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Self Study Report (SSR Cycle-2)

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 2


This is to certify that Prananath College (Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha fulfills all norms.

1. Stipulated by the affiliating university and/or 2. Regulatory Council/Body such as UGC and 3. The affiliation and recognition is valid as on 30.11.2015.

It is noted that NAAC’s accreditation if granted shall stands cancelled automatically, once the institution loses its University affiliation or recognition by the Regulatory Council, as the case may be.

In case the undertaking submitted by the institution is found to be false then the accreditation given by the NAAC is liable to be withdrawn. It is also agreeable that the undertaking given to NAAC will be displayed on the college website.

Date : 30.11.2015 Dr. Ch. Pratap Kumar Das Place : Prananath College (Autonomous) Principal Khordha (Odisha) Prananath College(Autonomous)


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 3


It is a rare opportunity to submit the Self-Study Report (SSR) of Prananath College (Autonomous) for ratification by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). This is an exercise in documenting a clear picture of this institution which had been accreditated in the 1st Cycle at level ‘A’ for which we are highly indebted to NAAC. This college is among the premier Aided colleges of the state and has been involved in policy modification at the state level.

The NAAC has empowered us by giving an extremely detailed tool for self examination and in this context our teams have tried their best to document the achievements of the institution. We take this opportunity to be assessed by the NAAC while reiterating our commitment to greater human values through institutional strength.

Dr. Ch. Pratap Kumar Das Principal

Prananath College(Autonomous) Khordha

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 4


The EMBLEM epitomises a glorious past, a dynamic present and hopeful future

The SWORD with the SHIELD is redolent of the great tradition and heroic past of Orissa

The HILLS symbolise strength and stability The open BOOK beside the LAMP signifies dissemination of knowledge The ATOM stands for scientific and technological advancement The Vedic maxim. “UTTISTHATA YAAGRATA PRAAPYA VARAAN

NIBODHATE” (Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached) symbolising the call to the youth.

Establishment : JULY 1959

Affiliation (Permanent) : 1959-60 Vide Letter No. A/SD/57847 Dt.14.09.1959 (Utkal University, Bhubaneswar)

UGC Recognition : Under 2F : July 1969 : Under 12 B : July 1972

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 5


To empower the youth ensuring physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual

growth through quality education and leverage this college into a vibrant

centre of learning and research, culminating in a University.



(i) To provide access to higher education to the youth.

(ii) To provide a platform for the growth of scientific spirit and literary

sensibility, professional competence, social and spiritual growth enabling

the learners to exceed individual and social expectations.

(iii) To promote vocational competence and professional excellence through

implementation of need-based programmes in addition to the traditional

ones to address the challenges in a fast changing world.

(iv) To foster and establish multidisciplinary research.

(v) To adopt a holistic approach for social justice and equity.

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A. Foreword 3-5 B. Executive Summary – The SWOC analysis 7-12 C. Profile 13-21

D. Criterion-wise analytical Report Criterion-I : Curricular Aspects 22-30

Criterion-II : Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 31-56 Criterion-III : Research, Consultancy and Extension 57-95

Criterion-IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources 96-108 Criterion-V : Students Support and Progression 109-128

Criterion-VI : Governance Leadership and Management 129-150 Criterion-VII : Innovations and Best Practices 151-158

E. Evaluative Report of Departments 159-320 Appendix 321-337 Annexure Graph


A note on SSR

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Writing of Self-Study Report is basically a deep study of the strength and the weaknesses of an institution. This study leads the stakeholders to realize the innate strength which sometimes stays unrealized and work on the weakness to be redressed. SSR for the cycle 2 holds special importance because of the structure already determined during the earlier cycle.

Prananath College (Autonomous) – accredited A by NAAC and awarded CPE (Centre with Potential for Excellence) by UGC, is a destination for learners from all parts of Odisha and the contiguous states. Taking the available resources and policies into consideration, this 57 year old college has emerged from extremely humble beginnings to a burgeoning institution spreading quality education steeped in values and enabling employability to its students. The single minded effort of Late Prananath Pattnaik and his team of Freedom Fighters put up with all adversities to establish this college in 1959.

In this long journey of 57 years the college has added Under Graduate classes in Science, Humanities and Commerce. With a mere 64 students and 07 members of faculty in 1959 the college started its voyage. It began its operation with Psychology, Political Science, History and Economics in 1960’s. English, Education, Philosophy, Commerce, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biological Sciences began in the early 70’s. Subjects like Electronics, Geography, M.Sc. Computer Science and M.A. in PM & IR were opened in 2009-10. Geology, B.Sc. Computer Science, BBA and Sanskrit were introduced during the years 2010-15. At present, the college has grown to a strength of 3812 students and 125 members of faculty. This growth of almost 50 times in 57 years can be attributed to enhancement in infrastructure, creation of faculty positions and opening of new subject options. The college has submitted application for Post Graduate programs in Rural Development, Education and Commerce in 2013, which are yet to be approved. Applications for MFC, MJMC, Honours in Anthropology, Sociology and Home Science have also been submitted. Keeping in mind the national priority, the college has also applied to open B.Voc. Courses and has submitted a proposal to the Government to leverage it into a University.

Emerging out of a rural background, the college has taken great strides in gross enrollment of students of the area. This factor has also encouraged us to fine tune the syllabi to suit local needs.

The greatest strength of the college is its members of faculty. With 125 members of teaching staff and an equal number of support staff, this college commits itself to the overall growth of its students. Members of faculty are part of various professional, academic and cultural bodies like IIPA, AIR, SAMS society, SRCs, Curriculum Committees and Boards of Studies etc.

The community stakeholders form another pillar of strength for the college. A Government approved Governing Body (Managing Committee) looks after the administrative needs of the college. This 13 member body has in it representatives of all segments of the society. Local appointments, sanction of earned leave, disciplinary proceedings, infrastructural investments, legal aspects and performance appraisals of staff are some of the basic duties of the Managing Committee.

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Planning of curricula is done by the Academic Committee in sync with UGC norms. Flexibility is offered in terms of choice of subjects. With the introduction of CBCS, the choice base has expanded. Impact of curricula is monitored through feedback from all stakeholders.

Admission of students is regulated by a state-wide network called Students Academic Management System (SAMS). Apart from statutory reservations, SAMS also accommodates diversity by encouraging students from nearby states. The college on its own offers concessional admission fees to girl students, students from the scheduled castes/ tribes, SEBC and sports persons. The total number of beneficiaries is 3085 in the UG classes.

The quality and availability of teachers in the college is enviable. The motivation level of all faculty members forms the core of the teaching-learning process. The academic cycle culminates in a two–tier evaluation process of the scripts which are coded. The success rate has been consistently above 90%. Learning outcomes are reviewed in year-end staff meetings and subsequent placements.

The percentage of success of our students has been rising in the last few years on account of intensive teaching and academic support to weaker learners. The pass percentage in Arts is 92 with 66.2% in first class, in Science it is 92 with 88.37 % in first class and in Commerce it has been 97%. In the Post Graduate Section of M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.) and PG in PMIR the success rate is almost 100%. Apart from the academic commitments our students excel in various socio-cultural forums like – Sports Clubs, Voluntary Organizations, Martial Art Clubs, Dance and Music and Heritage Preservation initiatives.

An environment of encouraging new learning is ensured through research, seminars and workshops. Members of faculty on active research are around 40% and funding for these activities is done principally from UGC and CPE grants. IT infrastructure and examiner remunerations for project activities of students are provided by the college. With more than 1000 student projects every year, it involves all members of faculty as well as external examiners. Research infrastructure is provided in the form of a well stocked library with INFLIBNET, laboratories with some advance equipments, a Resource Centre and able peer guidance. Apart from the in-house ISBN numbered research journal MANJARI, members of faculty have wide publication records to the tune of around 300. Departments of Commerce and Odia have their own journals.

Along with academic commitments, the college has a diverse group of near about 15% students actively involved in extension activities and volunteering. In various aspects of institutional life we are proud to partner with various organizations like Lions’ club, Rotary club, different Voluntary Agencies, Research Institutes and Industries. The extended campus of 75 acres has a total built-up area of 12488.92 sq. mtrs, 355.11 sq. mtrs of Library, 1098.97 sq. mtrs of Laboratories, 2531.78 sq mtrs. of Class Rooms, 4336.71 sq. mtrs. of Office/ Establishment and 4166.35 sq. mtrs of Hostel Building which constitute the physical infrastructure. Construction of Indoor Stadium is under progress inside the campus. While one ladies hostel already has roof top solar panels, the college is planning to install solar panels in collaboration with OREDA on most of the rooftops. An MOU with CPWD has resulted in the beginning of construction of a 4645 sq. mtrs building to be used for academics and research. A

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Second boys hostel is at the drawing-board level. Existing hostels accommodate near about 400 boarders.

Power is ensured through three utility supply lines and two 40 KVA and 20KVA DG sets. Two leased lines for internet connectivity, a LAN and 86 Computer systems look after the IT needs. A holding of 63360 books, 43 Journals 500 CD’s and an INFLIBNET subscription form the main intellectual infrastructure. The college uses IT in all sections and cells like Admission, Examination, Accounts, Library, Students’ Union and in teaching and learning. Dedicated teams are assigned to maintain various infrastructural facilities.

The college has an effective system of mentoring through teachers assigned at the departmental level. The proctorial system is a support mechanism of mentoring. All members of faculty have 36 students on an average as mentees. Cell phone numbers and e-mail IDs of mentors-mentees are shared. Counseling and academic mentoring are done both in the departments and by the counseling cell. Students are alerted about such activities through short messaging service.The communication lab is the hub of counseling and training. The college website and the calendar contain details of all activities in the college.

Around 2120 students have benefitted from concession and free ships offered by the Managing Committee and the Principal. The percentage of students getting government scholarships is more than 25%. Almost 41.5% of our students are from the scheduled castes/ tribes, backward classes, minorities and persons with disability. Each one of these students is given adequate support by the college. Five annual magazines are dedicated to students’ creativity apart from Wall Magazines in the departments. Almost 500 students participate in 33 categories of sports/ games and a similar number in volunteer activities like NCC, NSS, YRC, Rovers and Rangers, Eco-Club, Quality Volunteers and Students Union activities. The Training and Placement cell has been able to train more than 1000 students and find placements for more than 10% of the general undergraduates. The professional courses like M.Sc (Comp. Sc.) and PG (PMIR) have found 100% placement. The Alumni Association is a vital link in placement of students.

Apart from academic activities, the college ensures cohesion of all stakeholders through cultural and memorial functions spread through the year. College Commemoration Day ( 28th Jan), Smruti (3rd/ 4th April), Prananath Jayanti and State level music competition ( 16th / 17th November), Annual Alumni Meet (27th/28th Jan.) and Students Union function are the occasions leading to assertion of the mission of the institution. The built-in mechanism of fostering leadership among staff and students takes place through mentoring and strategy of assigning clear job-roles. Probably because of the cohesion of the institutional family that the various grievance redressal cells like gender, ragging, staff etc. have hardly got any complaints though there is a robust mechanism in place. Added to these there are many welfare measures for non-teaching staff. As a recent 2015 Ernst and Young-World Bank study has pointed out, Prananath College (Auto) is at the very top of income-expenditure graph. All spheres of the institution including its governance get input from the IQAC ensuring quality benchmarks.

While teaching-learning, cultural activities, and training-placement are the main planks of institutional growth, the college has a unique advantage in terms of its geo-physical location. The Barunei hills form the ecological background of the campus. Soon after the devastation caused by successive cyclonic storms in 2011 and

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2013, a conscious decision was taken to go for massive plantation and this drive covered 10 acres in two patches over and above the yearly event called Vanamohatsav in July every year. The Social Forestry Dept. of the government collaborated with the college to tend the saplings while protection is provided by the college. A solar photovoltaic array has been installed atop the JJR ladies hostel and fly-ash bricks are being used for all constructions in campus.

This college is committed to excellence in all vertices of its activities. In this regard practices like institution of Gold Medals for best graduates by members of faculty, inclusion of students in statutory and functional cells, felicitation to eminent alumni and creation of a team of Quality Volunteers go a long way to create a special niche for itself. We got accreditation of NAAC in 2006 at the ‘A’ level. Emerging from a semi-urban location, committed to enhance factors like gender equity and students from the socially and economically disadvantaged classes. We have undertaken this journey for the the last 57 years despite adversities. We hope to emerge as an even stronger hub of education with a positive and encouraging accreditation report from the honoured peer team.

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STRENGTH 1. The college is entrenched in local

aspirations. 2. Strong community stakeholders

(Socio-political support). a) Alumni b) Parents c) Students 3. Vast campus and Physical

Infrastructure 4. Excellent Connectivity 5. Large student enrollment 6. Qualified and experienced faculty 7. Use of ICT 8. Autonomous Status 9. College with Potential for

Excellence 10. Support of the state in terms of

policy 11. Adequate support staff. 12. Highly disciplined students. 13. Well stocked library. 14. Training and placement. 15. Total transparency in operations.


1. Restricted autonomy in developing need based curricula.

2. Low development fees. 3. Teacher training

a) Goal b) clarity c) Leadership/vision

4. Penetration of technology into teaching-learning.

5. Infrastructure a) Upgradation of Computer Laboratories b) Separate Classroom accommodation for P.G. courses c) Additional hostel for boys.

6. High cost maintenance of available facilities

7. Low placement of students. 8. Student-teacher ratio (47:1) 9. Frequent Teacher transfer.

OPPORTUNITY 1. Cross-fertilization of ideas. 2. Involvement of students in

curricular/co-curricular activities. 3. Establishing chairs (honorary

experts) 4. Talent optimization. 5. Students’ societies and clubs. 6. Small group activities under

mentorship. 7. 75 acres of land for expansion. 8. Surrounded by technical and

professional colleges.(Institutional linkages)

9. Situated amid an industrial cluster.(Industrial linkages)

10. Large and well placed alumni pool.

11. Convert into a University under current education reforms.

CHALLENGES 1. Competition from colleges in the

private sector. 2. Irrelevance of traditional subjects

and teaching methods. 3. Large classes (more than 128 per

section) – loss of individual attention.

4. Induction of unmotivated teachers (Teacher Selection process).

5. Mushroom growth of teaching shops (Tuition and coaching centres).

6. Irrational teacher transfers. 7. Official impediments in opening

new subjects/getting permission and affiliation.

8. Constraint in funding : (i) Fees, (ii) Govt. Funds, (iii) From other sources & Fines


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The college has evolved on the basis of its historical roots starting in 1959. It

has grown to its present status on the strength of community support, consistent

performance and clear commitment to 360⁰ learning. However the weaknesses of the

college cannot be ignored while the world around us is changing fast, in terms of all

round development of students, teachers and the organization. The college has missed

out to certain extent due to the perceived weaknesses. Introduction of need based

courses, skill sets and training of teachers, welfare of the students and above all,

penetration of technology are some of the grey areas. Factors which clearly offer

opportunities are the possibility of talent and infrastructure optimization, availability

of academic, industrial and socio-political support. The threats which loom large on

the advancement of the college can be issues like obsolescence of the curricula and

teaching methods, official impediments, irrational teacher transfer and uncontrolled

growth of teaching shops resulting in loss of student focus.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 13

PROFILE OF THE AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE 1. Name and Address of the College:



City : KHORDHA Pin : 752057 State : ODISHA

Website :

2. For communication :

Designation Name Telephone

with STD Code

Mobile Fax Email

Principal Dr. Ch. P.K. Das




Vice Principal

Mr. Deepak Kumar Mohanty




Steering Committee Co-ordinator

Prof. Sunil Kumar Patnaik




3. Status of the Autonomous College by management.

I Government II Private : Private III Constituent College of the University

4. Name of University to which the College is Affiliated : Utkal University, Odisha

5. a. Date of establishment, prior to the grant of ‘Autonomy’ : July, 1959 b. Date of grant of ‘Autonomy’ to the College by UGC: 24.01.2006

Annexure-I 6. Type of Institution:

a. By Gender i. For Men

ii. For Women iii. Co-education

b. By Shift i. Regular

ii. Day iii. Evening

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 14

c. Source of funding i. Government

i. Grant-in-aid ii. Self-financing

iii. Any other (Please specify)

7. It is a recognized minority institution?

Yes No

If yes, specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/ any other) and provide documentary evidence.

8. a. Details of UGC recognition:

Under Section Date, Month & Year


Remarks(If any)

i. 2 (f) July 1969

ii. 12 (B) July 1972

(Enclose the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act) Annexure-II

b. Details of recognition/approval by statutory/regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI etc.) NA

Under Section/ clause

Day, Month and Year (dd-mm-yyyy) Validity

Programme/ institution Remarks


ii. NA NA NA

iii. NA NA NA

iv. NA NA NA

(Enclosed the Certificate of recognition/approval) 9. Has the college recognized

a. By UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? Yes No

If yes, date of recognition: 24.08.2011 b. For its contributions / performance by any other governmental agency?

Yes No If yes, Name of the agency …………………… and

Date of recognition: …………………… (dd/mm/yyyy)

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10. Location of the campus and area :

Location* Semi-urban Campus area in sq. mts. or acres 301200.66 sq.mts.

Built up area in sq. mts. 11826.81 sq.mts. (* Urban, Semi-urban, Rural, Tribal, Hilly Area, Any others specify)

11. Does the College have the following facilities on the campus (Tick the available facility)? In case the College has an agreement with other agencies in using such facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement.

Auditorium/seminar complex One Auditorium with all amenities

Sports facilities * play ground 02 * swimming pool

* gymnasium 01

Hostel * Boys’ hostels 01

* Girls’ hostels 03

Residential facilities * for teaching staff 04

* for non teaching staff 07

Cafeteria 03

Health centre –

* First aid facility * Inpatient facility

* Outpatient facility * Ambulance facility

* Emergency care facility Health centre staff-

* Qualified doctor Full time Part-time * Qualified Nurse Full time Part-time

* Other facilities o Bank

o ATM o post office

o book shops

o Wi-Fi


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 16

Transport facilities : Public Transport * for students

* for staff

Power house

Waste management facility

12. Details of programmes offered by the institution : 2015-16 Sl. No.

Programme Level

Name of the Programme/ Course

Duration Entry Qualification

Medium of instruction

Sanctioned/ approved student intake

No. of students admitted in the Current session (2015-16)

1. UG i. Arts ii. Science iii. Commerce

3 Yrs +2 English & Odia

432 352 416

474* 420* 458*

2. PG i. Comp. Sc. ii. PMIR

2 Yrs +3 English & Odia

32 32

17 09

3. Integrated Masters


4. M. Phil. - 5. Ph.D. - 6. Integrated

Ph.D. -

7. Certificate - 8. Diploma - 9. PG

Diploma -

10. Any other (Please specify)

BBA Comp. Sc.

3 Yrs +2 English & Odia

60 64

18 57

* The Data furnished in the table are calculated with respect to the admission in to +3 1st Year i.e. 2015-16 session.

* Number of students admitted that shown in the table is more than the intake capacity due to temporary enhancement of (10% or 20% as deemed fit) seats as per the Odisha Govt. order.

13. Does the institution offer self-financed Programmes?

Yes No If yes, how many?

14. Whether new programmes have been introduced during the last five years?

Yes No If yes, Number



KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 17

15. List the departments: ( Do not list facilities like library, Physical Education as departments unless these are teaching departments and offer programmes to students)

Particulars Number

Number of Students (1st Yr, 2nd Yr. & 3rd Yr

taken together) Science

Under Graduate

(Phy., Chem., Math., Bot., Zool., Geog., Geol., Elect.) 08 1038 Post Graduate - Research centre(s) -


Under Graduate (Eng., Odia, Edn., Phil., Eco., Hist., Psy., Sans., Pol. Sc.,

Soc.) 10 1295 Post Graduate Research centre(s)


Under Graduate

(Commerce) 01 1285 Post Graduate Research centre(s)

Any Other (please specify) Under Graduate (B.Sc. Comp. Sc. & BBA) 02 145 Post Graduate (M.Sc. Comp. Sc. & PMIR) 02 49 Research centre(s)

16. Are there any UG and/or PG programmes offered by the College, which are not

covered under Autonomous status of UGC? Give details. No

17. Number of Programmes offered under (Programme means a degree course like BA, MA, B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Com. etc.)

a. annual system

b. semester system

c. trimester system

18. Number of Programmes with

a. Choice Based Credit System

b. Inter/Multidisciplinary Approach

c. Any other ( specify )







KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 18

19. Unit Cost of Education (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total number of students enrolled ) (a) including the salary component Rs.18,850/-

(b) excluding the salary component


20. Does the College have a department of Teacher Education offering NCTE

recognized degree programmes in Education? Yes No

If yes, a. How many years of standing does the department have?

……… years

b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No.: …………………………………… Date: …………………………… (dd/mm/yyyy)

c. Is the department opting for assessment and accreditation separately? Yes No

21. Does the College have a teaching department of Physical Education offering

NCTE recognized degree programmes in Physical Education? Yes No

If yes, a. How many years of standing does the department have?

……… years

b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No.: ………………………………… Date: …………………………… (dd/mm/yyyy)

c. Is the department opting for assessment and accreditation separately? Yes No

22. Whether the College is offering professional programme? Yes No

If yes, please enclose approval / recognition details issued by the statutory body governing the programme.

Recognition letters annexed


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23. Has the College been reviewed by any regulatory authority? If so, furnish a copy of the report and action taken there upon.

UGC has undertaken a review of this college and sanctioned the status of College with Potential for Excellence (CPE).

Extension of Autonomy reviewed by UGC and extension granted. Annexure-IV

24. Number of teaching and non-teaching positions in the College

Positions Teaching faculty Non-

teaching staff

Technical staff Professor Associate

Professor (Reader)

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)

*M *F *M *F *M *F *M *F *M *F Sanctioned by the UGC / University /State Government

Recruited 28 21 27 25 20 08 03 00 Yet to recruit 02 Nil

Sanctioned by the Management/society or other authorized bodies

Recruited 15 09 32 04 01 - Yet to recruit - - - - - -

25. Qualifications of the teaching staff

Highest qualification

Professor Associate Professor (Reader)

Assistant Professor (Lecturer) Total

Male Female Male Female Male Female Permanent teachers D.Sc./D.Litt. Ph.D. 17 09 08 08 42 M.Phil. 06 04 09 12 31 P.G. 05 08 21 11 45 Temporary teachers Ph.D. 01 01 M.Phil. 01 02 03 P.G. 03 00 03 Part-time teachers Ph.D. M.Phil. P.G.

26. Number of Visiting Faculty/ Guest Faculty engaged by the College. 04

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27. Students enrolled in the College during the current academic year, with the following details:

Students UG PG


From the state where the College is located 2039 1708 25 24

From other states of India 07 09 Nil Nil

NRI students Nil Nil Nil Nil

Foreign students Nil Nil Nil Nil

Total 2046 1717 25 24 *M-Male F-Female

28. Dropout rate in UG and PG (average for the last two batches) UG PG

29. Number of working days during the last academic year.

30. Number of teaching days during the last academic year

31. Is the College registered as a study centre for offering distance education programmes for any University?

Yes No If yes, provide the

a. Name of the University b. Is it recognized by the Distance Education Council?

Yes No c. Indicate the number of programmes offered.

32. Provide Teacher-student ratio for each of the programme/course offered

B.Sc. 1:21 B.A. 1:25 B.Com. 1:96

33. Is the College applying for? Accréditation : Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4



Nil 4.5%



2 3 0

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34. Date of accreditation* (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4 and re-assessment only) Cycle 1: 02.02.2006 Accreditation outcome/results : Grade ‘A’

Annexure-V 35. a. Date of establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)


b. Dates of submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs). (i) AQAR for year 2007-08 on 17.03.2015

(ii) AQAR for year 2008-09 on 17.03.2015

(iii) AQAR for year 2009-10 on 17.03.2015

(iv) AQAR for year 2010-11 on 17.03.2015

(v) AQAR for year 2011-12 on 17.03.2015

(vi) AQAR for year 2012-13 on 04.04.2015

(vii) AQAR for year 2013-14 on 02.11.2015

(viii) AQAR for year 2014-15 on 04.11.2015

36. Any other relevant data, the College would like to include. (Not exceeding one page)

1. Addition of capacity of 195 sq mtrs through M.P. LAD fund for 350 students.

2. Addition of capacity of 289.11 sq mtrs through college fund for 400 students.

3. Addition of capacity in the Library & Principal’s Office.

4. Construction of Indoor Stadium is in progress. 5. The College has initiated construction of Academic Building of 4645 sq.

mtrs. through Central Public Works Department (CPWD).

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CRITERIA - WISE INPUTS CRITERION I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1 Curriculum Design and Development 1.1.1 How are the institutional vision / mission reflected in the academic

programmes of the College? The central concern of the institutional vision & mission is to empower the youth ensuring physical, moral, intellectual & spiritual growth through quality education. The college provides 23 academic options in 4 streams.

(i) 08 options in Science (ii) 10 options in Humanities (iii) 01 in commerce (iv) 04 professional course (M.A in PMIR, M.Sc. in Comp.Sc., B.Sc. in

Comp. Sc. Hons & BBA) All the programmes offered have special components related to

contemporary needs. Equitable development of stakeholders ensured through mechanism of

(i) reservation (ii) scholarship (iii) fee waivers (iv) hostel facility (v) awards, prizes and medals.

Incentives like paid leave and research fellowships are offered to foster faculty improvement.

A multi-disciplinary resource centre has been set up. Institutional social responsibility is ensured through out-reach activities

through NSS, NCC, Rovers & Rangers, Youth Red-Cross units.

1.1.2 Describe the mechanism used in the design and development of the curriculum? Give details on the process. (Need Assessment, Feedback, etc) The Academic Council of the college approves the Boards of Studies of all the departments. The Boards of studies design and develop the curricula taking into

account the University Curricula, UGC guidelines and perceived need of the students.

The need of employability is kept in mind through regular updation of syllabi.

Students feedback is taken by members of faculty while suggesting improvement in curricula.

The curricula get fine tuned in department meetings and the views of the members are sent to the Boards of Studies.

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In this process obsolete portions are deleted and contemporary content introduced by the Boards of Studies.

1.1.3 How does the College involve industry, research bodies, and civil society in the curriculum design and development process? How did the College benefit through the involvement of the stakeholders?

The Boards of Studies of various departments are composed of two external subject experts (not below the rank of Associate Professor), three members of department faculty, one representative from industry/ corporate sector, an Alumnus and a students’ representative.

A representative of employers from the industry and corporate sectors enhances the employability of students.

External senior professors bring in their research experience in framing the curricula.

Suggestions of all members of Boards of Studies form the modification in curricula to the extent allowed by UGC norms.

This mechanism ultimately benefits the learners.

1.1.4 How are the following aspects ensured through curriculum design and development? ∗ Employability

Curriculum designing & development has ensured employability of the students.

Participation of faculty in inter-institutional training & development programmes result in current input to students.

Such findings ultimately find their way into curriculum design.

Steps in this regard have resulted in introduction of job oriented courses like Honours in electronics, Honours in Computer Science, P.G. in PMIR and Computer Science.

∗ Innovation

Inputs for innovation and research to the students are given through a mandatory participation in seminars and project work of all Undergraduate & Post graduate students under teacher guidance.

An annual science exhibition encourages innovation in students. Students of psychology also participate in such exhibition.

∗ Research

Software designing after thorough research is a part of project work for the Computer Science students.

1.1.5 How does College ensure that the curriculum developed address the needs of the society and have relevance to the regional / national developmental needs? Participation of industry in the upgradation of syllabi results in overall

societal development.

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Since the institution follows the curricula suggested by UGC/Utkal University, the alteration is limited to 20%.

The modified component includes history of Freedom Struggle in Khordha.

Translation studies ensure national reach.

Environmental studies and population studies form the basis of a nation-wide vision.

Financial Management & marketing ensure skill of employability for commerce students.

Research mode is ensured through mandatory submission of project.

1.1.6 To what extent does the College use the guidelines of the regulatory bodies for developing or restructuring the curricula? Has the College been instrumental in leading any curricular reform which has created a national impact?

The overall principles of curriculum design are guided by the parameters of the ideal curricula determined by the University Grants Commission.

The syllabi of the affiliating university also set guidelines.

The Boards of Studies introduce modifications and addition in the curricula taking students’ needs and contemporary findings into account.

The practice of introducing local history and local content in curricula is relevant in the national context.

1.2 Academic Flexibility 1.2.1 Give details on the following provisions with reference to academic

flexibility a. Core / Elective options

Core subjects offered to freshers as follows : All Honours subjects distributed stream-wise. Indian Society and Culture offered to all VI Semester students. Computer Application offered to all Humanities and Commerce

students in 1st Semester. Mathematics and English are integral parts of the BBA Syllabi. Biology as an elective offered to the students of Physical Sciences. Mathematics as an elective offered to the students of Biological


Environmental Studies is a compulsory course in all UG classes across streams.

Elective options are available in 19 subjects depending on streams.

CBCS offers more flexibility in term of choice of papers.

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b. Enrichment courses

Compulsory English Communication classes for 1st and 2nd Semester students.

Paid classes for English Communication for III, IV and V semester students.

Biotechnology as major elective offered to students of Biological Sciences.

c. Courses offered in modular form Not available

d. Credit transfer and accumulation facility The college does not have provision of credit transfer and accumulation, as a policy to this effect is yet to be finalized by the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Odisha. However, CBCS is introduced from the session 2015-16.

e. Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programmes and courses

Flexibility is offered only at the time of admission into the Undergraduate classes.

A student of science in Higher Secondary has the option to join any of the three programmes (Science/Humanities/ Commerce).

A student of Commerce in Higher Secondary level is allowed to join in the Humanities and vice-versa.

Mobility across colleges and courses is regulated by the affiliating university.

Mobility from Commerce and Humanities is allowed on request during the 1st Semester.

1.2.2 Have any courses been developed specially targeting international students? If so, how successful have they been? If ‘no’, explain the impediments.

At present no courses have been developed specially for international students.

The college has not received any expression of interest from international students.

1.2.3 Does the College offer dual degree and twinning programmes? If yes, give details. There is no provision of dual-degree at present.

1.2.4 Does the College offer self-financing programmes? If yes, list them and indicate if policies regarding admission, fee structure, teacher qualification and salary are at par with the aided programmes? Yes, the college at present offers 4 self-financing courses. Two self-financing courses at Post graduate level (M.A. in PM & IR

and M.Sc. in Computer Science, 32 seats each)

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Two self-financing courses at undergraduate level (B.Sc. in Computer Science with 32 seats & BBA with 60 seats)

The college has applied for opening of 3 more self-financing courses : M.A. in Education, M.Com. and M.A. in Rural Development.

Admission to self-financing courses is done on the basis of merit.

The fee structure has been arrived at after consultation with all the stakeholders and taking into consideration the financial background of the students.

The fee structure is decided by the Prospectus Committee of the college at the beginning of the academic session.

Required qualifications for faculty position are at par with the National Parameters.

The salary structure of the faculty in self-financing course reflects the fees charged for such courses.

1.2.5 Has the College adopted the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)? If yes, how many programmes are covered under the system?

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) has been introduced from the current session 2015-16.

Four programmes are under CBCS.

1.2.6 What percentage of programmes offered by the College follows: ∗ Annual system ∗ Semester system ∗ Trimester system

The entire undergraduate and post graduate programmes of the college follow semester system.

1.2.7 What is the policy of the College to promote inter-disciplinary programmes? Name the programmes and what is the outcome? It has been the policy of the management of the college to promote inter-disciplinary programmes in keeping pace with the current trend.

The college has introduced the following inter-disciplinary programmes.

M.A. in PM & IR with components from Psychology, Management Labour Law and statistics.

Under Graduate syllabus has a component of Indian Society & Culture.

Under Graduate Commerce stream has a course in Environment Education.

The college has begun BBA programme which has subjects like English and Mathematics.

The college has also applied for opening of inter-disciplinary programmes like MA in Rural Development.

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The outcome of these programmes has been encouraging in the sense that the employability & placement of the students has gone-up.

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 How often is the curriculum of the College reviewed for making it socially relevant and/or job oriented / knowledge intensive and meeting the emerging needs of students and other stakeholders?

Reviewed at the beginning of all academic sessions.

The performance of students reviewed at the end of the session.

Inclusion of new components is done by the Boards of Studies based on the suggestion of the reviewed meetings.

With the introduction of CBCS, the curricula have become more relevant in terms of employability and social responsibility.

Introduction of Gandhian thought, History and Technology, Gene studies, Current Accounting practices, Mathematical modeling and translation and journalistic writing are examples of such relevance.

1.3.2 How many new programmes at have been introduced UG and PG level during the last four years? Mention details. ∗ Interdisciplinary ∗ programmes in emerging areas

B.Sc. (Honours) in Geography with affiliated strength - 16.

B.Sc. (Honours) in Geology with affiliated strength - 24

B.Sc. (Honours) in Computer Science with affiliated strength – 64.

B.A. (Elective) in Sociology with affiliated strength – 16.

M.Sc. in Computer Science with affiliated strength - 32

M.A. in PMIR with affiliated strength – 32.

B.A. (Honours) in Sanskrit with affiliated strength – 24.

BBA with affiliated strength – 60. These 8 new programmes have been introduced during the last 5 years. Among the above courses like B.Sc.(Computer Science), M.Sc. (Computer Science) and PMIR are based on inter disciplinary approach. Students attend classes in Mathematics and English.

1.3.3 What are the strategies adopted for revision of the existing programmes? What percentage of courses underwent a major syllabus revision?

The Institution monitors & evaluates its curricula through regular meeting of the Board of Studies.

Course revision is suggested with the feedback of the students.

Inputs are sought from experts in the field.

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Regular faculty meeting of the department ensures keeping pace with development in the field.

Findings of such deliberations are forwarded to the Board of Study for necessary revision of syllabi.

Around 10% of the courses cutting across departments have undergone major revision.

1.3.4 What are the value-added courses offered by the College and how does the College ensure that all students have access to them? The college offers various value added courses in order to enrich and balance the available mainstream courses. A course on Indian Society & Culture constitutes a part of all

undergraduate curricula. Population Studies which enumerates problems associated with the Indian

reality is a part of undergraduate humanities. Environmental Studies is a mandatory course for all undergraduate

programmes. Computer Application and IT are value added courses offered to

Commerce, Humanities and Science students. These courses are accessible to all students as they constitute a mandatory

compartment of the undergraduate programmes. Apart from these, the college has an English Language Laboratory offering

value addition through training in i) Spoken English, ii) Personality Development.

1.3.5 Has the College introduced any higher order skill development programmes in consonance with the national requirements as outlined by the National Skills Development Corporation and other agencies? The Institution is a strong contender for introduction of the B-Voc course. Proposal for B.Voc. has been submitted to the Govt. and the UGC which is

under active consideration. In order to make students more competitive, Counseling, Communicative

English and interview skills form a part of their options. The college is negotiating with the training providers and partners of the

National Skills Development Corporation. Various organizations hold workshops & training sessions in this college

focusing on skill development of the students.

1.4 Feedback System 1.4.1 Does the College have a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from students

regarding the curriculum and how is it made use of? There is a robust mechanism of students feedback on all issues. The main focus is on curricular aspects.

A member of the faculty of each department is placed in charge of students feedback.

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Feedback thus generated is discussed in the department meetings and measures suggested to the Board of Studies for necessary revision.

Student representation in Boards of Studies ensures implementation of revision.

1.4.2 Does the College elicit feedback on the curriculum from national and international faculty? If yes, specify a few methods adopted to do the same - (conducting webinar, workshop, online forum discussion etc.). Give details of the impact on such feedback.

Professors and experts are invited to interact with members of faculty and students for improving teaching-learning practices and curricular revision.

Seminars held in all departments envisage input of invited experts.

Senior professors from the affiliating university are a part of Boards of studies of all departments.

These initiatives have consistently enhanced the quality of syllabi.

The impact is seen in the enhanced motivation of students for problem-solving and a research based learning mode.

University professors are regularly consulted for curricular upgradation. 1.4.3 Specify the mechanism through which alumni, employers, industry experts

and community give feedback on curriculum enrichment and the extent to which it is made use of. The institution encourages Alumni, Employees, Industry Experts and the Community to give their feedback on the curricula. The alumni who have a registered body meet regularly and suggest ways

of revision of syllabi and the introduction of need based subjects in the college.

Based of the suggestions of the members of alumni, topics such as local history and culture and the legacy of Prananath Pattanaik have been incorporated.

Role of local ‘PAIKA’ (Warriors) in Freedom Struggle and during the First War of Indian Independence have been brought into syllabi.

Experts from the industry and employers are members of Boards of Studies.

Their feedback constitutes a major means of curricular revision and enrichment.

1.4.4 What are the quality sustenance and quality enhancement measures undertaken by the institution in ensuring effective development of the curricula? Any additional information regarding Curricular Aspects, which the institution would like to include.

Quality sustenance and quality enhancement is ensured through regular interaction among members of faculty and through their participation in refresher courses and national level/international level seminars.

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Peer feedback, students feedback and external input play a major role in sustenance of quality.

Academic audit by external and internal experts ensures quality of curricula.

Regular peer input enhances adaptation of teaching methods.

Additional information Since evolution of curricula is a sustained process, this Institution seeks insights from all stakeholders. As has been enumerated earlier in section 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 of this document, a clutch of curricular inputs have been incorporated in the syllabi.

Many members of faculty are nominated members of academic bodies of numerous autonomous colleges as well as university departments. The interaction in these forums is of vital importance in curricular revision.

Likewise, members of faculty of other educational institutions are nominated members in the Boards of Studies of programmes offered in this college.

Motivation of students in a research and exploratory mode of learning is ensured as seminar participation and paper presentation forms a part of their course work. They are also required to write a project paper at the VI semester level.

Design and development of the curricula is hardly an available option for the college as the affiliating university has been assigned the task.

Modification of the course content is allowed to an extent of 20% and this has been implemented in the college.

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2.1.1 How does the College ensure publicity and transparency in the admission process?

DHE website provides facility to download online admission procedure through Students Academic Management System (SAMS)

DHE Odisha publishes notice in Electronic and Print Media with details of Admission Process and data.

Printed common application form (CAF) is made available at college counters.

SAMS prepares the merit list online and it is displayed on the SAMS website maintaining the transparency in admission process.

For P.G. admission under Self-Finance programme, notice is given in electronic and print media and admission process is carried out by offline application form on merit basis.

Seats lying vacant on account of transfer are advertised afresh and the college does its own selection strictly by parameters set by SAMS.

All data of admission are uploaded in the SAMS website immediately after admission on a day-on-day basis.

2.1.2 Explain in detail the process of admission put in place for UG, PG and Ph.D. programmes by the College. Explain the criteria for admission (Ex. (i) merit, (ii) merit with entrance test, (iii) merit, entrance test and interview, (iv) common test conducted by state agencies and national agencies (v) others followed by the College?

Dateline detailing the admission process are widely advertised in the media both local and national.

After students apply online prioritizing choice of colleges, a central selection takes place in Odisha Computer Application centre (OCAC).

The Students Academic Management System (SAMS) prepares the merit list and sends the same to the college.

Applicants are alerted by SMS and e-mail regarding the selection.

Selection is done on the basis of percentage of marks and choice of stream and college.

The college also sends SMS alerts to the successful applicants.

The college assigns a team of admission counselors to address all queries of applicants and parents on 24 X 7 mode.

Admission into Self-Financing PG courses is done on the basis of marks in the last qualifying examination.

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2.1.3 Does the College have a mechanism to review its admission process and student profiles annually? If yes, what is the outcome of such an analysis and how has it contributed to the improvement of the process?

Yes, the college reviews the admission mechanism.

The chief co-ordinator of admission brings the findings to the notice of SAMS authorities.

Students profile is prepared annually on the basis of general, caste and reserved categories.

Based on an analysis of demand–availability ratio the college has been appealing consistently for enhancement in admission strength. This has been resulted in enhancement of seats by 20% in every academic session since 2013-14.

This was a major improvement in the admission process initiated by this college.

Principal of this college is a member of SAMS society, Odisha.

2.1.4 What are the strategies adopted to increase / improve access to students belonging to the following categories ∗ SC/ST

Reserved quota of 16.25 % in case of SC & 22.5 % in case of ST is adhered to.

Additional seats enhanced on the basis of demand

Concession in fees during admission and readmission by the management..

Scholarships from State Govt./Central Govt.. ∗ OBC/SEBC :

Admission fees concession allowed by the management.

Scholarships from state Govt. ∗ Women :

Concession in fees during admission and readmission by the management.

Maulana Azad National Scholarship to single girl child.

Scholarships from State Govt./Central Govt. ∗ Different categories of persons with disabilities :

3% of reservation to persons with disabilities.

Free education for PWDs.

Scholarship to handicapped students. ∗ Economically weaker sections :

Reduction of development fees by the management.

Free-ship for boys students only.

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Post-Matric Scholarship for SEBC students by the State Govt.

∗ Outstanding achievers in sports and extracurricular activities

Extra weightage in admission to State/National sports achievers.

Extra weightage in admission to NCC and Scouts/Guide holders.

Scholarships to state/national level players.

2.1.5 Furnish the number of students admitted in the College in the last four academic years.

Categories Year 1 2011-12

Year 2 2012-13

Year 3 2013-14

Year 4 2014-15

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

SC 72 34 56 48 84 48 107 61

ST 12 5 18 9 32 10 43 24

OBC 251 231 258 212 270 244 260 220

General 186 204 216 226 240 182 223 354

Others - - - - - - - -

2.1.6 Has the College conducted any analysis of demand ratio for the various programmes offered by the College? If so, indicate significant trends explaining the reasons for increase / decrease.

Programmes Number of applications


Number of students admitted (2014-15)

Demand/availability Ratio

2013-14 2014-15

UG Courses 1.Economics 2.English

3.Education 4.History

5.Odia 6.Philosophy

7.Political Science 8.Psychology

9.Sanskrit 10.Accountancy

11.Finance 12.Management


111 36

180 130

183 26

300 53

9 362

264 257


48 20

64 56

40 24

56 53

9 192

64 64


2.1:1 1.5:1

2.2:1 2.1:1

5:1 1:1

4.8:1 1:1

08.:1 1.5:1

4.1:1 3.1:1


2.3:1 1.8:1

2.3:1 2.3:1

4.5:1 1.0:1

5.3:1 1:1

1:1 1.9:1

4.1:1 4:1


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15.Chemistry 16.Mathematics

17.Geology 18. Geography

19. Zoology 20. Botany

21. Electronics 21. Computer Science


148 103

16 23

94 92

48 31


48 32

8 16

48 48

28 31


2.9:1 2:1

2:1 1:1

1.5:1 1.8:1

1.5:1 1.0:1


3.1:1 3:1

2:1 1.4:1

1.9:1 1.9:1

1.7:1 1.0:1

Post Graduate Courses

1. M.A. in PMIR 21 21 1:1 1:1

2. M.Sc. in Comp. Sc. 22 22 1:1 1:1

Integrated Masters N.A.

Any other(please Specify)

B.B.A. 07 07 1:1 1:1

Analysis of data

As the data explains, there is a steady rise in demand for seats in this college.

This is the result of innate strength of the institution in terms of faculty, quality of teaching, discipline and transparency in all aspects.

Where nearly 75000 seats are lying vacant in the state in the undergraduate classes, this college has a burgeoning demand for admissions to the tune of 1:3.5 (ratio) despite enhancement in intake capacity to the tune of 10 to 20 percent each year for the last three sessions.

2.1.7 Was there an instance of the College discontinuing a programme during last four years? If yes, indicate the reasons. No program has been discontinued.

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 Does the College organize orientation / induction programme for freshers? If yes, give details of the duration of programme, issues covered, experts involved and mechanism for using the feedback in subsequent years. Yes, the college organizes orientation/induction programmes for freshers.

Separate orientation programmes for freshers are conducted for different streams of undergraduate classes.

Principal as Chairman convenes the inducting programme of the freshers and students are given valuable tips by heads of different departments.

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The induction program covers issues such as a brief history, the rich tradition and heritage of the college.

Experts from Utkal University are usually invited to the induction programme for post graduate courses.

As far as induction programme of undergraduate courses are concerned, experts are drawn internally such as principal & heads of the departments.

Medium of instruction is bilingual and students are made aware of this.

Soon after the induction, feedback is taken from the freshers. On the basis of feedback, steps are taken to modify the induction programmes in subsequent years.

CBCS has been introduced from the current session 2015-16.

A series of counseling programmes were taken up for students and teachers regarding the CBCS syllabi pattern.

2.2.2 Does the College have a mechanism through which the “differential requirements of student population” are analyzed after admission and before the commencement of classes? If so, how are the key issues identified and addressed?

The Basic difference in requirement of students emerges on the basis of medium of instruction during school years.

English medium students catch up instructions faster.

English Lab. classes are useful for vernacular Medium Students.

The incremental improvement of weaker students is a visible reality.

One key issue being English medium schooling vis-s-vis vernacular medium, other issues like access to secondary sources of information is a challenge.

This challenge is addressed by providing handouts and access to internet in the college.

2.2.3 Does the College provide bridge /Remedial /add - on courses? If yes, how are they structured into the time table? Give details of the courses offered, department-wise/faculty-wise? Yes, the college provides remedial/add-on courses.

Add-on courses are structured into the time-table. Bridge courses are done during the initial weeks of Honours classes. Add on courses are offered by various departments.

i. Department of commerce offers Add on modules on AMFI, IRDA and NSE.

ii. Department of English offers add-on classes on translation and creative writing.

For undergraduate science two periods are assigned for Environmental Studies per week(Botany, Zoology)

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For undergraduates in science, two periods are assigned for Information technology per week(Computer Science)

For all undergraduate classes 4 periods per week are assigned for Indian Society & Culture.

For Humanities students 02 periods are assigned for Computer Application & Population Studies per week.

For Humanities and Commerce, 02 periods each are assigned for Environmental Studies. per week.

Remedial classes for SC/ST/OBC/Minorities & weak learners are taken during the lean academic period in all subjects.

2.2.4 Has the College conducted a study on the incremental academic growth of different categories of students; - student from disadvantaged sections of society, economically disadvantaged, physically challenged and slow learners etc.? If yes, give details on how the study has helped the College to improve the performance of these students. The incremental academic growth of all students is regularly tracked by the members of faculty in respective honours classes through interaction and in class tests.

Internal Assessment Examinations & Semester Examinations are done as per academic calendar.

Many departments/members of faculty use social media like Face Book and Whatsapp. Thus they are connected to the students 24 X 7 and progression is thus monitored.

Students from economically disadvantaged sections are encouraged to use books from the department libraries.

Regular assignments are given and thoroughly discussed by the teachers.

Special arrangements are made for physically challenged students.

Remedial classes are held for slow learners

Slow learners are also helped with handouts, notes.

Doubt clearing classes are held.

A study of such initiatives has proved that students from weaker background get integrated into the main stream by the end of their academic life in the college.

An analysis of the performance of such students is conducted after the publication of result in a staff council meeting.

Slow learners and under achievers are given the opportunity to improve through special term-end examination and special Internal Examinations.

The incremental progression of students is visible at the end of their UG programme.

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2.2.5 How does the institution identify and respond to the learning needs of advanced learners? The learning needs of advanced learners are taken care of through multiple


Members of departments identify the advanced learners and their needs through class room interaction.

Such learners are offered special guidance by departmental faculty.

They are encouraged to explore advance areas of learning.

They are encouraged to interact with experts. Those experts are invited by the departments to interact with students through Seminar & Workshops.

Topics challenging their level of learning are assigned to such students for seminars and project works.

Teachers encourage them to explore internet resources and You-tube tutorials.

There is a robust mechanism to recognize advanced learners in terms of prizes, awards and representation in Academic Council.

Advanced students of Electronics and Computer Science are assigned development of software.

Advanced students of language subjects are given assignments like translation and comparative study of texts.

2.2.6 How does the institution cater to the needs of differently-abled students and ensure adherence to government policies in this regard? The differently abled students are made to feel secure and comfortable in the college ambience.

Fee concessions are given to such students during admission.

The College Management allows concession in development fees.

Reservation of seats is a built-in feature of the SAMS admission process.

Classes are largely arranged on the ground floor.

Scribes are provided during examination.

Ramps have been constructed for their convenience.

Scholarships are given to such students.

Free studentship is offered to disabled students. The college strictly adheres to government policies in this regard.

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2.3 Teaching-Learning Process

2.3.1 How does the College plan and organize the teaching, learning and evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan and evaluation blue print, etc.) The basic framework of the academic calendar is put up by the Government of Odisha in the website of the Higher Education Department. All colleges are to follow this academic calendar strictly adhering to the schedule as mentioned. The Academic Council of the college takes specific decisions

regarding the calendar of activities on the basis of local needs. The input to the Academic Council is given by the Principal after

reviewing the academic activities of the previous year in consultation with the heads of different departments and the controller of examinations.

Dates of mid-term and term-end examination, filling in of forms and publication of results are published in the Academic Calendar.

Programmes for postgraduate classes are also published in Academic Calendar.

Dates for in-house seminars, seminars, extramural lectures, workshops and assignments are decided in department meetings at the beginning of semesters.

Sports, literary and cultural events and functions are scheduled in the academic calendar.

A semester comprises ninety (90) working days. Each department gives specific assignment to teachers at the beginning

of the academic year. The principal in consultation with the heads of departments approves

budgets and the academic calendars for these departments. Lesson plans are drawn by individual teachers at the beginning of the

session. The plan of evaluation contains performance based marks in inhouse

seminars. 20% marks in the final semester are earmarked for project work. Evaluation in mid-term Internal Examinations are done by Internal

Examiners. Answer scripts of term-end examinations are evaluated by external

experts. In the final semester, 50%of papers are evaluated by the college

faculty. A chief examiner is appointed to supervise the process of evaluation. Each answer script is coded by the Deputy Controller of Examinations

to ensure bias-free evaluation.

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Questions are framed in house for all departments. There is a question bank ensuring orientation of the students. The questions are vetted by the Examination Conducting Board. Results are vetted post-evaluation by the Conducting Board.

2.3.2 Does the College provide course outlines and course schedules prior to the commencement of the academic session? If yes, how is the effectiveness of the process ensured?

Yes, the course outlines and schedules are provided to all students at the time of admission.

Counselling is specifically focused on the schedule and the content of the course outlines.

Clear outlines of duration of courses of both undergraduate and postgraduate are published in the college calendar.

Examination pattern and course structure are explained in the college calendar.

The college calendar also clearly spells out the guideline of evaluation and publication of result

A copy of the syllabus containing details of courses is provided to each student at the time of admission.

Departmental meetings are held from time to time to review progress and adherence to the schedule.

The principal reviews the effective progress of the schedule through meetings and interaction with faculty members.

2.3.3 What are the courses, which predominantly follow the lecture method? Apart from classroom interactions, what are the other methods of learning experiences provided to students?

Subjects such as Philosophy, History, Political Science, English, Odia, Economics, Sanskrit in humanities largely use the lecture method. Courses in Commerce are also based on lecture method.

Alternative learning experiences are provided to students through initiatives like field tours, outreach activities etc.

Major component of courses in Electronics and computer science constitute laboratory work.

The ratio of undergraduate science courses is 75 : 25 between theory and practical classes.

Lectures are enriched with interaction with subject experts.

Informal classes are occasionally taken in the college outside classrooms.

Student seminars and group discussions provide alternative methods of learning with power point presentation.

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The audio-visual club organizes movie shows to supplement learning experience.

Students’ union election is a major learning experience for students in terms of real life democratic principles.

2.3.4 How is ‘learning’ made more student-centric? Give a list of participatory learning activities adopted by the faculty that contribute to holistic development and improved student learning, besides facilitating life-long learning and knowledge management. Lecture centric methods are built into the curricula as they envisage regular participatory learning of students. An ambience of competition is encouraged in the class room through

discussion. The Teachers also act as facilitators in writing of seminar papers,

preparation of projects and writing for the wall magazines. The science departments organise annual science exhibition. Student volunteers in the activities of NSS, YRC, Rangers and Rovers and

Scouts and Guides acquire participatory learning of social issues. Regular debates, elocution and performing arts provide life skills to

students. Field studies and industry visits provide practical learning.

The members of faculty encourage students to learn by browsing the internet.

An intercollege annual music competition is held to encourage students in life-skills.

Students are given tasks to search for learning awareness. Students of commerce are given training in accounting practices. A separate Commerce Laboratory is established to help the students to

know the use of computer in Accounting practices and investment options. Most of the departments have groups in social media and blogs. Students Union election is an important learning platform of real-politics

of democracy.

2.3.5 What is the College policy on inviting experts / people of eminence to provide lectures / seminars for students?

All 23 departments (UG & PG) are mandated to schedule and facilitate seminars, workshops and extra-mural lectures right from the beginning of the academic session.

Three streams viz. Science, Humanities and Commerce have societies which invite eminent professionals / experts to deliver lecture and interact with students.

Each department invites eminent persons in their respective fields to give presentation and to interact with students.

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Apart from these regular practices, the college has instituted national level awards named Prananath Samman and Manjari Devi Sahitya Puraskar.

Recipients of these awards inspire students with their interactions and lectures.

Eminent journalists, professionals, academicians and senior bureaucrats from among our Alumni interact with students on invitation.

Counseling for career option and placement by industry experts is a platform for students’ interaction.

Extramural lectures are conducted by inviting eminent experts from different fields.

2.3.6 What are the latest technologies and facilities used by the faculty for effective teaching? Ex: Virtual laboratories, e-learning, open educational resources, mobile education, etc. Teaching-learning process of the college is a blend of traditional class room teaching and Technology based teaching. The departments are equipped with computers and internet connection. LCD projectors used for effective teaching. Faculty use Smart class rooms for teaching students in ICT mode. English language laboratory helps the students enhance communication

skill. The Computer Science department has taken a drive to make our staff

members computer literate and enable them to take class on ICT mode.

Distribution of relevant online resources, print out from e-journals. Most teachers/departments have virtual groups in social media. Most members of faculty have virtual groups and blogs. Students are encouraged to submit their assignments through e-mail or on

soft copy. Access to digital media is provided through wi-fi in the campus.

2.3.7 Is there a provision for the services of counselors / mentors/ advisors for each class or group of students for academic, personal and psycho-socio guidance? If yes, give details of the process and the number of students who have benefitted. Heads of departments act as mentors looking after student’s academic

progress, attendance, grievances and participation in co-curricular activities.

Individual faculty member guides a student in seminar paper preparation and presentations as advisor.

Project work of the student is supervised by the members of faculty as supervisors.

Project work helps the science students to gain practical knowledge in the subject.

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This practice also enables students to acquire knowledge/skill beyond the syllabi.

Members of faculty help students for academic, personal and psycho-social guidance in consultation with their parents and guardians.

Not only students with problems but also students who have higher career goals approach the teacher for guidance.

Field study for Education students help them to acquire more practical knowledge.

The Psychology department has a Counselling Cell to help students cope with problems.

Seminars for career counselling are also arranged by Commerce department with help of various professional institutions.

Almost 90% students have been taking advantage of this initiative.

2.3.8 Are there any innovative teaching approaches/methods/ practices adopted/put to use by the faculty during the last four years? If yes, did they improve the learning? What methods were used to evaluate the impact of such practices? What are the efforts made by the institution in giving the faculty due recognition for innovation in teaching? Apart from traditional chalk-and-talk method, the departments use ICT mode in teaching and learning.

Smart class room has been set up for ICT mode of teaching. LCD projectors are in use while teaching. Computers with internet facility provided to department help in generating

e-resources for students. Staff members update their knowledge by referring to reference books,

journals, periodicals, e-journals on Inflibnet. Members of faculty regularly attend refresher courses, seminars,

workshops and conferences. Many teachers have their virtual learning hubs which enable students to

stay connected 24 x 7. Informal feedback was taken to evaluate the impact of such

method/practices. The response of the students has been encouraging. The institution motivates the staff to adopt innovative approaches by

providing ICT facilities and other requirements. Members of staff are encouraged to attend seminars, workshops,

conferences, refresher courses etc. for updating their knowledge. Members of faculty have a deep commitment to use innovation in their

teaching methods.

The lecture method is found inadequate in the present learning context hence, constant interaction, paper presentation and group work are alternative methods used in class.

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Such efforts had a definite impact in learning and encouraged out-of-box thinking in students.

Ability to overcome inhibition is a major gain.

Teachers using innovative methods are given recognition in the Annual Report of the college presented during Commemoration day on 28th January every year.

2.3.9 How does the College create a culture of instilling and nurturing creativity and scientific temper among the learners? The college takes special care to nurture creativity and scientific temper among learners.

The vision & mission of the college spells out a commitment to all-round growth of students.

There are nearly 120 prizes & awards to recognize the literary, performing and competitive aptitude of our students.

Each department organizes different events on creative skills like poetry reading, essay writing & debate/elocution competitions.

The curricula mandate all undergraduate students to work independently on their seminar presentation & project work.

Students of undergraduate science and some departments of humanities like psychology organize exhibition displaying both creativity and application of technology thereby.

Five Annual Magazines are published every year encouraging creativity of students.

Most of the departments have their Wall Magazines for short creative articles.

Art, Painting, Music and Jhoti (Alpana) competitions are held regularly to promote creative skill.

Analytical thinking of students is encouraged in class room interactions.

2.3.10 Does the College consider student projects a mandatory part of the learning programme? If so, for how many programmes is it made mandatory? ∗ Number of projects executed within the College

Yes, Student Projects and seminar presentations are a mandatory part of all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Around 1000 seminar presentations and equal number of project assignments (Undergraduate & Post Graduate) are done in every academic session.

The projects are mandatorily evaluated by a team of one Internal and one External examiner.

∗ Names of external institutions associated with the College for student project work

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The Odisha State Library, Odisha Bureau of Statistics, NISWASS, various departments of Utkal University, Institute of Physics, NISER, CIFA, SOA University, Institute of Mathematics, ITER, TRIDENT, OUAT, Dept. of Sericulture, Khordha, Aquatic Fish Culture Centre, nearby Technical and Management Institutions have been used by students for project work.

∗ Role of the faculty in facilitating such projects

The projects and the seminar presentations are supervised by members of faculty.

A project blue-print is suggested by students and after vetting, it is built with resources.

Search for primary and secondary data for the projects is facilitated by members of faculty.

Introduction of CBCS has ensured project driven learning method and major involvement of members of staff in this direction.

Facilitation of research and consultation is a part of the sessional assignment of all teachers.

The total number of projects is nearly a thousand every year depending on enrolment.

2.3.11 What efforts are made to facilitate the faculty in learning / handling computer-aided teaching/ learning materials? What are the facilities available in the College for such efforts? The institution organizes exposure and hands-on practice of IT related issues for its faculty. The college also has a computer laboratory to facilitate staff training.

Specific teaching-learning materials are developed for class assignments of the teachers.

Two smart class rooms have been set up to encourage use of ICT.

The college has wi-fi campus.

Subscription to INFLIBNET encourages exposure to ICT.

Science departments have been provided with LCD projectors, computers with internet facility.

Holding system in the library has been computerized.

There is a resource centre for faculty improvement.

2.3.12 Does the College have a mechanism for evaluation of teachers by the students / alumni? If yes, how is the evaluation used in achieving qualitative improvement in the teaching-learning process? At the beginning of each academic session, the staff council is convened to discuss and resolve improvements going by the AQAR.

Each department has a professor in charge of student feedback.

Peer counseling is done to improve teaching by the members of faculty.

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The principal and heads of departments constantly monitor the quality of classroom performance of teachers based on informal student feedback.

Monitoring of content delivery is done at two levels : the Heads of the Departments and the Principal through individual progress registers.

Feedback from members of alumni is taken during the Commemoration Day and used to improve teaching-learning.

The Higher Education department has appointed District Level Consultant (DLC) to monitor and counsel teachers.

2.3.13 Does the institution face any challenges in completing the curriculum within the planned time frame and calendar? If yes elaborate on the challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to overcome these.

Since the academic programme closely follows the Academic Calendar for the entire year, there are hardly any challenges in completing the curriculum within the time frame. However some challenges do accur due to unforeseen circumstances.

The 1st, 3rd & 5th semesters face no problems in terms of time frame.

The 2nd, 4th & 6th semesters however do face constraints of time because of intervening CHSE examinations.

Almost every year natural calamities like flood, and cyclone derail the normal schedule.

Measures are taken to overcome such challenges by collective resolve to take extra classes to make up courses as per syllabi.

Students, teachers, laboratories support staff are instructed to continue academic commitments even during holidays.

2.3.14 How are library resources used to augment the teaching-learning process? A holding of around 63360 books and subscription to 43 journals, 35 magazines as well as access to internet resources form the core of the Library.

Members of faculty use the library resources as a matter of routine.

Staff reading room has been air-conditioned.

Library borrowing cards are issued to the students at the time of admission.

Students are encouraged to borrow at least two books per week.

Reprographic facility is available in the library.

Constraint of space is being addressed with addition of a reading room.

2.3.15 How does the institution continuously monitor, evaluate and report on the quality of teaching, teaching methods used, classroom environments and the effect on student performance. The institution encourages teachers to exceed benchmarks in quality of teaching and methods used by a process of continuous monitoring and counselling.

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The quality of teaching is monitored through a system of student feedback.

Teaching methods are monitored at the department level.

The responsibility of providing a student friendly class room environment is assigned to a professor in charge of facilities.

The evaluation of quality & methods of teaching and intellectual environment is evaluated in department meetings.

Since there is a provision of student representation in the Academic Council, monitoring, evaluation and addressing of challenges is fair and balanced.

These initiatives have resulted in enhanced student performance.

Teacher workshops with experts as resource persons are organized to provide real time training in content management and dissemination methods.

The District Level Consultant (DLC) from Govt. of Odisha monitors, evaluates, and reports on teacher performance.

Teachers are encouraged to use ICT and use the smart class rooms.

Academic audit is also made by external members.

2.4 Teacher Quality 2.4.1 What is the faculty strength of the College? How many positions are filled

against the sanctioned strength? How many of them are from outside the state?

The college has a total faculty strength of 127 for undergraduate & postgraduate classes. This reflects the workload pattern. None of the staff members is from outside the state.

2.4.2 How are the members of the faculty selected?

There are basically 3 methods of entry in to teaching jobs in Govt. aided colleges in Odisha.

One group of teachers are selected by the Director, Higher Education, Odisha and posted to different colleges.

The second group of teachers is selected by the State Selection Board. Of Odisha and posted to different colleges.

The management of the college also recruits teachers.

Parameters prescribed by the UGC are scrupulously followed.

Total transparency is maintained in the process of recruitment of teachers.

Even in case of temporary teachers, the guidelines of UGC are scrupulously followed.

The teachers are transferable by DHE, Odisha inside the state.

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2.4.3 Furnish details of the faculty Highest

qualification Professor Associate

Professor (Reader)

Assistant Professor (Lecturer)


Male Female Male Female Male Female Permanent teachers D.Sc./D.Litt.

Ph.D. 17 09 08 08 42 M.Phil. 06 04 09 12 31

PG 05 08 21 11 45 Temporary teachers

Ph.D. - - - 01 01 M.Phil. 01 02 03

PG 03 00 03 Part-time teachers

Ph.D. M.Phil.


There is no post of Professor in any undergraduate aided institutions in the State. The posts are created, filled-up and promotion to higher grade is done only by the Department of Higher education, Govt. of Odisha.

2.4.4 What percentage of the teachers have completed UGC-CSIR-NET, UGC-NET, and SLET exams? In that what percentage of teachers are with PG as highest qualification?

10% of the teachers have been successful in SLET and UGC NET.

38% of teachers are with P.G. as highest qualification.

2.4.5 Does the College encourage diversity in its faculty recruitment? Provide the following departments-wise details.


% of faculty who are

product of the same College

% of faculty from other

Colleges within the State

% of faculty from other


% of faculty from

abroad Commerce 15 85 - - Economics 0 100 - - Education 0 100 - - English 0 100 - -

History 0 100 - -

Odia 25 75 - -

Philosophy 25 75 - -

Pol. Science 0 100 - -

Psychology 0 100 - -

Sociology 0 100 - -

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Sanskrit 0 100 - -

Botany 14 86 - -

Chemistry 18 82 - -

Mathematics 0 100 - -

Physics 27 73 - -

Zoology 13 87 - -

Comp. Science 50 50 - -

Geography 0 100 - -

Electronics 0 100 - -

Geology 0 100 - -

M.Sc. Comp. Sc. 0 100 - -

PMIR 0 100 - -

2.4.6 Does the College have the required number of qualified and competent teachers to handle all the courses for all departments?

If not, how do you cope with the requirements? How many faculty members were appointed during the last four years? Yes, the college has the required number of qualified and competent teachers to handle the courses of all the departments.

12 faculty members have been appointed during the last four years.

Temporary faculty are recruited by the management to address vacancies.

Teachers in Geography, Geology & Computer Science have been recruited by the Managing Committee.

Teachers in Self-Financing courses are recruited by the Managing Committee.

Teachers are posted by the DHE to fill-up vacancies on transfer basis against sanctioned post.

2.4.7 How many visiting Professors are on the rolls of the College? There are four guest faculty for self-financing Post Graduate departments.

2.4.8 What policies/systems are in place to recharge teachers? (eg: providing research grants, study leave, nomination to national/ international conferences/Seminars, in-service training, organizing national/international conferences etc.) This institution has a robust policy to cater to the intellectual recharge of its teaching staff.

Research grants are offered with UGC assistance.

Research grants are also offered from the CPE grant.

Member of faculty are encouraged to avail UGC Teacher fellowships.

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Substitute teachers are appointed against the fellowship vacancy.

Teachers are encouraged to participate in national/international conferences and seminars with paid leave.

The college organizes national and state level seminars and conferences.

Study leave is granted for two years to pursue research work.

Five National Seminars have been organized by different departments during the last 5 years.

State Conferences have been organized by the department of Commerce.

2.4.9 Give the number of faculty who received awards / recognitions for excellence in teaching at the state, national and international level during the last four years.

Though the state does not have any formal system of recognition of college teachers, this college felicitates teachers on its Commemoration Day.

Names of teachers are mentioned in the Annual Report of the college.

The college has suggested to the Government to implement a system of recognition of teachers.

One teacher is felicitated by IPA for his research.

One teacher is felicitated by different organizations for his extensive activities in preservation of heritage.

2.4.10 Provide the number of faculty who have undergone staff development programmes during the last four years. (Add any other programme if necessary)

Academic Staff Development Programmes

Number of faculty

Refresher courses 38

HRD programmes 05

Orientation programmes 12

Staff training conducted by the College


Staff training conducted by University/ other Colleges


Summer / winter schools, workshops, etc.


Any other (please Specify) CBCS, Common Curricula, e-Valuation, NAAC, IQAC activities

e-valuation : 56 CBCS : 04

Common Curricula : 03 IQAC : 02

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2.4.11 What percentage of the faculty have

∗ been invited as resource persons in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences organized by external professional agencies


∗ participated in external Workshops / Seminars / Conferences recognized by national/ international professional bodies


∗ presented papers in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences conducted or recognized by professional agencies


∗ teaching experience in other universities / national institutions and others


∗ industrial engagement 2%

∗ international experience in teaching -

2.4.12 How often does the College organize academic development programmes for its faculty, leading to enrichment of teaching-learning process?

∗ Curricular Development

The college organizes academic development programmes for teaching-learning enrichment.

Initiatives for curricular development are taken at the beginning of each academic session by the Boards of Studies.

Modification and changes are made in order to enhance content quality.

At least 25 extra-mural programmes per year are organized to enrich teaching-learning.

∗ Teaching-learning methods

Interventions in enhancing the quality of teaching-learning methods are ensured through workshops on teaching methodology.

Experts are invited for their input in methodology.

∗ Examination reforms

Reforms in examination system are ensured in consultation with external experts.

A workshop has been organized for principals and controllers of examinations of autonomous colleges targeting reforms.

∗ Content / knowledge management

Content/knowledge management is a priority area at the departmental level.

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∗ Any other (please specify)

The department libraries have a system of documenting and retaining student projects and copies of seminar presentation.

2.4.13 What are the teaching innovations made during the last five years? How are innovations rewarded?

The innovative teaching practices in this college contain a transition to the use of ICT.

Use of power point presentations.

Use of CDs

Use of smart class rooms.

Problem-solving methods

Interactive classroom teaching.

Innovative efforts are given recognition through student feedback.

Innovative practices are mentioned in the Annual Report of the Principal.

2.4.14 Does the College have a mechanism to encourage

∗ Mobility of faculty between institutions for teaching?

There is a system of mobility teachers on transfer to colleges throughout the state.

The college sometimes insists on faculty transfer to cater to the workload.

This practice ensures enrichment of faculty through exposure to diverse localities.

It also results in exposure of students to teacher diversity.

∗ Faculty exchange programmes with national and international bodies?

If yes, how have these schemes helped in enriching quality of the faculty? In the absence of a specific exchange scheme, the college invites eminent faculty from reputed institutes to interact with students and teachers.

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.1 How does the College ensure that all the stakeholders are aware of the

evaluation processes that are operative?

Evaluation in mid-term examinations are done carefully by internal examiners under the supervision of a senior member.

Answer scripts of term-end examinations are evaluated by external experts.

In the final semester, 50%of papers are evaluated by the college faculty.

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Guidelines of evaluation and evaluation pattern are clearly enumerated in the college calendar and copies thereof are distributed to the students at the time of admission.

All the stakeholders are aware of the evaluation process and put forth their suggestions as and when required through the feedbacks.

Guidelines are also clarified in parents meeting on the counselling day.

2.5.2 What are the major evaluation reforms initiated by the College and to what extent have they been implemented in the College? Cite a few examples which have positively impacted the evaluation management system? The following major evaluation reforms have been initiated and implemented in the college.

Central valuation of mid-term examination answer scripts.

50% of Hons papers in the final year to be evaluated by external examiners and the rest are evaluated internally.

All answer scripts of term-end examinations are coded in order to avoid bias.

Papers are evaluated by examiners and are supervised and re-examined by a chief examiner.

As a result of rigid academic time frame, evaluation and publication of results is time bound.

An examination management software has been installed ensuring transparency and easy data retrieval.

Central valuation of mid-semester/Internal examination answer scripts has enabled timely processing of result.

Initiatives of e-valuation of papers are underway.

There is a provision of providing photocopies of answer scripts on demand.

2.5.3 What measures have been taken by the institution for continuous evaluation of students and ensuring their progress and improved performance? Since the institution believes in monitoring student progress, a system of continuous evaluation through both informal & formal mechanism has been developed.

All Honours departments hold in-class tests.

Surprise tests and writing assignments are regularly given.

A formal mid-semester examination is held in each semester.

The mid-semester is followed by a term-end examination.

Sixth Semester students have to give seminar presentation reflecting their progress.

Project Assignments are a mandatory part of final semester students.

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The postgraduate students also go through regular seminars and presentations.

The results of all these tests and examinations are analysed and rectifications suggested at the department level as well as at the level of the controller and the principal.

2.5.4 What percentage of marks is earmarked for continuous internal assessment? Indicate the mechanisms strategized to ensure rigour of the internal assessment process?

20% of marks in each paper is earmarked for internal assessment in the initial five (05) semesters.

40% of marks is kept aside for seminar presentation & project assignment at the 6th semester.

The evaluation of the projects and the seminar presentation are done by two examiners one of whom is an external faculty.

The answer scripts of internal examinations are evaluated centrally under the supervision of a Chief examiner.

This is done under the overall supervision of the controller of examinations and the principal.

Credit system is introduced under CBCS from the current academic year (2015-16).

2.5.5 Does the College adhere to the declared examination schedules? If not, what measures have been taken to address the delay?

Yes, the college has been successfully adhering to the declared examination schedules.

2.5.6 What is the average time taken by the College for declaration of examination results? Indicate the mode / media adopted by the College for the publication of examination results e.g., website, SMS, email, etc. The average time for declaration of results is 41 days from the end of examinations.

The cut-off date for declaration of final results is 31st May every year.

It has however been a practice to declare results earlier than scheduled.

Results are published centrally after they are approved by the Boards of Conducting Examinations and the affiliating University.

Declaration of result is done in a press conference.

Transcripts of marks are sent to the departments to be distributed to the examinees.

The declaration of results is also put up in the college website.

Short messages are sent to examinees regarding declaration of results.

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2.5.7 Does the college have an integrated examination platform for the following processes? ∗ Pre-examination processes – Time table generation, OMR, student list

generation, invigilators, squads, attendance sheet, online payment gateway, etc.

∗ Examination process –Examination material management, logistics. ∗ Post examination process – attendance capture, OMR based exam result,

auto processing, generic result processing and certification. An integrated examination platform has been put in place to process all aspects. Pre-examination process like time table, student list generation,

invigilation assignments, invigilator squads (at the gate & for the halls), attendance sheets & one hour reports from the halls are processed.

Internally the examination section is adequately equipped to handle logistics of the process and materials.

Online payment gateway is facilitated by SBI-collect. Attendance of staff and students ensured through computer generated

sheets. Processing of results done internally with the help of examination

software. Generic processing of results is done on the basis of subject options of

the examinees. Retrieval of such data is done for review. Certification of examination results is done internally.

2.5.8 Has the College introduced any reforms in its Ph.D. evaluation process? Not Applicable.

2.5.9 What efforts are made by the College to streamline the operations at the Office of the Controller of Examinations? Mention any significant efforts which have improved process and functioning of the examination division/section? The examination process in this college has been going on smoothly because of factors like a committed Controller of Examinations, regular Conducting Board meetings, trained and motivated support staff, adequate infrastructure and IT facilities. Student discipline also plays a vital part in smooth examination process. A standard operating procedure (SOP) is followed to streamline the

operations in the office of the Controller of Examinations. There is continuous process improvement with the help of reviews and

suggestions. Constant negotiations with the affiliating university has resulted in

enhanced efficiency.

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Examination management software has been installed to streamline operation.

A Deputy Controller has been assigned to the Examination Section.

Four members of faculty form the Committee of Examination Management.

Each member of the committee has a specific job role.

Two office assistants and two bearers look after the functioning of the Examination Section.

2.5.10 What is the mechanism for Redressal of grievances with reference to evaluation?

Since the college is committed to provisions of RTI, there is a mechanism for total transparency in examination system.

Grievance Redressal mechanism exists at multiple levels like departments, the examination section and the principal.

The examinee grievances are processed by the section and re-addition is done.

Grievances regarding question are addressed by the controller of examinations in consultation with respective head of the department.

The Principal convenes a meeting of the department concerned and the controller in case of disputes.

Photocopies of all answer scripts are allowed for perusal of students.

A system of re-evaluation of disputed answer scripts has been implemented in the last Academic Council Meeting.

2.6. Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Does the College have clearly stated learning outcomes for its programmes? If yes, give details on how the students and staff are made aware of these?

The learning outcome of all programmes is integrated into the vision and mission of the college. The students and the members of staff are made aware of such goals through staff meetings, counselling and copies of college calendar and syllabus.

Intellectual rigor Responsible citizenship and Sensitivity to diversity are the major learning outcome of the institution.

The students are constantly reminded of the rich heritage which they inherit.

Members of staff are involved in all activities of the college.

2.6.2 How does the institution monitor and ensure the achievement of learning outcomes? Achievement of learning outcomes is monitored through mechanisms such as attendance, class tests, assignments, presentations, homework, and consultation with faculty.

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Review meetings of the departmental and the principal’s level ensure supervision of learning outcomes.

Communication with parents and guardians as well as hostel rectors ensure progression.

A major monitoring tool of outcomes is life posy-campus pass-outs are usually successful in terms of life skills.

2.6.3 How does the institution collect and analyze data on student learning outcomes and use it for overcoming barriers of learning?

The basic framework of data analysis of learning outcome is managed by the examination section which has data retrieval mechanism on a generic basis.

Continuous monitoring and feedback from students ensures availability of data.

Performance data is primarily analyzed at the department level and remedial measures are suggested.

Special coaching and counselling is facilitated for slow learners.

Bi-lingual teaching is sometimes used to help deficient learners.

Student participation in extra-academic activities enhances student motivation and addresses barriers in learning.

The IQAC is involved in these initiatives.

2.6.4 Give Programme-wise details of the pass percentage and completion rate of students.

Programme Pass percentage Completion rate UG Arts 92 95% UG Commerce 97 98% UG Science 92 94% PG PMIR 100 100% PG Computer Science 100 100%

Any additional information regarding Teaching, Learning and Evaluation, which the institution would like to include. It is an observed fact that learners undergo a visible evaluation of personality by the time they passout of campus. This is probably the single most important factor which has made this college a destination of choice despite availability of nearly a thousand colleges in the state. Whereas almost 75000 seats are lying vacant in the state during this academic session, the demand-availability ratio for admission in this college is 3:1. (Refer table 2.1.6). In other words, there is a constant growth in demand for admission into this college despite availability of option for the students.

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3.1 Promotion of Research 3.1.1 Does the College have a research committee to monitor and address the

issues of research? If yes, what is its composition? Mention a few recommendations which have been implemented and their impact. Issues of research being one of the priorities of the college, there is a reliable mechanism to oversee and encourage research initiatives.

MRP proposals at the college level from CPE grant is vetted by a Subject Research Committee.

This Research Committee is composed of 02 internal experts, 01 external expert & Prof.-in-charge of UGC.

UGC MRP proposals are processed by the UGC section and forwarded to the subject Research Committee.

The Subject Research Committee for UGC MRP proposals is composed of the Principal, the Vice-Principal, Prof.-in-charge UGC, HoD & a senior faculty.

Proposals for presentation of papers in Seminar & Conferences are vetted by the UGC section and paid leave sanctioned by the Principal.

Proposals for teacher fellowship are processed by the college and sent to the Director, CDC for recommendation to the UGC.

Research guidance by faculty members

Most of the staff members have completed M.Phil. and Ph.D.

More than 150 research papers published by members of staff.

Details at 3.4.1 and 3.4.3 (Impact of recommendation).

3.1.2 What is the policy of the College to promote research culture in the College? The college has been following a dedicated & committed policy to promote research culture in the college.

There is a Resource Centre to facilitate research.

A Huge Library with good number of reference books, CDs in the resource centre.

Computer with internet facility

Award of MRP at college level from CPE grant.

Award of UGC MRP.

Award of teacher fellow recommending proposals to UGC.

Sanction of leave and appointment of substitute teachers

Academic assignments are shared by peers in case a member of faculty travels on research.

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Scope for attending National & International seminars for quality enrichment in respective field of semester.

3.1.3 List details of prioritized research areas and the areas of expertise available with the College. Every department of the college has its priority area of research.

Department of commerce prioritizes areas such as MSME, SHGs, Microfinance port-folio investment.

Department of economics prioritizes areas like agriculture, industry, social sector.

Department of chemistry focuses on composite materials & polymer industrial chemistry, metal complex, electro chemistry.

Physics department prioritizes sub-particles, Quantum Physics.

Botany department focuses on phyto chemistry, bio-technology.

Department of mathematics prioritizes complex analysis, operation research, computer programming, numerical analysis.

Department of English encourages research on ELT, creative writing, feminist studies and translation studies.

Zoology department has priority areas like environmental issues, Biodiversity and Development Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology.

Odia department : Resistance Literature, Translation, Romantic and Mythical Literature.

Education department focuses on impact assessment, psychological profiling of young learners.

Geography department emphasizes research on GIS.

Geology department focuses on mineral and mining activities.

Electronics department concentrates on circuit designing and system maintenance.

Department of computer science encourages research on web designing and creating software.

3.1.4 What are the proactive mechanisms adopted by the College to facilitate smooth implementation of research schemes/ projects? ∗ advancing funds for sanctioned projects

∗ providing seed money ∗ autonomy to the principal investigator/coordinator for utilizing overhead


∗ timely release of grants ∗ timely auditing

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 59

∗ submission of utilization certificate to the funding authorities

Research grants are sanctioned for projects. Grants are released at the earliest after approval of projects Funds are audited before submission of utilization. Utilization certificate is submitted to the funding authority regularly.

3.1.5 How is interdisciplinary research promoted? ∗ between/among different departments of the College and

∗ collaboration with national/international institutes / industries. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged as a matter of principle as subjects such as ISC, PS, ES, CA form a part of the UG syllabi.

At an individual level scholars and researchers are in constant touch with University departments.

Leave is granted to the teachers to attend refresher courses in interdisciplinary subjects like Environmental Science, Computer Science, ICT, Gender Studies & Management, ecotourism etc.

3.1.6 Enumerate the efforts of the College in attracting researchers of eminence to visit the campus and interact with teachers and students? Since workshops, seminars and conferences are a vital part of the institutional life, eminent researchers are regularly invited as resource persons. Eminent scholars like Dr. B.B. Shastri, Dr. Bharati Mohapatra, Prof. Prabhat Pattanaik, Prof. Banikanta Mishra, Prof. K.B. Das, Prof. G.C. Das, Prof. B.P. Acharya, Prof. Omkar Mohanty, Prof. Trilochan Pradhan, Prof. Niranjan Barik, Prof. Ranjan Bal, Prof. Samson Moharana, Prof. S.C. Sahoo, Dr. Santosh Ku. Tripathy Prof. I.M. Pandey, Prof. P.C. Jain and many others visited the college and interacted with teachers and students. The annual programme of events on Campus includes extra-mural lectures by eminent persons, these include persons from all walks of life from social science to management and from Genetic research to child psychology and Vedanta Philosophy.

3.1.7 What percentage of faculty have utilized sabbatical leave for research activities? How has the provision contributed to the research quality and culture of the College? There is no provision of sabbatical leave in the state-controlled colleges of Odisha.

3.1.8 Provide details of national and international conferences organized by the College highlighting the names of eminent scientists/scholars who participated in these events.

The department of Botany organized a National Seminar in 2012 on “New frontiers in Plant Science research and sustainable development”. Eminent scientitists Dr. P.K. Chand, Prof. P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Dr. R.N. Bisoi, Regional Director, RBDC, Bhubaneswar, Dr. Dasarathi Swain, Principal Scientist, CRRI, Cuttack, Dr. S.P. Rath, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Central University, Koraput, Dr. P.C. Panda, Principal

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 60

Scientist, Regional Botanical Science Centre attended the seminar as resource persons.

The department of Commerce organised a National Seminar in 2013 on “Development of MSME, the Emerging Issues & challenges” with the eminent personalities Prof. Dr. P. Purusottam rao, Prof. & DIM of Commerce, Osmania University, Dr. Sanjib Singhal, V.P., Jabillant Life Science, Prof. J.L. Gupta, Prof. P.C. Jain, Principal, Sri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi.

The Commerce department organized a National Seminar and Annual Conference of all Odisha Commerce Association on 23rd Feb., 2014 on “Emerging issues and challenges of FDI in Indian Retail Sector” –Prof. I.M. Pandey, Sri P. Dash, Secy., MSME dept.

The department of Odia organized a National Seminar on “Manabetara Charitra Adharita Odia Khydra Galpara Drusti O Darshana” in the year 2015. Eminent resource persons Prof. Baisnab Charan Samal, Ex-Professor, Viswa Bharati Shantiniketan, WB, Dr. Prasanna Kumar Swain, Professor Berhampur University, Dr. Santosh Kumar Tripathy, Professor Utkal University attended the seminar as Chief Guest and speakers, respectively.

3.1.9 Details on the College initiative in transferring/advocating the relative findings of research of the College and elsewhere to the students and the community (lab to land).

The initiatives of the college in transferring/advocating research findings mainly focus on the students. Since students participate and interact with scholars, they imbibe new and path-breaking findings.

Suggestions based on findings of research & conferences purport to reach policy initiatives at the Govt. level.

Research initiatives by teachers invariably reach the students during class interaction and project guidance.

Department of Botany conducts the research activity on Medicinal Plant and their Conservation which is transmitted to the field through the students.

Via Vermi-composting techniques, the students of Zoology department spread the message for use of bio-manure in the field of agriculture to reduce the harmful effects of over use of chemical manures.

Department of Chemistry conducting many research on quality suitability of soil and water for agricultural products which are transmitted to the field through the students.

Being a college largely drawing its students from farming families, the students themselves are the ambassadors of new knowledge “Lab-to-Land” takes place through them.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 61

3.1.10 Give details on the faculty actively involved in research (Guiding student research, leading research projects, engaged in individual or collaborative research activity etc.) Guiding research Scholars by the faculty members of college.

Name of the faculty Guiding Research


Department No. of Scholars

Awarded with Ph.D

Thesis Examined

Dr. Madan Mohan Beura

English 02 Continuing 02

Dr. Subash Ch. Kumar, Ex-Principal


05 02 -

Dr. Binayak Rath Commerce 04 03 -

Dr. Brajabandhu Padhiary

Commerce 02 Continuing -

Dr. Bidyadhar Behera

Commerce 02 Continuing -

Dr. Pratip Kumar Mishra

Pol. Sc 02 Continuing -

Dr. (Maj.) Dusmanta Kumar Routray

Education 01 Continuing -

Individual Research Activity by faculty members.

Sl# Name of the Faculty Member Department Major/Minor research project

01 Dr. Madan Mohan Beura English Major

02 Dr. Muktikanta Mohanty Pol. Sc. Major

03 Prof. Sunil Kumar Pattanaik Economics Minor

04 Dr. Brajabandhu Padhiary Commerce Minor

05 Dr. Patitapaban Dalai Odia Minor

06 Dr. Bidyadhar Behera Commerce Minor

07 Dr. Swadesh Kumar Das Commerce Minor

08 Mrs. Arpita Mohanty Mathematics Minor

09 Mrs. Sushama Mishra Chemistry Minor

10 Prof. P.C. Pattanaik Chemistry Minor

11. Dr. Madan Mohan Mahala Odia Minor

12. Mrs. Sunita Tripathy Odia Minor

Dr. Madan Mohan Beura is a member of the Royal Society of Literature, London, UK.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 62

3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research 3.2.1 What percentage of the total budget is earmarked for research? Give details

of major heads of expenditure, financial allocation and actual utilization for last four years.

The annual budget of the college makes provision for research, publication and maintenance of research facilities.

A Resource Centre has been established to encourage & facilitate college level research.

For the publication of Research Journal “Manjari” the college utilizes Rs.2,32,000/- @ Rs.58,000/- per year.

For the publication of Research Journal “Odisha Biz. Review by the department of Commerce funds has been allocated for the current year.

Apart from the above financial allocation, individual initiatives are taken and resources used by both students and members of staff.

3.2.2 What are the financial provisions made in the College budget for supporting student research projects? Provisions made in the college budget to support student research projects invove

travel hospitality & remuneration for external experts and remuneration to internal experts.

Allotment to departments for seminars and workshops focusing on student research projects.

Exposure tours, industry, awareness tours, survey & area study tours are funded by through budgetary provision.

Year Total Budgeted Amount

(in Rs.)

Earmark for Research Percentage of Research

Budget Heads of

expenditure (Equipment,

Journal, Maintenance, Publication & Seminar/ Workshop)

(in Rs.)


(in Rs.)


(in Rs.)

2011-12 74873380 1317738+ 75000+ 218000+ 52000+ 80000 =1742738

1742738 1742738 2.32%

2012-13 106027785 657738+ 185855+ 3392023+ 56325+

4381941 4381941 4.13%

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 63

90000 =4381941

2013-14 112004105 824238+ 75600+ 2590000+ 169590+ 100000 =3759408

3759408 3759408 3.35%

2014-15 121092228 1697238+ 70000+ 2762000+ 170000+ 107016+ 19610 (ST*) =4825864

4825864 4825864 3.98%

* Study Tour

3.2.3 Is there a provision in the institution to provide seed money to faculty for research? If so, what percentage of the faculty has received seed money in the last four years? Though provision for seed money for research has not been made, advance

is allocated for activities like publication of Research Journal (‘Manjari’ and ‘Odisha Biz Review’), book publication, Magazine publication, contingency advance for researchers on MRP.

6% of faculty have received the amount.

3.2.4 Are there any special efforts made by the College to encourage faculty to file for patents? If so, provide details of patents filed and enumerate the sanctioned patents. A Resource Centre has been established with access to the latest information technology facilities to encourage research and file for patents.

3.2.5 Provide the following details of ongoing research projects: Name of the

faculty Year wise

Number Name of the project

Name of the

funding agency/ Industry

Total grant


Dr. Bidyadhar Behera

2009-10 01 MRP - Social Mobilization and empowerment of Women through Self help Groups in Odisha : A district level study

UGC 85720/-

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 64

Dr. Patitapaban Dalai

2010-11 01 Odia Samar Kala Paramparare Paika Kheda Eka Byatikrama

UGC 56500

Dr. M.M. Mahala

2010-11 01 Translating into Mother tongue ‘Manoj Das’ Short Story

UGC 51500

Mihir Kumar Ray

2011-12 01 UGC 38241

Sunita Tripathy

2011-12 01 Odia Galpa srustite Nari Shrastanka Abadana

UGC 55500

Dr. Brajabandhu Padhiary

2014-15 01 Role of Woman Entrepreneurs in promotion of rural economy of Odisha

UGC 105000

3.2.6 How many departments of the College have been recognized for their

research activities by national / international agencies

(UGC-SAP, CAS, DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, ICHR, ICPR, etc.) and what is the quantum of assistance received? Mention any two significant outcomes or breakthrough due to such recognition. Though any single department has not been recognized, the institution as a whole has been recognized by the UGC as a “College with Potential for Excellence- CPE” and the college has received Rs.28 lakh from the UGC towards this. UGC sanctioned Rs.57,50,000/- under CPE of which college has received and utilized the amount of Rs.28,75,000/-. The college is due to get the rest of the fund from UGC shortly.

Ten research projects have been funded. A research resource centre has been created to facilitate research.

3.2.7 List details of completed research projects undertaken by the College faculty in the last four years and mention the details of grants received for such projects (funded by Industry/ National/International agencies).

Details of completed research projects in the last 4 years and details of grants received.

Sl# Name of faculty UGC letter No. Type of


Amount sanctioned

01 Dr. Bidyadhar Behera PHO-141/09-10 MRP 85,720/- 02 Dr. Madan Mohan Mahala PHO-062/10-11 MRP 51,500/- 03 Dr. Patitapaban Dalai PHO-061/10-11 MRP 56,500/-

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 65

04 Prof. Mihir Kumar Ray PHO-078/04-05 MPR 38,241/- 05 Mrs. Sunita Tripathy PHO-064/11-12 MRP 55,500/- 06 Dr. Brajabandhu Padhiary PHO-063/14-15 MRP 1,05,000/-

3.3 Research Facilities 3.3.1 What efforts are made by the College to keep pace with the infrastructure

requirements to facilitate Research? How and what strategies are evolved to meet the needs of researchers?

Infrastructural support to facilitate research has been created in terms of books and journals, advanced instruments for labs, renovation of the labs, creation of research resource centre, internet connectivity, a language lab, power back-up.

Reference books, journals, e-resources for research. Purchase of advanced instruments for science labs. Renovation of science labs. Establishment of a Research Resource Centre. Computers with internet connectivity. A modern English Language Lab. Provision of power back-up. Students are encouraged to imbibe a research perspective through

individual project works. Funding for publication of Research Journal “Manjari” and Publication of

“Odisha Biz Review” 3.3.2 Does the College have an information resource centre to cater to the needs of

researchers? If yes, provide details on the facility. Yes, college has created a Research resource centre to cater to the needs of researchers. The facilities available are as follows. Internet connectivity. Reference books INFLIBNET facilities. HR support Documentation centre Uninterrupted power back-up Furniture Air conditioned room.

3.3.3 Does the College provide residential facilities (with computer and internet facilities) for research scholars and faculty? Though the college has hostel facilities for students and lady faculty members, there is no dedicated residential facility for researchers.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 66

3.3.4 Does the College have a specialized research centre/ workstation to address challenges of research programmes? If yes, give details. The college has not been declared as a research centre in the absence of a policy to that effect at the affiliating university level.

3.3.5 Does the College have research facilities (centre, etc.) of regional, national and international recognition/repute? Give a brief description of how these facilities are made use of by researchers from other laboratories. No, the college is yet to create a research centre of regional, national and international repute.

3.4 Research Publications and Awards 3.4.1 Highlight the major research achievements of the College through the

following: ∗ major papers presented in regional, national and international conferences ∗ publication per faculty ∗ faculty serving on the editorial boards of national and international

journals ∗ faculty members on the organization committees of international

conferences, recognized by reputed organizations / societies.

Sl. No.

Name of the faculty








ce a


ed a

s re


ce p







r Pre





ipt o

f Awa

rd National

International State level Seminar

1 Dr. Subas Chandra Kumar

04 28 28 - 21-National, 7-International

2 Dr. B.B.Padhiari - 48 23 - 43-National, 3-State, 2-International

3 Dr. R.K. Mishra - 13 03 - 12-National, 01-International

4 Dr. Madan Mohan Beura

08 26 26 - 20-National 06-International

5 Mr. D.K.Mohanty - 20 12-State 08-National

6 Dr. Binayak Rath - 12 - - 9-State, 3-International

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 67

7 Dr. K,C.Satpathy - 05 02 - 2-National, 3-State

8 Dr. Kamala Panda 01 05 - - 9 Dr. Ahalya Swain - 11 02 - 06-National,

05-State 10 Mrs. Asima Satpathy - 07 - - 02-National,

05-State 11 Mrs. Anjalibala

Panda - 03 - - 03-National

12 Dr. Archana Tripathy

- 03 03 - 3- National

13 Dr. Purnima Nayak - 09 09 - 9-National 14 Dr. Ajay Kumar

Singh - 01 01 - 1-National

15 Dr. Swapnapriya Senapati

- 05 03 - 03-State 02-National

16 Mr. Hemanta Kumar Satpathy

- 15 - - 13-State 02-National

17 Dr. Pratip Ku. Mishra

03 37 14 - 18-State, 18-National, 01-International

18 Dr. Biswamohini Mangaraj

- 15 - - 14-State, 01-International

19 Mr. Gopal Krishna Das

- 38 29 - 15- State, 23-National

20 Dr. Sulekha Samantaray

- 10 10





ar 06-State,

03-National, 01-International

21 Dr. Sunanda Padhi - 05 05 - 05-National 22 Dr. Basudev

Mohanty - 02 - - 02-State

23 Dr. Mamata Dey - 04 04 - 03-State, 01-National

24 Mr. Debabrata Mohanty

01 02 02 - 02-State

25 Dr. Nanda Kishore Biswal

- 10 10 - 05-State, 04-National, 01-International

26 Dr. Pradip Ku. Samantaray

- 04 04 - 04-State

27 Mr. T.R. Mohanty - 04 04 - 03-State,

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 68

01-National 28 Mr. Debasish Panda 05 05 05 - 04-State

01-National 29 Mr. Abhas Baral - 02 02 01 02-State 30 Mrs. Jayashree

Pattnaik 08 08 - 02-State,

05-National, 01-International

31 Dr. Saudamini Dash - 04 - - 04-State, 07-National

32 Mrs. Sucharita Mohanty

- 04 - - 04-State, 07-National

33 Mr. Prafulla Ku Srichandan

- 05 - - 05-State

34 Dr.Urmila Sundari Devi

- 02 - - 02-National

35 Smt. Swayam Prave Pattnaik

- 08 - - 02-State, 06-National

36 Mrs Rajeswari Swain

- 06 - - 01-State, 05-National

37 Dr.Madan Mohan Behera

- 08 - - 01-International 01-State, 05-National

38 Mrs. Minakshi Mohapatra

- 03 - - 01-State, 02-National

39 Mrs Sunita Tripathy - 06 - - 06-State 40 Mr.P.R.Pattnaik - 04 04 - 02-State,

02-National 41 Mr.C.R.Pattnaik - 07 07 - 05-State,

02-National 42 Mrs. Nirupama Bal - 09 07 - 02-State,

07-National 43 Dr. Sanghamitra

Nayak - 08 08 - 03-State,

05-National 44 Mr.Pradip Ku Sahoo - 03 03 - 02-State,

01-National 45 Mr. Prasana Ku Sahu - 03 03 - 02-State,

01-National 46 Mrs. Chitra Pattnaik - 10 05 - 02-State,

07-National, 01-International

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 69

47 Mr.Laxmi Prasana Pattnaik

- 03 - - 02-State, 01-National

48 Dr. Ranjita Sethi - 16 08 - 05-State, 09-National, 02-International

49 Dr.Jyotsna rani Biswal

- 02 - - 01-State, 01-National

50 Dr.Madhusmita Tripathy

- 15 05 - 05-State, 09-National, 01-International

51 Mrs.T.R.Panda - 03 - 01-State, 02-National

52 Mrs Subinita Mishra - 05 - - 04-National, 01-International

53 Mrs. S.S.Paschimakabat

- 02 - - 02-National

54 Dr. D.K.Routray - 55 Dr.Chitta Ranjan

Nayak - 04 - - 02-State,

02-National 56 Sri Jagdev Mohanty - 03 - - 02-State,

01-National 57 Dr. Braja Kishore

Mohanty - 03 - - 03-State

58 Mrs.Kshyanaprava Mohanty

- 03 - - 02-State, 01-National

59 Mrs Susama Mishra - 05 - - 02-State, 03-National

60 Mrs. Manju Pattnaik - 02 - - 01-State 01-National

61 Mr. Pratap Ch Pattnaik

- 05 04 - 04-National, 01-International

62 Dr. Jyotsna Mohanty - 10 03 - 05-State, 05-National

63 Mr. Priyabrata Mohanty

- 02 - - 01-National, 01-International

64 Mr. Susanta Kumar Mishra

- 03 02 - 01-State 01-State 01-International

65 Mr. Shailendra Prasad Mishra

- 02 - - 01-State 01-National

66 Smt. Banitarani Dash - 01 - - 01-State

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 70

67 Smt. Sujata Moharana

- 04 - - 03-State, 01-National

68 Smt. Nandita Chhotray

- 10 - - 03-State, 07-National

69 Dr. Renuka Kumari Panda

- 01 - - 01-State

70 Mrs. Geeta Pattnaik - 01 - - 01-State 71 Mr. A.K. Mishra - 03 - - 03-State 72 Mr.Sukumar

Pattanaik - 02 - - 02-State

73 Mr. Banoj Kumar Dehuri

- 01 - - 01-State

74 Ms. Sujatarani Rout - 02 - - 02-State 75 Dr. S.B. Mohanty - 15 07 2 03-State,

12-National 76 Mrs. Lilakshi Panda - 02 - - 02-National 77 Dr. Basanti Das - 01 - - 01-State 78 Dr. Pradeepta Kumar

Mohapatra - 03 01 - 01-National

02-State 79 Dr. Mrudula Mishra - 04 01 - 02National

02-State 80 Mr. Soumendra

Mishra - 04 - - 03-National

01-State 81 Mrs. Arpita Mohanty - 02 - - 02-National 82 Dr. Pratyush Kumar

Pradhan - 13 01 - 04-State

07-National 02-International

83 Jyostna Manjari Pradhan

- 04 01 - 03-National 01-State

84 Ladukesh Prasad Mishra

- 16 04 - 14-National 02-State

85 R.N. Mallick - 02 - - 02-National 86 Dr. Ajanta Satapathy - 01 01 - 01-National 87 Rasmirekha Barik - 04 - - 02-National

02-International 88 Mrs. Suchismita

Mohanty 02 01 - 02-National

89 Mrs. Soudamini Dash

- 01 01 - 01-National

90 Dr. Mousumee Kanungo

- 02 - - 02-National

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 71

91 Ch. P.K. Das - 06 04 - 04-State 02-National

92 Dr. Sushil Kumar Pattanaik

05 16 10







07-National 07-International 02-State

3.4.2 Does the College publish research journal(s)? If yes, indicate the composition of the editorial board, publication policies and whether it is listed in international database?

The college publishes “Manjari” an annual journal of Science & Social Sciences with ISSN No.09749896

Members of the Editorial Board (Manjari)

1. Dr. Pratip Mishra

2. Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Mishra 3. Dr. Bidyadhar Behera

4. Prof. (Mrs.) Sunita ripathy 5. Dr. Pradip Kumar Pattanaik

The college publishes an annual Research Journal of Commerce department named “Odisha Biz Review” with ISSN no.2454-4264

Members of the Editorial Board (Odisha Biz Review) 1. Dr. Sushil Kumar Pattanaik 2. Prof. Deepak Kumar Mohanty

3. Dr. B.B. Padhiary 4. Dr. Bidyadhar Behera

The department of Odia publishes journal of “Odia Sahitya Parishad” annually.

Members of the Editorial Board (Odia Sahitya Parishad) 1. Dr. Urmila Sundari Devi

2. Mrs. Swayamprava Patnaik 3. Dr. Madan Mohan Mahala

4. Dr. Madan Mohan Behera 5. Prof. Gopal Krishna Das

The format followed in social sciences and languages used to be MLA style manual.

The journal is now published with APA parameters.

Articles are reviewed by Editorial Board and reviewed by peer team before publication.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 72

3.4.3 Give details of publications by the faculty: ∗ number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /

international) ∗ Monographs ∗ Chapters in Books ∗ Editing Books ∗ Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers ∗ number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,

Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)

∗ Citation Index – range / average ∗ SNIP ∗ SJR ∗ Impact factor – range / average ∗ h-index


Title of the Article Journal Detail





Vol. & Page No.


Mr. Sushil Kumar Pattanaik

01 Empowering the self help groups : A study on operational effectiveness of MFIs in Odisha

Journal of Business Management, Commerce & Research (ISSN 2319-250X)

2014 Vol.-II (VIII) pp.69-84

02 CRM in Banking : A comparative study of SBI and ICICI

Journal of Business Management, Commerce & Research (ISSN 2319-250X)

Dec. 2013

Vol.-II (VI) pp.1-10

03 Efficiency measurement of each management activities : A study on IDBI capital

Journal of Business Management, Commerce & Research (ISSN 2278-5280)

June 2013

Vol.-II (V) pp.57-70

04 Economic perspective of Indian Tourism : An Empirical view

Journal of Business Management, Commerce & Research (ISSN 2319-250X)

Mar. 2013

Vol.-I (III) pp.18-28

05 Tourism branding : A study on brand dimensions of Odisha Tourism

IQRA International management Journal, New Delhi (ISSN 2277-4211)

July 2012

Vol.-I (I)pp.136-145

06 Customer Relationship management in Banking : A study on SBI

Journal of Economics, Management & Technology (ISSN 2278-

June 2012

Vol.-I(I) pp.28-40

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 73


07 An experience on Human Interface System : A study on Banking sector

Journal of Business Management, Commerce & Research (ISSN 2278-5280)

June 2012

Vol.-I(I) pp.1-15

08 Challenges & perspectives of Tourism : An experience from Orissa Tourism

GITAM Journal of Mgt. (ISSN 0972-740X)

July 2012

Vol.-I0(3) pp.199-213

09 Export potentiality and handicapped sector of Odisha : An empirical view

Odisha Journal of Commerce & Mgt. (ISSN 0976-8599)

May 2012


10 Challenges and prospective of Tourism Industry : A study on Odisha Tourism

The Management Page (ISSN 2231-220X)

Sept. 2011

Vol.-2(2) pp.44-58

11 An empirical Evidence of Foreign Trade of India in Agricultural Products

The Orissa Journal of Commerce (ISSN 0974-8432)


Vol.-XXXII (1&2) pp.126-132

12 Taxation of Non-profit organization in india in changing Scenario : A Reform experience

Asian Journal of Management (ISSN 0976-495X)

2011 Vol.-2(3) pp.141-146

13 Testing Random walk hypothesis for Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange

Journal of Banking Financial Services and insurance research (ISSN 2231-4288)

2011 Vol.-1(6) pp.37-44

14 Equity Financing in India: An empirical analysis of chemical industry

CAMS journal of Business Studies and Research, Thiruvantapuram (ISSN 0975-7953)

2011 Vol.-2(2) pp.44-58

15 Measurement of Risk and Return on Equity: Empirical Evidence from Paints & Pigments Industry

ACRM Journal of Business and Management Research, Bangalore (ISSN 0973-3523)

2011 Vol.-6(1) pp.30-35

16 Higher Education and Governance: A linkage to Social Development

The Odisha Journal of Commerce (ISSN 0974-8432)

2010 Vol.-XXXI (1) pp.83-89

17 Social capital Value and entrepreneurship : An Empirical Study

The Odisha Journal of Commerce (ISSN 0974-8432)

2009 Vol.-XXX (2) pp.212-116

18 Demographic changes in response to service quality of SBI

Odisha Biz Review 2015

19 Book – Business Mathematics & Statistics Part-I

Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi


20 Book – Basic Computer Education Kalyani Publisher, New Delhi


21 Book – Tourism in India : The challenges and perspective

S.S.D.N. publisher, New Delhi


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 74

22 Book – Business statistics Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi


23 Book – Micro Finance and Rural Development (Editor)

S.S.D.N. publisher, New Delhi


24 Business Mathematics & Statistics Part-II

Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi


Dr. Brajabandhu Padhiary, Reader 25 FDI in a retail sector and its impact in

India Odisha Biz Review 2015

26 E-government prospective and challenges for developing countries

Indian Journal of Commerce

2010 63 (2)

Dr. Bidyadhar Behera, Reader

27 Mgt. of Tourism in Rural Odisha IIPA Journal 2010

28 Micro enterprise & sustainable livelihood: A case of Odisha

ICA 2010

29 Entrepreneurship & employment opportunities in Odisha with reference to tourism

Entrepreneurship Business Review (Abst.)

2011 25

Dr. Binayak Rath, Reader

30 Investor perception on mutual fund “A Birds Eye View”

Odisha Biz Review 2015


Dr. Braja Kishore Mohanty, Reader 31 Solvation of Carboxyl ate ions in

mixed Solvent systems. Book.

Mr. Priyabrata Mohanty

32 Big GMA/Jute fibre /fly ash hybrid composites

Emlard Insight (ISSN 0369-9420)

2014 Vol.-43(5) pp.263-270

33 2-Hydroxy-ethyl acrylate Grafled jute Fibre/ Trealid Coir Pitch/Vinyl earlier hybrid composites

American Journal of Material Science and Technology, Columbia

2015 Vol.-4(1) pp.31-46

Dr. Subash Chandra Sahoo

34 Chapter in Book - Graphene supported noble metal Nano structures : synthesis and electrochemical applications

Innovations in nano-materials (ISBN 978-1-63483-572-5)


35 Chapter in Book – Graphene : synthesis, properties & applications

Polymer nano composites based on inorganic and organic nano materials (ISBN 978-1-118-38509-8)


36 Chapter in Book - Flower shaped silver nanostructure : An efficient Bateria Extermination

A search for Antibaterical agents (ISBN 978-953-51-0724-


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 75


37 A Bio-inspired approach for shaping all nanostructures: The role of Bio-molecule structures in shaper Evolution

Chemistry; A European Journal

2013 Vol.19 pp.8220-8226

38 A fosile electrochemical approach for development of Highly corrosion protective cuttings using grapheme nanosheets

Electrochemistry communications

2013 Vol.32 pp.22-26

39 Graphene – induced Pd nano deudrites : A high performance hybrid nano electro catalyst

Nano research 2013 Vol.6(9) pp.635-643

40 A fosile approach for in situ synthesis of graphene branched –pt hybrid nano-structures with excellent electrochemical performance

Nano scale RSC publishing

2013 Vol.5 pp.11265-11274

41 Photo-electro catalytic oxidation of NADH by visible light driven plasmonic nano composites

Journal of Material Chemistry

2014 Vol.2 pp.12677-12680

42 Sandwiched Graphene with Nitrogen, sulphur co-doped CQDS: Efficient metal free material for energy storage and conversion application.

Journal of Material Chemistry

2015 Vol.2 pp.12677-12680

43 A fosile approach for morphosynthesis of pd nano electro catalysts.

Chem. Commun. The Royal Society of Chemistry

2011 Vol.47 pp.3796-3798

Sri Pratap Chandra Pattnaik, Lecturer 44 Development of new alginate

entrapped Fe(III)-Zr(IV) binary mixed oxide for removal of fluoride from water bodies.

Chemical engineering Journal

2012 Accepted.


Dr. Purna Chandra Tripathy, Lecturer

45 Free convention flow with mass transfer of elastic-viscos fluid passed accelerated vertical plate with metal heat flux.

The Wear, Oxford, London (Communicated)


Dr. Purnima Nayak

46 Optimization in deteriorated inventory model incorporated with percentage loss, promotion and functional ordering cost a complete analysis

Journal of Business and management Sciences, USA

2014 Vol.-II

Dr. Ajaya Kumar Singh, Lecturer

47 A generalization of the concept of banach limits.

OMS 2014 41

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 76

48 Books - Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Vol.I – IV

49 Books-Solution to topics in Mathematics

Kalyani Publishers Vol.-I &II

Mrs. Arpita Mohanty, Lecturer

50 Hall effects on unsteady free convection flow along porous plate with heat source and chemical reaction.

International journal of fluid mechanics.

2012 pp.33-52

51 Chemical reaction effect on MDH oscillatory flow through a porous medium bounded by two vertical porous plates with heat sources and soret effect.

Journal of Application Analysis and Computation.

2013 Vol.4

52 Analytical and Numerical study of oscillatory MHD flow past a vertical plate with variable temp and chemical reaction.

Annual of faculty Engineering Hunedoara, Int. J of Engineering


53 Unsteady MHD flow of a Visco-elastic fluid along vertical porous surface with fluctuating temp. & concentration

IOSR journal of Engineering



Nikunja Bihari Sahoo, Reader

54 Heat and mass transfer in MHD Odisha Journal of Physics vol 16 no-2

2009 327-343

55 Heat and mass transfer for effect of MHD

Acta Cieneia Indica vol XXXVI

2010 341-360

56 Heat and mass transfer for effect of MHD

Journal of Ultra scientist of physical sciences vol 23 no 1

2011 103-122

Dr. Pradeepta Kumar Mohapatra, Lecturer 57 Light and Strange Baryon Spectra in a

Relativistic Potential Model. The Open Nuclear and Particle Physics Journal, U.S.A.

2009 Vol.-2 pp.34

58 Radiative Transitions of Mesons in an independent-quark potential Model

International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Non-Linear Optics.

2010 Vol.-14 pp.1022

59 An independent-quark model calculation for radioactive decay width of mesons in static and beyond static approximation

Canadian journal of Physics

2010 Vol.-88 pp.517

60 Baryon Resonance Spectra in a relativistic potential of independent quarks

Chinese Journal of Physics

2011 Vol.-49/5 pp.1018

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 77

61 Quark-Pion Coupling Strength and Ground state Baryon Spectra in a Chiral Potential Model.

Canadian journal of Physics

2011 Vol.-89 (12) pp.1261

Mr. Upendra Kumar Barik

62 Magneto hydro dynamics an steady free convection flow of water at 4 degree centigrade passed and infinite plate with constant suction and heat sources or sings including dissipative heat.

Octatiencia Indica 2010 Vol-XXXVI pp.3-383

Mr. Debabrata Dwibedi

63 Primordial black hole mass spectrum in branks decay theory

IJMPD 2013

64 Evolution of primordial black hole in loop quantum cosmology

Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy

2014 Vol-35 Page-97


Dr.Chinmayee Mohanty

65 Socio-Economic Impact of Fisheries in Khordha District,Odisha

Proceedings of Regional Science Congress.

2014 pp-23

66 Incidence of Psychological Disorder among elderly people, A study in BBSR.

Manjari, Journal of Science and Social Science

2014 pp.7-11

Dr. Ranjita Sethi, Reader

67 Conservation status of Indian Roller. Proc. Of 12th Orissa Bigyan Congress

2009 pp-115-116

68 Avifauna of Barunei Hill. (Abstract). Proc. Of National seminar, Nayagarh Autonomous College, Nayagarh

2011 pp-31

69 Karyological analysis and NORs study of Halcyon smyrnensis(Alcedinidae:Aves)

Proc. of 99th ISCA 2012 pp-217

70 Conservation status of Tiger in Orissa Proc. of INCCBSD13 2013 Accepted 71 Nucleolar organizer region of Halcyon

smyrnensis. XXXVI Indian Social Science Congress,

2013 pp-10-12

72 Socio-Economic Impact of Fisheries in Khordha District,Odisha

Proceedings of Regional Science Congress.

2014 pp-23

73 Incidence of Psychological Disorder among elderly people, A study in BBSR.

Manjari, Journal of Science and Social Science .

2014 pp.7-11

Dr. Madhusmita Tripathy, Lecturer

74 Sparrow Passer domesticus A friend of Human being on the verge of extinction.

National conference, New Frontiers of Life Sciences

2012 Pp87

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 78

75 Quarry waste management with special reference to Kaliapani chromites mines of Sukinda valley.

Proc. Nat. seminar, p. n. college, Bolagarh.

2010 Pp33

76 A study on floristic and faunal diversity of Daitary Hill ranges, Keojhara, Orissa.

Proc. Nat. Seminar, Nayagarh College, Nayagarh

2011 pp.227-229

77 Flora and fauna of Dietary Hill Ranges, Keojhara, Orissa.

99th AISCA,2012 2012 pp 136.

78 Book - Study of a chromite mine of India.

Lambert Academy Publishing, Germany


79 Biodiversity of Bhitarakanika Proc. Of INCCBSD13 2013 Accepted 80 Biodiversity of Chilika and its

Conservation, Odisha, India. International Research Journal of Env.Sc.ISSN2319-1415.


81 Mangrove biodiversity of Bhitarkanika of Odisha and its Conservation.

Proceedings of International Conference (INCCBSD-2013)


82 Conservation status of tiger in Odisha. International Journal of Biological Science and Engineering.ISSN: 0976-1519.


83 A study on environmental health, Khordha.

International journal of society of energy,sustainability and environmental engineenering.ISSN: 2396-3165

2014 Vol. I

84 Study of Chromite Mines in India. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN-978-3-659-14980-1


85 Socio-Economic Impact of Fisheries in Khordha District, Odisha

Proceedings of Regional Science Congress, pp-23

2014 pp-23

86 Incidence of Psychological Disorder among elderly people, A study in BBSR.

Manjari, Journal of Science and Social Science .

2014 pp.7-11

87 A study on flouristic and faunal diversity of Dietary Hill ranges of Keujhara District of Orissa.

International Journal of Society of Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Engineering (ISSN: 2396-3165)

2015 Vol.1(3)


Dr. (Mrs.) Sanghamitra Nayak, Lecturer

88 Heavy metal toxicity in plants with special reference to Chromium leading to environmental pollution: Some aspects.

Proceedings of National Seminar, Department of Chemistry, Mangaala Mahavidyalay, Kakatput, Puri.

2009 Pp- 32-33

Dr.(Mrs.) Chitra Pattnaik, Lecturer 89 Evaluation of Rice Varieties in International journal 2014 Vol.2,Issue(

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 79

Organic and farmers practices

of Innovative And applied Research


Dr. Ladukesh Prasad Mishra, Lecturer

90 In vitro regeneration of Withania somnifera (L) Dunal through direct organogenesis.

Plant Sci. Res 2009 31(1&2) 57-60.

91 In vitro propagation of Acalypha indica L.: A potential medicinal plant.

Plant Sci. Res 2010 32:56-61

92 In vitro culture of mature nodal explants for micropropagation of Aegle marmelos (L) Corr. , an important medicinal tree species

Plant Sci. Res 2009 Vol.31 (1&2) 29-34.


Ajay Kumar Mishra, Lecturer

93 “A Survey on Pre-processing of Microarray Gene Expression Data”

International Journal of advance Research in Computer Science (ISSN No.- 0976-5697)

2014 Vol-5(7)

94 "Cluster: A brief Analysis in Context of computer”

Manjari Research Journal (ISSN No.- 0974-9896)

95 “Association Rule Mining With Apriori And Fpgrowth Using Weka”

International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science (ISSN No.- 2348-7550)

2015 Vol-3(1)

96 Association Rule Mining With Apriori And Fpgrowth Using Weka

2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and Management, Delhi University, Conference Center, New-Delhi

27th Sept., 2015

Sagarika Pattnaik, Lecturer

97 Simulation Based Performance Of SACK over other TCP Variance in Wireless Networks

Manjari Research Journal (ISSN No.- 0974-9896)


Madan Mohan Beura, Reader

98 A presentation an analysis of Horror in Fiction : Significant examples

Replica (ISSN 2277-7520)

2012 Vol.XV (3&4) pp.60-68

99 Chapter in Book - Literary texts as counter to Totalitarinism : Their significance and specificities

Cambridge Scholars Publishing (ISBN (10) : 1-4438-3445-9)

2012 pp.336-340

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 80

100 Ecocritical heme and Framework in Modern American Poetry

Replica (ISSN 2277-7520)

2013 Vol.XVI (3&4) pp.112-117

101 Parafigm sift from culture /nativity to nature in Azerbaijanian Poetry

Replica (ISSN 2277-7520)

2014 Vol.XVII (3&4) pp.90-97

102 Marriage and its Horizons in Modern American Poetry

Replica (ISSN 2277-7520)

2015 Vol.XVIII (1&2) pp.21-27

103 A critic’s Glance at the Poetry of Maldives

Quintessence (ISSN 2347-7768)

2013 Vol.1 pp.131-140

104 From Nuoro to the Noble podium : the Universalization of Sardinia Through Grazia Deledda’s patriotic Literary Art

Rock Pebbles (ISSN 0975-0509)

2013 Vol.XVII (2) pp.28-31

105 Varied Horizons in Soviet War Poetry : A Relook in the 21st Century.

Rock Pebbles (ISSN 0975-0509)

2014 Vol.XVIII (IV) pp.17-24

Sulekha Samantray, Reader 106 Drama of declining Aristocracy: A

study of Cheklov’s “ The Cherry Orchard”

Manjari 2009 Vol.01,83-90.

107 Gangadhara Meher Nka Lekhani re BASANTA BARNANA

Magazine of P.N.Auto. College, Khordha

2009 Pp.26-29

108 Africa (Poem translated by David Drop)

Shatabhisa 2009 Vol.4, pp.45-46.


Dr. Bibekananda Dash

109 Rice production in KBK district of Odisha a temporal analysis

Odisha Biz Review 2015

110 Agricultural development disparity among district of KBK region of Odisha

Int. Journal of Physical and Social Science (ISSN 2249-5894)

2014 Vol.5(9)

111 Growth and variability in maze crop production in KBK district of Odisha

Int. Journal for Neoclassical research and development in Management (ISSN 2395-4027)

2015 Vol-1(2)


Dr. Kamala Panda, Reader

112 Primary education in Nayagarh State Pratik 2011 69

Dr. Ahalya Swain, Reader

113 A Protagonist of the People’s Movement: Gokul Mohan Roychudamani.

Re-exploring Prachi Valley, M.Mahavidyalaya,


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 81

Kakatpur, Puri.

114 Peasants’ Movement in Khurdha. Anwesha ,Journal of Khordha Historical society.

2009 pp-99-103


Dr. Madan Mohan Mahala, Reader

115 Oriya Baishnab Dharama Jagannath. Prateek 2008-09

116 Oriya Sahityara Patrapratika Prateek 2009-2010

Mrs. Sunita Tripathy, Lecturer

117 Kuntala Kumari Sabat Jugashri Juga naari, monthly Women Magazine.

2010 10,11

118 Meher Sahityare naari Shrusti 2006 25-27

Mr. Gopal Krushna Das, Lecturer

119 Paika Bidrohara dwitiya karnadhara Gyananirjhara 2011

120 Khordara paika sanskruti Journal of MRampur College


121 Khordha Marwadi Samajara Aitithya Book

122 Swarnava Swapna History of P.N. Autonomous College.



Mrs. Nandita Chhotaray, Lecturer

123 Evolutionary philosophy of Sri Aurobindo

National Seminar 2012 pp-14

124 Karmic triad of the Geeta (Karma Akarma and Vikarma)

Journal of Philosophy and Social Science (ISSN 0258-1701)

2014 Vol-39 (2)

125 Book - Rebirth-Karma-Evolution Indian Philosophical Congress (ISBN 978-81-928113-4-5)

2013 Chp-22 pp-15

126 Ashrama Dharma and Duties of a being

Journal of Philosophy 2015 pp-44-51

127 Is Amhisa Karma possible ? Geeta’s prospective

Sovenior of UGC sponsored National Seminar, Jagatpur, Odisha

2015 pp-40-47

Dr. Renuka Panda, Reader

128 The Geeta on karma- Yoga (A philosophical analysis)

Sovenior of UGC sponsored National Seminar, Jagatpur, Odisha

2015 pp-88-89

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 82

Dr. Mousumi Kanungo, Lecturer

129 The Geeta’s twin concept : Dharma & Swadharma then and now

Sovenior of UGC sponsored National Seminar, Jagatpur, Odisha

2015 pp-75-76


Dr. Pratip Kumar Mishra, Reader

130 Civil Society redefining the values of democracy

IIPA 2012-13

Vol. XVV

131 Paid news syndrome media credibility of stock.

IIPA 2013 Vol. IV

132 Regional security Dynamics of growth Asian Security counter tourism initiatives US and India

Current Development Reporter


133 Displacement and Rehabilitation Journal of P.G. Dept. of Pol. Sc. M.P.C. College, Baripada


134 Global Warming, Climate Change impact on coastal eco –system-case of Odisha in the Indian sub –continent

Manjari journal of science and social science (ISSN 0974-9896)

135 Trends in Indian Federalism- Unitarian to Cooperative Bargaining model.

Proceedings of the seminar on Conflict and Cooperation in Union State Relations India

Aug. 2012

136 Political Participation of Tribal Women study of management and Decision Making-Raighar Gram Panchayat Nabrangapur District

Manjari Research Journal (ISSN No.- 0974-9896)


Vol.1 pp.131-139

137 Emerging Rural Consumer in Odisha Protection of Rights and Redressal initiatives

Manjari Research Journal (ISSN No.- 0974-9896)


Vol.1 pp.60-67

138 Paid News Syndrome- Media Credibility at stake,

Journal of IIPA Odisha Regional Branch

2013 pp.169-175

139 Civil society-Redefining the values of Democracy pg 201-206 published in Civil Society and Participatory Democracy the theme

Journal of IIPA Odisha branch (ISSN 2231-556)


140 Regional Security: Dynamics of South Asian Security- Counter Terrorism initiative united States and India in Current development

Reporter 2013 Vol.XII (3) pp.8-10

141 Present Political culture need for reforms

IIPA, Odisha branch paper published in Prasashan

2014 Vol.XII (3) pp.91-94

142 General Election 2014-Issues and Dynamics, published in Public Policy Perspectives

The journal of Institute of Public Policy studies (ISSN 2319-912)

2013 Vol.13 pp.98-102

143 Innovative Practices in disaster Risk Management-”A Study of Indian

Orissa Political Science Journal (ISSN 0377-


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 83

Ocean Tsunami” 1997) - Editor 144 Distress Migration: The Indigenous

People of South Western Odisha Current Development Reporter (ISSN 2394-1323)

2015 Vol.2(1) Pg.23-27

145 Odisha Paradox- Rich State Poor People

Journal of Indian Institute of Public Administration (ISSN 2231-556X)

2013 Vol. XXI

146 Imbibing Ethics in Public administration -A 21st Century Perspective

Smart Governance Emerging Dimensions, IIPA (ISSN 2231-556X)


147 Education and governance –The way ahead

published by All Orissa Non-Government Teachers and Employees association.


148 Quality Higher Education: Need for Integration of Methods and Techniques

Souvenir Tools and Techniques to improve Quality in higher education


Dr. Muktikanta Mohanty, Lecturer

149 Development And Tribal Displacement : Reflection on core Issues

The Indian journal of Political science

2009 Vol.LXX, No.2

150 An Alternative Discourse to Naxalism; A case study of Industrial Displaced Tribal of Orissa

XXII Conference of OPSA (Orissa Political Science Association)

151 Orissa Resettlement & Rehabilitation Policy-2006 in Praxis

2010 Vol.XVII, No.1

152 Understanding Displacement of Tribals

OPSJ 2009 Vol.XVI, No.1

153 Impact of Displacement on Tribal Women due to Industrialization in Orissa

30th ,Session of Orissa History Congress

2009 17-18

154 Key Note Address: Judicial Activism In India

UGC Seminar 2009 27-28th

155 Human Rights, Panchayati Raj Institution Interface- An Analysis

OPS 2010

156 Migration and Diaspora relation in India

IJA 2011

157 Status of women prisoners in India OPJA 2012

158 Women trafficking in Tribal World OPS 2012

159 Migration. Multiculturalism and Citizenship

OPS 2012


Mrs. Rashmi Kar, Lecturer

160 Sri Jivagoswami and Sri The Orissa historical 2010 Vol.LI no.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 84

Gopalacompuh- an appraisal research journal 1,2,3 &4,84-92.

161 Art inSri Jivagoswami’s and Sri Gopalacompuh

The Orissa historical research journal

2011 Vol.LII, no. 1&2, 68-75.


Dr. Pradipta Kumar Pattanaik, Lecturer

162 Globalization and tribal identity Manjari (ISSN 0974-9896)


163 Domestic violence in India and the DV Act, 2005 : A social-legal analysis in the context of the test of Odisha

Journal of Women studies and Edn. (ISSN 0048-7325)


164 Legislation and social change in India Manjari (ISSN 0974-9896)


165 Analysis of a social –political philosophy : Noan Chomskey in prospective

Odisha review (ISSN 0970-8669)

2014 Vol.LXX

166 Tribal Languages at crossroad : the impact of Globalisation

Journal of Nabin Samajik Sodh (ISSN 0974-4431)

2014 Vol.63 (3)

167 Women and Social change in India : A socio legal prospective.

Journal of Philosophy and Social Scienece (ISSN 0048-7325)

2015 Vol.40 (1)

168 Chapter in Book – State of Tribal health in Odisha with special reference to Maternal and Child Health

S.N. Choudhury Edition, Rawat Publication, Jaipur (ISBN 978-81-316-0512-7)



Dr. Swarna Prava Sahoo, Lecturer

169 The challenges of Education In Rural India

Proceedings of National Seminar


170 A study of regional inbalance in Education : KBK vis-à-vis Non-KBK regions of Odisha

Proceedings of National Seminar


171 Mother tongue based education at school level : where do you stand

Proceedings of National Seminar


172 The RTE Act, 2009 : Present status and implementation prospectus

Proceedings of National Seminar


3.4.4 Indicate the average number of successful M.Phil. and Ph.D. scholars

guided per faculty. 05 members of faculty are active in research guidance. The college does not have M.Phil guidance provision.

3.4.5 What is the stated policy of the College to check malpractices and misconduct in research?

The policy to check malpractices and misconduct in research is clearly

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 85

enumerated in the research journal MANJARI, Journal of Science and Social Sciences.

The editorial team vets the articles after peer review.

The peer team is assigned to prevent malpractice.

3.4.6 Does the College promote interdisciplinary research? If yes, how many inter departmental / inter disciplinary research projects have been undertaken and mention the number of departments involved in such an endeavour.

Interdisciplinary research takes place at an individual level. Researchers from the department of Education have done psychological profiling of parents of differently abled children and inmates of Open Air Jail.

English department and Odia department collaborated in the project Animal/Subhuman Characters in Odia literature” 2015.

3.4.7 Mention the research awards instituted by the College. Though the college has not instituted any research awards, it felicitates teachers who have been awarded Ph.D./D.Lit. every year on Commemoration Day function.

Participation of teachers in national and international conferences is acknowledged in the Annual Report presented on the Commemoration Day.

3.4.8 Provide details of ∗ research awards received by the faculty

Mr. Priyabrata Mohanty achieved 2nd position in National Science days Poster completion at KIIT university in 2014.

Dr. Subash Chandra Sahoo, received 1st prize as research scholar in postal completion in 48th CSIR – IMMT Foundation day in 2012.

Dr. Subash Chandra Sahoo received 1st prize in poster completion in International Conference on frontiers in energy, Environment, Health and Materials Research (EEMR-13), 2013.

Dr. Sushil Kumar Pattanaik received “Bharat Shikshya Ratan” award from Global Society for Health and Educational Research, New Delhi on 29th April, 2013 for outstanding performance in Education and Research in the country.

∗ recognition received by the faculty from reputed professional bodies and agencies

Dr. Bidyadhar Behera attended two sessions in the Annual Summit on Business & Entrepreneurial Studies, Kuching, Malaysia.

The Radha Gobinda Shefali Museum for Local History and Culture, chaperoned by Prof. Gopal Krushna Das, has been widely covered in the national media.

The Geology department of this college has hosted an exhibition of rare gems and minerals in collaboration with Radha Gobinda Shefali Museum.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 86

3.4.9 State the incentives given to faculty for receiving state, national and international recognitions for research contributions. The incentives to faculty for research contributions comprise in terms of liberal leave policy and names of such awardees are mentioned in the Commemoration Function report.

3.5 Consultancy

3.5.1 What is the stated policy of the College for structured consultancy? List a few important consultancy services undertaken by the College.

Consultancy is given at individual level in the absence of a stated policy thereto.

3.5.2 Does the College have College-industry cell? If yes, what is its scope and range of activities? The college is yet to have its college-industry Cell.

3.5.3 What is the mode of publicizing the expertise of the College for consultancy services? Mention the departments from whom consultancy was sought.

Since consultancy services are given by individuals, there is no scope for advertising the consultancy services.

State Education Policy does not encourage consultancy for faculty members.

3.5.4 How does the College encourage the faculty to utilise the expertise for consultancy services? Expertise of consultancy services in the area of institutional accounting procedure and in English language teaching are sorted by the Govt. and the college nominates its members of faculty.

3.5.5 List the broad areas of consultancy services provided by the College and the revenue generated during the last four years. Since most of the consultancies are done for the state, revenue generation is neither expected nor done.

3.6 Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) 3.6.1 How does the College sensitize the faculty and students on Institutional

Social Responsibilities? List the social outreach programmes which have created an impact on students’ campus experience. The vision and mission of the institution envisages social commitment and as such the members of faculty and students are conscious of their role in ISR.

ISR takes shape through activities of different units like the NCC, Youth Red Cross, Rovers & Rangers and NSS.

Sl. No. Year Programme Organized by

01 2010 Awareness regarding medicinal plants in Khordha district and their conservation.

Zoology department

02 2010 Issue of public health in Crushers Zoology

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 87

03 2011 Adoption of village ‘Nial’ NSS

04 2013 Blood Donation Camp YRC/NCC

05 2013 AIDS awareness Rally NCC

06 2013 Plantation Programme NCC/NSS/ Rovers & Rangers

07 2013 Rehabilitation programme during post-Philin period


08 2014 Plantation Programme NCC/NSS/ Rovers & Rangers

09 2014 Computer Literacy for School Children

Electronics & Geography dept. (Under CPE Extension Activity)

10 2014 Voting right awareness programme NCC

11 2014 Rally for “Save Girl Child” NCC

12 2014 Conservation and preservation of Archeological monuments

Rovers & Rangers

13 2014 Awareness programe for “Communal Harmony”


14 2014 Adoption of village ‘Baniatangi’ and Camps for Health Checkup, Sanitation, Self-Employment & Plantation programme


15 2014 Awareness programme “Battle Against Cancer”


16 2015 Extension Of volunteer-ship during Nabakalebar Of Lord Jagannath

NCC/NSS/Rovers & Rangers

17 2015 Plantation Programme NCC/NSS/ Rovers & Rangers

18 2015 Blood donation camp YRC/NSS/NCC

3.6.2 How does the College promote College-neighborhood network and student engagement, contributing to holistic development of students and sustained community development? Large proportion of students of this college are from rural background, the institutional commitment to social responsibility is a priority area.

Four youth organizations like NCC, YRC, Rovers & Rangers and NSS with a membership of around 300 students focus on neighborhood engagement.

Members of faculty motivate all students to have an attitude of social commitment.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 88

Adoption of a nearby village every year by the NSS unit for their sustainable development.

More than 100 camps of the four organizations for activities such as health check up, blood donation, women empowerment, AIDS consciousness, Plantation, Eye Care, Road Safety and voter rights and duties have been taken up.

The college management has members from the local area who encourage student participation in Community development.

The focus of the Alumni Association of this college is to act as a bridge between the college and its neighborhood.

These activities go a long way in the holistic development of the students and sustained community development.

3.6.3 How does the College promote the participation of students and faculty in extension activities including participation in NSS, NCC, YRC and other National/ International agencies? The counseling session at the beginning of the academic year offers an opportunity to inspire the students to participate in the ISR.

Teacher are encouraged to take charge of the activities in the social sector.

There are various awards and prizes to acknowledge practices in social services.

Special provisions are made to enable youth volunteers to take their mid-sem. Exams. In case their schedule of activities clash with examination schedule.

The college regularly hosts state level camps and Jamborees.

The participants in NCC, YRC, Rovers & Rangers, NSS act as volunteers during all celebrations and during conferences.

Volunteers from the NCC and YRC are routinely drafted to assist the law enforcing agencies during festivals and gatherings.

Recognition is extended to achievers in the college magazine with brief description & photograph.

A State Level award named Prananath Rovers/Rangers Award is instituted to recognize efforts in the social sector.

The last awardees of Prananath Rovers Rangers award are

i. Padmashree Dillip Tirkey (MP, RS) Former captain & Olympian (Hokey).

ii. Padmashree Illiana Citaristi (Odissi & Paika Exponent) iii. Ms. Shradhanjali Samantaray (Khel ratna, Former Captain Women’s

Football Team) iv. Air Marshal Jyoti Narayan Barman

v. Shri Abasar Beuria (Former Diplomat and Ambasadar to Peoples

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 89

Republic of China) vi. Shri Ganesh Chandra Jena (Everester and International

Mountaineer). vii. Sister Sumo (Co-ordinator, Eastern Region, Mother Teresa Leprosy


3.6.4 Give details on social surveys, research or extension work (if any) undertaken by the College to ensure social justice and empower the under-privileged and most vulnerable sections of society?

All the social science departments have a built-in mechanism of survey and research as a part of their course work.

Formal surveys are undertaken and the findings are used by the students as a part of their project assignments.

Teaching practice is regularly done in nearby schools by the undergraduates belonging to department of Education.

The college has extended computer literacy to marginalized school children in remote villages.

Booklets on fundamentals of computer skills have been prepared and distributed to the school children.

Surveys were conducted during the year 2012-13 and 2013-14 by OPCB with the student volunteers of Chemistry department to assess the Air quality, Drinking water quality, Noise pollution in college campus as well as nearby villages.

3.6.5 Give details of awards / recognition received by the College for extension activities / community development work.

Five volunteers of Rovers and rangers received State Level Prizes for their achievements.

Governor Award received by the NCC students for their outstanding achievements.

Two NCC cadets own National level Gold Medal for Map Reading and Firing, one girls NCC cadet received Bronze Medal for Map reading in the year 2014 at Thal Sainik Camp, New Delhi.

Best YRC Counselor received award in Inter State Camp in the year 2012 held at Haryana.

3.6.6 Reflecting on objectives and expected outcomes of the extension activities organized by the College, comment on how they complement students’ academic learning experience and specify the values and skills inculcated?

The outreach activities of the college aim at community development.

The reputation of the college in extension activities has inspired students and staff in community participation.

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The college has initiated programmes in areas such as health and hygiene, HIV-AIDS, Anti-Tobacco, Counseling involving the community.

Student involvement in social movement is documented by the concerned section/department concerned.

Students of extension activity programmes realize that they learn about themselves understand others better and become instruments of social change.

The dynamics of team work and relationship building are the main values imbibed through outreach activities.

Apart from academic knowledge, they get to learn the values of life, moral duties towards mankind and significance of various days observed world-wide.

3.6.7 How does the College ensure the involvement of the community in its outreach activities and contribute to the community development? Detail the initiatives of the College which have encouraged community participation in its activities. The college ensures involvement of the community in its outreach activities by indentifying local leaders, alumni and seeking their help in organizing Camps and holding awareness rallies and programmes.

Local leaders help in identifying vulnerable groups.

They help in selecting need based programme for under privileged communities.

This has contributed to institution-community linkage and contributed to community development.

Awareness programmes like AIDS awareness, Anti-Tobacco Campaign, Road Safety Campaign have been organized with Community participation and participation of District Administration.

Local Rotary Club routinely invites the volunteers to take part in all their initiatives.

3.6.8 Does the College have a mechanism to track the students’ involvement in various social movements / activities which promote citizenship roles? Students’ involvement is traced through the enrollment of students in various schemes like NCC, YRC, Rovers & Rangers, Eco club and NSS.

A teacher is assigned as officer in charge of a specific scheme.

The responsibility of extension activities are entrusted to the officers concerned who keep record of participation of students’ in social services.

Social activities of the volunteers are acknowledged in the college magazine.

Students’ activities of distinction find a place in the Annual Report of the college in the Commemoration Day.

Commendation certificates, prizes and cash awards are earmarked for

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exceptional achievements in volunteerism.

3.6.9 Give details on the constructive relationships (if any) with other institutions in the nearby locality in working on various outreach and extension activities.

The YRC unit of the college is involved with other institutions of the locality in organizing various outreach and extension activities.

A registered NGO of Odisha organized a 3 day residential camp in our college along with our YRC unit and other institutes for people living with HIV/AIDS.

The YRC volunteers from 64 colleges of Khordha district participated in the camp.

Ten resource persons presented lectures on different aspects of HIV/AIDS.

YRC unit of the college organized self-defence training programme for girl students in our college which was attended by counsellors of nearby colleges.

YRC & NCC counselors and volunteers did commendable job in maintaining law and order during the car festival (Rath Yatra) in PURI in collaboration with the District Law & order authority.

The YRC volunteers of this college played active role on Nabakalebar Rath Yatra to provide health care and Sanitation in the year 2015.

YRC unit has been participating in the cleaning programme of Kuakhai River, Bhubaneswar on the day after the immersion of the image of goddess Durga (Dussera Bhasani).

NCC cadets of Boys’ wing participated in the international AIDS Day rally in Bhubneswar organized by Odisha State AIDS control society.

NCC cadets of Boys’ Wing participated in a rally on National Voluntary Blood donation Day in Bhubaneswar organized by State Blood Transfusion Council.

NCC cadets of both Boys’ and Girls’ wings participated in a plantation programme at TLC, Khordha in collaboration with the District Administration.

The volunteers in association with Social Forestry Department worked for afforastation and plantation activities in and around the campus.

3.6.10 Give details of awards received by the institution for extension activities and/contributions to the social/community development during the last four years. Awards received by the institution on the basis of outreach programmes.

Maj.(Dr.) D.K. Routray, NCC officer of the college has led the State Level Republic Day parade at Bhubaneswar as 2nd in command in 2013 and 2014.

15 Rovers and rangers received 3rd Prize in “Paika Dance” for 20th State Youth Festival held at Dhenkanal, Odisha on 12th to 16th November, 2014.

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13 Rovers and Rangers received Rajya Puraskar from Honorable Governor Shri S.C. Jamir in the year 2014.

09 Rovers and 02 Rangers received Governor Award and performed martial Art at Raj Bhawan, Odisha in the year 2013.

14 Rovers and rangers attended the “Samagam” held at Bhubaneswar and received award for Group Dance in the year 2012.

Maj.(Dr.) D.K. Routray, NCC officer of the college has led the State Level Independence Day Parade in 2012.

A team of Rovers & rangers received 1st prize in State Level Paika Akhada Mohotsav – 2011.

Rovers, Kabiraj Pradhan and Sayed Imran Ali honoured for “Revival of Martial Tradition – 2010”.

Photographs and documents of Rovers and Rangers “work of war memorial in Khordha” were exhibited in London for the Centenary Celebration of World Scouting in 2007.

15 Rovers were invited to Red Fort, New Delhi for “National Youth Celebration – 2007”.

Ananta Biswal of Boys’ Wing NCC was awarded Silver Medal for mountaineering of NIC, Uttarakhand on September, 2006.

A contingent of Rovers received “Peace Baton” from the Governor of Odisha for world peace-2006.

3.7 Collaboration

3.7.1 How has the College’s collaboration with other agencies impacted the visibility, identity and diversity of activities on the campus? To what extent has the College benefitted academically and financially because of collaborations? The college realizes its mission as a part of interaction with the state agencies and the larger community.

Being the premier Autonomous College among the Govt. Aided Colleges, the State has consistently involved this college in policy making.

Visibility of the Institution is also ensured through the commendable activities of our volunteers in collaboration with diverse agencies.

All departments of the college work in tandem with the PG department of the Utkal University and other Universities.

Govt. departments like Health, Culture & Forest routinely collaborate to further their welfare campaigns.

The college has linkage with directorate of Red-Cross for awareness of health related campaigns.

The college is an active collaborator with the SAMS administrators to

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work as a node for admission into 07 contiguous colleges.

The council of Higher Education, Odisha collaborates with the college for central evaluation of their Answer scripts.

The college has collaborated with the CHSE as a Hub for supervision and distribution of question papers and collection of answer scripts from 6 Higher Secondary institutions.

CHSE, Odisha has tagged 07 colleges as an exam centre.

In recognition of the persistent effort of our teachers, the Govt. of Odisha with the IIT, Kharagpur has establish a top-of-the-line communication Lab in this college.

The RUSA steering committee invited this college to its policy execution group.

Principal is an Executive Committee members of CHSE, Odisha and a member of SAMS Advisory body.

Principal is a member of NMEICT.

The college collaborates with State agencies during emergencies like floods and cyclones and elections.

The college has been a hub of all state-level recruitment tests.

The College is able to generate some funds through these collaborations.

3.7.2 Mention specific examples of, how these linkages promote

∗ Curriculum development

External academic experts are invited to give their input on current developments in different subjects and suggest necessary modification.

The Board of Studies has external experts as members.

Most of the teachers of this college have their linkage with University departments which helps improvement of syllabus.

∗ Internship, On-the-job training

Post-Graduate students in PMIR do their internship in local industries.

Students of Education Honours have hands-on training in teaching at local schools.

Students of commerce department take on/off campus training about their subject.

∗ Faculty exchange and development

Faculty members are involved in Refresher & Orientation programmes in other institutions and Universities.

Members of faculties are also served as resource person, subject expert, external expert of other Institutions and Universities.

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∗ Research, Publication

Many research publications of faculties are linked with researchers of other Institutions and Universities.

Faculties doing their research work refer research publications of other researchers.

∗ Consultancy, Extension

Consultancy is given to other institutions especially the accounting process by Accounts Bursar of the college.

This college provides necessary consultancy for NAAC Accreditation/ Re-accreditation to nearby colleges.

∗ Student placement

Placements have been successful on account of Industry Interface.

On-campus placement is organized with companies like Reliance, Infosys, Genpact.

Off-campus placement have been done with the help of collaborating agencies.

On Campus

Year Name of the company No. of students applied

No. of students placed

2013-14 ICICI bank (IFBI) 265 24

2014-15 a) ICICI bank (IFBI) b) HDFC Bank

c) C-DAC d) Shippens Stop Ltd.

289 107

63 42

26 02

14 04

2015-16 TCS 341 19

Off Campus

Year Name of the company

No. of students placed

2014-15 Wipro tech. Infosys


22 02


2015-16 Wipro tech 06

∗ Any other, please specify

SAMS resource centre provides the necessary consultancy to parents/applicants of this locality regarding admission.

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The institution provides necessary consultancy to nearby villages regarding Pollution free Environment through different awareness programmes.

3.7.3 Does the College have MoUs nationally / internationally and with institutions of national importance/other universities/ industries/corporate houses etc.? If yes, explain how the MoUs have contributed in enhancing the quality and output of teaching-learning, research and development activities of the College? The college is in the process of drawing formal MoU with institutions and industries.

3.7.4 Have the College industry interactions resulted in the establishment / creation of highly specialized laboratories / facilities?

Collaboration with Govt. of Odisha-IIT, Kharagpur has resulted in establishment of a sophisticated Language Lab..

Industry and Academic experts as members of the Academic Council and Boards of Studies have contributed significantly to improve curriculum.

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4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.1 How does the College plan and ensure adequate availability of physical

infrastructure and ensure its optimal utilization? The addition to physical infrastructure is planned at the beginning of every academic session by convening meeting of infrastructure development and maintenance committee. Optimal utilization of available infrastructure is ensured through rational distribution of classes and timing of other activities.

The college has been able to optimize use of infrastructure through letting out to various govt. agencies like the PSC, Railways and Staff Selection Commission.

4.1.2 Does the College have a policy for creation and enhancement of infrastructure in order to promote a good teaching-learning environment? If yes, mention a few recent initiatives. The policy of the college regarding infrastructural enhancement has been to optimize available resources and to add infrastructure.

Recent initiatives in infrastructure

Boundary Wall around the 75 acre campus

Development of additional play ground

An HT tower line and dedicated transformer

Power backup through two DG sets of 100 KVA

Laboratories refurbished

Smart classes added

Installed 10 BSNL broadband lines

Wi-fi campus.

Five deep bore well

Wash rooms added

Accounts automation

Establishment of communication Lab.

Construction of Open Air Theatre

Indoor stadium is under construction.

Yoga centre is added

Gymnasium added

Wash room for boys and girls

Reading Room expanded

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Construction ofa new 3 storied building of nearly 50,000 sq.ft. (17,000 sq. ft.x3stories) has been undertaken by CPWD.

Extension of Library building.

4.1.3 Does the College provide all departments with facilities like office room, common room, separate rest rooms for women students and staff? The college as a whole is sensitive to the needs of women students and staff.

All science & Commerce departments have separate staff rooms.

Women students have dedicated restrooms.

Women students have two spacious common rooms with 02 lady attendants.

04 senior lady teachers are assigned to oversee the functioning of the girls common room.

There is a toilet complex for women students attached to the ladies rest rooms.

The college dispensary looks into health emergency of women staff and students.

4.1.4 How does the College ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of students/staff with disabilities?

The institution has specially constructed ramps for the differently abled students.

Classes for them are confined to the ground floor as far as practicable.

Help and assistance is always at hand to meet the needs of differently abled students.

Special arrangements like a dedicated room on the ground floor, an attendant and a teacher are assigned for such students.

End-term, Mid-term examinations are held at convenient location.

4.1.5 How does the College cater to the residential requirements of students? Mention ∗ Capacity of the hostels and occupancy (to be given separately for men and

women) ∗ Recreational facilities in hostel/s like gymnasium, yoga center, etc. ∗ Broadband connectivity / wi-fi facility in hostel/s.

Residential requirements, recreational facilities and internet access in hostels are ensured and the facilities have been created. All hostels have recreational rooms equipped with a TV, indoor games, a reading room and access to sports facilities of the college.

A multi-activity hall is available in JJR women’s hostel with power

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Sl. No.

Name of the Hostel

Total no. of rooms

No. of Boarders

Total Area (in sq. mt.)

01 Prananath Krushna Boys Hostel

52 144 1672.86 sq. mt.

02 Manjari Devi Women’s Hostel

28 124

03 Jagajivan ram Women’s Hostel

15 132

04 UGC Approved Women’s Hostel

- - Under construction

4.1.6 How does the College cope with the health related support services for its

students, faculty and non-teaching staff on the campus and beyond?

There is a dispensary in college campus with a qualified doctor and health workers.

This dispensary meets health emergencies and provides health care facilities to staff and students.

Members of faculty are always alert and eager to help and support any emergencies.

Facility of 24 x 7 free Ambulance service is available through the emergency health care service on call to 108.

4.1.7 What special facilities are made available on the campus to promote interest in sports and cultural events? In order to promote and motivate students in sports and cultural events, the college has created infrastructure, coaching and mentoring.

There are two play grounds for sports events.

A dedicated team to oversee sports activities with a Physical Education Instructor.

Construction of an Indoor Stadium is in progress.

Travel and allowance is offered to team members for participating in competitions off-campus.

A member of teaching staff is deputed to accompany teams for inter-college events.

The college has created infrastructure to host inter-college games and sports competitions which have been regularly used.

Cultural events play a vital role in the academic life in the college.

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An open-air Auditorium is in progress amid the mango grove in campus.

An Air-conditioned multi-purpose hall has been established.

A pandal is available for events like Inter-College music competition, student’s Union election speeches and other literary and cultural functions.

Public Address systems are earmarked to facilitate events.

Two D.G. sets have been installed for uninterrupted power supply.

An electrician and support staff are on duty during cultural events.

Inter-College Music competition is organized in every year.

Prananath “Sangeet Samman” is awarded during Inter-College Music competition.

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource 4.2.1 Does the library have an Advisory Committee? Specify the composition of

such a committee. What significant initiatives have been implemented by the committee to render the library, student/user friendly? Yes, the Library has an Advisory Committee. The Committee comprises of Professor-in-charge Library, 04 faculty members drawn from different streams and the chief librarian.

Day to day transactions of the library are overseen by the chief librarian.

Process of acquisition of books and journals is decided by the committee in consultation with all departments.

Mode of payment for journals published abroad is decided by the Library Committee.

Computerized Access System to library resources.

Installation of Photo copier

Air conditioned staff reading room.

Student access to internet resources.

INFLIBNET facility is available.

Provision of drinking water and washrooms.

Dedicated attendants are available to assist differently abled students.

Students’ reading room with provision of issuing books to differently abled students on the ground floor.

4.2.2 Provide details of the following:

∗ Total area of the library (in Sq. Mts.)

355.11 sq. mtr.

∗ Total seating capacity Students Reading Room : 40 Staff Reading Room : 20

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Internet Centre : 08 Library staff : 08

∗ Working hours on working days on holidays before examination days during examination days during vacation

: 10 a.m. to 05 p.m. : 08 am to 01 pm. : 09 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. : 10 a.m. to 05 p.m. : 10 a.m. to 01 p.m.

∗ Layout of the library (individual reading carrels, lounge area for browsing and relaxed reading, IT zone for accessing e-resources)

All departments have individual libraries.

Almost 04 square meters for lounge, IT Zone for e-resources.

Well-lit reading room for students is available.

An air-conditioned reading room for members of staff is available.

∗ Access to the premises through prominent display of clearly laid out floor plan; adequate signage; fire alarm; access to differently abled users and mode of access to collection)

Library holdings are displayed on shelves with signage

Fire extinguisher available Vacuum cleaner available Assistance to differently abled users

by dedicated staff Issuing of books to the differently

abled on the ground floor Access to collection through software

enabled access system with the assistance of the library staff.

4.2.3 Give details on the library holdings

Details on the Library Holdings Total No. a) Print

(Books, back volumes and thesis)


b) Non Print (Microfiche, AV) Available

c) Electronic (e-books, e-Journals) Available through INFLIBNET

d) Special collection

(eg. Text book, Reference books, standards, patents)

Archived material

4.2.4 What tools does the library deploy to provide access to the collection? ∗ OPAC Not available ∗ Electronic Resource Management

package for e-journals Not available

∗ Federated searching tools to search articles in multiple databases


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∗ Library Website Linked with college web page

∗ In-house/remote access to e-publications INFLIBNET access

4.2.5 To what extent is the ICT deployed in the library?

∗ Library automation

Library automation through software based access system.

∗ Total number of computers for public access : 04 computers

∗ Total numbers of printers for public access : 02 Printers and 02 Photocopiers.

∗ Internet band width speed : 4 mbps

∗ Institutional Repository : Scanning of manuscripts for storage.

∗ Content management system for e-learning : Through NMEICT

∗ Participation in Resource sharing networks/consortia : INFLIBNET

4.2.6 Provide details (per month) with regard to.

∗ Average number of walk-ins 3600

∗ Average number of books issued/returned

Around 1200

∗ Ratio of library books to students enrolled

1 : 20

∗ Average number of books added during last three years


∗ Average number of login to OPAC

Not available

∗ Average number of login to e-resources


∗ Average number of e-resources downloaded/printed

300 downloaded

∗ Number of information literacy trainings organized


4.2.7 Give details of the specialized services provided by the library

∗ Manuscripts Manuscripts scanned for storage.

∗ Reference 109 Journals & Magazines 2187 Reference Books

104 Reference Books for Research centre

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∗ Reprography Available

∗ ILL (Inter Library Loan Service) Not available

∗ Information Deployment and Notification

New arrivals displayed

∗ OPAC Not available

∗ Internet Access Available

∗ Downloads Allowed through INFLIBNET

∗ Printouts Allowed through Printers

∗ Reading list/ Bibliography compilation

Done under teacher supervision

∗ In-house/remote access to e-resources


∗ User Orientation Regularly done

∗ Assistance in searching Databases Available

∗ INFLIBNET/IUC facilities Available

4.2.8 Provide details on the annual library budget and the amount spent for purchasing new books and journals.

ANNUAL LIBRARY BUDGET Academic Year Books Journals

2010-11 Rs.3,74,436.00 Rs.7,580.00

2011-12 Rs.3,75,447.00 Rs.46,849.00

2012-13 Rs.5,63,721.00 Rs.84,376.00

2013-14 Rs.103,000.00 Rs.97,000.00

2014-15 Rs.104,000.00 Rs.96,000.00

4.2.9 Does the library get the feedback from its users? If yes, how is it analyzed and used for improving the library services. The Library gets the feedback from students and teachers. There is a complaint book meant for students and a register for teachers in which comments are given. Basing on those comments, the library committee takes steps for its improvement.

4.2.10 List the infrastructural development of the library over the last four years.

Infrastructural development of the library over the last four years.

Air conditioned staff reading room

Students reading room with facilities

Photo copier machine, inverter, 02 nos

Display board, 390 pieces Book support

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Extension of Library building

Fire extinguisher, Water Purifier, Vacuum Cleaner, Display Board 3 Computers. Printer Students Browsing Enclave

4.2.11 Did the library organize workshop/s for students, teachers, non-teaching staff of the College to facilitate better Library usage? Yes, the library organizes workshops for students, teachers, non-teaching staff of the college to facilitate better library use.

Moreover, the rules and regulations of the library are published in the college calendar for the information of students & staff.

Important information are printed and displayed at the entrance of the central library.

4.3 IT Infrastructure 4.3.1 Does the College have a comprehensive IT policy addressing standards on

IT Service Management, Information Security, Network Security, Risk Management and Software Asset Management?

The IT policy of the college is done in separate segments.

Communication with Govt. takes place on the e-space platform.

The Examination Section ensures IT security with stand-alone systems.

Information security of HRMS ensured by NIC and the Govt. of Odisha.

IOTMS (Integrated Treasury Management System) takes care of payment portal of salaries and emoluments.

The college wi-fi network is secured through a password and 32 bit firewall.

Software issued to departments secured at the department level.

e-payment of student fees facilitated by SBI extension counter.

4.3.2 Give details of the College’s computing facilities (hardware and software). o Number of systems with configuration : 86 (Win-XP, Win-7 & Win-8)

o Computer-student ratio 1:45

o Dedicated computing facility : 08

o LAN facility : 04

o Wifi facility : Yes

o Propriety software / Open source software : Proprietary

o Number of nodes/ computers with internet facility : 42

o Any other IT infrastructure of this college is in the process of being integrated on

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multiple servers. Computers deployed as stand-alone will be networked on dual platform of wired and wireless LAN.

Upgradation of system in terms of OS, RAM and Anti virus protection is done regularly.

Optimization is ensured through upgradation of systems.

Regular updating is done in-house by the Electronics and Computer Science Departments.

4.3.3 What are the institutional plans and strategies for deploying and upgrading the IT infrastructure and associated facilities? Access to online teaching and learning resources is encouraged through guidance to the students to relevant websites and online content.

Automation of college management system is underway.

Downloaded materials are photocopied and distributed to the students.

Teachers are encouraged to access the internet as most of the official communications is web based .

A database of members of faculty has been developed both at the institutional and the Govt. level through HRMS.

Latest software are used by the Computer Science department of UG & PG.

The resource centre has access to the latest online resources for researchers.

Members of faculty are directly involved in updation of the college website.

There are plans of designing and controlling the website with internal resources.

4.3.4 Give details on access to online teaching and learning resources and other knowledge, and information provided to the staff and students for quality teaching, learning and research. ICT enabled class rooms enhance teacher engagement and student learning. Content development is an ongoing process with the help of online resources and its deployment in teaching learning. Online teaching of practical training provided to Commerce students

regarding portfolio management.

Smart class rooms are available with net connectivity.

All science departments use ICT for theory classes.

Seminars and workshops are enriched with the help of ICT.

A smart communication lab. has been set up.

Access to internet resources is available in the library.

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There is a computer Lab. for hands-on training of staff members in the use of ICT.

Outreach activities like computer awareness training to school children is done through Community Computer System.

There is an Audio Visual club to enthuse students in diverse domains.

The college website contains details of syllabi in a printable format.

4.3.5 Give details on the ICT enabled classrooms/learning spaces available within the College and how they are utilized for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. Members of faculty are consistently encouraged to learn and use computer aided teaching-learning.

All teachers undergo refresher/orientation courses wherein training in IT is a major component.

There is a dedicated computer training facility for members of staff. In-house training takes place regularly and is led by Computer Science

department. Facilities such as availability of multiple web enabled systems, printers

and photocopiers are used by the faculty.

Experts in IT are nominated by the affiliating university for awareness of staff in terms of Academic System management.

Trained personnel have been recruited to assist members of faculty in developing learning materials.

Three classrooms have been developed to impart lessons in the ICT mode. These class rooms can accommodate 120 students. Commerce department use teaching in ICT mode in Commerce

Laboratory. 4.3.6 How are the faculty facilitated to prepare computer aided teaching-learning

materials? What are the facilities available in the College or affiliating University for such initiatives? Most of the teaching materials are developed by members of faculty

individually. Assistance in preparing material for Computer Aided Learning is provided

by the college to all members of staff. Colleagues who are technically sound always help out in preparing power

point slides.

The college has two computer centers to cater to such needs.

There are 08 computer systems at the Resource Centre and 05 in the English language Lab. which are used by members of faculty.

Smart boards and system-enabled teaching is done in the smart class rooms.

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4.3.7 How are the computers and their accessories maintained? (AMC, etc.)

Most of the maintenance is done by in-house experts from the department of Electronics and Computer Science and this also facilities peer-learning.

Provision for upgradation of systems, software and peripherals is made in the annual budget. Maintenance of computers is done in-house, hence budgetary allocation is met from the contingency funds.

Students of Computer Science department are also given the responsibility to maintain systems.

Provisions made for (i) upgradation, (ii) peripherals, (iii) software

Upgradation of systems is generally outsourced.

4.3.8 Does the College avail of the National Knowledge Network connectivity directly or through the affiliating University? If so, what are the services availed of?

The institution is a part of the NMEICT.

The principal is an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee in Odisha.

Internet connectivity through BSNL network is acquired by NMEICT.

4.3.9 Provide details on the provision made in the annual budget for update, deployment and maintenance of the computers in the College?

Upgradation of Computer Systems is done from the provision made in the annual budget.

An amount of Rs.51,800 in 2013-14 and Rs.45,100 in 2014-15 are earmarked for system management.

Maintenance of Wi-fi and networking is done in-house and amount spent is paid from contingency head.

4.4 Maintenance of Campus Facilities 1.4.1 Does the College have an Estate Office / designated officer for overseeing

maintenance of buildings, class-rooms and laboratories? If yes, mention a few campus specific initiatives undertaken to improve the physical ambience. There is a robust system of development and maintenance of physical infrastructure like buildings, class rooms, laboratories, gardens, statues, play grounds and orchard.

One retired Assistant Engineer (R & B) is appointed by the College Management to look after the maintenance of the College Building.

Security of the infrastructure is ensured by a two-layer boundary wall.

A dedicated team is in place to oversee planning, construction, modification and addition of infrastructure.

The science laboratories have been refurbished and upgraded.

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The Academic building of around 1000sq. mtr. has undergone roof grading and ceiling plaster.

Extension of Library building and principal’s office have been undertaken.

1st floor over humanities block has been created.

1st floor over conference hall constructed.

Construction of open air auditorium is underway.

Construction of Indoor Stadium is going on.

Approximately 1000 sq. mtrs of new rooms added in the last 05 years.

Teams deployed to maintain statues and gardens.

Prof.-in-charge of furniture has a team for maintenance and addition of capacity.

A new canteen block has been added.

Staff quarters have been renovated.

3 deep bore wells have been dug.

The college post office has been renovated.

A new lawn and garden is being developed.

Plantation has been done in 30 Acre Patch in campus(Green Campus).

Refurbishment of electric supply lines, and addition of fans and lamps undertaken.

4.4.2 Does the College appoint staff for maintenance and repair? If not, how are the infrastructure facilities, services and equipment maintained? Give details.

A complete team with 03 professors, one Civil Engineer, two electricians, one plumber, two associates, and 01 support staff are engaged for repair and maintenance and capacity addition in infrastructure.

The Building Committee and Construction Committee meet from time to time to discuss and finalise issues enumerated in the projections of the IQAC and perceived needs of enhanced accommodation.

The college Engineer is asked to prepare the plan and estimate of the project.

After approval of the plan & the estimate, tender is floated and work order is given after negotiation of rates.

Maintenance of facilities created is largely done by the college team.

Occasionally maintenance is outsourced.

House keeping of the campus has been outsourced.

The college furniture are maintained under supervision of a professor.

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Two full time gardeners have been appointed to create and maintain gardens and orchard.

Maintenance of equipments like A.Cs, Copiers, water Coolers, Pumps, DG sets etc. is outsourced with AMCs.

Any additional information regarding Infrastructure and Learning Resources, which the institution would like to include.

The college plans to add a 3 storied academic block of 4645 students in the next few years.

MoU and agreement has been drawn with Central Public Works Department(CPWD) and plan has been approved.

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5.1 Student Mentoring and Support 5.1.1 Does the College have an independent system for student support and

mentoring? If yes, what are its structural and functional characteristics? An independent system for student support and mentoring is instituted at the departmental level. The Administrative Bursar-II oversees student welfare activities with the help of the support staff.

The heads of the department assign the responsibility to individual teachers.

He/She is supposed to be in touch with the students 24 X 7.

Cell numbers and mail ID of such a teachers are given to the students.

Extra curricular activities like sports, cultural events etc. are mentored by Prof.-in-charge of respective activities.

5.1.2 What provisions exist for academic mentoring apart from class room work? Academic mentoring is a continuous process and is built in to the assignments of the teachers.

Guidance and career counseling is done at the department level.

External experts are invited for counselling.

The boarders are involved in academic workshops in the hostels.

Extra classes and doubt clearing sessions are arranged for slow learners.

Remedial classes are taken to address gaps in the learning curve.

Academic mentoring is done online in some cases. 5.1.3 Does the College provide personal enhancement and development schemes for

students? If yes, describe techniques employed e.g., career counseling, soft skill development, etc.

The career counselling cell has arranged regular workshops.

Several skill development training camps have been organized to develop the reasoning & communication skill of the students.

A sophisticated English Language Lab. has been established for the purpose.

Different corporate bodies, ICWA, ICA, Management institutions arrange career counselling programme in the college.

5.1.4 Does the College publish its updated prospectus and handbook annually? If yes, what are the activities / information included / provided to students through these documents? Is there a provision for online access?

The college publishes its updated prospectus annually.

The prospectus is displayed in the website of the college.

Data regarding course structure, availability of combinations, fee structures & other relevant information for different UG/PG programmes

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are incorporated in the prospectus.

Disciplinary proceedings, fees and fines are included in the hand book.

Names and designation of members of staff are enumerated therein.

5.1.5 Specify the type and number of scholarships / free-ships given to students (UG/PG/M.Phil/Ph.D./Diploma/others in tabular form) by the College Management during the last four years. Indicate whether the financial aid was available on time. Details of scholarships/freeships given to the students by college management during last 6 years.

Session Stream No. of students got scholarship/freeship from

college management 2009-10 Arts

Science Commerce

107 64 34

2010-11 Arts Science Commerce

136 81 45

2011-12 Arts Science Commerce

120 68 59

2012-13 Arts Science Commerce

242 160 145

2013-14 Arts Science Commerce

272 183 157

2014-15 Arts Science Commerce

320 195 199

Generally concessional admission fees are allowed to the students from financially weaker sections as recommended by Managing Committee of the college. Principal also has discretionary power to allow such occasion during the time of admission.

5.1.6 What percentage of students receives financial assistance from state government, central government and other national agencies? (e.g., Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY), SN Bose Fellow, etc.) Percentage of students receive financial assistance from state/central Govt. & other national agencies.

Session Scholarship from State Govt.

Scholarship from Central Govt

Scholarship from Others

2009-10 8.2% 1.7% 0.4%

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2010-11 10.2% 2.4% 0.3%

2011-12 10% 2.8% 0.4%

2012-13 19% 2.4% 0.2%

2013-14 27% 5.5% 0.2%

2014-15 26% 3% 0.4%

The main types of Scholarships are as follows:


Post-Matric Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/SEBC (PRERANA)

Post-Matric Scholarship to Minorities (PRERANA)

Scholarship to the wards of Beedi/Mines/Cine worker

Scholarship to Handicapped students

LIC of India

Postal Scholarship

Puspawati Loomba Trust award

Sitaram Jindal Trust Foundation Scholarship etc.

5.1.7 Does the College have an International Student Cell to cater to the needs of foreign students? If so, what measures have been taken to attract foreign students? There is no International student cell as foreign students have not shown interest for enrolment in the college.

5.1.8 What types of support services are available for ∗ overseas students

No such students enrolled.

∗ physically challenged / differently abled students

Physically challenged students are identified during the time of admission and general time table of the college is prepared accordingly, so that their classes are allotted in ground floor as far as practicable.

Ramps are made for their convenient movement.

They are encouraged to sit on the front bench in the classroom.

Library books are issued to them in the students’ Reading Room on the ground floor.

∗ SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections

Different scholarships are provided to the SC/ST students as per the guidelines of state/central Govts.

Students from weaker sections get fee concession from the college management at the time of admission.

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In the admission process, the students of the above categories also avail seat reservations over & above the general merit list.

Extension of seats over the affiliated strength is also insisted upon and allowed for SC/ST category students.

∗ Students to participate in various competitions/ conferences in India and abroad

Students are encouraged to participate in various competitions/conferences etc.

The career counselling cell & placement cell jointly put efforts to motivate students for such participations.

Teachers always intimate students about the venue, date, entrance pattern etc. at their personal level.

The college grants permission to the aspirants as well as depute guide teachers wherever necessary.

College Management gives financial support to those students intending to attend conferences/seminars/workshops etc.

NCC cadets attend conferences in various parts of India.

∗ Health centre, health insurance etc.

The community health centre is available in the college campus which provides first aid & other medical services in emergencies.

The doctor appointed there, takes part in different health check-up camps organized by the college.

The college has a tie-up with the insurance company to include all the students under health insurance scheme.

∗ skill development (spoken English, computer literacy, etc.,)

The college has a Language Laboratory of its own, which trains students on Communicative English & development of communication skill.

The computer science department plays an active role in this direction.

Several training camps are also organized with the collaboration of outside agencies for the skill development of the students.

The college has taken up a Computer literacy programme in the neighboring areas to make High School students computer literate with the help of UGC funding.

Apart from these AECC also offered to every student of +3 1st Year for enhancement of their communication skill.

∗ performance enhancement for slow learners / students who are at risk of failure and dropouts

Remedial classes are arranged for slow learners.

Doubt clearing classes are arranged departmentwise. This proved

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fruitful & effective in the uplifting of the below average students.

Parents are involved in the process.

∗ exposure of students to other institutions of higher learning/ corporates/business houses, etc.

Study tours and Industrial visits are arranged regularly to give exposure to the students.

Students participate in seminars/ workshops/conferences etc held in campus and off-campus for their knowledge expansion. External experts from various disciplines are invited to give lectures in their respective fields. The resource persons motivate the students on the updated research activities & scope available for higher study.

PG students of PMIR regularly interact with corporate houses for exposure and placement. Students of Computer Science tie-up with experts for developing software.

∗ publication of student magazines

The college publishes its Magazine “PRATEEK” annually.

Two ladies hostels & One Boys Hostel also publish annual magazines to give scope to the young writers and develop their hidden literary talent.

Many departments also publish wall magazines with students contributions.

Journal of Odia Sahitya Parisad is an annual publication.

Pratilipi – a magazine of Day scholars Association is published annually.

The department of commerce also published an Annual referred Business Research Journal named, “The Odisha Biz Review” w.e.f. the academic session 2014-15 with ISSN code No.2454-4264. This works as a reference for scholars.

5.1.9 Does the College provide guidance / coaching classes for Civil Services, Defense Services, NET/SLET and any other competitive examinations? If yes, what is the outcome?

The college organizes mock test/to prepare students for state level and national level joint entrance examinations. Their guidance is also provided by the faculty members at personal level.

Corporate Bodies undertake career counseling of students.

The English Language Laboratory trains students in communication skill development and group discussion.

The outcome of all programmes has been reflected in students placement.

Faculty members regularly engaged themselves to the soft skill development of the students.

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5.1.10 Mention the policies of the College for enhancing student participation in sports and extracurricular activities through strategies such as ∗ additional academic support, flexibility in examinations

∗ special dietary requirements, sports uniform and materials ∗ any other

Extra class & coaching provided to the students who represent the college at state and national level.

The college encourages students to participate in extra curricular activities.

Special mid-term examination is conducted for students who have represented in Inter-University, state level and national level sports events if their sports schedule coincides with college examination schedule.

There is provision for indoor and outdoor games on the spacious campus/playground.

Students regularly use these facilities under the guidance and coaching of the PET.

Applicable allowances are given to participating student athletes.

Outstanding achievements in sports and extra-curricular activities are acknowledged in the Annual Report of the principal in the Commemoration Day celebration.

Achievements are also recorded in the College Calendar. More than 100 cash prizes and awards have been instituted in the college to encourage sports and extra-curricular activities.

Sports uniform and materials are provided by the college.

Special dietary provisions are also given by the college to the students participate in sports.

5.1.11 Does the College have an institutionalized mechanism for placement of its students? What services are provided to help students identify job opportunities, prepare themselves for interview, and develop entrepreneurship skills?

The college has a dedicated placement cell which looks after placement of students.

A dedicated language lab. trains students in communication skills and personality development.

External experts train and guide students through career counseling in workshops and seminars organized by the college.

Corporate houses and bodies frequently visit the college in career counselling and guidance of the students.

Placement cell provides information to the students regarding opportunities and liaisons with companies for campus selection and placement.

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Employment news and various job sites are accessed by the Boys’ & Ladies Common room for their references.

Professors of commerce conduct seminars and workshops to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Communication skill training imparted to students to face interviews.

5.1.12 Give the number of students selected during campus interviews by different employers (list the employers and the number of companies who visited the campus annually for the last four years). Every year the institute has been securing placements to its students. Companies like HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Infosys, Wipro, Genpact, Annapurna Micro, VAL, Vedant, Reliance life, Coca Cola visit the college in connection with campus selection & placement cell. Companies visited the campus and the number of students selected by these companies for employment during last four years given below.

On Campus

Year Name of the company No. of students applied

No. of students placed

2013-14 ICICI bank (IFBI) 265 24

2014-15 e) ICICI bank (IFBI)

f) HDFC Bank g) C-DAC

h) Shippens Stop Ltd.


107 63



02 14


2015-16 TCS 341 19

Off Campus

Year Name of the company No. of students placed 2014-15 Wipro tech.

Infosys TCS


02 02

2015-16 Wipro tech 06

5.1.13 Does the College have a registered Alumni association? If yes, what are its activities and contributions to the development of the College? Yes, the college has a registered Alumni Association named “Prananath Autonomous College Alumni Association (PACAA)”.

The college involves its alumni in all its activities.

Alumni as members of Board of studies have a say in designing and developing the syllabi.

Alumni feedback regarding academic and infrastructural development is taken care of.

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The PACAA has instituted cash prizes to encourage literary and sports activities among the students.

One member of the Alumni included in IQAC.

5.1.14 Does the College have a student grievance redressal cell? Give details of the nature of grievances reported and how they were redressed.

Yes, the college has a student Grievance Redressal Cell. The Administrative Bursar-II who in charge of student affairs redresses the day to day grievances of the students.

Special officer is appointed to look to the Redressal of students grievances.

Grievances of the boarders are handled by the Hostel superintendents and Asst. Superintendents.

A complaint box is placed in front of the principal’s office where students put their complaints.

Grievance Redressal cell examines the complaints and tries to redress the grievances.

Students grievances are also attended to through students feed back system.

The recommendations of the Greivance Redressal Cell are placed before the principal for action ..

Grievances regarding admission, subject combination, scholarship and free ship, and examination are usually reported and taken care of by the section concerned.

The principal has earmarked separate days in a week to listen and redress the grievances of students and members of staff.

Generally the grievances reported by the students are connected with subject change, time table, library facilities and infrastructure development.

Every year new infrastructural addditions are done and adequate library books are also purchased to meet the demands of the students.

Subject change and time-table adjustment are redressed immediately by the concerned sections.

5.1.15 Does the College have a cell and mechanism to resolve issues of sexual harassment? There is a Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell in the college to prevent sexual harassment. The mechanism to resolve issues of sexual harassment is as follows : Aggrieved persons are to report their grievances to the cell. The cell conducts necessary enquiry. The cell counsels the erring students and recommends necessary

disciplinary action to the incidence where ever necessary.

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5.1.16 Is there an anti-ragging committee? How many instances (if any) have been reported during the last four years and what action has been taken on these?

The institute has an anti-ragging committee.

The anti-ragging committee monitors the interaction between seniors and juniors of both boys and girls students.

In induction programme for the freshers, members of staff sensitizes the students to refrain from such activities.

Every student submits an undertaking to the effect that he/she will not engage in ragging. This is countersigned by their parents. There is a statutory proforma for such undertaking.

Due to the above mechanism no such instances was reported during last 4 years.

5.1.17 How does the College elicit the cooperation from all stakeholders to ensure overall development of the students considering the curricular and co - curricular activities, research, community orientation, etc. ?

To reach the mission and vision of the college, the institute involves all its stakeholders viz, students, parents, teachers and staff.

Faculties are encouraged to acquire and disseminate knowledge by organizing and participating in seminars, workshops, publications.

Incentives are given by the college to the students and teachers who achieve distinction (through awards and prizes).

Industry experts are invited to share their experiences with the students community.

Student research is encouraged through seminar presentation and project work.

Better citizenship is nurtured through taking part in programmes like blood donation camps, plantation programme and ISR activities.

5.1.18 What special schemes/mechanisms are in place to motivate students for participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, cultural events, etc?

All students associations and societies organize cultural competition.

The Sports and Games Association works round the year to nurture college teams.

Cultural competitions are organized by units like DSA, Students Union, Dramatic Society, Students Common Room, Hostels.

Science Society - exhibitions, projects

Commerce Society – Annual Day, Fete

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Humanities Society – Annual Day, Inter department competitions

Achievers in cultural events are felicitated in the Annual Day function

In particular a state level Music Competition (Instrumental and Vocal) is arranged by the college in every year on the eve of ‘Prananath Jayanti’.

A team of trainers is on call to coach students in local martial art called “Paika Akhada”.

Trainers for Odishi Dance are on call to coach students.

5.1.19 How does the College ensure participation of women in ‘intra’ and ‘inter’ institutional sports competitions and cultural activities? Provides details of sports and cultural activities in which such efforts were made?

Ours is a co-educational college and the college encourages participation of girls in cultural and sports activities.

Girls students participate in the sports events held for girls students only.

Cash prizes and awards have been instituted in the college which encourages girl students participation in such events.

Two girls’ hostels published their own annual magazines which cover the creative writings of girl students.

Different literary competitions are conducted in the girls’ hostel and winners are felicitated in the annual function of their respective hostels.

Sports events are conducted in the hostel and winners are felicitated in their hostel annual function.

There is notable increase in participation of girls in Students’ Union Election.

Students’ common room organizes specific events like Jhoti (Alpana) competition for girls.

The NCC girls wing is a thriving body encouraging participation of girls in various competitions.

An annual Inter-College Music Competition is organized every year.

(A list of events is provided under 5.3.1.)

5.2 Student Progression 5.2.1 Provide details of programme-wise success rate of the College for the last

four years. How does the College compare itself with the performance of other autonomous Colleges / universities (if available) Programme-wise success rate of the college for the last four years is given below.

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UG Programme 2012

Sl. No.

Programme Appeared Passed % of pass Total % of pass Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

1. Commerce 258 99 238 95 92 96 93

2. Arts 96 180 68 163 71 91 84

3. Science 88 75 70 63 80 84 82


Sl. No.

Programme Appeared Passed % of pass Total % of pass Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

1. Commerce 231 123 217 117 94 95 94

2. Arts 142 167 131 160 92 96 94

3. Science 109 113 88 100 81 88 85


Sl. No.

Programme Appeared Passed % of pass Total % of pass Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

1. Commerce 224 135 215 133 96 99 97

2. Arts 130 196 116 185 89 94 92

3. Science 115 126 104 120 90 95 93


Sl. No.

Programme Appeared Passed % of pass Total % of pass Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

1. Commerce 271 98 260 98 96 100 97

2. Arts 119 221 103 211 87 95 92

3. Science 119 139 103 134 87 96 92

PG programmes

Year M.A. in PMIR M.Sc. in Comp. Sc.

Appeared % Pass Appeared % Pass

2011 18 100% 10 50%

2012 14 92.3% 06 100%

2013 17 94.1% 04 100%

2014 21 95.2% 09 100%

2015 7 100% 22 100%

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5.2.2 Providing the percentage of students progressing to higher education or employment (for the last four batches) highlight the observed trends.

Student progression 2012 2013 2014 2015

UG to PG 30% 28% 32% 31%

PG to M.Phil. - 5% - -

PG to Ph.D. - - - -

Employed (Numbers) Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment









5.2.3 What is the Programme-wise completion rate/dropout rate within the time span as stipulated by the College/University?

Sl. No.

Hons Subjects

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15


1. Commerce 94% 6% 97% 3% 95% 5% 97% 3%

2. Arts 95% 5% 96% 4% 97% 3% 97% 3%

3. Science 96% 4% 97% 3% 98% 2% 98% 2%

4. M.A. PMIR 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

5. M.Sc. in Comp. Sc. 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

* CR – Completion rate ** DR – Dropout rate

5.2.4 What is the number and percentage of students who appeared/ qualified in examinations like UGC-CSIR-NET, UGC-NET, SLET, ATE / CAT / GRE / TOFEL / GMAT / Central / State services, Defense, Civil Services, etc. Students appeared and qualified in the last 4 years

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15


SLET (PG entrance test) 32% 33% 33% 34%

CPT 15 p.y. 7.5% 6.5% 6% 7%

CAT 5 p.y. 5% 5.5% 6% 6%

State services 5% 7% 8% 9%

Defense 1% 2% 3% 3%

Comprehensive data are not available to support the figures.

5.2.5 Provide details regarding the number of Ph.D/D.Sc./D.Litt. theses submitted, accepted, resubmitted and rejected in the last four years. Not applicable

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5.3 Student Participation and Activities 5.3.1 List the range of sports and games, cultural and extracurricular activities

available to students. Provide details of participation and program calendar. A host of sports, games, cultural, extra-curricular activities are available to the students.

Field events Cultural events 1. 100 mtrs race 1. Inter-college Music Competition

2. 200 mtrs race 2. Inter-college Odia Essay Competition

3. 400 mtrs race 3. Inter-college Best Essay writer in Odia

4. 800 mtrs race 4. Essay writer in Odia – Jhunjhunwala Prize

5. 1500 mtrs race 5. Odia One-act play competition

6. 3000 mtrs race 6. Inter college English debate competition

7. 4 x 100 mtrs race 7. Inter-college Odia Debate competition

8. Cross Country race 8. Odia Essay writing

9. High jump 9. Inter-College Odia Essay Competition

10 Long Jump 10 Inter-College Essay Competition in English

11 Triple Jump 11 Best cadet NCC (Boys)

12 Discus throw 12 Best cadet NCC (Girls)

13 Javelin Throw 13 Best Volunteer NSS

14 Putting the shot 14 Best Disciplined NCC Cadet (Boys)

15 Hammer Throw 15 Best Disciplined NCC Cadet (Girls)

16 Cycle race 16 Best NCC cadet in Social Service

17 Swimming 17 Best allround NCC cadet (Girls)


18 100 mtrs race 18 Literary Championship

19 200 mtrs race 19 Talk on Ramayan (Hindi Debate)

20 400 mtrs race 20 Debate (Odia)

21 High jump 21 Debate (English)

22 Long Jump 22 Debate (Hindi)

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23 Discus Throw 23 Short Story writing

24 Javelin Throw 24 Essay competition (Hindi)

25 Putting the shot 25 G.K. competition


26 Cricket 26 Best volunteer (YRC)

27 Foot ball 27 Best Rover of the year

28 Volley Ball 28 Best ranger of the year

29 Kabadi 29 Jhoti(Alpana) competition

30 Kho-Kho

31 Badminton

32 Chess

33 Carrom

Details of participation All students are encouraged to participate in games and sports and other cultural and extra-curricular activities.

Programme Calendar The competitions are held in the month of Dec.-Jan. every year. Apart from these, Republic Day, Independence Day, College Commemoration Day (28th January), College Foundation Day (19th July), Jayee Rajguru Jayanti (29th October), Prananath Jayanti (16th Nov.), Death Anniversary of Prananath Pattanaik, Founder of the college (9th May), NCC Day (4th Sunday of Nov.), Death anniversary of Jayee Rajguru are observed in the college every year with the participation of all staff and students. Some cultural events and programmes are organized during these occasions.

5.3.2 Provide details of the previous four years regarding the achievements of students in co-curricular, extracurricular activities and cultural activities at different levels: University / State / Zonal / National / International, etc. There has been commendable effort by the students of this college in co-curricular, extra-curricular and cultural activities at different level.

2009-10 Co-Curricular

Sri Akshay Kumar Pradhan, NCC cadet participated in National Trekking and Nature study camp in Uttarakhand.

Sri Naba Kishore Bidhar, NCC participated in RDC, New Delhi.

Sri Rakesh Kumar swain & Kumari Silky Somalin Participated in PM’s Rally.

Sri Rakesh Kumar swain performed Odissi Dance in NIC, J & K.

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The NSS unit participated in State level Camp at OUAT, Bhubaneswar.

The YRC unit helped clean Puri Post Car Festival of Lord Jagannath

The YRC unit provided First-Aid services during Car Festival in Puri.

The YRC volunteers participate in River Kuakhai cleared post Durga Puja immersion.

YRC unit participated in training of disaster management and mitigation.

The Rovers and Rangers unit participated in National Trekking and nature study camp in Uttarakhand.

The Rovers and Rangers unit rendered services at the National Car Festival Camp, Puri.

5 Rovers participated in disaster preparedness Training at Bharat scouts and guides.

Extra-curricular & Cultural Activities

Puspanjali Mohanty represented State in girls’ football Tournament held at Sagar, M.P.

Saifulla Khan represented state in Boys’ Foot Ball Tournement held at Sagar, MP.

Nitesh Baliarsingh represented Utkal University in Volley Ball Tournament at VS University, Purbanchal (East Zone)

Thomson Sahu, Inter college champion.

He represented Utkal University Inter-University chess championship of Kolkata.

Bichitra Kumar Subudhi, Body Building Champion, Utkal University represented in Inter-University Body Building Championship.

Miss Sonalika Rath 1st in Inter-college Hindustani Vocal.

Miss Chandini Parida 2nd in Inter-college Chhanda/Champu and 1st in Janana & Bhajana.

Mr Sandip Chandra 2nd in Inter-college classical Instrumental and light instrumental.

Ms Sonalika Rath and Chandini Parida 1st and 2nd respectively in Inter-college Folk song.

Sri Kumar Mukesh 1st in Inter-college Akshaya Sangeet.

Miss Anita Das 1st in Odishi Dance.


The YRC hosted a rally on awareness of evils of Dowry system.

Cadt. Prabhu Prasad Sundaray and Cadt. Siba Prasad Nayak participated in RDC parade, Newdelhi.

They also represented Odisha in RDC cultural programme.

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Performance of martial art (Paika Akhada) in “Entertainment ke liye kuchh bhi karega” on sony channel.

Rovers and Rangers contingent attended National Service Camp in New Delhi.

A group of Rovers attended Indo-Pak Integration Camp at National Youth complex Godpuri, Haryana.

9 Rovers and 2 Rangers received Governer’s award.

Extra-curricular & Cultural

Miss Chandini Parida 1st in Inter-college Odishi Vocal & 1ST in Folk song.

Mr. Sunil Kumar Mangaraj 2nd in Inter-College classical instrumental and 2nd in light instrumental.

Miss Kasturi Rout 1st in Inter-college Odishi Dance.

Mr. Prasad Kumar Mali 3rd in Inter-college light vocal.


Cadt. Anita Subudhi attended Thal Sainik camp, New Delhi.

YRC unit organized Inter-college Global Hand Washing Day.

Miss Chandini Parida 1st in Inter-college Hindustani Vocal, 1st in Odia folk song, 1st in Akshaya Sangeet.

Mr. Mrutunjaya Das 3rd in Inter-college Odishi Vocal and 3rd in Classical instrumental.

Mr. Sunil Kumar Mangaraj 2nd both in Inter-college classical instrumental and Bhajan.

Mr. Prasad Kumar Mali 3rd in Inter-college light vocal.

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Sarangi 2nd in Inter-college Odishi Dance & 2nd in Mono Action.

Miss Kasturi Rout 1st in Inter-college Odishi Dance.


Cadt. Bijay Kumar Mahakhud, Samita Mohapatra, Niharika Nayak attended Thal Sainik Camp, New Delhi.

NCC cadets participated in Red Cross training voluntary Blood Donation Day.

The YRC unit participated in Red Cross training programme at Kurukhetra, Haryana.

The YRC unit took part in clearing River Kuakhai after Durga idol immersion.

Sanjeeb Barik, Rajesh Manasingh, Debasis Ray 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in Inter-college English Essay competition.

Prasad Kumar Muduli 1st in Inter-college Odia Debate.

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Debasis ray 2nd in Inter-college J.B. Pattanaik Odia Essay Competition.

Gayatri Sethi, Shalini Sukla and Shibashish Goutam, 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in Inter-college Odia One-Act Play writing.

Soumya Subhadarshini 1st in Inter-college Classical vocal, Odishi Vocal, Chhanda and Champu.

Debashis Mohapatra 2nd in Inter-college classical instrumental and Light instrumental.

Sushree Sangeeta Rath, 1st in Inter-college Odia folk song.

Kashini Rout 3rd in Inter-college Odishi Dance.


9 Rovers and 02 Rangers received Governor’s Award and performed Martial Arts at Raj Bhan, Bhubaneswar.

YRC Volunteer Raj Ankit Padhi was awarded as best volunteer in Inter State Youth Red-cross training programme held at Hariyana.

Cadet Prakash Kumar Sahoo (NCC Boys Wing) won Gold Medal in Map Reading at Thala Sainik Camp, New Deldhi in 2014.

Cadet Bharati Paikaray (NCC Girls Wing) won Gold Medal in Firing at Thal Sainik Camp, New Delhi in 2014.

Cadet Sumitra Subudhi (NCC Girls Wing) won Bronz Medal in Map Reading at Thala Sainik Camp, New Deldhi in 2014.

Johnson Sahoo represented central Zone to All Indian University Tournament at Mahatma Phule Krushi Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Maharastra.

Rameswari Parhi represented Central Zone to All India University Tournament held at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayan, Kerla.

Rahul Paswan represented Utkal University Central Zone Inter University Tournament held at KIIT, Bhubaneswar.


Cadet Rajat Kumar Pahantasingh & Cadet Suryakanta Jena attended Republic Day Camp (RDC) at New Delhi in 2015.

Ananda Nayak, +3 1st Year Arts awarded as State Govt. best NSS Volunteer for Community Development Programme.

17 students received Governor Award in State camp for Rovers & Rangers, 2014.

Prasanna Kumar Nayak represented Utkal University to All India Inter-University Basket Ball Tournament held at MG Kashi University, Banaras.

Nrusingha Behera represented Utkal University to All India Inter-University Wrestling Tournament held at Kurukhetra University, Haryana.

Japan Kumar Behera represented Utkal University to All India Inter-University Volley Ball Tournament held at KISS, Bhubaneswar.

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Anita Subudhi won Gold Medal in Athletics at University level Competition.

Nrusingha Behera won Gold Medal for Wrestling at University Competition.

5.3.3 How often does the College collect feedback from students for improving the support services? How is the feedback used?

Feedback is also taken on campus experience through suggestion box installed in front of the office of the principal.

An online link is operational for student feedback. Based on student feedback about campus cleanness, the cleaning service

has been outsourced. Extension of Girls’ Common Room and addition of Wash Rooms have

been done on the feedback of girl students. A solar panel ensuring uninterrupted power supply has been installed in

the JJR ladies hostel based on the feedback of boarders. There are numerous social media forums seeking online feedback of its

stakeholders. The IQAC of the college collects all these information and takes decisions

to improve the performance and quality of support services.

5.3.4 Does the College have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and employers, to improve the growth and development of the College?

The Alumni Association of the college which is a registered body meets regularly in periodic intervals in the college suggests the college regarding opening of new subjects and upgradation of the syllabus for increasing the employability of the students.

There are numerous social media forums seeking online feedback of its stakeholders.

The IQAC of the college collects all these information and takes decisions to improve the performance and quality of the institution.

Employees and members of corporate bodies are included in Boards of Studies and their feedback is welcome.

5.3.5 How does the College involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, College magazine, and other material? List the major publications/ materials brought out by the students during the previous academic session.

The college publishes an Annual magazine “Prateek” where students publish materials to promote their creativity.

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The department of Commerce of the college also publishes an annual magazine “the Odisha biz Review” with ISSN code number where students also publish their articles.

The Department of Odia, the Day Scholar’s Association (DSA) also brings out their magazines where writings of the students find place.

Besides these, the three hostels of the college bring out their annual magazines called “Kasturi”, “Kaustuva” & “Ankura” which give an impetus to the students & boost their creativity.

Different departments of the college also bring out Wall Magazines which boosts the literary creativity of the students.

Different literary competitions are also conducted among the students by different societies of the college from time to time and the winners are felicitated in different functions of the college.

5.3.6 Does the College have a Student Council or any similar body? Give details on its constitution, major activities and funding.

Yes, the college has a student council known as “Students’ Union” which is democratically elected.

The Students’ Union has an executive Body which is composed of an Advisor ( A senior faculty member), three Associate Advisors, President, Vice-president, Secretary, Asst Secretary and class representatives (all from the student community).

The Students’ Union is mandated to seek general welfare of students and address issues in consultation with the executive Body.

The Union provides leadership in the mission of the college in aspects like campus cleanness, discipline and bench marking of academic and extra academic commitment.

The Students’ Union facilitates events of cultural, dramatic and athletic talents by organizing competitions.

The Union organizes Annual functions and invites eminent persons to address the students.

The funding of activities is budgeted at the beginning of the session.

5.3.7 Give details of various academic and administrative bodies that have student representatives on them. Provide details of their activities. Students representation and participation have been integral parts of academic and other activities of the college.

The highest policy making Body of the college i.e. the Academic Council has student representation.

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The Boards of Studies of different subjects have alumni representation.

IQAC has one student member and one alumni member.

They have representation in i. Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC)

ii. Hostel Administrative Committees (HAC). iii. Students Council

iv. Anti-Ragging Cell v. Committees for departmental Seminars and Workshop

The tree streams for Arts, Science and Commerce have elected Secretaries from among the students.

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6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership 6.1.1 State the vision and mission of the College.

Vision To empower the youth in physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual growth through quality education and to leverage this college into a vibrant centre of learning and research, culminating in a University.

Mission Translating its vision into reality is our highest mission.

i) To provide access to Higher Education for the youth of this region.

ii) To provide a platform for the growth of scientific and literary temper, professional competency, social & spiritual mentoring to enable the learners to meet individual and social expectations.

iii) To promote vocational competence and professional excellence through the implementation of need-based programmes in addition to the traditional ones to face the emerging challenges in a changing global scenario.

iv) To introduce professional education at the undergraduate level as well as at the Post-graduate level.

v) To foster and establish multidisciplinary research. vi) To adopt a holistic approach for social justice irrespective of gender, caste,

colour and creed.

6.1.2 Does the mission statement define the College’s distinctive characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, College’s traditions and value orientations, vision for the future, etc.? The Mission statement clearly defines the college’s distinctive characteristics, addressing long-term institutional goal, students’ aim as well as needs of the society.

Since the college emerged out of the aspirations of the local people and was led by a great Freedom Fighter, the mission of the college is clearly set in its commitment to the society.

In order to ensure participation and involvement of local stakeholders, there exists a system of interaction with them.

Meetings, interaction and brain-storming sessions take place at least three times every year during Prananath Jayanti(16th Nov.), college Commemoration Day (28th January) and Smruti – a forum of present and past stakeholders (3rd/4th April).

Ideas and concepts are discussed in these fora to further the mission and the vision of the institution.

The students as the major stakeholders are involved in all activities of the college.

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The elected members of students’ Union and other Allied Societies carry forward their aspirations with the help of concerned faculty members.

Inclusion of students in the Academic Council and members of alumni in the Board of studies ensures equitable growth.

The traditions and values documented almost six decades back are carried forward through the intervention of i) Governing Body, ii) Alumni Association, iii) Staff Council, iv) Staff Association, v) Students Union, vi) Parents and vii)various student societies.

Every day in the college is a day of growth in the sense that there is constant endeavour to leverage it to the status of a University.

The curricula, cutting across subjects is under regular updation and revision ensuring growth in academics.

The greatest assets of the college are its motivated and dedicated teachers committed to fairness and transparency.

There is an attitudinal change in students during the time they spend here. It is done by the contribution and efforts of the leadership of visionary teachers.

6.1.3 How is the leadership involved in * ensuring the organization’s management system development,

implementation and continuous improvement * interaction with stakeholders * reinforcing culture of excellence * identifying needs and championing organizational development (OD)? The leadership of this institution is structured to encourage growth and achievement.

The apex body of the college is the 13 member Governing Body which includes the Government nominated President, the Principal as ex-officio Secretary and members drawn from i) Nominee of the MP, the VC, the Govt., ii) Women, iii) Scheduled Communities, iv)Donors, v) Minority Communities vi) two representatives from members of staff and vii) Local educationalist.

The assignment of various extra-academic and administrative jobs is given to i) Administrative Bursar, ii) Administrative Bursar Students’ Welfare, iii) Accounts Bursar, iv) Academic Bursar in order to ensure smooth running of day-to-day affairs.

Since all these offices are focused on their responsibilities, it ensures organizational management.

Interaction with all stakeholders is built into the institutional management system.

Meetings and interaction with members of the GB, the Alumni, the Teachers Council and Students Union take place as per schedule.

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The culture of excellence which is a continuous endeavour takes place with the IQAC and departmental inputs.

Since the mission of the college is to leverage it to the status of a university, the all-round efforts of all its stakeholders are focused on this.

The progress in this regard is clearly visible in the increasing demand for admission into this college.

6.1.4 Were any of the senior leadership positions of the College vacant for more than a year? If so, indicate the reasons. No, none of the senior leadership position of the college has been vacant for more than a year.

6.1.5 Does the College ensure that all positions in its various statutory bodies are filled and conduct of meetings at the stipulated intervals? The statutory bodies like GB, the Academic Council, the Boards of Studies, the Boards of conducting examinations, IQAC, the Finance Committee and the office of the PIO are filled and meetings of these bodies take place at regular intervals ensuring smooth functioning of the college.

6.1.6 Does the College promote a culture of participative management? If yes, indicate the levels of participative management. Yes. The college promotes participatory management by involving the stakeholders in the process of decision making based on collective wisdom. This approach is implemented to experience the benefit of participatory management and has become an attribute of the overall culture of the college.

The statutory bodies are constituted with representatives as per the guidelines by the UGC, the state Govt. and the Affiliating University.

The principal ensures participation of all departments through regular meetings with the heads of departments.

The Students Union represents the whole student body and carries their concerns and suggestions to the decision making level.

The annual budget of the college is based on perception of needs of various departments and sections.

Students raise their problems through Grievance Redressal Cell for due solution so also their feedbacks are duly acknowledged.

Alumni suggest various issues before principal through Alumni Association Meetings being convened by the college.

Parents suggestions are also given due importance regarding various matters.

Students’ participation through election & nomination. These efforts ensure participatory management.

6.1.7 Give details of the academic and administrative leadership provided by the University to the College? The college is affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.

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The university has nominated members to the G.B., the Academic Council and the Boards of Studies.

The University offers constructive suggestions that strengthen Academic Autonomy.

New academic programmes are affiliated by the university.

The Director, CDC, Utkal University regularly interacts and links the college with the UGC in all its academic and infrastructure development.

6.1.8 How does the College groom the leadership at various levels? The counselling during and after admission is an inspiring experience for the students. The Principal, members of staff and representatives of non-teaching staff members set the tone of the college for the students during counselling session. Teachers and staff are inducted into the system through peer counselling and clear inputs on their place in the institutional life. This ensures clarity on their part and inculcates a sense of responsible leadership.

Students are encouraged to participate in election, sports and games, NCC, NSS, YRC, Rover & Ranger units ensuring the best use of their potential for team work and leadership.

Similar pattern is in place for the hostels through election & nomination for each incoming batch.

Every department has a Seminar Secretary who leads the stake of the Honours groups.

Young members of staff are encouraged to handle responsibilities across the board.

The outreach activities of the college are headed by students guided by young teachers.

The number of girl students has been consistently increasing in election participation.

6.1.9 Has the College evolved any strategy for knowledge management? If yes, give details. The institutional focus on knowledge management takes place through various means like exposure to new learning and fresh perspectives, peer discussions and seminars, experts-input and extra mural lecture series.

Members of staff are encouraged to participate in seminars and workshops. The knowledge they acquire is discussed in departmental forum.

The dissemination of new perspectives takes place in the class room situation.

New findings through research are retained and discussed in the departments.

There is resource centre to facilitate stakeholders.

Methodologies of teaching are acquired, discussed and practiced by members of faculty.

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6.1.10 How are the following values reflected in various functions of the College? ∗ Contributing to national development

∗ Fostering global competencies among students

∗ Inculcating a value system among students ∗ Promoting use of technology

∗ Quest for excellence The college is built on a foundation of commitment to the society. Its founding fathers are a group whose life was dedicated to the cause of humanity and nationhood.

Contribution to development of the nation basically focuses on development of the youth who constitute around 70 percent of our population.

By empowering the youth through development of skills, the college seeks to contribute to the national good.

Leadership training and hand holding with the students of the weaker sections results in equitable growth.

Direct intervention in the life of the community through outreach activities enriches both the community and the students.

Competencies like research motivation with the help of seminar, project works, communication abilities through training are regular features of the college.

The guiding philosophy of the institution seeks to empower students on a commitment to human values.

Members of faculty efficiently work as pioneers to ensure discipline, moral values, ethical values, respect for seniors and overall soft-skill development of students.

Use of technology happens at different levels like use of ICT in class rooms.

Access to internet resources.

Encouragement to students to explore opportunities of learning and further studies through internet.

Regular training to members of faculty & other staff members on use of technology.

Admission through internet has forced students to be IT friendly right from the beginning.

Quest for excellence is a consistent effort of this institution.

There is a systematic mechanism seeking excellence in all activities of this college.

Beginning with transparency in admission, examination, evaluation, and publication of results, this institution tries hard to cater to the demand to excel.

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Academically, our students have proved to excel in terms of results.

The greatest asset of the college being the members of faculty. Students have always been encouraged to excel both as academics and human values.

Practice of Yoga helps the students to increase spiritual and moral values as well as it helps to reduce stress.

Lecturers of Philosophy, religion, culture etc. inculcate a value system among students.

Extramural lectures on great personalities imbibe a source of quest of excellence.

6.1.11 Give details of the UGC autonomous review committee’s recommendations and its compliance.

Recommendations of the Committee A. Tenure conferred/ extended by the Utkal University as autonomous college.

B. Tenure conferred/ extended by the State Govt. of Odisha. C. In case the college required ex-post-factor approval for an earlier period

(already gone by) the same may be specifically mentioned (only applicable for existing Autonomous College enjoying / Autonomous College status) The period of autonomy of the college was expired in the academic year 2012-2013 and ex-post-facto approval of continuation of autonomy is required from the academic year 2013-2014.

D. Tenure recommended by the present committee with six years time period from 2013-14 to 2018-19 (as per 10th Plan guidelines).

Sd /- Sd /- Prof. R.C. Thakran Dr. K.N. Bapat Head, CAS Dept. of History Principal, Nagarjuna P.G. College of Science, University of Delhi, Chairperson Raipur, Member

Sd /- Sd /- Prof. Kshiti Bhusan Das Dr. A.K. Nayak Dept. of Commerce, Jt. Secy. to Govt. Utkal University, Odisha Dept. of Higher Education, Odisha University Nominee State Govt. Nominee Sd /- Dr. Mohammad Arif Joint Secretary, UGC-ERO, Kolkata Co-ordinating officer

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Achievement made under autonomy during last 5 years. Faster infrastructure development, Opening of smart class room to encourage ICT mode of teaching-learning, Setting up of resource centre to facilitate research activities, Award of Minor Research Projects both at CPE and UGC level through MRP

grant. Creation of a skill development lab. for enhanced employability of the

students. Wi-Fi connectivity and a leased line connection. Automation of examination section. Automation of accounts section. Subscription to National & International Journals, INFLIBNET & e-Journals. Opening of professional courses both at UG & PG level. Students representation to Academic Council: the highest policy making body. Extension of library building. Enhanced accommodation in Women’s Hostel. Introduction of choice-based credit system. Making the members of staff computer savvy through internal computer

training centre. Setting up of more number of smart class rooms for ICT mode of teaching. Setting up of a gymnasium, for physical development of students. Development of sports ground of college. Setting up of a Yoga Centre.

Perspective plan under autonomy.

Complete automation of library. A new Women’s Hostel is on the process of completion with UGC Grants. Teacher training initiative for quality improvement in teaching and learning. Opening of more number of need based professional courses both at UG and

PG level. Encouragement to research activities by creation of research funds. Introduction of add-on courses/ certificate courses. To leverage the college to a University which was also the dream of the

founding father of the college. This is under active consideration of the State Govt.

Separate blocks for science departments, proposal in action. Construction of an auditorium with a capacity of 2500.

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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.1 Does the College have a Perspective Plan for development? If so, give the

aspects considered in development of policy and strategy. ∗ Teaching and learning

∗ Research and development

∗ Community engagement ∗ Human resource planning and development

∗ Industry interaction

∗ Internationalization

Action Plan As regards enhancing the employability of graduates, it is proposed to undertake the following plan of action.

Re-vitalizing existing placement cell

The trained teacher counsellors need to go through intensive training in placement.

Setting up counselling bureau and employment information centre

Undertaking training programmes and introducing value added certificate courses.

Learning outcome of students largely depends on clarity of goals on part of the faculty and quality of curriculum, apart from facilities available. As enumerated in the strategic plan, intensive and sustained teacher training programme is to be implemented. We have already taken initial steps in this regard. Feed back of students on all aspects of institutional life enhances accountability and adds to better outcome. Scalability of learning can be determined focusing on entry and exist of students and this largely depends on the depth of curricula. Workshops, training sessions and symposia are to be held on a continuous basis.

The College has achieved autonomous status with effect from 2006 and this has been extended upto 2018-19 by the UGC.

The College was accredited at level ‘A’ by the NAAC in 2006 for under graduate programmes and a Letter of Intent has already been sent for re-accreditation cycle-II. The accreditation of Post Graduate programmes shall be obtained after getting permanent affiliation from Utkal University.

The College proposes the following academic and non-academic reforms keeping in view the core objectives and vision:

Revamping and re-structuring of existing course curriculum through expert interface and workshops to get optimum result.

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Introducing CBCS pattern of syllabus from the academic session 2015-16.

Strengthening the continuous evaluation system.

Continuous Training and skill inputs to faculty members on a continuous basis.

Enhancement of library facilities taking into account the needs of teachers and learners.

Upgradation of IT facilities, Hostel facilities, laboratory facilities etc.

Strengthening the existing unit like NCC, NSS, YRC, Rovers and Rangers to imbibe life skills.

Industry interface : Situated amid a cluster of industries and professional institutions, this college has a distinct advantage of hands on training and development process which can be a value addition to our studentss. Initiatives in this regard have already begun. Placement in the local industries has been successful to some extent in the preceding years in industries like Coca Cola. A focused outfit needs to be created for such interface. This will enhance employability and build capacity for the students. There is a huge demand for manegerial and supervision skills in industries like service and event management.

Initiatives encouraging research have been continuing in this college for past few years. Teachers are given grants and leave to pursue their research. The college has already setup a dedicated resource centre for research needs. The level of the resource centre is limited in terms of availability of facilities. Subscription to INFLIBNET and virtual libraries is done. The annual research journal ‘Manjari’ and “Odisha Biz Review, a journal of Commerce department have ISSN registration and we envisage to make it to a biennial journal. Institutional publications are already in place and shall be encouraged for more such publications.

One of the central concerns of the college is to provide equitable learning opportunities. Special coaching and financial assistance are provided to SC/ST/OBC and academically weak students on a regular basis. Effort in this regards are sustained with assistance from the UGC. A finishing school is envisaged to add value and competitiveness to such students for which a designated team and training facilities are required. Competence in term of analytical and soft-skills are to be imparted through such efforts.

(i) The existing P.G. Programmes such as M.A. in PMIR and M.Sc. in Computer Science are going to complete the 3rd year and permanent recognition and affiliation has been granted.

(ii) The NAAC would be requested to accredit these P.G. courses.

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(iii) P.G. courses in Commerce, Education and Rural Development are proposed to be opened shortly, for which application have already been submitted to the Government.

The college has been trying to meet the training recruitments of teaching and non-teaching staff at the individual as well as the group level through refresher and orientation courses.

Members of faculty are required to prepare a schematic approach to the curricula. This document is verified by the Heads of Departments. Any gap indentified is communicated and steps are suggested to address these.

Aspects like domain knowledge, art of teaching classroom skills and use of study-aids of teaching are continuously evaluated through feedback from students. On the basis of such assessment, teachers are encouraged to attend training programmes, orientations and refresher courses.

Similarly, staffs from sections other than academic are sent for training programmes in their respective areas of operation. In order to meet group needs, all departments organize at least one open seminar and one extra-mural lecture to enrich required knowledge.

The technical support team is encouraged to acquire contemporary skill with the use of the internet. Training in accounts and other administrative skills is imparted at the state level. Staff members regularly participate in workshops focused on new schemes and mission of the state.

Odisha is fast emerging as an industrial and educational hubs of the nation. Investment over 1.5 lac crore is envisaged in this state in this decade. In this changing scenario, the college has been emphasizing on opening new areas of study so as to cater to the demands of manpower in various sectors. As such, our training goals are clear and there is an emphasis on industry interface and the necessary skill sets for employability.

Our strategic plan envisages the institutional goal in developmental needs of the state and the nation.

6.2.2 Enunciate the internal organizational structure of the College for decision making processes and their effectiveness.

The organizational structure of the college is dynamic enough to make decision-making easy and transparency. The internal organizational hierarchy of the institution is as follows:

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6.2.3 Specify how many planned proposals were initiated/ implemented, during the last four years. Give details. The following proposals were accepted, initiated and implemented during last 4 years.


Large numbers of books and journals purchased

Reading room capacity enlarged

Large & renovated college canteen established.


IGNOU study centre established.

Separate PG block constructed.

Workshops on gender sensitization organized.

New staff recruited as per necessity.


Resource Centre is established to facilitate the Research work.

Open Pendal renovated.

One smart class rooms established.

Wi-fi campus and connectivity to all.



Administrative Bursar Academic Bursar Accounts Bursar

Head Clerk

Administrative Staff


Teaching and Technical staff



Accounts Staff



Library Staff


Support Staff



Support Staff

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BBA (Self-financing) programme opened.

2nd smart classroom established.

Accounts Section automated.

Solar Power station established in JJR Ladies Hostel.

6.2.4 Does the College have a formally stated quality policy? How is it designed, driven, deployed and reviewed?

The quality policy of the institution is clearly related to its vision and mission wherein it is envisioned to empower the youth in terms of physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual outputs.

The IQAC has been mandated to audit, study and suggest improvement in all aspects of institutional life and ensure implementation of such findings.

With a view to involve students in this journey of excellence, a team of ‘Quality Volunteers’ has been constituted.

These volunteers are drawn from all the 3 years of the undergraduate programmes envisaging continuity of the quality revolution.

Feedback from all stakeholders in term of quality enhancement and their implementation is a continuous process.

Enhancing quality of teachers with facility for research.

Quality of students through motivation, value based education etc.

6.2.5 How does the College ensure that grievances / complaints are promptly attended to and resolved effectively? Is there a mechanism to analyze the nature of grievances for promoting better stakeholder-relationship?

The Grievance Redressal Mechanism in the college has efficient built-in grievance Redressal committee.

Primary level of grievance Redressal of the students takes place at the departmental level.

Staff grievance is attended in the department.

The administrative Bursar-II is given the responsibility of redressing students grievance.

The administrative Bursar-I is authorized to redress grievance of both teaching & non-teaching staff.

The principal’s office is accessible to all stakeholders on every working day for Redressal of grievances.

A toll free helpline number 155335 has been instituted by the Central Admission Authority for grievances of students regarding admission.

A senior faculty is looking after the Grievance Redressal Cell.

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6.2.6 Does the College have a mechanism for analyzing student feedback on institutional performance? If yes, what was the institutional response? There is a multistage student feedback system available in the college.

Feedback about curriculum aspects is taken on a day-to-day basis by the teachers of the departments.

Such feedback is discussed and analyzed at the departmental level resulting in revision & modification of curricula.

Teacher assessment feedback from students is taken at the institutional level.

In case there is any issue regarding the quality of delivery, these are addressed through counseling at both the departmental level and at the administrative level.

The college mandates all its stakeholders to act on such feedback.

There are three FB pages buzzing with feedback of students.

The college website has a feedback link.

6.2.7 In what way the affiliating University helped the College to identify the developmental needs of the College? The developmental needs of this college are addressed by Utkal University in many ways.

The Director CDC acts as a coordinating link between the college & UGC/NAAC and the Government of Odisha

The representative of the University nominated to the Governing Body offers valuable suggestions for developmental needs.

The Director, CDC being a member of the College Building Committee, helps locate developmental needs.

The Post-Graduate Departments of the University regularly give their input to improve curricular aspects.

The experts from the University locate gaps in the learning curve of the students & suggest addressing these through initiating new subjects.

Sports Council of Utkal University acts as a nodal agency for development of sports activities of the college.

NSS Coordinator, Utkal University also acts as a nodal officer for the NSS activities of the college.

Controller of Examinations, Utkal University is a member in the Academic Council of this college.

6.2.8 Does the affiliating university have a functional College Development Council (CDC) or Board of College and University Development (BCUD)? If yes, In what way College is benefitted. The Utkal University has a vibrant College Development Council with a Director as its head.

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The CDC vets all proposals from the college to the UGC & offers valuable input.

The Director, CDC being a member of the College Building Committee is involved in the process of infrastructural development.

6.2.9 How does the College get feedback from non-teaching, teaching, parents and alumni on its functioning and how it is utilized. The mechanism of obtaining feedback from stakeholders other than students is implemented through various means.

The Administrative Bursar-I is in charge of addressing the grievance of teaching & non-teaching members of staff by getting feedback from them.

Parents & Alumni are encouraged to give their feedback to the Principal as well as the members of the Governing Body.

Feedback regarding functioning of various outreach activities from the teachers is analyzed to improve services.

Feedback regarding functioning of various sections of the college from the non-teaching staff is used to enhance the efficiency of SOP.

Institute issues specific format to collect parent and alumni feedbacks which are duly analyzed and redressed.

Feedback of the teachers is a major factor in incorporating curricular modification.

Feedback from Parents & Alumni forms the basis of the institutional mission.

Such feedback helps the college resolve local issues.

6.2.10 Does the College encourage autonomy to its academic departments and how does it ensure accountability? As a matter of policy the college encourages academic autonomy to the departments. Accountability of such autonomy is built into the system.

Each department develops its own curricula after a thorough discussion with experts from Universities and members of Board of Studies.

This academic restructuring results a higher order of curriculum of the University level.

All departments are encouraged to invite external experts to take classes, with students & faculty members.

Accountability of the departments is ensured through regular supervision by the principal and supervision of daily progress of classes by the Heads of different departments.

There is a system of Academic Audit by the Academic Bursar in association with the heads of the departments.

The overall performance of the departments is also analyzed by a District Level Consultant appointed by the State Govt.

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6.2.11 Does the College conduct performance auditing of its various departments? Performance Audit of the departments is done regularly through the mechanism of Academic Audit, Supervision of progress by the Heads & the principal and by alumni feedback.

External Experts are also involved in the Academic Audit .

The staff council deliberates on the performance of the departments during result analysis.

The Board of Studies and the Board of conducting examinations regularly undertake performance audit and recommend changes.

The IQAC sphereheads the performance audit system.

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies 6.3.1 What efforts are made by the College to enhance the professional

development of teaching and non teaching staff? Initiatives taken by the college to enhance professional development of teaching & non-teaching staff constitute various aspects.

Members of teaching staff are regularly deputed for orientation and Refresher courses to various universities of the country.

Teachers are encouraged to be members of various professional bodies.

A well-equipped resource research centre has been established.

Encouraging research through leave & grant.

Award of MRP from CPE grant.

Publication of research journal “MANJARI”.

Publication of research Journal for Commerce Department “Odisha Biz Review” (ISSN -2454-4264)

Non-teaching staff members are given responsibility according to their aptitude.

They are also given administrative & accounts training by Govt. and other agencies.

Regular training sessions are held to enhance the IT skills of both teaching and non-teaching members.

6.3.2 What is the outcome of the review of the Performance Appraisal Reports? List the major decisions. The annual Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) of members of teaching staff are mandatory in terms of their career advancement.

All revision of scale are done after a review of PAR at the Govt. level.

Career Advancement Scheme is allowed only on the basis of PAR.

The Performance Appraisal Reports of non-teaching staff are taken at the time of their elevation to the next higher level.

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Promotion from Demonstration/Lab. Asst. to the post of lecturer takes place on the basis of Performance Appraisal by the head of the department the Principal, the Governing Body & the Higher Education department.

Online submission of PAR has become mandatory.

Non-teaching staff members are trained to facilitate online payment of fees.

6.3.3 What are the welfare schemes available for teaching and non teaching staff? What percentage of staff have availed the benefit of such schemes in the last four years? The welfare measures for teaching & non-teaching staff address the need of appreciating the contribution of the staff members.

General Provident Fund, Employees Provident Fund, Gratuity are the major statutory welfare measures.

Concessional Admission to children of support staff.

Need based advance salary.

An employees’ cooperative of the college looks after supply of stationary and thereby ensure employee welfare.

Employees in the sweeping and cleaning jobs have been promoted to office bearers.

The college presents a set of dresses to all support staff on its Commemoration day.

A system of Annual increment & pay revision exists for management employees.

Appointments are given as a part of rehabilitation scheme to dependents of employees dying during service.

Provision of a Group Insurance Scheme is offered to all employees.

All members of staff have benefited from these initiatives of the college.

Employees can avail loan from the Credit Co-operative Society of the college.

6.3.4 What are the measures taken by the College for attracting and retaining eminent faculty? Since most of the teaching staff join & leave this college on transfer by the DHE, Govt. of Odisha, very limited options are available to retain & attract faculty.

In case of self-financing courses all endeavours are made to attract persons of eminence as faculty.

In the new subject it is mandatory on the part of the college to appoint best of available talent with a competitive salary.

In case of faculty getting management salary, annual increment and other incentives are also offered.

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6.3.5 Has the College conducted a gender audit during the last four years? If yes, mention a few salient findings.

Gender audit has been done at the initial stage during admissions.

The Students Academic Management System (SAMS) has a built in facility of isolating the data on the basis of gender.

Gender balance in various departments is one of the concerns during counselling for Honours.

Debate, Elocution, Quiz and discussions are organized by the Students Union, the different societies for gender sensitization.

Resource persons are invited for different events on gender issues.

Extension of girls common room has been done basing on gender audit.

Self-defence training for girls students is given by the coordinator, Self-defence training programme in the college.

6.3.6 Does the College conduct any gender sensitization programs for its staff? Since the college is committed to equitable development of all stakeholders it takes special interest in issues regarding gender.

Since the philosophy of the college is steeped in empowering the marginalized, each and every staff member is sensitive to the needs of women stakeholders.

Women constitute 47% of the faculty and other employees.

As such there has never been any gender issues concerning members of staff.

The Principal and Administrative Bursar sensitize members of staff regarding gender issues in the staff association and staff council meeting.

It is a tradition of the college to assign a lady member of faculty as the Secretary of the Staff Council.

6.3.7 What is the impact of the University’s UGC-Academic Staff College Programmes in enhancing competencies of the College faculty? Members of faculty are regularly sponsored to attend orientation and refresher courses in universities across the country.

The UGC-Academic Staff Colleges have contributed significantly to the updating of knowledge in all departments.

Eminent resource persons are invited to interact with the participants bring in cutting-edge knowledge as their input to the participants.

IT training as a part of Refresher courses adds significantly to the value of such courses.

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6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 6.4.1 What is the institutional mechanism to monitor effective and efficient use of

financial resources? The findings of the Budget Committee at the end of the Academic Session are placed with the Governing Body for further analysis and fresh perspectives on the planning and preparation of budget for the succeeding years.

Since the State Govt. decides on fees and fines, the institution has limited resources from admission fees.

All fees and fines, are collected through SBI Mobile Banking Counter at college.

Fees and fines are collected both online and offline.

Payment made to vendors are invariably through cheques after certification of the professor in charge, the principal and the prof. in charge of Accounts (Accounts Bursar-I).

It is mandatory on part of all venders to have a valid VAT Tax Index Number. This ensures transfer of taxes to the state treasury.

This is a completely transparent and robust mechanism for payments in the college.

Most of the tenders for construction works are handled by the Central Public Works Department and Public Works Department of State Govt. and other state Govt. agencies.

Major construction work is executed by Govt. agencies.

Minor repair works /minor constructions are done through open tender.

All purchases are made through open tender basis and lowest bidder is given purchase order/work order.

All payments are made through account payee cheques while making comparative analysis, Govt. schedule of rate is taken into consideration.

Complete transparency is made for effective use of resources.

There is also an Internal Audit Cell to supervise the accounting process.

While purchasing materials, DGS & D rate or EPM rate is taken into consideration for comparative analysis.

6.4.2 Does the College have a mechanism for internal and external audit? Give details.

The primary audit is done by the Accounts Section headed by Accounts Bursar-I and Accounts Bursar-II.

Audit is also done by a Chartered Accountant appointed by department of Higher Education.

Local Fund Audit of the Government does the final audit.

Grants and assistance from UGC are audited by a Chartered Accountant and later by the Auditors from CAG.

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6.4.3 Provide audited income and expenditure statement of academic and administrative activities of the previous four years. Audited statement of Income & Expenditure

Session Income (in Rs.) Expenditure(in Rs.)

2011-12 120545468 112668113 Audited

2012-13 98733630 93505800

2013-14 107598814 112004105 Audited, report not yet received 2014-15 121112854 121092228

6.4.4 Have the accounts been audited regularly? What are the major audit objections and how are they complied with? Yes, annual audit provisions are there and it has been conducted by Local Fund Audit cell of the Govt. of Odisha. There are no major audit objections. However objections are duly complied with.

6.4.5 Narrate the efforts taken by the College for resource mobilization.

Major part of resource of the college is generated through UGC grants, CPE grants, MLA LAD funds and MP LAD funds and some income comes from development fees.

The Alumni plays an important role in endowments for prizes awarded to students on the Commemoration Day every year.

6.4.6 Is there any provision for the College to maintain the ‘corpus fund’? If yes, give details. A Corpus Fund has been created in the shape of fixed deposits in the public sector banks. The corpus fund at present is to the tune of 4 lakh.

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System 6.5.1 Does the College conduct an academic audit of its departments? If yes, give

details. Academic Audit of the departments is done in three tiers. After analysis of academic performance of the department, the principal supervises progress of curriculum as well as quality of dissemination through feedbacks.

Results of departments are analyzed in departmental mechanism.

The DLC, appointed by the Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha to undertake academic audit and suggest means of improvement.

The experts in the external academic audit team suggest specific ideas of improvement in departmental performance.

6.5.2 Based on the recommendations of academic audit what specific measures have been taken by the College to improve teaching, learning and evaluation? Valuable insights and suggestion in the reports of academic audit are discussed and steps are taken to integrate them into the academic life of the college.

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The college has opened new subjects like sociology, Sanskrit, statistics, electronics, Comp. Science as major electives at the UG level on the suggestion of academic auditors.

Talented freshers have been recruited as faculty to add to academic strength of the departments.

Teachers have been encouraged to pursue research and apply for obtaining grants for the same.

Self-financing Post-Graduate courses in Computer Science and PMIR have been opened.

External faculty have been invited to take classes in order to offer fresh perspective to our students.

Transition from chalk and board method to smart class room is taking place on the suggestion of the academic auditors.

The examination committee has decided to take the following measures (i) Evaluation by staff members in Internal Examinations.

(ii) Providing photocopies to the examinees on demand. (iii) Term-end answer scripts are co-examined by both external and

internal examiners.

6.5.3 Is there a central body within the College to continuously review the teaching learning process? Give details of its structure, methodologies of operations and outcome? Apart from the Academic Bursar and respective Heads of departments, the Principal takes stock of quality issues in teaching-learning on the basis of student feedback and analysis of their performance.

The teaching learning process is under constant scrutiny at the departmental level.

Feedback from the departments result in the modification and revision of curricula and teaching-learning.

Teaching methodology workshops with eminent resource persons are held.

Monitoring of teaching learning process is also done during end-semester with staff-meetings.

Regular monitoring has proved to be immensely beneficial in term of efficiency in examination and evaluation process. The present system of editing question both by internal and external experts has emerged out of such monitoring.

Introduction of new courses and increasing seats in various subjects have been possible on the basis of such evaluation.

The academic calendar has undergone modification and fine-tuning on the basis of continuous review. The co-curricular, extra-curricular and outreach activities are integrated with the academic schedule.

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6.5.4 How has IQAC contributed to institutionalizing quality assurance strategies and processes? The IQAC scrutinizes reports and feedback generated by sections like student affairs, examinations, researchers, accounts, Academic Audit, ISR, sports and games, the Teachers Association, the Building Committee and the UGC/CPE Committee and offers solutions to integrate all efforts. Integration and optimization on the basis of quality is the commitment of the IQAC.

The IQAC begins its annual activities with analysis of feedback, reports and findings of various section of the college.

Suggestion on quality issues are given and are monitored everyday.

Such initiatives have resulted in not only improving efficiency but also in integration of commitment to quality in day to day functioning. Some of the results : i. The use of software based examination management system.

ii. Opening of need subjects : honours/self-financed. iii. Registration of Alumni Association.

iv. Library Access System. v. Erection of boundary wall.

vi. Plantation in a 10.5 acres patch. vii. Teacher workshop on methodology.

6.5.5 Does the IQAC have external members on its committees? If so, mention any significant contribution made by such members. External members of the Quality Audit team include eminent academicians and representations from the corporate sector.

Prof. K.C. Mohanty, Academician, columnist and former Vice-chancellor of North Orissa University plays a pivotal role in the quality assurance efforts of the college.

Prof. S. Pani, former Director of DDCE, Utkal University had suggested improvement in community linkages and academic calendar. As a result of this, the college opened the IGNOU study centre and synchronized its outreach and extra-academic activities with its academic calendar.

Alumni representative in IQAC suggested a separate weblink to regulate feedbacks.

6.5.6 Has the IQAC conducted any study on the incremental academic growth of students from disadvantaged sections of society?

Though the college is yet to undertake a formal and structured study of incremental academic growth of students from disadvantaged section, the general trend has been an enhancement of academic growth among such students.

There is visible change in academic ability of students from disadvantaged backgrounds as they proceed through the systems.

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A deep commitment to equity has contributed significantly to motivation and confidence that such students imbibe as they go through the academic and cultural life of the college.

IQAC reviewed the academic growth from the result & also from the feedbacks from stakeholders.

6.5.7 What policies are in place for the periodic review of administrative and academic departments, subject areas, research centers, etc.? Periodic review of all sections of the college is done as a matter of policy at various levels.

Curricular aspects are reviewed in meetings of Boards of Studies and necessary modifications brought on the basis of feedback from stakeholders.

Co-curricular aspects are reviewed in meetings of Calendar Committee.

The library Committee periodically reviews functioning of the Library and assesses requirements.

The accounts section undergoes reviews at the level of the Principal, the Chartered Accountant, the Local Fund Audit, as well as the DLC.

The college has complied with administrative measures such as State wide HRMS and this is reviewed during administrative meetings of the Managing Committee and college bursars.

The college envisages to go in for complete digitization of all sections in near future.

Any additional information regarding Governance, Leadership and Management, which the institution would like to include.

Governance at multiple levels sometimes creates impediments in the growth of the institution. Some areas like infrastructure, academics and administration require enhanced institutional autonomy.

Training of academic and administrative leadership will have a relevant positive impact on institutional performance.

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CRITERIA VII: INNOVATION AND BEST PRACTICES 7.1 Environment Consciousness 7.1.1 Does the College conduct a Green Audit of its campus?

The findings of a green audit in Sept., 2014 showed that the campus has a healthy green cover of nearly 40%.

An audit post-Philin had shown that almost 20 percent of plants had been uprooted and conscious measures have been taken to address this.

Plantation has been done on one patch of 7.5 acres followed by another patch of 03 acres.

The age of plants in campus vary between 1-60 years as a result of Vanamahotsav (Afforastation Festival) held in college every year in the 1st week of July.

Environment audit has been done by Global Tech Enviro Experts Pvt. Ltd., an ISO certified corporation.

7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the College to make the campus eco-friendly? Various initiatives are taken by the college to make the campus eco-friendly :-

The college has taken huge plantation in 15 acres of land around the campus to make it a green campus.

The college has a vast plantation area with array of trees, flowering plants, gardens and a serene atmosphere. The mango orchard of around 4 acres finds a pride of place in campus.

Courses in environmental studies as a part of the curriculum inspire all students to become eco-conscious.

The college promotes awareness on environmental issues through various strategies/programme and through extension activities.

The college has already started replacement of tube lights with CFL bulbs to minimize electricity consumption. Extra mural classes are organized to make all stakeholders aware of environmental issues.

Plantation during Vanamahotsav every year in the 1st week of July.

An eco-club functions as eco-mentor.

The college has collaborated with social forestry Dept. for afforastration.

Use of polythene has been banned.

The campus is made a non-smoking zone. NCC, NSS, Rovers & Rangers have been involved in ecological


∗ Energy conservation

Initiatives have been taken to use the LED bulbs.

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The college focuses on energy conservation, and water conservation.

Replacement of bulbs, tube lights by CFL lamps, reduction in the use of electrical energy, restriction on unnecessary use of fans, lights, computers, and other electrical instruments avoiding unnecessary use of water etc are given top priorities.

∗ Use of renewable energy One ladies hostel has the facility of Solar Energy with the help of OREDA, a State Govt. agency.

∗ Water harvesting

A water harvesting structure has been installed in the college campus in collaboration with Coca-Cola to recharge ground water level.

No trees are cut & cementing in the college campus is kept to a minimum to allow percolation.

∗ Check dam construction

The college plans to construct a series of check dam on the south eastern part of the campus.

∗ Efforts for Carbon neutrality

The college campus has adequate number of trees to maintain air quality.

Food waste from hotels & canteen is processed and used as manure in the plantation. Staff and students are encouraged to minimize the use of motor –vehicles inside the campus.

Use of fly-ash bricks is being done for over 5 years.

∗ Plantation

The college has a green natural look with adequate number of trees.

Plantation programs are organized by the eco-club in collaboration with NCC and NSS volunteers on different occasions.

∗ Hazardous waste management

Waste-bins are used at various places.

Use of disposable plastic tumblers is strongly discouraged and use of paper plates and paper cups is encouraged.

Use of polythene has been restricted.

The scrap materials available are sold.

Awareness programs on waste management are organised

∗ e-waste management

All recyclable e-waste is recycled.

Other e-waste is disposed of through scrap dealers.

Most of the recycling is outsourced.

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∗ any other

A compost pit is working as the main garbage disposal unit.

For bio-degradable waste the Zoology department has created a Vermiculture pit.

7.2 Innovations 7.2.1 Provide details of innovations introduced during the last four years which

have created a positive impact on the functioning of the College.

Examinations system revamped with internal question setting and software based Examination management system.

Students representation in Academic Council

Heritage awareness as a part of class interaction

Students encouraged in local martial arts.

A humanities society is formed.

An audio-visual club is formed.

Teaching- learning process is better facilitated with LCD projectors provided to the Depts.

Examination reform workshops are held.

Separate P.G block has been constructed.

IGNOU study centre was established.

New courses like B.Sc (Comp. Sc.)(self financing), M.Sc (Comp. Sci.) (self financing),PG (PMIR)( self financing),UG programs (sociology) Sanskrit (Hons.) & Geology (Hons.) BBA (Self-Financing) are introduced.

Gold medals for best graduates in each stream instituted by staff association.

In-house seminar presentation for final year students made compulsory.

Language lab established.

Smart class rooms established.

CBCS system introduced in 2015-16.

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7.3 Best Practices 7.3.1 Give details of any two best practices which have contributed to better

academic and administrative functioning of the College.

1. Title of the Practice

(A) Institution of National citations and Honours i. PRANANATH SAMMAN for exceptional contribution to society

ii. PRANANATH SANGEET SAMMAN for contribution to the field of music

iii. MANJARI DEVI SAHITYA SAMMAN for contribution to the field of Literature

2. Objectives of the Practice

What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the underlying principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)?

i. Prananath Samman : In order to perpetuate the memory of Late Prananath Patnaik & his ceaseless quest for liberty & excellence an award with cash prize of Rs.10,000/- and shawl & citation has been instituted in recognition of exceptional contribution to the society by the recipient.

ii. Prananath Sangeet Samman is awarded to Musicians, Dramatists, & Singers in recognition of their contribution to the field of music. Cash prize of Rs.10,000/- and Shawl are given as the token of recognition. The purpose of this award is to inspire the youth in performing Arts.

iii. Manjari Devi Sahitya Samman : Literature & the allied field play a very important role in human life. A wholesome person with healthy mind is invariably aesthetically sensitive, exceptional achievers in these fields are commended with the institution of this prize in the memory of Late Manjari Devi, the committed spouse of Late Prananath Patnaik.

3. The Context

What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in designing and implementing this practice (in about 150 words)?

Institution of Prananath & Manjari Devi Samman targeted recognition of extraordinary contribution to the social good. By such a recognition the college is also honoured in the sense that eminence is recognized by an institution aspiring to be eminent. The commitment & the efforts of the college in shaping the lives of the youth is appreciated by the society when recognized persons are honoured.

4. The Practice

Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher

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education. What were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?

The practice of recognizing eminence in the social sector and in the areas of music and literature is unique in the context of Indian Higher Education in the sense that almost no other institution follows such a practice. A college which has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2010-2011, aspires to a place of eminence in the state and the nation. A panel of eminent members functions as a jury to identify the deserving personalities to be honoured. The honour is bestowed by the college through the Chief Guest on its Commemoration Day on 28th January every year. i) Padmashree Tulasi Munda, ii)Prof. Baidyanath Mishra, iii) Padmabhusan Dr. Ramakanta Panda iv) Sri Shantanu Mohapatra, v) Sri Pranab Patnaik, vi) Padmashree Prafulla Kar, vii) Padmabhusan Sri Manoj Das, viii) Prof. Jayanta Mohapatra, ix) Padmabibhusan Pandit Hari Prasad Chourasia are some of the recipients of these awards.

a) Prananath Samman is dedicated to recognition of eminence and this is funded by the Managing Committee of the college. A three member committee constituted of three senior member of staff recommends the names. After approval of the Managing Committee, the Administrative Bursar oversees the functional aspects. The investiture is done on the Commemoration Day i.e 28th January every year.

b) Manjari Devi Sahitya Samman has been instituted by the family of late Prananath Pattanaik to perpetuate the commitment of Manjari Devi towards creative and critical writings of state. It is administered by a trust where members of the Managing Committee find place. The selection is done by a team of three judges on the basis of contribution to literature. This prize is given away as a part of Commemoration Day (28th January) celebration.

c) Prananatn Sangeet Samman: the prize has been instituted by the Managing Committee of the college to honour an eminent personality in the field of music and performing arts. A three member jury from among the Managing Committee members selects the person and the principal of the college invites the awardees. The samman is given away on 16th/17th November every year on the Prananath Jayanti Divas.

Since institutions of higher education reflect the aspiration of the society, it makes eminent sense to see them as centers recognizing talent, excellence and eminence. An institution is judged not only by its academic excellence but also through its appreciation of excellence. In this regard the above honours bring visibility to the college and this is considered to be an integral part of the overall perception of the college.

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5. Evidence of Success

Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review results. What do these results indicate? Describe in about 200 words.

The college has been recognized within and outside the state as a centre of learning and an institution committed to a holistic development of all its stakeholders. The practice of recognizing excellence has elevated the status of this institution.

Since the focus of these awards is to felicitate eminent persons of the State, it creates a lot of inspiration for the youth.

The focused-initiatives in social outreach have been recognized at state and national level and have brought laurels for the college. Not only has such activities contributed to the profile of the students it has also made them better human beings.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Please identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the practice (in about 150 words).

As such the corpus funds for the state level awards facilitate regular investiture, however, availability of funds does sometime pose constraints in the outreach activities of the college.

Apart from resource mobilization which is dealt with by the managing committee and the trust, the college does not face any challenges in the implementation of the practice.

7. Notes

As has been enumerated above, recognition of eminence brings eminence to the organization itself. In this direction this practice should be encouraged in all institutions of higher learning.

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1. Title of the Practice (B) Focused Student Outreach Activities.

2. Objectives of the Practice

In pursuit of the mission of this college which is reflected even in its crest, it has committed itself to perform its role as an agent of change in the society. Recognizing the importance of the commitment to society on part of the students, the college has initiated wings of NCC (Boys), NCC (Girls), YRC, Rangers & Rovers, NSS and Quality Volunteers.

3. The Context

Since the college was to be the only visible institution in the hinterland, and large proportions of its students are rural based, the need to relate to the society was addressed with the introduction of various social service wings.

In the almost 60 years of the life of Prananath College where large proportion of students are from the rural hinterland, the need to relate to the society was felt acutely. Late Prananath Pattanaik, the founder of this institution began the culture of social involvement through the arduous task of collecting funds from door to door in the local area. Every brick of this college carries the memory of the contribution of common people of the area.

As an attempt to repay the society, the college has opened various service wings involving the students. The outreach activities were perceived to be an integral part of institutional life. Apart from social service wings like NSS, Rovers & rangers, Youth Red Cross , NCC (Boys) and NCC (Girls), a unique group of Quality Volunteers has been created in this direction. The Quality Volunteers are mandated to focus on issues of quality in all aspects of institutional activities.

4. The Practice

The activities of the cadets of NCC and members of other social service wings forms a part of life on campus. The commitment & achievements of these young human beings is commendable because they touch the life of the community .These activities prove to be very important aspect in the lives of both the provider and receiver of service. A brigade of 200 young people committed to social good is unique in the context of higher education.

Constraints in the practice of such activities are not insurmountable. The limitation occurs in terms of time for outreach activities in the context of continuous academic assessments.

5. Evidence of Success

While the largest of traditional social service units is common to all HEI’s the largest of introducing quality volunteers is unique in the sense that it involves students in the quality revolution. The volunteers represent the search for

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quality in all aspects of institutional life. The administrative process, the academic process and cultural aspects and the social outreach programmes are areas where the Quality Volunteers are mandated to give their feedback. This practice should be implemented in all institutions of higher education.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

The major constraint is largely theoretical in the sense that quality as a concept is difficult to explain and make acceptable. The difficulty however, has been resolved with the involvement of the members of the IQAC.

7. Notes

The practice of creating an elite team of Quality Volunteers will definitely impact the operation of any institution. The main Philosophy of the IQAC “Conscious, Consistent and Catalytic action” to improve institutional quality of life will be perpetuated if the main stakeholders are roped in as a part of the journey of quality.

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1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : COMMERCE-1970 2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated

Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.):- UG 3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved: English, Economics,

Computer Science, Botany, Zoology & History. 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system : Semester & Choice Based

Credit System(CBCS) 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments:

BBA(UG) and PMIR (P.G.)-Self Financing. 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate

Professors/Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled

Professor Nil Nil Associate Professors 09 08

Asst. Professors 04 04

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)


Qualification Designation


No. of Years

of Experience

No. of Ph.D.

students guided in the last 4

years Prof. D.K. Mohanty

M.Com Reader & Head

Accounts & B. Math

37 yrs Nil

Dr. K.D. Kayastha

M.Com., M.Phil, Ph.D

Reader Accounts & B. Math

36 yrs Nil

Dr. B.Rath M.Com., Ph.D

Reader Accounts & Finance

35 yrs Nil

Dr. B.B. Sahoo

M.Com., Ph.D

Reader Accounts & Managemen


35 yrs Nil

Dr. B.B. Behera

M.Com., Ph.D

Reader Management & Math

34 yrs 03

Dr. B.B. Padhiari

M.Com., MBA,

M.Phil, Ph.D

Reader Accounts & Finance

35yrs Nil

Prof. M.R. Senapati

M.Com., M.Phil

Reader Accounts & Managemen


32yrs Nil

Dr. R.K. Mishra

M.Com., M.Phil., LLB,

Reader Accounts & Managemen

32yrs Nil

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Qualification Designation


No. of Years

of Experience

No. of Ph.D.

students guided in the last 4

years Ph.D., t

Dr. S.K. Das

M.Com., M.Phil,Ph.D.

Lecturer Management &


31 yrs Nil

Dr. S.K. Patnaik

M.Com., M.Phil, Ph.D.

Lecturer Accounts & B.Math

24 yrs 04

Prof. M.K. Kar

M.Com., M.Phil

Lecturer Accounts & B.Math.

22yrs Nil

Prof. B.B. Acharya

M.Com., M.Phil

Lecturer Accounts & B.Math

22yrs Nil

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: N.A.

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: 160:1

10. Number of academic support staff (technical and administrative staff): sanctioned and filled:

(a) Academic Support Staff: Sanctioned- 13& Filled -12 (b) Administrative Staff: Sanctioned-02 & Filled-02

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. No of faculty with ongoing projects (a) Minor Research Project (MRP) National-UGC(ERO) Kolkata-03 (Three)

Total grant sanctioned-Rs.3,05,500/- Total grants received-Rs- 1,82,250/-

(b) Major Research Project (MRP) -01(One):- The Major Research Project was received at KBDAV College, Nirakarpur, Khordha by Dr. S.K. Pattnaik, Lecturer in Commerce, subsequently transferred to Prananath College( Autonomous) ,Khordha, not yet settled its Audited Utilization Certificate(AUC) by the UGC New Delhi. National –UGC, New Delhi

Total grants sanctioned :-Rs.2,72,000/- Total grants received :-Rs. 2,72,000/-

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received :Nil

13. Research facility / centre with

state recognition : Yes

national recognition : Yes

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international recognition : No 14. Publications:

number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) a. National : 52 (Fifty Two) b. International: 21(Twenty One)

Monographs -Nil

Chapter(s) in Books-15 (Fifteen)

Editing Books -05(Five)

Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers-10(Ten) a) Discovery Publications, New Delhi

b) MJP Publishers, Chennai c) SSDN Publishers, New Delhi

d) 5c Publications, Bhubaneswar e) S. Chand & Company, New Delhi

f) Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha g) Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana (Punjab)

h) DDCE ,Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Sl. No

Seminar/Conference/Workshop Source of funding

National/ International

Outstanding Participants/ Resource


1 A seminar on “Financing Agriculture for rural development in Orissa- Role of RRBs” was organized at the institutional level during the Academic Session,1997-98

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. P.C. Tripathy, P.G. Dept. of Commerce, Utkal University, BBSR.

Prof. P.C. Mishra, Berhampur University, Berhampur Mr. B.R. Pattanaik, AGM, NABARD, BBSR

2 A two day conference & National level Seminar on “Business Education at Cross roads” on the occasion of the Annual Day of All Odisha Commerce Association during the year 1997-98

National (UGC)with collaboration of Odisha Commerce Association

Prof. B.P. Singh ,Delhi University , New Delhi

Prof. R.K. Jena, Prof. B.N. Pattanaik and Prof. P.C. Tripathy of Utkal University,BBSR

Prof. P.K.Sahoo & Prof. J.Panda of

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Berhampur University,Berhampur

3 A One day workshop was organized on “ Problems & Prospects of Tourism Entrepreneurs in Odisha” during the academic session, 1998-99

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. P.K. Sahu & Prof. U.C. Patnaik, Berhampur University & Prof. M.K.Mohanty, Ravenshaw (A)College,Cuttack

4 A seminar on “ History of Entrepreneurship in Odisha” was organized during the session 1999-2000

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. Narayan Rao, Prof. of History and Registrar, Berhampur Universtiy, Odisha and Mr. S.K. Mohanty, Sr. Faculty and Administrative Officer, IED, Odisha

5 A seminar on “ Emerging Trends of Business Education in the Millennium” was organized during the session 2000-2001

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. J.Panda, Berhampur University & Prof. R.K. Bal, Utkal University,BBSR

6 A seminar on “ Rural Entrepreneurship and Sustainable development in Odisha” during the session 2001-02

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. S.Moharana, Utkal University and Prof. U.C. Patnaik, Berhampur University.

7 A seminar on “ Micro Finance and Rural Development” was organized during the session 2002-03

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. H.K. Mishra, Executive Director,H.R. Solutions and Mr. B.B. Mishra, Sr. Faculty and Administrative Officer,IED,Odisha,BBSR

8 A Seminar on “Resurging Rural Odisha” was organized during the year 2003-04

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. B.N. Pattanik, Former Professor and Dean, Utkal University and Prof. G.K. Sharma, Prof. of Commerce,Cuttack.

9 A seminar on “ Emerging Trends of Rural Entrepreneurship” in the new millennium was organized during the year 2004-05

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. R.K. Bal, Utkal University and Mr. S.K. Mohanty, a Sr. Faculty,IED, Odisha,BBSR

10 A seminar on “ Prospects and challenges of Industrialization

Seminar fund of the

Prof. Abani Panigrahi, Prof. MBA, Maguns

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in Odisha” was organized in the year 2005-06

Institution School of Business, Bhubaneswar and Prof. N.B. Mohapatra Retired Principal.

11 A seminar on “ Marketing Innovations and Ethics” was organized during the academic session, 2006-07

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. G.P. Acharya, Former Principal, Ravenshaw (A)College, Cuttack and Prof. Srikanta Sen, Former Professor of Commerce,Cuttack

12 A seminar on “ Co-operatives and Rural Development” was organized on 27.02.2008

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. A.P. Nayak, Former Head, P.G. Dept. of Commerce, Ravenshaw(A) College, Cuttack, Prof. S. Moharana, and Dr. K.B. Das, P.G. Dept. of Commerce, Utkal University, BBSR

13 The first Golden Jubuliee Lecture on Commerce was organized by the dept. of Commerce on 27.10.2008 with reference to one of the burning issues for the industrial recession all over the world, i.e., “ World Financial Crisis”

College fund Prof. (Dr.) Pravat Patnaik, a world acclaimed Economist and Vice-Chairman, State Planning Board, Govt. of Kerala.

14 A Seminar on “ Problems and Prospects of Industrial Entrepreneurship in Odihsa” was organized on 08.01.2009

Seminar fund of the Institution

Mr. Trailokya Mishra, Chairman, Nayagarh Sugar Complex Ltd. Nayagarh and Prof. Swarup Sahoo, Former Professor, MBA, XIMB and Director, C.V. Raman Institute of Engineering & Management Bhubaneswar

15 A workshop on “ Emerging Issues on Indian Capital Market” was organized on 21.01.2010

Seminar fund of the Institution

Mr. Debaraj Biswal, CMD& CEO, Bhubaneswar Stock Exchange with his team of Resource Persons

16 A seminar on “ Career Opportunities and Challenges for Business Education” was

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. G.K. Sharma, Prof. of MBA, BPUT,Bhubaneswar

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organized on 03.02.2010 Prof. D.Biswal, Former Director, Academic Staff College Utkal University , Bhubaneswar and Mr. P.K. Parida, C.A. Executive Director, Marketing, NALCO, BBSR

17 A seminar on “ Opportunities and Challenges of Management Education” was organized on 25.02.2011

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. G.K. Sharma, Prof. of MBA,BPUT, Bhubaneswar Dr. K.B. Das, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar

Dr. S.Bera, Retired Principal

18 A seminar on “ Investment Opportunities and Capital Market” was organized on11.02.2012

Seminar fund of the Institution

Prof. K.C. Mishra, V.C. Sri Sri University, BBSR Dr. T.K. Pani, a Sr. Faculty, Commerce, Ravenshaw University , Cuttack

20 A two –day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “ Development of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)” was organized on 24.02.2013 &25.02.2013

National UGC

Prof. P.Purusottam Rao, Osmania University, Hyderabad(AP).

Prof. Gunanidhi Sahoo, Former Director, Higher Education, Odisha.

Prof. J.L. Gupta, Delhi University, Delhi.

Dr. S.Singhal, Vice-President, Jubillant life science, New Delhi.

21 A seminar on “ Emerging Trends on Indian Retail Sector” was organized on 5.03.2013

Seminar fund of the Institution

Dr. P.C. Mohanty, Rtd. Principal and Mr. S.K. Mohanty, Sr. Faculty & Consultant, IED, Odisha

22 Organized 34th All Odisha Commerce Conference with a National Seminar on “Reforms in Higher Education with

National Conference with collaboration

Prof. R.K. Bal, President, Odisha Commerce Association, BBSR.

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Special Reference to Business Education” on 23rd & 24th February 2014

of Odisha Commerce Association

Prof. P.Purusottam Rao, Osmania University, Hyderabad(AP)

Prof. P.K. Sahu, Former Vice-Chairman, Odisha State Planning Board, Mr. Panchanan Dash, Secretary , MSME Department , Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar

23 A two-day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “ Issues and Challenges of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) in Indian Retail Sector” on 8th & 9th May 2015

National UGC

Prof. P.C. Jain, Former Principal, Sri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi. Prof. G.K. Sharma, Cuttack Prof. Samsan Moharana, Bhubaneswar.

Sri A.K. Sabat, Chartered Accountant, Bhubaneswar Sri Nageswar Pattnaik, Editor, Odisha Biz.Com & Former Chief Correspondent, The Economic Times, BBSR.

number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): N.A.

Citation Index – range / average :N.A.



Impact factor – range / average :N.A.

h-index :N.A. 15. Details of patents and income generated : N.A. 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : N.A.

17. Faculty recharging strategies: N.A.

18. Student projects

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental : Nil

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percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes :100%

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty: Chaired in technical sessions of the national & international conferences, Bhrat Sikhsya Ratna Award for Research & Development, 2013, Resource Persons & Subject Expert, Member of the Board of Studies, Conducting Board & Academic Council of other autonomous colleges of Odisha, Members , Syllabus Committee, Budget Committee &Examination Committee of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha.

Doctoral / post doctoral fellows: 03(Three) Members of the Faculty are awarded Ph.D during last 5 years & Two of the Faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D. work.

Students : Students of the Faculty represent various National level sports, Academic as well as cultural activities.

Miss. Pdmalaya Subudhi of Accounting Hons. Stream is awarded as the best Graduate of the college for the academic session 2013-14.

20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

21. Student profile course-wise during last 4 years

Sl. No.

Academic Session

Name of the

Course (refer

question no. 2)

Applications receive



Pass percentage

Male Female Male Female

1 2011-12 UG 448 275 105 91% 94%

2 2012-13 UG 450 271 107 92% 93%

3 2013-14 UG 469 278 112 93% 95%

4 2014-15 UG 557 292 165 91% 94%

22. Diversity of students during last 4 years

Sl. No



Name of the Course (refer

question no. 2)

% of students from the College

% of students

from the


% of students from other States

% of students

from other countries

1 2011-12 UG 53% 45% 02% Nil

2 2012-13 UG 56% 43% 01% Nil

3 2013-14 UG 55% 43% 02% Nil

4 2014-15 UG 57% 42% 01% Nil

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23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? N.A.

24. Student progression : N.A.

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG

PG to M.Phil.

PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral


Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment


25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university 90%

from other universities within the State 10%

from other universities from other States Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. :-03(Three)

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a. Library –Commerce Seminar Library with 957 nos. of text Books & 155

Nos. of referred Books b. Internet facilities for staff and students - Internet facilities both for

Students as well as for the members of the Faculty. c. Total number of class rooms-20(Twenty)

d. Class rooms with ICT facility- Two smart class rooms with internet facilities

e. Students’ laboratories –One Commerce Laboratory with computers and internet facilities.

f. Research laboratories -Nil 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College during last 4 years i.e., from 2011-12 to 2014-15 :- 560(Five Hundred Sixty)

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. N.A.

30. Does the department obtain feedback from

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a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? :-

Yes. The department needs the suggestions and guidance of the Sr. Faculties and Professors of other Autonomous Colleges and Universities from time to time in its various Board of Studies and Academic Council Meeting & utilizes in its curriculum as well as in teaching-learning-evaluation programme.

b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? The department is fully satisfied over the students feedback & progression on departmental curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation programme.

c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

The department gets full support and cooperation from the alumni association and employers of the college in effective implementation and utilization of curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation programme.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) i. Sri Chittaranjan Dash, C.A., FIC.W.A.,C.S., LLB, MBA-Head Finance

dept., Oil India Ltd. (OIL) ii. Sri Bipin Kumar, Agarwalla, C.A. (Professional)

iii. Suresh Jhunjhunwalla, C.A. (Professional) iv. Mr. Sanjeev Rath, DGM Finance, NTPC

v. Mr. Sahadev Champati, DGM, Finance, NTPC vi. Dr. R.K. Mishra, Reader in Commerce

vii. Dr. B.B. Padhiari, Reader in Commerce viii. M.R. Senapati, Reader in Commerce

ix. M.K. Kar, Lecturer in Commerce x. Mr. Abhishek Mohapatra, FCA,CS.

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts.:-Besides curriculum activities, the students are also enriched by various programmes such as special lectures, golden jubilee lectures, workshops /seminars/conferences along with other social as well as cultural activities from time to time with eminent and distinguished Resource Persons, Artists and Social workers.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.:-The department adopts the following teaching methods for its different programmes :- (i) Oral Presentation

(ii) Power point Presentation

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(iii) Personal interaction (iv) Conducting various interviews

(v) Group discussion (vi) Personal discussion and deliberation

(vii) Organization of Seminars, Conferences & Workshops

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? The department ensures the success of programme objectives out of its students enrolment , progression and placement.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.

The students as well as members of the Faculty are actively participated in various extension activities such as observing and celebrating various social and cultural functions of the department, conducting departmental picnic and study tour, organizing seminars/ conferences / workshops and other social activities of the locality.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.

Besides curriculum and syllabus scholarly activities, the department is also involved with some social activities such as formation of Consumers Forum to create an awareness among Consumers and to create an Investment Awareness Camp for Investment opportunity and security.

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details.

The programmes of the department beyond syllabus scholarly activities are organized with support and collaboration of District Administration, Khordha and Bhubaneswar Stock Exchange (BSE) at a periodical intervals.

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department The following are some of the strengths, weaknesses , opportunities and challenges of the department :- (a) Strengths

i ) Qualified and experienced Faculty members ii) Better quality of students

iii) Favorable students enrolment iv) Students progression and placement

v) Favorable infrastructure and environment. (b) Weakness

i) Disparity in service conditions ii) Lack of subject specialization

iii) High student-Teacher ratio, i.e., 160:1

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iv) Insufficient labartory & library facilities in comparison to the strength of students as well as Faculty members

( c) Opportunities i. Research and development

ii. Innovation in curriculum iii. Opening of post graduate classes

iv. Utilization of Resource Centre v. Utilization of language laboratory to enhance communication skill.

(d) Challenges (i) Frequent transfer of the members of Faculty

(ii) Separate block of the Faculty (iii) Subject specialization of the members of the Faculty

(iv) Students welfare and support 39. Future plans of the department. :-The department proposes for opening of P.G.

classes in commerce and management & its own Research Centre for Faculty development programmes, besides introducing regular soft skill development programme for the students

Post Accreditation Initiatives After the college received ‘A’ Grade by NAAC in its 1st cycle, the following significant measures are under taken by the Faculty of Commerce during the past four years.

Enhancement of students strength during last four years.

Enhancement of Departmental infrastructure such as electrical equipments, computers, Internet , Library, Laboratory, smart classroom etc.

Organization of three National Seminars, 34th All Odisha Commerce Conference along with a member of seminars/ workshop & symposia at the Institutional level.

Conducting Students Orientation Pragrammes for C.A., I.C.W.A., C.S., AMFI modules, IRDA modules, NSE Modules with Cuttack-BBSR Chapters, BBSR Stock Exchange and LIC of India.

The department has taken initiative to promote financial literacy programme such as, JANADHAN Programme, Beti Padhao- Beti Bachao Abhijan inside the college campus.

The department has taken initiative to open Savings Bank Account of all the students in collaboration with Allahabad Bank & State Bank of India.

The department has also invited many eminent professors & Professionals to improve the communicative & financial skill of the students from time to time.

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During this period, the Department has opened three years Degree Programme such as BBA under Self Financing mode.

Our students participated in skill development in accounting every year in Utkal University, Sai International Business school & other reputed institutions of BBSR City.

Apart from the regular B.Com Courses, our students have qualified the Common Proficiency Test (CPT) conducted by All India Chartered Council to make them qualified for P-I Chartered Courses.

Recently, we have introduced the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) as directed by the UGC, New Delhi w.e.f. the Academic session, 2015-16.

The department has formed a consumer forum for consumer awareness from time to time.

The department has introduced risk- free investment programme for creating investment awareness among the students & employees of the college in collaboration with Bhubaneswar Stock Exchange (BSE), BBSR.

Regular remedial classes are arranged in honours subjects for poor students under BPL category specially for S.C/S.T. and other backward communities apart from the regular curriculum for their better understanding.

The curriculum is updated every year with reference to changed environment & requirement of the industry.

Last but not the least, the most important aspect of attraction for students of commerce in our college is better opportunities in placement, career counselling by regular campus selection and soft skill development programme.

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1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : PHYSICS Pre-University Physics : 1964 Degree Physics Pass : 1971

Degree Physics Hons. : 1974 2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated

Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : UG (Hons. & GE) 3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved :

Chem.,Math.,Elec.,Biotech. etc. as Generic Elective Courses. Dept. of Chem., Dept. of Math., Dept. of Elec., Dept. of Biotech.

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system : Semester & CBCS 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments :-

Offering Physics Generic Elective Courses for other dept. Hons. Courses. 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate

Professors/ Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled

Professors Nil Nil

Associate Professors /Reader

03 03

Asst. Professors /Lecturer

08 08

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,)

Name Qualification Designation


No of years

of experie


No. of Ph.D


guided for last 4 years

Mrs Sabitri Acharya M.Sc Reader Electronics 31 -

Dr. Umasankar Mohapatra

M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D.

Reader Electronics 26 -

Dr (Mrs.) Mridula Mishra

M.Sc, M.Phil.,

Ph.D Reader

Particle, Nuclear Physics

25 -

Mr. Pramod Ku. Samal

M.Sc M.Phil Lecturer Electronics 25 -

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Dr. Pradeepta Ku. Mohapatra

M.Sc. M.Phil Ph.D.

Lecturer Solid State

Particle Physics

24 -

Mr. Gadadhar Sahoo M.Sc. Lecturer X-Ray 24 -

Mr. Upendra Kumar Barik M.Sc. Lecturer X-Ray 24 -

Mr. Sibaprasad Padhi

M.Sc. Lecturer

Electronics 24 -

Mr. Gyanendra Satapathy

M.Sc. Lecturer Spectroscopy 09 -

Mr. D. Dwibedee

M.Sc. M. Phil Lecturer Particle

Physics 07 -

Mr. Subodha Kumar Jagadev

M.Sc. Lecturer Particle Physics 10 -

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty (programme-wise information) :- Nil

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio :-10 : 1 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff:

sanctioned and filled :-Technical Staff-05 Administrative Staff-Nil 11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international

funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. :-Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received. :-Nil

13. Research facility / centre with

state recognition national recognition international recognition :-Not Applicable

14. Publications:

* Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / International) :- 15 (list enclosed in APPEDIX 1)

* Monographs :-Nil * Chapter(s) in Books :-Nil

* Editing Books :-Nil * Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers :-Nil

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* Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) :-Nil

* Citation Index – range / average :-N.A.

* SNIP :-N.A.

* SJR :-N.A.

* Impact factor – range / average :-N.A. * h-index :-N.A.

15. Details of patents and income generated :-Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated :-Nil 17. Faculty recharging strategies :-Refresher Course & Orientation Course 18. Student projects

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental :-100 %

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes :-Nil

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

o Faculty o Doctoral / post doctoral fellows

o Students - Best Graduate Award (2014) Best Graduate Award (2015)

20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

Session Name of Resource Person

Profile of Resource person

Seminar Topic Funding Agency

2011-12 Prof. N.C. Mishra Professor, Utkal University.



2012-13 Prof. S Mohapatra. Professor, Utkal University


2013-14 Prof. S.K Tripathy. Professor’

NIST, Barampur.

Recent Trends in Fiber Optics


2014-15 Prof. Pratap Kumar Sahoo

Professor’ NISER, Bhubaneswar

Blue LED, A witness of transition from Kerosin to White LED


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 175

21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course Applications


Selected Pass percentage

Male Female Male Female UG (Hons) 2010-2011 132 22 18 90 90 UG (Hons) 2011-2012 139 21 19 92 92 UG (Hons) 2012-2013 145 20 20 91 94 UG (Hons) 2013-2014 155 30 20 90 93 UG (Hons) 2014-2015 170 28 20 100 100 UG (Hons) 2015-2016 180 39 19 - -

22. Diversity of Students

Name of the Course

% of students from the college

% of students from the state

% of students from other


% of students from other countries

UG (HONS) 70% 100% Nil Nil

UG (PASS) 70% 100% Nil Nil

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?

Defense Services-03 NET -01 24. Student progression

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG 20% PG to M.Phil.

PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral


Campus selection Other than campus


17% 5%

Entrepreneurs 2%

25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university 70%

From other universities within the State


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 176

From other universities from other States


26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. : 02

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Library : One Seminar Library having more than 400 no. of reference Books & General Library for common use.

b) Internet facilities for staff and students : Yes c) Total number of class rooms : 11 d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 02 (common) e) Students’ laboratories : 03

f) Research laboratories : Nil 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College. : 06 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s)? If so, give the methodology. : N.A. 30. Does the department obtain feedback from

a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

Yes. The department obtains feedback from faculty on curriculum during board of studies meeting and incorporates the necessary changes in curriculum.

b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Student’s feedback is taken with due procedure and it is duly acknowledged

c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? Weightage given on alumni and employer’s feedback in curriculum design and teaching-learning process and overall development.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)

i. Gouri Prasad Ghatuary-Reader in physics,S.V.M.Autonomous College, Odisha.

ii. Upendra Ku. Barik,Sr.Lect. in Physics,P.N.Autonomous College, Khordha

iii. Siba Prasad Padhi,Lect in Physics, P.N.Autonomous College, Khordha

iv. Dr.Arjuna Ku. Muduli, Asst. Prof.C.V.Raman College, B.B.S.R., Odisha

v. Rasmi Rekha Jena,P.O.,Bank of Baroda, B.B.S.R., Odisha

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vi. Snigdha Champatiray, Tahasildar, Parikud Tahasil, Odisha. vii. Sabuja Ku. Behera, P.O.,S.B.I. Ahamadabad.

viii. Sachin Champatiray, P.O. BHEL, W.B. ix. Satyajit Sahoo, Naval (Technical), Goa.

x. Ugrasena Patuarsingh, Air Force (Technical) Bhatina, Panjab. 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /

seminar) with external experts. Extra Lecturer : Extra Classes are arranged for finishing courses left / any doubt & remedial classes are arranged for SC/ST/OBC Students. In-house seminar : Seminar talk by each 3rd year honours students are presented under the guidance of department faculty members. Annual U.G.C. sponsored Seminar : seminar talk by an outside resource person is organized annually by the department of physics. Science Exibition : Innovative models are prepared and displayed in the exhibition.

Physics Projects : Different projects on any topic related to physics in thesis format is submitted by each 3rd year honours students undcer the supervison of guide teachers of the department.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. :- 1. Traditional Class-Room Teaching

2. L.C.D. Projector Teaching 3 . Practional Demonstration / Teaching.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

Members of the staff of the department of physics regularly meet to decide the changes to be incorporated in the syllabus of different papers. They review the result and over the reason of poor performance if there is any student, helped through distribution of notes, handouts and extra classes. Head of the department monitors the classes and looks after all the activities of the department.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.:-

Department physics publishes a wall magazine “SPECTRUM”. On Quarterly basis embedding the articles written by students.

Dr. M Mishra writes popular science articles and translates books. (List encl.)

Active participation by the students in celebrating different observation days.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.

In-House Seminar, U.G.C. Sponsored Seminar through ext. resource person

Motivating students for research work & guiding them for different

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 178

entrance test. Organizing Quiz, Essay, Debate competition on various topics of Science

and Physics in particular. Active Participation by the students in various academic & Co-curricular

activities such as publication of wall magazine, celebration of Teachers day, welcome cum orientation programme & farewell ceremony, departmental Picnic, Excursion and Study tour & arrangement of talks by invited faculties, observation of Saraswati & Ganesh Puja. Chirstmass ID etc.

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. : No

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department


Highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty and technical staffs. Highly disciplined and talented students. Good relation between staff and student. Weakness:

Restricted autonomy in developing need based curriculum. Frequent transfer of faculty by the Govt. Students from rural background with low socio-economy and

educational status. Restricted Funds Opportunity :

Seminar library Reading Room Facility Internate Facility Supply of handout. PPT Presentation of seminars by the students through LCD Projector. Challenges :

To enhance the interest of students in higher study. To ensure the facility of research work. To make smart class room. For the department physics To make multiuser Internet facility and to enhance strength of study room

as wellas seminar library.

39. Future plans of the department. :-

To introduce need based Vocational course. To set up a research lab. To introduce P.G. courses

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 179

DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1. Name of the department & its year of establishment : CHEMISTRY, 1964

2. Name of the programmes/courses offered: UG 3. Interdisciplinary courses and department involved: Nil 4. Annual/semester/choice based credit system: Semester and Choice based

credit system (2015 Batch) 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments:

Nil 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate

Professors /Asst. Professors)

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

(D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M. Phil.,etc)

Please see the annexure-I 8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty- programme-wise

information: Nil 9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio:

Course/Programme: UG

Academic Year Student-Teacher Ratio

2013-14 12:1

2014-15 12:1

2015-16 16:1

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff:

(a) Technical Staff Sanctioned : 05

Filled : 05 (b) administrative staff : Nil

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) National funding agencies : Nil (b) International funding agencies : Nil (c) Total grants received : Nil

Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise : Nil

Sanctioned Filled

Professors Nil

Associate Professors 03 Asst. Professors 07

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 180

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST, DBT, ICSSR,etc.; total grants received: Nil

13. Research facility/centre with

State recognition : Nil

National recognition : Nil

International recognition : Nil 14. Publications:

Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/ international): Annexure-II

Monographs: Nil

Chapter(s) in Books: 03

Subash Chandra Sahu, Barada Kanta Mishra and Bikash Kumar Jena* (2012): Anisotropi silver nanostructures: An efficient bacteria exterminator, InTech-Publisher, Croatia ( working title of the book “Antibacterial Agents”, ISBN:979-953-307-281-3)

Subash Chandra Sahu, Aneeya K. Samantara, Jagdeep Mohanta, Bikash Kumar Jena* and Satyabrat Si* (2013): Graphene: Synthesis, Properties and Application, Wiley Scrivener Publishing, USA (working title of the book “ Polymer nanocomposites based on inorganic and organic nanomaterials”)

Subash Chandra Sahu, Aneeya K. Samantara and Bikash Kumar Jena* (2014): Graphene Based Noble Metal Hybrid Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, USA.(working title of the book “Innovations in Nanomaterials”)

Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: Nil

Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database- International Social Science Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)

Citation Index- range/average



Impact factor-range/average

h-index 15. Details of patents and income generated: Nil

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 17. Faculty recharging strategies : Nil

18. Student projects : Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 181

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects inter-departmental: Nil

Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries /institutes: Nil

19. Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty : 02

Doctoral/post doctoral fellows : Nil

Students : Nil 20. Seminars/Conferences/workshops organized and the source of funding

(national/international) with details of outstanding participants, if any: Nil

21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course Applications Received

Selected Pass percentage


Year Male Female Male Female

2013 64 18 16 88 94

2014 72 16 16 100 100

2015 81 12 17 91.6 100

22. Diversity of students Name of the

Course UG session

% of students from the college

% of students from the


% of students

from other States

% of students

from other countries

2013-2016 IIIrd Yr

44.0 56.0 Nil Nil

2014-2017 IInd Yr

33.0 67.0 Nil Nil

2015-2018 1st yr

48.0 48.0 4.0 Nil

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Defense Service : 01

IIT-JAM : 01 24. Student progression

Student progression session wise Percentage against enrolled

(UG to PG) 2013 pass out 20.5 2014 pass out 25.0 2015 pass out 26.5

Employed Campus selection Other than campus


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 182


25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduated

of the same parent university 91.0

From other universities within state


From other universities within other states


26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D. Litt. During the assessment period (2013-14, 2014-15).

Dr. S.C. Sahu, Lecturer in chemistry, Awarded Ph.D. 30th March 2015 27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Library: College Library, Department Seminar Library, Department Teachers’ Library

b) Internet facilities for staff and students: Yes c) Total number of class rooms: Classes are allotted in different rooms of

the college including room No.18 d) Class rooms with ICT facility: e) Students’ laboratories: 02

f) Research laboratories: Nil 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College: Annexure-IV

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology.

30. Does the department obtain feedback from a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how

does the department utilize it? b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and

what is the response of the department to the same? c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the

department to the same? 31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): Annexure-V

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/ workshops/ seminar) with external experts.

1. UGC sponsored seminar on 27.02.2015 Title: Chemical Synthesis of Organised Matters –An Overview

By Prof. R.K. Dey, Prof. & Head, Department of Applied Chemistry and Department of Nanotechnology, Central University, Ranchi, Jharkhand

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 183

2. Special Lecture on 11.07.2015 Title: Photochemistry

By: Santosh Kumar Behera, Research Scholar, IIT Guwahati 3. Special Lecture on 26.09.2015

Title: Phase Rule Diagram Of Two Component Systems

By: Dr. B.K. Mohanty, Former Reader & Head, Department of Chemistry, P.N. College (Auto), Khordha

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

Power point presentation

Smart Class

Problem Solving Method

Interactive Classes

OMR Based In-Class Tests 34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met

and learning outcomes monitored?


Conceptual clarity

Competitive learning

Laboratory work practice

Sharing of knowledge


Problem Solving Method

Interactive Classes

OMR Based In-Class Tests 35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities

Eco club





SCIENCE EXHIBITION 36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department

Preparation of chemicals for sanitary use

Creating awareness for environmental hazards

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 184

Study of removal of fluoride from drinking water of Sagargaon Panchayat, Bologarh Block of Khordha District

37. State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies. Give details.

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges(SWOC) of the department

Strength ● Highly Qualified and Experienced Faculty

● Alumni Support ● Motivation Classes

● Extra Classes for Students preparing for Entrance examination ● High Student Teacher Ratio

● Own Question Bank ● Special Doubt Clearance Classes

Opportunities ● Highly motivated students

● UGC Support in college level fellowships ● State support in college level fellowships

● Travel grant (PTAC)

● Industrial Tour ● Collaboration with nearby Technical Institute/ Industry for holding

seminar and workshops

Challenges ● Time Constraint ● Department level smart class

● Industrial Chemistry and its utilization ● Placement activities

● Research activities Weakness ● Space constraint ● Research Laboratory

● Modern Equipments ● Department level orientation programme

39. Future plans of the department.

Opening of P.G. Course

Proposal for Research Laboratory

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 185

Organising Orientation/refresher course

Preparing students for competitive examinations for admission into different universities of India

Conducting awareness programmes among the people of the nearby villages regarding waste management, pollution control, minimizing usage of synthetic fertilizers.

Interdepartmental activities.

Post-accreditation Initiatives

If the college has already undergone the accreditation process by NAAC, please highlight the significant quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken during the last four years. The narrative may not exceed five pages.


Introduction of power point presentation method of teaching

Introduction of smart classes

Renovation of Senior laboratory

Introduction of special coaching classes to final year degree students for P.G. entrance examinations of different universities in india

OMR based In- Class test.

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1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment:

MATHEMATICS 1971 (Pass), 1974 (Hons)

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.):


3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved:

Mathematics for Biology students and generic electives.

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system: Semester System and CBCS (with effect from 2015-16)

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments:

Biological Science, Computer Science, BBA.

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors) :

Sanctioned Filled

Professors Nil Nil

Associate Professors (Reader) Nil Nil

Asst. Professors(Lecturer) 06 06

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. / Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) :

Name Qualification

Designation Specialization Years of Experie


No. of Ph.D. Students

guided for last 5 years

Dr. Purna Chandra Tripathy

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Lecturer and HOD

Fluid Dynamics & Numerical Analysis

31 Yrs Nil

Dr. Purnima Nayak

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Lecturer probability & Comp. Sc.

25 Yrs Nil

Sri Soumyendra Mishra

M.Sc. Lecturer Operation Research & Stochastic process

24 Yrs Nil

Dr. Ajaya Kumar Singh

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Lecturer Real & complex analysis, Comp. Sc.

23 Yrs Nil

Smt. Arpita Mohanty

M.Sc., M.Phil.

Lecturer Numerical analysis & fluid dynamics

23 Yrs Nil

Sri Durga Ch. Nayak

M.Sc., M.Phil.

Lecturer Analysis 13 Yrs Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 187

7.1 Mrs. Arpita Mohanty joined the college on 03.07.2014 after availing a

study leave for two years and submitted her Ph.D thesis at Utkal University in September 2014.

7.2 The substitute teacher Dr.(Mrs.) Swapnapriya Senapati has been relieved on 02.07.2014.

7.3 Dr. Archana Tripathy has been retired from service on 31.12.2014. 8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information


UG PG (Self-financing) Theory Nil Nil

Practical Nil Nil

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio : 20:1 (only Hons. strength is considered)

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled : Nil

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise: Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received: Nil

13. Research facility / centre with : o state recognition : No

o national recognition : No o international recognition : No

14. Publications: * Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) i) Dr. Purnima Nayak (a) Optimization in deteriorated inventory model

incorporated with percentage loss, promotion and functional ordering cost a complete analysis – journal of Business and management Sciences, USA, Vol.-II, 2014.

i) Mrs. Arpita Mohanty (a) Hall effect on Unsteady free convection flow along porous plate with heat source and chemical reaction (International journal of fluid mechanics 4(1) January – June, 2012, pp 33-52.

(b) Chemical reaction effect on MHD Oscillatory flow through a porous medium bounded by two vertical porous plates with heat source and soret effect. (Journal of Applied Analysis and

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 188

computation volume – 3, Nov-4, 2013). (c) Analytical and Numerical study of oscillatory

MHD flow past a vertical plate with variable temp and chemical reaction. Annual of faculty Engineering Hunedoara, Int. J of Engineering -2014.

(d) Unsteady MHD flow of a Visco-elastic fluid along vertical porous surface with fluctuating temp. & concentration- IOSR journal of Engineering -2014.

ii) Dr. Ajaya Kumar Singh : Concept of Banach limits (OJMS, 2013-14) * Monographs

* Chapter(s) in Books Dr. Ajaya Kumar Singh a) Advanced Engineering Mathematics:

Vol.I – IV b) Solution to topics in Mathematics by

Kalyani Publishers –Vol.-I & II. * Editing Books * Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers

* Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)

* Citation Index – range / average


* Impact factor – range / average * h-index

15. Details of patents and income generated : Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 17. Faculty recharging strategies :

Faculties are encouraged to attend seminars/workshops/ conferences/ training camps.

Faculties are permitted to participate in refresher & orientation courses.

Necessary study leaves for Ph.D. or research works are allowed to the faculties.

The college felicitates those who get award/recognition in Sate /National /International level.

Maximum weightage are given to faculty feed back while redesigning the

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 189

curricula. 18. Student projects :

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental : 30%

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes : Nil

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by :

Faculty : Nil

Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : Nil

Students : Nil 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding

(national /international) with details of outstanding participants, if any: Nil 21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

Applications received

Selected Result Pass percentage

Male Female Male Female

2010-11 58 24 08 2010 86% 90%

2011-12 79 22 10 2011 88% 86%

2012-13 95 17 15 2012 75% 70%

2013-14 103 23 09 2013 75% 72%

2014-15 112 20 18 2014 94% 90%

2015-16 120 34 14 2015 93% 93%

22. Diversity of Students :

Name of the Course (refer

question no. 2)

% of students from the college

% of students from the state

% of students from other


% of students from other countries

2010-11 75% 25% Nil Nil

2011-12 65% 35% Nil Nil

2012-13 60% 40% Nil Nil

2013-14 62% 38% Nil Nil

2014-15 68% 32% Nil Nil

2015-16 70% 30% Nil Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 190

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? :

Around 40 students have cleared state & National level competitive examinations, during last 5 years.

24. Student progression (Data collected for the period 2010-11 to 2015-16) :

Student progression Percentage Against Enrolled

UG to PG 35%

PG to M.Phil. -

PG to Ph.D. -

Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -


Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment



Entrepreneurs 6%

25. Diversity of staff (Percentage calculated on present position) :

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university 60%

from other universities within the State 40%

from other universities from other States Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : 02(two)

Dr. Ajaya Kumar Singh awarded Ph.D. in the year 2010.

Mrs Arpita Mohanty has already submitted her thesis in Utkal University awaiting necessary evaluation for Ph.D degree.

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities: a) Library :

Departmental Library contains around 150 books (Text & Reference).

Central Library contains around 2500 books in Mathematics (Text & Reference)

b) Internet facilities for staff and students : 03 computers with Internet facilities.

c) Total number of class rooms : 02 rooms allotted separately to the Mathematics Departments. (Theory & Practical)

d) Class rooms with ICT facility :

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 191

The college has two ICT class room & the department of Mathematics obtained permission for its use whenever necessary.

e) Students’ laboratories : One f) Research laboratories : Nil

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College :

Year Number of students

2010-11 07

2011-12 05

2012-13 04

2013-14 08

2014-15 06

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program (s)? If so, give the methodology :

Faculties those who have participated in different seminars/ workshop / conference, refresher and orientation courses brought ideas from relevant and up-to date courses and intimated these to the members of Board of Studies to redesign the syllabi.

Students attending interview and other competitive examinations highlighted their intension for introduction of new programmes.

Interaction with alumni gives way for the development of new programmes.

30. Does the department obtain feedback from:

a) Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

Feedbacks obtained from faculties on curriculum and teaching-learning evaluation are properly acknowledged and used for further development.

b) Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?

Feedbacks obtained from the students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning process are considered as most important. The department always tried its level best for the effective use of the feedback.

c) Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

This department regards the employer and the alumni as its observer and co-observer respectively. Their feedback gets priority at the time of programmes restructuring and overall developmental activities.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) :

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 192

i) Shakti Ranjan Acharya – Statistical Officer, Planning department, New Delhi.

ii) Arun Kumar Sahoo – Inspector, Central Board of Excise & customs (Tamilnadu)

iii) Priyanka Champati – Teacher, Govt. High School.

iv) Batakrushna Moharana – Engineer – Vedanta (Jharsuguda)

v) Chinmaya Baliarsingh – Indian Air Force vi) Niharika Muduli – Lecturer, Synergy College of Engineering

vii) Dipti Baudi – Lecturer (West Bengal Civil Service) viii) Swagatika Das – Lecturer (College of Engineering & Technology,

BBSR) ix) Debahuti Paikaray – Lecturer – Silicon Engineering College, BBSR.

x) Jyoti Ranjan Das – Teacher, Govt. High School. xi) Ajay Kumar Sundaray – Lecturer, KVRC, Bhubaneswar.

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts : Sl. Year Topic Name of the

External Expert Type of the program

01 2011-12 Application of Mathematics to Biological Science

Prof. G.C. Das, ITER, Bhubaneswar

Special Lecture

02 2012-13 Graph theory and application

Prof. B.P. Acharya (Retd. Prof.) Utkal University, Bhubaneswar

Special Lecture

03 2013-14 Balancing number and their related sequences

Dr. Prasant Kumar Ray, IIIT, Bhubaneswar (Presently working as Associate Professor, VSUT, Burla)

Special Lecture

04 2014-15 Don’t play with ‘∞’ (related with real analysis)

Er. Chandra Kumar Das (Retd Er. Prasar Bharati, Bhubaneswar)

Special Lecture

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes : Doubt clearing classes. Practical oriented classes. Chapter-wise notes given by the Lecturers . Discussion of project preparation. Homework verification. Hints on Seminar Presentation. Assignment Programmes.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 193

34. How does the Department ensure that programmes objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? (a) Objective met through

Graded syllabi Class room teaching and discussion Doubt clearing sessions Seminar presentation Counseling

(b) Learning outcomes monitored through Discussion Classroom tests Internal Examinations Mid-Semester examinations End-Semester examinations Review of result Interaction with stakeholders Advice of principal

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities : (A) Faculty Activities

Dr. Purna Chandra Tripathy, HOD

i. Discipline Committee ii. Member of Students Grievance Cell

Dr. Purnima Nayak i. Member of the Editorial Board (College Calendar)

ii. Student Feedback iii. College Election Committee

Dr. Ajaya Kumar Singh i. Examination Committee ii. Students Feedback

iii. Discipline Committee iv. Time Table & Grouping In-charge

Mr. Soumyendra Mishra i. UGC Committee Member ii. Admission In-charge

iii. e- Valuation In-charge iv. In-charge of Xerox, Computer & Net. v. IQAC member

Mrs. Arpita Mohanty i. In-charge of various competition ii. Associate Vice-President of Girls

Common Room. Mr. Durga Charan Nayak Campus Discipline Committee Member

(B) Students participated in : NSS & NCC activities Science exhibition Organizing seminars Sports General student union election

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 194

Welcome and farewell meetings Math. Olympiad and Madhab Math. Competition etc. Organizing Saraswati & Ganesh Puja Campus cleaning programme. Cultural Programmes Community Awareness Programme.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department: Dr. Purna Chandra Tripathy, HOD

Attended Refresher Course in 2012 at Utkal Univeristy, Vani Vihar, BBSR

Rendered major services in organizing different mathematical competitions.

Participated in several workshops and seminars.

Served as Guest Faculty in some premier instutions.

Dr.(Mrs.) Purnima Nayak Attended Refresher Course On “Geospatial Technology” (Utkal University – 10.12.13 to 30.12.13)

Attended workshop on “ Differential Equation and Application” Date 1st& 2nd Dec., 2012 (ITER, BBSR)

Attended National Seminar (24th & 25th Feb., 2013) P.N. College(Autonomous), Khordha

Attended workshop on Promotion of Biotechnology in the Eastern Region of India”. 23rd& 24th Nov., 2013.( Dept. of geology, Utkal University)

Attended International conference on “Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing” 4th& 5th Jan., 2014 (KIIT University, BBSR)

Dr. Ajaya Kumar Singh Attended refresher course in Mathematics (19.02.2014 to 11.03.2014 at Utkal University, BBSR).

Attended refresher course in Mathematics 2012 at Sambalpur University, Burla.

Attended International conference on “Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing” 4th& 5th Jan., 2014 (KIIT University, BBSR).

Attended Workshop on Mathematics Syllabus Modification in UG level at IMA, Bhubaneswar in 2011-12.

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Mr. Soumyendra Mishra Attended refresher course in Mathematics & Statistics from 13.12.2010 to 02.01.2011 at Sambalpur University, Burla

Attended refresher course in Mathematics from 03.01.2014 to 23.01.2014 at Sambalpur University, Burla

Attended UGC sponsored State level Seminar on “Mathematics & Computing” on 01.09.2013 & 02.09.2013 at Hindol College, Khajuriakata, Dhenkanal.

Life members of OMS Eminent lyricist of Odia Bhajan and

Modern songs. Mrs. Arpita Mohanty Attended Annual conference of Orissa

Mathematical Society & National Seminar on “Role of Mathematics in Engineering & Technology” 8th and 9th Jan., 2011, SOA University, BBSR.

Paper presentation – 41st Annual conference of OMS at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (Jan., 4-5, 2014)

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details: No

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department :

Strength Highly qualified faculties

Experienced teachers

Computer and teaching aid facilities available in the department Meritorious student input

Consistency in overall performance

Weakness General fear-psychosis towards mathematics Lack of research mentality of the students

Most of the students are from weaker section of the society and therefore unable to get proper study atmosphere at home.

Interest of students for professional courses.

No separate funding for department library

Opportunity For arranging more State level or National level seminars.

To undertake more minor/major research projects

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For motivating students towards research work To involve students in collaborative projects

Effective use of alumni support

Challenge Early earning mindset of the students

Over ambitious parents

Communication and reasoning skill development Collection of up-to date information and research materials

Reduction of drop-out rate 39. Future plans of the department:

To make mathematics a lovely subject we plan to introduce “History and Foundation of Mathematics” in our Syllabi.

To arrange special lecture class by external expert every month

To encourage students to participate in more and more state/national level competitions in mathematics like - Mathematics Olympiad, Talent search Examinations etc. In addition to this students are to be encouraged to participate in campus interviews like – TCS, Tech Mahindra, Wipro etc.

To introduce doubt clearing class in general time-table of the department

To counseling students regularly on “How mathematics makes everything perfect.

Best Practices

Teacher – student- parent club has been formed to evaluate overall progress of the Department.

Students have been encouraged to prepare mathematical projects involving local/ regional / national/ international problems like- air pollution, sound pollution, water pollution, population growth & other socio-economic abnormality.

Mathematical modeling course has been introduced in the syllabi as discipline specific course under CBCS.

Doubt clearing classes have been introduced for all students-in each Saturday 3 PM – 4 PM (01 period).

The Department has kept regular contact with OMS, IIT, Bhubaneswar, IMA , BBSR to create opportunity among the students for participating in Mathematics oriented competitions.

The Department has also been in tie-up with college placement cell & facilitates students to avail scopes as and when they occur.

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1. Name of the Department : ZOOLOGY Year of the Establishment: 1964 (Pre University Science) 1971 (UG General Course in CBZ) 1974 (UG Honours Course in Zoology) 2. Name of the Course offered: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary Biotechnology & Environmental Studies courses and the Departments with Department of Botany. involved: 4. Annual/Semester/Choice based Credit System: Semester System (CBCS from 2015-16) 5. Participation of the Department in the With Department of Botany course offered by other departments: 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate

Professors/ Asst. Professors): Sanctioned Filled Professors NA NA Associate Professors - 03 Asst. Professors - 05

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil.etc):

Name Qualification Designatio

n Specialization No. of

years of Experience

Dr.(Mrs.) Chinmayee Mohanty

M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Developmental Biology

34 years

Dr.(Mrs.) Ranjita Sethi

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Cytogenetics 27 years

Mrs. Jyotsnarani Biswal

M.Sc., M.Phil.

Associate Professor

Endocrinology& Ecology

27 years

Mrs. Trupti Rekha Panda

M.Sc., B.Ed. Asst. Prof. Fish&Fishery 25 years

Dr.(Mrs.)Madhusmita Tripathy

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Asst. Prof. Fish& Fishery, Environmental Science

24 years

Mrs. Subinita Mishra

M.Sc. Asst. Prof. Cytogenetics 24 years

Mrs. Subhalaxmi Pattnaik

M.Sc. Asst. Prof. Fish&Fishery 16 years

Mr. Lingaraj Parida

M.Sc. Asst. Prof. Biochemistry 12 years

Mrs. Harshamayee

B.Sc Demonstrator

36 years

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swain Mr. Lalit Mohan Panda

B.Sc., M.B.A. Demonstrator

24 years

Mr. Ranjan Kumar Maharana

M.Sc. Lab. Asst. Biochemistry 03 year

Ms. Mousumi Majhi

M.Sc. Lab. Asst. 03 year

8. List of senior visiting Faculty:

Sl.No. Date Name of Visiting Faculty Reason 1

12.02.2013 Dr. Kabi Prasad Mishra, Director, Medical Education & Training, Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar.

Deliver talk on “Science and Religion”.

2 28.01.2014 Mr. Gayadhara Rout, Former Head of The Dept. (Retd. Principal)

Participate in Departmental activity.

3 25.01.2014 Dr. Lala A.K. Singh, Senior Scientist, Wildlife, Odisha.

Deliver the talk on “Colouration of Tigers-its biological and Conservation implications”.

4 11.02.2015 Prof.(Dr.) B.K. Senapati, Retd.Prof.,Sambalpur University.

Deliver talk on “ Earthworm morphology to field application”

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty (Programme wise): Nil 9. Student-Teacher ratio (Programme wise): UG- 20.5:1 10. Number of academic staff (technical) and administrative staffs, sanctioned and

filled: Staffs Required Sanctioned Filled

Technical staffs

05 03 04(01 Vacant)

Administrative Staff(Store Keeper)

01 01 Vacant

Lab. Bearer 05 03 03(02 vacant)

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grant received: Nil

12. Departmental Projects funded by DST-FIST;UGC,DBT,ICSSR,etc and total grant received: Nil

13. Research facility/Center: Nil 14. Publications: Refer Annexure-I

15. Details of patent and income generated: Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 199

17. Faculty recharging strategies:

Through regular courses like refresher and orientation programme conducted by Academic Staff College of different universities.

By attending various National and International seminars, workshops, symposia, etc.

By encouraging the faculty members to take active participation in research activities.

18. Student Projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental: Hundred percent of final degree students are actively involved in in-house projects.

Percentage of students doing project in collaboration with industries/ institutes: Nil

19. Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty: Dr. Madhusmita Tripathy-Received Fellow International Science Congress (FISCA).

Mr Ranjan Kumar Moharana was awarded as HWB(R) PARCHMENT holder of Bharat SCOUT & GUIDES by President of India.

Doctoral/Post Doctoral fellow: Nil


Miss Rajlaxmi Parida- received Gold Medal for best graduate sponsored by Management of Prananath College, Khordha.

Miss Satadru Satapathy received Bronze Medal for Skeet Shooting at National level Skeet shooting event organized By NCC at Bangalore.

20. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding(National/International) with details of outstanding participants, if any:

Sl. No

Seminar Organising Committee


Dr. Chinmayee Mohanty 1 National Seminar Nayagarh Autonomous

College, Nayagarh 2011

2 National Seminar,12th Orissa Bigyan Congress

Regional museum of Natural History, BBSR


3 National Conference of All India Science Congress


3rd-7th Jan,2012

4 13th Orissa Bigyan Congress

Regional Museum of Natural History

9th-11th Dec,2010

5 14th Orissa Bigyan Congress OUAT,Bhubaneswar 12th-14th Nov,2011

6 16th Orissa Bigyan Congress Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar.

23rd-24th Nov,2013

7 17th Orissa Bigyan Congress ITER,Bhubaneswar. 5th-6th Dec,2014

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 200

Dr. Ranjita Sethi 1 National Seminar AICCG 2006 2 National Seminar Nayagarh

Autonomous College, Nayagarh


3 National Seminar Begunia College,Begunia


4 National Seminar,12th Orissa Bigyan Congress



5 National Seminar,13th Orissa Bigyan Congress

Regional museum of Natural History, BBSR


6 National Seminar Nayagarh Autonomous College, Nayagarh


7 National Conference of All India Science Congress


3rd-7th Jan,2012

8 National Seminar Prananath College Autonomous,Khordha.

25th-26th Feb,2012

9 XXXVI Indian Social Science Congress

KIIT University 27th-31st Dec,2012


Odisha Biotech conclave. State level Seminar

Trident Institute of Biotechnology.


11 16th Odisha Bigyan Congress Institute of Physics 23rd-24th Nov.2013

12 17th Odisha Bigyan Congress ITER,Bhubaneswar 5th&6th dec,2014 13

International Conference of conserving biodiversity for sustainable development.

NIT,Rourkela. 16th-18th Aug. 2013

Mrs. Jyotsnarani Biswal 1 National seminar 99th Indian Science

Congress 2012

2 State Seminar Biotech Conclave, Trident institute of Technology, BBSR


Mrs. Truptirekha Panda 1 National seminar Nayagarh

Autonomous College, Nayagarh

2 National seminar Athagarh College, Athagarh.

3 State Seminar Biotech Conclave, Trident institute of Technology, BBSR

15th May 2015

Dr. Madhusmita Tripathy 1 National seminar Banki Autonomous

College, Banki. 2007

2 National seminar, 11th Orissa Bigyan Congress.

KIIT University, BBSR.


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 201

3 National seminar,12th Orissa Bigyan Congress

Regional museum of Natural History, BBSR.


4 National seminar,13th Orissa Bigyan Congress

Regional museum of Natural History, BBSR.


5 National Seminar Bolagarh College, Bolagarh.


6 National Seminar Nayagarh Autonomous College, Nayagarh.


7 Seminar on Young Graduates for Leadership in Biotechnology.

S.O.A. University, BBSR.


8 99th All Indian Science Congress KIIT University 2012 9 State Seminar Biotech Conclave,

Trident institute of Technology, BBSR


10 National seminar,14th Orissa Bigyan Congress

OUAT,Bhubaneswar. 12th-14th Nov,2011

11 National Seminar Prananath College Autonomous,Khordha

25th-26thFeb 2012

12 XXXVI Indian Social Science Congress.

KIIT,Bhubaneswar. 27th-31st Dec,2012


National seminar,16th Orissa Bigyan Congress

Institute of Physics 23rd-24th Nov2013

14 International Conference on Conserving Biodiversity for sustainable development.

NIT,Rourkela 16th-18th Aug 2013

15 National seminar,17th Orissa Bigyan Congress

ITER,Bhubaneswar 5th-6th Dec,2014

16 Regional Science Congress KIIT University 27th-28th Jan,2014

17 22nd State Level Children’s Science Congress.

KIIT University 8th-10th Nov.2014

18 Odisha Biotech Conclave Trident College of Technology.

15th May,2015

Mrs. Subinita Mishra 1 National seminar P.N.Autonomous

College, Khordha 2012

2 National seminar, 12th Orissa Bigyan Congress.

Regional museum of Natural History, BBSR.


3 National seminar,13th Orissa Bigyan Congress

Regional museum of Natural History, BBSR.


4 National seminar,14th Orissa Bigyan Congress

OUAT,Bhubaneswar 2011

5 99th Indian sc. Cong. KIIT University, BBSR 2012

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 202

21. Students Profile course –wise: Name of

the course Year of

Admission Application Received

Selected Enrolled Pass % Male Female

UG Hons 2015-16 104 58 24 34 - UG Hons 2014-15 98 58 25 33 98 UG Hons 2013-14 94 48 14 34 98 UG Hons 2012-13 85 48 19 29 79 UG Hons 2011-12 79 48 18 30 68

Name of the course(UG)

Application Received

Selected Pass Percentage Male Female Male Female

2015-16 98 24 34 - - 2014-15 98 25 33 29 71 2013-14 94 14 34 39 61 2012-13 85 19 29 27 63 2011-12 79 18 30 44 56

22. Diversity of Students:

Name of the course

% of students from the college

% of students from the state

% of students from other


% of students

from other countries

UG 30 70 - -

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?

Most of the students pursue higher study like Post Graduation, MBA and B.Ed. etc after UG.

Few of them entered in Defense and Banking.

Vivekanada Sahoo of 2007-10 batch have qualified NET and joined in NISER,Bhubaneswar.

Harekrushna Jena of 2008-11 batch joined as research fellow in CIFA,Bhubaneswar.

Atulya Ratan Behera of 2007-10 joined as Bank P.O. In Allahabad Bank ,Bhubaneswar.

Sandeep Rath ,of 2007-10 batch joined as Junior Scientist BARC,Mumbai.

Mr.Antariskha Sahoo and Ms.Ipsita Aparajeeta of 2014-15 pass out students joined in Wipro Pvt.Ltd through campus selection.

Few of them entered in Defense and Banking sectors.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 203

24. Student Progression:

Student Progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 30% PG to M.Phil. Not Applicable PG to Ph. D. Not Applicable Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Not Applicable Employed

Campus Selection Other than campus


2% 3%

Entrepreneurs 1% 25. Diversity of staffs:

Percentage of faculty who are graduates Of the same parent university 100% From other university within the state Nil From other university from other States Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the

assessment period. Two faculty members are pursuing Ph.D. Programme under Utkal

University. Two faculty members attended the refresher course during last three years.

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Library- Departmental library has 900+ numbers of text and reference books and journals contributed by students and faculty members.

b) Internet facilities for students and staffs- Available c) Total number of Class rooms/laboratory-02

d) Class room with ICT facilities- Available e) Research Laboratories- Nil

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from college.

Sl.No. Year Student’s Name Financial Assistance 1 2013 Swagatika Dashmohapatra S.R.Merit 2 2013 Romenrda Sahoo S.R.Merit 3 2013 Rajsmita Mallick SC 4 2013 Dibakar Behera Sc& Sc 5 2013 Sagarika Samal S.R.Merit 6 2013 Priya Ranjan Behera Sc&St 7 2013 Bhagyashree Behera Sc& St 8 2013 Jagyasini Mallick Sc& St 9 2013 Sabnam Begum S.R.Marit 10 2013 Aiswariya Nayak Prerana 11 2013 Jharana Behera Prerana 12 2013 Dibakar Behera Prerana 13 2013 Itishree Priyadarshini Medhabruti

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 204

14 2013 Pratima Sethi Prerana 15 2014 Manoshree Dash Prerana 16 2014 Nagendra Sabar Prerana 17 2014 Pratyush Behera Prerana 18 2014 Priyadarshini Behera Prerana 19 2014 Subham Kumar Behera Prerana 20 2014 Tirthankar Baral Medhabruti 21 2014 Harisankar Bagh Prerana

29. Was any assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s)? If so, give the methodology. 30. Does the department obtain feedback from?

a) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning – evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

The department obtains feed back on curriculum and teaching –learning –evaluation process from the faculties on the monthly meeting and the suggestions are noted, followed and implemented.

b) Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning – evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?

The student feed back process is existing in the campus and the suggestions are discussed by the faculties and Principal and steps are taken up accordingly.

c) Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

College has alumni association which interact with the faculties and department respond to their suggestions for developmental activities and in maintaining discipline in the department.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department.


Sl.No. Name Present position 1 Mr. Prafulla Ku. Mohanty D.F.O., Orissa 2 Mr. Banabihari Mohanty Faculty, P.G. Dept. of Zoology, Vani

Vihar. 3 Mr. Gaya Prasad Mohanty Faculty, OUAT. BBSR 4 Mr. Laxmikanta Paikaray N.G.O., Coordinator 5 Mr. Ashutosh Samal O.A.S. 6 Mrs. Pooja Agrawalla Hospital Manager, Beach Candy

Hospital, Mumbai. 7 Mr. Gobinda Chandra

Behera Inspector of Police, Orissa Police

8 Dr. Basanta Ku. Behera Junior scientist. U.S.A. 9 Dr. Deepak Ku. Swain Junior Scientist, CIFA, BBSR 10 Ms. Banita Manjari Parida P.O., IOB, Kaipadar

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 205

11 Mr. Satyajeet Mohanty Marketing Officer, ICICI Bank,BBSR

12 Ms.Nimanjali Lenka P.O., BOI, Kendrapara. 13 Rajesh Ku.Patra Group Instructor, BSF 14 Soumendra Badajena ICICU Bank, Khurdha 15 Mr. Biranchi Maharatha Executive Officer, Axis

Bank,Khurdha 16 Mrs. Kakali Munish Office asst. S.E.Railway 17 Mrs. Smruti Sen P.O., Union Bank 18 Ms. Monalisha Dash D.R.M., S.E.Railway,Jatani 19 Mrs. Megha Choudhury Teacher, Mission School, Jatani. 20 Ms. Liva Jena Teacher,DAV Public School,BBSR 21 Ms.Rashmita Behera P.G.T., Rameswar High School,

Rameswar. 22 Ms. Afrin Naaz Process Associate, GENPACT, New

Delhi 23 Mr. Chandan Parida Process Associate, GENPACT,New

Delhi 24 Mr. Manas Ranjan Pradhan Director, FCI. 25 Mr. Manmohan Palai Asst. Professor, Bhanja Vihar,

Berhampur. 26 Mr. Nigamananda Boral Inspector, Orissa Police,Ctc. 27 Dr. Sameer Ku. Patra Asst. Professor, Institute of Biology,

Kolkota. 28 Mrs. Aliva Behura Lecturer, P.N. Autonomous College,

Khordha. 29 Mr. Chitta Ranjan Jena Teacher, Brahmagiri 30 Mrs. H.M.Swain Demonstrator, P.N. Autonomous

College, Khurdha. 31 Mr.Sitaram Pradhan Demonstrator, P.N. Autonomous

College, Khurdha. 32 Mrs.Subhalaxmi Pattnaik Lecturer, P.N. Autonomous College,

Khurdha. 33 Mr. Lalit Mohan Panda Demonstrator, P.N. Autonomous

College, Khurdha 34 Mrs S.S.Paschimakabat Lecturer, Pipili College, Pipili. 35 Mr. Ranjan Ku. Maharana Lab. Asst., P.N. Autonomous

College, Khurdha 36 Ms Mousumi Majhi Lab. Asst., P.N. Autonomous

College, Khurdha 37 Mrs. Murchhana Sahoo P.O.,SBI, Sambalpure 38 Mr Antariskha Sahoo Wipro Pvt.Ltd. 39 Ms.Ipsita Priyadarshini Wipro Pvt.Ltd.

32. Give details of students’ enrichment programmes (special lecturers/workshops /seminar) with external experts. Special Seminar: Sl No.


1 4/3/2010 Some medicinal plants of Sri K.C. Sahoo, Doctoral

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 206

Khurda district and their application.

Student of Department of Public Health Science, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. Sweden.

2 9/3/2010 Effect of Urbanization. Prof. (Dr) B.C.Guru, Dept. of Zoology, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, BBSR.

3 3/11/2010 Sustainable Development. Prof. (Dr.) A.K. Patra, Dept. of Zoology, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, BBSR.

4 5/2/2011 Land Degradation and atmosphere.

Prof. (Dr) Madhusmita Mohanty, Dept. of Geology, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, BBSR.

5 30/4/2011 Municipal Solid Waste Management.

Dr. J.K. Panigrahi, reader in Zoology, Jayadev college of Education & Technology. Naharakanta, BBSR.

6 1/5/2011 Biodiversity of Chilika Lake.

Dr. D.K.Mishra Reader in Zoology, Godavaris Mahavidyalaya, Banapur.

7 12/09/08 Biology of Crocodiles of Bhitarakanika.

Dr. Sudhakar kar, Sr. Scientist Dept. of Wild Life, Odisha.

8 06/10/10 Health Science. Mr. Trilochan Pradhan, institute of Health Science, BBSR.

9 08/01/11 Genetic Engineering in Human Welfare.

Dr. Luna Samanta, HOD, dept. of Zoology, Ravenshaw University

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

Students are provided with write up, class notes and references in classroom teaching.

Audio visual aids are provided in the class.

Internet facility is available for references.

Teaching methodology is interactive rather than chalk and duster mode.

Use of ICT and web based learning resources.

Syllabi revision every year through Board of Studies.

Updating the practical syllabi to avoid animal sacrifice. 34. How does the department ensure the programme objectives are constantly met

and learning outcomes monitored?

Time to time quiz and MCQ are held.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 207

Seminar talk delivered by the students.

Student-teacher interaction in the seminar and practical classes.

Special seminars held to meet the objectives of teaching and learning process.

35. Highlight the participation of the students and faculty in extension activities.

Organizing science exhibition for local people and school children to create awareness about the environment and human health.

To identify blood groups.

Measuring blood pressure and body mass index.

Displaying interesting animals and their conservation.

Visual display of endangered species.


Rain water harvesting.

Waste Management, etc.

Awareness programme for impact of crusher on human health.

Study of medicinal plants and their application of Khordha district.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.

Series of lecturers by eminent resource persons were organized.

Visit to industries and scientific institution were organized.

Regular Study tours were organized to develop interest and skill among the students.

37. State whether the programme/department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. NA

38. Details any fives Strength, Weaknesses, Oppertunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department.


Qualified faculty and well equipped laboratory produce best graduate rank to achieve Gold Medal.

Departmental seminar library has adequate number of texts and reference books for academic benefit of students and faculty members.

Visit to different institute like CIFA, Sericulture Department and OUAT, ITER, Bhubaneswar provides advance knowledge on practical application on different branches of life science.

Departmental study tours enhance the practical knowledge on biodiversity of sea environment of Gopalpore, Crocodile and tiger conservation programme at Tikarpada and environmental issues of different parts of Odisha.

Special UGC sponsored seminars are held in the department every year. Eminent Zoologists and scientist were invited to deliver special talk for

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 208

interaction with students and teachers. It enriches the healthy academic environment of the department


Inadequate class room, seminar hall and research facility are major drawbacks of the department.

Lack of research laboratory inhibits the scientific temper of the faculties.


Interaction with other institute, biotechnology labs, research labs and Agricultural industries like fish culture, sericulture, apiculture, etc not only providing knowledge and skill among the students but also encouraging for higher studies and self-employment.

Special activities like quiz, debates and MQC help the students to improve the competitive aptitude to qualify them in higher studies as well as professional achievement through campus selection.


Introduction of professional courses.

Introduction of value added courses. 39. Future plans of the department.

To promote vocational competence and professional excellence through the implementation of need based programmes in addition to the traditional ones the value added courses have introduced for the student to face the emerging challenges in a changing global scenario. During this session our department has announced to undertake value addition course for the benefit of the students as well as society. The Lab. Technician training enables our student to perform vital role in the time of need by providing basic first-aid help to the people.

Post –Accreditation initiatives:

Strengthening of seminar library.

Need based curriculum.

Regular Seminar and projects activity to enrich the scientific tempo and communication skill among the students.

Renovation of the department and addition of new equipments.

Recruitment of students through campus selection.

More percent of students are pursuing higher study like master degree, MBA and MCA.

Department is actively involved in extension activities.

Students are academically benefited by visit to other institution and research labs.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 209


1. Name of the Department and its Year of Establishment : BOTANY, 1975 2. Names of programmes/courseoffered

(UG, PG, M.Phil, Ph.D, Integrated-Master, Integrated Ph.D) :



3. Names of interdisciplinary courses and department involved

Environmental Science, Biotechnology, Biology

4. Annual /semester/choice based credit system :

+3 1st Year(HONS)/(PASS) Choice Based Credit System

+3 2ND YEAR(HONS)/(PASS) Semester +3 3RD YEAR (HONS)/(PASS) Semester

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other department :

Participated in Env.Studies. Of +3 Arts. Participated in Env.Studies of +3 Science.

6. Number of teaching posts :

Sactioned Filled

Professors - - Associate Professors

(Reader) - 03

Asst. Professors (Lecturer) - 05

7. Faculty profile with name,qualification,designation,specialization:

Name Qualification Designation Specialization

No. of Years of


No of ph.d

students Guided for the last 4 years

Mrs. Nirupama

Bal M.Sc Reader

Plant metabolism

35 Nil

Dr. Pratyush

ku Pradhan

M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Reader

Crop physiology

32 Nil

Mrs. Jyostna Manjari

M.Sc M.Phil Reader Algolo

gy 30 Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 210

Pradhan Dr. (Mrs.) Sanghamitra Nayak

M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Lecturer Cytoge

netics 32 Nil

Sri Prasan Kumar Sahoo

M.Sc Lecturer Ecophysiology 30 Nil

Dr. Ladukesh Prasad Mishra

M.Sc, Ph.D Lecturer

Biochemistry & Enzymology

28 Nil

Dr.(Mrs.) Chitra


M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Lecturer Biosyst

ematics 25 Nil

Sri. Laxmi Prasana

Pattanaik M.Sc Lecturer Taxono

my 10 Nil

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty- programme wise

information: Nil 9. Student teacher ratio(programme wise) :

Programme Student : Teacher +3 (Hons) 18:1 +3 (Pass) 13:1

10. Number of academic support staff :

Satffs Sactioned Filled Technical support 05 03

Administrative support 00 00

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from A) National : nil

B) International funding agencies : nil C) total grant received : nil

12. Departmental projects funded by dst-fist,dbt,icssr etc . : nil 13. Research facility/center :-

State recognisation : nil

National recognition : nil

Int-national recognition : nil 14. Publication :-

Number of papers published in peer reviewed Journals (national) : 12nos

Monographs : nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 211

Chapters in books : nil

Editing books : nil

Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishrs : nil

Number listed in international database : nil

Citation index-range/average : nil

SNIP : nil

SJR : nil

Impact factor-range/average : nil

h-index : nil 15. Details of patents and income generated : nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies Attended Periodical Refresher Training Programme/Seminar/Workshop. : he Faculty Members are encouraged to participate seminars, refresher courses orientation programme and other resource work in different University

18. Student projects

Percentage of +3 iiird year student who have done in-houshing project incuding inter departmental : 100%

Percentage of student doing projects in collaboration with industries/institution : Nil

19. Awards/recognition /received at the national/int. national level by:-

Faculty : nil Doctoral/postdoctoral fellow : nil Student : nil

20. Semester/conference/workshop organised and the source of funding (national/int.national)with details of outstanding participants, if any

National Seminar/Work Shop on “New Frontiers in Plant Science Research for Sustainable Development”on 25th &26th February 2012, Funded by UGC.

21. Student profile course wise :-

+3 (hons)

application received

selected pass percentage

male female male female

2009-10 265 20 12 90% 98% 2010-11 289 12 20 98% 98% 2011-12 365 18 30 99% 99% 2012-13 389 25 23 92% 97% 2013-14 375 23 25 95% 96% 2014-15

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 212

22. Diversity of Students:- Name of

the course % of

student from the college


from the state

% of student from the other


% of the student

from the other

countries +3 HONS,2009-10 95% 97% 2% NIL 2010-11 91% 98% 2% NIL 2011-12 90% 96% 4% NIL 2012-13 89% 97% 3% NIL 2013-14 70% 98% 2% NIL 2014-15 60% 98% 2% NIL


Session No.of

students appeared



1st Division

& Distinction

2nd Division

2nd Division

& Disinction

% of


2010-11 13 NIL 09 01 01 92%

2011-12 21 04 09 04 00 81%

2012-13 36 10 17 01 01 81%

2013-14 38 05 28 02 00 92%

2014-15 42 09 26 00 00 83%

23. Student have cleared civil services /defences services /net/ slet/gate : Insufficient Data. 24. Student progression :-

Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG Each year 10-15% of students

are being selected for PG. PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post- Doctoral Insufficient data

Employed Each year 5-!0% of students are being employed

Campus selection 01,Mehul Agrawall(2014-15 Pass Out)

Other then campus recruitment Entrepreneurs

25. Diversity of staff:- Percentage of faculty who are Graduates : Of the same parent university 90% From other universities within the state 10% From other universities from other state Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 213

26. Number of faculty who were awarded ph.d/ during the assessment period :-

Ph.D -01-.2012(Dr. Pratyush Kumar Pradhan) Ph.D - 01- 2013(Dr. Ladukesh Prasad Mishra)

27. Present detail about infrastructural facilities.: a) Library :(two)

b) Seminar libraries c) General libraries

d) Internate faciliyies for staff and student :Yes e) Total number of class room :Six Class Rooms

f) Class room with ict facilities :one g) Student labrotories :( two)

h) Research labrotories :One 28. Number of student getting financial assitant from the college:-

Year Category Number 2009 SC 08 2010 SC,ST 01+05 2011 SC 02 2012 SC 04 2013 ST 01 2014 SC 02 2015 SC,ST 05+01

29. Was any need assesssment exercise undertaken before thee development of new programme? if so ,give the methodology.

Faculties those who have participated in different seminar /workshop/refresher and orientation course brought ideas from relevant courses and

Intimated students for attending interview and other competitive examination.

Highlight their intension for introduction of new programme Intimate ideas to the board of studies for redesigning the syllabus.

30. Does the department obtain feed back from :- Feedback obtains from the faculties on curriculum & teaching learning

evaluation are properly acknowledged and used for further development.

The dept always tried its level best for the effectiveness of the feedback.

This dept regards the employer and the alumni as its observer &co-observer respectively .their feedback gets priority.


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 214

Project Assistant Natural Product Division RRL, Bhubaneswar.

2. Suravi Dipali Muduli : M Sc. ENV. Sc. NOU, Project Assistant Hydrometeorology Divisio RRL,Bhubaneswar

3. Saswati Nayak : M.SC,SRF,ALGAL Biotechnology IARI,New Delhi.

4. Animesh Das Pattanaik : Lect.In Botany Chriest College ,Cuttack 5. Dr. Pratyush k. Pradhan : Reader-In-Botany ,P.N (A)College,Khordha

6. Dr.(Mrs.) Mitali Mitra:- Lect.-In-Botany, N.S.M City College, Cuttack 7. Mr Rabindra Ku Pradhan :–Orissa Adminstrative Service, Tangi Orissa

8. Dhiren Pattaniak :-IAS 9. Chiittranjan Khuntia :-OAS

10. Manaswani Jagdev :- Ph.D IIT, Bhubaneswar. 11. Soumaya Ranjan Chhotaray :-IFS,(AP)

32. Give detail of the student enrichemnt programme with external experts. State/National level of seminar conducted:

Nature of the seminar Theme of the seminar Period

State level Protection Of Plant

Varieties & Consumers Right In India.

23.Dec. 2012

National level

New Frontiers In Plant Science Research For

Sustainable Development

25-26 Feb. 2012


Year No.


Name of the resource person

Topic Date

2010-11 01

Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra. Prof. Head, P.G Department of Microbiology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar.




Dr P .k Chand. Prof. P.G Department of Botany Utkal University Vani-Vihar.


02 Prof Baburam Singh Dept.of Plant Breeding & Genetics

IPR for protection of plant


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 215

Colleges of Agriculture,OUAT

varieties & farmers right in India


Snehasish Mishra Associate Dean School of Biotecnology,KIITUniversity

Advance Industrial Biotecnology And its relevance to IPR


2012-13 01

Dr. Santosh ku. Nayak. Ex-principal Nachuni College,& Former HOD, Botany P.N(A)College, Khoradha

Cycas in Odihsa 09.11.2012


Dr. Siba Prasad Rath. Former Vice Chancellor North Orissa university & Central University, Koraput

Biotechnological Approches For Medicinal Plants



Dr. Kunja Bihari Satpathy. Reader in Botany, Utkal University Vani Vihar

Bio Fertilizer For Sustainable Agriculture And Environment Management



Dr. Hemanta Ku. Patra. Emeritious Scientist P.G Department of Botany Utkal University ,Vani Vihar

Some env. Problems in odisha and their management



Dr. Santosh ku. Nayak. Former HOD, Botany P.N(A)College, Khoradha & Former Principal Nachuni College,

Azolla And Its Utilization


33. List of the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes

Class Room Teaching. E-Learning.

Power Point Presentation. Doubt clearing Classes.

Discussion Of Project Preparation. Hints On Seminar Presentation.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 216

34. How does department ensures that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

By Talking Interaction Between Faculty Members. Objective Met Theory, Grade syllabi, Doubt Clearing Classes, Seminar


Learning outcome monitored theory, Discussion, Mid-Semester Examination, End Semester Examination, Review of Result.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activites

Faculty exension activies:

Name of the teacher

Name of the activities

Mr. Chitta Ranjan Mohapatra

Head of the Department. General Secretary All Odisha non govt

college teacher & employees association Chairman Board of Studies & Conducting

Board. Member Academic Council. Campus and Garden Development. Member Anti- Ragging Cell. Member discipline committee. Vice president Subject association. Member of purchase committee. Member of Budget committee. Member of Internal Quality assurance

cell. Member Of affiliation committee. Convener of college election committee. Prof in- charge infrastructure development

and maintainance. Planning and evaluation. Resource mobilization committee.

Mrs. Nirupama Bal

Associate Academic Bursar. Associate Vice President, Athletics

Society. Associate Vice President Science Society. Member, Board of Studies and

Conducting Board. Member of anti sexual harassment cell.

Mrs. Jyostna Manjari Pradhan

Member examination Committee Member anti sexual harassment cell UG

project -in-charge, sixth semester ,Final Degree

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 217

Dr. Miss. Sanghamitra Nayak

Member Of Anti Sexual Harassment Cell Member E-Admission, +3 In Charge Of Internal Audit Cell Seminar in-charge, Botany Department

Mr. Prasana ku. Sahoo

Account Bursar-ii In-charge ,Department study tour member E-admission Committee,+2 Member of budget committee. Member of college prospectus committee.

Dr Ladikesh Prasad Mishra

Associate vice President Science Society Association

Department rootin incharge.

Dr.(Mrs.) Chitra Pattanaik

Member Of SSG Committee Member of anti -ragging cell.

Mr. Laxmi Prasana Pattanaik

Member ,Infrastructure Development and Maintenance Committee

In- charge of general construction In- charge & secy. Of college Co-Operative

Store Maintenance of Laboratory ,Botany


36. Give details of beyond syllabus scholarly activities of the department:

Study tour Work shop

Science Exhibition Seminar

Extra mural talk 37. State wheather the programme /department is accredited/ graded by the other

agencies give details.

Accreditation is Centrally Managed by The Institute

38. Details any five strength weakness ,oppertunities and challenges of the department.

Strength Weakness Opportunities Challenges Highly

Qualified Teacher.


Faculty Member

Student are from Rural Background No separate

funding for seminar libraries Lack of


facility Power point

presentation Research

Laboratories Updated

interest towards professional courses

communication and reasoning skill development

to undertake

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 218


Future plans of the department To Introduce Post Graduate Programme In The Department

Well- Equipped Laboratories.


&Meritorious Student input.

research mentality over ambitious parents Lack of

infrastructure. Retirement and

non- recruitment of faculty member.

Equipments. Seminar


more minor and major projects

involved student in collaborative projects.

Introduction of carrier oriented course.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 219

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS 1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : ELECTRONICS

Degree Electronics Pass : 1996 Degree Electronics Hons. : 2006

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.)


3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved : Chem., Math., Physics, Computer Science, Geography, Geology, etc. as

Generic Elective Courses.

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system : Semester System (CBCS) from 2015

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments :- Offering Electronics as Generic Elective Courses for other dept. Hons. Courses.

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled Professors Nil Nil Associate Professors/Reader Asst. Professors/Lecturer

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,)

Name of the Teaching

Staff qualification Designation Specialisation

No of years of


No. of Ph.D students

guided for last 4 years

Mr. Sukumar Pattanaik

M.Sc Lecturer Electronics 9 -

Mr. Banoj Kumar Dehury

M.Sc. Lecturer Electronics 8 -

Mrs. Sujatarani Rout

M.Sc, M.Tech Lecturer Electronics 5 -

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty–programme-wise information Nil

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio : 32 : 1

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled :-Technical Staff-01 Administrative Staff-Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 220

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. :-Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received. :-Nil

13. Research facility / centre with

state recognition

national recognition

international recognition :-Not Applicable

14. Publications:

* Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/International) :- Nil

* Monographs :-Nil * Chapter(s) in Books :-Nil

* Editing Books :-Nil * Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers :-Nil

* Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) :-Nil

* Citation Index – range / average :-N/A

* SNIP :-N/A * SJR :-N/A

* Impact factor – range / average :-N/A * h-index :-N/A

15. Details of patents and income generated :-Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated :- Electronics Equipments and

Computer Hardware maintenance and Computer Hardware training. 17. Faculty recharging strategies :- Orientation Course 18. Student projects

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental :-Nil

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes :-Nil

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by


Doctoral / post doctoral fellows

Students - Best Graduate Award (2012)

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 221

20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national /international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

Session Name of Resource Person

Seminar Topic Participants Funding Agency

2011-12 Students and Faculty


2012-13 Students and Faculty


2013-14 Students and Faculty



Students and Faculty


21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

Applications received

Selected Pass percentage

Male Female Male Female UG Electronics (Hons)

2009-2010 UG Electronics (Hons)

2010-2011 UG Electronics (Hons)

2011-2012 UG Electronics (Hons)

2012-2013 UG Electronics (Hons)

2013-2014 UG Electronics (Hons)

2014-2015 UG Electronics (Hons)


22. Diversity of Students

Name of the % of % of % of % of Course students students students students

(refer question from the from the from other from other no. 2) college state States countries

UG PHYSICS(HONS) 90% 100% Nil Nil UG PHYSICS(PASS) 90% 100% Nil Nil

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Defence Services : 03

NET : 01

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 222

24. Student progression UG to PG 80% PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment

20% 60%

Entrepreneurs 10%

25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university Nil

From other universities within the State 100%

From other universities from other States Nil 26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the

assessment period. :-Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Library :-One Seminar Library having more than 100 no. of reference Books &General Library for common use

b) Internet facilities for staff and students :-Yes c) Total number of class rooms :-11

d) Class rooms with ICT facility :-01(common) e) Students’ laboratories :-02

f) Research laboratories :- Nil 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College.:- Nil 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s)? If so, give the methodology. :- N/A

30. Does the department obtain feedback from

a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

Yes, the department obtains feedback from faculty members on curriculum during board of studies meeting and incorporates the necessary changes in curriculum.

b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Student’s feedback is taken with due procedure and it is duly acknowledged

c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 223

department to the same? Weight-age given on alumni and employer’s feedback in curriculum design and teaching-learning process and overall development.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) :-

1. Abinas Baral, ASG, Bangalore. 2. Satya Singh, CISF, Delhi

3. Gyana Ranjan Sahoo, IAF, J & K 4. Anubrata Sahoo, Uco Bank.

5. Madhusudan Mishra, Inspire Research Fellow, IRPE, University of Kolkata

6. Lutu Sahoo, NET, Qualified Asst. Professor. 7. Surjit Kumar Sahoo, GATE, JRF, IIT, Bhubaneswar

8. Ranjan Kumar Swain, GATE, JRF, Berhampur University 9. Niahr Kanta Sahoo, GATE, JRF, Berhampur University

10. Sarojini Samantaray, Lecturer, in Electronics, Nayagarh College (Auto) 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /

seminar) with external experts. :-

Extra Lecturer : Extra Classes are arranged for finishing courses left / any doubt & remedial classes are arranged for SC/ST/OBC Students.

In-house seminar : Seminar talk by 3rd year & 2nd Year honours students are presented under the guidance of department faculty members.

Annual U.G.C. sponsored Seminar : seminar talk by an outside resource person is organized annually by the department of Electronics.

Science Exibition : Innovative models are prepared and displayed in the exhibition.

Electronics Projects : Different projects on any topic related to Electronics & robotics in thesis format is submitted by each 3rd year honours students under the supervision of guide teachers of the department.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. :- 1. Traditional Class-Room Teaching

2. L.C.D. Projector Teaching 3 . Smart Class Presentation / Teaching.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

Members of the staff of the department of Electronics regularly meet to decide the changes to be incorporated in the syllabus of different papers. They review the result and over the reason of poor performance if there is any student, helped through distribution of notes, handouts and extra classes. Head of the department monitors the classes and looks after all the activities of the

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 224

department. 35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.:-

Department Electronics publishes a wall magazine “SPECTRUM” . on Quarterly basiss embedding the articles written by students.

Active participation by the students in celebrating different observation days.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. :-

In-House Seminar,U.G.C. Sponsered Seminar through ext. resource person

Motivating students for research work & guiding them for different entrance test.

Organising Quiz, Essay, Debate competition on various topics of Science and Electronics in particular.

Active Participation by the students in various academic & Co-curricular activities such as publication of wall magazine, celebration of Teacher’s day, welcome cum orientation programme & farewell ceremony, departmental Picnic, Excursion and Study tour & arrangement of talks by invited faculties, observation of Saraswati & Ganesh Puja. and etc.

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. :- No

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department

Strength :-

Highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty and technical staffs.

Highly disciplined and talented students

Good relation between staff and student.

Weakness :-

Restricted autonomy in developing need based curriculum.

Frequent transfer of faculty by the Govt.

Students from rural background with low socio-economy and educational status.

Restricted Funds


Seminar library

Reading Room Fascility

Internate Fascility

Supply of handout.

PPT Presentation of seminars by the students through LCD Projector.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 225


To enhance the interest of students in higher study.

To ensure the facility of research work.

To make smart class room. For the department physics

To make multiuser Internet facility and to enhance strength of study room as well as seminar library.

39. Future plans of the department. :-

To introduce need based Vocational course.

To set up a research lab.

To introduce P.G. courses

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 226


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : GEOGRAPHY Pass – 1991-92

Hons – 2009-10 2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UO, PO, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated

Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : Undergraduate 3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved: Physics, Chemistry,

Mathematics, Geology 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system: Semester Pattern and Choice

Based Credit System from 2015-16 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: NIL

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled

Professor -Nil- -Nil-

Associate Professors -Nil- -Nil- Asst. Professors (Lecturer) 2 2

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)

Name Qualification Designation Specializatio


No. of Years of


No. of Ph.D.

students guided in the last 4


Dr. Md.Fayazud


M.A., M.P.S., P.H.D


Regional Planning

& Population Studies

23 Years Nil

Rashmi Rekha Barik

M.A., M.Phil. Lecturer

Remote Sensing &


2 and 1/2 Years Nil

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – 20%

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio : 1:22.5 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff:

sanctioned and filled : 01 11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international

funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project- Wise : -Nil-

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 227

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received : -Nil-

13. Research facility / centre with

state recognition : Nil national recognition : Nil international recognition : Nil

14. Publications:

* number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/ international)

* Monographs * Chapter(s) in Books

* Editing Books * Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers

* number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)

* Citation Index - range / average


* Impact factor - range / average * h-index

15. Details of patents and income generated : Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 17. Faculty recharging strategies

Refresher and Oriental Courses,


Seminars 18. Student projects

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental : 100%

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes : Nil

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty : Nil

Doctoral/post doctoral fellows : Nil

Students : Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 228

20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any:

UGC Sponsored Seminar, 2015 on “Remote Sensing & Application of GIS” Organised by Dept. of Geography, P.N. College Autonomous, Khordha on Dt. 28.02.2015.

21. Student profile course-wise

Name of the Course

(refer question no. 2)

Applications received

Selected Pass percentage

Male Female Male Female UG (2009-12) 07 02 02 100% 100%

UG (2010-13) 08 05 01 100% 100%

UG (2011-14) 16 07 07 72% 100%

UG (2012-15) 16 08 04 83.33% 16.66%

UG (2013-16) 16 11 04 - -

UG (2014-17) 17 10 07 - -

UG (2015-18) 19 10 09 - -

22. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

(refer question no. 2)

% of Students from the College

% of students from the


% of students

from other States

% of students

from other

countries Undergraduate 15% 85% 0 0

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? 04

24. Student progression

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG 70%

PG to M. Phil. 10%

PG to Ph.D. -

Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -

Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment



Entrepreneurs -

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 229

25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university 75%

from other universities within the State 25%

from other universities from other States -

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) Library

Central Library contains around 250 books in Geography (text and reference).

Dept Seminar Library contains around 37 books in Geography (text and Reference)

b) Internet facilities for staff and students One Computer System

c) Total number of class rooms - 1 d) Class rooms with ICT facility - 1

e) Students' laboratories - 1

f) Research laboratories - Nil 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College : Nil 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s)? If so, give the methodology : Nil 30. Does the department obtain feedback from

a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

It is utilized in designing the syllabus, using ICT in the class room.

Identification of grey areas of students’ performance and remedial measures to be taken.

b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?

Department utilizes it for self assessment, improvement and imparting quality education.

In improving inter-personal communication. c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the

department to the same?

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 230

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 1. Subhasmita Parida 2. Nishan Mishra 3. Soumya Ranjan Malla 4. Sumit Kumar Jena 5. Gayatri Mohapatra 6. K.Pratyush Ranjan Dora 7. Saswat Kumar Pradhan 8. Sujay Sachidananda 9. Smruti Ranjan Praharaj 10. Satya Tripathy

32. Give details 'of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts.

Special lectures are arranged on different topics for students requiring additional support;

Socio-economic survey is undertaken every year to gain firsthand experience;

Science Exhibition is arranged every year to provide them a platform to showcase their potentials;

In-house seminars are conducted for self learning and developing communicative skills.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Lecture Method;

Use of ICT; Group Discussion;

Presentation; Seminars;

Open-house Discussion 34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met

and learning outcomes monitored?

Weekly Internal Assessment;

Students feedback; Motivating Students for Higher Studies

Career Counseling 35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.

Workshops Departmental Functions

Science Exhibition

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 231

Field Study 36. Give details of "beyond syllabus scholarly activities" of the department.

Science Exhibition Motivated Students to Participate in different Geographical Seminars

Report Writing and skill development

Training on use of Statistical methods, GIS software.

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details : Nil

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department

Strengths Highly qualified, dedicated and experienced faculties.

Seminar Library Well equipped laboratory

Computerized teaching Aids Question Bank and Study Materials

Weaknesses No Separate Laboratory for Pass and Honours Students

No Additional room for setting of GIS Lab Insufficient audio visual Aids

Challenges To make students realize the importance of the subject and to

popularize it; Early earning mindset of students;

Reduction in drop-out rate; Inadequate infrastructure.

39. Future plans of the department. To extend the Seminar Library;

To introduce Choice Base Credit System; Provision of teaching learning Aids;

To introduce GIS in Syllabus. To acquaint students with the advanced Geographical Instruments and GIS

Software. To set up a GIS Lab

To engage all theory classes in the smart classroom To take up UGC sponsored research projects.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 232


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment: GEOLOGY.

A) Geology pass: 1992-93 B) Geology (Hons): 2011-12

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : Under Graduate

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved: Physics, Mathematics, Geography

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system : Semester And Choice Based Credit System

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: No

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled

Professor Nil Nil

Associate Professors Nil Nil

Asst. Professors 03 03

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)


Qualification Designation


No. of Years

of Experie


No. of Ph.D.

students guided in the last 4


Susanta Kumar Samal

M. Sc. (continuing Ph.D.)


Hydrology 17 yrs Nil

Rabindra Kumar Sahoo tech Lecturer Structural Geology

2 yrs Nil

Ankita Mohapatra Lecturer Nil 2 yrs Nil

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: 70%

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: 1:18

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 233

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled:

Staffs Required Sanctioned Filled Technical staffs 01 Nil Nil Administrative Staff (Store Keeper)

01 Nil Nil

Lab. Bearer 01 Nil Nil

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise: Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received: Nil

13. Research facility / centre with : Nil

state recognition

national recognition

international recognition 14. Publications: Nil

number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)


Chapter(s) in Books

Editing Books

Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers

number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)

Citation Index – range / average



Impact factor – range / average

h-index 15. Details of patents and income generated : Nil

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 17. Faculty recharging strategies

PhD, M.Phill. , UGC Fellows.

Refresher and Orientation courses.

National / International Seminars. 18. Student projects

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 234

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental : 90%

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes : Nil

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by : Nil


Doctoral / post doctoral fellows

Students 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding

(national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

Sl.No. Seminar Organizing Committee

Period Source of


01 Environmental Issues and Challenges : A Geological Prospective

Department of Geology, Prananath college(Auto.), khordha

18.02.2014 UGC

02 Interlinking of River System in India

Department of Geology, Prananath college(Auto.), khordha

26.02.2015 UGC

21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the


Year of Admissio


Applications received


Male Female

Pass Percentage

Male Female

UG Hons 2015-16 55 12 07 -

UG Hons 2014-15 52 20 Nil -

UG Hons 2013-14 65 14 02 -

UG Hons 2012-13 44 14 02 100 100

22. Diversity of students:

Name of the Course

% of students from the College

% of students from the


% of students

from other States

% of students

from other countries

2015-16 10 95 05 Nil

2014-15 05 100 Nil Nil

2013-14 Nil 100 Nil Nil

2012-13 20 80 Nil Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 235

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET,

SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Nil 24. Student progression :

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG 81 %

PG to M.Phil. Not applicable

PG to Ph.D. Not applicable

Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Not applicable


Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment


Entrepreneurs Nil

25. Diversity of staff :

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university 33%

from other universities within the State 33%

from other universities from other States 33%

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the

assessment period.: Nil 27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Library: Central library containing above 200 books and departmental library containing 50 specializing books.

b) Internet facilities for staff and students: One computer system having no internet facility.

c) Total number of class rooms: 02 d) Class rooms with ICT facility: NIL

e) Students’ laboratories: 01 f) Research laboratories: NIL

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.: Nil

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. ;- Nil

30. Does the department obtain feedback from

d. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 236

does the department utilize it? Feedbacks obtained from faculties on curriculum and teaching-learning

evaluation are properly acknowledged and used for further development.

e. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Feedbacks obtained from students on staffs curriculum and teaching

learning process are considered as the most important. f. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the

department to the same? As this is a newly born department of this college, so there is no

alumni record.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) : Nil 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /

seminar) with external experts. Every year this department conducting seminar and workshops on various

geological topics. 33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

Extensive classes taken by the faculties on each topic. Doubt clearing discussion after every class.

Extensive field tour training programme on the various geological aspects. Practical classes.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

Personal care of each student by conducting field training programme. Motivating students towards higher study.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Geomodeling

Workshops 36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.

Seminar on recent discoveries by the faculties. Science exhibition by Geo-modeling.

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details.

Nil 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)

of the department Strengths

Highly Qualified faculties.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 237

Experienced teacher. Consistency in overall performance.

Computerisd aid teaching and field training programmes. Rarest department of the university.


Lack of awareness towards the subject.

Interest of student towards professional courses. No separate funding for department library

Unavailability of good laboratory equipments. Lack of research mentality of the student.

Opportunities For arranging more national and state level seminar

To undertake more minor/major research projects. For motivate students more research projects.

To involve students in collaborative projects. Effective use of alumni support.

Challenges To understand about the importance of this subject.

Early earning mindset of students. Communication skill development.

Collection of up to date information and research materials. Reduction of drop-out rate.

39. Future plans of the department. To make Geology as a lovely subject and to introduce latest geological

discoveries and job opportunities in this subject among the students. To arrange special lecturer class by external expert in each month.

To make Geology department as a unique department of the college. To open Post Graduation (PG) courses.

To generate fund by doing various research work and projects. To enhance the quality of practical classes by making field tours.

Post-accreditation Initiatives:

Strengthening of seminar library.

Need based curriculum.

Regular Seminar and projects activity to enrich the scientific tempo and communication skill among the students.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 238

Renovation of the department and addition of new equipments.

Recruitment of students through campus selection.

More percentage of students are pursuing higher study like Master Degree in Geology.

Department is actively involved in extension activities.

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1. Name of the Department : COMPUTER SCIENCE & its year of establishment 1992-1993

2. Names of Programmes / Courses : Under Graduate and Post Graduate offered (U.G, P.G, M.Phil., Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D., etc.)

3. Interdisciplinary courses and : Science, Arts and Commerce stream departments involved

4. Annual/Semester/choice based Credit system : Semester and CBCS

5. Participation of the department in the : Yes courses offered by other departments

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled(Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors)

Posts sanctioned Filled Professor Associate Professors

Asst. Professors Lecturer 05 05

7. Faculty profile with name,qualification,designation,Specialisation(D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D/M.Phil.,etc)

Name Qualification Designation Specialisation

No. of Years

of Experience

No. of Ph.D.

students guided in last 4

years Mr. Ajay Kumar Mishra

M.Sc. (Stat.), PGDCA, MCA

Lecturer SPSS, Design of Experiment and ANOVA,

23 Years

Mrs. Aliva Behura

M.Sc.(IT) Lecturer Data base 07 Years

Mrs.Sagarika Pattnaik

M.Tech. (Comp. Sc.)

Lecturer Networking

02 Years

Mrs.Samapika Pradhan

MCA Lecturer Programming Languages

02 Years

Miss. Sawasti Mohapatra

MCA Lecturer Operating System

01 Year

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 240

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty-programme-wise information : As and when required

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: 30 : 1 10. Number of academic support staff(technical) and administrative staff:

sanctioned and filled Posts sanctioned Filled

Demonstrator 01 01 Menial 01 01

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST, DBT, ICSSR, etc. total grants received : UGC

13. Research facility/center with

State recognition : State recognition

National recognition

International recognition

14. Publications: * Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/ International): 1. “A Survey on Pre-processing of Microarray Gene Expression Data”

Published in International Journal of advance Research in Computer Science, Volume -5 , No-7, September- October 2014 ,bearing the ISSN No.- 0976-5697 by Ajay Kumar Mishra.

2. "Cluster: A brief Analysis in Context of computer” published in Manjari Research Journal bearing the ISSN No.- 0974-9896 by Ajay Kumar Mishra.

3. “Association Rule Mining With Apriori And Fpgrowth Using Weka” published in International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science bearing the ISSN No.- 2348-7550 Volume -3 special issue 01, Sept. -2015 by Ajay Kumar Mishra.

4. “Association Rule Mining With Apriori And Fpgrowth Using Weka”, 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and Management, Delhi University, Conference Center, New-Delhi, 27th September, 2015 by Ajay Kumar Mishra.

5. “Simulation Based Performance Of SACK over other TCP Variance in Wireless Networks” published in Manjari Research Journal (ISSN No.- 0974-9896) by Sagarika Pattnaik.

* Monographs * Chapter (s) in Books:

Computer Technique part –I (published by text book bureau of Orissa) by Ajay Kumar Mishra.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 241

Computer Technique part –II (published by text book bureau of Orissa) by Ajay Kumar Mishra.

* Editing Books * Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers “+2 Basic Computer Education “published by Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN No. -978-93-272-2570-9) by Ajay Kumar Mishra.

* Number listed in International Database (For e.q. Web of science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database- International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) * Citation Index-range / average * SNIP * SJR * Impact factor-range / average * h-index

15. Details of patents and income generated 16. Areas of consultancy and income generate

17. Faculty recharging strategies : By attending Seminars, Workshops, attending refresher and orientation courses.

18. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental: 40 %

Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes: 60%

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by


Doctoral / post doctoral fellows: Continuing Ph.d on “Particle Swarm Optimization : A Micro Array Data Analyzer”

Students 20. Seminars/ Conferences / Workshops organized and the source of funding

(national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Sl.No. Date Topic (Seminar/

Workshop) Subject Expert

1 08.11.2011 Wireless sensor network

Saroj Kumar Rout, Associate professor, KEC, BBSR.

2. 07.12.2011 Cloud Computing Swaroop Mohapatra, System Administrator, OPEPA,Sikha Soudha, BBSR.

3. 30.01.2013 Cyber Terrorism Dr.B K.Ratha, Reader, Dept. of Comp Sc &

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 242

Application, U.U., Vani-vihar, BBSR.

4. 21.03.2013 Searching Technique in Artificial Intelligence

Arabinda Nanda, HOD, Dept. of Comp. Sc & Engg., KEC, BBSR

5. 17.01.2014 Mysteries of C-Programming

Susant K.Rout, Founder LIT, BBSR.

6. 25.03.2015 Real-time Animation Gouri Shankar Singh, Director, 6th Animation, BBSR

7. 25.08.2015 How to develop an application in java language

Bishnu Ch. Barik, Training Head, Dept. of Java & Oracle, LIT, BBSR

21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

Applications received Selected Male Female

Pass percentage

Male Female

B.Sc. Computer Science Hons.

Admission Batch 2013- 300:32 Admission batch 2014- 281:32 Admission batch 2015- 370:38

18 14 16 16 20 18

94 100 100 100 Continuing

22. Diversity of students Name of the


% of students from the college

% of students from the


% of students

from other states

% of students from other countries

B.Sc. Computer Science Hons.

40% 50% 10%

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, defense Services, NET,

SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? 24. Student progression

Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 97% PG to M.Phil. PG. to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

14 out of 28 during 2013 i.e. 50% 08 out of 29 during 2014 i.e. 27%

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 243

Entrepreneurs 25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates Of the same parent university From other universities within the State From other universities from other States

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the

assessment period.

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) Library : Full fledged library with quality books. b) Internet facilities for staff and students : Available c) Total number of class rooms : 03 d) Class rooms with ICT facility : Yes e) Students’ laboratories : Separate +3 laboratory f) Research laboratories

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)?If so, give the methodology: Teacher’s training program is organized in a regular interval to impart Computer training to the faculties of other Departments

30. Does the department obtain feedback from

a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?: Yes

b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?: Very positive

c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?:Beneficiary

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops

/seminar) with external experts. Sl.No. Date Topic (Seminar/

Workshop) Subject Expert

1 08.11.2011 Wireless sensor network

Saroj Kumar Rout, Associate professor, KEC, BBSR.

2. 07.12.2011 Cloud Computing Swaroop Mohapatra, System Administrator, OPEPA,Sikha Soudha, BBSR.

3. 30.01.2013 Cyber Terrorism Dr.B K.Ratha, Reader,

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 244

Dept. of Comp Sc & Application, U.U., Vani-vihar, BBSR.

4. 21.03.2013 Searching Technique in Artificial Intelligence

Arabinda Nanda, HOD, Dept. of Comp. Sc & Engg., KEC, BBSR

5. 17.01.2014 Mysteries of C-programming

Susant K.Rout, Founder LIT, BBSR.

6. 25.03.2015 Real-time Animation Gouri Shankar Singh, Director, 6th Animation, BBSR

7. 25.08.2015 How to develop an application in java language

Bishnu Ch. Barik, Training Head, Dept. of Java & Oracle, LIT, BBSR

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

Interactive mode of teaching.

Audio visual.

Conducting departmental seminars, Group discussions.

Doubt clearing classes

Conducting class tests at regular intervals, evaluation of performance and taking remedial measures through additional input.

34. How does the Department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

Internal and Term end examination.

Test conducted in the tutorials and Honours classes.

Assessment of Seminar papers presented by the students.

Conduct of in-house seminars for overall academic developments.

Student’s participation in various academic and co-curricular activities in the department including the celebration of the Teacher’s day, Welcome, Farewell functions, excursion and study tours etc.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities

Faculties are visiting to different colleges and institutions as subject experts.

Students are participating in different workshops organized by different institutions.

Organizing inter departmental workshops of different burning topics.

Creating awareness among the students having no computer background regarding computer crime, computer ethics and social media etc.

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36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.

Conducting quiz competitions.

Providing soft skills to appear in interview.

Girls students are empowered by providing them self defense training.

Different govt. and non-govt organizations are invited to create awareness by delivering talks on topics of natural calamities, and disaster managements.

Students are participating in inter and intra college debate and essay competitions

37. State whether the programme / department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details.

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities’ and challenges (SWOC) of the department.

Co-ordination among the staffs is very good.

Student friendly attitude.

39. Future plans of the department.

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1. Name of the Department and its year of Establishment : ENGLISH 1959

2. Name of the Programmes/ Courses offered ( UG, PG, M.PHIL./ Integrated

Masters, Integrated Ph.D., etc)

:Under Graduate

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved :Nil

4. Annual/Semester/Choice based credit system :

Semester System

5. Participation of the Department in the course offered by the department: NIL

6. Number of Teaching Posts sanctioned and filled:

Posts Sanctioned Filled Professors NIL NIL Associate Professors (Readers)

10 09

Asst. Professors (Lecturers)

02 02

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D/ M.Phil., etc.: Sl No

Name Qualification



Years of Experience

No. of Ph.D students guided for last 4 years

1. Dr. Basudev Mohanty

M.A, Ph.D Reader Drama 33 NIL

2. Dr. Mamata Dey

M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D

Reader Linguistics 32 02

3 Mr. Debabrata Mohanty

M.A, M.Phil

Reader American Lit.

31 NIL

4 Dr. Nanda K. Biswal

M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D

Reader American Lit.

29 NIL

5 Mr. Debasis Panda, Reader

M.A, M.Phil

Reader World Lit. 26 NIL

6 Dr. Pradip Ku. Samataray

M.A, Ph.D Reader American Lit.

26 NIL

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 247

7 Jayashree Pattnaik

M.A, M.Phil M.A (EFLU)

Reader Linguistics 26 NIL

8 Mrs. Sarita Patro

M.A, (Gold Medalist)

Reader Fiction 29 NIL

9 . Dr. Abhmanyu Panda

M.A, Ph.D. Lecturer American Lit.

32 NIL

10 Abhash Kumar Boral

M.A, M.Phil

Lecturer Linguistics 23 NIL

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty - proramme-wise information : Nil

9. Student - Teacher Ratio (programme wise): 128:1 (General classes), 24:1 (Honours classes)

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled : Nil

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) National (b) International funding agencies and c) total grants received : Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR.etc. and total grants received: Nil

13. Research facility / centre with

State recognition : Nil

National recognition : Nil

International recognition : Nil

One common Resource centre for all staff members of the college established with UGC fund.

14. Publications : Publications per faculty :

Sulekha Samantaray

Melting Moments (Anthology of English Poems)

Apasrustira Atmalipi (Anthology of Odia short stories)

Sunanda Padhi

Jibana Jatrare Nari (Anthology of Odia Poems)

Apahancha Tume Sabukale (Anthology of Odia Poems)

Dr. Mamata Dey

God is There After All ( English Novel) .

The Magic Marble and Other Stories (Anthology of English Stories)

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 248

Love has wings to do the unknown (Novel)

Abhas Kumar Baral

Nanoo (Anthology of Odia Poems)

Mu 1/18 (Anthology of Odia short stories)

Khurda The Poetry I Recite (Anthology of translated English Poems)

Jibana O Anyanya Galpa (Anthology of Odia short stories)

Mahapurusha ( Odia Novel)

Semane (Anthology of Odia short stories) Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /

international) by faculty : 1. Drama of Declining Aristocracy: A Study of Chekhov's "The Cherry

Orchard" by Sulekha Samantaray in "MANJARI Journal of Science and Social Sciences" (Vol-01, April-2009 ;ISSN - 0974-9896)

2. (i) Plurality in Multiculturalism by Jayashree Patnaik in "Changing World : Reviewing and Reinventing Literature and Culture" (ii) Non human characters in Odia short stories (ISBN-978-81-920711-0-7, Pub. 2012).

Monographs: Nil Chapter(s) in Book : Nil N.K. Biswal

Editing Books : Debashis Panda : Hand book for English Language Labs (Text Book Bureau).

Books with ISBN / ISSN numbers with details of Publishers: Nil Number of publications listed in International database ( For Eg. Web of

Science, Scopus, Humanities International Database - International Social sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) : Nil

Citation Index - range / average: Nil h-index: Nil

15. Details of patents and income generated : Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies :

Members of faculty are encouraged to participate in State / National / International level Seminars / workshops.

Members of faculty are encouraged to do research work by availing Teacher Fellowship for M.Phil and Ph.D degree. They are also provided opportunity for availing Short term / Long term Research Projects of the UGC.

Members of faculty are encouraged to participate in Refresher / Orientation course organized by different universities.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 249

Peer Learning in house seminars. 18. Student projects

(a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental: 100%

(b) Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes : Nil

19. Awards / Recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty : Abhas Kumar Baral received Akhil Mohan Katha Samman for short

story writing in 2010 Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : Jayashree Pattnaik

Students : Ipsita Ruchi 20. Seminars / Conferences / Workshops organized & the source of funding

(National / International) with details of outstanding participants, if any: UGC Seminar

21. Student profile course wise : Name of the

Course/programme Applications

received Selected Enrolled Pass

percentage Male Female English Hons. 2009 - 10 20 12 03 09 83% English Hons. 2010-11 24 10 06 04 90% English Hons. 2011-12 22 14 07 07 90% English Hons. 2012-13 30 22 08 14 100 % English Hons. 2013 -14 English Hons. 2013-15

32 36

22 22

13 20

09 ----

21. Diversity of students :

Name of the Course

% of students from the college

% of students from the state

% of students from other states

% of students from other countries

Honours in English

40% 100% One from W.B One from Assam


23. No. of students who have cleared Civil services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations : quite a few in service sector like Banks, Teaching, Retail, Hospitality.

24. Student progression : Student progression Against % enrolled UG to PG 40% PG to M.Phil. 10% PG to Ph.D. 10% Ph.D to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 250

- Campus selection Nil - Other than campus recruitment 3 5 Entrepreneurship / Self-employment 20 %

25. Diversity of staff: Percentage of Faculty who are graduates of the same parent university from other universities within the state from other universities from other states

73% 18% Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc, and Dlitt. during the assessment period : Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities : a) Library : Seminar library with 156 books, General Library: 1500 books

b) Internet facilities for staff and students : Common Internet facility for Staff c) Total number of class rooms : 01 (for Hons, class ) and 16( for General

classes ) d) Class rooms with ICT facility : Communication Lab-1, Common ICT

facility for all Staff members - 2, e) Students' laboratories : Language Laboratory available for students & staff

f) Research laboratories : Resource Centre. 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from college

: Concessional fees for girl students : 32. 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s) ? If so, give the methodology : Performance of students in campus recruitment was taken onto account before setting up the English Communication Laboratory.

30. Does the department obtain feedback from :

a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching - learning - evaluation ? If yes, how does the department utilize it ? :

Yes. Changes in the curriculum are brought from time to time as per the feedback for example CBSE course for UG 1st year students.

b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching - learning - evaluation

and what is the response of the department to the same? Yes. The response of the department to the feed back of students is very positive and constructive. The members of staff adopt some of the suggestions given by the students.

c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same ?

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 251

Yes. Opinions and comments given in the annual meeting of the alumni is viewed seriously and steps are taken accordingly wherever needed.

31. Distinguished alumni of the department:

Mary Mohanty, Reader in English, S.C.S. College, Puri, Odisha

Abhas Kumar Baral, Lecturer, Prananath Autonomous College, Khordha, Odisha.

Pasadeana Unnger, Team Leader, GENPACT, Hyderabad.

Bob Nathanael, ESL Trainer, Asqa Magnum,# 721/A,1st Stage.Second Block. HBR Layout, Bangalore

Shakti Prasad Satapathy, Probationary Officer, Bank of India, Daspalla Branch, Odisha

Vishnupriya Sarangi, Teacher, International Public School, Lahanga,Godipada,Khordha.Odisha.

Anuradha Rao, PGT, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Berhampur, Odisha.

Diganta Pattnaik, PGT, Buxi Jagabandhu English Medium School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Rakesh Moharana, PGT, Ghanashyam Hemlata English Medium School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Antara Dey, Dept. of English, Burdwan University, West Bengal.

Shakti Prasad Satapathy – Uco Bank 32. Details of student enrichment programmes ( special lectures / workshops /

seminars) with external experts : (i) Date: 07/12/2011, Funding - UGC; Seminar on "Decoding Poetry:

Different Layers of Analysis" Experts : Prof. Jeetendra Narayan Patnaik, Former Prof. & Head, PG.Dept.of English, Ravenshaw college and Prof. Kalyani Samantaray, Head of the Dept. of English, Utkal University, Vani Vihar

(ii) Date : 16/03/2013, Funding - UGC; Seminar on "Literary Sensibility"

Experts : Dr. Mahendra Kumar Mohanty, Visiting Faculty in English, Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar and Dr. Satyabrata Das, Reader in English, Ekamra College, Bhubaneswar

(iii)Date : 24/01/2014 , Funding - College; Seminar on "Writing for Television and Radio" Experts : Dr. Rashmi Mishra, Former Reader in English, B.J.B. College, Bhubaneswar and Mr. Sampad Mohapatra, Former Senior Correspondent, NDTV

iv) Dr. G.R. Mishra Professor, PG Dept. of English , UU, Vani Vihar and poet of eminence.

33. Teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes : (i) Emphasis on inter-active classes instead of simple lecturing

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 252

(ii) Regular practice of writing by students in the class room and home task (iii)Group Discussion

(iv) Supply of hand-outs (v) Remedial / Extra classes for revision and clearance of doubts

(vi) Peer group discussion

viii) Power point presentation.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

i. After each examination results are assessed ii. In case of dissatisfactory performance of students, special emphasis is

given to that paper iii. No. of students entering the field of higher education and job market is

reviewed 35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities :

Active participation through N.C.C., N.S.S. & Rovers and Rangers, YRC, Yoga & meditation.

36. Details of" beyond syllabus scholarly activities " of the department: i. Quiz competition on English language and literature

ii. On the spot writing of poems and short stories iii. Elocution contest and Debate competition

iv. Vocabulary test 37. Whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies,

give details : No 38. SWOC analysis of the department :

Strength :

(i) Experienced and well-trained staff,

(ii) Disciplined students,

(iii)Continuous In - house seminars,

(iv) Question Bank

Weakness :

i. Decline in students' interest for studying English,

ii. Transfer system amongst staff members,

iii. Curriculum modelled mostly as per Utkal University syllabus,

iv. No separate room for the staff of the Department

v. English not a compulsory subject in CBCS.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 253

Opportunity :

(i) Language Laboratory for students and staff,

(ii) Seminar Library with 156 books,

(iii) Project work of students allows the teachers/ supervisors to take new fields of study each year

(iv) Possibility of introducing Teaching of English.

Challenges :

(v) To increase the interest of students for studying English as Honours Subject,

(vi) To wean off the students from coaching classes / tutorial colleges,

(vii) To ensure at least 90 % attendance of the students in class,

(viii) To create original / creative assessment of English literature amongst the students.

39. Future plans of the department:

(i) Certificate Course in Communicative English (ii) Certificate Course on Creative Writing

(iii) Certificate Course on Journalistic Report writing (iv) Inter-Disciplinary seminars( Combined seminars of language subjects

like Odia. English. Sanskrit, Hindi) (iv) Publication of Books ( Books of Translation of local Odia writers

The HOD as the Chairman SAMS (Student Academic Vernacular System)

Dr P.K. Samantaray, Reader in English as PIO, RTI Cell of the College.

Dr. M. Deo, Professor, I/C Training & Placement and Secretary Staff Council

Prof. Debasish Panda, Reader in English I/C IQAC.

Dr. N.K. Biswal, Reader in English, Professor I/C Library

Prof. Debabrata Mohanty, Reader in English, Administrative Bursar and Deputy Controller of Examinations.

Mrs Jayashree Pattnaik, I/C English Language Lab (ELL) and I/C documentation.

Dr. Abhimanu Panda. Member of SAMS.

Prof. Abhas Baral, I/C Website Co-editor, College Magazine

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1. Name of Department & its year of establishment : HISTORY, 1959

2. Name of Programmes / Courses offered ( UG , PG, M.Phil , Ph. D , Integrated Master, Integrated Ph.D., etc) : UG

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved : Nil 4. Annual/ Semester / Choice Based Credit System : CBCS

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : Nil

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors / Associate Professors / Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled Professors NIL NIL

Associate Professors 5 4

Asst. Professors 1 1

7. Faculty members of the department- Name , Qualification, Designation, Specialization

Sl. No

Name Qualification



No. of years


No. Of. Ph. D

students guided for the last 4


1 Mr. M.K. Rout

M.A Reader Far east 31 yrs NIL

2 Mr. S.C. Nayak

M.A , B.ED

Reader Ancient India

30 yrs NIL

3. Mrs. A. Panda

M.A., MPhil

Reader Modern India

30 yrs NIL

4. Dr. A. Swain

M.A., MPhil, Ph. D

Reader Modern India

23 yrs NIL

5. Mrs A.Satpathy

M.A Lecturer Ancient India

21 yrs NIL

8. Percentage of class taken by temporary faculty- programme-wise information : Nil

9. Programme-wise student Teacher Ratio 1: 30 ( Hons. Class)

1: 20 (Elective Class)

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 255

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned and filled : NIL

11. Faculty members with ongoing projects :

Name of faculty member

Name of the project

National / International funding agency

Total Grout Received

DR. A Swain Role of women leader in colonial


Submitted to U.G.C. on 12.11.14

UGC sponsored minor Research Project

Rs. 50.000

12. Department projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc; total grants received : Nil

13. Research facility/ centre with

State recognition : Nil National recognition : Nil

International recognition : Nil 14. Research Publication : Books, Research Paper, Research


Sl. No name of the members

Title of the books / research

Publisher/place Year of published

1 Mrs. A.B. Panda

“Kasmir Crisis & its solution

P.N. (autonomous college, khurda)


15. Details of patents and Income generated : Nil

16. Areas of consultancy and Income generated : Nil 17. Faculty recharging strategies

i. Faculty members are encouraged to participate in state/ National/ International level seminar.

ii. Faculty members are encouraged to attend Orissa History Congress & Indian History Congress.

iii. Faculty member are also encouraged to do research to do research work in a continuous process.

18. Student projects i. Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-

departmental : 100% ii. Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries/

institutes : Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 256

19. Awards / recognitions received at the National & International level by i. Faculty : Nil

ii. Doctoral/post doctoral follows Dr.Ahalya Swain awarded doctoral degree in 1992 by Sambalpur University

iii. Students : Nil 20. Seminars / Conferences/ Workshops organized and the source of funding

(national / international ) with details of outstanding participants, if any department organized UGC sponsored national seminars on subject entitled “Contribution of Khordha to Freedom Struggle of India”.

21. Students profiles course – wise

Name of the course

Applications received

Selected Pass percentage

Male Female Male Female

2010-11 42 14 9 91% 91%

2011-12 40 10 10 100% 100%

2012-13 51 18 12 70% 90%

20013-14 65 22 12 70% 98%

2014-15 53 24 29 87.5% 100%

22. Diversity of students

Name of the course

% of students from college

% of students

from states

% of students

from other states

% of students

from other countries

History 20% 100% NIL NIL

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defence Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations : 03

24. Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG 20% PG to M.Phil 10% PG to Ph.D 5% Ph. D to Post -Doctoral NIL Employed

Campus selection Other than campus recruitment

10 % 15%

Entrepreneurs / Self employment 20%

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 257

25. Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduated Of the same parent university 100% From other universities within the state Nil From other universities from other states Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., DSc. And D.Litt. during the assessment period : Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Library : Nil

b) Internet facilities for staff and students Common Internet facility for staff.

c) Total number of class rooms 01 for Hons. Class & 12 for other Classes.

d) Class rooms with ICT facility Common ICT facility for all staff member

e) Students’ laboratories : Nil f) Research laboratories : Nil

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from college : 43 number of students getting financial assistance “Prerana”

: 6 number of students getting financial assistance “Minority” 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program (S) ? if , so give the methodology : Nil 30. Does the department obtain feedback from

i. Yes, changes in curriculum are brought from time to time as per the feedback.

ii. Students on staff, curriculum? yes, the response of the department to the feedback of students is positive. The members of staff adopt some suggestions of the students.

iii. Yes, some suggestions of alumni are accepted by the department.

31. List of distinguished alumni i. Sujala Mohanty, Reader in History, Banki (Auto) college, Banki.

ii. Gayatri Mohanty. Lecturer in History, Haladia college , Haladia, Dist- Khordha.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 258

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes special lecture/workshops/seminar ) with external experts.

Sl. No.

Name of the expert

Address of the expert

Topic of seminar

Date of Visit

1 Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Pattnaik

Prof. & Head of the P.G Dept. Of History, Utkal University

Contribution of Khurda to freedom movement of India


2 Prof. Dr. Hari Har Panda

Prof. National Defense Academy, Pune

Miltary Tradition of Orissa: Some Reflection


3. Prof. Dr. Hemant Kumar Mohapatra

Retired Prof. Of History. BJB College, BBSR

Cultural Heritage of Odisha


4. Prof. Dr. Arabinda Acharya

College of International USA security Affairs, National Defence

Challenges to security in the context of Rising Insurgency in India


5. Dr. A.K. Mohanty

Additional Director of Higher Education Govt. Of Odisha

Role of Progressive in the freedom struggle of Odisha


6. Dr. Ashok Ku. Pattnaik

Prof. Head of the P.G. Dept Of History Utkal University, Vani vihar

Kashmir Crisis & its solution


33. List of teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

i. Activity method ii. Supply of study materials

iii. Regular practice of writing by the students in the class room. iv. Remedial/ Extra classes for revision & clearance of doubts

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored ?

i. Result of the students assessed after each semester. ii. Special classes are taken for the weak students.

iii. No. Of students entering to the field of higher education & job is reviewed.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 259

35. Participation of students & faculty in extension activities. i. UGC sponsored seminars & in house seminars are organised with the co-

operation of the students & facility members. ii. The department arrangers study tour & picnic to historical places in every


iii. Students of the department observe Ganesh Puja & Saraswati Puja. They also observe welcome & farewell ceremony in befitting manner.

iv. The students & teachers of this department participate in Blood Donation Camp organised by the college.

v. At the time of natural calamities the students & teachers helped the affected people.

vi. Active participation of students and faculty in NCC , NSS and Recovers and Rangers.

36. Give details of “ beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.

i. G.K. Competition ii. Quiz Competition

iii. Group Discussion 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited / graded by other

agencies. Give details: No 38. Any five strength , weakness, opportunities & challenges of the department.

Strength i. Highly qualified & experienced faculty members.

ii. Good relationship of staff with students iii. Disciplined students

iv. Number of seminars

Weakness i. Attendance of students is not satisfactory. ii. Transfer system amongst staff members.

iii. No separate room for the staff of the Dept iv. Lack of interest of the students for extra classes.

Opportunity i. Project work of the students allows the teachers to take new field of study

each year.

Challenges i. To increase the interest of the students in higher studies. ii. To ensure more attendance in class.

iii. Use of computer in classroom teaching.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 260

39. Future plan of the department i. Certificate courses in Tourism & Heritage.

ii. Publication Of Books (Regional History in Regional Language) iii. Inter- disciplinary seminars.

iv. Use of computer in class-room teaching.

v. Emphasis on proctorial classes.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 261


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment


2. Names of Programmes / Course offered (UG, PG, M. Phil., Ph. D., Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph. D., etc.


3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved

Population Studies is taught to all the students of Humanities irrespective of Honours subjects.

4. Annual/semester/choice based credit system Semester System for 2013-14 and 2014 -15, CBCS form 2015-16.


Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments.

Department teaches Micro economics in +3 degree classes of Commerce dept.

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/ Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors).

Sanctioned Filled Professors Nil Nil Associate Professors 05 02 Asst. Professor 04 04

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D. Sc. /D. Lit. / Ph. D./ M. Phil. etc. : Detailed CV also attached.

Name Qualificati

on Designat

ion Specializati

on No. of years

of Experience

No. of Ph. D.

students guided for the

last 4 years

Sunil Kumar Patnaik

M.A., M.Phil.,


Sociology & Social Demography

35 years


Dr. Smrutirekha Mohanty

M.A ;Ph.D Reader Sociology and Social Demography

34 years -

Bibekananda Dash

M.A M.Phil

Lecturer Labour Economics

30 years _

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 262

Dr. Basanti Das

M.A., M.Ph.D

Lecturer Statistics 28 years _

Nirupama Dei

M.A. Lecturer Mathematic Economics

26 years _

Lilakshi Panda

M. A., M. Phil.

Lecturer Agricultural Economics

24 years _

Profile of teachers who have retried or have been transferred since last 2 years. Name Qualificatio

n Designati

on Specialization No. of

years of Experience

No. of Ph. D.

students guided for the

last 4 years

Dr.Subas Ch Kumar

M.A;M.Phil; Ph.D

Reader Industrial Regional Social Developmental Economics

35 Years 4

Jyotshna Udgata

M.A., M. Ed.., M. Phil.,

Reader Monetary Economics & Micro Economics

32 years _

Susama Panda

M.A Reader International Economics

33 Years _

Dr. Subhranshubala Mohanty

M.A., Ph. D.

Reader Monetary Economics

29 years _

Sunanda Mohapatra


Reader Monetary Management

28 Years _

Chakradhar Bal

M. A., M. Phil.

Lecturer Mathematical Economics

15 years _

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information : Nil

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio Honours Classes 1st year = 1:26 2nd year = 1:28 3rd year = 1:23 Business Economics = 1:64 Elective Classes 1st year = 1 : 14 2nd year = 1 : 20

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 263

Population Studies =1; 128

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff : sanctioned and filled : Nil

11. Number of faculty with ongoing project from a) national b) international

funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project wise. Proff Sunil Kumar Patnaik _Rs 41,500=00 UGC Grant for MRP Proff Bibekananda Dash_ Rs 50,000=00 CPE Grant for MRP

Proff Chakradhara Bala _Rs 50,000=00 CPE Grant for MRP

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc., total grants received 03 Minor Research Projects funded by UGC&CPE

13. Research facility / centre with

o State recognition : A common Research Resource Centre has been set up for all departments with the help of UGC fund.

o National recognition o International recognition

14. Publications : Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/

international) Monographs - 28 (Please see Appendices) Chapters (s) in Books Editing Books Books ISBN numbers with details of publishers

Books authored by Bibekananda Dash, Lecturer in Economics Sl

No. Name of Book Name and address

of the publisher 1st

Publication ISBN Number

01 Elementary Economics Part-I

Panchasila Publication and Book Sellers, Bhubaneswar

2004 81-86942-30-0

02 Elementary Economics Part-II

Panchasila Publication and Book Sellers, Bhubaneswar

2004 81-86942-29-7

03 Indian Economic Development and Elementary Statistics

Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana

2007 978-93-272-2035-3

04 Elementary Micro Kalyani Publishers, 2007 978-93-272-

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 264

and Macro Economics

Ludhiana 2954-7

05 Indian Economy Part – I

Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana

2005 978-93-272-1132-0

06 Indian Economy Part – II

Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana

2007 978-81-272-3319-6

Books authored by Dr. Subas Chandra Kumar 01 Indian leather

Industry : Growth, Productivity and export performance

Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi

1997 1st

Books authored by Dr Smrutirekha Mohanty

1 Institutional Finance and Rural Artisans

Anmol Publising House. New Deihi.


Books authored by Dr. Basanti Das

1 Govt Programmes for Rural Development

Discovery Publishing House .New Delhi


Number of listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science,

Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database – International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc. )

Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact factor – range / average H-index

15. Details of patents and income generated : Nil

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies

(a) Faculties are encouraged to participate in different National / International/State Level seminar/symposium/ workshop, etc.

(b) Faculties are encouraged to participate in different research activities like Ph. D./ M. Phil/Major & Minor Research Projects.

18. Students projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental : Approximately 40%

Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes : Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 265

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students Prabhu Prasad Sundaray participated in Republic Day of NCC at New

Delhi on 26.01.2011 and Army attachment Camp in 2009. Manoranjan Samantaray attended National Integration Camp in 2009. The department does not have the mechanism to collect such

information. However, we are trying to collect such information for which we have evolved a new technique.

20. Seminars/Conference/workshop was organized and the source of funding (national/international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

A National Seminar was organized with the UGC funding in the year 2007. Among the outstanding participants are –

(a) Prof. (Dr.) Baidyanath Mishra – Former Vice-Chancellor, OUAT, Odisha

(b) Prof. (Dr.) Basudev Sahoo – Former Professor of Ravenshaw University,


(c) Prof. (Dr.) Kumarbar Das – Former Professor, Utkal University, Odisha.

21. Student profile course-wise

Name of the course (refer question No.2)

Applications received

Selected Enrolled Male Female

+3 1st Year(Eco. Hons)

(2015-16 A.B.)

87 52 18 34

+3 1st Year(Eco. Hons)

(2014-15 A.B.)

72 48 32 16

+3 1st Year (Eco. Hons. )

(2013-14 A.B.)

111 48 30 18

+3 1st Year (Eco. Hons. )

(2012-13 A.B.)

118 46 25 21

+3 1st Year (Eco. Hons. )

(2011-12 A.B.)

129 63 38 25

Pass Percentage

2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 95% 85% 86% 87% 91%

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 266

22. Diversity of Students

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

% of students from the college

% of students from the


% of students

from other state

% of students

from other countries

Economics Honours

1st Year 15% 100% - - 2nd Year - 100% - - 3rd Year - 98% 2% -

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defence Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?

Dr Amarendra Das is working as Assistant Professor in Utakl University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar.

Mr. Kamal Kumar Sahoo is working as Administrative Officer in SEBI.

Miss Suchismita Mishra is working as Probationary Officer in SBI.

Miss Arpita Pattnaik is working as Probationary Officer in Federal Bank of India.

Miss Munmun Mohanty is working as Administrative Officer in Human Resource Department.

Miss Manasi Jena is working as Assistant Teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya.

Mr. Kulamani Barik is working as Probationary Officer in SBI.

Mr. Sunil Kumar Pattanaik is working as Jail Superintend in Berhampur Jail.

Miss. Tulasi Malini Martha has qualified NET and now persuing her M. Phil. in Utkal University, Odisha.

Miss Manaswani Sahoo is in Odisha Administrative Service.

Manoranjan Samantaray is in defense service (Army)

Two of our Final Year students have cleared Campus Placement Interview conducted by TCS and have received the Appointment Letter.

1. Miss Bandana Sahoo

2. Miss Jharana Das. 24. Student Progression.

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG 25% PG to M. Phil. 10% PG to Ph. D. 10% Ph. D. to Post-Doctoral 5% Employed

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 267

25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

Of the same parent University 83%

From other universities within the State 17%

From other universities from other States Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph. D, D. Sc. And D. Lit. during the assessment period : Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

(a) Library : Seminar Library 400 books & General Library

(b) Internet facilities for staff and students : Common Internet facility for all

staff members.

(c) Total number of class rooms : 10

(d) Class rooms with ICT facility : Common ICT facility for all

(e) Students’ laboratories : Nil

(f) Research laboratories : Nil

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. Consolidated list is attached. Department wise information is not available.

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programe(s)? If so, give the methodology : Nil

30. Does the department obtain feedback from

(a) Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it? So far as curriculum designing and development is concerned, the members of the department seat in a meeting to decide the courses to be ommitted and the updated courses to be included. Final outcome of the meeting is reflected in the form of change in the syllabus. Since the board of studies of the department has meritorious alumnus as member, his views are also taken while deciding the course content.

(b) Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Students feedback is taken by central body engaged by the Principal.

Campus selection Other than campus recruitment

10% 40%

Entrepreneurship /Self-employment 20%

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 268

(c) Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

31. List of distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)

Dr Amarendra Das is working as Assistant Professor in Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar.

Mr. Kamal Kumar Sahoo is working as Administrative Officer in SEBI.

Miss Suchismita Mishra is working as Probationary Officer in SBI.

Miss Arpita Pattnaik is working as Probationary Officer in Federal Bank of India.

Miss Munmun Mohanty is working as Administrative Officer in Human Resource Department.

Miss Manasi Jena is working as Assistant Teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya.

Mr. Kulamani Barik is working as Probationary Officer in SBI.

Mr. Sunil Kumar Pattanaik is working as Jail Superintend in Berhampur Jail.

Miss. Tulasi Malini Martha has qualified NET and now persuing her M. Phil. in Utkal University, Odisha.

Miss Manaswani Sahoo is in Odisha Administrative Service.

Manoranjan Samantaray is in defense service (Army)

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/ workshop/ seminar) with external experts.

Our department regularly arranges seminar with external experts for student enrichment. Details given below:

Sl Year Name and designation of the expert


01 2009-10 Prof. (Dr.) Banikantha Mishra, XIMB, Bhubaneswar

Impact of Global meltdown –An Indian experience

02 2010-11 i. Prof. (Dr.) K.B. Das, Vice-Chancellor, F.M. Univ., Odisha

ii. Prof. (Dr.) Sudhakar Panda, Vice-Chairman, State Planning Board, Odisha

FDI in Indian Retail Sector FDI in Indian Retail Sector

03 2011-12 i. Prof. (Dr.) Bhagabat Patra, Berhmpur University, Odisha

ii. Dr. Amreandra Das, Asst.

Inclusive growth : how far India’s growth is inclusive.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 269

Professor, Utkal University, Odisha

Inclusive growth : how far India’s growth is inclusive.

04 2012-13 Prof. (Dr.) Jagannath Lenka, North Orissa Unversity, Odisha

India’s growth experience : How far India’s growth is inclusive?

05 2013-14 Prof. (Dr.) R. N. Patro, Dy. Director, Gopabandhu Academy of Administration, BBSR, Odisha.

Economic growth, Unemployment and Inclusive Development in India : Experiences and Implications.

06 2014-15 Dr.Satyakam Mishra Ex-DPI, Former Professor,Department of Economics Revenshaw College ,Cuttack.

Poverty Alleviation Programme in the contest of Odisha.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

Continuous evaluation of students. Emphasis on interactive classes instead of simply lecturing.

Regular practice of writing by students in the class and home task.

Supply of hand outs.

Model question-answer discussion session.

34. How does the department ensure that programmes objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored.

Members of staff of the department regularly meet to decide the changes to be incorporated in the syllabi of different papers. They review the result and ponder over the reason of poor performance if there is any. Students are helped through distribution of notes, hand outs , arrangement of extra-classes and doubt clearing classes.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. : Active participation through NCC, NSS, Rover and Ranger. NCC : i. Prabhu Prasad Sundaray participated in Republic Day Camp of NCC at

New Delhi on 26.01.2011 and Army attachment camp in 2009 ii. Manoranjan Samantaray attended National Integration Camp – 2009.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Our department every year arranges study tour, in-house seminars, seminars through external resource person and extra-mural lectuers.

37. State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies. Give details. No

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 270

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department

Strength Adequate number of qualified and experienced (more than 25 years)

teaching faculties. Highly disciplined students.

Weakness Restricted autonomy in developing need-based curriculum. Frequent transfer of faculty members. The students are usually drawn from rural areas with low socio-economic

and educational background. Generally all departments including our department is confronted with

time constraint for conducting teaching programmes particularly in case of even semesters.

Challenge Student attendance is severely affected due to mushroom growth of

teaching shops around the college. Mushroom growth of Engineering, professional and Residential colleges.

Opportunity Seminar Library Supply of hand-outs Question bank maintained.

39. Future plans of the department

Updating course curriculum

Introduction of value-added certificate courses. Post-accreditation Initiatives

Remedial and doubt clearing classes are organized periodically for the benefit of S.C.S.T, OBC and academically weaker students.

Hand out and study materials are also distributed to the students. The Department has a well-stocked Seminar library which benefits the

students of the department. Seminar, In-house seminar, projects are integral part of department

curriculum. It has broadened the thinking and analytical mind of the students and enlarged their vision and understanding of the subject

The library of the college subscribes to Journals and magazines which are of immense help to the students

The students of the department also are engaged in socio economic survey and have prepared projects based on the findings.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 271


1. Name of the Department & Year of establishment - PHILOSOPHY (1973)

2. Names of Programmes/ Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters ;

Integrated Ph.D., etc) – U.G. Honours, Elective, Choice based credit system 3. Name of Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved: N.A

4. Annual/ Semester/ choice based credit system : Semester 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments:

Social and Political Philosopy with department of Sociology& Political Scince 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/ Associate

Professors/ Asst. Professors) Sanctioned Filled

Proffessors NIL NIL

Associate Professors 02 02

Asst. Professors 02 02

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc/

D.Litt./ Ph.D/ M. Phil. etc.)

Name Qualification

Designation Specialization

No. of Years of Experie


No. of Ph. D.

Students guided for the last 4

years Prof.(Mrs) Geeta Pattanaik



Linguistic Analysis



Dr. Renuka Kumari Panda

M.A, Ph.D




Prof(Mrs) Nandita Chhotaray



Philosophy of Science



Dr.Mousumi Kanungo

M.A,M.Phil, Phd.

Lecturer 29 years N.A

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty - programme-wise information: N.A

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio : N.A 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff:

sanctioned and filled : N.A

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 272

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise: N.A

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received : N.A

13. Research facility / centre with:

o state recognition ---- o national recognition ----

o international recognition ---- 14. Publications:

number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)-05

Monographs Nil Chapter(s) in Books 1

Editing Books Nil Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers Nil

number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Nil

Citation Index — range / average Nil SNIP Nil

SJR Nil Impact factor - range / average N.A

h-index N.A 15. Details of patents and income generated :N.A

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated :N.A 17. Faculty recharging strategies : Participation in Orientation and refresher

Courses conducted by University Grants Commission. 18. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental 100%

Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries/ institutes : Nil

19. Awards recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty Nil

Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Nil

Students Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 273

20. Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any:

a) National : 2013- ICPR b) International : Nil

c) State Level : 2011- UGC d) Departmental : 2012-UGC

2013- UGC 2014- College

2015- UGC 21. Student profile course-wise:Philosophy Hons.

Name of the Course

Applications received

Selected Pass percentage

Male Female Appear Pass Percentage

2014-15 2013-2014 35 20 09 95% 2012-2013 14 16 87% 2011-2012 12 11 89% 2009-2010 08 03 96%

22. Diversity of Students

Name of the Course

% of students from the college

% of students from the


% of students

from other states

% of students

from other

countries Philosophy Hons.





23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations: 05

24. Student progression

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG 12%

PG to M.Phil 10%

PG to Ph.D. 02%

Ph.D to Post- Doctoral ---


Campus selection Other than campus recruitment

10% 5%

Entrepreneurs -----

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 274

25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduate

of the same parent university 04 (100%)

from other universities within the State Nil

from other universities from other State Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : 01

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities:

a) Library : 01 b) Internet facilities for staff and students : available

c) Total number of class rooms : 70 d) Class rooms with ICT facility :

Two( language lab & Smart Class) e) Students’ laboratories : Nil

f) Research laboratories : Common 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College: 08 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s)? If so, give the methodology: Yes. While choosing Topics for Seminars, Topics are to be considered in relevance to Common Society.

30. Does the department obtain feedback from :

a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

The faculty meetings are to be held in regular intervals in the Department ^ the Feedbacks are taken towards curricular improvisation.

b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?

Students feedback is collected by the Principal’s Office and communicated to Staff members for necessary follow up. Remedial action is to taken for omissions and commissions.

c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

Alumni involvement is in initial stage. Governing Body meets periodically and discusses academic, developmental and other issues and the decisions are followed up.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 275

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Dr, Raj Kishor Sahoo : Principal, in Degree College

Prof . Brundaban Dakua : Reader Dr. Kailash Maharana : Lecturer

Prof. Geeta Pattanaik : Reader

Prof. Surendra Pattnaik : Lecturer

Mr. Raghunath Swain : Sr. Auditor, Secretariat Prof. Chinmayee Pattnaik : Lecturer

Mrs Swarna Prava Pattnaik : Social Worker 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /

seminar) with external experts. 05

Dr. G.P.Das ( Former HOD, Utkal University, Vanivihar)

Dr. A.K.Mohanty (Former HOD, Utkal University, Vanivihar)

Dr. Minati Pattanaik ( Former HOD, P.N.Auto. College, Khordha)

Dr. S.K.Mohapatra ( Principal, Nachuni College)

Prof .D.M. Praharaj ( Guest faculty Ravenshaw University , Cuttack) 33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

Lecturer Method, through powerpoint presentation , Use of smart classroom, Groupdiscussion on relevant topics

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

By regular Feedback on interaction with Students and Faculty members

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. NSS, NCC, Rovers & Rangers

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. College & Hostel Magazines provide an avenue for creative writing.

Participation in debates & Short story writing in inter department, Inter class & Inter college Compitition.

37. State whether the programme department is accredited/ graded by other agencies. Give details. No

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department

Strength : Qualified Faculties, advanced Departmental Library Accessibility to Universities, Academic culture of the College, Better Communication Facility. Weakness : Lack of Research Facilities, Lack of Financial help to Students from poor families, Insufficient Net Facilities Absence of P.G. Deptt.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 276

39. Future plans of the department. : It has been planned to conduct inter disciplinary Research

To organize awareness camps on First aid (Training) HIV,AIDS, CANCER Health(Physical & mental)

Organizing the YOGA classes It has been planned to educate the children of the near by locality by the

students of the Department( Literacy programme) Career Counseling( Employment Programme)

Environmental awareness Camp.

Post- accreditation Initiatives

Philosophy as an important subject in the world offers unique chance to the

students to develop their knowledge in interdisciplinary relations and achieve a

coherent knowledge skill. This Department explores the advantage of this kind of

special knowledge and invites the students & also the faculties of other department to

the seminar. This kind of practice allows us to attend the other departmental seminars

.This aim is being successfully achieved by- 1. Collecting seminar papers and

promoting all those to the students and faculties.2. Lunching General awareness

programme on the special field to achieve Socio-ethical manhoods.

Special initiatives are taken under the WiFi Campus to reach at Global

competency through smart class-rooms and e-knowledge centres. Students are trying

to achieve update Research findings not only on interdisciplinary relations but in

fundamental of knowledge on departmental courses. Orientation Programmes, digital

liabrary brings out student connectivity not only in the class but also access

development outside the class. Remedial classes on Honours subjects are organized to

develop capacity of the students through dialogue with the faculty members.Student

performance is a growing factor in the department. The later is observed from the

success of the pass out students in the P.G. level.

The department provides relevant study materials of its own to upgrade the

intake capacity of the students. This also directly involves the development of faculty

members as a matter of innovation. Besides curriculum, special drive is undertaken by

the students to uplift healthy atmosphere through short term connectivity


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 277

Apart from that the reforms that have been ushered in over the two/three decades have

created the conditions for sustained growth of the teachers of the department. Dr. Mrs.

Mausumi -Kanungo was awarded the Ph.D from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar

whereas, Mrs. Nandita- chhotray was able to submit her Ph.D Thesis for award. It is

estimated that skill development work was acquired in the teachers of the department

by attaining and presenting the papers in the national and international seminars of

different Autonomous colleges and universities in capacity building programmes. A

good number of students were availing the facility in taking admission in P.G.

department of Philosophy of different university inside and outside the state. Some of

the students have got the opportunity by qualifying NET. Another feature is added to

the department by qualifying the facility of the campus T.C.S etc. entering into the


Wish all the success in future with commitment, fairness, honesty and justice

to the students and teachers.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 278


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment – EDUCATION (1967)

2. Names of Programmes /Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc. )- U.G. Honours and Elective

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved- N.A. 4. Annual/ semester/ choice based credit system- Semester CBCS from the

session 2015-16 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments-

N.A. 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate

Professors/Asst. Professors ) Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professors

01 01

Asst. Professors 05 05

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization (D.Sc/D.Litt./ph.D./M .phil. etc.) Name Qualification Designati

on Specialization

No.of years of Experience

No.of ph.D Students guided in the last 4 years

Maj.(Dr.)D.K .Rout

M.A., M.Phil., LL.B., Ph.D

Associate prof.

Educational measurement & Evaluation

32 yrs. 01

Mr.Jagdev Mohanty

M.A. M.phil . Asst.Prof. 31 yrs.

Mrs. Banita Dash

M.Ed. -do- Ednal. psy.

29 yrs.

Mrs.Gayatri Mishra

M.A, M.Ed -do- Hist.of Edn.

25 yrs.

Dr. Swarnaprava sahoo

M.A., M.phil, B.Ed., ph.D.

-do- 23 yrs.

Mrs. Sujata Moharana


-do- Ednl. Technology

04 yrs.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 279

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme - wise information-N.A.

9. Programme- wise Student Teacher Ratio-38 : 1

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) & administrative staff: sectionals & filled –N.A.

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies & c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies & grants received project wise.-Two CPE projects Completed in 2015 (50,000/each)

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc; total grants received –N.A.

13. Research facility /center with

State recognition

National recognition

International recognition 14. Publications:

Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /international)


Chapter (s) in Books-02

Editing Books-

Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers -

Number listed in international Database (for e.g. web of science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database – International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)

Citation Index –range / average



Impact factor –range / average

H-index 15. Details of patents and income generated-NA

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated-NA 17. Faculty recharging strategies-NA

18. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental-curriculum project 100%

Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 280

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by


Doctoral /post doctoral fellows

Students 20. Seminars / Conferences / Workshops organized and the source of funding

(national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

21. Student profile course-wise: Name of the Course

Applications received

Selected Male Female

Pass percentage Male Female

22. Diversity of students

Name of the course

% of students from the College

% of students from the State

% of students from other States

% of students from other countries

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?

24. Students progression Student progression

Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed

Campus selection Other than campus


Entrepreneurs 25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

Of the same parent university From other universities within the state

From other universities from other states

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 281

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period.-NA

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) Library

b) Internet facilities for staff and students c) Total number of class rooms

d) Class rooms with ICT facility e) Students’ laboratories

f) Research laboratories 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College. 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s)? If so, give the methodology. 30. Does the department obtain feedback from

a) Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?-Board of studies

b) Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?- Satisfactory

c) Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)-Gandhi ku. Sahoo (lect. inEdn.), Geetarani Mishra (Lect) - Sanjukta Pattnaik (Lect. In Edn), Anjali Chhotoray (Police Insp.), Pitabas Sahoo (Bank off.), Priyadarsani Pattnaik (Bank off.), Sasmita Nayak, Diptimayee Das, Subhasmita Patajoshi, Rasmiranjan Sahoo (secondary teachers)

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures /workshops / seminar) with external experts.-Rehabilitation of destitudes-Prof.Dr. Aditya Mohanty, Inclsive education by Dr.Damodar Mahapatra, Teacher pupil relationship –Dr. B.B.Panda, Carreer choosing and role of counseling-Mjr.B.N.Pattnaik, Co-education and challenges-Prof. Dr.B. Biswal,Dr. Satyabrata Das

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.-Project Method, Lecture, Field study

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

Field trips to different places and, Projects undertaken on different subjects related to problems of the society

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.-Project on rehabilitation of Destitute-“Adrnta”-Derash.Study of Psychological conditions of M.R. Children. Comparison of psychology of prisoners of closed jails and open air jail, study of psychology of parents of mentally

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 282

retarded children, categorization of secondary school students by measuring their intelligence and suggesting educational measures for them

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department - 37. State whether the programme / department is accredited/ graded by other

agencies give details.

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weakness /Opportunities and challenges (SWOC) of the department. Seminar library for students, connectivity of teachers and students (24*7) through social media, support and connectivity of alumni, Best arts graduates every year since the inception of the autonomy, organization of “Anwesha” programme for exploring the creativity of students like- dance, music, jhoti etc.,community related projects, Weakness- internet connection, separate room for seminar, class room on power point presentation, writing in odia medium by students , mostly commuters and lack of hostel facility.

39. Future plans of the department – to conduct interdisciplinary research, teaching with IT, taking of research projects with institution of excellence and also arranging for interfaculty exchange programming.

Post Accreditation Initiative After the college received ‘AGrade’ accreditation it has taken different initiatives for the uplift of faculty and students.

1. Remedial classes in honours subjects have been organized for the students apart from the regular curriculum to strengthen their understanding and vision on subjects of concern.

2. Due to regulation of examination with internal assessment and semester student performance has been good.

3. It has built self confidence amongst them to compete with students from urban center and the percentage of students joining the P.G. courses as well as services has been in the upward trend.

4. Access to library and course materials has been easier due to large funds from the university grants commission for upgrading and digitizing the library and student access to reading rooms.

5. Relevant journals and magazines has been the result of autonomy.

6. The most important aspect of being highly graded is the attraction of students and adoption to the autonomous culture.

7. The curriculum is updated each year to suit the changing environment and changing :

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 283


1. Name of the department and PSYCHOLOGY, 1981 Year of Establishment : 2. Names of Programmes /Courses offered : Under Graduate

(UG. PG, M.Phil, Ph.D, Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D etc.)

3. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments / units involved:

Nil 4. Annual / semester /choice based credit system (programme wise) : Semester 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments:

Seminars 6. Numbers of Teaching posts:

Sanctioned Filled Professors Nil Nil Associate Professors Nil Nil Asst. Professors 4 4

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation specialization (D.Sc./ D.Lit./ Ph.D. M.Phil etc) :

Name Qualification

Designation Specialization

No. of years of Experience

No. of Ph.D Students guided for the last 4 years

Dr. Saudamini


M.A. M.Phil. Ph.D

Lecturer Physiology & Comparative Psychology

32 years Nil

Mrs. Sucharita Mohanty

M.A. M.Phil. Lecturer Developmental

Psychology 30 years Nil

Mrs. Kabita Mishra M.A. Lecturer Developmental

Psychology 27 years Nil

Mrs. Pritilata Mohapatra M.A. Lecturer Developmental

Psychology 24 years Nil

Mrs. Puspanajali Paramguru

M.A. PGDCA Lecturer Organizational

Behavior 9 years Nil

Mr. Akashya Kumar Mishra


Demonstrator 26 years Nil

Ms. Subhrasmita



Demonstrator 2 years Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 284

8. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled (programme wise) by temporary faculty :

Nil 9. Programme-wise Student-Teacher Ratio

UG Honours: 1:62 UG Pass: Nil

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned and filled : Sanctioned : 02 Staff in position : 02 Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt / Ph.D / M.Phil /PG Ph.D -01 M.Phil. -02 P.G. -03

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from National & International funding agencies & grants received: a) National Nil b) International funding agencies Nil c) Grants received : MRP 02 (Dr. Saudamini Dash-01 & Mrs. Sucharita

Mohanty-01 in the year 2014)

12. Departmental projects funded by DST – FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc. and total Grants received : Nil

13. Research facility/ Centre with State recognition: One Common Research Centre National recognition: Nil International recognition Nil

14. Publications: Publication per faculty : Nil Number of papers published in peer review journals (national /

international) by faculty and students : Nil Monographs Nil. Chapter in Books Nil. Editing Books Nil. Books with ISBN / ISSN numbers with details of publishers Nil. Number of publications listed in International Database ( For Eg:- Web of

Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database – International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host etc. : Nil.

Citation Index Nil. SNIP Nil. SJR Nil. Impact Factor Nil. H-index Nil.

15. Details of patents and income generated: Nil. 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies: Through Refresher Course (a)Dr. Saudamini Dash: 4

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 285

(b)Mrs. Sucharita Mohanty: 2 (c)Mrs. Pritilata Mohapatra: 1

18. Students projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter

departmental programme : 100 b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the

institution i.e. in Research laboratories / Industry / Other agencies : Nil

19. Awards / Recognitions received at national and international level by Faculty: Nil. Doctoral/Post Doctoral fellows: Nil. Students: Nil.

20. Seminars / Conferences / Workshops organized and the source of funding a) National : Nil b) International : Nil c) State level: 2007,UGC sponsored d) Departmental: 04 seminars

2011 -UGC 2013 -UGC 2014-UGC 2015-UGC

21. Student profile programmers / course wise: Psychology (Hons.) Name of the Course/ programme

Applications received

Selected Enrolled Males

Enrolled Females

Pass Percentage

2014-2015 53 53 30 40 92.5% 2013-2014 53 50 16(40%) 37(60%) 94% 2012-2013 49 92% 2011-2012 40 88% 2010-2011 28 96% 2009-2010 25 93%

22. Diversity of students :

Name of the Course % of students from the same state

% of students from other states

%of students from abroad

Psychology (Hons.) 100% Nil Nil

23. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations

such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defense services etc. : 02

24. Student Progression: Student Progression Against % enrolled

UG to PG 15% PG to M.Phil. 10% PG to Ph.D. 2% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 286

Employed - Campus selection - Other than campus recruitment

20 5%

Entrepreneurship / Self-employment 10%

25. Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates Of the same parent University 5 From other Universities within the state


From other Universities from other state


26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Lit. during the

assessment period: Nil.

27. Present details of Infrastructural facilities a) Library : Yes b) Internet facilities for Staff and Students : Yes c) Class rooms with ICT facility : Common ICT facility d) Student’s Laboratories : Yes e) Research Laboratories: Yes

28. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies : Nil

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of the new programme(s)? If so, give the methodology:

Yes. While choosing topics for the seminars, topics of current relevance are considered. Those topics, which are relevant for the society we live in are chosen. Relevance or competitive examination is also kept in view

30. Does the department obtain feedback from feedback from

a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

In faculty meetings of the department, the feedbacks are taken note of for curriculum improvisation.

b. Students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?

Students feedback is collected by Principal’s office and communicated to the staff members for necessary follow-up. Remedial action is taken for omissions and commissions.

c. Alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? Alumni involvement is in initial state of organization. Governing body meets periodically and discusses academic, developmental and other issues and the decisions are followed up.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 287

31. List of distinguished alumni of the department(maximum 10): Prabhati Pati IIT Professor Niranjan Pattnaik Judicial Service Swagatika Samantinghar Lecturer Ashok Kumar Parida Lecturer Pranati Satpathy Lecturer Trupti Mishra Lecturer Sugyani Singh Samanta Lecturer Ritesh Sahoo Councilor A.K. Mishra Lab Assistant Subhrasmita Lab Assistant

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/ workshops/ seminar) with external experts:

Four seminars

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes:

Chalk and talk is our mainstay supplemented by TV and computers. Students are guided for project works on requirement of their curriculum.

34. How does the department ensure that programmes objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? By regular feedback on interaction with students and faculty members

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities N.S.S., Wall magazine, counseling the students.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. College magazine provides an avenue for creative writing.

37. State whether the programmes/Department is accredited/ graded by other

agencies. Give details. No.

38. Detail of any five strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges(SWOC)of the department.


Qualified faculties, well equipped laboratories, accessibility

To Universities and industries of state capital, academic

Culture of the college, better communication facility. Weakness:

Lack of research facilities, lack of financial help to students

Of poor families, inadequacy of hostel facilities, insufficient

Computers and net facilities, absence of P.G. Dept..


Vocational guidance for career enhancement, accessibility

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 288

To State Employment Exchange, nearness to P.G. Dept. for research work by faculty members, nearness to medical colleges’ clinical psychology studies


To setup Post-Graduation department

To setup clinical lab for free counseling

To develop module for Ph.D. course work and enhance research

To organize better alumni interaction and support

To develop model school for children as an initiative on Applied Child and Educational Pyschology .

39. Future plans of the department: 1. It has been planned to set up awareness cell on HIV, AIDS, Cancer,

Physical and mental hygiene 2. Career counseling, Family counseling and marital counseling will be

offered as a part of our non-clinical initiative in near future. 3. Yoga sessions will be organized in the campus.

Post-Accreditation Initiatives

The department of psychology has developed certain significant qualities during the last four years.

Innovative ideas for counselling the students for their careers problem, mental problem, occupational problem etc.

Couselling- Apply For 1-College of fine Arts Tirvandrum 2-IIT Guwahati

3-Industrial design center IIT, Mumbai 4- National Institute of design Gujarat

5-Sristi school of Arts Bangalore

6- Sri Venkenteswar college of fine Arts, Hyderabad

7-University college of fine Art Karnataka

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 289


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment: SOCIOLOGY, 2012

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : Undergraduate

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved: Nil 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system : Semester/CBCS

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments :Nil

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled

Professor Nil Nil

Associate Professors Nil Nil

Asst. Professors 01 01

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)





No. of Years of Experie


No. of Ph.D.

students guided in the last 4



Ranjan Pattanayak

M.A., M.Phil Ph. D

Lecturer Sociology of Modernizatio

n and Development

15 Nil

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information : N.A.

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: 1:32

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned and filled : Nil

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received Nil

13. Research facility / centre with : None with the department

state recognition

national recognition

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 290

international recognition 14. Publications:

number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) : 07

Monographs: Nil

Chapter(s) in Books: 01

Editing Books: Nil

Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: Nil

number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): Nil

Citation Index – range / average : Nil


SJR: Nil

Impact factor – range / average : Nil

h-index : Nil 15. Details of patents and income generated : Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated :Nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies: N.A. 18. Student projects : Nil

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by


Doctoral / post doctoral fellows

Students : Nil

20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.:

None as it is not an Hons. teaching dept. 21. Student profile course-wise: NOT Applicable as result of hons. Dept. is only


Name of the Course

Applications received

Selected Male Female

Pass percentage Male Female

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 291

Name of the Course

Applications received

Selected Male Female

Pass percentage Male Female

22. Diversity of students; 100% are from the college.

Name of the Course

(refer question

no. 2)

% of students from the College

% of students from the State

% of students

from other States

% of students

from other countries

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? : N.A.

24. Student progression: N.A.

Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG

PG to M.Phil.

PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral


Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment


25. Diversity of staff: from within the state

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university from other universities within the State

from other universities from other States

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. : 01

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities : not an independent hons. Dept

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 292

and hence depend on college for the following a) Library

b) Internet facilities for staff and students c) Total number of class rooms

d) Class rooms with ICT facility

e) Students’ laboratories

f) Research laboratories 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

College.: N.A. 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new

program(s)? If so, give the methodology. N.A. 30. Does the department obtain feedback from :

a) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize it?

b) students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same?

c) alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same?

No, but the college as a whole does all the above activities. 31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): N.A.

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts.: N.A.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Discussion Method

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? : N.A.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.: N.A.

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.: Nil 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other

agencies. Give details. : N.A. 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)

of the department .Department with hons. facility is yet to come up. 39. Future plans of the department. N.A.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 293


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : POLITICAL SCIENCE, 1961-62

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered .(UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D. etc.) – U.G. Honours, Elective. Choice based credit system

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved – N.A.

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system - Semester

5. Participation of the. Department in the courses offered by other departments – Political Philosophy with department of Philosophy.

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled Professors Nil Nil Associate Professors 03

03 Asst. Professors 02 02

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation/ specialization, (D.Sc./ D.Litt./Ph.D./ M: Phil, etc.,)





No. of Years of


No. of Ph.D. Students guided for the last 4

years Mr. H. K. Satapathy


Associate Professor

International Law/ Relation



Dr. Biswamohini

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor

International Law/ Relation

29 P.G. - 02

Dr. Pratip Kumar Mishra

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor

International Law/ Relation

29 P.G. – 10 As Guest Faculty

5 Scholars in Public

Administration & 2 Scholars in Developmental Journalism. 3 in

Political Science and 1 in sociology.

Utkal University of

culture Dr.(Mrs)Bindushree Mishra

M.A., M Phil. Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

International law and organisation



KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 294

Mrs. Nita Das

M.A., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor

Law/ Relation 23 N.A.

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty - programme-wise information – N.A.

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio – N.A. 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff :

sanctioned and filled – N.A. 11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international

funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project wise – Two U.G.C.CPE Projects (50,000/- each)

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSF, etc.; total grants received –N.A.

13. Research facility / centre with

state recognition - available

national recognition

international recognition

14. Publications : * number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/

international) - 4 * Monographs.

* Chapter(s) in Books - 8 * Editing Books - 10

* Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers - 02 * number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science,

Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - international Social Sciences Directory/ EBSCO host, etc.) N.A.

* Citation Index - range/average * snip

* sjr * Impact factor - range / average

* h-index 15. Details of patents arid income generated – N.A.

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated – N.A. 17. Faculty recharging strategies - Participation in Orientation and Refresher

course conducted by university Grants commission, 2. Inter University Centre (IUC) Associate of Indian Institute of advanced study Shimla.3. Participation in workshops conducted by the Government and Non governmental organizations on contemporary subjects. Dr Pratip Kumar

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 295

Mishra is Member Subject Research Committee PG deptt of Political Science Utkal University, Member syllabus committee Sri Sri University Cuttack, Member Board of studies P.G. Deptt, of public Administration Utkal University and Salepur Autonomous College Salepur.cuttack.

18. Student projects

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental – curriculum project 100%

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes - N.A.

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty- Dr Pratip Kumar Mishra felicitated by National Children Science Congress, Sri Sri Ravishankar University, As resource person. P.G deptt of Political Svience and patia college Patia

Doctoral / post doctoral fellows

Students 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding

(National/ international) with details of outstanding participant!if any. 21. Student profile, course-wise:

Name of the Course

(refer question no.

Applications received


Pass percentage




Female 2011-12





















93 22. Diversity of Students

Name of the Course (refer question .


%of students from

the college

%of students from the state

% of students from other


% of students

from other

countries Under graduate

2010/11 50




2011-12 40





2013-14 2014-15

45 40

55 60

22. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services,

NET,.SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? – Defense Service -1, Odisa Police service.-3

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 296

24. Student progression Student progression

Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG

5 % PG to M. Phil.

PG to Ph. D. 1% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral

Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment




25. Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university 100%

from other universities within the State


from other universities from other States


26. Number of' faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. – N.A.

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) Central Library - 01

b) Internet facilities for staff and students - available c) Total number of class rooms 70

d) Class rooms with ICT facility- (two) Language lab and Smart Class

e) Students' laboratories -

f) Research laboratories Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College.

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so/ give the methodology. .

30. Does the department obtain feedback from

a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes/ how does the department utilize it? – Curriculum,teaching,learning is done by the Departmental Committee through discussion and assessing on the performance and percentage of students entering the remedial classes

b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? - satisfactory

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 297

c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? Alumni of the department interact during functions and seminars– satisfactory.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) – Subash Gantayat, Pralaya Kanungo, Prabhat Das, Pradeep Harichandan, Radha Madhab Mishra, Prakash Bhuyan, and Sk. Islam. Sunitarani Pradhan, Chinmayi Tripathy Details in deptt profile

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes. (special lectures, seminar) with external experts. a) Human Rights issues, Sanjib Ch. Hota, Bipin Bihari Mishra, Dr. Bijayini

Mohanty, S. Maqbool Ali, Sarat Ch. Mishra. b) Right to information- Dr. Aswini Kumar Tiwar Prananath Patnaik- A

multi - dimensional personality-Mr Pradosh Patnaik c) 4.Theorising Feminism – Dr. Jugal Kishore Mishra,

d) Gender and Human Security – Dr. N. Gaan, e) Role of youth in disaster management- Dr Aurobinda Behera

f) Communalism and National integration- Prof. Brahmanada Satapathy. 33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. –

Lecture Method, through power point presentation, use of smart Classroom, group discussion on relevant topics.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? – Through periodic assessment, classroom tasks and assignments test examinations in class

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty, in extension activities.

Creating awareness among women ward members of Khorda municipality about women empowerment and decision making in the political forum. Dr Pratip Kumar Mishra participated in the walkathon at Bhubaneswar on 11th January 2015 as part of road safety programme organized by Prevention of accidents society Odisha (PASO), Participated in the Nationalchildren Science congress Odisha chapter

A field trip to Paradeep Port town was conducted to study displacement of villagers at Paradeep town due to Indian oil mega project. A structured questionnaire was prepared and opinion of people displaced men and women were taken and analysed.

Monitoring Public distribution in slums through structured Questionaire 36. Give details of "beyond syllabus scholarly activities" of the department.

Participation in debates and topical essays and short story writing in inter department, inter class and inter college competitions.

37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies give details. N.A.

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses/ Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) ofthe department.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 298

Strengths -Good faculty, books & journals, internet facility, alluminai support and guest lecturers, seminar library with voluntary contribution from retired and existing faculty. Weakness Absence of IT facility in classroom teaching, medium of honours righting in vernacular language, lack of proficiency in English speaking mostly commuters due to limited hostel facility. Challenges – competing for outstanding result, to train students for higher studies and beyond masters, M.Phil, Ph.D. and NGO activities. Training for social and community services.,cultivating cooperative culture. Political leadership building

39. Future plans of the department. –

To conduct interdisciplinary research,

Field studies to different places, to have comparative analysis of ecology on administrative and political cultture

Taking of research projects from Public sector undertaking.

Arranging for inter faculty exchange programme, with institutions of excellence within the state and outside.

Building Political leadership for good governance.

An active student community to help the community participate in nation building.

Working towards social and economic inclusion of the marginalized sections.

Post Accreditation Initiative Since the College received “A “grade accreditation it has taken different initiatives for the uplift of faculty and students. of all its departments. The creation of the Resource centre has played an important role in faculty knowledge enhancement and development programmes. With funds for research from U.GC and the government.Young scholars have come up with interdisciplinary research, research guidance and orientation programmes. WiFi campus for student connectivity and digitization of the library for a better faculty and students access. Remedial classes in honours subjects have been organized for the students apart from the regular curriculum to streghthen their understanding and vision on subjects of concern. Due to regulation of Examination with internal assessment and semester system, student performance has been good. It has built of self confidence amongst them to compete with students from urban centres and the percentage of students joining the P.G. courses as well as services has been in the upward trend. Access to library and course materials has been easier due to large funds from the university grants commission for upgrading and digitizing the library and student access to reading rooms. Relevant journals and magazines has been the result of autonomy. The most important aspect of being highly graded is the attraction of students and adoption to the autonomous culture. The curriculum is updated each year to suit the changed environment and changing mindsets.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 299


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : SANSKRIT (2013-14)

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) UG

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved Nil

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system Semester and CBCS

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments Nil

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors) Asst. Professors

Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professors Nil Nil Asst. Professors 3 2

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)


Qualification Designation Specialization

No. of Years of Experience

No. of Ph.D. students guided in the last 4 years

Rashmi Kar M.A., M.Phil Lecturer Classical Literature 7 Nil

Dr. Bana Jyotsna Mishra Ph.D Lecturer Literature 3 Nil

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information. Nil

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio 2:48 Hons. 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and

administrative staff: sanctioned and filled Nil 11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national

b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants received Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 300

13. Research facility / centre with Nil

State recognition Nil

National recognition Nil

International recognition Nil 14. Publications:

number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) Nil

Monographs Nil Chapter(s) in Books Nil Editing Books Nil Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers Number listed in International Database (For e.g.

Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Nil

Citation Index – range / average Nil SNIP Nil SJR Nil Impact factor – range / average Nil h-index Nil

15. Details of patents and income generated Nil 16. Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies Nil 18. Student projects Nil

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental

Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty Nil

Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Nil

Students Nil 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the

source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Nil

21. Student profile course-wise:

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 301

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

Applications received

Selected Male / Female

Pass percentage

Male / Female

2015-16 1st year 48 6 - 10 Nil

2014-15 2nd year 32 7 – 90 Nil

2013-14 3rd year 37 2 – 14 Nil

22. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of students from the College

% of students from the


% of students from other


% of students

from other countries

100% 100% Nil Nil

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?

24. Student progression – yet to Appear.

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG

PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D.

Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral


Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment


25. Diversity of staff – Not applicable

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university

from other universities within the State

from other universities from other States

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities Nil a) Library Nil

b) Internet facilities for staff and students Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 302

c) Total number of class rooms Nil d) Class rooms with ICT facility Nil

e) Students’ laboratories Nil f) Research laboratories Nil

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. Nil

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. Nil

30. Does the department obtain feedback from a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation?

If yes, how does the department utilize it? Nil b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation

and what is the response of the department to the same? Nil c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the

response of the department to the same? Nil

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Nil

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts. Nil

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Nil

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? Nil

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Nil

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Nil 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded

by other agencies. Give details. Nil 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and

Challenges (SWOC) of the department Nil 39. Future plans of the department. Nil

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 303


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment

ODIA, 1959

2. Names of Programmes / Course offered (UG, PG, M. Phil., Ph. D., Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph. D., etc.


3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved


4. Annual/semester/choice based credit system Semester System


Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments.


6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/ Associate

Professors/ Asst. Professors).

Sanctioned Filled Professors 09 08 Associate Professors 05 Asst. Professor 03

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D. Sc. /D.

Lit. / Ph. D./ M. Phil. etc. : Detailed CV also attached.

Name Qualification



No. of years of


No. of Ph. D.

students guided for the

last 4 years

Dr. Urmila Sundari Devi

M.A. Ph.D.

Reader Translation 36 Yrs

Mrs. Swayamprava Pattanaik

M.A. Reader Religion 34 Yrs

Mrs. Rajeswari Swain

M.A. Reader Religion 32 Yrs

Dr. Madan Mohan Mahala

M.A., Ph.D.

Reader Translation 30 Yrs

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 304

Mrs. Minakshi Mohapatra

M.A. Lecturer Dharma Dhara

33 Yrs

Mr. Gopal Krishna Das

M.A., M.Phil.

Lecturer Editing, Modern Poetry

25 Yrs

Mrs. Sunita Tripathy

M.A., M.Phil

Lecturer Modern poetry

24 Yrs

Dr.Madan Mohan Behura

M.A., Ph.D.

Reader Religion 24 Yrs

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information : Nil

9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio Honours Classes : 1:128 Elective Classes : 1:60 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff :

sanctioned and filled : Nil 11. Number of faculty with ongoing project from a) national b) international

funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project wise. : Nil

12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc., total grants

received : Nil

13. Research facility / centre with State recognition : National recognition International recognition

14. Publications :

Number of listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database – International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc. ) Dr. Urmila Sundari Devi Samakalina Yuga Chetana O Srasta Fakir Mohan Mrs. Swayamprava Pattanaik Chhuan Nua Manisara Chhati (Sabita Swapna), 2014. Bandhuta Eka Ashirbad (Karuna), 2014 Gaan O Matira Kabita, 2014. Alochana Halpa Paridhi (Khordha galpayana) Engineer Bishnu Sahunka Katha paridhire manabetara charitra, 2015. Prabina Narikabi Brundabati Dasi (Sabuja Swapna), 2015.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 305

Mrs. Rajeswari Swain Loka Kathare manabetara Charitra Dr. Madan Mohan Mahala Shri Jagannath Baishnaba Charita Dharma Sri Jagannath O Dola Yatra Gopabandhu Sahityare Manababadi Chetana. Dr. Madan Mohan Behera “Kanheilal Dasnka Khyudra Galpare Sthiti Anwesa”, The Ekachakra. “Kuntala Kumarinka Upanyasare Naree”, Kuntala Kumari Sahitya

Bibhuti. “Arjuna Dasnka Milan Chautisa Eka Drustipatha”, Arjuna Das Kabya

Bibhuti. Sri Gopal Krushna Das Book – Premacharya Prachina Odia Kabitare Prema Mrs. Sunita Tripathy Galpika Devahuti Dei-Yugashree Yuganaree Galpika or Kabita Barik – Prameya Kuntala Kumarinka Sahityara Dhara-Kuntala Kumari Kabya

Bibhuti.\Arjuna Dasanka Kabyare Samajika Chitra-Arjun Das Kabya Bibhuti.

Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact factor – range / average H-index

15. Details of patents and income generated : Nil

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies

(c) Members of faculty are encouraged to participate in state/national/International level seminars/workshops.

(d) Members of faculty are encouraged to do research work by availing teacher fellowship for M.Phil. and Ph.D. degree. They are also provided opportunity for availing short term/long term Research Projects of the UGC.

(e) Members of faculty are encouraged to participate in Refresher/Orientation course organized by different universities.

(f) Peer learning through in house seminars.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 306

18. Students projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental : 100%

Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes : Nil

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty Gopal Krishna Das received State Level award – Literary contribution, conservation of Temple Architecture of Odisha.

Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Mrs. Sunita Tripathy on study leave for Ph.D. work.

Students 20. Seminars/Conference/workshop was organized and the source of funding

(national/international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

UGC sponsored National Seminar “ Prag Bhanjiya Riti Sahitya Dhara

from 21.01.2007 to 22.01.2007.

UGC sponsored National Seminar “ Manabetara Charitra ra Drusti O

Darshan” from 06.05.2015 to 07.05.2015.

Two books were published by UGC grant under CPE scheme a) Bendanta

Sara Gupta Geeta, b) Banamali Rahasa.

Internal Seminar

“Mehera Sahityare Prakruti Chitra on 17.08.2009.

“Loka Gitara Srusti on 03.10.2009.

Kathara Kishori Charana on 05.09.2010.

Gopabandhunka Kabyara Jatiyacharitra on 13.12.2010.

Kalindi Charana Panigrahi Upanyasara samat Chitra on 08.08.2011.

Odia Padabali Sahitya Eka Adhayana on 19.11.2011.

Samakalina Kabita Eka Akalana on 11.12.2011.

Manoj Galpa Manasha on 18.08.2012.

Aranya Fasala eka Nunan Drustikona on 12.10.2012

Anubad Sahitya on 21.01.2013.

Riti Yugara Baisisthya and Galpa Sahityara Dhara on 25.08.2014.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 307

21. Student profile Course-wise:

Name of the Course

Applications received

Selected Male / Female

Pass percentage Male / Female

UG Odia Hons 2011-12

45 35 55%

2012-13 85 48 93% 2013-14 90 60 96% 2014-15 95 59 87%

22. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of students from the College

% of students from the


% of students from other


% of students

from other countries

UG Hons in Odia

40% 100% Nil Nil

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? Quite a few in service sector like Banks, Teaching.

24. Student progression – yet to Appear.

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

UG to PG 40% PG to M.Phil. 15%

PG to Ph.D. 5% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil


Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment


25. Diversity of staff – Not applicable

Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university 84%

from other universities within the State Nil

from other universities from other States 13%

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period.


KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 308

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities a) Library

Seminar Library with 200 books, General Library with 5000/- books b) Internet facilities for staff and students

Common internet facility for staff.

c) Total number of class rooms

01 for Hons class and 18 for General class

d) Class rooms with ICT facility Common ICT facility for all staff members : 02

e) Students’ laboratories Language laboratory available for students and staff.

f) Research laboratories Common Resource Centre : 01

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College. Concessional fees for girls students : 32.

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, give the methodology – No new programme introduced.

30. Does the department obtain feedback from d. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation?

If yes, how does the department utilize it? : yes changes in the curriculum are brought from time to time as per the feedback. For example- CBCS course for U.G. 1st year students.

e. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? : yes the response of the department to the feedback of student the members of staff adopt some suggestions given by the students.

f. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? : yes opinions and comments given in the annual alumni meet is viewed seriously and steps are taken accordingly wherever needed.

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)

1) Prof. Sanghamitra Mishra – Retd. Prof. U.U. 2) Dr. Nilamani Parida, Kendrapara Auto College (Retd.) Reader, Eminent

poet and critics.

3) Dr. Satya Pattanaik Eminent poet Former Reader, BJB Auto college.

4) Dr. Shashi Ratha- Short story writer. 5) Dr. Mihir Sahoo programme officer Sahitya Academy Kolkata.

6) S.J. Tapan Mohapatra Award winner short story writer.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 309

7) Dr. L.N. Raysingh, Retd. Reader, writer. 8) D.J Prafulla Paikaray, Retd. Reader.

9) Prof. Swayamprava Pattanaik, Reader (Prananath College (Autonomous), Khodha.

10) S.J. Gopal Krushan Das Lecturer (Prananath College (Autonomous), Khodha.

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts.

1) 11-11-11 –Seminar on swadhinata Parabarti Prabandhu Sahitya Expert – Dr. Bauri Bandhu Kar. Prof. Berhampur University.

2) 03-11-12 – Swadhinata Purbabarti Odia Patra Patrikara Bikash Dhara. Expert – SJ. Asit Mohanty, Editor Pourush.

3) 26-12-13 – Odia Anubad Sahitya – Sakuntala Baliarsingh former reader. 4) 25-08-14 – Riti Jugar Baisisthya and Galpa Sahity are Dhara

Expert – Prafulla Kumar Paikaray Padmat Pal. 5) 06-05-2015, Dt. 07-05-2015 – Inauguration of Gopi Bhasha. UGC

sponsored national seminar “Manabetara Charitra ra Drusti Darsan”. Expert – Dr. Baishnaba Charan Samal, Retd. Prof., Dr. Santosh Kumar Tripathy, Prof. Uanibihar.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

1) Emphasis on inter-active classes instead of simple lecturing. 2) Group discussion

3) Remedial/ extra class for revision and clearance of doubts. 4) Regular practice of writing by students in the class room and home work.

5) Creative writing : 1) Wall magazine 2) College Magazine” Prateeka” 3) Dept. Magazine “ Dhuli Muthae”

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? After each examination result are assessed. In case of dissatisfactory performance of students, special emphasis is given to that paper.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.

Active participation through N.S.S, N.C.C, Rovers and Rangers, YRC and Yoga. (More than 35 students activity envolved).

36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. 1) On the spot, writing poems.

Short stories and essay. 2) Quiz competition on Odia language and literature.

3) Speech on the spot. 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 310

agencies. NA 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)

of the department. Strength : i) Experienced and well-trained staff.

ii) Disciplined students. iii) House seminars

iv) Odia Sahitya parishada Library “Dhuli Muthae” Weakness : i) Transfer system amongst staff members.

ii) In CBCS (Course) only 50 marks in odia (AECC) Opportunity : i) Odia Sahitya Parishada Library.

ii) Project work of students allows the Teacher/ Supervisors to take new fields of study each year.

Challenges : i) To ensure at least 95% attendance of the students in class.

ii) To create original/ creative assessment of odia literature amongst the students.

39. Future plans of the department : i) Inter-Disciplinary seminar (combined seminars of language subjects like

English, Sanskrit, Hindi) ii) Publication of books (continuity)

iii) Certificate course of communicative odia. iv) Certificate course of creative writing.

v) Odia Journalism. vi) Advocating odia as the only official language in the state.

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 311


1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment : MA in PM & IR, 2009

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.)- PG

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved :

BBA, B. Com, M.Sc. Comp. Sc. 4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system- Semester 5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments-

BBA 6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate

Professors/Asst. Professors)

Sanctioned Filled

Professor 1 1

Associate Professors

Asst. Professors 2 2

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.)

Name Qualification Designation


No. of Years of Experien


No. of Ph.D.


guided in the last 4 years

1.Prof. Lalit Mohan Sahu

2.Prof. Rakesh Kumar Das

3.Prof. Aartee Satapathy




MA(PM&IR), M Phil













8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – 23.8% 9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio- 7.5:1

10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned- 1 and filled- 1

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 312

agencies and grants received project-wise- NA 12. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.; total grants

received- NA 13. Research facility / centre with- NA

state recognition

national recognition

international recognition 14. Publications:

number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)- By Prof. L M Sahu ( National-14 and International- 3 )

Monographs- NA

Chapter(s) in Books- NA

Editing Books- NA

Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers- NA

Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)- NA

Citation Index – range / average- NA



Impact factor – range / average- NA

h-index-NA 15. Details of patents and income generated-Rs 4,42,500/-

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated- NA 17. Faculty recharging strategies- NA

18. Student projects

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental-100%

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries / institutes-100%

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by-Nil


Doctoral / post doctoral fellows

Students 20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding

(national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any- NA

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 313

21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)



Selected Male Female

Pass percentage Male Female

MA(PM&IR) 11 4 7 42.85 57.14 MA(PM&IR) 21 10 11 47.61 52.38

MA(PM&IR) 17 7 10 41.17 58.82

MA(PM&IR) 15 11 4 73.33 26.66

22. Diversity of students

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

% of students from the College

% of students from the


% of students

from other States

% of students

from other


MA(PM&IR) 66.66 33.33 Nil Nil

MA(PM&IR) Nil 100% Nil Nil

MA(PM&IR) 45.45 54.54 Nil Nil

MA(PM&IR) 57.14 33.33 9.52 Nil

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? – 23

24. Student progression

Student progression Percentage against enrolled


PG to M.Phil. NA

PG to Ph.D. NA

Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NA


Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment


Entrepreneurs NA

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25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same parent university 50

from other universities within the State


from other universities from other States

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period- Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

a) Library- 238 Books b) Internet facilities for staff and students-No

c) Total number of class rooms- 2 d) Class rooms with ICT facility- NA

e) Students’ laboratories- No f) Research laboratories- No

28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from College- Nil

29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? No

30. Does the department obtain feedback from- NA a. faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how

does the department utilize it? b. students on staff, curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation and

what is the response of the department to the same? c. alumni and employers on the programmes and what is the response of the

department to the same? 31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)- NA

32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts.

Seminars are arranged to enrich the knowledge of the students with the help of Professors and Readers of various Universities.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes- Class room teaching and smart class room teaching.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored? Through progress register.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities- NA

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36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department- NA 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other

agencies. Give details- NA 38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC)

of the department.

Strengths- Young, dynamic and committed teaching staffs, large stock of books. Weakness- Yet to get streamlined.

Opportunities- Students of low income group can get the scholarship while pursuing course.

Challenges- To get the proper identity within the college. 39. Future plans of the department

To make this department as one of the best in Odisha for gaining management knowledge.

Post-accreditation Initiatives

If the college has already undergone the accreditation process by NAAC, please highlight the significant quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken during the last four years. The narrative may not exceed five pages.

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1. Name of the Department & its year of establishment M.SC. COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2009.

2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) M. Sc. in Computer Science

3. Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved Computer Skills course is offered to non-computer students like B.Sc. (Physical Science, Living Science), B.Com, B.A etc.

4. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system Semester.

5. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments. M.A. in PMIR – Management Information System (MIS).

6. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors) :

Sanctioned Filled Professor N/A N/A Associate Professors N/A N/A Asst. Professors 02 02

7. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

(D.Sc./D.Litt./ Ph.D./M.Phil., etc.) Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. o

Years of Experience

No. of Ph.D.

students guided in the last 4

years Lala Sunil Kumar Rai

M.C.A Lecturer Automata Theory, j2ee

05 N/A

Amiya Ranjan Pattnaik

M.C.A Lecturer Neworking , DBMS

02 N/A

Sutapa Mitra


Instructor C/C++/Oracle 01 N/A

8. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-

wise information : 25% 9. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio. M. Sc. in Computer Science : (16 : 1) 10. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff:

sanctioned and filled. : 1 Course Director : Dr. Lalit Mohan Sahoo

11. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international

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funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Mention names of funding agencies and grants received project-wise. : Nil

11. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc.;

total grants received. : Nil

13. Research facility / centre with state recognition : Nil national recognition : Nil international recognition : Nil

14. Publications:

number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) : Nil Monographs : Nil Chapter(s) in Books : Nil Editing Books : Nil Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers : Nil

number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) : Nil

Citation Index – range / average : Nil SNIP : Nil SJR : Nil Impact factor – range / average : Nil h-index : Nil

15. Details of patents and income generated. : Patents – Nil Since this is a self financing course, all income is generated through

student fees

16. Areas of consultancy and income generated. : Nil

17. Faculty recharging strategies Attending workshops, seminars, conferences etc.

18. Student projects

percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental : 30%

percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with industries /institutes : 70%

19. Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by

Faculty : Nil Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : Nil Students : Nil

20. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding

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(national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Nil

21. Student profile course-wise:

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

Applications received

Selected Male Female

Pass percentage Male Female

M. Sc. in Computer Science (Since 2009)


45 40 90% 100%

22. Diversity of students

Name of the Course (refer question no. 2)

% of students from

the College

% of students from the


% of students

from other States

% of students

from other

countries M. Sc. in Computer Science

30% 100% NIL NIL

23. How many students have cleared Civil Services, Defense Services, NET,

SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations? : Nil

24. Student progression

Student progression Percentage against

UG to PG 30% PG to M.Phil. PG to Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment

NIL 80%


25. Diversity of staff

Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same parent university 80% from other universities within the State 20% from other universities from other States Nil

26. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. : Nil

27. Present details about infrastructural facilities

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a) Library : Nearly 181 books b) Internet facilities for staff and students:

Internet facilities are available in the labs for faculty

Students use the internet lab.

c) Total number of class rooms : 3 d) Class rooms with ICT facility : 1 e) Students’ laboratories : 2

f) Research laboratories : 1 28. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from

college. : 01 29. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of

new program(s)? If so, give the methodology. Yes. Experts on the Academic Council were consulted before introducing elective papers for the final year PG programme.

Two options are offered (i) Data Warehousing (ii) Internet Technology

30. Does the department obtain feedback from a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how

does the department utilize it? : Yes, the methods followed for practical classes are in keeping with latest technologies.

b. Students on staff, curriculum a s well as teaching-learning-evaluation and what is the response of the department to the same? Yes. Modifications in the curriculum have been made based on feedback.

c. Alumni a nd employers on the programmes and what is the response of the department to the same? : No

31. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10).

N.A. 32. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops / seminar) with external experts. Induction and orientation session were held in presence of external experts.

33. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.

PowerPoint presentations, use of over head projector, guest lectures.

34. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?

The programme is designed to help students to find placement in industry soon after Post graduation.

Learning outcomes monitored through seminars, viva,

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assignments, revision tests, creative presentations of concepts, developing own programmes.

35. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities.

N.A. 36. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.

Organizing seminars, exhibitions, workshops and competitions.

Poster Model Presentations and paper presentations by students. 37. State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other

agencies. Give details.

The Department is yet to be accredited by external agencies but efforts are on to get accreditation.

38. Detail any five Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department.


Well updated domain knowledge

Creativity in teaching

Successful motivation of students


Instability due to constant change in faculty


Good library for developing subject knowledge

Research opportunities


Since the college is located in semi-urban area, the learning level of incoming students poses a challenge.

Most of the students from very disadvantaged section of the society, and are unable to pay. Thus, funds crunch is a major challenge

39. Future plans of the department.

To train students for placement.

Hands on training in software

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2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



Demand Ratio (Undergraduate)

Students Strength (Undergraduate)









(2013) (2014) (2015) (2013) (2014) (2015) (2013) (2014) (2015)

Arts Science Commerce


1728 1856

31643347 3377

13921555 1475

400 469 475 320 366 496 377 457 458



KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 332

Student Ratios (Undergraduate)

Students Ratio (Post Graduate)

Arts Male12%

Arts Female22%

Science Male18%

Science Female13%

Commerce Male24%

Commerce Female


PMIR Male20%

PMIR Female10%

Comp. Sc. Male31%

Comp. Sc. Female39%

KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 333

Success Rate

Faculty Position with respect to their highest qualification








2011 2012 2013 2014 2015Commerce 96 93 94 97 97

Arts 91 84 94 92 92

Science 85 82 85 93 92


s Ti





KHORDHA, ODISHA - 752057 | Prananath College(Autonomous), Khordha, Odisha 334

Library Aquisition

Library Journals













2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15No.of Books 56992 59135 61275 63360


s Ti












2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15No. of Books 24 42 38 43


s Ti


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Going in for the process of 2nd cycle of accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is a continuous process of documenting developments in the institution. The efforts to prepare the Self-study Report began in right earnest after a staff meeting with the Principal in the chair in September 2014. The Prof.-in-charge of UGC section Dr. Brajabandhu Padhiary and Co-ordinator of the SSR steering committee Prof. Sunil Kumar Pattnaik and Prof. Debasish Panda, Coordinator, IQAC led the team and assigned specific job roles to the members. Data collection, data analysis and action taken reports were done with the involvement of all members of staff.

Dr. Ranjita Sethi, Prof. Soumendra Mishra and Dr. Pradeepta Kumar Mohapatra took up the major job of collecting, collating and analysing the inputs from the examination cell, admission cell, accounts section, the administration section and the departments. The endeavour of preparation of the Self-Study Report was led by Dr. Binayak Rath. The assistance of Shri Umakanta Martha, a tireless and enthusiastic member of the team brought the Report to shape. Shri Chandan Muduli also lent his able support in this initiative.

The college acknowledges and appreciates the enthusiastic participation of all members of staff in this endeavour.
