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8 ���G�� 5���� �� Klebsiella pneumoniae 8 ��$!��� �����2���� Staphylococcus aureus

8 ������ �� ������?�Escherichia coli 8 5���)���� R���� species Legionella 8 ���������� R���� species Haemophilus 8 ���G��$5�� Anaerobes 8 -�\�� ����� -�X�) bacteria Gram-negative 8 ��0�� Fungi

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8 ����2���� R���� species Proteus 8 5���� �� R���� species Klebsiella 8 Y1�� d�2�� ���,� R���� species Pseudomonas 8 ���G���'� R���� species Enterobacter 8 �������� R���� species Serratia

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8 ������� �����2���� Staphylococcus epidermidis

8 ����2��� streptococci 8 ���X���� Clostridia 8 -�\�� ����� -�X�) bacteria Gram-negative 8��$5�� ���GAnaerobes

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8 ��1���� ����2��� Streptococcus faecalis 8 ����� ������,��� Bacteroides fragilis

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U�,2�� ������ ��2���� � �� ���� .


33 adult patients (13 males) with septic shock were studied at Alassad university

hospital in Lattakia from 1/3/2005 to 1/7/2006.

The incidence of septic shock was found to increase with age, it happened in

27 patients (81.81%) exeeding50 years.

The most important risk factors were: age more than 50 years 27 patients (81.81

%)-diabetes mellitus 18 patients (54.54 %) - cancers 6 patients (18.18 %) -

surgery and invasive procedure 5 patients (15.15 %).

The source of sepsis was: pulmonary sepsis 10 patients (30.30 %) - biliary

system 5 patients (15.15 %) – urinary system 5 patients (15.15 %) then the

other systems. Blood culture was positive in 10 patients (30.30 %) and the culture of material

from the suspected source of sepsis was positive in 9 patients (27.27 %)

Mortality rate was very high 31 patients (93.93%).

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