Senior Thesis Concept Book



Senior Thesis Concepts

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Senior Thesis Concepts

Ashley Wang | Motion Designywang@c.ringling.eduRingling College of Art & Design


Concepts Flying Dandelion --- 2-3The Flower Fairy --- 4-6The pig --- 7-8One-Elephant Circus --- 9-10Animation Projection on Globe --- 11Stele Face --- 12-13X vs Y --- 14Unknown Creatures --- 15-16What Do Women Want? --- 17-18


Flying Dandelion

The flying dandelion is a metaphor of my life journey which towards self-actualization, towards appreciating different cultures, places I lived, peo-ple I met. Which warmed my soul and challenged me to do more with my life.

These international experiences also changed my view of life in the context of a much larger world. I am the seed of dandelion wherever I set my foot on, that place will be my home.


Flying Dandelion


The Flower Fairy

This is an illuminated puppet show animation base on the story I created as following:

There is a beautiful Flower Fairy lives on the earth. She is happy and lovely. She plans where to grow flowers and their blooming time. Sometimes she just scatters the flow-ers wherever she wants. Rain listens to her when to water the flowers. Birds are always around her and singing with her. She under-stands the language of the birds and other animals. One day, the birds told her the Evil Wind planned to destroy the beautiful world. At the end, the Flower Fairy sacrificed her-self and transformed to an invisible cover to save the flowers.


The Flower Fairy


One type of flowers in the animation


The Pigby Roald Dahl

In England once there lived a bigAnd wonderfully clever pig.To everybody it was plainThat Piggy had a massive brain.He worked out sums inside his head,There was no book he hadn’t read.He knew what made an airplane fly,He knew how engines worked and why.He knew all this, but in the endOne question drove him round the bend:He simply couldn’t puzzle outWhat LIFE was really all about.What was the reason for his birth?Why was he placed upon this earth?His giant brain went round and round.Alas, no answer could be found.Till suddenly one wondrous night.All in a flash he saw the light.He jumped up like a ballet dancer

And piggy with a mighty roar,Bashes the farmer to the floor…Now comes the rather grizzly bitSo let’s not make too much of it,Except that you must understandThat Piggy did eat Farmer Bland,He ate him up from head to toe,Chewing the pieces nice and slow.It took an hour to reach the feet,Because there was so much to eat,And when he finished, Pig, of course,Felt absolutely no remorse.Slowly he scratched his brainy headAnd with a little smile he said,“I had a fairly powerful hunch“That he might have me for his lunch.“And so, because I feared the worst, “I thought I’d better eat him first.”

And yelled, “By gum, I’ve got the answer!”“They want my bacon slice by slice“To sell at a tremendous price!“They want my tender juicy chops“To put in all the butcher’s shops!“They want my pork to make a roast“And that’s the part’ll cost the most!“They want my sausages in strings!“They even want my chitterlings!“The butcher’s shop! The carving knife!“That is the reason for my life!”Such thoughts as these are not designedTo give a pig great piece of mind.Next morning, in comes Farmer Bland,A pail of pigswill in his hand,

The Pig

This concept is my personal adaptation of the poem “ The Pig”. This is a wonderfully clever pig. One day she figured out the reason for her life. She is born for people’s meal. But she is not happy for her life destiny. She took the action first and ate the one who wanted her for lunch. And replaced the human life for her own sake.


The Pig


One-Elephant CircusThis animation will be funny and entertaining. It’s about this cute baby elephant how to practice his circus skills. It’s hard not to laugh when he dramatically falls off the ball.


Closeup shot of the fruits


Animation Projection on Globe Get fun with a great entertaining visual feast! Watching 3D animation playing in the air at night and people stand around the globe to embrace the happiness together.


Stele Face

It’s a muisc video with experimental live action and animation.

A girl walks into a cave. At beginning, the cave is empty. There is an open spacein the middle. Suddenly the music start playing and steles start growing in different speedaccording to the music. Steles has ancienthuman faces on the top. The girl stands in the center more arms growout like an octopus.

The steles have different movements by the music while growing taller. In a moment they twisted together, sometime they are grabbed by the girl and bended towards the girl.

The girl moves her body and arms by the rhythm of the music. She has the magic power. She can fly up, spread light into the cave and break steles. At the end, she destroys the cave and fly away till disappear in the air.


Stele Face



X vs Y This concept is to use the original objects from C4D to create the simple geometrical look 3D characters. The two main characters are competing with each other by showing their magic power to turn simple shapes to an amazing animation.

Unknown CreaturesThose are the creatures you’ve never seen on the earth. They constantly transform to different look in the animation.


Unknown Creatures


What Do Women Want?

This is my adaptation of the poem “What Do Women Want?”The red dress is her dream, desire, skin and bone. She cares little about things around her except what she wants. The red dress will take her to a world which is her own imagina-tion. And she wants to die in it.

What Do Women Want?by Kim Addonizio

I want a red dress.I want it flimsy and cheap,I want it too tight, I want to wear ituntil someone tears it off me.I want it sleeveless and backless,this dress, so no one has to guesswhat’s underneath. I want to walk downthe street past Thrifty’s and the hardware storewith all those keys glittering in the window,past Mr. and Mrs. Wong selling day-olddonuts in their café, past the Guerra brothersslinging pigs from the truck and onto the dolly,hoisting the slick snouts over their shoulders.I want to walk like I’m the onlywoman on earth and I can have my pick.I want that red dress bad.I want it to confirmyour worst fears about me,to show you how little I care about youor anything except whatI want. When I find it, I’ll pull that garmentfrom its hanger like I’m choosing a bodyto carry me into this world, throughthe birth-cries and the love-cries too,and I’ll wear it like bones, like skin,it’ll be the goddamneddress they bury me in.


What Do Women Want?