Service Bulletin (June 2, 2013) - RCCGEFA Leeds



This is the service bulletin of the RCCG Everlasting Father's Assembly, Leeds for June 2, 2013. God bless you as you read. Please feel free to share.

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Workers’ Trg, Teens & Children Sunday School - 09:40am

Adult Sunday School - 10:15 am

Call To Worship - 11:00AMWisdom SpotPraise & WorshipLiberty PrayersSpecial NumberMessageOfferingAnnouncementsTithesClosing Prayers & Benediction - 13:00pm

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THERE are kinds of sleep: dose, slumber, sleep, coma, death, etc. All these are natural phenomena. It is also possible for someone to experience any of these spiritually. Certain gods in history have also demonstrated these tendencies; it is

only God that does nor slumber or sleep. Though sometimes God keeps quiet to test our faith when we pass through trials like the disciples on the Sea of Galilee, most times God always demonstrate to his children and their enemies that He is permanently awake. May God do so for you in Jesus name.

Psalms 50: Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him.May God shine in your life. May God come down for you. May God not keep silence about your case in Jesus name.

In 2 Chro. 32:1-23, we read about Sennarcherib who was a king of Assyria, he reigned after his father in 705 BC. He was cruel ruler. His name actually means 'Bramble of destruction'. He destroyed every nation he came across. He first built a powerful and large army to which he used to overpower the region of Asia and Middle East. His reign was of terror. Several nations have fallen into his hands; the ten tribes of Israel have fallen into his hands; the cities of Judah were also overrun remaining Jerusalem.As nations under Assyria were rebelling after the father of Sennacherib died, against




1. No matter the darkness around you, your star will shine brighter.

2. God says, He will speak peace to your storms3. Certain individuals have been stagnated for sometimes, the

reasons for your stagnation will become known, will be addressed and will be eliminated, therefore progress will follow.4. In many senses of the word, this year will be of completeness.

1. The prayers of some of you minimized death of prominent Nigerians last year, don’t stop praying.2. Before the middle of the year, many will say hope rising.3. Learn from disasters of 2012 and take precaution soonest to avert bigger ones..

1. The Lord says prominent world leaders need a lot prayers so as not to die in office.2. Prominent Church leaders need prayers against planned scandals.3. Weather conditions may get worse, much worst, unless prayers are intensified.4. We should expect a major breakthrough in medicine this year.5. Nations who pass unholy laws will have a taste of divine fury. By Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Gen. Overseer RCCG Worldwide)

OUR God is very strong and there is none stronger than Him. Jesus declared in Mathew 28:18 that all powers in Heaven and Earth had been given to Him by His Father. Whenever Jesus sees His disciples displaying such power to His glory, He is filled with

joy and accomplishment (Lk. 11:19).The bravery and strength of man is disappointing and useless (Isaiah 40:30). God however expects that we take courage in what He had done; what He is doing; and what He has promised to do.

JUNE 2013 THEME:Strong & Courageous


Year of Signs & Wonders

- By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

When God Shows That He Is Permanently Awake

The anointing of God upon a life can do great exploits; however, of great importance is the courage one ought to show in God that bestows the anointing. God commanded Moses to lay hands on Joshua by way of transferring anointing upon his life (Num. 27:18-20). After Moses departure, God repeatedly had to charge Joshua that what is left for him to do is to be strong and courageous (Jos. 1:6,7,9,18).The twelve disciples of Jesus were anointed while they were with Him. As Jesus walked on the Sea one day, they though it was a ghost. Jesus assured them that it was Him. He asked them to take courage and later to come to Him on water. Peter exercised that courage a bit and walked on water! As the courage disappeared, he began to sink (Mt. 14:25-31).God has impressed it upon my spirit to charge us this month that He had invested so great power and anointing upon our lives, only if we would be strong and courageous in Him, we will as much ‘walk on water’ i.e. achieve the impossible. May God fulfil this in us this month and beyond in Jesus name. Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

I WAS meditating recently to find out from God what will be our theme for 2013. There were certain challenges I saw in 2012 that I was asking God to completely eradicate in the next.

God answered and said, "All covenanted ministries (whether individual or church) will hit major storm in their 3rd year. If the ministry escapes that by grace, a greater storm will come against it in its 6th year. If the ministry equally escapes the double storm, it will then qualify for the blessings of the 7th year”.For us in Everlasting Father's Assembly, there were storms that we went through at three years.


To the glory of God, we escape them all. Also at six years, thank God for all the astounding accomplishments that we have enjoyed, we also escaped double storms. Glory be to God! So I asked God, since we have escaped the sixth year, what is the blessing of the seventh year? He took me back to the creation of the world. He said, ‘What did the bible says I did on the seventh day’? And I said that You rested from Your labours.So, God said "2013 is your year of My rest". Note that it is the God's rest, not our kind of rest. The bible says that God does not sleep nor slumber (Ps. 121:4). So it's not a rest of sleep. Neither is it of folding of hands. It is a rest from excessive labours and entering into excessive favours.The seventh day was a time when God stopped creating on this earth, but switched to watching over what He has created. In 2013, God will help us to look after what He has created for us and through us. We will supervise and oversee machinery that will run itself. Every system that God has helped us to create will begin to work for us. Grace will supersede haste.There was a time when the Israelites were fighting Canaan, the Israelites were outnumbered. So God began to use constellations to fight for them (Judges 5:20). God will assign hosts of heaven to work for us in 2013 By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

Isaiah advice, King Hezekiah made an alliance with Egypt to rebel against Assyria. Unfortunately, Assyria attacked Egypt first. Then Hezekiah knew that Jerusalem was in for a tough war. It's either they surrender to Assyria or engage in a gruesome battle. As Jerusalem is by far outnumbered by Assyria. Invariably

Every power that is comparing you with something they have dealt with cruelly before will be surprised by God in Jesus name.

Pastor Sam. OBAFAIYE


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; forward into battle see his banners go!

Refrain: Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before.

At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee; on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory! Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise; brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise. (Refrain)

Like a mighty army moves the church of God; brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod. We are not divided, all one body we, one in hope and doctrine, one in charity. (Refrain)

Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane, but the church of Jesus constant will remain.Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail; we have Christ's own promise, and that cannot fail. (Refrain)

Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng, blend with ours your voices in the triumph song. Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King, this through countless ages men and angels sing.(Refrain)

death was looking at them. Hezekiah tried to appease Sennacherib by giving him all the gold they have, he even stripped the gold from the temple, but Sennacherib was bent on attacking and destroying Jerusalem. Sennarcherib thought the God of Israel is similar to the gods of the nations he had destroyed. He also thought the Israelites had done away with their gods as Hezekiah cleansed the land of idols.How God demonstrated to him that He is forever awake! Just one angel destroyed his hosts. No physical fight had taken place, but he had suffered grave casualty already! May God arise and defend you as such in Jesus name.The army of Assyria surrounded Jerusalem walls. They built watchtower around the walls watching the inside of the City. They gathered stones and sands as heaps behind the gates that entered the city and so Jerusalem was locked in.

After Hezekiah had found out that there is no other way out, he encouraged the people of Jerusalem to put their trust in God (2 Chro. 32:5-8).


Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor Samuel OBAFAIYE on 26th May 2013.

Strong & CourageousSUNDAYS:WEDNESDAYS:


You are welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We really appreciate your presence. May the Lord visit and bless you.

Please note that MARRIAGE COUNSELLING is available for those in courtships; as well as for those that have the leading to initiate a lifelong relationship. Ask the Pastor for guidance.

Please drop in the PRAYER BOX in the reception or email to

P l e a s e v i s i t o u r b l o g - for a centre near your postcode and be a part of it.





DIGGING DEEP - 6:30pm - 8:30PM

INVITATION TO BANQUET (2nd & 4th Sat) 3:00PMDRAMA MEETING - 5PMCHOIR MEETING - 4.30PM (Every Saturday)SINGLES’ MEETING (1st & 3rd Sat.) - 3PM

Celebration of Life Service: 1st Sunday of the monthAnointing Service:- Last Sundays of the month

Holy Communion:- Last Wednesday of the monthWomen Fellowship - 3rd Saturday - 1.00PM

Men Fellowship - Last Friday - Bimonthly - 6.30PM

FIRST Friday of the month (10PM - 1AM)





We collectively want to congratulate our brothers and sisters on their birthday celebrations, which occurred last month.

Some of them are: Sis Rashidat Samuel; Sister Adewunmi Odesola; Sister Judith Usiakwe; Sis Ogenechavwe Akoroda; Bro Nicholas Annor-Adjei; Sis Ngo Orubite; Sis Patricia Olanrewaju; Sis Yewande Akinfenwa; Bro Ayodotun Afolami; Sis Teju Ogunyinka; Sis Noro Gang; Sis Elizabeth Balogun; Sis

Ovonomo Onocha; Sis Yetunde Adekunle; Sis Oyekinle Omotola; Sis Olubukola Ajayi, Mr Damilola Owohunwa, Sister Faith Alfa and Bro Bayo Ogunrotifa

May God be gracious to you all; bless you and make His face to shine upon you all in Jesus name.

Everlasting - By Minister Aramide ADELUGBAIf you are willing to serve within the Church in any capacity or you know how to play any musical instrument, please see the Pastor.

Gen. 37: 1-36

Pastors Samuel & AnthoniaOBAFAIYE, Hosts

Pastor E.A & Pastor (Mrs)ADEBOYE

THE LAND OF MERCY, 15-17 WALTER STREET, by Machine Mart, Off Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. LS4 2BB

Tel:- 0113 279 3400; 07789758707; 07940459067; 07941631678email:,


thanksgiving SERVICE2ND JUNE 2013

JUNE 2013:



Father’s Assembly






My God Shall Preserve You For His Glory

THE bible says in Psalm 121:3-4, He will not allow your foot to slip; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel shall

neither slumber nor sleep”. We should trust in the living God, for He alone is able to

protect and preserve. His mercy endures forever. He cares for us day and night. Even when you are sleeping, He is

watching over you. Psalm 4:8 says, “In peace will He lay me down and sleep; for you, Jehovah, alone make me dwell in safety”. I pray the Lord will not sleep over your case in Jesus name.Today’s text is taken from Genesis 37: 1-36. It is the story of Joseph and his brothers. God preserved the life of Joseph, even when the whole world thought it was over for him. Joseph was a son born to his father in his old age. Of all his father’s sons, He was highly favoured, but his brothers hated him. I pray that all those people who hate you would be subdued in Jesus name. Joseph was exposed to problem right from his youth. His father made him various coats with beautiful colours showing his special love for him – What more can a father offer his son. You will be preferred above your contemporaries in Jesus name.In verse 5, Joseph shared his dream with his family, which prompted his brothers to hate him more, and they plotted to kill his dream. There are enemies and evil people around you waiting for you to share your plan so they can thwart it. The Lord will preserve your dream from being thwarted in Jesus name. Your dream will not be aborted in Jesus name. Preserved from slavery to glory - In verse 7-9, Joseph’s brother felt insulted to the extent that they envied him. The envy and rage lead to him being sold for a token of twenty shekels of silver. But God is able to preserve the soul of the righteous person. Psalm 86:2 ‘Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee’. Joseph put his trust in the Lord, and rather than dwelling in slavery and poverty, the Lord preserved and promoted him. 1 Timothy 4:10 ‘For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe’. You may be going through a situation which is not your own fault; God is in your situation and, He will preserve your life in Jesus name.Delay is not a denial - Joseph’s brothers could only delay the fulfilment of his dream, but they had no power to stop God from completing what He was going to do in his life. In Genesis 41:37-46, Joseph became second in command to Pharaoh. The Lord is interested in your progress. He is not interested in those who are able to kill the body but not the soul. Your dreams shall not be aborted in Jesus name.It can only be God - Psalms 127:1, Except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen would watch in vain. Thieves may enter and they would do away with all the valuables. But when God is in charge, all city keepers and watchmen would stand back and leave the gates opened, and no evil will be able to penetrate. Joseph’s was an example of God’s protection. When God took charge, the king sent for him to be released and, he was freed unto glory. Genesis 28: 15, Behold I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you. So shall it be for you in Jesus name.God is able to fulfill His plans - He can turn situations around. He can preserve you when the whole world thinks it is finished for you. Jabez was a man born to his mother in pain and, she named him sorrow. But, he cried unto the Lord and his situation was changed. Let us always look to God's for His help. In all the affairs and business of our families, we must depend upon Him to preserve our life. Be rest assured that the Lord can preserve you. Joseph went to jail, he returned, and got crowned a leader in a foreign land. So what else do you think God cannot do for you? Nothing is impossible for God to do. So do not worry about your future – Only put your trust in Him and you will experience His power in Jesus name. Matthew 7:25-34Prayer PointsO Lord, preserve my life and bless me in Jesus name.Every attack against my life is defeated in Jesus name.


Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Minister Aramide ADELUGBA on 26th May 2013 at RCCG Everlasting Father’s Arena, York.

CleansingStrong & Courageous
