Self Syllable


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  • 8/20/2019 Self Syllable


    Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) -4

    Read the passage given in SAQ1 and pick out the words which are not stressed . Write them in

    the space given below.








    What did you observe ?


    ou must have reali!ed that only "unctional words which are not essential for meaning making  #

    in a sentence# are usually uttered $uickly in clusters without any stress .

    Weak Forms

    %ow we have be"ore us another interesting and crucial aspect o" &nglish rhythm . So "ar you have

    studied that the 'ontent words are stressed and uttered more clearly than the "unctional words

    which have to be uttered $uickly so as to maintain the characteristic rhythm o" &nglish. While

    speaking # these unstressed words can be reali!ed in two "orms (weak form or strong form . A

    knowledge and ability to make use o" the weak "orms o" unstressed syllables is very essential i" you

    want to catch the &nglish rhythm .

    )iven below is a table containing the weak "orms o" some o" the most commonly used "unctional

    words with e*amples.Read them aloud and practice.

    Strong and Weak forms of repositions !Articles ! "on#unctions and Au$iliar% Words


    Word Strong Weak &$ample

  • 8/20/2019 Self Syllable


    to tu( t+ , want to sleep

    for  " ɔ(-r "+-r /his pen is "or you

    from "r ɒm "r+m Where are you "rom ?

    into   ɪntu(   ɪnt+ /he boy 0umped into the lake

    of    ɒv +-v rindavan is on the bank o" amuna.

    as 2! +! 3as white as cotton3

    at 2t +t She is at the door.

    "'*+,*"'*S A*D R'*',*S

    Word Strong Form Weak Form &$ample

    and nd +nd# +n# n       ̩ Sonia and 4ari are playing.

    ut bʌt b+t 5ut "or the sugarthe tea was good.

    than 62n 6+n Ravi is taller than Suman.

    that 67t 6+t /hat is my class.

    %ou  0u( 0+ Would you like to 0oin us ?

    %our    ʊ+# 0ɔ( 08-r What is your name?

    her  hɜ(-r -h+-r9 )ive this assignment to her.


    Word Strong Form Weak Form &$ample

    a 2# eɪ +9 5ring me a cup o" tea.

    an 2n +n 4e is having an orange "or break "ast.

    the 6i( 6+# 6i /his is the best "ilm o" the year.

    A,/.AR0 W'RDS

    Word Strong Form Weak Form &$ample

    do du( d+ Where do you live?

    are   ɑ( +-r9 :ai and ;ehak are here.

    was wɒ! w+! , was $uite interested.

    were wɜ( w+-r /hey were boredwould wʊd w+d She said she would be here.

    could kʊd k+d What could , do?

    should   ʃʊd