SEO & Conversions 7.25.10


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Turning Web Visitors into Buyers

Designing Your Site for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Presented by Josh Ward

The Contest

You will need:


A desire to win a great book.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is communicating clearly to Google and site visitors what you are

about and that you are impor tant


A Conversion is when a website visitor does something that you want

them to do

CRO Fact Check

In 2001 the average conversion rate was 1.4%.

Now, 9 years later, it’s 1.9%.

What is a Conversion?

"Conversion rate is a measure of your ability to persuade

visitors to take the action you want them to take. It's a

ref lection of your effectiveness and customer satisfaction. For

you to achieve your goals, visitors must f irst achieve theirs."

--Jeffrey Eisenberg, Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?

How to Get a Conversion

Be Relevant.Be Credible.Be Easy.

What Visitors Want to Know

Is it Relevant?:Is this what I expect to see?Do they offer what I want?

Is it Credible?:Do they know what they’re talking about?Do other people like them?

Is it Easy?:What should I do now?How do I contact the company?

Conversion Goals

3 Major Types of Sites =

3 Different Conversion Goals

eCommerce Conversion

Lead Gen Conversion

Ad Conversion

CRO - The Basics

•Bring visitors to relevant, targeted pages•Get to the juicy bits•Clear & Concise headline•Remove clutter & navigation•Minimal reading - provide a link to more detail instead•Establish Trust

What elements should we put on landing pages to

establish trust?

Trust - Site consistency with ad

Destroy Trust - Complete Disconnect


Trust - Show a Phone Number

Trust - Credibility Images

Trust - Testimonials

LPO - PreFlight

•Does the form work? •Quality Assurance (links, IE 6 errors, etc.)•Can the server handle it?•Lots of eyeballs

•7-second rule (6 second, 5, 4...)

PreFlight - 7 Second Game

5 Questions

1.Who is the company?2.What are they trying to sell?3.Which ones get free shipping?4.What is the main Call to Action?5.Name one secondary Call to Action.

Tweet: @volacci #dcnyc8


•Who is the company?•What are they trying to sell?•What is the main Call to Action?•Secondary Calls to Action?•Which ones get free shipping?

PreFlight - 6 Second Game

5 Questions

1.Who is the company?2.What are they trying to sell?3.What is the average savings?4.What is the main Call to Action?5.Name one other option.

Tweet: @volacci #dcnyc8


•Who is the company?•What are they trying to sell?•What is the main Call to Action?•Secondary Calls to Action?•What is the average savings?

PreFlight - 5 Second Game

5 Questions

1.Who is the company?2.What are they trying to sell?3.What is the offer?4.What was the dollar amount to get free shipping?5.What is the Call to Action?

Tweet: @volacci #dcnyc8


•Who is the company?•What are they trying to sell?•What is the offer?•Dollar amount for free shipping?•What is the Call to Action?

PreFlight - 4 Second Game

5 Questions

1.Who is the company?2.What are they trying to sell?3.What is the offer?4.What am I supposed to do?5.What is the Call to Action?

Tweet: @volacci #dcnyc8


•Who is the company?•What are they trying to sell?•What is the offer?•What is the Call to Action?

?•What am I supposed to do?

And the winner is...

questions/feedback: @benf inklea /

ABCD - Always Be Collecting Data

•Leads•Checkout•eMails•Newsletter Sign ups•Phone Calls

What should you test?

How A/B Testing Works


2% 98%

1000 Visitors

3% 97%

500 V


s 500 Visitors

50% Improvement!

Installing Website Optimizer

Why SEO?

SEO magnetically attracts buyers who are highly motivated to do business

with you now.

Drupal SEO

Why Drupal for SEO?

Conf igurableEasy to UseClean CodeEasy Integration with 3rd Par ty ToolsFights Spam

Landing PagesBreadcrumbsCommunity FeaturesThriving ecosystemReady for the semantic web

Why Drupal for Conversions?

Drupal enables fantastically gorgeous websites that conver t visitors into

paying customers

Drupal SEO

Then shouldn’t we do SEO & Conversions on every Drupal website we


questions/feedback: @benf inklea /

“Anyone Can Cook.” -Chef Gusteau

“Anyone Can Drupal SEO.” -Ben

Drupal SEO Modules

• Global Redirect

• Google Analytics

• HTML Purif ier

• Mollom

• MetaTags (aka Nodewords)

• Page Title

• PathAuto

• Path Redirect

• Scheduler

• Search 404

• Drupal SEO Checklist

• New XML Sitemap

• Sitemap (Plain Text)

Drupal SEO Checklist

2 Free Chapters + Bonus:

SEO Checklist Module

questions/feedback: @benf inklea /

More Drupal SEO Modules I Like

questions/feedback: @benf inklea /


Taxonomy Title

Menu Attributes

Apache Solr

Open Calais

More Like This

Google Website Optimizer

SEO Friend

Drupal is the best platform on the planet for SEO!

“What if I do all that

and the site is still not making money Online?”

Volacci SEO Program

We wrote the book on Drupal SEO

Over 95% of clients achieve positive ROI within 1 year

We focus on both traff ic and conversions

Track record of success - HP, Acquia, Amazon, Inc Mag., eBay, service companies, ecommerce, etc.

Not time consuming (for you)

Volacci partner Program

• Drupal Designers/Dev/Programmers

• Get 5-10% referral fee each month

• Drop-ins for proposals & custom proposals

• Get up to 50% off your own SEO

• Awesome newsletters & free stuff

Drupal is the best platform on the planet for SEO!


Get 2 free Chapters & Ben’s Ultimate

Drupal SEO Module List:

questions/feedback: @benf inklea /
