Self-assembly based post-translational protein oscillatorsFeb 12, 2020  · Self-assembly based...


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Self-assembly based post-translational protein oscillators

Ofer Kimchi,1, ∗ Carl P. Goodrich,1 Alexis Courbet,2, 3 Agnese I. Curatolo,1

Nicholas B. Woodall,2, 3, 4 David Baker,2, 3, 4 and Michael P. Brenner1, 5

1Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA 021382Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 981053Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105

4Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 981055Kavli Institute for Bionano Science and Technology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138

Recent advances in synthetic post-translational protein circuits are significantly impacting thelandscape of biomimicry engineering. However, designing sustained dynamic phenomena in thesecircuits remains an outstanding challenge. Inspired by the KaiABC system regulating the circadianclock in cyanobacteria, we develop two experimentally realizable post-translational oscillators. Theoscillators rely on a small number of components interacting only through reversible binding andphosphorylation/dephosphorylation reactions.


Protein oscillators play a major regulatory rolein organisms ranging from prokaryotes to humans.In most biological cases, the oscillation is realizedthrough transcription/translation cycles. Few ex-amples of purely post-translational oscillators havebeen found in biology [1, 2]. At the same time, post-translational protein circuits are increasingly soughtafter for synthetic applications, since they have thepotential to exhibit faster response to environmentchanges, allow for more direct control over the cir-cuit behavior, be directly coupled to a functionaloutput, and can be employed in contexts that don’tinclude the vast genetic apparatus [3–5]. While sig-nificant recent work has enabled the design of post-translational protein-based logic gates [4, 5], engi-neering dynamic phenomena such as oscillations ina post-translational context remains an outstandingchallenge [6, 7].

The best-studied example of biological post-translational protein oscillators is the KaiABC sys-tem in cyanobacteria [8]. By placing only the pro-teins KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC in a test tube, alongwith abundant ATP, the KaiC proteins collectivelyget sequentially phosphorylated and dephosphory-lated, forming an oscillatory cycle [9, 10]. While theKaiC proteins generally exist in a hexameric state,monomers are shuffled among the hexamers duringonly a certain phase of the oscillatory cycle [11]. TheKaiABC system demonstrates that protein oscilla-tors need not use transcription/translation cycles orlarge numbers of components to achieve oscillatorybehavior.

Motivated by the KaiABC system, we set out todesign a protein-based oscillator that could be re-


constituted in vitro using only a small number ofcomponents at relatively high copy numbers, so thatany resulting oscillations are not stochastic. In orderto facilitate the future translation of this theoreticalstudy to an experimental system, we base the archi-tecture of our system on biochemical constraints andon a design space navigable through computationalprotein design. We constrain the kinetic reactionnetwork to only include three protein species, andonly allow reversible binding and phosphorylation-dephosphorylation enzyme reactions.

The simplest such system, a protein with onephosphorylation site being modified by a kinase anda phosphatase, cannot yield oscillations regardlessof parameter choices [7]. When two phosphoryla-tion sites are included, oscillations are possible onlyunder the assumption that each of the four possi-ble phosphorylation states has significantly differentrates of subsequent phosphorylations and dephos-phorylations [7]. While biology seems to have de-signed a system in KaiABC capable of undergoingthe many conformational changes necessary to im-plement this form of oscillations [9], the design ofeven two (let alone several) protein structures fromthe same sequence remains a significant challenge forthe field of computational protein design [12].

These challenges are not unique to molecules withtwo phosphorylation sites. For example, since oscil-lations for molecules with two phosphorylation sitesare effected by enzyme sequestration [7], we con-sider a molecule containing a single phosphorylationsite alongside a kinase- or phosphatase-sequesteringdomain (or a binding domain for an external com-pound that itself contains an enzyme-binding do-main). Such systems are capable of producingoscillations–but only if phosphorylation and bindingaccompany a significant conformational change inthe molecule that modifies the rate constants of sub-sequent reactions. Even assuming such a conforma-

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tional change were designed, we have found no evi-dence of sustained oscillations in such systems withinthe parameter regimes of typical binding/unbindingrate constants and typical kinase and phosphataseactivity (i.e. the catalytic rate and Michaelis con-stants kcat and KM , discussed further below). SeeFig. S1 for further discussion.

Systems which focus on modifications to the en-zymes themselves are therefore more likely candi-dates for the production of experimentally realiz-able oscillations. Biology has found several waysto tie phosphorylation to enzymatic activity. Themost straightforward conceptually, having the activ-ity of an enzyme dependent on its phosphorylationstate [13] remains a challenge to implement in thecontext of computational protein design [14]. How-ever, the field has achieved remarkable success inthe design of protein-protein interactions [15] whichcan be modified by phosphorylation [16, 17]. Boot-strapping off of this success, we consider proteinswhich self-assemble into multimeric functional en-zymes, motivated in part by the success of using splitproteases to implement post-translational protein-based logic gates [4, 5]. In our design, when the pro-teins’ binding interfaces are phosphorylated, theirself-assembly is impededed, reducing the concentra-tion of functional enzymes available in the system.

Here, we describe two design schema for suchself-assembly based post-translational protein oscil-lators. Our designed oscillators include only threeprotein species, and only allow reversible bindingand phosphorylation-dephosphorylation enzyme re-actions. We first consider self-assembly into closedsymmetric homomultimers of specified size, and thendiscuss a similar system of one-dimensional un-bounded assembly (fibers). These two system aredescribed schematically in Fig. 1a and b respec-tively.


Self-assembly based protein oscillators are ableto function within experimental constraints

The main components of our oscillators are twoproteins, which we call κ and ρ. Each individualprotein of type κ(ρ) has two complementary partsof a split kinase(phosphatase) and a phosphoryla-tion site. When the respective sites are dephos-phorylated, copies of protein κ(ρ) can self-assembleinto a functional kinase(phosphatase), which we callK(P ). Thus, self-assembled kinases inhibit the self-assembly of new proteins while self-assembled phos-phatases counteract the inhibition (Fig. 1c). Theresulting circuit topology (Fig. 1d) is analogous to

that used in the dual-feedback genetic oscillator [18].We treat the self-assembled enzyme as only one func-tional protein because the copies of the enzyme areall colocalized. In addition to the proteins κ and ρ,we include a constitutive phosphatase P ; without it,a stable fixed point where all proteins are phospho-rylated can preclude oscillations.

Because we are motivated by experimental feasi-bility, we consider only physically realizable parame-ters for our models. Binding rates kb are typically inthe range 10−2−100 µM−1s−1 [19] with dissociationconstants kd typically in the 10−3 − 103 µM range[20]. Both of these quantities can be tuned basedon the geometry, energy, and symmetry of the bind-ing interface between the proteins, which we assumehere to be designed de novo. Less straightforwardto design are the Michaelis constants and catalyticrates of the kinase and phosphatase, especially sincethese depend strongly not only on the enzyme buton the substrate. Mutational screens can be usedto adjust the parameters but predicting the effect ofa mutation on kcat or KM is highly nontrivial [21].We were unable to find studies measuring kinase andphosphatase rates on the same substrate. Instead,as a standard to demonstrate physical realizability,we consider the parameters for sample Ser/Thr en-zymes: wildtype λ-PPase (phosphatase) acting onpNPP (kcat = 2.0 × 103 s−1; KM = 1.0 × 104µM)and wildtype MST4 (kinase) acting on the shortpeptide chain NKGYNTLRRKK (kcat = 3.1 s−1;KM = 14µM) [21, 22]. We assume throughout that

the constitutive phosphatase P behaves identicallyto the self-assembled P .

To determine if the two systems are capableof producing oscillations within experimental con-straints, we numerically integrated their respectivekinetic equations within the parameter ranges out-lined above. Our results, presented in Fig. 2,demonstrate a significant portion of parameter spacein each system capable of admitting sustained oscil-lations. To our knowledge, these systems representthe first synthetic frameworks for experimentally re-alizable post-translational protein oscillators.

Bounded self-assembly can yield oscillationswhose behavior is well-predicted by simple


To find how the system parameters determine thecharacteristics of the oscillations, we seek simpli-fied analytically tractable formulae that clarify thefundamentals of the oscillations. To this end, weconsider concentrations which are low compared tothe Michaelis constants, such that the concentrationof enzymatic intermediates can be neglected. This

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FIG. 1. Model and oscillations overview. A: Bounded self-assembly (Eqn. 1). Monomers contain two halvesof a split enzyme: either kinase (red; top) or phosphatase (blue; bottom). Monomers can self-assemble into multimersof specified size (here, tetramers are pictured, corresponding to n = m = 4). Kinase (phosphatase) multimers can(de)phosphorylate the monomers. A constitutive phosphatase is also able to dephosphorylate the monomers (notpictured). Phosphorylated monomers cannot participate in the self-assembly. B: Unbounded self-assembly (Eqn.9). In this model, self-assembly of the kinase and phosphatase monomers is into unbounded fibers of arbitrary length.In addition, we assume the final monomer of each fiber can get phosphorylated by a kinase multimer, at which pointit can no longer rejoin the fiber until it is dephosphorylated. C: Oscillation schematic. A sample oscillation of thesimplified bounded self-assembly model (Eqn. 1) using arbitrarily chosen parameters satisfying experimental con-straints. The system starts with self-assembled kinases and phosphatases (top right). The phosphatases disassemblemuch faster than the kinases, and get phosphorylated by the latter (bottom right). The kinases slowly disassemble,enabling the gradual dephosphorylation and self-assembly of the phosphatase monomers (bottom left). Once kinaselevels fall below a critical threshold, the assembled phosphatases are able to rapidly promote their own self-assemblythrough dephosphorylation faster than the kinases can disrupt it (top left). Kinase monomers are then able toself-assemble and return the system to its initial state (top right). D: Oscillator topology. By phophorylatingmonomers, kinase multimers (red; top) inhibit their own and phosphatase multimer (blue; bottom) self assembly.Similarly, phophatase multimers counteracts this inhibition, as does constitutive phosphatase (center).

approximation, like others we will consider, is notobeyed by all oscillating solutions found numerically(Fig. 2) but is nonetheless useful in clarifying thefundamentals of a large swath of the oscillations.We find that, in contrast to well-known examplesfrom other systems which rely on enzyme sequestra-tion to achieve oscillations [6, 7], neglecting enzymesequestration does not preclude oscillations for oursystems. In order to reduce our systems further toonly two differential equations, we assume a separa-tion of timescales between the self-assembly and theenzymatic activity.

For the first system we’ll describe of all-or-nothingbounded self-assembly (Fig. 1a), we assume thatphosphorylation/dephosphorylation reactions equi-librate much faster than self-assembly. After ac-counting for conservation laws and the approxi-mations described, we arrive at the following two-dimensional system of equations:


dt= kbκ

(κtot − nK1 + ηκ


)n− kuκK


dt= kbρ

(ρtot −mP1 + ηρ


)m− kuρP


where we’ve normalized all concentrations (including

binding rates) by dividing by P . We briefly definethe parameters: n(m) is the number of monomers ina multimer of κ(ρ); kbκ is the binding rate for κ intoits multimeric state, kuκ is the respective unbindingrate, and kdκ the inverse ratio of the two; ηKκ isthe specificity constant kcat/KM for the kinase Kacting on κ, ηPκ is the same for the phosphatase P ,and ηκ = ηKκ/ηPκ; κtot is the total concentrationof monomeric κ added to the system, a conservedquantity. Similar quantities are defined for ρ.

In order to describe the oscillatory behavior of thesystem, we seek the eigenvalues of the Jacobian in

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FIG. 2. a: Bounded two-state self-assembly oscillations. Numerical integration of Eqn. S1 (Fig. 1A)displays parameter regimes leading to oscillations within experimental constraints. Each subplot shows the locationof oscillating parameter sets as a function of kdκ and kdρ for given kbκ and kbρ; the latter two are varied for eachsubplot. Aside from experimental constraints (see main text for discussion) we set n = m = 2, κtot = ρtot = 10µM,

and Ptot = 10−4µM. Blue points denote parameter sets leading to sustained oscillations; yellow points to steady state.Below the plot we show a few example trajectories in K − P phase space. We show that even minor variations inparameters can yield qualitatively different dynamics. In these trajectories, the values of the concentrations and timeare omitted for clarity, but can be found in Fig. S2. b: Unbounded incremental self-assembly oscillations.Numerical integration of Eqn. 9 (Fig. 1B) displays parameter regimes leading to oscillations within experimentalconstraints. Eqn. 9 was used in place of the full system of equations (Eqn. S3) because of the infinite-dimensionalityof the latter. ρtot sets the concentration-scale.

the vicinity of a fixed point (K?, P ?). Oscillationsrequire coupling between the equations, motivatingthe approximations that in the oscillatory regime,ηκK

? � P ?+ 1 (and same for ηρ), κtot � nK?, andρtot � mP ?. The fixed point in these limits is givenby

P ?(n+1) = γ (P ? + 1)m

K? = αP ?(n/m)(2)

where γ and α are unitless constants defined by

γ =kmdκkn+1dρ




α =kn/mdρ





We constrain ourselves to m ≤ n+1 so that withinour approximations there is no more than one phys-

ical fixed point in the system as long as P > 0, sim-plifying our analysis. (When no solutions to Eqn. 2exist, our assumptions leading to it break down).

Sustained oscillations in the system typically cor-respond to complex eigenvalues of the Jacobian withpositive real parts. However, following the Poincare-Bendixson Theorem, as long as our system has asingle fixed point, instability of the fixed point mustimply oscillations even if they are beyond the linearregime. Translated into constraints on P ?, instabil-ity of the fixed point gives a lower bound:

P ? >(n+ 1)kuκ + kuρ

(m− 1)kuρ − (n+ 1)kuκ(4)

The upper bound on P ? is given by self-consistency with the previous assumptions we made(those leading to Eqn. 2).

Because Equation 2 can’t be solved for P ? forgeneral n,m, we consider the approximation that

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FIG. 3. a: Onset of oscillations. Numerical in-tegration demonstrates consistency with Eqn. 5 forthe appearance of oscillations in the appropriate limits.Each point represents a random set of parameters, sam-pled within the experimentally realizable limits as de-scribed in the main text, with n = m = 2. Oscillating(blue) and non-oscillating (yellow) parameter sets can bewell-separated by unitless combinations of parameters.Dashed lines show where the unitless parameters on theaxes equal unity. b: Oscillation frequency. Numer-ical integration demonstrates Eqn. 6 correctly predictsthe frequency of oscillations in the linear regime aroundthe fixed point (dashed line represents ω2 = ω2

pred), butis not predictive outside this regime.

P ? = γ1/(n+1−m) � 1, equivalent within the con-straint m < n + 1 to γ � 1. This approximationis most accurate for small values of m, since fewerterms are neglected. The approximation is moti-vated by the intuition that oscillations require P tobe non-negligible compared to P ; indeed, an oppo-site self-consistent solution, in which P ? � 1, is in-compatible with oscillations.

In this limit, oscillations can be found when

ν ≡ (m− 1)kuρ(n+ 1)kuκ

> 1. (5)

We verify that the approximate formula given byEquation 5 is valid in describing Eqn. 1 by com-paring it to oscillations found by random parame-ter searches in panel a of Fig. 3. We numerically

integrate the unitful version of Eqn. 1 with ran-dom parameters chosen to satisfy the experimentalconstraints described previously (including settingηκ = ηρ) and with n = m = 2. We constrain con-centrations κtot and ρtot to be within 10−3−102µM,while we set the bounds of P to 10−8 − 10−2µM.For each parameter set, we numerically estimatethe fixed point using Python’s scipy.optimize.rootfunction. We only show parameter sets estimatedto agree with the approximations described beforeEqn. 2 (with > 5× substituted for �). We foundno oscillations in ∼ 2.5 × 104 parameter sets whichviolate any of these assumptions (e.g. for whichηKK

? < P ? + 1). Each blue (yellow) point in thefigure corresponds to a single parameter set found toproduce (not produce) oscillations starting from ini-tial conditions of (K,P ) = (0, 0). Oscillations are al-most exclusively found in the quadrant γ > 1, ν > 1.Values of γ slightly less than unity are also found toproduce oscillations, as shown in the figure.

In contrast to intuition from other systems whichsignifies that higher order nonlinearities increase theparameter range producing oscillations [6], here wefound that more non-linear self-assembly (i.e. highervalues of n and m) makes oscillations less frequent.

We next seek to predict how system parameterstune the frequency of resulting oscillations whenthey appear. Within the linear regime around thefixed point, in the limit of Eqn. 5, the frequency ofoscillations ω is predicted to be

ω2pred = − 1

4[(n+ 1)kuκ + (m− 1) kuρ]


+ nmkuκkuρ.(6)

We compare Eqn. 6 to the true squared fre-quency for those parameter sets found to produceoscillations through numerical integration in panelb of Fig. 3. We make no constraints on the fixedpoints of the parameter sets considered here. Thex-axis shows the predicted squared frequency whilethe y-axis shows the true squared frequency. Forω2pred > 0, the two formulae agree (dashed line).

For ω2pred < 0, ω2

pred is no longer predictive sincethe oscillations cannot be understood through lin-ear stability analysis of the fixed point. Oscillationsfound within experimental constraints for Eqn. 1have periods ranging from fractions of a second to> 1 day (Fig. S3). For oscillations found for the fullsystem of equations plotted in Fig. 2a, we find pe-riods within a slightly more constrained range thanfor the simplified system but still spanning orders ofmagnitude, between ∼ 1 minute and > 1 day (notshown).

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Unbounded self-assembly can yield oscillationswithin experimental constraints in an opposite


We next consider the second system in which in-dividual species κ and ρ can self-assemble incremen-tally into one-dimensional unbounded fibers (Fig.1b). While in the previous system, no phosphory-lation sites are accessible in the multimeric state, inthis system, one is (corresponding to the final pro-tein in the fiber). An n-mer of species X, Xn, canbe created either from binding two smaller moleculesXm and Xn−m, or from the spontaneous breaking ofa bond of a larger molecule. A molecule of Xn canbe destroyed either by binding to any other moleculeor breaking any of its n − 1 bonds. The equationsfor self-assembly of species X are therefore given by


dt= kbX


XmXn−m − 2Xn




+ kuX



Xm − (n− 1)Xn

) (7)

As in the first system, each protein of type κ(ρ) in-cludes a split kinase(phosphatase). We assume whena multimer is phosphorylated its final monomer dis-sociates from the fiber and cannot reassociate in itsphosphorylated state. A less stringent assumption,that the phosphorylated monomer doesn’t dissociateautomatically but merely prevents new monomersfrom binding to that end of the molecule, appearsto be incompatible with oscillations, at least in bothseparation-of-timescales limits.

While the limit considered for the first system, offast phosphorylation/dephosphorylation comparedto self-assembly, is no longer applicable for this sys-tem, we find oscillations in the opposite limit, offast self-assembly compared to enzymatic activity.At steady-state, Xn is given by:

Xn =kuXkbX


1 + x+√

1 + 2x


where x = 2kbXXtot/kuX = 2Xtot/kdX . The samesteady state is reached even if self-assembly involvesbinding and unbinding only a single monomer at atime.

The concentrations of phosphorylated monomersas a function of time are given by κp and ρp. Thetotal amount of kinase present is given by K =∑∞i=2 κi, and similarly for phosphatase. Since only

the phosphorylation site of the final monomer in amultimer is exposed, the total number of availablephosphorylation sites in the κ species is given by

∑∞i=1 κi (and similarly for ρ). After neglecting inter-

mediates as previously, the system can be describedby two differential equations for k = 2(κtot−κp)/kdκand p = 2(ρtot− ρp)/kdρ (as in Eqn. 1 we normalize

concentrations by P ):




1 +√

1 + 2kK + ηPκ


− k)

(P + 1)




1 +√

1 + 2pK + ηPρ


− p)

(P + 1)

K = kdκk2

(1 +√

1 + 2k)(1 + k +√

1 + 2k)

P = kdρp2

(1 +√

1 + 2p)(1 + p+√

1 + 2p).

(9)Unlike in the previous system for which the fre-

quency and onset of oscillations can be determinedby simple formulae by taking a limit of the two-dimensional system, no such limits give similarlystraightforward results for Eqn. 9. Instead, we an-alyze Eqn. 9 through random parameter searches(Fig. 2b). We chose to analyze this two-dimensionalsystem directly rather than the full equations (Eqn.S3) because of the infinite-dimensionality of the lat-ter. As shown in the figure, we find that increasedvalues of κtot/ρtot and decreased values of Ptot/ρtotlead to more robust oscillations in this system. Theperiods of oscillations found ranged from < 1 minuteto > 1 day (Fig. S3).


In summary, we have presented two post-translational protein-based oscillators motivated bythe biological KaiABC system. Both systems wepresent rely on split kinase and phosphatase self-assembling to form functional enzymes, and on thatself-assembly being inhibited by phosphorylation ofthe split monomers. The two systems differ mainlyin the nature of the self-assembly as all-or-nothinginto bounded structures of specified size or incre-mental into unbounded one-dimensional fibers.

Both systems are capable of producing os-cillations within experimental constraints, usingexperimentally-determined wildtype values for ki-nase and phosphatase activity and for a range of de-signed self-assembly rates. We have shown that nei-ther complex reactions nor large number of speciesare necessary to achieve oscillations: both networkswe present use only three protein species interact-ing only through reversible binding and phosphory-lation/dephosphorylation reactions, and the result-ing oscillations can be understood as arising from a

.CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseavailable under a(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made

The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted February 13, 2020. ; bioRxiv preprint


minimal system of two differential equations in bothcases. Although the systems we described sharedmuch in common, they only produced oscillations inlimits which precluded oscillations in the other sys-tem: the first oscillates when self-assembly is muchslower than enzymatic reactions; the second when itis much faster.

Our work paves the way towards the rational de-sign and experimental realization of protein-basedfar-from-equilibrium dynamic systems. The modelsdescribed here were designed to be feasible to synthe-size experimentally, and are guiding an implementa-tion in the test tube that is currently underway.

We thank Arvind Murugan for helpful discussions.

This work was supported by the Harvard MaterialsResearch Science and Engineering Center Grant No.DMR-1420570 and ONR Grant No. N00014-17-1-3029 (to M.P.B). O.K. acknowledges funding fromthe DoD through NDSEG Fellowship 32 CFR 168a,the NSF-Simons Center for Mathematical and Sta-tistical Analysis of Biology at Harvard award num-ber 1764269, and the Harvard Quantitative BiologyInitiative. A.C. is a recipient of the Human FrontiersScience Program Long Term Fellowship and a Wash-ington Research Foundation Senior Fellow. an investigator of the Simons Foundation.

The authors declare no competing interests.

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Full kinetic equations

We denote the concentration of phosphorylated (monomeric) κ by κp (and similarly for ρ). The concentra-tion of the enzyme-substrate complex comprised of κ and K bound is denoted κ ·K. Binding, unbinding, andcatalytic rate constants for the enzyme-substrate complexes are given by kbKκ, kuKκ, and kcKκ, respectively.We use similar conventions for all other enzyme-substrate complexes. The full equations for the first systemare:

dt= − n(kbκκ

n + kuκK)− kbKκκK + kuKκκ ·K + kcPκ(κp · P + κp · P )

dt= −m(kbρρ

m + kuρP )− kbKρρK + kuKρρ ·K + kcPρ(ρp · P + ρp · P )


dt= kbκκ

n − kuκK − kbKκκK + (kuKκ + kcKκ)κ ·K − kbKρρK + (kuKρ + kcKρ)ρ ·K


dt= kbρρ

m − kuρP − kbPκκpP + (kuPκ + kcPκ)κp · P − kbPρρpP + (kuPρ + kcPρ)ρ · P


dt= − kbPκκp(P + P ) + kuPκ(κp · P + κp · P ) + kcKκκ ·K


dt= − kbPρρp(P + P ) + kuPρ(ρ

p · P + ρp · P ) + kcKρρ ·K

dκ ·Kdt

= kbKκκK − (kuKκ + kcKκ)κ ·K

dρ ·Kdt

= kbKρρK − (kuKρ + kcKρ)ρ ·K

dκp · Pdt

= kbPκκpP − (kuPκ + kcPκ)κp · P

dρp · Pdt

= kbPρρpP − (kuPρ + kcPρ)ρ

p · P

dκp · Pdt

= kbPκκpP − (kuPκ + kcPκ)κp · P

dρp · Pdt

= kbPρρpP − (kuPρ + kcPρ)ρ

p · P


dt= − kbPκκpP + (kuPκ + kcPκ)κp · P − kbPρρpP + (kuPρ + kcPρ)ρ · P .


Making only the Michaelis-Menten approximation for enzymatic reactions and accounting for conservationlaws, the equations can be reduced to the following four-dimensional system of equations:


dt= kbκκ

n − kuκK


dt= kbρρ

m − kuρP

dt= − n(kbκκ

n + kuκK)− ηKκκK + ηPκκp(P + P )

dt= −m(kbρρ

m − kuρP )− ηKρρK + ηPρρp(P + P )

κtot = κ+ κp + nK + (n+ 1)κK


+κp(P + P )


+ nρK


ρtot = ρ+ ρp +mP +ρK


+ (m+ 1)ρpP







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The full equations describing the second system are:


= kbκ


κmκn−m − 2κn



)+ kuκ



κm − (n− 1)κn



(kcKκκn+1 · κm − kbKκκnκm + kuKκκn · κm) + δn,1kcPκ

(κp · P +


κp · ρm


= kbρ


ρmρn−m − 2ρn



)+ kuρ



ρm − (n− 1)ρn



(kcKρρn+1 · κm − kbKρρnκm + kuKρρn · κm) + δn,1kcPρ

(ρp · P +


ρp · ρm


dt= − kbPκκpP + (kuPκ + kcPκ)κp · P − kbPρρpP + (kuPρ + kcPρ)ρ

p · P


dt= kcKκ



κn · κm − kbPκκp(P +



)+ kuPκ

(κp · P +


κp · ρm


dt= kcKρ



ρn · κm − kbPρρp(P +



)+ kuPρ

(ρp · P +


ρp · ρm

)dκn · κm

dt= kbKκκnκm − (kuKκ + kcKκ)κn · κm

dρn · κmdt

= kbKκκnκm − (kuKκ + kcKκ)κn · κmdκp · ρm

dt= kbPκκ

pρm − (kuPκ + kcPκ)κp · ρm

dκp · Pdt

= kbPκκpP − (kuPκ + kcPκ)κp · P

dρp · ρmdt

= kbPρρpρm − (kuPρ + kcPρ)ρ

p · ρm

dρp · Pdt

= kbPρρpP − (kuPρ + kcPρ)ρ

p · P .


Within the Michaelis-Menten approximation and after accounting for conservation laws, these equationsbecome:


= kbκ


κmκn−m − 2κn



)+ kuκ



κm − (n− 1)κn

)+ ηKκ(κn+1 − κn)K + δn,1ηPκκ

p(P + P )


= kbρ


ρmρn−m − 2ρn



)+ kuρ



ρm − (n− 1)ρn

)+ ηKρ(ρn+1 − ρn)K + δn,1ηPρρ

p(P + P )

K =∞∑n=2

κn; P =∞∑n=2


κtot = κp +∞∑n=1

nκn +∞∑n=2





) +κp(P + P )


ρtot = ρp +∞∑n=1

nρn +∞∑n=2







+(n+ 1)ρp


) +ρpP




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FIG. S1. Reaction networks giving oscillations outside of experimentally realizable regime. See text fordiscussion.

In order to arrive at Eqn. 9, we assume a separation of timescales between the self-assembly and theenzymatic activity. In particular, we assume that self-assembly reactions equilibrate much faster than phos-phorylation/dephosphorylation; the opposite limit does not seem to allow oscillations. We can then writethe dynamics of the system only in terms of the phosphorylated monomers κp and ρp.


dt= ηKκ


κnK − ηPκκp(P + P )


dt= ηKρ


ρnK − ηPρρp(P + P )


where K and P are as defined in Eqn. 9. Writing these equations in terms of k and p and normalizingconcentrations by P , we arrive at Eqn. 9.

Other oscillation schemes attempted

Before trying self-assembly based oscillations, we tried implementing oscillations based on phosphorylationsor binding events accompanying a conformational change in the molecule. Such conformational changes canbe difficult to design, but the recently-published LOCKR system [23, 24] demonstrates one way in whichbinding can accompany a conformational change. We considered a molecule A which can be phosphorylatedor bind to another molecule. We assume that when it is bound or phosphorylated, the molecule undergoes aconformational change; in the language of the LOCKR system, it opens. We assume that the rate of bindingof any molecule to the closed state A? can be smaller than the analogous binding rate to the open state, butno other asymmetries between the rates of analogous reactions are allowed. We did not make simplifyingassumptions such as the Michaelis-Menten approximation when considering these systems.

We found oscillations are possible if A can bind, and thus sequester, free kinases (Fig. S1a). Oscillationsare also possible if A can bind a separate “key” peptide b, which itself either binds free kinase (K) orphosphatase (P ) molecules. Finally, oscillations can also be found if b, either alongside or instead of bindingkinase or phosphatase, can itself get phosphorylated. We assume phosphorylated b is inert, except in thatit can interact with phosphatase to get dephosphorylated (Fig. S1b). However, we found no evidence ofpossible oscillations within the experimental limits considered in this paper, after trying for each network2× 106 random parameter sets logarithmically distributed within the acceptable ranges.

Numerical search for oscillations

In order to determine if a parameter set leads to oscillations, we numerically integrated the dif-ferential equations. For bounded self-assembly, we used initial conditions of (K,P ) = (0, 0),

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The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted February 13, 2020. ; bioRxiv preprint


and for unbounded, (k, p) = (2κtot

kdκ, 2ρtotkdρ

). We integrated up to a time determined by the in-

verse of the minimum timescale in the system. For bounded self-assembly, we integrated upto a time tmax = 103/min

(kuκ, kuρ, kbκκ

n−1tot , kbρρ


), while for unbounded, we used tmax =

107/min (ηKκκtot, ηKρκtot, ηPκρtot, ηPρρtot). For the full system of equations for bounded self-assembly,

we used initial conditions corresponding to fully unphosphorylated and unbound κ, ρ, and P , and integrated

up to tmax = 104/min(kuκ, kuρ, kbκκ

n−1tot , kbρρ

m−1tot , kcKκ, kcPκ, kcKρ, kcPρ, kbKκκtot, kbPκPtot

). We set the

enzyme dissociation constants kuKκ, kuPκ, kuKρ, kuPκ equal to their respective catalytic rate constants,since the former are largely unspecified by constraints on binding rates and Michaelis constants. Our resultsare largely insensitive to this assumption. In all cases, the prefactors for tmax were determined by applyingan order of magnitude larger prefactor and finding no new oscillating solutions.

To determine if the results of the numerical integration can be labeled as oscillations, we used a set ofheuristics. We verified these heuristics by plotting solutions found by them to produce oscillations andfinding no evidence of false positives. These heuristics considered the behavior of a single system component(e.g. K for bounded self-assembly). First, we determined whether the number of inflection points in thesolution is greater than 10. Second, to weed out decaying oscillations, whether the smallest amount by whichthe component changed between inflection points and the amount it changed between an arbitrarily chosenset of inflection points (between the fifth and sixth) is within 2×. Also to weed out decaying oscillations,we measured the amount the component changed between a set of inflection points around the 3tmax/4mark–let’s call this amount x3/4–and between the penultimate and final inflection point, x1. We verifiedthat |(x3/4−x1)/x1| < 1, meaning that the relative change in oscillating height was no more than 100%. Wealso considered whether the solver required sampling points at a significant frequency (to weed out numericaloscillations): we used the criterion that the third-to-last sampled time point was within 5% of the second-to-last sampled time point. To further root out spurious numerical oscillations we measured the period of theoscillation in two ways–as the time between the third-to-last and last inflection point, and as between thefifth-to-last and third-to-last–and verified that they differed by no more than 1%. Finally, we examined thenumerical solution by eye for all parameter sets found to produce oscillations, in order to verify that evenif our heuristics produce false negatives (of which we have found almost no evidence) our results contain nofalse positives.

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FIG. S2. Example trajectories. Trajectories displayed in Fig. 2 are shown. We show the parameters used foreach trajectory, the values of K and P along the trajectory, and time along the trajectory. For trajectories showingsustained oscillations (all but the lower left) one oscillation cycle is shown.

FIG. S3. Oscillation periods. Random parameters logarithmically distributed within the experimental regime weresampled for Eqns. 1 (bounded self-assembly; blue) and 9 (unbounded self-assembly; orange). The periods of resultingoscillations are histogrammed logarithmically, showing a possible range of periods spanning orders of magnitude, fromfractions of a second (minute) for bounded (unbounded) self-assembly, to > 1 day.

.CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseavailable under a(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made

The copyright holder for this preprintthis version posted February 13, 2020. ; bioRxiv preprint
