See enclosed flyer for booking details


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The Club News Magazine Of The Darlington & District Motor Club

See enclosed flyer for booking details

NSSCC Oulton Park Full report inside

? Is that one supposed to be going sideways !

Proper Rallying in proper Cars;

In 1981 Lancia began designing the 037 to comply with the then new FIA Group B regulations that allowed cars to race with relatively few homologation models being built. As the project was number 037, this eventually became the name by which the car was known. Abarth, now a part of the Lancia-Fiat family, did most of the design work, even incorporating styling cues from some of its famous race cars of the 1950s

and 1960s such as a double bubble roof line. Prior to its first participation in the 1982 World Rally Championship season, 200 road-going models were built to comply with Group B regulations. The car made its competition debut at the 1982 Rally Costa Smeralda in Italy, where two cars were entered but both retired due to gearbox issues. The 1982 season was plagued with retirements for the 037, but the new car did manage to achieve several wins

Including its first win at the Pace Rally in the UK. The 1983 season was considerably more successful for the 037: Lancia took the 1983 World Rally Championship Constructors' title with Germany's Walter Röhrl and Finland's Markku Alen its principal drivers, despite serious competition from the 4WD Audi Quattro. Both drivers, however, missed the final round of the series, despite Röhrl maintaining a mathematical chance of the drivers' title: such honours instead went to Audi's veteran Finn, Hannu Mikkola. For the 1984 Constructors' title defence, Lancia introduced an Evolution 2 version of the 037 with improved engine power, but this was not enough to stem the tide of 4WD competition, losing to Audi in both 1984 Championships, and again to the 4WD Peugeot 205 T16 in its final works season in 1985. Indeed, Alen collected the final 037 win, and the sole one for the E2 model, on the 1984 Tour De Corse, before it was finally pensioned off in favour of its successor, the uniquely supercharged and turbocharged 4WD Delta S4, for the season-ending RAC Rally in Great Britain.

Any time, Any place, Any where


This has been a very busy year for NSSCC so far; we have achieved record grids and witnessed excellent competition all through the field. Mike Cutt has been consistently working away, picking up maximum points all season and is currently leading the championship with 230 points. The championship is far from being settled, with so many other drivers trying hard to get the top spot from Mike. This year was the first time that our trip to Knockhill was over 2 days; this appears to have been more popular with the competitors judging by the number who made the trip north. This was a very well organised meeting and the SMRC make the championship very welcome. The circuit’s new kerbs took a toll on some competitors, Bill Addison coming off worst with the sump of his car being damaged and causing some serious damage to his engine. Mick Starkey had his first mechanical breakdown in almost 5years, when the driveshaft decided to let go as he exited Clark’s. Jeff Wilson took both race wins and very sportingly gave Bill Addison a bottle of bubbly as a bit of consolation prize after Bill’s engine gave up the ghost. The latest rounds have been run with BRSCC at Oulton Park, the weather proved to be kind to us, which is more than could be said for the circuit. For some reason we always seem to have a lot of damage when we go to Oulton. This was also a first for us, we a lady called Janet being our first lady Clerk of the Course. Jeff Wilson again dominated the front of the field again taking the flag first on both races. David Cox was one of the casualties of Oulton, having a close shave with Alan McPherson who missed a gear and gave David no place to go but over the side of his car. (Alan’s descriptions not mine). Unfortunately David could not get the car repaired in time for the second race. Mark Leybourne was dealt a severe blow in the pocket when his engine decided to go into self destruct mode. Unfortunately Mark does not think he will be out for the rest of the season. Gavin & Dave decided to join NSSCC at Oulton as support team for anyone in problems in the paddock. The bulk of the time was spent swapping gearboxes for Mick, when the Fiesta decided it was not happy and would only find 2nd and 4th gears. The gearbox was very kindly lent to them by a competitor in the XR2 race, unfortunately for him his spare gearbox had a much better day than he did. Sadly he rolled his own XR2 after hitting the other car he looked after. Mick was very grateful to him and also to Dave and Gavin for the fantastic effort they made on his behalf. The second race was spent behind the safety car for most of the race, following Alex Rae having huge problems with his car, wheel bearing collapsing causing him to end up in the gravel trap. Alex’s was very upset that he had caused the safety car to be deployed, but these things happen. The beginning of September is going to be very busy with DDMC running it biggest event of the season. We are looking forward to welcoming several championships to the event and hope that they will be joining us for our party in the paddock. NSSCC will be holding its normal lunch for competitors and guests, the girls are already getting geared up to make the sandwiches etc. I look forward to seeing you all at Croft and hope that you will enjoy the racing. Kindest regards Lesley

Class Driver Car


1st Andrew Morrison Seat

2nd David Botterill Porsche 944

3rd Marcus Fothergill Porsche


1st Jeff Wilson Lotus Elise

2nd Clinton Ewen Austin Mini

3rd Ron Harper Triumph Spitfire


1st Mike Cutt BMW M3

2nd Ken Hall Metro 6R4

3rd Mike Williamson Mitsubishi Evo4


1st Richard Ralston Renault Clio

2nd David Cox Peugeot 205 Gti

3rd Stephen Maude


1st Paul Moss Citroen Saxo

2nd Simon Gibson Honda Integra

3rd Peter Dixon Honda Civic


1st Brian Murphy Ginetta G20

2nd Alex Rae Ginetta G20

3rd James Hamill Teamtrain Saturn


1st Simon Mayne Fisher Fury

2nd Alan McPherson Formula 27

3rd Robert Barnes MK Indy GSXR


1st Martin Lightfoot Striker TR

2nd Mark Leybourne Westfield

3rd John Hewitson Westfield


1st= Brian Morris Datsun 240Z “G”

2nd Malcolm Dearnley Morgan

Hard Work

Top 3 in each class.

When I went out for qualifying at Oulton Park, it soon (instantly!)became obvious that all was not well. I had two gears (2nd & 4th), and they were screaming “enough”. I just managed to get in three slow laps before retiring to the paddock. I thought that’s it for the day, but the dynamic duo Dave & Gavin had other ideas. The Ford XR challenge was also running at this meeting, Gavin and Dave found a Fiesta driver with a spare gearbox and he was willing to lend it to us, but not until he had practised, in case he needed it himself. This was absolutely understandable as he did not know any of us from Adam. The paddock announcement called the NSSCC competitors to the assembly area, we still had a few parts piled up in front of my car, The pile included gearbox, starter motor, cross member, bottom suspension arms, drive shafts and oil cooler. No pressure then!!, Gavin and Dave disappeared under my car, armed with every spanner known to man; their hands were a blur as they put all the parts back on the car. (I still though we had no chance of making the race). I climbed into the car and donned my crash hat in anticipation as they filled the gearbox with oil and refitted the oil cooler. Off the jack, I drove to the assembly area just in time to join the line of cars making their way onto the circuit. At the start, I made a good start having avoided a few of other people’s problems; I was making up a few. Unfortunately, this did not continue as the gearbox tried to part company with the engine, and I was forced to retire. What can you say? Lots of hard work for no result in the first race. The second race was looming large but undeterred by the lack of success in the first race, Dave and Gavin got back under the car and sorted out the problems. The second race I was not able to make such a good start, but did manage to see the chequered flag and pick up a few points.

Car Sports News

You can tell the year is flying by, I went past a Pub in July inviting everyone to come in and try our new “Winter Menu” good god get a life we have not had summer yet. The year is certainly passing by as you read this we will have had rounds 9 & 10 of the NSSCC and what a year so far grids bursting with cars so much at the BARC event on the 23rd & 24th July we split the grids to accommodate the 50 plus entries, unfortunately we were unable to do similar at Oulton Park as the timetable had no room in it. You can see the top 3 in each class of the championship on page 4 or a comprehensive analysis on the web site, I am sure Lesley will have plenty to say about the championship in her bit. We are currently working on our September meeting with a full programme of races for NSSCC, Ma5da Racing, MG Cockshoot Cup and Equipe GTS, also we will be having our paddock party, once again featuring live music and Hog Roast a ticket booking form is enclosed, book now numbers are strictly limited. 2012 on the horizon We are planning the next version of the Jack Frost Stages and awaiting decisions on other event dates for the year which include our race meetings and of course the NSSCC dates both at home and away, it is possible that we will have split grids next year to accommodate everyone, as you will appreciate this is a big financial commitment that the club has to make several months in advance so a big ask to all current competitors and any one wanting to join us in 2012 contact the co-ordinator and make your intentions known. Missing from our events in 2011 were both the British Sprint and Rallycross let’s hope that these events can be reintroduced for 2012 to run them at Croft would be great but if we need to go to another venue then so be it.

My thanks go to Dave Williams and Gavin Lee for their hard work (to fit a gearbox and all the associated part in less than 15 minutes is a fete hardly likely to be surpassed). Thanks very much lads.

Regards Mick Starkey

PS After the meeting, the gearbox had to be removed and returned to it’s owner who had had a worse day than me, he had rolled his XR2. My thanks go to him for the loan of his gearbox and starter motor. Hard work nearly did kill Dave and Gavin! But I know they will be back to do it all again if needed.

The Great British Summer is well under way! We seemed to have sunny warm days during the week but as soon as a race meeting comes up it changes. The exception has got to be the NSSCC trip to Knockhill at the beginning of July. Now I must state that I can’t remember the last time it rained for one of our races there but this time it excelled itself (even Caroline was getting burnt!) The two day meeting provided some excellent racing with our guys keeping their end up as well. There is a tremendous camaraderie in the Paddock and it reflects on the track with competitors willing and able to race very closely without a hint of malice. The middle of July saw the NSSCC at Croft and me out in the Metro for the first time this year following a total blow-up last September. I had a few electrical problems in the first race which saw me abandoning the circuit at Sunny only for it to fire up immediately enabling me to rejoin but then to die totally on entering the Complex. A quick dive off the track to the gate saw the car clear and a quick fiddle got the electrics back in action, only requiring a bump start to get the car going for the drive back to the Paddock. Unfortunately, the marshals there seemed unwilling, having summoned the tow truck, but a couple of foreign spectators obliged. An evening change of control box saw me able to race on Sunday and I had a good dice with my old protagonist, Simon Baker. At least I got a finish. Yvonne and I had a run up to Otterburn to watch our President, David Cox, co drive for Paul Swift in the Mk2 Escort. Unfortunately the run came to a premature end with a multiple roll following a cattle grid on stage 1. Plenty of body work to repair but no other after-effects thankfully. You can catch the action on Motors TV on 27th August at 22.35. The beginning of August is now Nostalgia Weekend time and this event is establishing itself firmly in the calendar. The place just buzzes. With over 250 competitors, 350 classic cars, numerous classic bus, motorcycle and military vehicles it really attracts the public, and the marshals. I believe there were more than the BTCC attracted. The Club had a stand which drew in many old faces and a lot of new ones whilst, on the Sunday, Yvonne and I looked after guests from the Croft Autodrome days. The theme this year was ‘Lap Record Holders’ and we were joined by current competitors Jeff Wilson and Brian Morris who hold records for Saloons and by ‘blasts from the past’ such as Chris Meek, the extrovert property developer from Leeds, and one of my heroes, Chris Craft, who raced the McLaren M8C in Interserie and F3 and Saloons – a busy young man in his day. Also present were Doug Niven, who threatens to come out of retirement to drive Jeff’s car, and Jimmy Blumer, a Club Vice President and Darlington’s only Grand Prix driver. And this weekend we followed the NSSCC to Oulton Park. Now I must admit the long circuit is my least favourite in the Country as the cars are out of sight for such a long time. It also tends to create processional racing. There are places to overtake but it doesn’t seem to flow. There was a high rate of attrition in race one with seven cars failing to make the flag. Only two were unable to start race two however. Gavin and Dave definitely were the ‘Men of the Meeting’ as Mick Starkey had a gearbox failure in qualifying as was to be lent a gearbox by the XR2 guys. They only arrived back from their qualifying at 11.15 just as the organisers called (30 minutes early) for the NSSCC. The gearbox arrived at Mick’s car at 11.20 still needing a few bits transferring and, of course, fitting. I was convinced Mick would miss this race and went down to Cascades to watch the race. Imagine my surprise when, at 11.40, there was the Fiesta coming round on the assembly lap.

Wright On


Durham Tees Valley Airport Why, you may ask, is someone writing about an airport in a motorsport magazine? First I shall give you some brief background information. Basically, the airport between Darlington & Yarm in North Yorkshire is dying on its feet due to a severe dearth of passengers. The management of the airport blame the locals for not using it; the locals blame the management for complete lack of suitable destinations. Airport staff numbers have reduced in recent months; for instance one manager covers this airport and another 90 miles further south. Those of us with long memories will recall that in early 1995, plans were drawn up for a motor racing circuit & technology park at the eastern end of the runway near Eaglescliffe. Our rallycross friend George Shield headed the project. Unfortunately, as far as I can ascertain, the consultant’s report was rejected and no further progress made. The letters page in the Darlington based Northern Echo has various suggestions on a way forward for the airport. The main options being a large housing estate, a trading complex or share with the military. One, in the paper today, (10 August) suggested turning it into a motor racing circuit. This is obviously a radical idea. The big question is whether anyone has the inclination to take the suggestion forward and progress to at least an investigation stage. A huge investment would be required and in these austere days this would be very difficult to obtain. However, the thought has two advantages. One, there should be no problems with noise. The other, is the internationally renowned fire training college can remain on site. This centre regularly produces large volumes of thick black smoke and is not a suitable neighbour for a housing estate. Will Teesside become the British equivalent of Portland AFB in the USA? – We shall have to wait and see. Tony Curran PS Is author Kendizx9r a member of the club? Tony Curran

Their work didn’t stop there either. A dowel had been missed in the rush so the gearbox had to come out again and be refitted and at the end of race two, it needed removing and returning to its owner!!! The big disappointment was a safety car for a car in the gravel at Shell the removal of which took so long that we only got a total of 4 racing laps and the flag was shown at 15 minutes with no ‘plus 1 lap’ as required by the Championship regs. Perhaps for next year we should have an addition to the regulations whereby, when a safety car has been deployed, there will be a minimum of two racing laps before the flag is shown. Next stop is our race meeting which will see our usual catering, Saturday Night party and some damn good racing. Bring it on. See you all then, Terry

Committee Contacts

Chairman Terry Wright 01325359895

Car Sports Secretary & Newsletter Editor Steve Gibson P:01642644201 F:01642 898771 M:07787514650

Treasurer Phil Lee P: 01429267047 M:07969549332

Secretary Paul Griffin M: 07882340567

Rescue Coordinator Chris Gibson P: 01642644201 M:07990594915

Marshals Secretary Bob Wright P: 01132691997 M: 07860866935

Motorcycle Sports Secretary Graham Sanderson P: 01740652391

Social Secretary Lesley Starkey P: 01429869407 M: 07950248105

Car Sports Committee

John Travis P: 01642890154

Mick Starkey P: 01429869407

Gavin Lee P: 01429267047 M: 07738407479

Kevin Hutchinson P: 07887981590

Marshals Committee

Dave Lea P: 01748830854 M: 07814592922

Tom Alden

Craig Hope P: 01833660962

Graham Turner P: 01325460876

If you wish to contact any of the above please do so at sociably acceptable times.

4th September Parkgate Farm, Wensley

30th October Woodyard, Reeth 20th November Fremington Edge, Reeth

18th September Catterick

Below are the provisional dates remaining for this year, so far we have run events with good entry levels. The results are on the web site, don’t forget the dates are all subject to the weather and land availability so always check that they have not changed.

Trials Dates

Good Causes Fund

In support for the trial the club will match the £300 given by Sherwood's for the Help the Heroes charity , so with 2x£300 and £5 per rider that’s £1100.

Note Date change

18th September “Help for Heroes” Charity Trial Landmarc, the MOD land management company have agreed that if we make a donation from entry fee’s of £5 per rider we can use some of their land at Downholme near catterick, this land has not been ridden for 20+ years so should prove a challenge to everyone, entry fee’s for this event will reflect this. Alistair Mconachie from Sherwood's has pledged £300 towards the event in recognition of his generosity it will be the Sherwood's Challenge Trophy Trial. A limit of 100 riders has been set so get your entries in fast.

Marshal’s Shop

Anyone requiring overalls etc see Paul Griffin at any race meeting where supplies will be available, or if you have any queries e.g. sizes, or availability then I can be contacted on 07882340567 or via e-mail: Why not have your items personalised, for a small charge you can have your name embroidered onto your overalls.

We are very disappointed at the way some marshals caused so many problems with being asked to move the camping area for the HSCC meeting. The area which Croft normally supply” free of charge” was to be used for show cars. It is these cars that bring in paying customers for what would be Crofts most important event of 2011 This event is run mainly by the three office staff which in the whole could have done without the aggravation the camping has caused by a minority for what should have been TWO nights camping at the most. Comments were made on several internet sites blaming DDMC which had no running of the event. It is only due to the fact that the chief marshal is from the DDMC and most of the marshals also marshal for the club. I camp at all Croft events so if you have any problems with camping e.g. noise, balls etc. please come and find me or ring me on 07817 492134 and the matter will be dealt with accordingly. For anyone now not wishing to use Croft for camping here are a couple of local camp sites; Parklands Caravanning Yafforth Road DL7 0LQ 01609 779140 Set in the beautiful North Yorkshire countryside close to Northallerton. 20 hard standing caravan pitches with electric hook-up, and an allocated area for tents. Open all year. From £18.00 per night. Otterington Touring Caravan & Camping Park Station Farm South Otterington DL7 9JB 01609 780656 prices from £22 per night

Craig Hope

Marshals Camping

Dear all On behalf of all at Team Lumaca Citroen 2cv No 58 - I would like to thank all of the marshals and officials at Croft Circuit over the weekend, great marshalling, good info along the pit lane and to top it all what a friendly bunch you all are. As we all know club racing is a family thing, the marshals along the pit lane where just fantastic with the my children (11 & 6) even to the point where both of them made pictures for the head pit lane marshal (sorry did not get your name) to say thank you, something that they have never done before. As a team and a family we look forward to racing with you all at Croft again. Thank you again Regards Simon Crook Location Manager - Tenerife Clash of the Titans II (working title)

BARC Event Marshalling Thanks

Marshalling Matters

As you will have read in the last issue our late friend Joe Powell made a bequest that we have a drink on him at the BTCC meeting the picture above shows the gathering doing just that.

“Cheers Joe”

The Woodpecker Might have to go!

Above 6th & 7th August A sense of humour was defiantly needed! Below Jeff Wilson on his way to victory at Oulton Park
