Self assessment of front cover design


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Mini Self-Assessment of Front Cover Design Does this look like a professional magazine cover? Give reasons for your answer.

This magazine doesn’t look professional to me as it looks like it needs more care and attention put into the text and images. The text seems randomly placed and the white background stands out more than the text and images. Also, the black border around the pumpkin is cut off slightly making it look like little care has been taken when making it. The photo is also rather rough and blurry and looks like it’s been cut out poorly.

How have you used the information from your student questionnaire findings to make sure that choices made will appeal to your target audience? Give examples I used information such as the type fonts and colours that were the favorites within the survey and then used them in the design of the front cover. I also featured sell-lines for suggested articles which could be inside the magazine to attract the target audience. How easy or difficult did you find In Design to use? It was easy to use; the interface was similar to Photoshop so I could work my way around it easily. How easy or difficult did you find using Photoshop to enhance and cut out your main image? It was easy to use; I’ve used Photoshop before and so knew my way around the interface. Have you followed magazine cover conventions? You will display this by creating a PDF of your cover and labeling all parts of your cover and posting this onto your blog.

Sell-line This sell-line links to the cover photo in the center. I’ve also used the same “Prior” from the masthead to keep a theme going.

Masthead I’ve used the purple from the background on the C and the M to create continuity. I’ve also used the same red on the text too elsewhere.

Special edition logo This pumpkin is displaying that the magazine is a special edition and a one of a kind. I’ve used the same red for the text as what I used on the P in the masthead.

Sell-line This sell-line doesn’t directly link to the cover image. It’s linking to an article inside the magazine.

Cover image The cover image is the main focus of the magazine. Since this is a “Halloween edition” it features a girl in costume.

Sell-line This sell-line links to articles within the magazine, it will attract the target audience too.

Secondary image This secondary image continues the Halloween theme within the magazine. It also advertises a possible article inside the magazine.

Sell-line This sell-line links to the secondary image next to it. It follows the red, black and purple theme too.