Self Insurers of South Australia Introducing Gallagher Bassett


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Self Insurers of South Australia

Introducing Gallagher Bassett

Who is GB ?

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co

Gallagher Bassett Services Inc.

Gallagher Bassett Australia

IMA Gallagher Bassett

Brief History - Who is AJG ?

Post WW1- 1919

No brokers - insurance sold by agents

AJG a bookkeeper at an insurance agent

Success at door knocking

Resigned 25 Aug 1927

Focussed on commercial lines

Insurance readily available – ample labour pool

No financial incentive for risk management

The Beginnings of Risk Management

AJG recognised an opportunity for businesses

Reduced losses = time and productivity savings

Hannah trucking = driver incentive rewards and penalties.

Bonus for driving well, penalties for chargeable accidents or

unsafe driving

Expanded to dairies, other transport companies

Truck safety focus as a consequence

The Beginnings of Self Insurance

1938 - AJG co-designed the Retrospective Rating Program of the

Hartford Group

Gave customers credit for containing their losses

Premium reflects insured’s experience – 18 month review - 12

month review thereafter

The first step towards self insurance and the alternative market

Beginnings not only of self insurance, but of risk management


The Beginnings of Self Insurance

Further steps towards SI

1938 wrote the first large deductible fire policy in Chicago for the

Bowman Dairy Co.

Later, AJG established self insurance plan for Chicago archdiocese

Large deductibles and experience rating are now common practice

The Beginnings of Self Insurance

1957 - AJG wins Beatrice Foods account

premiums based on exposure to loss, irrespective of the actual losses

Beatrice keen to establish their own ins company to reduce costs

At this time some comp SI but no commercial SI

The Beginnings of Self Insurance

Need a claims system and claims managers to be a successful SI

Sterling Bassett claims adjuster at the General Adjusting Bureau.

A friend and neighbour who caught the train into Chicago

“Gallagher Bassett” November 10 1962

March 1 1963, Beatrice becomes a self insurer

The Beginnings of Self Insurance

Adjusters and in house lawyers recruited

Developed a claims management system

Created a insurance company style operation

Became very unpopular with other insurers

Self insurance program for the archdiocese to be self insured

Millions saved in insurance costs

Recent Gallagher Bassett Statistics

660,000 claims per annum

3400 employees


80% of global claim volume = compensation claims

15,000 approved physios, chiros, occ therapists in 6000 locations

across the US

Operations in US, UK, Canada, Australia

Recent Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Statistics

2006 revenue $US 1.5 bill

8700 employees

Virtually debt free

Tangible net worth $US 334 mill


15 years operational presence SA

120 years experience in the management team

GB’s WorkCover tender application

IMA an ideal fit with GB’s claims management background

Support for IMA’s core claims, OH&S and other consulting service

Applying the Knowledge

Recent Gallagher Bassett Assignments

Examples of GB assignments

Mercury energy

NZ Earthquake Commission

Victorian workers compensation

NSW workers compensation

HIH Claim Support Limited

Large domestic insurer

Mercury energy

19 Feb 1998 Auckland CBD loses power supply

Damage to main power supply infrastructure

GB team of 30 established within 10 days

10,000 claims settled in 3 months

Not one class action commenced

Entire project settled for less than once third of the government’s

actuarial assessment.

NZ Earthquake Commission

Natural Disaster Fund approx $5.4 bill

60 Year history

Approx 7000 claims per annum

Operates from GB’s Brisbane office

Business continuity considerations

NZ time and procedures

Client branded service

Victorian workers compensation

22 April 2002 – license granted – 14 staff

Operational 1 July 2002 with 90 staff

9000 “active” claims – unmatched mail

18000 employers

11.7% market share

Currently approx 2700 open claims

180 staff

Oct 2006 – actuarial release of $165 mill

NSW workers compensation

October 2005 - license granted

5% market share premium - 10% market share policies

Approx 30,000 employers -32,791 policies

4660 long tail claims received

Tail now at 2460 – reduction of 2200

Approx 190 staff

HIH Claim Support Limited

Australia’s largest corporate collapse

ICA intervention - entitlement scheme

Tender in 2004 - GB successful

KPI – 60 per month – GB achieved 127 per month

Legal cost component reduction

Internal mediation capability

Fee saved prior to the start of the contract

Large domestic insurer

Portfolio A 12000 claims

reserves 3.8 msettlements 1.0 m

savings 2.8 m

Portfolio B 8500 claims

reserves 5.3 msettlements 0.9 m

savings 4.4 m

Total Savings 7.2 m

The Third Portfolio

Future Direction

Steady, considered growth

Continue the focus on working with underwriters and brokers

Government sector

New Zealand – ACC

Self Insurers

South Australia and Queensland jurisdictions
