September 18-25, 2013



Where in the world is WSU?

Citation preview








“Congress shall make no law respecting an establish-ment of religion, or prohibit-ing the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peace-ably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

It’s the first amendment to the U.S. constitution, and it’s one of the building blocks that this nation was founded on. To this day, we enjoy the freedoms that this amend-ment guarantees us, includ-ing the freedom of speech.

There are some exceptions to the freedom of speech: pornography, obscenity, defamation and fraudulent misrepresentation, accord-ing to the National Paralegal College’s website, are not protected by the first amend-ment.

An opinion, however, is protected.

William Penn, according to Michigan State’s website, teaches in the creative writ-ing program, is the author of seven books, is one of the

founding members of the Native American Writer’ s Circle and is a contributor to the Houghton Mifflin Anthol-ogy of Literature.

He has also been pulled from all of his classes in light of a video taken by a student in which Penn is seen voicing his not-so-positive opinions about the Republican Party and Mitt Romney.

According to an article in the Detroit Free Press, “Once the video surfaced at a conservative news site called Campus Reform, it didn’t take long for Penn’s com-ments to be condemned.”

By Thursday morning, Penn was pulled from his classes, according to the De-troit Free Press.

Part of the video can be viewed on the Campus Re-form website, and more of it can be seen on Youtube.

In the video, Penn said the Republicans are not the majority in the country anymore; “they are bunch of dead, white people,” he said. “Or dying white people.” He also said that Republicans “don’t want to pay taxes be-cause they’ve already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they pos-sibly could.”

He said if his students are closet racists, he will get them, and also that there is voter suppression in North

and South Carolina because “black people tend to vote Democratic.”

He also told his students that he does not mean to of-fend them inside of the class, and to forgive him if he did.

Was his rant a little offen-sive to the Republican Party? It depends on what your definition of offensive is. However, if a sad little man and his church can protest at funerals with signs that say “God hates fags” and “Amer-ica is doomed,” and their right to do so is upheld by the Supreme Court, shouldn’t a university professor be allowed to say that Republi-cans raped the country too, or is that a case of bullying?

The definition of bullying, according to Merriam-Web-ster, is to treat abusively or to affect by means of coer-cion or force.

While it cannot be argued that his statements were one-sided and perhaps of-fensive, they are his opinions and therefore covered by his right to free speech.

As university students, we know that it is not uncom-mon for a professor to get on a topic that they feel strongly about and to get on a soap-box. As long as the professor doesn’t change grades or get in a student’s face about it, he or she is allowed to have an opposing viewpoint, as is

the student. Obviously, if a Republican

rant had been the only thing being taught in a creative writing class there is a prob-lem, but when does an eight-to-nine minute soapbox equate to a suspension?

According to the Free Press article, “The freedom to speak out is generally pro-tected by First Amendment rights when professors can prove what they are saying is linked to the content of their courses, several legal experts said.”

Neal McCluskey, the as-sociate director of the Cato Institute’s Center for Edu-cational Freedom, said, “If he can prove that what he was saying can reasonably be seen as connecting to his class, then it will be hard for the university to take any more action,” according to the Free Press article.

Penn will not be teaching this semester but will con-tinue to be paid, according to Campus Reform’s website.

This is not a Republican verses Democrat thing — this is a free speech thing. The question for you? Should Penn have been pulled from classes, or was Penn’s right to free speech violated when he was pulled from his job? Would it have sufficed to tell him to stick to his subject?


Freedom of speech limits debateMSU professor loses job over comments












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Smoking: i t ’s bad for your health, and if you were planning to get your insurance through the state, i t may be bad for your wallet as well .

“The law requires insurers to accept al l applicants regardless of pre-existing medical problems. But it also al lows them to charge smok-ers premiums that are up to 50 percent higher than those offered non-smokers — a way for insurers to ward off bad risks,” according to a Detroit Free Press article.

Smokers aren’t the only ones that could be hit with higher premiums.

“Older people, who can be charged as much as three t imes more as young people, could be hit much harder i f states choose to en-act the new smoking rule,” accord-ing to another Free Press article.

Eric Jones, a smoker featured in the f irst Free Press article, has been smoking since he was 12 and has tried to quit . He succeeded once, but started up again this year. Because he does smoke, he could be facing up to $1,600 yearly in smoking penalties.

According to the Free Press article, “ . . .[h]e (Jones) said he should be taking medications for

gout, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and severe acid reflux but instead just suffers through his conditions.”

Jones has trouble paying the rent and takes the bus 20 miles to work each day. He said he simply can’t afford the medication he needs and therefore does not take them.

Jones said in the article that the extra fees are, for him, an incentive to quit , but what about the other smokers out there whose addiction is stronger?

Perhaps it can be argued that i t ’s the smokers’ fault that they smoke, and it could even be argued that they have no business paying for cigarettes, or chew, i f they can’t afford the healthcare or the premi-ums that come with it .

It cannot, however, be argued that smoking is an addiction, and addictions are hard to break.

According to the American Psy-chological Association, “more than 40 mill ion people in the United States — 16 percent of al l Ameri-cans over age 12 — suffer from nic-otine, alcohol or drug addiction.”

How do you solve the problems associated with addictions?

According to the APA, “addic-tion experts say our health system has to move past saying that ad-

diction is a disease, and actually treat i t l ike one, integrating it into the health and mental health care systems.”

Meaning that i t ’s not as easy as putting down the cigarette and nev-er picking it up again. In order to break an addiction, the person with the addiction needs to be ready to break it , and they need help to do so.

While i t is important that al l people have access to healthcare they can afford, i t is equally as important that people who have pre-existing conditions get the care that they need.

If a person with cancer or a brain injury would get the care they need, why is a person with an addiction having to, quite l i teral ly, pay for their disease? Instead of charg-ing them, why are they not getting treatment?

For some, taking away their hard-earned money may be enough incentive to quit , but there are oth-ers out there who simply can’t do it alone, and no amount of money is going to change that.

The whole point of the Afford-able Healthcare Act is getting those people who are sick the care they need. Why are smokers not includ-ed in this group?

DOMINIC NANNIContributing Writer

It is said that “all war is a symp-tom of man’s failure as a thinking animal.” I could not agree more with John Steinbeck, who wrote those words at the pinnacle of his career as a quintessentially “American” novel-ist.

Within our government, from the Oval Office to the halls of Congress, we are witnessing the wholesale fail-ure of our elected officials to grasp the basic act of thinking. Intellec-tual bankruptcy, the emptiness of thoughts and ideas, is plaguing our government. Testament to this void of substantive thoughts was Presi-dent Obama’s announcement that he

would seek Congressional approval to use the military to strike Syria. In a true sheep form, the four leaders of Congress agreed and are working to schedule a vote to authorize Presi-dent Obama to send our military into Syria.

I don’t know which is worse, wit-nessing the moral breakdown of our government, or the fact that peace, and its practical use in the world, has been removed from all discussions of our response to Syria and the Ameri-can psyche.

In the shadow of our war in Iraq and subsequent occupation, one would think that our elected officials would be more hesitant about using our military. Moreover, as the an-tiwar candidate and president, one

would assume that Obama would not be completely giddy and eager to respond militarily to the actions of President Assad. Yet, in true form, our government has defied all norms of conventional logic and done what no one ever thought they would do.

War, as a tool of foreign policy, should be used when all other meth-ods have been exhausted. Diplomacy, robust negotiations, substantive discussions, involvement of the world community, sanctions and embargos are all nonviolent and peaceful means by which lasting solutions are forged. War should only come into play when all of these, I mean all of them, have failed and nothing else seems able to work. It should never be first and should never be entered into eagerly.

If you are wondering where our nonviolent attempts at dealing with Assad are, or were, you can sit back and relax because there were none. Short of a red line and SOME in-volvement of the UN, diplomacy has been nonexistent and completely ignored. In spite of this, our govern-ment is jumping straight to war.

Steinbeck was right: war is proof of a failure in our ability to think.

What do you think of war? I think it is disgusting and I think it is always wrong. There is nothing war does that diplomacy and nonviolence can’t do. In fact, war only brings about more problems and questions that need answering. Yet, we still turn to it as a “solution” to problems.

The ghost of Steinbeck calls.



Insurance companies target smokers

‘Intellectual bankruptcy’ rampant in U.S.

Higher premiums cause headaches for nicotine addicts

Congressional response to Syrian crisis highlights government’s decay





Your Fitness Warrior sat down to ask personal trainer Conway Norwood some questions you may want answered to help you stay fit and motivated.

What are your certifications?

I ’ve got a cer tification as a cer tified personal trainer through the National Council of Personal Trainers, or the NCCPT, I am a licensed Zumba instruc-tor, licensed Zumba Golden instructor, and I am a cer tified cycling instruc-tor.

Do many people have personal trainers?

Yes. At the gyms I work at, we get people who come through the doors all the time that say, “I need a personal trainer to train me, I need somebody to get (me) in good shape, I need somebody to be accountable to,” so you’ll find people that really see a need for personal trainers.

What are some popular exercise routines these days?

I t depends. When you come to workout, you have different goals. One of the main things I would say is that everybody wants to tone their legs. So squats are going to be huge for that, and everybody knows what squats are. So that is one of the main exercise people do for legs. Crunches and sit -ups are important. Your harder exercises like push-ups and pull -ups, people tend to steer clear of because they’re harder to do. But you’ll see people giving it a shot and try and to do those. Your bigger guys that come to the gym, they really want to get strong; they really want to gain some weight rather then lose, so bench pressing, squats with bear bells would be some popular exercises for that.

What are some tips you have for people looking to get into shape?

Eat right, and train insane! It’s easier said then done and it’s very diffi -cult, but you have to take small steps. You have to integrate it, especially if you’re not used to exercising, into your lifestyle. So if people say, “I’m going to give up cake for the rest of my life,” well that’s not going to stick because you’ve been eating cake all your life. You have to gradually get healthy alternatives in there and you have to gradually incorporate some physical activity. So if you’re not used to moving or you have a desk job, star t with walking, increase that to jogging and then sprinting. You have to get used to where you want to be.

What are some mistakes people make when working out?

Not listening to anybody. Believing what they read in magazines. I get people coming up to me all the time saying, “well yeah yeah I know this,” but they really don’t because they read it in a magazine and they ac-

‘Train insane’ for that awesome bodTrainer emphasizes small changes, personalized workouts

cepted it as the gospel truth. I t’s not necessarily always the case because you see it in a magazine. There are cer tain moves that aren’t good for everybody. So a magazine may encourage you to do a squat all the way down to the ground in a full range of motion. Well, everybody can’t handle a full range of motion because some people may have weak knees or weak joints and they need to build that up first before they can do a full -range squat. So you need somebody there. And that’s one of the reasons why it’s important to have a personal trainer, because you need a personal trainer that can look at you, assess what your physical limitations are and make recommendations along those line. Ask for advice and don’t believe everything you read in magazines, because that’s for the general population. Get somebody, some type of advice, that ap-plies to you and that’s going to be the best thing for you.



NEWSAre there any fun exercises people can do at home?

I t depends on who you are. As a Zumba instructor, I get in front of people all the time who love to dance. And so, that’s one thing I encourage people to do. What-ever it is you love to do, do it. Some people have young kids at home — play with your kids, run around with them and that’s going to have a multi tude of benefits. You are keeping yourself and your kids physically active and you are spending quality time with them. They’re always going to remember the time where “mom and dad came and played with me and ran around with me until I passed out.”

What about for college students who are busy with school and work?

I would recommend again do something fun. Go dancing or jogging with friends. If you have a pet, run or walk with them. Get involved in anything athletic. Most college students are pressed for time, but yeah they’ll find time to hang out or go clubbing or something. Find at least two days to go out and do something for a half hour and do something fun but will also challenge you at the same time.

What exercises build muscle and what burn fat?

That is a loaded question because there is a lot. In the simplest form though, typi-cally if you want to burn fat you want to do at least two or three days of weight training a week, you want a lot of cardio in your program too, though. You want to make sure to combine the two though, because you are going to use the cardio to burn fat and you are going to use the weight training to keep it off because the weight training is going to boost your metabolism to keep it off. That’s what you want. You don’t want to just burn fat, but you want to use your metabolism. So get in the gym, or go to Walmart or Meijer and buy a couple of dumbbells or some-thing, and do some weight lif t ing exercises, maybe some things you see in maga-zines or some things you’ve asked people about. Again, ask for advice so that you know. Definitely consult with your doctor, that’s huge, because you want to make sure you’re healthy enough to do a lot of the things you want to do. Go for the weight training to boost your metabolism and the cardio to burn the fat. (If) you want to build muscle — that’s on the opposite end of the spectrum. Keep your car-dio to a minimum and you want to lif t a lot of weights to put those muscles to work.

The huge thing with either goal is your diet. Your diet, just l ike exercising or not exercising, can make or break you … When you want to lose your weight, you want to restrict those calories. Sti l l, make sure you’re getting your carbs, protein and your fat but just keep everything in moderation to give your body enough of the opportunity to burn the extra weight that it’s carrying. When you want to gain weight, it’s something different. You want to eat a lot, but you want to eat clean and sti l l make sure you’re gaining your sources of protein, fat and carbohydrate but you just want to eat a lot of it.

What intensity level should you workout as a beginner and for how long?

You want to work out at a modern intensity for about a month or two. Gauge the way your body feels at the first month to see how you feel and whether you need to kick it up or not. As a beginner, you want to be really careful; that’s going to be your window to see what it is you’re comfor table with and what it is your body can handle. I keep reiterating this, but this is why it is important to talk to someone to help you with your program. You will use that time to see what works and doesn’t work for you. You want to use that time as trial and er-ror and then you can kick up the intensity once you feel like you got something solid in place.

How often do you have to eat? How many calories a day?

I t depends on your weight, gender and physical activity. I t’s really you gaug-ing what you can do as an individual. But that’s why you got a lot of tools that you can use. There are calorie intake calculators you can find online just by doing a Google search. You punch in a couple of numbers in these calculators and you get a number that tells you what your calorie intake should be. Typi-cally, the number you want to star t with is your base metabolic rate; that’s how many calories you burn when you’re not doing anything at all. So if you star t there, you know that’s how many calories you’re doing just by sit t ing down watching TV all day.

What is the difference between working with a personal trainer compared to exercising alone?

You are never going to push yourself as hard as when you have someone there with you. And I speak from experience. As a trainer, even working out for as long as I have, I am never going to push myself as hard as if I have my best friend, who is also a personal trainer, there with me. Because you have some extra motivation there, you have someone else’s extra energy to feed off of and so that’s a good thing. You want to use that to your benefit. You can get results of your own — I won’t deny that — but you are going to push yourself harder as long as you got someone there, pushing you along too.

I have friends who say that when they come home from work, they’re just too tired to work out or they don’t have enough time. What do you have to say to them?

I f you want something bad enough, you will do whatever you can to get it. If you knew that all you had to do was go home and go for a twenty minute jog and you will win a million dollars to do it three days a week, if you knew that, you would do it! So it’s pretty much how you have to see it. With physical ac-tivity, you are going to feel better, you’re going to be healthy and you’re go-ing to look great. Knowing all that should motivate you to push for that twenty minutes, just twenty minutes of something, and you’ll see that the result will be gradual but you’ll see results from that if you push hard. It’s going to take some discipline, but if you’re willing to do it, then you’ll get that proverbial million dollars. You’ll star t to see change.

To get more information, you can find Conway’s contact information when you log on to



HANNAH ORLICKIContributing Writer

Wayne State study abroad programs offer students the opportunity to pack their bags and sail the sky. The destination — one of five conti-nents filled with foreign infusion, just waiting to be explored by eager WSU students.

When asked what study abroad programs do for students, Yuliya Harris, staff member at the Office of Study Abroad and Global Programs, said, “Wayne State study abroad programs allow students to see the world, experience different cul-tures, enhance job opportunities and fulfill credits.”

There are many programs to choose from, vary-ing in length, location and field of study.

Programs are located in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, South America and Central America.

The shortest programs occur over spring break, while summer programs last two to seven weeks. Some programs are one full semester and the lon-gest programs are one year. Topics of study include art and humanities, education, language, science, social science, foreign culture, business and more.

Funding for study abroad programs vary. Tuition fees, program fees and additional spending money are what constitute the cost of a particular pro-

gram. Some programs include the cost of airfare, housing and meals whereas other programs do not.

To help minimize costs, it is recommended by the Study Abroad office that students apply for financial aid or private grants. There are also scholarships available. To see which scholarships you might be eligible for, visit the Office of Study Abroad and Global Programs in room 131 Manoo-gian Hall.

Eligibility for programs may depend on gradu-ate or undergraduate status, GPA, honors status or completion of prerequisite courses.

To pursue or explore study abroad programs, visit the Study Abroad and Global Programs web-site at There is a com-plete list of offered programs along with descrip-tions, too. To continue the process, the next step is to fill out the application for the particular program of interest — the application is also available on the website.

Study abroad staff members are eager to help with any questions or concerns. As a piece of advice to students who are considering joining a study abroad program, Harris recommends that students meet with an advisor from the study abroad office as well as researching the study abroad website.

GABRIEL CAMEROContributing Writer

On April 24, 2013, the journal Risk Analysis published an article online titled “Spacial Variation of Soil Lead in an Urban Community Garden: Implications for Risk Based Sampling” based on a study conduct-ed by a WSU research team in July 2010.

The study concerned EPA minimal guidelines for soil lead testing in residen-tial lots that suggest an average between at least two composite samples per area up to 465m2. The team found these guidelines to be incompatible with urban gardens where lead hotspots are likely to occur.

The article also noted the incompatibility of post-industrial site sampling and testing guidelines because they were established for sites that are certain to have widespread high lead levels, like mine tailings.

According to thesis writer Lauren Bug-dalski, who graduated with a master’s in geology and now works for AMEC Environ-ment and Infrastructure as an environmen-tal geologist, EPA revisions are expected but some estimates say this may take five years. Bugdalski said she also wanted, “the establishment of a separate criteria for gardens specifically.”

Using geo-statistical analysis, the team determined that 16 composite samples

were required for a confidence rating of 90 percent and 20 samples for a rating of 95 percent in regards to detection of a lead hotspot. The sampling was from an undis-closed Earthworks garden known to have an unused at-risk section that in places was found to have levels nearly four times the recommended maximum for residential lots.

The team cites the primary cause for contamination on former industrial build-ing sites as on-site toxic dump disposal originating from gas additives, lead-based paint and other industrial activities. It also lists the main sources of hotspots as roof drip lines, idling cars and lead-based paint chips.

To research a site’s history, the team sug-gests Sanborn Fire Insurance maps, held in all city halls, due to the building informa-tion detailed that spans 100 years.

Although lead is absorbed by soil in mostly a vertical pattern, this contamina-tion can spread by environmental means.

There were several suggestions for testing and sampling listed in the article. The most expensive yet ideal option is to individually test each composite sample and then average them to prevent overesti-mation. A more cost-effective alternative is to preserve originals of composite samples and selectively re-test them if known risks exist or the average is very high. A practical

and cost-effective alternative is field-por-table X-ray fluorescence, much like those used in testing paint in homes that exposes the ground to low level radiation. This exposure creates a sort of spectrograph for present earth-metals.

If used correctly, there should be little risk of harming the tester or the ground, according to faculty mentor and assistant geology professor and doctorate Lawrence D. Lemke, a self-described avid gardener.

Vegetables do not absorb lead through soil, so consumers can ensure safety by thoroughly rinsing off all dirt from pro-duce. Those who frequent contaminated gardens are at an increased risk because lead is commonly absorbed through the lungs, and dirt makes up 20–80 percent of dust in most urban homes.

According to the Mayo Clinic, children are at the most risk for lead poisoning due to susceptibility and activity, setting the maximum safety level of lead in residential areas at 440 parts per million when adults can be exposed to levels of 1,200 parts per million. However, this level may drop due to the CDC reduction by half to the blood level of lead for concern in children in May 2012.

The Mayo Clinic listed symptoms of lead poisoning in prenatally exposed newborns as learning difficulties and slowed growth. Symptoms in children include irritability,

fatigue, learning difficulties, abdominal pain, constipation and vomiting. Adult symptoms are more physiological with an increased blood pressure, weakness, sensa-tions in extremities and pregnancy- and sperm-related problems.

Cognitive issues are at risk of becoming irreversible and, as levels increase, damage may occur to the kidneys and the nervous system while the worst possibilities are seizures, unconsciousness or death. If poisoned, most cases are treatable and it is important to reduce exposure as much as possible.

Most urban gardens in Detroit take pre-cautions to reduce exposure such as raised planting beds and grass coverage that helps contain ground soil, especially in social or recreational sections. All Detroit urban gardens test their soil before establish-ment; most outsource this or look for aid from either local universities or non-profits focused on urban garden aid.

Two popular non-profit organizations, Greening of Detroit and Keep Growing De-troit, divided to meet the rising needs and population of urban gardens in the greater Detroit area.

For more information, this study can be found on the WSU scholarly article database. There is currently a follow-up paper under way on other plots studied in north central Detroit.

¡Hola! Ciao! Bonjour!

A little lead in your soil?

Study abroad programs take WSU students around the world

ALANA WALKERContributing Writer

Most non-profit arts organizations today face a similar situation: their regular patrons and supporters have aged, and new and young supporters are scarce.

Detroit Passport to the Arts, an organization put on through a joint effort by Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings, Eisenhower Dance and the Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival, has a goal to give young patrons a taste of what the Detroit-area art scene has to offer.

“In the arts, the audience is tradi-tionally older,” Margo Strebig, Di-rector of Communications at Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings said. “Our goal is to expose people to the arts and hope that they find some-

thing that they really like, and then begin to patronize the businesses themselves.”

DP2A focuses on bringing people 45 years and under to the arts in hopes of continuing the legacy in Detroit.

The first destination for DP2A is entitled “Structurally Sound: Re-image, Reuse and Recycle” pre-sented by Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings. Saxophonist and Bassoonist Marcus Schoon will perform con-temporary jazz works reimagined with standards and classics.

The concert will take place at 3 p.m. on Sept. 15 at the Recycle Here! warehouse on Holden St. in Detroit.

There will be an after party direct-ly following the concert located be-hind the venue at the Lincoln Street Art Park for “passport” holders.

Other destinations will include the Michigan Opera Theatre’s produc-tion of La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi in November, a performance by the Eisenhower Dance Ensemble in December, a viewing of the 2014 Oscar nominated shorts at the De-troit Film Theatre in February, The Hilberry Theatre’s production of Moon Over Buffalo by Ken Ludwig in March, and a performance featur-ing pianist Louis Lortie at Orchestra Hall in May.

Members enjoy private after par-ties after each event that include refreshments, entertainment and networking with other DP2A mem-bers.

“It ’s a fun atmosphere for people to interact, meet people, network, and maybe talk about the perfor-mance or experience that they just

had.”The group also visits separate ad-

ditional “excursions” throughout the season; the first one being a perfor-mance by jazz musician Billy Cob-ham in October at the Music Hall, a production of Collected Stories by Donald Margulies at the Matrix Theatre in March, and a visit to the Great Lakes Chamber Music Festi-val.

The price for a season-long pass-port is $105 for students, $129 for those 45 and younger, and $250 for those over the age of 45. They also offer $500 patron passports, designed to help offset the cost of student memberships.

To purchase a membership or for more information about Detroit Passport to the Arts, check out

BRYAN GRECOContributing Writer

Sutter Keely (Miles Teller) is a high school senior who only has one goal: to live in the “now.” He parties often, and when he is not drinking at parties, he is drinking alone.

After being dumped by his girlfriend (Brie Larson), Sutter drinks so heavily that he wakes up on his classmate Aimee Finicky’s (Shailene Woodley) front lawn. While Aimee may not seem like Sutter’s type (this will be hit over the head many times by Sutter’s best friend), the two connect immediately and change each other over the school year.

The chemistry between Sutter and Ai-mee is very strong throughout the whole film and a lot of it feels unscripted and off the cuff. Director James Ponsoldt has a knack for making his characters feel very “real,” as evidenced by his 2012 film “Smashed.” In particular, a long track-ing scene of the two talking and walking through the woods at a party is one of the best in the film; you can really see the characters start to fall for each other.

But the strong chemistry isn’t enough to make this coming-of-age story stand out as much as it should. One major is-sue with the film is that Sutter is really the only character that fully develops.

Aimee’s sole purpose of existence is to

assist Sutter from narrative story point A to B. But she clearly has problems of her own, most notably with her mother. Ai-mee does her mother’s paper route most mornings due to her late night partying, and her mother detests her wanting to go to college, but their whole relationship is shown off screen.

Another issue in the film is the lack of consequences. This film does not need a moral Disney ribbon wrapped over it, but it starts to feel a little strange watching Sutter drink so often throughout the film with so little regrets plaguing his actions.

Alcoholism is dealt with strongly throughout the film, while at the same time being completely ignored. A violent scene late in the film that resulted from Sutter’s drunk driving should call for a big change in his character, but the event is seemingly swept under the rug and forgotten about two scenes later. Even after almost failing high school and losing his job, his drinking continues. In the end, it’s not the reason for his self-realization.

The film works on many levels, but the narrative issues keep it from being a de-fining coming-of-age story. The direction makes it a head better than many other films in its genre, and the two leads are very fun to watch, even if the screenplay leaves a little more to be desired.

“The Spectacular Now” is out in the-atres nationwide. Rated R. 95 minutes.

Discover city’s artistic culture

Not that ‘spectacular’

Detroit Passport to the Arts looks to build legacy in younger generations

Ponsoldt creates unconsequential plot







LYNN LOSHFeatures Corresondent

Pop your corks, Detroit! Corktown now has its very own wine bar.

MotorCity Wine is a retail wine shop, bar, and music venue.

The “value boutique” has recently moved to a new location on Michigan Ave, near Rosa Parks Blvd.

Owners David and Melissa Armin-Parcells opened the new location about a month ago, due to a lack of parking at the previous location. The new venue has a parking lot and a dog-friendly patio.

Though Detroit is known for its brew-eries, there is still room out there for an alternative. The Armin-Parcells’ jumped at the opportunity to bring something new to the city.

“It’s been just a little dream for us. Our focus is value wines. Wines are drank all over the world by people, and in the States we tend to think you have to know something to get into it. It’s ca-sual and our focus is keeping wine casual and affordable,” Melissa said.

MotorCity Wine has a large selec-tion of wines from all over the world. They mostly deal with small-family or independent vineyards, including some from around the state of Michigan. Their collection is in constant rotation and wines by the glass change weekly. Many wines are organically grown or produced sustainably.

Wines can be purchased by the glass or bottle at the bar and by the bottle to go.

The Armin-Parcells’ opened MotorCity Wine about four years ago, with former partner Mark Szymanski.

“I found myself unemployed in 2008 and it’s a lot easier to take a leap and start something when you’re on shaky ground to begin with,” said David, a cer-tified sommelier. “Nobody had done it in the city yet.”

As their brand and audience grew, the Armin-Parcells’ decided to move loca-tions, but they wanted to stay in the city.

“We really want to be part of the solution of Detroit. We wanted to be property owners and business owners,” Melissa said.

Although wine is the main event at the shop and bar, there is more on the menu. The hybrid shop and bar also serves a se-lection of beer and a concise liquor menu will be debuted in the near future.

“We find that we get everybody, all walks of life, all ages and it’s a nice com-munity place to hang out,” Melissa said.

The food menu is limited to cheese, meats, nuts and olives, but they plan to add tapas in the next few months.

MotorCity Wine also offers live musi-cal entertainment in the evenings.

“We do live jazz every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. We do house music on Saturday nights and a jazz vinyl night on Sundays. We do a monthly wine tasting on the fourth Sat-urday of every month,” Melissa said.

Regulars on the music scene are The Mighty Funhouse every Wednesday and Mike Jellick Trio on Thursdays.

MotorCity Wine has experienced success since the move and are looking forward to the future.

“We want to be a great neighborhood bar, with a focus on great wine,” David said.

CHELSEA MARALASONContributing Writer

Let me introduce myself as this is a new semester. My name is Chelsea Maralason and my column is The Green Read.

This column’s purpose is to pro-vide you, the reader, with the most recent information pertaining to sustainability both on campus and in the community.

The Office of Campus Sustainabil-ity is Wayne States’ hub for sustain-able resources.

The USGBC Students Group is

another resource that focuses on getting students involved in green building and infrastructure. To get in touch with that group email

The Wayne State Farmers Mar-ket is in full swing this fall . It is on Cass between Palmer and Warren every Wednesday from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. The Farmers Market is made possible by SEED Wayne, a group that focuses on sustainable food systems. The farmers market accepts Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT card) and participates in the Double Up Food Bucks program, which will

match up to $20.00 a day of your EBT expenditures at the market and can be used on fruits and vegetables.

This fall the Office of Campus Sustainability will introduce a toner recycling program, continue the Switch it Off campaign, expand recycling awareness and is in the process of developing a sustainabil-ity plan for the university. Switch it Off is an exciting campaign that aims to reduce the campus’ carbon foot print.

The USGBC Students Group is put-ting together a LEED Study group that will qualify students (who al-

ready have LEED hours) to take the Green Associates LEED exam. This certification is ideal for an array of people, from engineering to busi-ness and from students to faculty. For more information on the study groups contact the USGBC Students Group at

Lastly, remember that being green is easy to do; use less, waste less and recycle more. For more infor-mation on going green contact the Office of Campus Sustainability, 5425 Woodward Ave., by visiting or call (313) 577-5068.

Quit your whining, have some wine

It’s easy being green

MotorCity Wine bar opens in Corktown

Green Read offers info on Detroit, WSU ‘green efforts’



LYNN LOSHFeatures Correspondent

Ever wanted to travel and learn in differ-ent in a different country?

The WSU study abroad program offers students the chance to experience educa-tion in different locations across the globe.

Programs are offered in South America, Central America, the Middle East, Asia and across Europe. In China alone, there are about nine programs for varying back-grounds and majors.

“There are multiple types of study abroad programs,” said Margaret Ogg, coordina-tor of the program. “We have what’s called faculty-led or short-term programs, where you go with a professor from WSU and take a course you’d normally take (on campus), but you take it on the streets of Paris or in China. Then there’s the more traditional approach, which is the exchange program. That’s for students who are going for a more long-term experience. You go for a semester or a year.”

Most programs are for undergraduate

students, but many are open to graduate students also. Graduate students may not receive the credits they need like under-graduate students do, but still get the full experience.

All programs are taken as part of the class. Students receive credits hours for each program they participate in and par-take in a unique learning experience.

“Throughout my undergraduate medi-cal training, there has not been as much hands-on work. In Belize, I was able to perform basic medical techniques in a relaxed setting and gain medical skills that I will need for the rest of my career,” said Nishanth Alluri, WSU student and pre-med major who participated in the Belize and west African study abroad programs in summer of 2013.

Funding options for study abroad programs vary. There are more funding options available for exchange programs than the shorter, faculty-led programs. Scholarships are available for students who illustrate a great financial need and for students studying critical needs languages,

such as Turkish and Russian.Requirements for each program vary, as

well.“In terms of eligibility, every study

abroad program has a different set of criteria for acceptance,” Ogg said. “Some countries may require background checks for visas, some programs may have GPA re-quirements and some require sophomore-standing, but others may not.”

Through study abroad, students get to fully immerse themselves another culture. They are led through the program by WSU professors, or stay at a university and live in dorms in another country. This allows students to not only receive education in another country, but to also know what it’s like to live in that country.

“This study abroad program challenged me to embrace another culture so different from my own by eating the food, using the Metro transportation system, speaking the language and living the laid back lifestyle,” said WSU student Natalie Nufer, who went to Paris in May 2013. “It is a life changing experience which has opened my heart and

my mind, and it has given me a greater ap-preciation for different cultures.”

Participating in a study abroad pro-gram allows students the chance to try out another lifestyle. It is a very helpful part of a students career, especially now that the world is so interconnected through technol-ogy.

“Our perception and expectations of what a certain country and culture is going to be life may or may not be accurate, in good and bad ways. Maybe you undersell what the culture will be like and maybe you con-nect with it more, “Ogg said.

Studying abroad gives students an expe-rience that will help them in their career and academic life.

“In both Belize and Africa, I immersed myself into foreign cultural environment and studied the local practices and beliefs. I honed my communication skills and gained a greater appreciation for the diversity that people can offer. I was definitely displaced from my normal comfort zone on both trips but I had the perfect environment to learn and interact with those different than


“You have bra ins in your head. You have fee t in your shoes . You can s teer yourse l f any d i rec t ion you choose . You ’ re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who ’ l l dec ide

where to go . . . ” Oh the p laces you ’ l l go . Dr .

Seuss was on to something . There i s a great b ig wor ld out there , a wor ld f i l l ed wi th s ights , sounds and cu l tures complete ly d i f ferent than the ones we are accustomed to here in the Uni ted States . There hasn ’ t been a bet ter t ime to get out and go see what the wor ld has

to o f fer . WSU s tudents have been doing

jus t that : go ing . Through s tudy abroad programs and g loba l pro -grams, s tudents are tak ing par t in once- in-a- l i fe t ime opportuni t ies to see how other cu l tures do l i fe .

Over the next few weeks , The South End wi l l be h igh l ight ing s tor ies f rom WSU s tudents who

have been ga l l ivant ing a l l over the g lobe . Readers wi l l exper ience the t rave l exp lo i t s o f fe l low s tudents , whi le a l so get t ing a g l impse a t what l i f e i s l ike in o ther countr ies .

So grab your passport , pack your t rave l p i l low and come take a t r ip wi th The South End as we answer the quest ion: Where in the wor ld i s WSU? Bon voyage!

WSU students embrace faraway lands

Where in the world is WSU?

Participants visit diverse locations to learn, grow

Students travel globe through study abroad





Warriors emerge victoriousAshland defeated in WSU’s first ever night game




Snapping their opponent’s GLIAC 10-game win streak, the Warriors beat the Ashland Eagles in a match-up that everyone surmised would be physical and competitive from kickoff to kneel down. And it was.

“It was a great win by our kids,” Coach Paul Winters said. “The char-acter of the team stood out because we were down and came back. They never flinched. We talked about that all week, because we flinched the week before when we got down. I’m really proud of every single one of those guys; they competed their rear-ends off. Our kids needed this one; they needed to feel good about themselves. They’ve worked so hard. You can tell by the celebration in the locker room, by the smiles on their faces, they got paid. They got paid to-day. All that hard work paid off with a victory.”

The anticipation of Adams Field’s first night game didn’t shake their focus. Linebacker Ed Viverette said passionately, “Day time or night time; it was ugly being zero and one. I was just thinking about winning.”

The Warriors have been owned by the Eagles lately, although each of the last four games has been decided seven points or less.

Both offenses got off to a slow start. Though the first quarter be-longed to Ashland, with two 22-yard field goals by kicker Greg Gallaway,

the second quarter belonged to WSU. The Warriors scored through the air, on the ground and off a fumble re-covery from linebacker Ed Viverette.

Coincidentally, numbers 11 and 12 were seated side-by-side in the post-game interview. The two worked to-gether to score the four touchdowns of the game, critical in what would be the Warriors’ first victory over the Eagles in four years. No. 12, quar-terback Carl Roscoe, led his team downfield on two drives which ended in scores by fellow QB Doug Griffin.

This time, however, Griffin was carrying the ball rather than throw-ing it. The touchdowns were the first of his collegiate career, and his only two carries of the night – but that was all he needed.

“It was sweet,” said a beaming Griffin. “The coaches called my number and I just went out there, followed my blockers, and put it into the end zone.”

Ashland’s passing game may have resulted in 189 yards passing to WSU’s 126, but Ashland’s yards were spread among three quarterbacks. Roscoe was the Warriors’ only quar-terback of the evening, and though completing less than half of his at-tempts, was responsible for the only passing touchdowns of the game.

The touchdowns came on big plays from receivers Dominique Maybanks and Michael Johnson; Maybanks scoring on a 48-yard reception and Johnson on a 70-yarder.

Quiet most of the night and held to just one reception, Johnson was defi-

nitely heard on a 70-yard touchdown from Roscoe. It wasn’t long before the Warriors got the ball back and Griffin came in for his first of two touchdowns

The three second quarter touch-downs, all within seven minutes of each other, couldn’t have happened without the defense.

Afterall, senior linebacker Viver-ette isn’t wearing No. 1 for nothing. He was on fire with nine total tack-les, three solo sacks, and a forced fumble; one of which resulted in a 42-yard touchdown.

Humble as usual, Viverette ac-knowledged the team effort on his fumble recovery that resulted in a 42-yard touchdown, the first of his collegiate career. “A lot of guys did great things. The coaches put me in a great position.”

There’s really only one thing you think about when running for your life with the ball, barreling toward the end zone. “Just don’t get caught,” he said, laughing.

Now in his final season as a War-rior, Vivertte hopes to take advantage of his recent performance and keep that momentum rolling throughout the season.

When asked if he can get a couple more touchdowns in before he gradu-ates, “Absolutely,” he said. “I’m hop-ing Coach Winters will put me in on offense,” he joked.

Did being on the cover of the War-riors vs. Ashland game day program boost him to a stellar performance? “It might,” Viverette said, smiling.

Senior cornerback Austing Nelson helped carry the defense with an in-terception, the first of his career, and a team-high 10 tackles.

It was the run game, however, that kept the offense honest. WSU’s pair of backs, senior Toney Davis and ju-nior Desmond Martin, had more than five yards per carry; 131 yards and 89 yards respectively. Davis also had his 15th career game with 100 yards rushing or more.

Quarterback Roscoe also seemed comfortable running the ball, keep-ing Ashland on its toes with 41 rush-ing yards.

As players encouraged the crowd to make some noise, the Warrior defense went to work holding the Eagles back from reaching the end zone.

“Every year the student section gets bigger,” Winters said. “They don’t realize, but they can be a force for this team.”

The Warriors battle the Storm in the season’s first conference road game this Saturday, Sept. 21, at Lake Erie College in Painesville, Ohio. Kickoff is at 1 p.m. WSU is hoping it’ll be the Storm that have to take shelter from them as they go for back-to-back wins.

Home games are versus Malone, Northwood (Homecoming), Saginaw Valley, Grand Valley, and Michigan Tech. Road games are at Lake Erie, Hillsdale, Northern Michigan, Ferris State and Michigan Tech. Admission is free for students with their WSU OneCard.



Volleyball winless at UW-Parkside Tournament

Weekly recap: WSU women’s tennis

Warriors drop to 3-5 on season



The Wayne State women’s volley-ball team stumbled in the UW-Park-side Tournament over the weekend, losing all four matches. Their overall record for the season stands at 3-5.

The Warriors faced the host school, the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in the first match of the day on Sept. 13. They were swept in all three sets, 16-25, 19-25 and 15-

25, by the Rangers. WSU had strong starts during each

set, but couldn’t hold the Rangers off. Kristen Bulkiewicz shined for the Warriors with 10 kills.

Next, WSU played No. 2 Minne-sota Duluth in a tense match. The first two sets went to the Bulldogs. The Warriors came back to take the second set, 25-23, because of a ser-vice error by Minnesota Duluth. The Bulldogs took the last set to win the match 3-1, led by Kate Lange, who had 27 kills.

On Sept. 14, WSU played No. 19, the University of Indianapolis and Lewis University.

It was a new day, but the same story for the Warriors. They got swept in straight sets against the Greyhounds. There inconsistent play would end up costing WSU the match.

Madison Reeves led the Warriors with 23 assists while Macy Steen-huysen had 13 digs.

The final game of the tournament saw WSU lose to Lewis University.

They put up a good fight and won the third set after losing the first two. Reeves had 40 assists along with the 15 kills from Bulkiewicz and Heather Weiss.

It wasn’t enough for WSU though. The Warriors took an early lead on the Flyers in the fourth set, but couldn’t hold on to Lewis University made a late run to take the set 25-21.

WSU opens up GLIAC play next week in Plainesville, Ohio. They will play Lake Erie College Sept. 20 at 7 p.m.

SEPT. 9 SEPT. 11 SEPT. 13 SEPT. 14





vs. findlay vs. NORTHWOOD vs. FERRIS STATE vs. grand valley






