Sermon - Tiredness



My first ever sermon, its on Tiredness

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PPT (Isaiah 40v28-31)


Matthew 11v28-30

So many people these days are spending less and less time

sleeping and more and more time feeling tired and drained. In

fact in 1910 an average persons sleeping time was 9 hours while

now days that has gone down to less than 7 hours a night. Albert

Einstein who was a genus and influenced todays world spent an

average of 11 hours sleeping, doesn’t that maybe say something.

Did you ever feel so tired you didn’t want to move all you

wanted to do was sleep? Or perhaps you were so tired you got a

ton of energy only to plummet down after the rush was gone. I

know I have and more than once. I know at times I’ve felt so

tired I could spend the whole day in bed only to feel just as tired

and sometimes even more. Earlier this year I was feeling really

tired and ready to give up but then I got given the opportunity to

give it all over to god and He took it all off my shoulders and

made me as light as a feather. What I realised over time was that

I was spending so much time trying not to feel tired that I wasn’t

spending anytime with God. You see Satan will try to put

obstacles in our way to put our relationships with God on the

back burner. He uses temptation to take us away from God

putting our physical needs before our spiritual needs. Also I

believe tiredness is an attack used by the devil, he twists us up I

all our tiredness which then becomes like chains around us.

They stop us from doing the works of God. Sleep may not be

what in this case for tiredness is not just in the body but the

mind and soul as well. When we come to a point when sleep just

won’t cut it we need to look to God to break the chains, for only

He can do that. As I read earlier in Matthew 11v28 it says:

“Come to me all who are burdened and I will give you


We may be physically tired because we are just doing too much.

All of you know the story of creation, God made the world in 6

days and on the 7th he rested. God spent 6 days working and a

whole day resting. Maybe we should be cutting out some things

in our lives and looking at what our priorities are. God has to be

no. 1 in our lives, not no. 2 not no. 10, no. 1, we can’t cut him

out of the equation. I used to be really bad at watching TV. I

would even sit and watch infocomertials just because I could.

But by doing that everything in my life was slipping so I

stopped watching so much TV. and started to straighten up my

priorities in life. Maybe instead of watching so much TV. or,

whatever it is you need to cut down on, you could take some

time out and spend it with God. As I said earlier sleep may not

be what we need, for sleep won’t fix our spiritual tiredness only

God can take that away. Only He can give us fullness and only

He can take the weight off our shoulders. Also do not let your

heart become tired and weary towards God. Sometimes we get

so tired we push god to the side and put all our energy into not

feeling so tired. The only thing is, by doing this you’re making

yourself more tired. If God asks you to do something do not, not

do it because you are tired or weary simply ask God to give you

the strength to get through it. For God can take away our tired

hearts and fill them with strength to do his work. He wants to

strengthen us not weaken us. 2 Samuel 22v33 says:

“It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way


He is the one who strengthens us when we are tired and weary.

“Isaiah 40v28-31”

Do you guys know that song weight of the world? The words


“He took the weight of the world on his shoulders (×2)

He did it all for me, yes he did it all for me.”

Jesus has taken the weight of the world on his shoulders. He

takes every tired cell from your body and replaces it with his

strength. All we have to do is let go, so why hold on, don’t be

afraid to let it go. Philippians 4v13 says:

I can do anything through Him who gives me strength”

He gives us strength to do all things in him. Tiredness is no

longer a boundary, for God has lifted it away from us and given

us strength in its place.

“Praise be to the lord, to God our saviour who daily bears

our burdens”

Psalm 68v19. I know some of you tonight will either be

physically or spiritually tired and I just want to open up the front

to you so you can surrender it up to God, if you don’t want to be

prayed for that’s ok because He just wants you to surrender it

over to Him and let Him do the work for you. But if you do

want prayer there will be people here to pray with you. Before

we do that I’d like to pray for everyone first. Pray. If you would

like prayer this side of the front there will be people here to pray

for you. But if you want to just lay it before the Lord there are

bits of paper and pens here if you want you can write something

down and lay it before the cross, or just come up and spend

some time talking with God. We’ll just start the power point

again and feel free to come up in your own time if you wish to.