September/October 2014 - IDRC Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean




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Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean September/October 2014

News / Calls and Awards / Recent and Upcoming Events / New Projects / Project Publications and Articles

Water resources at risk due to climate change in Latin America – LIVE transmission

The high level seminar “Water resources at risk due to climate change in Latin America: tool for decision makers” jointly organized by the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); CEPAL-BMZ/giz program and IDRC, will take place in Santiago de Chile from October 29-30. The seminar's goal is to increase awareness and interaction between decision-makers from the public and private sectors and academia on the use of socio-economic risk-management tools to improve decision-making for climate-change adaptation. Grantees from four IDRC Climate Change and Water supported projects in the region will present their research and will

join the wider discussion to analyze policy instruments for managing risk in the water sector. Learn more about the Seminar and agenda Read a collection of publications about IDRC projects and the Seminar on Storify (in Spanish). The seminar will be transmitted live

Mexico to boost productivity among the rural poor, thanks to IDRC-supported research

Mexico’s new poverty reduction program, Prospera, is applying lessons from research carried out by the Latin American Centre for Rural Development (RIMISP), an IDRC partner. On September 19, 2014, Prospera National Coordinator Paula Hernández Olmos announced the Productive Territories pilot project that will increase productivity and earnings among

10,000 rural recipients in five Mexican states. The pilot was designed with the help of RIMISP. Read more

The Role of Research and Partnerships in Stimulating Competitiveness and Innovation in the Americas In collaboration with the Institute of International Relations at the University of the West Indies and Canada´s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development, IDRC hosted a working breakfast on October 9th to discuss the “Role of Research and Partnerships in Stimulating Competitiveness and Innovation in the Americas”. This side event to the VIII Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF), which was held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, gathered together more than 20 experts from academia, the private and the public sector from the Caribbean, Latin America and Canada. Among the participants was Dr.

Howard Alper, Chair of Canada’s Science, Technology and Innovation Council, who was also a keynote speaker at the ACF.

Reducing sodium intake by the Costa Rican population

In Costa Rica, a national strategy plans a 15% reduction in sodium intake and a 25% reduction in the prevalence of hypertension by 2021. The National Plan to Reduce Public Consumption of Salt / Sodium 2012 -2021 is implemented by the Salt/Sodium Reduction Program, led by the Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud (INCIENSA) with the collaboration of the Ministry

of Health and universities of Australia, Brazil and Canada. This project receives funding from IDRC. Read CONICIT’s (Costa Rica) September bulletin (Spanish) for an extensive article on project objectives and outcomes.

Entrepreneurial activities in the Caribbean The GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) Caribbean project released its regional report entitled “Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean Region” with information on the state of entrepreneurship in Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, Suriname, and Colombia. Furthermore, two new national reports were published in October: Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname. Worth mentioning is that this is the first GEM study for Suriname. The research included in these reports measures the levels, underlying factors, and environmental constraints of entrepreneurship within each national environment and comparatively within the region by using the GEM methodology. The findings can assist policymakers, educators, and researchers (both applied and theoretical) in creating supportive environments that encourage job

creation and inclusive economic development through growth in entrepreneurship. Read more

Dynamic businesses in South America? The key is the (eco)system This new publication from Red Sur examines the existing systematic limitations to entrepreneurship, the policies being implemented to promote entrepreneurship and the pending issues in this field. It argues that an institutional platform aimed at promoting the creation of entrepreneurs and businesses is needed for the future, with this platform also supporting those new businesses that have survived their “childhood” but are now in their “adolescent” years. The book highlights the problems new business faces with regards to access to human resources and management of the same, internal organization and financing as some of the greatest challenges. Access the publication here (in Spanish only)

Microentreprises in Central America

The productive sector of the Central American region is characterized by an abundance of small-scale businesses (micro, small and medium companies). Between 2011 and 2013 the project Avanz@ developed in Costa Rica, El Salvador and Nicaragua, aimed to

identify the key competencies required by Central American SME entrepreneurs to aim for added value and continuous improvement, efficiency, ongoing learning and environmental sustainability within the framework of emerging social and economic development models; and generate approaches and tools to strengthen the building of these competencies. The publication “Business Competencies for the Knowledge and Innovation Economy: Toward the Sustainability of Central American SMEs” which highlights the main findings of this research has just been published. This project was carried out by the Omar Dengo Foundation and the Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training of the International Labour Organization (ILO/CINTERFOR) with funding from IDRC.

Available in English and Spanish

New studies on open data; internet and poverty in the region

Theory and practice on Open Government The final version of the research led by Ester Kaufman and Oscar Oszlak "Theory and Practice of Open Government: lessons of the international experience / Teoría y práctica del gobierno abierto: Lecciones de la experiencia internacional", realized under the auspices of RedGealc and OAS, with funding from IDRC, is now available.

Research includes a total of 709 open government initiatives and action plans submitted to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay, as well as other countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Read more (Spanish)

Open data and smart cities This publication presents some of the research done under the project “Open Data for public Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean” which aimed to contribute to the development of open data and smart cities strategies in the region. The project was led by UN ECLAC

and W3C Brazil Consortium with the financial support of IDRC.

Read more (Spanish)

Internet and poverty in Latin America

The Regional Dialogue on Information Society (DIRSI) published a new study that shows that Internet connectivity can help alleviate poverty, but that complementary investments in human capital are needed to realize the full potential of broadband. “The internet and Poverty: Opening the Black Box” summarizes the findings from a set of case studies, offering new research directions as well as policy recommendations. The study used large household and school-based surveys as well as personal interviews to explore the links between broadband adoption and income, employment and educational achievement in Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Peru and Mexico. Read more

V Latin American Meeting of Community Water Management

The project “Water for Human Consumption, Communities and Climate change: expected impacts and Adaptation in Central America” (AC3 project), participated in the “5th Latin American Meeting on Community Water Management” that took place in San Carlos, Costa Rica from September 9 to 11. The AC3 project, administered by CATIE with financial support from IDRC, aims to improve decision-making on investment in the design of plans and policies for adaptation to climate change on the part of community organizations responsible for providing water for domestic consumption in Central America. These community

organizations play a fundamental role in the water management as they are the most important water suppliers for human consumption in the region.

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Financial Inclusion in Latin America The Regional Seminar on Financial Inclusion Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean, which brought together more than 200 participants and experts from 11 countries, was held in Santiago de Chile from September 30 to October 4. The event was sponsored by the Chilean Government through the Solidarity and Social Investment Fund (FOSIS), and was supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Chilean International Cooperation Agency (AGCI), the Capital Project - funded by the Ford Foundation and IDRC -, and the Bureau of Financial Education of Chile (MEF).

Access presentations, videos, speeches and more (Spanish only)

PERU – New Directory of professional women in Social Sciences The Directory is an instrument which aims to shed light on the contributions of professional women in the social sciences in Peru and to promote their active participation in academic and media spheres. It has been developed within the framework of IDRC’s Think Tank Initiative, and led by the Peruvian Studies Institute (IEP) in close coordination with the Research Centre at the Universidad del Pacífico, the Centre for Social, Economic, Political and Anthropological Studies at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE).

Read more (Spanish)

Danielle Mitterrand 2014 Prize

The Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA) has just received the Danielle Mitterrand 2014 Prize, granted by the France Libertés Foundation, recognizing SPDA actions for the proper utilization of biological resources. The award will be presented on December 9th in Paris, France.

SPDA has been one of the Peruvian institutions with which IDRC has developed several projects since the mid-1990s. We take this opportunity to extend our sincere congratulations to all of the SPDA team for this recognition. Read more (Spanish) Read more (IDRC projects)

Colombia’s Best Leaders in 2014 This past September, the Revista Semana and the Fundación Liderazgo y Democracia selected the best 30 leaders in Colombia 2014. This initiative aims to discover and recognize public leaders that have helped Colombian society advance through positive change and respect for democratic institutions. Two researchers who have participated in IDRC-funded projects were among those nominated:

Juan Camilo Cárdenas, for his work applying innovative economic methods to solve environmental problems through community collaboration. Juan Camilo Cárdenas Campo is a professor at the Universidad de los Andes and leads the “Reducing the Risk of Water Pollution in Vulnerable Coastal Communities of Cartagena, Colombia: Responding to Climate Change” project. Watch the video (in Spanish only)

Martha Nubia Bello, for her work promoting the importance of the historic memory in Colombia through the “Basta Ya!” report. Marta teaches at the National University and coordinates research in the Centro Nacional de Memoria Historica so that Colombians do not forget the painful marks left by the war on the psyches of the victims. From 2005 – 2009, along with Sandro Jiménez Ocampo, Marta Nubia Bello led the “Reparation for Internal Displacement (Colombia)” research project with funding from IDRC.

Watch video (in Spanish only)

Our most sincere congratulations go out to Julio and Marta for this recognition.

Video of the month - Fisheries and aquaculture in Bolivia In this short video, learn more about the Fish for Life project in Bolivia. This project, supported by IDRC and DFATD through the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF), investigated and developed artisanal fisheries and smallscale aquaculture in two pilot studies in the Bolivian Amazon. The aim of the project was to improve food security in region where one in five Bolivians lives in extreme poverty, including primarily women, children, and indigenous people.

Watch video: 10’ (in Spanish only)

Did you know? IDRC’s Doctoral Research Awards 2014

Did you know that 11 of the 32 doctoral research award candidates recommended for an award in the 2014 competition plan to carry out their research in Latin America and the Caribbean in countries such as Guatemala, Colombia and St. Lucia? IDRC offers these awards to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing their doctoral studies at a Canadian university. These awards support field research in one or more developing countries in areas corresponding to IDRC thematic priorities. Read more (information on the award) / Read more (information on 2014 awardees)

Do you want to learn more about IDRC?

IDRC’s support for research in developing countries contributes to Canada’s key foreign policy priorities by using science and innovation to increase food security, stimulate sustainable economic growth, advance democracy, promote security, and secure the future for children and youth. Read “IDRC’s Annual Report 2013-2014: Improving lives and livelihoods”

Call for proposals – Third and last call for proposals PEP/PAGE In 2012, PEP was granted funding by the UK Department for International Development (DFID or UK Aid) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada to lead a new research initiative entitled “Policy Analysis on Growth and Employment” (PAGE) in developing countries.

The priority issues identified for this 3rd (and final) PAGE round are: improving the targeting of public expenditures and social assistance; design of minimum wage policies and impact on youth and female workers; youth employment; inclusiveness of growth : the role of labor markets; natural resources and employment; micro and small enterprises for economic empowerment and poverty reduction.

Deadline: October 30, 2014 Read more

Grants for Graduate Thesis

In the context of the project "Fostering capacities in Impact Evaluation in Latin America", the Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies, CEDLAS with the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Canada), organize a call for thesis proposals that use Impact Evaluation techniques for PhD and Master's students based in Latin America.

Deadline: November 1st, 2014 Read more

Call for research proposals BID/INTAL-Red Sur IDB-INTAL, from the Integration and Trade Sector, and the South American Network on Applied Economics/Red Sur launched a joint call for research projects by researchers/research centers throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Four studies will be selected, one for each subject area, and funds of US$15,000 will be made available to each.

Deadline: November 3, 2014 Read more

Sept. 10-11, 2014 “Social protection, entrepreneurship and labour market activation Evidence for better policies”,

IPC/IPEA/IDRC; Brasilia, Brasil

Sept. 29 – Oct. 01, 2014 “Taller de Investigación y Participación Social en Ecosalud”, Nodo Centroamérica

San Salvador, El Salvador

Sept 30 - Oct.4, 2014 “Encuentro Regional de Experiencias sobre Inclusión y Educación Financiera en América Latina

y el Caribe”, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Sept.30, 2014 ABRELATAM 2014 México D.F; Mexico

Oct. 01, 2014 “Foro Iberamericano de Estrategias de Gobierno Digital” (RedGealc)

Ciudad de México, Mexico

Oct. 01-02, 2014 “II Conferencia Regional de Datos Abiertos en América Latina y el Caribe” (CONDATOS)

México D.F.; Mexico

Oct. 24, 2014 “Bolivia - Segundo Dialogo Nacional Crecimiento Verde e Inclusivo” CICATAL, La Paz, Bolivia

Oct.27, 2014 Conferencia internacional “De la Insurgencia a la democracia. Desafíos de la participación

política en América Latina”Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación, Bogotá, Colombia

Oct. 28-30, 2014 “X Conferencia Anual sobre Compras Gubernamentales de las Américas”, Red Interamericana

de Compras Públicas, Asunción, Paraguay

Oct.29-30, 2014 "Recursos Hídricos bajo incertidumbre y riesgo al cambio climático: herramientas para los

tomadores de decisión", CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Oct.30, 2014 “Lanzamiento Primer Reporte Anual Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo en América del Sur 2014”,

Redmercosur, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nov. 03-04, 2014 Coloquio “Herramientas Efectivas para el Ahorro Inclusivo”, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Nov. 04-05, 2014 “Seminario Recientes transformaciones agrarias en Bolivia”, Fundación Tierra, La Paz, Bolivia

Nov. 04-07, 2014 “XXV Seminario Anual del CIES. Construyendo conocimiento para mejores políticas”, Lima, Peru

Nov. 05, 2014 Presentación del libro “Violencia Juvenil y acceso a la justicia en América Latina”, Centro

Cultural Elena Garro, Ciudad de México, Mexico

Nov. 05, 2014 Evento público: Cambio Climático, una mirada hacia la COP 20, organiza CIES, Lima; Peru

Nov. 06-07, 2014 “Segundo Diálogo por la Seguridad Ciudadana”; INSYDE, Ciudad de México, Mexico

Nov. 12-13, 2014 Reunión regional Red LATN - Los desafíos del desarrollo sustentable con inclusión social en

América Latina, Lima, Peru


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projects we fund in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Follow us on Storify, where we update the information daily.

Read news September 2014

Read news October 2014


The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) publishes an article on the growth of e-waste in Latin America and cites results of IDRC funding to pioneer studies in the region. “Residuos electrónicos en ALC: en crecimiento sostenido y con atención creciente”. Author:Florencia Roveri.

Radio Canada International (RCI) interviews Teresa Mosquera, principal researcher of IDRC Project “Improving potato production for increased food security of indigenous communities in Colombia” “Mejoramiento de la producción de papa para contribuir a la Seguridad Alimentaria en comunidades nativas de Colombia” in which researchers from McGill University and the National University of Colombia participate. Interviewer: Pablo Gómez Barrios.

Que Pasa (Chile) interviews RIMISP researcher Julio Berdegué, who has been invited to participate

from the “Misión Rural” project that will implement an ambitious reform in the Colombian

countryside and could give a pragmatic solution to the peace negotiations. “Un campo para la paz”.

Author: Valeria Bastías


“Cómo acceder a los subsidios de agua potable: guía para organizaciones comunitarias”, Dominguez,

A.; Roa García, M.C.; Corrales, S.; Fundación Evaristo Miranda; 2014


“Los precios internacionales de alimentos y la inflación doméstica”; Cresta, J.; CADEP; 2014

“Las consecuencias del aumento en la observación del salario mínimo legal en Costa Rica: una

evaluación del impacto de la Campaña Nacional de salarios mínimos” / Gindling, T.; Mossaad, N.;

Trejos, J.D.; Universidad de Costa Rica, IICE, 2013

“Los desafíos de la docencia frente a las infancias excluidas y relegadas”. Misiego, P.A.; Instituto

Desarrollo; Documento de Trabajo; 2014.

“Crecimiento y segmentación del empleo en el Perú, 2001-2011”; Jaramillo, M.; Sparrow, B.; GRADE;

Documento de Investigación, 72.; 2014

“Economía del agua: conceptos y aplicaciones para una mejor gestión”. Zegarra, E.; GRADE; 2014

“Financiamiento a iniciativas verdes: una respuesta para hacer frente al cambio climático en

Paraguay”; González Román, G. Instituto Desarrollo; Documento de Trabajo; 2014

“Capacidad de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Paraguay”, Scribano, R.; González, L.; Barkate, M.;

Instituto Desarrollo; Documento de Trabajo; 2014

“El Mercado Laboral Juvenil en Paraguay. Análisis de una Década”, Rojas Viñales; A.; Instituto

Desarrollo; Serie Economía; Documento de Trabajo Nº 15; 2014

“¿Emprendimientos dinámicos en América del Sur?: la clave es el (eco)sistema”; Kantis; H.; Bacic; M.;

Choupay, E.; del Castillo, M.; Federico, J.; Lopez, A.; Ramos, D.; Red Sudamericana de Investigación

Aplicada; 2014

“Programas para la primera infancia. Un área clave de intervención para disminuir las brechas sociales

en Paraguay”, Misiego, P.; Aquino, B.; Spinzi, C. Instituto Desarrollo; Documento de Trabajo; 2014.

“Los desafíos de la docencia frente a las infancias excluidas y relegadas”. Patricia A. Misiego T.;

Instituto Desarrollo, 2014

“Datos abiertos en países en desarrollo”, Davis, T.; Fundación World Wide Web, 2014

“ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence”, Young, J., Shaxson, L.; Jones, H.; Hearn, S.; Datta,

A.; Cassidy, C.; 0verseas Development Institute; 2014


“Iniciativas de eSalud para transformar la salud en la Región de las Américas”; D’Agostino,M.; Al-Shorbaji,N; Abbott, P. Bernardo, Th.; Ho, K.; Sinha; Ch.; Novillo-Ortiz, D.; Revista Panamericana Salud Pública 35(5/6), 2014

International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Avda. Brasil 2655, 11300 Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: +598 2 7090042 Email:

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