Sermon Outline - Repentance Will Heal Our Lives and Land...sins between now and the National Day of...


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Pastors and teachers, this is a sermon outline to teach on repentance of 12 specific sins between now and the National Day of Prayer, May 5, 2016, to heal our land. Note: See “God‘s Plan for the USA” by Steven Andrew for details and Scriptural proof including 7 Bible Truths that are the only way to save America. ISBN 9780977955091

God is trying to get our attention; He wants to heal our land, but we must turn to Him with all our heart and soul. We see great financial, political, moral and spiritual problems in our country. Why is this? The answer is we are disobeying God. Scripture tells us the USA is under God’s judgment because of our sins. However, the good news is God promises that if we turn from our sins, then He will heal our land. God says in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14: “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” KJV

Here are 12 sins that if we repent of will heal our lives and nation:

1. False gods - Isaiah 44:6, Matthew 4:10, Exodus 20:3 - The LORD is the one true God - We are to serve the LORD only. Other gods bring God‘s wrath.

2. Not obeying Jesus Christ - Philippians 2:11, Isaiah 33:22 and 9:6-7 - Our founders lived with Jesus Christ as King. Like our founders, we are to obey Jesus in all things and have "no king but King Jesus". - “It is the duty of nations... to obey his will," said George Washington of God. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are God.

3. Not insisting to have Christian religious liberty - Mark 12:30, Galatians 5:1 - The USA prioritizes Christian religious liberty, as God commands us and blesses. God only blesses serving Him and His “God-given” rights. - Our founders gave us Christian religuous liberty. We see this with the first act of Congress to read the Bible and pray in Jesus’ name, George Washington commanding the military to attend Christian church on Sundays, paying Christian chaplains to pray for government, and putting the Bible and Christian prayer in schools.

Do Your Part to Save the USA

1. Learn 7 Bible Truths that save America in the riveting book, God’s Plan for the USA (ISBN 9780977955091)

2. Join One Million Americans on the LORD’s Side

3. Wednesdays, join Nationwide Prayer and Fasting


Sermon Outline - Repentance Will Heal Our Lives and Land

4. Apathy of our God-given rights - Genesis 1:27, Acts 5:29 - God created us with dignity. He gives us the rights of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, property and conscience. No one can take these away from us. - Our founders gave us our nation to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, not the modern secular ”liberties” of sin (abortion “rights,” gay “rights”...) - The Constitution is written to protect our unalienable rights, while limiting the rights of government, so we can freely serve the LORD as Christians.

5. Taking Christianity out of schools - Isaiah 59:21 - So more children go to Heaven, to reduce crime and to have God’s favor, we are to put the Holy Bible and Christian prayer back in schools. - The Bible was in schools from 1607 to 1960’s (Jamestown, Pilgrims...)

6. Unholy laws - Luke 6:47-49, Isaiah 33:22 - The LORD is our Lawgiver. He only blesses Christian laws based on the Bible. - Jesus Christ teaches the USA is only protected with Christian laws.

7. Ungodly government - Exodus 18:21, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Genesis 1:27 - God’s will is to choose Christian leaders from president to school boards who: fear God, insist to have Christian religious liberty, protect our God-given rights, hate covetousness and are truthful, including to obey the Constitution.

8. Helping the ungodly in business - 2 Chronicles 19:2 - God’s will is we associate with the righteous who obey God’s Word.

9. Killing our children by the sin of abortion - Matthew 5:17 - We repent of shedding innocent blood. - We declare: The USA is a pro-life nation.

10. Serving money - Matthew 6:24 - We repent of covetousness. - We declare: Our nation serves the LORD, not mammon (money).

11. Homosexual sin - Jude 7, 2 Peter 2:6, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Leviticus 18:22 & 25 - We believe in sexual purity with no adultery or fornication. We stand up for God. He promises to destroy all homosexual societies. We believe the USA has marriage of one man and one woman only. - Mike Huckabee said same-sex marriage is not law. The Constitution says Congress makes laws with the president signing them, not the Supreme Court.

12. All other sins, including ____. - 1 John 1:9 - God is holy and we want to be holy.

Prayer of Forgiveness - 1 John 1:7Father, You are merciful. To heal our land, we confess our personal sins and the USA’s sins. We turn from our wicked ways of [_name each sin_]. We thank You that Jesus Christ’s blood cleanses our sins. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sermon outline by Steven Andrew, Pastor of USA Christian Church