Secure your APEX application - HrOUG · In an Oracle Application Express development environment,...


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Secure your APEX application

Dimitri Gielis, APEX R&D

Aljaz Mali, Abakus Plus

Dimitri Gielis

• Founder & CEO of APEX R&D

• 17+ years of Oracle Experience (OCP & APEX Certified)

• Oracle ACE Director

• Presenter at Oracle Conferences (OOW, ODTUG, OGh, UKOUG, …)

• @dgielis

Aljaž Mali

• IT Solutions Architect at Abakus plus, d.o.o

• SIOUG - Member of Executive Committee

• APEX Meetups organizer

• HTMLDB – just a toy?, SIOUG, Portorož 2004

• member of the month (march, 2016)

• APEX Text Messageso


• Security still an issue?

• ORDS settings

• Workspace and Application Settings

• Authentication and Authorization

• VPD, RAS, Shadow Schema

• SQL Injection

• Cross Site Scripting

• Session State Protection

• SSL and Reverse Proxy

• Tools ( Advisor, APEXSert, ApexSec )

Security still an issue?

Challenges on Security

• How secure is secure enough?

• Security taken into account from day 1; it’s a

process not a 1-time activity

• Before the facts vs After the facts

OWASP: Top 10 Security Risks

OWASP: Top 10 Security Risks




Installation & Configuration

• Command line

java -jar ords.war install (simple)

java -jar ords.war install advanced

This Oracle REST Data Services instance has not yet been configured.Please complete the following promptsEnter the location to store configuration data: …

Installation & Configuration

• SQL Developer

java -jar ords.war user adminlistener "Listener Administrator"

Installation & Configuration

• PL/SQL Validation Function

Validation Function

• PL/SQL vs JavaScript Validation Function

APEX Recommendation

Importance of updating ORDS

Validation Function to limit application access

• PL/SQL Validation Function


create or replace function is_allowed(p_procedure in varchar2,p_app_id in varchar2,p_page_id in varchar2)return boolean as

beginif (p_app_id = 123) then


return true;end if;return false;end;

<entry key="">is_allowed(p_procedure => :PROCNAME, p_app_id => :P_FLOW_ID, p_page_id => :P_FLOW_STEP_ID)</entry>

Important settings: JDBC

• Configure the database connection pool

• Set the max size

• Set the initial size

• Set the timeouts

Virus scanner Integration

• Scans all files uploads for viruses before it reaches

the database

• Supported by most commercial Virus scan servers

(Symantec, McAfee, …)

• Open source option: ClamAV

• ICAP protocol (RFC 3507)

Secure REST web services

• REST web services with OAuth2

Build-in Webserver

• ORDS >= 3.0.0; improved build-in web server (Jetty)

Workspace and Application


Workspace and Application Administration

In an Oracle Application Express development

environment, users log in to a shared work area called

a workspace. A workspace is a virtual private

database that enables multiple users to work within

the same Oracle Application Express installation while

keeping their objects, data and applications private.

This flexible architecture enables a single database

instance to manage thousands of applications.

Workspace and Application Administration

Developers can create and edit applications and

view developer activity, session state, workspace

activity, application, and schema reports. Workspace

administrators additionally can create and edit user

accounts, manage groups, and manage

development services.

Workspace and Application Administration

• Developers create and edit applications.

• Workspace administrators are developers who also perform administrator tasks specific to their workspace such as managing user accounts, monitoring workspace activity, and viewing log files. See "Workspace and Application Administration".

• Oracle Application Express administrators (instance administrators) are super users that are responsible for managing an entire Oracle Application Express instance. Instance administrators manage workspace provisioning, configure features and instance settings, and manage security.

Internal workspace

Instance administration

Create workspace

• Connecting database schema and APEX

• Check privileges for existing schema

• Review privileges if APEX creates new schema

New schema privileges

Feature Configuration

• SQL Workshop

o Enable RESTful Services

o Controls the ability to create and access RESTful Services mapped to SQL

and PL/SQL. RESTful Services can also be enabled or disabled for

individual workspaces.

o Theme Roller

o When setting to “No”, restart ORDS

Instance Settings - Wallet

• A wallet is a password-protected container that is

used to store authentication and signing

credentials. The Oracle wallet is used for all HTTP

requests over Secured Socket Layer (SSL), namely



Rejoin sessions

When rejoin sessions is enabled, Application Express attempts to use the session cookie to join an existing session, when a URL does not contain a session ID.

• Disabled

• Enabled for Public Sessions

• Enabled for All Sessions

Can be also set on pages

A more restrictive instance level setting overrides this page level value

Rejoin sessions

Enabling rejoin sessions exposes your application to possible security breaches, as it can enable attackers to take over existing end user sessions.

• Triggering malicious session state changes or other modifications

• Triggering unintended changes between applications

For security reasons, Oracles recommends that administrators disable Rejoin Sessions unless they implement workspace isolation by configuring the Allow Hostname attribute at the workspace or instance-level.

Workspace isolation

• Specify which DNS aliases of the web server can be

used with applications

• Incoming HTTP request URL's hostname part must

match one of the listed hostnames

• You can configure more specific values that

override this one at workspace level

Workspace isolation

• instance value:

• WS HR:

• Same Origin security policy provides a client-side

barrier between HR applications and other


Unhandled Errors

Unhandled Errors

HTTP protocol

• Require HTTPS

• Require Outbound HTTPS

• HTTP Response Headerso Content-Security-Policy

o X-XSS-Protection: '1; mode=block'

o X-Content-Type-Options: 'nosniff‘



o Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: '1; mode=block': expected 0 or 1 at

character position 0. The default protections will be applied.

Other settings

• RESTful Access, expose report regions as RESTful


• Session Timeout ( session length, idle time)

• Delay after failed login attempts in Seconds

• Password Policy

Application Security Attributes

• Authenticationo Public User (USER_IS_PUBLIC_USER, USER_IS_NOT_PUBLIC_USER,


• Authorizationo Authentication Scheme

• Authorizationo Authorization Scheme (authorization scheme for your application – every


• Run on Public Pageso Controls whether the application-level authorization scheme is checked

on public pages

Session management

• Rejoin Sessions

• Deep Linking

• Maximum Session Length in Seconds ( 0, >0, empty)

Browser Security

• Cacheo Oracle recommends that this attribute be disabled

o HTTP header cache-control: no-store ( modern browsers )

• Embed in Frames

• HTML Escaping Modeo Basic - Escape &, ", < and >

o Extended - Escape &, ", <, >, ', / and non-ASCII characters if the database

character set is not AL32UTF8

• HTTP Response Headers

Database Session

• Parsing Schemao #OWNER#

• Initialization PL/SQL Codeo "show page" or "accept page" request

o after the APP_USER value is established

o dbms_session.set_context,…

• Cleanup PL/SQL Codeo at the end of page processing

o dbms_session.close_database_link,…

Runtime API Usage

• Modify This Applicationo APEX_UTIL. SET_CURRENT_THEME_STYLE,…

• Modify Other Applications

• Modify Workspace Repository o APEX_UTIL.CREATE_USER,…

Form Autocomplete

• By default this is enabled on all pages

• Data will be stored on the client's local browser

• autocomplete="off“

• friendly vs. secured



Authentication Control

• Manage security settings for developer and end user login.

• After failed logins, Application Express will display a countdown of this number times the number of failed login attempts, before it accepts new login attempts with the same username.

• Enter 0 to disable the countdown and allow immediate access.

• Applies to all Authentication Schemes


• Authentication is the process of establishing each

user's identify before they can access your


• The current Authentication Scheme determines how

your application identifies and verifies the end user

• Depending on the selected Authentication Scheme

Type, you can use various settings and program

hooks to fine-tune your application's authentication


• Open Door Credentials

• Application Express Accounts

• Database Accounts

• LDAP Directory

• No Authentication (Using DAD)

• Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On

• HTTP Header Variable

• Custom

Custom authentication

Sentry function

• Function that is executed by the Application Express

engine at the start of any request made to the

engine, such as before each page is shown or

processed, or an AJAX request is issued

• If this function returns false, this marks the session as

not valid and the Invalid Session Procedure will be

invoked. After that, Application Express redirects to

the URL defined in 'Session Not Valid > Go To'

Invalid Session Procedure

• PL/SQL procedure that gets called if an invalid

session has been detected

Post Logout Procedure

• Procedure that gets called after the end user

clicked on the logout URL.

• It can be used for logging.

Verify Function Name

• Called after the session sentry returned successfully

• This function can for example be used to restrict the

use of an application to specific business hours

Login Processing

• Pre-Authentication Procedureo procedure to be executed after the login page is submitted and just

before credentials verification is performed

• Post-Authentication Procedure o procedure to be executed by the Application Express login procedure

(login API) after the authentication step

o The login procedure will execute this code after it verified the user's

credentials, but before registering the user in the session and redirecting

to the desired application page

Session Cookie

• Setting session cookie, which is required to identify an Application Express session, together with the session id in the URL. If no value for the session cookie name is specified, Application Express picks a default value.

• Secure: YESo Allow the session management cookie to be sent from the browser only

when the protocol is HTTPS

• Sharing authentication across multiple APEX applications

Authorization Schemes

• Authorization schemes enable you to protect

applications, pages, and application components

(region, button, item, processes, …)

• Common authorization scheme types include Exists,

Not Exists SQL Queries, and PL/SQL Function

Returning Boolean

Authorization Schemes

Evaluation Point

• Once per session

• Once per page view

• Once per component

• Always (No Caching)

The default value Once per session is the most efficient

Don’t overlook

• If you protect buttons, don’t forget to also protect

processes (process can be invoked over URL or


• Protect application processes ( they can be called

over URL or javascript)

• Use AJAX Callback on pages

VPD, RAS, Shadow Schema

Challenges on Data Access Control

• Code executed under privileged user

• Database unaware of end users

• Data access policy (data security) is hard coded in

o Where-clause - application level

o Views - database level

o Shadow Schema

o Virtual Private Database (VPD)

- database level

o Real Application Security (RAS)

- database level

Shadow Schema

• Schema with as little privileges as possible

• No objects with data

• Workspace and applications that have to be

secure linked to this schema

• “White Listing”: don’t allow anything, except for …

Shadow Schema

• PL/SQL Initialitation code

APEX implications

• See data: Secure viewso PL/SQL Initialisation code (!)

• DML data: Automatic Row Processing only possible

with instead of triggers

or use of custom PL/SQL APIso API Generation in SQL Workshop (!)



• No-cost feature of Oracle Enterprise Edition


• VPD dynamically adds a WHERE clause

• Defined by Policies

• DBMS_RLS package

Benefits VPD

• Secures data at the database layero Works regardless of the technology used to access the table

o You can put the VPD policies in a separate schema so that it is isolated from your developers

• Simplified developmento No need to add a where clause everywhere

• Can be applied to columns (show null for some columns, or only hide rows when a column is in, …)

• Use of application context (in APEX use PL/SQL Initialisation code

VPD Policy Function


FUNCTION emp_vpd





l_where VARCHAR2(1000);

l_app_user VARCHAR2(255) := v('APP_USER');

l_g_deptno NUMBER := nv('G_DEPTNO');


IF l_app_user IS NOT NULL AND l_g_deptno IS


l_where := 'deptno = ' || l_g_deptno;


RETURN l_where;






(object_schema => :OWNER,

object_name => ‘EMP’,

policy_name => ‘EMP_VPD’,

function_schema => :OWNER,

policy_function => 'EMP_PKG.EMP_VPD',

statement_types => 'SELECT');


(object_schema => :OWNER,

object_name => ‘EMP’,

policy_name => ‘EMP_VPD’);

Real Application Security (RAS)

A database authorisation solution for end-to-end application security

RAS Key features• Support Application Users and Sessions

o Schema-less user, security and application context in DB

• Support Application Privileges and Roles

• Support fine-grained data access control on rows and columns

o Based on user operation execution context

o Enforce security close to data

RAS Concepts: Policy components

• Data Security policy is a collection of Data Realms and ACLs

• Each Data Realm has an associated ACL with grants

RAS: setup with PL/SQL API

xs_principal.create_role(name => 'emp_role',

enabled => true);


name => 'hr.hrprivs',

parent_list => xs$name_list('sys.dml'),

priv_list =>



RAS Administration Tool

Note: the RASADM (RAS Administration Tool) is written in APEX :)

Real Application Security Features

RAS Architecture


RAS Integration with APEX

• Application users continue to be provisioned in the database or identity storeso User authentication remains in APEX

• RAS session contains application user, its roles, and session contexto Based on APEX user’s security context

• Application code executes within RAS session o Attached and detached to a db session

RAS Integration with APEX 5

• APEX can use RAS users, roles, and data security policyo Instead of custom authorization using VPD

• RAS Session is transparently created based on APEX session

• For APEX authorization schemes, use RAS ACL check operators


RAS Benefits• Stronger security

o Enforced regardless of entry points: direct, APEX, or middleware

o Audit end-user activity in database audit trail

• Simpler development

o Declarative policy, relieves writing authorization code

o Native support for application roles, application privileges, application users

• High Performance Access Control

o Optimized for typical data access patterns within core database

• Simpler administration

o Centralized management, end-to-end uniform security across mid-tier and database

RAS - to know…• One RAS repository for the whole database

• Takes a bit of time to get used to the implementation and naming

• RASADM can help, but …o RASADM doesn’t expose all features

o RASADM app didn’t always behave as expected (had to patch it to get some things working)

• Once you enable RAS make sure to test your app (!)APEX Advisor can’t check for the correct grants (yet).

SQL Injection

What is SQL Injection?

• SQL Injection vulnerabilities arise when the end-users

(attackers) can modify the syntax of a database


Impact of SQL Injection

• See any data (also in other tables)

• Do DML (insert, update, delete) operations

• Run PL/SQL

Most common threats

• Use of substitution strings (&ITEM.)

• Use of Dynamic SQL: wrong concatenations

• Report with source SQL Query (PL/SQL function

body returning SQL Query)

• Use of Execute Immediate in PL/SQL

• Use of SQL in parameter e.g. APEX_COLLECTION


• Any component where SQL or PL/SQL is used!

o Computations

o Processes

o Reports

o Charts

o Item Source

o Display Conditions

o List of Values

o Lists

o Authorization schemes

o …

Substitution Strings

select *

from emp

where ename = '&P1_SEARCH.'

Substitution Strings

KING' or 1=1--

Substitution Strings

select *

from emp

where ename = :P1_SEARCH

Substitution Strings


null as link,

year as label,

sum(amount) as “Year &P1_YEAR."

from my_table

Substitution Strings


null as link,

year as label,

sum(amount) as “Year &P1_YEAR."

from my_table

Protect the item P1_YEAR

Bind variables & Dynamic SQL

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE empno ='||:P1_EMPNO;

RETURN l_sql;

Bind variables & Dynamic SQL

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE empno = :P1_EMPNO’;

RETURN l_sql;

Bind variables & Dynamic SQL

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE empno = to_number(:P1_EMPNO)’;

RETURN l_sql;

Bind variables & Dynamic SQL

l_id := to_number(:P1_EMPNO);

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE empno =’ || l_id;

RETURN l_sql;

Bind variables & Dynamic SQL

l_like := ‘%’ || :P1_SEARCH || ‘%’;

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE ename like ’ || l_like ;

RETURN l_sql;

Bind variables & Dynamic SQL

l_like := ‘%’ || :P1_SEARCH || ‘%’;

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE ename like ’


RETURN l_sql;

v() function & Dynamic SQL

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE empno ='||v(‘P1_EMPNO’);

RETURN l_sql;

v() function & Dynamic SQL

l_sql :=


FROM emp

WHERE empno = v(‘’P1_EMPNO’’)’;

RETURN l_sql;

Dynamic SQL

l_column := :P1_COLUMN;

l_table := :P1_TABLE;

l_sql :=

'SELECT ‘ || l_column ||

‘ FROM ‘ || l_table;

RETURN l_sql;

Dynamic SQL



l_sql :=

'SELECT ‘ || l_column ||

‘ FROM ‘ || l_table;

RETURN l_sql;


• Use bind variables *correctly*

• Careful with concatenations!



• Item protection


Cross Site Scripting

Cross Site Scripting - XSS

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security

vulnerability typically found in web applications. XSS enables

attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by

other users.

Cross-site scripting carried out on websites accounted for roughly

84% of all security vulnerabilities documented by Symantec as of


Their effect may range from a petty nuisance to a significant

security risk, depending on the sensitivity of the data handled by

the vulnerable site and the nature of any security mitigation implemented by the site's owner.

Many Types of XSS

• Stored XSSo JavaScript in database

• Reflected XSS o Embedded JavaScript in URL request

• Stored XSS in uploaded files o HTML, Text file with .jpg extension, etc.






• This function escapes characters which can

change the context in an html environment.

• By default, the escaping mode is "Extended“


• If the mode is "Basic", the function behaves like



Original Escaped

& &amp;

" &quot;

< &lt;

> &gt;

' &#x27;

/ &#x2F;


• The HTML_WHITELIST function performs HTML escape

on all characters in the input text except the

specified whitelist tags.

• This function can be useful if the input text contains

simple html markup but a developer wants to

ensure that an attacker cannot use malicious tags

for cross-site scripting.








XSS protection

• When saving datao Restricted Characters

o All characters can be saved.

o Whitelist for a-Z, 0-9 and space

o Blacklist HTML command characters (<>")

o Blacklist &<>"/;,*|=% and -- (includes pl/sql comment)

o Blacklist &<>"/;,*|=% or -- and new line

• When displaying datao Escape special characters : YES (default)

o Manually : apex_escape


• APEX is doing job protecting against XSS attacks ( but it depends what developer is doing )

• (Display) items are protected by default

• Reports (columns) are protected by default

• URL is escaped

• &PAGE_ITEM. is always protected

• What about &APP_ITEM. ????

Application items

• Referencing items in HTML regions

• Page items always escaped

• You have escape application items manually

Page items

Application items

PL/SQL Dynamic Region


l_my_content varchar2(32000);


select my_content

into l_my_content

from my_table

where id = :P1_ID;

htp.p( apex_escape.html(l_my_content) );


Rich Text Editor



• loadjava -resolve -genmissing -user u/p Antisamy.jar

o Antisamy/policies/antisamy-anythinggoes-1.4.4.xml

o Antisamy/policies/antisamy-ebay-1.4.4.xml

o Antisamy/policies/antisamy-myspace-1.4.4.xml

o Antisamy/policies/antisamy-slashdot-1.4.4.xml

o Antisamy/policies/antisamy-tinymce-1.4.4.xml

o Antisamy/policies/default.xml

Rich Text Editor

Session State Protection

Session state protection

• Enabling Session State Protection can prevent hackers

from tampering with URLs within your application

• URL tampering can adversely affect program logic,

session state contents, and information privacy.

• When enabled, Session State Protection uses the Page

Access Protection attributes and the Session State

Protection item attributes with checksums positioned in

f?p= URLs to prevent URL tampering and unauthorized

access to and alteration of session state

Session state protection

• You can enable session state protection from either

the Edit Security Attributes page or the Session State

Protection page

• Enabling Session State Protection is a two-step

process. o First, you enable the feature.

o Second, you set page and item security attributes

Page Access Protection

• Unrestricted

• Arguments Must Have Checksum

• No Arguments Supportedo URL can not contain Request, Clear Cache, or Name/Value Pair


• No URL Accesso page may be the target of a Branch to Page branch type, as this does

not perform a URL redirect

Application and Page items

• Unrestricted

• Restricted - May not be set from browser -o Display Only (Save State=No)

o Text Field (Disabled, does not save state)

o Stop and Start Grid Layout (Displays label only)

• Checksum Required: Application Level

• Checksum Required: User Level

• Checksum Required: Session Level

Store value encrypted in session

state• If the contents of an item contain sensitive data,

then you should encrypt the value when it is stored

in the Application Express session state

management tables. Otherwise, anyone with rights

to read the Application Express meta data tables

could potentially write a query to extract this

sensitive data.

• Only values up to 4000 bytes in length can be

encrypted. Attempts to encrypt values longer than

4000 bytes produce an error message.



p_url IN VARCHAR2,

p_url_charset IN VARCHAR2 default null,

p_checksum_type IN VARCHAR2 default null)



l_url varchar2(2000);

l_app number := v('APP_ID');

l_session number := v('APP_SESSION');



p_url => 'f?p=' || l_app || ':1:'||l_session||'::NO::P1_ITEM:xyz',

p_checksum_type => 'SESSION');


p_checksum_type=>SESSION or 3, PRIVATE_BOOKMARK or 2, or PUBLIC_BOOKMARK or 1


Reverse Proxy






• HTTPS protects the integrity of your

website/APEX app

• HTTPS protects the privacy and security of

your users

• HTTPS is the future of the web; many new

technologies only work with HTTPS(for

example Service Workers)

Use of HTTPS

• Getting a certificate (SSL)

• Webserver side configuration

• APEX side - optional

(limit apps to only use https)

Free SSL certificates (HTTPS)

• Letsencrypt

Reverse Proxy

• A reverse proxy can act as a

gateway service allowing

access to servers on your

trusted network from an

external network.

Reverse Proxy Benefits

• Give APEX a nice URL

• Use HTTPS to the outside world

• Access other sites over HTTPS

• Performance

Use of Reverse Proxy

Use of Reverse Proxy

Use of Reverse Proxy

Use of Reverse Proxy

Not interested in managing?



• Built-in Advisor ( Application -> Utilities -> Advisor )

• ApexSeco


Secure your APEX application

Dimitri Gielis, APEX R&D

Aljaz Mali, Abakus Plus
