desk life, what causes you the most pain?

    Please choose 3 from below.

    The top response here also featured prominently when we asked our respondents

    to comment on their frustrations with their Service Desk solution. The ability to

    quickly and easily produce metrics reports is absolutely fundamental to Service

    Desks. However, despite the importance of producing metrics information, too

    many Service Desk solutions make this process laborious and labour intensive.

    There is often the additional problem of those who produce the information

    not being entirely convinced that the information is accurate or was collected

    or collated properly. As mentioned, metrics and data can be used to drive

    performance and efficiency and highlight areas of weakness.

    Lack of resource was the second most popular choice, and in the current

    economic climate, it is not difficult to understand why this option featuredso high on the list. Coupled with the lack of resource, is the ever-increasing

    expectations of the business despite restraints around expenditure and funding

    IT is expected to perform and deliver, and our reliance on IT demands this

    regardless of the circumstances.

    Response %

    Ability to easily produce metrics and reports 35

    Lack of resources to help you meet business expectations 33

    Managing customer expectations 33Budget constraints preventing service improvements 29

    Increasing business demand for services 28

    Lack of integrated knowledge tools 26

    Outdated service desk tool 23

    Lack of recognition/profile within the business 21

    Ability to demonstrate your value to the business 20

    Lack of appetite (business or customer) for self service 17

    Lack of career progression 16

    Job security (i.e. threat of outsourcing) 9

    Poor vendor support 7

    Other 4

    The ability to quickly and easily

    produce metrics reports isfundamental to Service Desks.

    However, too many Service

    Desk solutions make this

    process laborious and labour


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    A View from the Frontline

    Just like business expectations, customer expectations are also increasing.

    Part of the reason for this is that so many companies now get customer serviceright. Companies such as Amazon have transformed the way consumers view

    customer service with a speedy delivery, clear and concise information and

    access to a plethora of reviews to inform purchasing decisions. It is only natural

    that end users compare and contrast their experiences with other companies to

    their own Service Desk, and often, the experiences do not match up.

    There are many ways the expectations gap can be addressed, and a

    fundamental piece of work is to create clear and open communication channels

    and engage customers in meaningful and insightful ways. Truly understanding

    what customers want and expect from the Service Desk is essential if Service

    Desks hope to manage ever-increasing expectations

    5. Do you think industry analysts/commentators truly understand the Service

    Desk industry?

    One of the complaints we often hear is that Service Desks feel they dont

    have a voice in the industry and that analysts/commentators do not truly

    reflect what life is really like. Slightly more respondents agree that analysts

    and commentators do understand the industry, and thus we can infer that

    Service Desks are properly represented. This is a positive development and

    demonstrates that the opinions shared at industry events, webinars and

    conferences provide real value and insights into the Service Desk industry.

    6. During the past year, has life on your Service Desk

    It is only natural that end

    users compare and contracttheir experiences with other

    companies to their own

    Service Desk, and often, the

    experiences do not match up.

    Become more difficult

    Stayed the same




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    A View from the Frontline

    Thus far, the results have shown that Service Desks are facing increased

    pressure from the business and its customers, and given the current economicconstraints, we may have expected that life on the Service Desk has become

    more difficult. Indeed, a third of respondents agreed and have noticed that

    the Service Desk has become a more difficult and challenging place to work.

    However, for the remaining two-thirds of respondents, life has stayed the same

    or even improved. Whilst we might be slightly incredulous of this result given

    the responses to the previous questions, what this shows is that the Service

    Desk is maturing and positive changes are happening. This is a very encouraging

    result. Although there is obvious room for improvement, the Service Desk

    industry has not suffered in terms of how it feels as a place to work.

    7. During the last 12 months, our Service Desk spent most of its time...

    This was an interesting result. As shown, fire-fighting was the most popular

    option chosen by almost half of respondents. Interestingly, this was the only

    reactive option on the list. Fire-fighting means the Service Desk spent most of

    its time on day-to-day activities, answering and resolving calls, and generally

    keeping the lights on. Whilst one could argue that fire-fighting is what Service

    Desks do after all, dont all Service Desks need a certain level of reactivity to

    be able to effectively handle the quirks of day-to-day support? to see it

    reported at this level means there is less time available for proactive approaches

    and innovations.

    For example, all of the other response options go some way into alleviating the

    need for day-to-day fire-fighting. Creating and implementing processes permits

    for a much more proactive and forward-thinking approach to ITSM; the same

    can be said for training, implementing ITIL, building relationships and raising

    business understanding and developing BYOD.

    Proactive approaches to ITSM, if executed correctly, can help to remove the

    doubt and uncertainty experienced by many Service Desks. Implementing

    stringent problem and change management processes, for example, permit

    a more forward-looking viewpoint. Proactive problem management should

    identify potential issues and failures before they impact the user population.

    The same is also true of the change management process, as involving the

    Service Desk at an early stage and creating a forward-schedule of change

    means the Service Desk should not encounter any unexpected surprises.

    Response %Fire-fighting 49

    Implementing new processes 26

    Helping customers with their own devices (BYOD) 9

    Other 6

    Implementing ITIL best practice and associated training 5

    Justifying its existence 5

    Speaking with customers and building relationships 1

    Although one-third of

    respondents noted that theService Desk has become a

    more difficult and challenging

    place to work, two-thirds said

    life has stayed the same or

    even improved.

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    A View from the Frontline

    8. What are your top Service Desk priorities for 2013? Please check all that apply

    In these times of economic austerity and uncertainty, IT can appear to be

    particularly vulnerable. From a business viewpoint, it appears that IT spends

    vast sums of money, and it is difficult for the business to appreciate or quantify

    any real return on investment. Thus, when it comes to reviewing and trimming

    budgets, IT often finds itself in the firing line.

    What the results above demonstrate is that Service Desks are aware of this

    issue and are taking steps to improve the way they market and communicate

    their value to the business. One of the key ways to accomplish this is to

    produce information that the business understands and can use in a productive

    way. As mentioned, metrics offer valuable insight into your Service Desk

    operation and demonstrate performance against a set of key criteria.1

    Tied in to the theme of economic problems, we see that the second most

    popular priority is to improve what Service Desks already have. Perhaps

    aware that budgets are strained, it is becoming increasingly more important

    for Service Desks to eke out every last drop of performance and efficiency

    from their hardware, software and people. Again, this ties in with theme of

    respondents looking for ITSM solutions that are easily configurable so they can

    avoid the potentially expensive consultancy fees. How much can be achieved

    without additional investment will vary across Service Desks, but there will

    come a point where returns will not correspond to the level of effort required.

    Rounding out the top three is improving first time fix rates. Improving first

    time fix rates is important for two major reasons. The first is that the faster the

    incident is fixed, the quicker workers can start being productive again, thussaving the organisation money and time. It has been shown that customer

    satisfaction is related to the first time fix rate the quicker incidents are fixed

    the happier customers are. The second is that fixing first time also saves the

    Service Desk money within the constraints of their own budget. If the incident

    can be fixed at first level and not escalated, it means that using second or third

    line resource can be avoided. Second or third line will normally have higher

    salaries, thus by not using their time, there are cost savings to be realised.

    Response %

    Increasing our value to the business 20

    Improving what we have 17

    Increasing first time fix rates 14

    Managing changes within the business 13

    Reducing inbound calls/emails 11

    Supporting more devices (i.e. BYOD) 8

    Cost reduction 6

    Consolidating services 5

    Investing in a new ITSM tool 5

    Other 1

    1For more information on metrics, see the Cherwell Software/SDI whitepaper Making Metrics Matter.

    Service Desks are taking steps

    to improve the way they marketand communicate their value to

    the business.

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    A View from the Frontline

    9. During 2013, do you expect to see...

    From the list above, it is shown that the majority of respondents believe that

    BYOD will be the most significant change in 2013. This is to be expected astodays workforce is more mobile and flexible than ever, and there are now

    a plethora of devices that are equally adept at business and social. Coupled

    with this is the increasing customer expectation that they will be able to use

    their devices at work, and furthermore, that these devices will be supported

    by the Service Desk. In addition, as we have seen from the responses to other

    questions in this report, there is a clear demand for BYOD support. Because of

    this, we can expect to see ITSM solutions offering versions for mobile devices.


    Through our survey questions, we have established valuable insight into todays

    Service Desk. Whilst many focus on fire-fighting and dealing with day-to-day

    life, others take a much more proactive and forward-thinking approach. We can

    see this through our respondents interest in BYOD and social media offerings

    they look for the next iteration of their ITSM solution to provide this

    functionality, integration and performance so they can meet the demands of

    their customers and the wider business. Additionally, there is a keen business

    awareness running throughout this report with respondents cognisant of

    the need to produce metrics and reports that provide real insight into their

    operation. Set against a background of economic austerity, it is more important

    than ever for Service Desks to demonstrate their value and to build strong

    cases for additional investment.

    Overall, the survey results paint a picture of an industry making strides,

    looking to become more proactive and to play an ever greater business role.

    Perhaps most encouraging of all is the 67 percent who noted that life on the

    Service Desk had improved or stayed the same. When we look for signs that

    the Service Desk industry is moving in the right direction, this result providesevidence that there is lots to be celebrated.

    Response %

    Provide support/more support for mobile devices (BYOD) 23

    More use of self service 20

    An increase in business services provision 17

    Increased demand for business metrics and reporting 16

    Service Desks using social media more 10

    Use more self help 9

    No big changes/things will stay the same 6

    Copyright 2013 Cherwell Software, LLC.

    All rights reserved.

    Cherwell Service Management, the Cherwell

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    Cherwell Software, Inc. Other products,

    brands and trademarks are property of their

    respective companies.

    The Service Desk industry is

    making strides, looking tobecome more proactive and

    to pay an ever greater

    business role.
