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Official Organ of the Communist Party of America. SECTION OF TilE THIRD COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL
Vol. II. No, 11 OCTOBER 1 It. 1120 PRICE I CENT.
Conditions For Affuiation To The Third Communist International
"The firlt Congre.. of the Communllt International did not lay down exact condl. toni for aCtepta!Ice Into the Third Interna. tlonal. Up to the time of calling the firat Con. greal there exilted ,in mOlt countriea merely Communist tendenclea or Communl,t grouPI,
"The The lecond Congre.. of the Com. munilt International .lIemblu under differ. ent conditions. At pretlent there e.ilt In mOlt, countriel,. not only. Communllt ten. dencln and movementl, but allo Communllt partlea and organization ..
Jnnp3slng IIUlubers of Parties and Groups. whlcb until re<'ently b('lon~ed to tile Second International. and which ,,"ouM IIOW 11k., to affillat .. to the 'nlird, are apphlng ror affilla. tlon, alt hough 'they ha "I' not lIecome really rOllllllunlstic, TIle Serond Int~TIlational 111 Ir. r,'\'oc3bly l'rllsht"ll. Tht. Intennedlai'Y parties and the "crutr.'" group~, I!eeln~ their hopelPl!s sltuPt!on. are rorcf'd more Iltrongly e\'ery day tOWIl:'ds the COllllllIlJllflt Intanatlonal, hoping, at the same time, to retain an .. autonomy ... \Ihle!. will alkJw thpm to continue thE',lr op. portulliKt or "cenlrilit" policy. The Communist Inh'rnuthlllal Is to a cl'rtaln e~t"nt the fashion
The "ish of ('!'ftaln If'ad ing "centrist' groups to affiliate to the COlUmunlst Jntf'rna. tional shows Intllrl'ctly that the Third Intf'r. national ha.q gulned the 8~ IUl'nthlr s ('! the 1.lUjoril.\· Il( th<: cia!l~C('III'<'iO\.~ w.n\<.er" throl\lKh. 0llt thE' world, and that It {'oustltut('s a force whkh grOWtl from day to day.
l'ndl'r !'f'rtaln conditions the Im'aslon of the ('omnmnlst International by undecided aDd f;t'n:lA:otnlllUlllst groups, ''I\'ho ha\·e not yet hrok('n "'ttll th!' Ideology of thf' S,'cond Inter. national, I11lg}lt bp J1 nwnlve tl) it. MorE'ovcr, cl'rtain Important Pl'rtlf'~. t Ital i:m and SWE'dl~hJ. In w]lirh tlH' maj(lrity hold Commnnlst viewi. ~til1 f'('lIlain alllllll!!st thl'm nunwrOllS rerormlst and I'oC'ial,j1arifllit f'lplllentll, WIHI are only walt. ill!! f('r an cpportunlty to raise their b('adl alill t, ~ahotall" odl\"'I~' the TlfOlf'tarlan reo ,'olution. thus hE'1plng the hllur~(fOlsle of the B"cllIlIl Internatlollal, ~o (~mTllllllI8t should for/!"t thE' I,'~~on!< d thc' lIun~,lriRn 80\'l"t He­ pullllr The lIni'm of tllC ){unl;arlnn Communist. with 'tI... rf'forlnt~t!l co!'t n;em "ery dearly, Thl!; Is why the S('cl)nd Congre:'ls of the {' Inllnh;t IlItprnatl"l1al thlr.1\f\ It rll;ht to fix QuitE' dl'flnltr-ly ~he ('ondttions for' the admill. "ion of the "arlit's, allll the "lIlne time to point 01lt to th(' Parti"!! alrpadY afliliatell whnt their oblgatlons are, '
Tlw '~ ... ct'",l C'ongr"l;s of thl' Cnmmllnlst Intf'rJlutlunal hilI! .I.'cldl'd upon the fo!lowlng {'ontliticJlIS or 1I11mlsf'lon'-
"1, The <'lllIre propal!anlln nnd agitation mllst bf'!lf a ~enulnph' ('ommunlsllc clIaractl'r and a,~"e with the pro/!,'rnnJ and the dl'clKlon or Ih .. Third Intprnatlonal All thl' l'r('ss orl;anB of the party mUl!t bf' I1l3na~p(1 by respolUllble COllllllUnll\t". whll ha\'e proH·d thE'lr deve. lion til the call~" or the prol('tar'ian rp"olutloD,
"Thf> dktntor@hip of thp prllietariat mllst not be talk .. d about AB Ir It were an ordlnsry ~ormllln Iparncd by hf'art, hut It IllUlit be prollllgatpd for In !llIeh a v,'ay, all t,) make It!' :H'cpF~lt)' Rppan'nt tn c\'ory plain worker lloldiPr an.1 peal!lInt thrOlI/!h the faet.. or dailY IIrp. whkh mllst he 8Ytlt"nlaU('IlII~' watr.h. E'd hy ollr prells and flJlly ut!liZ('d from day to day.
Party MUlt Control Preal, "Th.' perlodlen! nnd non·llorloillcal presl
anI' nil pnrty publlRhilllt concl'rnll must be un!ll'r th(' cf)mplrte ('ontrol or thl! party 11111 IlU L"f'lIl f 'nt, rp,~ardl"~11 ot tllA rart of thH mOInP/1t ICJ:81 or III .. ,,-ul. It III InndmlAslble for th.. plIltllKhlnJ?; ('Onrernll to ahllHO their 1l1ltO. nomy and to tol1ow a pollry whkh dOl'I nc~ sntlr"ly ('orr('~pnnd to Ihto party'lI poU"Y.
"In thl' <X,!UlliOlI ot the prea,... at publiC IlIt'l<Ulnltll. In trlille tlnlnn!', In (,O-o\,l'Irntlvps, all II In all oll]l'r I,!/lt'e.. "'herfl tho lIul>l'ortera .>1' thtl ThIT.I Intl'l'nlttlonlll nre l\flmlttl'tl, It II nN'I'Hf'Or)' f,)'I;tllllll'Io-II!h' 111111 1I111f11'rdrulh' to Ilrnllll, nlll PilI)' f~lt' 11<.urJ!pollllt" h,lI nl"~ Ita ""I'01l1pll""H, 1.l1I' rl rpnll"rtl of all tl'PI'A.
"2. Jl:1'O! Y organll,II1 jon thnt \' l~h"l tn .f. fill .. ,.. 1I!t1l till' ("'''Inlll'd~t Inl"rlllltlfllllll mll"t 1't'J.; '1\111'1 \' :",,1 I' htl"lIlllkllll," r"lnn\'" th'" re· f.1rllllllt und I "lItrl~t .:hlllll:lI~a from lill tbe n,ort!
or Ipl's Imortant ,POt1ts In the labor moyement (In !larty organlzat!oDs, editorIal otrleera, tl ade unions, parliamentary groups, co.opera­ th'l':!, and mlinlclpal administration!!) aDd reo pIa.,,,, thf'Ul with weH.tried Communillta, wltb.. out taking otrense at tlJe fact that, especially In the bp-glnnlng, the placea of 'e1:perlenced' oIlportllnl .. ts will be filled ,by plain workeN from the masses.
Spurn Bourgeolale Legality, "3, In nearly every country of Europe and
Amc.rjca the class Iltruggle ie enterlD.« upon the phal'e of civil war. Under euch circum. stancE'S th~ Commcnlpta can bave no COil. thlf'llce In bourgoolllie legality,
"It Is their duty to ereate eVeJ'TW'bere a paralh'1 \IIegal organization macblr.e wblcb al the decisive moment 1I'm be hE'lpflll to the party In fullllling Its duty to the reeToluU01l.
"In all countries where the Communista, b('('au~I' or a state of Blege and because of ~xc .. ptional laws dlrect{..(} against ~hem, are unable to carryon their whole 1I'ork legally. It Is absolutely necessary to combIne Ie,.. wit h IIlc~al acU\'lUee. "~~"##.""'.""I#.#'."""" •• ,# •• ~
One Day's Pay The Second Convention of t". Com.
munl;t P,," t; _;;;lI:ln~Qu'l¥ ad~pt~d are. lolution calling .. ,on the me:T1berah lp to contdbute ONE DAY'S PAY to. a national ors;e:lIzatlon fun".
'In accord .. nre with the d('clsloll of tbe Conn.ntlon. the C. E, C Issues tl;l. call t(. all memberll ur the Communist Party to {'oulrlhute one day'a pay for tbe national orlallisation.
< 'umrad"s. the need Is great. You know It. "'(j need not ,,'a~,le time and lip:lce 1('IIIng you about It.
Thf' Communist Party Is unlned and I<olidilied 011 the bltsls of principles and tat'lics as IU'\'er bt'fore In Ita hh'tory,
Tlll!re are difficult tasks ahead of us­ edu('atlon, organization, prol)a.ganda and agitation.
The "pirlt, the will, the determination, the f'nergy "1:lst to carry on thIs hlgbly illlporlant work.
Comru(ks! Rally to the support of the Communist Party!
,~'.'.#"#~#'.' •• # ••• '.'.# •• ""' •• '.'.,# ". The duty of 8pruacUng Comruunllt
Idf'all 'inrlud{'s the spc'rial obU'gation to carr, r,n II. \'Igorou!\ and systematic propa!{anda In thf' Rrm)" A Communist nucleus mllst bf' formed III ('''t.'ry unit, "'h<:re· thlll agitation II rorbldlko by lawl\ of ('xn~pUoll It Is to be car. rlN on IIlpgally Hcnun<,lation of lIuch act­ Ivlti"" "ould be the flame as treBlIOn to reo \,olllllollary duty and would be Incompatible with m~'mbl'r~hlp In the Third Ihternatlonal.
Syatematlc Agitation Ursed. "Ii, It II! npn'';''lILry to carry on a Iyslem.
allc I\IIIJ w,~11 planlH'(1 agitation In the rouDt", dl"rrld", Thn workIng dS8S cannot trlumpb wllf'fN its policy w\l1 have Inllured It tbe sup. IY.lrt uf the country I.roletnrlat and at 1E'&at a I'"ft or the poorcr farm"r., and the neutral. Ity or Ilart of th" rCllt of the yllla.a populaUoD Tlle {'ommunilltlc lwrk In the countr,.· '1 g:unlng r;n'atly In Importanre at Ute present timf'.
"It tn,llt he rarrletl on wit" tho 1It'lv or UI8' re\'olutlonary Communillt ",orkpu or Ihn city and the country. lteauDcla. tlon IIf thIs work or Ita trllnlfer to unreliable I'mi,r .. r"rlllist hands III "qual to rflQunclatlon 01 th" prn!f.tllrlan rf'YolutioD.
"41 I':'f'ry ruty .. I,hlnl to b6lon, to the "hirrt flll"'rnllt!unal II obllllat-.J to IIDmulr n.1 f\ll:~ "I,~n "orlal,{,atrloUIID, but 11.1110 tbe d1, :lIll1f1hty find hYI\C,rrIIlY of 10d.I'l'AClU\am, 011,,1 b)t.t'mlllti('lIl1y brln, to the IUf!nth)n of
the 'tII'orlteri lbe fact that, "'Ithout tbe reo Yclutlonary ,overthrow of capitalism. no kind of an Int!'rnationalcourt or arbitration, DO klDd of an agreement regardlDg the Umlta. tloD of armamentll,Do kind of a 'democNUc' renovation or the League of NaUoDI 1f1U CHI able to prevent tresh ImperiaUIUc wanL
MUlt Break With ~.formlem,
"7 The partiN wlshlne to belona to tne Communist InterDaUoDal are obligated to pr0- claim a clean break with the reformism and with the policy of the 'centre' and to p~pagate thl. break throughout the ranb of the ell. tire party memberahlp, Without tbla & loctCAI Communllt policy II Imposlllble.
"The Communist International demaDu unooooltlonally and tn the form of an ulU­ metum the e1:ccutlon of tbll break wlthl1l • verr brief period. The Commusllt Interna­ tional cannot l'eoonclle Itaelf to a condlUOIl' that lI'ould allow Dotorioul opportunllts, luca all are now re-prellented by Turatl, Kautak7. MiUerdlng. HlIltluIJ. ..LonQet. )!acDoD~d t't ai" to' ban lbe right to be counted .. mE'mbel'll of t'he Third International. TIIlat could ODly lead to the ThIrd InternaUonal No sembling to a bleb de~ee tbe dead SeeoDli JnterDatlonal
'" In the matter or colonlel and oppre"ecs natlonl a particularly c1l'ar.out staDd by tile partlel Ie necesury In those rountrlel 'WIlose bourgeoisie Is in possenlon of colonIa. an4 oppreillea olber naUonl,
"El"8ry party wlehtnl to belong to tbe CommuDlst International 18 obligated to UD· mask the trkke of 'Its' own ImperIalists JIl the colonlel, to support every movement for freedom In the colonies, Dot only wltb word. but with dE-E'd8, to demknd thp. expuliion or Its native Imperialists from those eolon,ea. to create In .. he hearta of the workers of Ita own country a flenulfte fraternal feeline for the woddng population of the colon I!'. anel for the oppressed nations and to caM':y OD a sYlltematic agitation among tbe troopa or Its own country 84;lllnBt an oppr!'B8lon of ttl. colonial pooplea.
"9. Every party wlshlnl to belong to the Oornmunlst Intprnat!lInal mUllt aYlltematlc&Uy and persilltl'ntly develop a Communist agitation within the trade uDlonl. tbe 1I'0r •• ers' and sbop.council!!, tbe co.operatlves of con8umptlon and other mue organl2:aUon of the 'tII'OTkeN.
"\\.'Ithln orgaDlu.tlona It ta nee .. aary to organ1l:e Communist nuclE'1 wblcb. through continuous and persistent work.. are to 'WIn o\'!'r the trAde unIons, etc. tor the CS\lRe of Communifm. These nuclei are ob. IIpted In their dally w,orJr t'verywhert' to !'1:p08e the treason of loclal patrlotll and tbe Inf:'tllbl1lty of the 'centre'. The CommtlDlllt nllclpl must be completely undE'r the control of the party u a wbole.
"10. F,vpry party belongIng to the eom. munlst International I. obligated to can'J on a stubborn .. tn.ggle agaInst the Amaterd&m 'IntE'rnatlonal' of tbe Yf'llow trade unlonl. It mUAt carryon a mOllt emphstlc propacaDda among thE' ~'orkerB organlz('d In trade unlonl tor a brE'~k with the ),f'lIow Amstflrdam Inter. national. With all Itl means It mUl!t IlUpport the rleln, Intprnlltlonal 8IlSOCIatioD of tb. nE'd unions which afnlUate with lbe CommunllJt Intornatlonal.
Mud Watch Parllamlntarlan .. "11 Partllll! .. Ishlnl!' to belone to the Third
Int_~nlational ",. obligated to lubJect til. perllOnnE'1 of the parlla.mentary croups to a rE'\'1810D, to cleanllE' thl'se groupa of all un· relablp f'lc'menta, antl to t21cse rrOUIII suhJpcl to the pllrty f'Xecutlvel, Dot only la fonn but In fll.ct. by dpmlndlng that each Com. mun ... t m(1ml>er tlr Pa,mament I\\bordtnate hll f'lIUrl' lI('tl\'llIl'lto the Inter6loi.a of gflnuID •• Iy ru\'olntionllry propllganda and qltatlO1l.
"1:l, The parties bekJullnl to tbe COlnmUSl· t.t I ntf'rDlltional mUlt .be built llpon tb. fJrlnrlple ot dpmnoratle ('''ntr.lllatlon. JD tbe pr"" .. nt "pO{'b of acnte ('!vII .. ar the CommUD. lal Plllty -111 ollly be III a pOlllloq tG do Itl dilly Ir It I. or,lnl!I\d ait)n •• lItrl'mf!11 ceD· trallz .. d 11111"11, If It I .. (,lJlltJ'tll1l'tl h)' \rOil dll,
«('\,nthl 11I!d on Pac. '1
publhwed l1y the
-----------------------------~ \'01, 2 Octoher lit, 19;:0, ~U
Hi11quit's Attack on the Communist International. We can accord a certain amount of
sympathy to a self.confessed bour,eola pacUi. like Drtrand Hussell, He tells you quite openlT what he doclIn't like, One feels, readlq Y articles, that he ia I;l'nulnely horrUled at .ome o! the tblDgl be wltneased In Ituaala. Part­ Icularly Is be dlslJlayed at tbe maDner in 'Wlllcll tre RUSfilan Communist Party wields Ita .tena pl',,'er over the Insttution. of 80vlet Run~ The Third Internalional-the organized, revola. li nil rll), proletarian vanguard of tbe wor~­ Is to him anathema,
Dut when a hypocritical, petty.bourceol. rpformer, malQueradln, as a revoluUcJD&r7 Socialist, like Morrl. HlIlqult, spew. bl. Hmom upon the Third International-It la aau. seating, It malK'a one IIlck to one'a atoma.cJ1 ta read his tblnly.velled but vicious attack &I
printed In the N. Y. Call of September 23rd. An Ebert, or, tllrnlDg Junker machine. gunl·U!lon tbe revolutionary worke ... an hoae. m!.'n b)' comparillOD.
Ilis arlicle Is compound of the fulmlna­ tiona of a tOOl, and a sooundrel. ,.Tbere Is not a IIlngle note of slnl·erit,. througbouL He "II Inps al)ologetica IIr. wit b bla tongue tn bla cbt'~k, al ""hen be bemoans the tact that "for lome reaaon, I have had the mllfortune of Incllrrillg the particular wratb of th. a.uto" crat of the Cc.mmuDlst InternaUonaJ, alid bave b.'en rept'atedl)' held out aa one of the hor. riLle namples oC SocialIst apoatacY··.Utallea ours) Think of Itt This Intellectual pro. sUtute, wbo. aa the recoll1llzed leModer 1a re­ sllOnsilole for e\'ery act of commission aDG onlluillslon at tbe Soclalst Partl ev... stne. itl> Inception. wondera 1I-h,. He bu tncurreCl Ole )lartkulll.r wrath 0: tho "autocrat or tb. COllllllunl:;t :nternatioLal"! Thl. relle,ade. who jOint'd the Socialist Party to the oo;,::-geol. I)adrltlt outfit durin, the war, mergin, ... 1tJ1 the Pt'0J11t'8 Councll-tbls traitor. who con. t.oned b)' hili .1I+'II('e and acts the aoclal. patriotic activities of Meyer. Lon~on. Daniel Huan. r\ISt'fon Lee. ILIld olhers;--thla Icoun. drel. ,,'110 llIllued tbe ukale leading to the es· pulsion of all Left Wing elemcnts trom tb. S. p. lat;t year-this "bero(c" defender of til. oust!'d As!;.~mblymcn at ,Albany wbose detense hrllllgl1t dllwn upun his head the deDunclatlon lind cOlldf'lnnation of every member 01 hla own J1arty with a lihred of self.respect left-tllia rcactillnary lead!'r wbo. at the last convelltioD or bid party forc~ the eli!ll!natlcn of til.
c1auHPs from the cont;titutlon torbidd1nc I:SO­
ciallst It'l;illiatora to \'ote fOl war appropria­ tions and compelling Soc!allit candidateol to p1ace 1I1t'ir signed' rcslgnalionl In the haneJa 'It tht! partY,-I& order to make the party aUf. Ckiently rl:'svl'l,taLle to elt with '8weetl£o. la lbe Sta~e Ll'glllatuPe---tbl. opportunilt ... be brOl:ght down uJlon his hl'l1d tbo d~nunclaUoll
(rllmed the most conBenatl\'8 program In the 1111 III " l'on\'clltlon-thll Intellectual pe"ert ',he progl illll ot the so.called Lt>fta who wantecl \0 bring In au Innocuous dause atating Ulat ill po"er duriu&, the transition ptrlod muat b. In the h/lDds ot tint worker.- -thIs unllpeak. .ahli' callcuture ot a Soclallat daree to wblne yllblkly that ("r "60ME' REASON" he baa In. .:urred tbe particular 1I'rath of the Third In. tl:'rnatiOllal !
AI It JtlllQult I. not .ulflclenU)' acqualDt­ "ll ,,·ltb Suclalillt philoilOphy to know that b. is not being attackl!d a. an IndlYidual C>ut 118 a rN'o.:nlZl'd !I'ader and psponeDt of op. (Jill 11lnitllu IUld reformllm In the United ~llllf·". likl! Kaut.", - In GermanY,I.oAauct I. 1·'IOIIIl'l', Macl>onlild aDd Snowden in Jr;nclaDd, etC' .••
Or. 'like nDother attempt or bla to COyer lip hi" trudlury to Ule work In, clu. In OK.
1,111111111;; ·'Whlh. Ihe Sociallatl ot ~nclanG,
1'11111 t' :111.1 the Ulllhtcl 8lat"l .nd tb. In. ,II'!!' Ilrl"ut l!olllliJ.t. uf CerlaaDl rallle4 ".01 •. 1"'111'1 ... 111) til LlII' II .. IIIIIS. of the Soviet Govara­ Illl'"t In I h. flU:e of \' IIl1fh-uLloa aad au.ac1lAl
THII OOIlMUNI8., -- ~.---------,---------------
of practically the whol. body", thalr 1I0n.80- clldlst oounlr,.meza, tile oft'lcial spok .. mllD of th.. Moacow lJaternaUoDal e.zptf'b(od their ape ,reclaUCIA of'.hl. manl(eetatlon of Intern ... tlonal 800l&Ust eolldarlt,. by DubUcl, d.nQulla. In, thl'm aa renepdea and tralto ......
In wilat ... ., baa th. "wholehearted d •• lense" of Hovlet Ru .. la by the 80clallat Part)' differed rrom th. delena. of SoViet Rua. .Ia by bour,eol8 liberala? No amoUJ1t or h)"l)(lcrltlcal laudaUolA by the S. 'Po over an A«ompllala.. proletarian reyolutlon abroaG can cover up Jts treachery to the revolutlonar, moyemeat at home.
Lentll'a c&ltlgatlon of theee aoclaJ. patriotic "aympathlzora" with the Rua.lan re­ volutlon exposea lnl'lqult'a hypocrltl91 pre- .. "AU tbe .c:01Uldrel.)eade1'8 of th. Bel'll. International" bay. on their lip. declaratiooa
of tbeir "sympathy" toward revolution tn gt'neral, and toward the Ruse Ian revolutloa ,In particular. But only h,pocr1tea aDd fools canuot understand, that tbe exceedingly rapid successes of tbe ReyolutioD in Ru.ala are tbe rt'sult of tbe work of man,. years or lhe r\:lyolu. tionary part,. In the direction, of the buUd. Ing up systematically for yeara of aD under. cround (UlegaJ) apparalu. for the leaderanip or demonstrations and .trlkes. for the work alJlong the troopa, of the study aDd creatloa of undercroun4 literature, .ummlns up . the re­ sults of Uietr experiences .and educatiq til. whole party to the Idea of th. Jleceult7 01 re,'oluUon. training and preparin. leaden of tbe maaaea lor such OCcaalolUl, etc. etc." (Lenln.on Ramsey 'MacDonald)
Furthermore it must be remembered that KEREN8KY an4 bot Lenine waa the 004 of Soclal.Democracy the world over, in the earll day .. ot tbe revolution. The N. Y. Call retrered to the Bolahevlkl &I "anarcblat." In those day.. And the National ExecuUVft COmmittee of the Soclallat Party walled month. belore endorllng the Soviet Government, and only tben atter tta mem.berahlp compelled It. W bat a .convenlent mem01'1 Hlllqull poness.l ••
One of the maill re&&Ons, aceordln, to UU. Iqult, which impelled him to attack the Tbir<1 International. ~ bta desire .. to clarity the lasuea between Soclallam of the \\' eatern lype &lid tb. new doctrines trom "MoscoW". SoUce tao ... · eleverly he leta the reader Inter that there Is onl,. one kind of Socialism-hi. klnd--whlle the "new doctrines from Moscow", well-they may be aDa.rcblsm, or Dlanqulam,
but the,. are not Soclall.m. Lea'Vln, asl4e his per\"eralon of Mars'.
deftnlUon ot the tranaltlon period, leaTlng ..Ide bls corruption ot Zlnovlev'. atatemen\ that tbe recognition of the atrug,;le for UI.
dlctatorlblp of tb. proletartat Iii thll leneral unlfylnr pl'Orram 04 til. main dllrerenM between tbe Communllta &114 - aoclal.patrtoU and traitors of all bnuu'., HUlqutt 4ra .. til. followlnll oronc1uslonll aa constituting the dtf. ft'rence betWM'll "SoclaU.m" of tbe Weatp.rIl type and tbe new' doctrtne. from MOlCO"': "1. France,;land. German7 anel lbe United St.atl'. ban not entereel upon tbe perl04 of
acUTe Socialist tranllformaUon". 2. "We all accept the Marxian a .. ertlon tbat the political torm of the "transitional" .tate must be a 'dtctatorablp of tbe prolfltartat'," but, "OUT clilreoreneee arlle Ollly on the proper Intl:'rpretaUon of the term 'dlctatonblp' In the
abov. phraM." I. Opposition to 8ol1et power, and favorlDg a
Con.tit"oDt A_embl,. f. There Ie DO Third InternaUoaal.
Reduced to plain lanauace HtIlqult meana tbat he Ia oppoaed to the proletarlo re­ volution, that be I. oppoa8d to the dictator.
.blp of the prolela.rlat, tbat be t. oppond to
Soviet power, that he I. oppoucl to til •
Third (Comm.Dlat) International
turn. out to lMt lIolbln, el.e than phra ...
moftPrtng or HI. Seconel tnt~atIODaJ. What
fADln .. ld to lIacnooald Call be ver,. aptll
appltec1 to HtD.,.tt. '
""MIe .00t daacerou •. comln, from tb.
Dt'rDII Jntematsonal-Ia the LJP~nV1C11 re. copltlna of the Dlctator.hlp of tbe Proletar.
ING .(!J.~"B MOVIIJMIlNT. Kautek,. al,...."
tNl)a lbat he la Jlg~ oppoae4 to W. DiCtator. IIIlIP or the !'rolelarlat. lI'reucll .ocial.patrlo .... alld "CenLrilta:' allO .~n under tb. r8lt01U.
tilln for lb. Dldatorllalp " Lile .·r.l.u.rl&L. ltill du... iitJl~"U.)
"Tbe, do JlO\. .: .. w •• anI 8Ontld...aae what­ aoever.
"Xot IIp.servlce recoluiUon III DCCeHt.r1. L1ut the aclual rupture with the pollel.. of r",formlsm, 'WIth the preJudiCe. of' bourCeola freedom, bour,eol. ilcm.oc'raCJ1, th. aclll&1 OARllYINO ON THE POLJCIES OJ' THE IUD­ VOLUTIONARY CLASS STRUOGLID"
"The,. attempt to recolP11z. the Dictator· ehlp of the Proletariat tn worda, Ia onser Ibcreti, to read Into It the "wlU of tho major. Ity", "r;~nera.l aulrrqe" (Kautalq precl.el7 la dolnc thta tbln,) bnurpol. parl1amezat. arlam, the refuaal for th.. complete Geatrua. t10n .or tbe bourgeola It,a.t.. machln817 We woul4 guard ou ... elvea a,...snlt !beee Dew trlcke, agalnlt !bele new laeke,.. of reformtllD mnre tban anythlD, el .....
Intellectuall, ane! Iplrltaall,. Ht11qult still belongB to tbe Bern. Jutematlonll. n. Jeopard cannet cbanle It, apota, T'IIe Secona Internatlona.l la 11111 god anel KautakJ' la 11111 el7 propllet.
The I. W. w. Moves to the Left
FoIfEWORD. The following p'\olutlon" reprinted from
the ONE BIG UNION MONTHLY for Septem. ber, which are being lubmltted to the member. ahlp of the I. W. W. for ref.rendum vote Ie a clear. Ind)catlon that the rank and til. of the I. W. W. II. waking uP. Th. Communlet agitation I. beginning to bear fruit. Howeyer, It I. too much to expect that the reaolutlon favoring unreaent.d affiliation with the TftlrCI International will b. carried, Moat probabl,
. the .econd relolutlon, In favor of an EconomIC Indultrlal International will b. carried Inet ... , Thl. only mesne that w. muet redoubl. our propaganda to tn. rank and flf. of the f. W, W. Memba ... of the Communi .. Party who are membera of t:,. I. W. W. Ihould take con. Itruc:tlve action by organizing a Communi .. section In the I. W. W •• Imllar to the Left WI"g Section In the 8. p. before the .pUt of lalt ye.r and auppl.ment the outBid. Com. munllt agitation by direct Internal IntenafY. agitation and pave the way for capturing the n.xt lIen,ral. election.. of th·, organ. lzatlon. (Editor, the Communist.)
1. 1\Io\'ed by McClellan, S ... wnded b, Maib. l),kln.
That w. endorM t.... Third. 'International. Motion loat. •
.'or: McCI('l\an, Muahlyl,ln, Agalnlt: Btown. 1'. ord II II 1st. Lt'llSlg. Sullh an IlndFlsher.
2. :\Io\'t·d h)' "rowo. Seconded by Sullivan. That we do not endnrae the Third Int.rna. tlonal 8fflclal)" and that we notify the Thlr;,d International that our po.ltlon make. It 1m. pOE.ible to endoree lame al It la outl!ned fn the Zlnov1ev appeal to the I. W. W,' and that we are In favor of an Economic Indultrlal International. MotIon carried. For: Brown. u:~slg, 8ullh·lIn. NordquIst. Agalnat: Fiaher. McClpllan. ~188hlykln, 3. Movp.d by u:salg, Se<'onMd b, Nordqul.t. That we endora. the Third Inter"atlonal with rnervatlon, as follows: that we reaent. the right to develop our own tactic. accord. Ing to condltlonl prevailing. Motion For: Nordquist, Le~stg. Sullivan. naber, Agalnat: Brown. McClellan, Mll8hlyklD not "OUDg. 4. :\ff'\,l'd b,. ~fc{'lelJnD, Be('Qndl'd by Maab.
Iykln that the three above propoaltlonl be sub • mltted to the member,hlp for a referendu", vot., Motion carried.
Tht' a)'ndlcal:et attempt at revolution In Ital), hal ftzzled out. al 11'88 to be expected. Thll tragic dete.t of t~e lIAllan workera fiX. POSI'S Klarlngl, tbe fallacy and Impotenc,. of the lIyndlcallat aDd I. W. W, theorl and tactic •. The ltalinD altuation contalnl aver,. valu •• able obJ(>ct lel60n ot tbe futility of "Iolllr., tbe Industrlel and locldn, out the bMlPI", wbUe If'avln& the "apitallllt state Intact, and throW. Intn bold rl'l\of the progrt.m of the Communi.' J>art)"-the organllatlon of the revolutlona". l'roIAt.ulan uDluard Into a blgbly centrallleQ JlolILlcill party, tbll dt'strllction ,of tbe bour,toot. Itille machln'ry by DINIUS tlf mass arUon (Irtflf!d InllJrrertion aDd .. Iyll war). and tb. ... t.,"t of the Dictatorship or tb. 1'ro. \I'larill t In tlI. fnrm Qt a Ro'let GovernmeDt .. the Olio'! 1 m .... of nlharln, III tbl (';om, munl_t .Ot'lety.
American Imperialism. Thl 1\'01'11101 ,luI ot the Unlted ~tatel
il 1I1t~'.(! or 1«. ...... fOll1l1lor with tI\l' nl!Iwl 01 1111' .i::n,.;! Ish GO\'et~m('nt In Egypt, India, Ire. luud, and els"'hnre; of the Delglan UQ,·ern. 1ll~'lIt'li utrodllc'lI III the Con!o;o; wIth Germany', raid I .• tu lIl'lgilllll, t!tc. 'I'll" brutal ImperIalIsm ot tht' gllnrlllllf'ntB ot Europl'nn ," Statel al·tlng in the IlIlcrl'941 ot their nl('Jlt'('Uve ca"ltalillt. flnBllclerll, thl' bloody relgna of" lerror, tile llIaSll llJurdel"d nud ntroc!UCI> perpetrated upon deft'nl't'len!! unurmed colonial .peoples In Aaia hud Atril'l\, their I'nllll!.\'(.me!Jt and the .netcl. 11'111 exploitation fot tbli"" advantnge of IDter. IIlltlonal finoucc.!-'a.pltal, has orten been ex· pOlwd to the hOITifil'd ,'1610u of the lIu..called Ana,rlcnn public. TIle Innocent and gu1l1ble workors In tho Unltl'd states ba,'e wondered how lueh things could bl', aad Bwelled u., wlUI \'Irtuoul ludlgnation at the treatment ac. corded U,e Irlllb and Indian people. at ttle handB of English ItlljlerlaJlIID, believing their own capltaJlllt government to ba lulltleea or .. ucb practlfles.
Tbe Anierlcan.lmperlalllt GOHrnment PIIShl, as the righteous I.rot{'ctor of defense. lu>! and {'('Qnomlcally backward pecplee, hal lun~ bt.>en held up belorl' us In tbe IIhape of tht' kindly, lJelw\'ol('nt t'ncle 8am to whOle IIIllgnanilllOll1 soul nothing could be dearer than the weHare and prosperity of the lItUe l:Iistl'r republics In the Carribean Sea, MexicO, aud Ct'Dtral Amerleo. For the dark.sklnnoo people of these \tndeveloped countrlel, the t;nited Statcs professes an enduring, and dll· intl'rl'sted atfecUou. Agalnlt the enl C1esignl of Europoan Imperialism tho tJnlteci Statel bas I'bleld(.d them und(r the aegl. 01 ttle Monroe l)ol:trlne,. School children and ower political Infantll have been taught to believe that tbe aPlJlicaUon ot t11e Monroe D()('lrlDe protec~, J tbese weaker &tf1tl:1 In the Welteru Hemllj1b{'re against European aggresllon, but few bavo realized tbat notwitbstandlng It. lrnlOCrltlcai and high lou~dlng Phraleolo~~ the Goverament of the united, States In Illterests cf the Americlln capitalists, has practised tbe very aggresslonl and tyran
against which It bu pretended to tafe­ guard these weaker .tatea.
American Imperiallam began in earDeilt In the "ear 1l\~8, whl'n the U. S. at the In. sligation- of tte American Sugar Co. and thl Ame71can Tobacco Co., took undor its pro· terti""" wing the bland of Cuba, IDcldentallY gatlll'ring in the l'hilllpine Island!!, a territory as larJl:e as ~e\ada and connectl~at combined, l~oml)rislnJl: 11(; (100 Square mllcs 'nth a popul .... tion of );.~6\1Jlr,:!, repn,senting an Invl't;tment of $20.flOO,.100.,an old battleship or two, a.nd the JI\'ell of about 1,000 unemployed American wor\;ln&men ~ Boldler. ualronna.
Tbp Filll'lnotl took t:be hytlOCl'lUcal A\IIerican's pl'('fes~lonl of good will a.nd de· 1:lOcrury at their face value nud under the leadt'r8!llp 0: Aguinaldo, (who with bil Il&tlve trOlll's lI<'tllall y captured Manila. for the U. s.) proclaimed the FllIplllo H. ... puLUc. Here for the tlrst time Amerkan Imperialism Ibow­ ed Its tel'lh and claws, nnd for more than t1l,.o y('ars hunted and murdered theBe unarmed arid nakl'd nath'ea, In the mOlt approved Europoan fashion.
Cuba v.ns ghen an American protectorate, ulldt't \\ h il' h the American Sugar, Tobacco, Slid rnitlo Fruit (.·oIDpanll's cxplolt the ClIban wurkl'Ts to the limit of their eudurance; strikes bPing lIIE'rdll'8slr sUpprt ssed with the aid of th{' .\mt'ricnn ~a\'y and U. S, Ma.rlnel.
Rt>\'olntlolls aod disturbances In Mexico and CPlItral Am('rica are fost.·wd and nuanced by WI\.I1 Str"ct and It. agent the Unit6Cl State II Fl'doral GOHrnment and made the OCC'lIsinn for Inten'{'ntion by the Ilaval and mil. itat)' ton't't; of the U. S" resulting In forced tralldlisl'8 and concE'cllonl to Amerlca.n Ca.llltillistll and Lnllhl'rs, ID the natural' re­ sourcell of these fertile land •.
Tlitl howl for Intervention In Mexico and tho iuvuslou of l>II'xlcan t,'rritory by American trool's, is ('UllIllIOU kIlo ..... ledge Me:I.lco furnisb. ('s one of the bo~t e~aruplee' of the n:iture of Americau ImperiallllU, itl PUrj>OlWB, and III 111011111 operandi. The N. Y. Times eIIu~~ea the IIrl;.;illul (· tnvl'sted loy AIU~rlean (,:LVllalihtll In l>\l'xh'o, at $'..i60,OOO,000. Thl. In· \'l'lIlru,mt or $650,1)(10,000., saY8 the Times, "hntl grown In valut' until iu 1910 It ~a.a said to bl' worth $2,OOO,OOO,OOlJ," In other word' ,C,MI caBIt 11IH'lItlIll'nt aftpr paying fablllcuslY large dh'ldl'ndl, had lucre:u('d In a few yeare til a ('Illih 111\ "stm('nt of $::0.00, or o,'er 200 :lI'r C(,lIt The Alllorican cx'l'loltt're ot Mel>lcan labor uud nlltural rOllourcos bave thue reaped $1,:\..11,1100,0011. upon which tbey Intend to tPulizt', ')'h"1I1' jgurel are tor tbe year litO; VI hilt ure tlit'sf IJrupl'rties worth today!
Thl' COlllultlE't! llOldhlKR ot foreign cOlllpanl"l III tltll 011 prodUcing lauda In ~lexl('o total r. . .f:It;,z71 anuI, IIr wblch the 8l.andard UU ('Olll/'UII>- uwn" !ltltj,92:.! II.rr"l and :.!!ll A mt'rlcan ('()I1CI·rtIH holt1 l,:.:r,9,207 acrN. The Mexlcall ~1·I·rf·tR") of IIIt!UIIU'y lind Commerce reported thllt Jurll1~ till' )'f'ar ,] 918 the value ot oU I'~/',.rtlw1 fl"OlII l\I .. xll'o wa. U4U,6&7,6f.3,20, Tbe VI&IUII lind .'ltant or the (,I'ppor, cold, .nver, Illlt! utltllr 11I11I1.~:;.1 oOl'olilta In Meslco Is enon,· ~U., 'J'ho "lIlut! of thl' crovs at siNal, (th. ta.· hl/ltt·rll,1 tWID whlcb t'fdU8 la made) tobac· co, Indhro, aud otllllr M,rklllltural produclI,
IB InestImable, There are 1&,000,000 MftlO&JJ -wllge Ilan's,rucl'nUy freE'd trolU peonage, "'ho CIlII be expJolt~ at low wliCea.
Every revolution In Mexico, In recent Yfmrll, has bel'n e~glneered and flnanced, 00 olle "Ide or tbe other, by AmerIcan upltallat.a. earru n~a otrl'nded the Americah IIDanctal In­ tetclltl by bls aloran or "MexIco for U18 Mtlxlcan.", and he ..... promJl4lI)' dejlOMed nnd murdered, as waa Madero before him Tbe u.>vernmcnt of the Unltf'd Statet will tolerate a Ifovcrument In MeXico whlcll \\ 111 olley ordere from Wall 8treet aDd \Vaall. Ington, otherwile they 11'111 invade aDd CODQuer Mexico.
n), rar tho ,reater part of the popuJaUon. of Lbe prellent arl'U of direct .xploltatlon by Amerl~n ('a.pltalist.lmlK,rlall.m, are darll •• 1UD. Ih'd ~,eol'les; Malay, Indian, and N6Iroo •• How Cuplt.l\lIst America, the bouted "land of the freo aud horne of the bra v.". the reputed ha\'en of rduge ror t!le oppre .. ed of all tb8 earth, tbe IInocrlUeal detcndera of the rleht • of small natlol18, the advocatel of 'World de. mocrlicY,-bow thetle 8&Dt.:t1monloWl &Doba these poJlUral pen-artl, tbe mODe,. mad ru.lera or Am':rica treat the 13,000,000 neerON witllin Ibe territorial boundaries of the United 8tatetl a mutter of International notoriety. Wbat kind of treatment tbe dusky nath'ee of the .mall nearby republlcl, belpleel and unarmed, may t'xpect at tbe hands of theJr white American Capitalist mastera, may be Inferred from til. following authentle e,'ent, which ta only one of tbou8&.Jlds of recorded CUeti of frequent occnrence. The Jacklon Ne ... ·• (MII"I.slppl) ran the followiDc in laree heaclllDes on June 26tb, last
And under tIIil head; HA committee 01 J::lIIs\'llIe cltlzenl hal been appointed to make
'the necessary arranlementa, for tbe event and the mobil pledged to act 1n confonnlt1 with these arrangementa".
The New Orlean. State on the lOme date ran aa a h~adline covering tbis Bcbedu.led Iyncblne:
"NEGRO SULLEN AND JERKY A8 BURN· ING HOUR NEARS"; and under it the III· formation that, "The· ollk:ere have agreed to turn him over to the people at 4 o'clock, when It II expected be WlI..L HE BURNED"
Not olle of tbe '·commlttee appointed to make the necel8a.ry Iirrangem8llll" and to wbom kDown o1(cere of the law deUberatel) hauded o,'er a naUve born Alaertcan citizen to be BUR..~ED ALlVlI':, has ever tleen ap. prehended nor ..... tbere 10 much aa an m. velltigatlon ordered by Ule United Statea Government.
·'Law and Order" i. tile a10,.n alway. raised whenever the prop<'rty Intereata Of Ule capitaliFts are threatened. "1.&11' and Ord ..... II the cry raised by their ptOlUtute preas and .polltlclans \IIIbE'nev~r they p~o.. a nld upon the relJOurcee and wealtb of Deipborlll& oollntrl(,B. In the posture of outraged .irtue and righteous IDdlgnation tbey call upon tile llui,lue and duped working cJua of the United Stat .. !; to aHmge the death of .ome American I'ntreprl'neur while t1ngaged In robbing the belpless peC'1l8 of a nelpborin, repubUc.
To furtber tbe Interest. ot American ImperlallsDl and world trede tb~ American Government proJe<-ted the Panama Canal which ran acrolls tbe -t('rrltory of thE' United States of ('olumbla, Under the admintptratlon. Of Hoose"elt. thE' Amt>.rIcan Government fomented and staged a "revo1utlon" agall18t Colum~A&, In the isthIDlan rl'glon, and created the He. public ot Panama, wheh i. completely under the control of '\'uhin,too.
The IImall Statel of Guatemala., Honduraa, :\!caragllR. Salvador, and Coeta Rka, ID Centro al America, are exploited by the United Fruit Co" tIll' coffee, a.nd otber IDlereets, and are l.ractlcaUy prote<-toratetl of the Uniled Statt~, policed by tbe U, 8, MlU'int! Corps .nd nwnact'd hy the gunR of the American NaY1. The for pre.ldent II al tUl. wrlUng bE:lng <'arrlad on, In Nicaragua, under the Jl:uns of th.~ Marine Corps, and the "election" of a candidate aCl'eptable to Ua. Int .. reata engaged In exploltin, that country Is allllured. and If by al:cldent any other were victorioUI there will b{',. "revolution" In NlearaguL
'Porto HIN haa wltnee.ed a bloody cOD. tIIet belwPen ttl du.k,. ware .lavel and U. S, ~larillOB, and II a COIOD" of the U. 8. wlttl. out the rlgbt. even of a ten1tol'1.
Santo f)omin«o baa been reduced to a dE'lof'ndcncy and It. nel,hbor the Republic of -Haiti i. in process of reAuction. What I. hllllpeDln, DOW In that Recro a.pubUc 11. IUKtrah'l the brlltallt,., cblcanery, and hy. pocriry of Amttrlcan lmperiaIl.m.
The prett'!xt uJlOn wllieb tbe United Sllltl'l InvRdl'd Haiti In 19111 w .. the rem on. IIf a mall from the sanctuary h. claimed In tht' I"reneh If'/:,atlon. ~Upon the preten.. of tlafl.l'uordlnlC tore'gIl ~pUDn. and "Ol18l lj1. att'l In Haiti. apillet vloleuce, and to PreYflDt a hypotheth:al ('onl\ugeuey In which IIOme fort'1101 "o1\'er rn!,ht .Ie.e and hold Haiti aa a haht. for naval a('Uon aaalr\,lt ~ United Btatt-s and the J'anama Canal, thla country Hnt a fore. of marID.. to ooouVJ a~ .. old
}.Ialtl. 'l'bat Wei ia 1816, ' A Illl'r:1' 1411 !! are ,,1111 IlIwe, •
All durin, III. \\'orllJ \\'a': while AIIlcrh:an the, rav- or IilUII UlllliulII 1l1lJ to Plotect the worK lUll IlIt'n ,\etc calkd upnn to ,,\ \ ell,. tl,.lal. of IDlall nall'JIIl' Ill4i to "'like tb. wOl'klllg lllt!n wete clllh'd 1I1ll,u to 11\ "n/OIII .·ullIpdled the little Nt'sro Jtt>pul.lllc lIf Haiti, WILli a POI,uhltion of • Iilt:e o\el' 1\,'0 lOU. lum to s11u a C01ll'Untion t:lUvuwelllll Ole li. t:;. to Ildlllwlillur HUltJlln l:'Ubtullll an_ liU8.Ul·tj lor a l/t'rlod of tWt'uty ) tl&rs, or as ruucu IUll;..:!.'r u lhe U. 8, IIOCII Ill, and ha \ e 'meed tlae Haitian ltepul,lIc to _Iluvjtl a cOllltitutlun wrllt8ll In Ole t:. ~ tl'wuviul the dhlal.lUllY of &.n n..Ill:1l o\\llini la·nd In HaIti, UIUS "peuln, tue voa) lor Aml'rkan 1If.pitallst to purcbaa. or 1;;rab the D1ulll f~rtile land un the i,land, :\1 illtury CIlUlpe "'ere establllhed overywberej tae property of nath'ell takt'n lor Illilltary U18; Haltiau. caught carr) Ing a iun or otber wea.lWu ';. .. ·re sunuuanly abot; lUaclJiJ1e IUlIIi VI ~re turned un ero" lh. of unarwed natl';-ee; lIIen, WOOlen, and chiidren to tbe number of 3110U 'fI'ere sbut a.nd ktUed, while III the !lye years or oCl'uplllion aud llla8llaere, leu Ul&ll tw",uty Americanll were ki1l~ ID acUon.
AI Ii result of thls reign of terlor Lbe ='atlonal Hank of Haiti Ia nuw owned l.Iy tbll NaUona.1 (;ity Bank ()f l\ew York, WJl1Cl1 lllllabl all Haitian c~'rcucy; the natloll~ ratl. waYIL of Hliitl are 0\\ noo by American C&IIltal· lilts, who also control aU &uGIU' mtu. and IighUug and power plll.Ut1. Groups of AmeriC&ll!tliUsls are buy In" at thilr own price, the most ferUle land in the l8land, one cumpaD1 alr{'ady own In&, more than 6S,OOO acret.
;All tbls dlploma"1 ls of Ule mo.t .ecret nature. None or tbe acta of thls mllltar)' de&l)Qt1am are ever re\'lewed by the (;on· In'u of Ute U. S. 'fbe Secrct.a.ry of the Navy the Secretary of State, who are the ('rtlaturea and appolnteel of the President 01 the li. B. In coJluslou wltb bank presldbnts and Lbe head. or Ireat cal.ilallt.t euterprisel, use the arw)' and the navy In furtherance of their nefarious IIcbemes. Tbe strictest e.flsorah!P is maintalnl:d over the prer.e on new" tile capllaU.t press prlul.lDg iJlIIplred article. abou1. Mexico, IHaiti, etc. calculated to arouse the prejudice &lid hatrell oI the American work· ers. When in sheer desperation the exploited and lleuecuted natives turn upon an American capitllUst or bil agent, the cry loea UIJ 10 an-engt! the d&ath 01 American cittZ6IlI a.nCl to uphold We bonor ot the '(\ac.
In it. dlili~"Jl.I upon (;hlna and trade In the Far East, American Imperialism tiIlda U' way blocked by a powerful rival, the Japanese, with whom In the near future they 11'111 lock horus in a conte.t to decide whleb &llall ba\'e lhl; exclusive rlgbt to explult the pe<lll-!ea 01 the Orl{'nt. \\'bile tbe American capltallat dll'l'\tort'hlp iB pnlarging Ito army and nav1 In )'I't'Pllration for thll coutcSt. It I. Qu.ltelJ al»iorblng the wealth and labor of tbe peoples of thl:! nearby, Islandll and contlguou. stat£'S ID tile Wutern Hemisphere and closl~ Il' Ctip Oil tbelr terrltorletl
Callitalist Amerka Ii enterlDg tt. lut and final ltagl'. Bureling with wealth, the swlen products of tbe workers· toll, It Ia -:am. pelJtod to find e\'ar wider DJarl.e'" tn whtcJl to ullload tbelr loot, togl'lher' "'Ith new 10ure .. o\" raw material for their factorlea.
In the meautlme the Communist Part)' of America, il training and disclplinlnl a re-,'olutlonary c1ul conscious vangllard of the workirrg c:a88 in whom the American capital. Ists and their go\'t'rnm{'nt ID \\,a8blngton re('ngl.lze thf'ir mortalt'uemy. Url\'en to dt'~peraUon In tbelr struggle for bread We AnH'rican W()rkere will rally to tbe standard of the Commun~ta ID that ptlrlod WhE'D <'apltalillm will collapse &8 the relult of Its ow n Inhert'nt contradictions aud with arms In thdr hands ~-1ll oHrthrow and destroy tile Capitalist State and In Its pl .. ce will estab!Jlh tht' dlctatotllhlp of th", proletariat bUed IIpon a.nd artlng through 8o\'let power. It lIIay be that Capllali);t Im_perlallBm in America wil! be the last of the great capitalist .tatN tu 6urcumb to the Iron hattallon. of tbe ~'ork· IlIg c1a~8 that It II d('atb lhrol'll may be furtou' lIUtl bluody, thE' I\nal act of the world w\(le rc\'OllItlon wh\(oh ",III brln, Into belli' Lbe World Republic of I.a.bor thull ending tor. Ewer the pXllloltatioll of labor, domeltlc or forf'lgn, preliminary to the InlroducUoll of t!1f' free Communist Boclety, In which bt'f.ll. tIle state and claEOsel will dllappear, a.nd work "'UI bE' curled on and "ealth dlltrlbuted for the cotr.mQn en.ld.
I'resldt'nt Johnl<lIn (" the ~lacblDlsta Union, S, 1'. labor fakl'r, was acclIlIl'd In the MaehtniN Convention or having calliI'd the arrelt and lIE'arcb of radical delegate. by the Depart· lnf,nt of Justice. Jobnllon's war record and hIs bt'trayal of the Br'dg"port Macblnlsta. makes .blm quite ('apable of lIuch an act 4s. IIpitfl hili dl'lIll1l, Stooman, Gemll'r, Derrf'rl: Co. alllo denll'd resjlonlllbility for the pretollcE. of Cltlef of Police GarrIty of Cbl('n,o a~ tbe fam. OUI S, p, (.'onvelltllll\ In 19111. Till! wurlu'r' of tbl. cO\lutry IJlIlYPXpect til' aame treatment at the hand. ot thN!!> traitor. '" lh, worlce,. of GermallY r8<'t'lved al lbe band. of Ebert and ~k ..
1''ORL.'WOHD. The following ttlelil on the Communld
Party and Indultrlal Unionilm, , .. uM b1 thl Extcutlve Committe. 0' the Commynllt Inter. national, II partlcularl),. valuabll. . In thll country where the Ideal of the I. W. W. 'till find favor with a number 0' cla .. ·coneel. OUI workerl both within and wltholl1 thl Com. muni,t moyement. It clearl)' deftnea thl ecopl of activiti .. of Indultrlal unlonllm blfore anel durlnlil the proletarian dtctatorlhip- and proy.. that unl .. 1 thl Indultrlal unlona work under the gui.:lance anddirection of the Com. munilt Party, the)' tend to pernicioul forml of Iyndicalilm which hamper thl revolll1lonary movlmnlt.
In thll connection It. Ie Important to mention that thl ONE BIG UNION MONTH. LW of the I. W. W. brazenl), accept what thll thelil calli ''the worlt featuml of I,.". dicalllm" .1 It I own polltlon
It II allo Intlreatlng to mlntion the In. ternal controvert)' going on In thl W. I. I. U. aroent political pOtrtlea and Indultrlal unlonl a. the leaderl In the revolutlona..,. labor mov •• mente The editor of. thell' official organ. re· cently religned becau.. he dll&greld with "" 8. L. P.-W. I. I. U. polltlon on thl. queetlon thul creating a verltabll templst In thl lat­ ter organization.
Thll theall, al well al thl th .. 11 on the ROLE OF THE COMMUNIST PARTIES, print. ed in a previoul Ilaue Ihould go a long wq In clarifying thll '"ue to thl memberehlp of the Communlat Part)'.. But, to mak.. our agitation effective It II nec .... .,. that th."' .... berl of the part)' Ihould· Ipread thle Id.. In thllr Ihopi and unlonl, particularly In Ut. I. W. W., O. 8. U. and Ind.pend.nt Indultr.' un 10M.
( EdltGr--ComlWunllt)
To arrl\'e at a clear understanding of the proper relationship of the Communist Party and the workera' Industrial organizations, ODe mllAl flrat ..:lamlne the purpose and atructure of In. dUl$trlal organization.
According to Wt'bb. the aim " .. to maintain and lncr"ast' the standard ot \' .. a~e •. " BrenlaDo and Somuarl say that the object II "1.0 .ub. Iidize lhu memUers in time of strike, and to lale guard their Inter!'stB by Incrt'8.sin, their wages."
The Bolshevik- I'arty hal: never gI\,en Ita adhesion to thet'e phrasea, It bal Del'er appro'Yed thA tonnula gent'rally acct.'pted by the Second Inlf'Tnutlonnl. This was defined by a well.known Austrinn mJlltnnt Industrialist. Adolf Braun, aa the organization of the workera "In permanent craft or Trade l'nlonl of wage llarners, with the oi>j('('t of Rccurlng amt'lloratloni of working COD. ditlon!; within the I1mlts of the capitaliit Iy.tem. and to flhht within those limite b prevent con. dlt Ions grow!na: worse."
In the controv.~rsy ·,dth tbe ~ensbevlkl In 1913. the Doll$he\·IIl· Party laid the rule down that the "orkers should be organized tn a Union coyerlng the entire industry, not merely a sectional craft trade within the Indultr)'.
The ('oDllllunlst Pnrty declared tbat the In. dustrlal Unions should conduct the economic tight of the wI.rlil'rs. and should conlitanUy ('(l1Jaborate with the work era' pollth'al party In tbe working cIa tiS struggle for emall<'lpatlon, the abolltlon of .. 'agc slaw·I')'. alld the victory of Socla11sm.
For this rt'lUIo[)o the Bollhevlk ParlY baa De. \'t'r I'olltlld('n"<i the InduMtrlal Union aa IUl 0reaa. batlon aspiring only to lIecure tmm~ reforms anc! anlt'lioratiuns of "'ork Ing condltlonl within the l!mils of ('upltll.lIst socll'ty. On the ('ontran', the RolKhe"lk Parly. in complete accor.:! . with the doctrine of ~'nrx. hal' alwaYII SI.'(,II that the Ill. dustrlal Union la one of the moatlmportaDt organizations ot the working clau; one that hu bf>('n ('rf'afl'd for the f1~ht tor Soclallllm In In. tlmn!" colluboratlon with the polltkal party. anti one that. In ('ollst'qllf'nct' ... II favorable to the dktatorllh Ip of the proletariat,
Slnr'f' ] 913 Important changf'l have comf' ahOlIl In RUI,"la. The power has passed Into the lIanliM of the ~ .. ork!llg dRill!, The bour&IIollle ball. h""1\ "lmreoprlah'd; th,> workf'TI are no JOllier uhli~.'(t to fell their labor po ..... er to the dlven I'\jlloltllll: employera,'
1f w.· ,·oIlKld.'r that fact. It Immedlatel, b6. ('''IOWH I'll'ar to III that the fllnctlonl of th. In. rllI~trilll (1111111" In RUlIMla .re aubJect to Import. IUlt modUle-aliona.
Th., r'·H •• l'ltlon 1l.luI,t,·d at the Fint AU.Ru •• 1111111 Conl·n· ... of Trade Unlonl In 1.11 u fol. IU"'I:
"The OctoiJer Rnolulloll. wh:l'll tranlfered th .. l,nWI'r 'rom the l>our,60 .. 1. to the work ere
Nnw the ('omIDllnl.t Part, •• R .... I&,
and poor lWaaalltl, Ill .. crt-ated entirely ney.· c.:on. (lIt1onli fur all Ih4t workertl' orgl\Ul1.ati(IUII, anlt '.'1I1"·(,ll4l1y for the IndW>lrla:l \;nlolla.
.. Under tue cllalJ,ed condltionll, the Indulltril11 organization CIUI no longl!r be f('garded lUI tbe IIUl'Il:iCe gllard of the ht;ht IJUt. uv by the worker lu s/.'lJjea himllelf t.o tbe employer. The I'UlpyO) er wlio used to buy labor power oC old. cxillta no more It I. no longer nec_ry ror thl' Unlona to collect I>trlkp fundll or to organize IItrlke ••
What are the rllal functiol1s or Ule Industrial organization. In Uusllia today?
The 6l1me reitOlutloD uf tho First AlI.Husslan Congres8 of Indul;trlal Unions tlays un thlll point:
"The l'nlonll DlUlit DOW tl'llnafer tht'\r center of gravity to economic I'('col1structiunl·'.
To eXjllaln what an Industrial orcaniuUon rttally is under the condltionl now obUiinlng In Rlaala, one II flr.t. oblig"d to make c!ear tbat:-
"A.D Indultrial Union In HUlUlla today' Is a IX'rmanent. union ot all the 1I·orl.el'Ji In a given lndulltry; It represt:~;' .. ;)r.e of the Ilrlnclpal oas .. of the organlutlon of tile Dictatorship oC the ProletariaL
"The Induatrial Union today (under Ule. guidance oC the Communist Party) transfera Ita center of gravity to the domain of economic orcanlzaUon, by making ite aim an energetic participation In all the elforta of the workerll for a Communist reconstruction of society and tor the abolltiol1 01. social clasles. Th .. participation takes the tolowing forma:-
"(1) Gentoral co.operation In tbe organization of production 011 a Commulli.t baall.
.. (2) The r •. establillhmt'nt of tlle productive poll'er of the counlry, 1I'blch waa destroyed by the war and the InterD&l cri.ll.
"(3) The calculation and redistribution ot labor far the enUre countl'J.
"(4) T~ organization of the excbange between town and country.
"(5) The IntroducUou of the obligation to work.
"(6) Helping tbe State Departem.ent. to provide food.
"(7) Helping to 1011'e the fuel crisl. and oler dltftculti811..
"(8) Giving g~era1 aid to tbe formation of the Red anu1.
"(9) Defending the et'onomlc in.ert'st of the "·orkel'1l. and at the lame time flghting against "be individualist tendenclcs and the abort .. lgbted \'lewl of tha.t a('(:tion ot the wurkera which, be. eaull. ot Ita lenorance, IItill ll'taina the haiJlt ot regardl4C the Prolf'tarian atate of today a. thou&h It were the old employer.
"B~uae the InduEtrlal organization of to. day are the COlUDlIIulst bchoo},i ot the proktar. Ian ·and lIeml.proletarian masses, they ha,-e be. ('ome, tittl. b), Uttle, an Integral part of t.lle general mechanlam oC tue state. The)' are one of the or&ana oC the atate of working pooplt, who aubmll to the rule of lbe ~oviets bt'eause the &Jvit"ta are the \"{'hlcle indl('llt,'d by history for t!w Dictatorahip ol the Proleta.rlat." THE COMMUNIST PARTY AND THE SOVIETS
The IlldWltrial \;nlona "ork In conjuuctlon with the Communist Party aud the So\'lets. The acthlrlea of thl'ae th ... ·e Institutious are closely linked. To clear the relatlona ot t.hede bodies. It must be remembered that the So\'It'l1l actually Include largt'r massC8 than the Indus. trial Unlona thf::mseh'es; also that the So\'!t,ta; ha.\'e talLt>n O\'er part of the funt:tiollti of the Indlllitrial UDloDi.
The Ena:lish CongreliB of the Hussian Com. munillt Party has given the fullowing \le1!nlt1on of the party and of tbe SO\'leta:-
"The Soviet.. are the .. tate organ!zstion of the WOriil'fS and I'0or pt'usantll Which ('treeluatE­ U", Dictatorship of tbtl l'roletarlat durlna: tile period when the Iltate In all ItM forills Is graduul. Iy bl!ln~ exCngulllhed. The So\'lets unite wltllin tbelr ranks tl'n million ..... ork{·r~. and. little by liUI(·. muat It rive to Include the elltlN class 01 'H.rker. and poor peasants.
"Thl' Communist Party. on tbe other hand, III an orgnnlzatlon which tukc's In ouly the ad. Yanc~ &uard of the 1I'orken and poor Jleabunt&; onl), that Jlart of thetw two ('ilu;seR "'hieh lights eonR<'ioUllly fur the practical ullplleatlon of the Comlllunlat pro&ram. The aim ot the Communl);t PlIorty 1a to obhln a :.rellond,·rutlng InlluN\('(' unrt ('.omph,te control of all the workl'rl organ. IZations. Ule Industrial Unlonh. the Co.opl'ru.t In;s. Ibe rural Communltit8. and 110 on, The Commllnlst Party BtrlHIl ellpt'l'Ially to Introduce Its progrum Into the actual organlzatloDi of stat_th" So. vl('liI---and to obtain coml.lete control there No doubt caD uhlt that In the fllture that \'Brlous «,"btlna "~anlzatlnna of the workerl lI'lIl b. IInally united In ont! form. It II US('1clll' to ape. ,,"lata today.. to whl"h form 11'111 prove the aloat durable. Our present .tuty II to detennlDe prer'lsely h('twef'n tbe (',omDlunlst Party, th.· Ir.. dual rial l'nlonB. aDd tbe Soviet.. THE THEORY OF THE EQUALITY OF RIGHT.
KYun alllonKlit tht! Dlore hOllo\ful Bl'ction ur the old Inll'rruttlooal, tbe OI'!lIlon wall. very prp. valt·nt that the Comlllllllillt I'urty C~ tbe nne band, and tht! IDda.trlal l1ulona 011 the otnflr band, W4ft. orcanllkUlJll1 of equ41 valu .. --bavlnl UUI aalll~ rlllhtl--on,alliltut!oni whl('h coll.burPt'·. on Impurtan", QUltlitlonl of aU klndl, IIko two cunlradln. par II.'.. 'I'hl' 801'1 all lit P"rty blloll14 COli Lrol 'be ",Utica} IIld., while th. Indu.trlal
I ',!I"II11 ('(1ntroJlI'c) till' ('cII,.om\(' I'ldl1 Thus, for .\alllj.}p. th,. (l"rllJun :';udal.I>elm'trutl 11no;atlu It I'f'~OIIlIIIl", 1';111'1"" 1".1 1'\'('11 loy AUglldt lJ(!bL'I, ~:tllt '"11 thaI \I It ,,!wlJld "Hr 1)(' nl'('('Sllry to ~IIIIJloy Lhf' w"npon ot the gout'ral .trlke, tbl. q ... "tlOlI "tllIl,1 only 110 dl'('hh:d by a conf':rcllce h,·t II ""n tll(1 <'x('cull,,' of UII' puty and the j.",'u,·rul ("JllIlIIlltf'O of thl' Tl'II.lle llllions.
Fwm the COllllllunllit ,'lclI')lolnt. this oplnloll f'allllOt ue rf'r()ltni~t·':. 'rhe .'quallty of rlgbts IIl1'OfY llaK a1\1 aYIl U •. ,.m dltljlllll'd b)' the re\'olu. tlonary Marxlans .
Frolll til .. revolutiollary ~tnrxlan \'Iewpolnt, tI,(, ('(.lIIlllulllst l'llrty Is tlll' IIltllllate n'unlon of 1111 l.h,.I"(,H of tll(' ftrllg 'Ie or the working c1nBII for frr·('doIJ) frum the ('all!talist yok" The ('ODJ.
lJIilnltit Part)' wal\ell lIf<e of a "'hole' IlTllena! of IIr11:" to will this fight, The political IIlruggle iii llldlKsolllbly bnund lip with .the 8('ollomlc IItru~~II'. Th", Comnl1'lIl~t l~rty "howl': the way tor III .. "eollomlc 1111 wcll as the political strll~gle Tlw COlllmunh,t Party il the ad\'aD~e guard of LIP prol..tarillt. By the torch of Communism It lights up all the turnings of the' road kadln, to the eJnllnclpatlon of till' workers. On tbll Ii,·(·"unt. 1 he work wbkb the COll1lhunh'ts are doing In the Indulltrial Ulllons Is hut a fracUon of the work which the Communit;t l'arty. a. lIuch, are doing.
J)lIrln~ a period of d1ctatorl'hlp like tbat we ill llusKla are no"- pnssing througb" one can ~t!ll Il'l's think of any compromise 1I·ltl:. the j'ljllality of r.hlll tIll'"ry. "rhe least de\'latlon In III tbls direction must be st renuo'18ly tougbt, In theor), all well aa In practice.
THE "NO~.PAIlTY" TnADE UNIONS The Ilr06f>lIt Industrial Unions are not n·E"Cea.
sal'lJy under the Comrnunil.t Party. All workera both, hH'n and women, are I't"ce!ved Into them Ir. n~~pH·ti\'1' "f thdr party or creed. A worker Who dot's not belong to the Partr h!t8 the full right to jollJ our lndustrlal ITnlons. Rut on that ac. "(IOlut. ('ommunlsts who "'ork In th€' Indulltria1 \'n10108 should not fall to pay attention to tb. ('onsl'n'ath'(, eharactl'r of the ml'mbers who do not b,'long to the Party, 1'IIe COlllmlllllsta~ and thl' Comlllunist group. In the Industrial l;nlonl m:lst prl'Rch C:ommunlsm ollenl),. The IE-aden or the Industrial 1;nlons mllst consanU)' draw the IIttention (,f the worl{ers to this fact that. the HH'mill:l of Communism. not b,'lon1>1:lnlt to the Plirty, are rylng to deceive thp.m. They should t'\plaln to the worker. wby the Industrial Union. 1Ft. "hll,~ they nre not formally m"mbprs ot_ ollr Party. alway. h('lp thl' Communist PartL reo ('( lhe J)lclatorshljl or tlit'! Proll·tarlat. alld deftmding the Power of the So\'leta and tile World R('vollltion.
THE MODERN TRADE UNION MOVEMENT. The modern Indllbtrllli l'nlona ar .. dOing '\u
enormous work, and they greatly facilltate the "1 .... I~glt' for So('iali~.m llIadp. Ly Communist P,Jrl), aud the SO'iets. But at the same time tll"re if<. during our tUII1Sitioll. a dark lIide to (he aC'ltvity uf the Jndubtrllli rnivu8. For ex. anll,le. sOllie branciJea of tilt Dock Laborers' t:llinn on the \'01.,:11. gUllPLrt the wa~e demandl or their "lIort-slJ;htt·d Indi\'!dual membt'rs (with. Olt e\ en ha,-Ivg ht:lJlf'd t.lle Sonets In tllelr tight l',wilJllt the IlIl'n><\it.le thl'fts whkh 11a\e be4'n CJIl,It.t~d by the dockyaru workers); they prove tll .. )' are \'1'1')' mu('b b{·hllld the tim"l. und that tllt')' arc IIIl'apaLle (If rlsillg aboye the narrow interebtd IIf their group. When certain Ilssocla. tiollS o~ c'lerks and other E>!mllar cOllImercial 1\',,,,,,, iii I inns Introduce p"opl,) hlto the SO"let In. ~t1t'lti"n8. who lire not lit to do the work .. 'blcb is el.tfut,tl:d to them. nud when these lUIsociationl t'l\(, Ill' tll(: <l('l1lhllds of th('ir mcmb,>rs, forget. t.llh that tl",y nu lougl"r ha"e to deal wltb em"loy f'r~. !.tut \\ it h the Proh,tarlan State. t.her also l·rOH" t1lPir Trade Uniolls' narn.wnI'FS. The i1ghl aJ!:,linFt the 11"ll:ath'e )lllrtif'S ot the .,.-orkln, e1"ss mO"I'm!'lIt is onl! "f lhe ('hid dutil'll of the C"l1Imun!~ts !n the Industrlu! Fnlons.
At a time when the bed elementa In French Syrdicaliam are abal'doning their forme" err,orl, and towarda Comr.'un'sm In laying down the principle: "All power to the Workera' coun. ell.", there are working clOt .. groupi and clrclea in RUliia which are trying to revive the worlt !f!atul'ea of Iyndicalilm. The famoul ~eft Wino Sccial Revolutionary Party recently adopted a reaolution demanding the transfer of thl whol • •• dmini.tration of Indullry and tran.port to the Ct:ntcill Committee of the IndutriOtI Unionl. It fu.'ther propoBtd ttlat common action Ihould bl tOtken by that committee and the Induatrial organlntion. of the whole world for the entire IllOtnlgement of the Sotial Revolution and the wo,ld control of InduEtry and transport by a combine of Industrial' Unlonl. The Communi" who work in the Indultrlal Unlonl ahould Itrong. Iy oppo.e slndlcan.t tendenclea of thll kind,
SO.CALLED "INDUSTRIALISM" It II! ('IIulll1y n('('I'S8ur), to tllrn agaillst tbe
tPIHlf'lIf'1!'1! known hr the naml! of "Indll>ltr!al\sm", whkh nr.· IW'I'nd"d b)' '!'lome melllllpT8 of tbl' Rill. Rlau worklu!; I'lnSll IIlOTf'IIlt'nt who arf' membere ", the (,ll('I'ut!\'I! ('olllmtttee of the AIl.RII88laa ~1"taJlurgh'al tlnlon.
Thl> Indli!lt rlnl\I't want to er('ct our enUre I«litlr'e on the. "k!IJed workt'rl'. and to put IUIlde t1w whole 1Il0"'" of IInllkllll'd w{)rkf!l' •. Oouhtlf"d thl1 ,,'ar Mild the revolution have led to many flll:jl/llllf'ntill (·hhn.!:f'K In th" II"dal IItr\l~tllre of th.· prol,·tllrlat \ttl"}f. TI"'rfl '" no "oll~lblf' dOllht ul,()ut It. Tit" raf'tory work"r of to,IIIY hi 1'l'rtalDI)' I h .. IIlfllit d,'vl'I()II"d (,f tilt'! "mit tnrhlt, nut In DO (·ILY.' 1'1111 \t it(' tnA lltllk of thp Co nllJ1 II n I III til , milD "" t!,t' wllrl<11I1C ('la"l. ullly to pl,,(,t Iklll"d ,,·ork. f·rtl, who form a minority of the worklnc cla.l. Th" ('ullll"lIr.l~t ld('/l; hal'e ,,"thlnl: In ('om,uoft wllh Ihe prupaKatloll "f tllA work In, chi"" lull. t !II' 1'11('),. On th .. nmtrary. tht> la,lIk of tilt'
. (Solltillued un l'lllLa 7)
The Communist Party and Parliamentarism. THUll 0" THI EXECUTIVE COMMITTE" OF THE COMMUNI8T
(1) In a nulhb~r ot COUJltdc!I In Wftltem Europe aud America. onu ot tbe burning qUE'S. tionll of ComlUunlst taclici Is that or the 1'arlla. nll'ntnry strug&JE'. Tbe split In the Oerman Com. mu'ist Part)'. the tormatlou of" an antl.Parll&. ml'utarhln fraction In the Itp,llan ,Party. the pOSI. tlon or the Delglan Communist .roup. the dis. putes lu tho ranks of tlte British ComruunlsU. aud, Onally, the attitude ,ot revolutionary I}'ndicallit circles and o~ the I. yv. W,-a11 thele necelllitate clear and d'l!ilnlte ,uldsnce on tne part of tbe Comm~18t International. ,.
(2) Parliamentarlsm as a State s)"Btem Is the "democratic" form of bourgeois supremacy, wblch 'requirel. at a st.sge of Ita de. velopment. Ule aid of the Ilctlon of POPular repr~sentaUon. The latter, outwardly the organ. Ization of lbe people's 1rm Irrespc\:UYe of ciaS. sel. iD reaUty 18 a machine of Buppreeslon and oppresllon iD t4;;" bandl of dominant capltaU.m.
(3) Parllamentarlsm 1a a defiulte tonn Of Stato structure. Consequently It can In no wa, be a form of Communllt !IOClety. which bowa neither cluses. nor the clasl atruale.or an), form of State whatsoever.
(4) Parllamentarlsm (,aJUlot even be tne form of the proletarian governmeut durin, the period or tranilitioo from the dlctAtorlhl;t or lhe bourgeoille to the d1ctatorlhlp of the pro.. h'tarlaL At the moment of IntenslOod cllul "tnl,!:gle, l'aBslng Into civil war, the proletariat OlUlt Inevitably build up Its State organlzaUon a8 a flghtlog organization. Into 'III'hlch repreleot., allves o~ the former ruling cll\sseB canoot be admitted. At .such a stagf'. any fiction of "tbe general wlll" Is .directly harmful to lbe pro. It,tarlat; and alm'lIarly WUlecell&l')' and barm. ful Is the Parliamentary dl\'lslon of ·.unctlonl, The SOViet Republlc reprelenta the fonn 0: the Proletarian Dictatonhlp.
(6) Tbe bourgeois Jlarllamellts. which reo prelent onE' of the Important I'arts of the bour. geols Stato apparatus, cannot be conquered. Just as tbe bourgeoll State Itself cannot be COil. quered by tbe proletariat. Tbe problem berore lhe proletartat consist In hlowlng up thl' bour. geols Slatt'! machine, In destroyIng It. and de. I;troylng with It sa parliamentary Inltltutlona whcther of a republnc or of • constitutional Illonarcb), •
(6) The &ame applies to lbe bourgeoll local author1tles. Which, from a tbeoretlcal point of \'Iew, It 1a Incorrect to dlstlngullh frOIJl lbe organs of the State. In reality, they are JUllt as much parts of the bourgl'Ois Slate m('cbanlsm, wblch ",'m bave to be destroyed by the le\,ohltiouary 1>rolllarlllt. aud r"plact;d by local Councils of "'orkers' DepuU""
(7) Consequently, Communll., rE'pudlates parliamf'ntarillm all a form of the ruture; It reo pudlate. the posslbllltr 0: conQuerln, parlla. ment.; It laYI dowu as Its aim tbe destructlolto of parliamentartam, For this reason there can be a queatlon only of utilizing the bourgeOis Stat. Inltltutlonl with the object of their ct •• Itructlon. On this, and only ou thll plan, can the Queltlon be discussed,
I. (8) E\'E'ry cis sa Btruggle Is a political
atruggle, sln('e, in the long run. It II a Itruggle for power. Any strike which Ipreads througb. out th(' country begins to threaten the bour. geols State. and thereby acquires a pollUca! eharactt,r. To alrlve to o,'('rthrow the bourgeol. sle, and to deF;troy itB l:llate apparatus. by ",'hat. e\'er IIlt'ans, IIlgnlflel to carry on a political IItrug~le, Tlte cN!ation of a clus apparatus-for the task of go\'ernment and to cnlBb thE' oPposl. tlon of the bO\lr,eolllle (""llatever be the nature or that apparatua) meanl tbe conquest ot po. IItical pOTH'r.
nil ('onIlPquently. the Question ot the po. Iltlcal IItrugglf.' II not at all the sl1me as tbe Que~tlon of our attitude towardl parllamentarism II Is the gE'nl'tal questlou of the class struggle oT thl' proletariat, In the measure that the strng"Je Is for the oVE'rthrow of the capltaUIt order,
(10) Tbe fundam~ntal method of atrlll,le I'mplo),ed by the prol"llIrlAt against the bour. gN,llIie, i,e .. a~a\nRt Ita State powu, II, 'firllt and torpmol't, the Dlf'thod of mas. action. MMs action Is organlzl'd and dlrect~ by thf' mass organ. Izatlons of the lIro\E'tarlot, und,..r tbe «pncral gllidancp or a strongly knitted. dillclpllned (:l,utrallzed Communist Party. The civil Itrll,;gle i8 " war, In that ",,'ar the proletariat mUlit bave III! prrklplIt CO filS of political oOlcers. Us e"lclent polltlclli ji;cneral staff directing all operations In all IIplll'rPI of tbe conOict.
(11) The mUll struggle rppreeents a whole SYltl'nl or dp\'eJuplnlt dt'lDonstratlons, becofDnll mort' and more Intl'lJllifled In their form. and JlIKlcall~' "'lIlllng to a rising agalnat the Capital. IKt Statl', In this mass struggle, unfoldln, Itlfllr Illto II dvll war. the guhllng party or the pro. Il'tllrlat mUIlI ... a gcneral rule. consolidate In II. r.'or any And E'vt'ry lpji;al position. makin, thelD liuh.ldlury strong points In It I revolution. ary work, nnrl .. ubordlnaUng thE'nl to the Jllan of till' dlll'f clllllllal):n, that or the mall struggle.
I J!!) Olle of tlWKn Klllmrdinate IItron« polntl II the lIuor of the bourgl'ols parllaln(>ut. It II lIut p"rllJ I Il101 bhl to ur~1! IIcalnst particIpation III [JlltlhLIIWlltliry artlon that parllamt'nt II an tn. IItilullt.1I rYt thl! hll\lrgl'oll IItatt', The CommUlJI.t "nri), f'I,1t'rll 'har Inlllltllt lOll not ror the purpoll' ot earry In, (III orl(lt IIlc \\ ork thf're, but In order to blow UII tb.. bourcooll Dladliller)' ot ,overa.
nwlIt. aJld I.arllaumet ltacJ[. (rOIll within (fl,C, tLte adhlty of .l.lcbkn('(\lJt In ticrnn,uy, uf tho .uo1&hevikll lu tbe' IUl}K:rlal IJullla, lu lllo "1)e. lJIocrllUc t:onferl:u(c" iu Kcr~lIl1k) '14 "l're.par. 1Ial1l1:nt," finalay. In UtI! "COlllllituclll AI<K":UllJly' • ~ud Iike"'lse In tile "own ('ouncill,.
(13) Till .. work In parll:uuI:ul, whkb resuJ\cs itsclr Inainly luto rl!\'olULIollary agitation Iroul tLtc flour 1.11 tbu lfoub(,. cXl,ollurc 1.11 01lI'UIIl'UIIi. tbe IIruclamalwu of 1\alchwordll !er the lWUiSCl, etc" must in lu ('lltlr~t)' be lIubol'tiinht..:d tu the Cormll and J)robleUis of the mUll Klruga1c ouulde pllrUament,.
(14) Fur thia. lbe following coudltlollJl arc l'uent1a1:-
1. The absence oC auy furm oC "uUtOl.lOlU)·' for the t:omuluJllst grOlll's III Parhanlellt, and Utelr unquestlonlug tuLuttlillaUon to tbe central cUlUmlltt'e of the Part)'.
2. (.'.(,nIoLaut cuntrol aud guidanct: on tue part of the l'IecuU\'e comwiUt.'t!.
3. The ananbtJneut 01' alDlultalll'ous domon. straUous both wlUdn and wilhout IIarllaulenl.
4. A revolutionary altitude lu parllaUieut itllClr. I.e •• the aLsence vl any (4!ar "ou pr lucIl,le" of Lranlgrt.1>alog tile ruleb of parliawt:ulary de. bate.
6. The execution lJ)' Commuulst nlt-mlJen of pari lament oi uon.parlialUentar)' work. ellpe. ..:lal.y In cOlluectlon \\!th malill deluonstraUo1l8,
6 Constant touch with the illegal WlIl'k ot tbe Party. and the utlllzatlono(lJarlilimentary lIJlvUege. so far ,as the latter exist. in "n18 uarecUOD.
;. The immediate recall l'r eSllull!lon trom the ~art)' or ercry member of the parllluneut.ary ~roup .. no. In bill parliamellt.llry wurk, dillol>~Ys tUft order of the Part,)'
(IS) Tbe electoral c:',mpalgn Itlel! must be canlt!<! on not In a ap1rlt o( pllCllUit oC the mUle nllun l1umb~r or J)arJlamentary 1l~'at8, but In Ule Ipirit u( tlie revolutionary mobllimtiun of tue maSbCIi arouud the watchword. ur the prol~tarlan l't!\'olutiun. The electoral cllmpalgu must be car. ried 011 by. tile whole mails of the members of the party. and not only by the hauers, It is ne. eesllary to utUize aud be In cUlnpll:te coutact ,,"lIh all wals actionll laking pla('e al the ai\'t!n ltlument (litrikes, dt'JUoostralloulI, lJIo\ellJcots llDlong~I soMlera aud lallorl. t:tc,). It III uecel· sary to Inl'olve In acLire wurk ull the 1l1lUili or. I:auil.atloull of the proletariat.
Hi, H tbese couditlons are obscn ,d par. halllN.tary work reprcst.'IlUi the (:omplcte auU. t.,<:ais of that dirty pollti('al 8ch.~millg CIII 'led on by tile Soe1al.l)ewocratic Ilarliell of all count. J aCIl. ",,'ho enler parliament til solPI.ort Utat "de. u..ucutLic" IDII&..itUtloU, or, aL test. to "coulluor" It. 'fhe Commuulst Party can IItand only and t:lt:cl.tsiH'ly fur the rerolutlonary Utilization 01 parlia.Ulentarbim. as ,practised lIy Karl Lib. knecht. Jto,lund. and Ute .uolslievik.l.
a. 11 j) Antj.parJtamentariBIJl "ou principle."
In the lense or an abllolute und categurical reo f "!>II I to participate In ch.'dions aud In r,,\·olu. tlullary lIarliam('utary slruggl~. UtU/i appt-an al a naive. childish doctriue, uuab!e to bear critiCism. ""bleh tiOm~times bas Ill> (oull<lation a healthy disgust at parllaw\;;ntary IIt)litiClana. but \It blch at the same time does not rt'aliz(' the possibllltiel of rc\'oilltiouary parli81!.<!utarism. In additioD, this doctrine Is freqtH·uUy cOllnl;:cted with a completely iDllc('lIrah' uu.lerlltanllillg Of tbe part to b6 plaYl'u 1Iy the Party, wbieb It ,'i,'wl> not .. the n,hlin;; ceutralized vaug\Jard of the wOlkers, but us a deceUlralizl'd syosll!llJ of rc~ul)' conn~cted re\'OlutiOlaliry JlroUI's.
(lh) On the other hand. th\;;J't' dUl ,l not rollow from the rccognitiou of ,tbe IIrlllch.11.l oC ,.arllamentary ""ork the absollte rl'cognltiou uf tlie necessity. undt-r 811 and auy clrCUllll;tan. C(!I, or actual electioru., or of acliial partlcipa­ tlou lu the 6CllilioUI of parliameut, H .. re tbe Question d{'pt'uds on a l!Nies oC spcclfiL condl. tlons, With a c~;;.aln groupiug of theNe con. dltlons, It luay become occt.'sl!ary ti leave par. lIaml'nl Tbla Is ... hat the Boishevikl did hen they kit the Pre·llarllllUlcut In order to "ulo1\' II up", at once rendering It h~IJlI<'sl! lind lliacing In Ilharp ol'Pollltlon to It lbl' l'~lrograd SO\ let, which ",,'aa about to take charge. of the lDsllr. roction. This 1a ",'hat they did In the l'OIlI!t1. tllt-nt Assembly au the day 0( Ill! dlsllolullon, transferring all tbelr 8l'Uvily to the lIt'coud All. RusslaD Congrells of SovIets, l'nd('r dln:ercnt drcurnst.ances It lIIaybe lIecesbary to lJoycult t'le~tlons and organize a direct \'iol(,lIt attack on the bourgeoill purllamt.'lItary clique; or to purtlclpate til ellKtloDs, wlJile b'J),co1tlng par. lIum('nt Itselt; and 110 OU, , tl9) In thill' WilY. while recognizing, as a
gt'neral rull'. tbe nl'cesslty of IJal'Udjlatlug III f,If'CtloLS. bolll tu ('t-nt~1 Ilt.rlhtJllelllll and to tb" tllklng part In tlte work of thuse institutions, organs of IOt'al self .!;OH'rlllllt'Jlt, 8S wei all or the Commullilit Part)' Dlllst d.'ChJe tbe qU"lIllon COliC ret ely. balliliC IUwJf 1.111 tbe pel'ullar con. dltlonll of the actuill III 11111 l'ut, 1'he buy('utt (lr ... Ieet Iuu. or or pal'l mUlt'lI t. and IIlmll:Lrly tlie abandonment tlf the latter., "ro p('rmh,HiIJIR. IIpoakln, g(·tu.·rally, wht'n CfJII,··tI""" "'lillt lor a d Irt>4.'~ traullitlon tu an arlll~.. . .. f(lth. tor po .... r.
(20) l& Is nece.llar) clOnlitallUy to kl'op In mind the rt>latlve unlDII.ortalll'u uf thl' qu('~lIon, If tliit ('eutr" ot grllrlty II.'" hI the IIlrUKJ;le for IIfJw&r (Jllltilde J'arlhulll.ut, tllou It fullo" s al a IUAU .. r 0' oour .. Ula1 th .. qUtllltlon or IIroltitartall
.1IdnlorllhlJ', liNt of thfl nllf,~8 BtrIlJt~l. tor til' luUI,'r, III nllt (In a pAr ""IIh' Ute mInor qUUUOB /Ilmut tl;" ullllzati(lD of Jlllrllalnl1utarls1ll.
(;:}I Thl.! C{JJuJuunlll' International. ther •• fl'rt'o tlt·dan'. In till' moat categorl~1 IUblon thaI It ('nllllld('r", liS a crime aealnlt the Labor 1Il0\'('mcnt lin), l'11m, or aU"JUllt at a IPUt, wiUl. III till' ('(lwlUuulst l.urtlt>1 on tbls point. ·I'll. l'ongrl'lllI summon!! I,ll l'lelDelit. ItMndln, for 'IJ" IIHHIS t.trilgglp. for proletarlau dictator. .. hlp :1I1l1t'r tht' guidance of the ceutrallsed pany of thl' fl"'llutJOllnry I.roletarlat, which eserel ... il.. IlI'h,t'lICe In all the mas. or,anlzatlont or thl' \\'orklllg dan, to strhe for the complew II II It)' or all COllIlJlUlIlst cJloments In Iplte of an, J,ol\siLle dlv(>rglluce on the Question ot parlla. nlt'utar1sru.
Annex to ThesisJon, Parlamentarism.
.uY G. ZINOVlEV. To Cowl/lUnl!;t members of buurp"la part ....
DI"n11l and JUunlcl1'111 bodies. and to Lbe t:tIIlU&l Cl'rumitte(,s or (;orumuni81 Pa,til'. ...hon dU~ It I» to dlrcct the Commulll.t groups IJl bow. £1'Oi8 "al'lIamentLJ
The oPPollitluu to tho CornmuD1ata ellter_ ti,e bourc,'uill parllamenla la sustaiDed 1DOIJti7 lly the re('Ull~'tlOuli ot Soclal.Democratlc parUa.: lIlt:utarlSllI duriug the epoch of the Second lAter. .1II1I01lal, Tlte ctJnduct of the maJorl17 of lb. Soclal.Heluocratic m .. mbers 111 lb. bour,eola IlI1rllalnellts wal really so unprincipled au. rr~llut'utiy. treaCherous, that thle bitter eL ['erlenee canuot be furgotten br lb. worklDa clallB.
That 1a \\'1.1)' it II neceuarr for the ColD­ luuulst Internutional, which haa In the lIlteI'Cal of tlle re\'OllltlUu ad\'ocated thc utilization GI Lho lHuliamenlary tribune bylbe Commv.D1at8, to obserre "~tor)' Itrlt'll), lbe activit)' of til. ('OIUlllunist melllbE'fI. aud to take all mealure. to create a new type of revolutlon&r)' pullameat. arian. a parliamentary Communlet warrior.
'fo thll end It 1.1 neeessar), ~ I. TlH:! (.;oJUuluull!t l'lrty ... whole, aIl4 tta
(,'''ntl'al Committee. should, during the prepar. atory, stale. I.e,. berore tbe parllam8llt&r7 e!t·<;tloua-Iwljlect very carefully the fVl&l1t.J of the IIcr80llncl' of the parilameniarJ croup, Til\! \';"lIlral Cumruittee abould be rellpou11111 lor all tbe "'ork of tlie parlamenlar7 CommWllat group, Tlie t:eutl'al COUlwittee muat have Ule undeniable rigbt to reject an), candidate of lUll' organlzatioil. If It 1a nut perfectl¥ coavlDceG that luch candidate will ealT)' OD • real eoaa. IJlunisL policy ",,'hen In parll&me"
Tbl:! (.;omnluniat l'artlel mllat deslat IroIIl tlte old Sociul.lJewncraUc lIablt of elecl1lll .. t.lepu\i('s (lui) the so.called "experienced" parll ... uH'utar13W1~hletly lalll'yerl! and JIG rortb. Aa a rule, It ill necessu.ry to put workmen forward .. cant.lidates, ",,'iUlOut troubllnc about Use fact Ulat thetie way lowt.'Umel be siD1lJle rauk •• lul.lll. wurkt'rs, without much parliaDJeutarl experleace. '1 he Commuulst Party must treat with mercU ... colttt'U1pl thllse elements who try to make & I:are~r by Joining the party Just befo~ tlae elec­ lIolll\ in ordt!r to get Into Parll!Ul1ent. Th. CeIlt. r .. 1 COlUulitlees of the CullWlUlJllt parue. lIluA sll!lclion the cand:'latur~& of onl), such mea .. ha\'(~, bv 1 .... 111 years or ,,'urk. proTed their ~ \\ Is. n,rlng loyalty to the work1n.c d ....
2. When the electiuns are o\'er the 0.....,. batlunl of the parllanll'ntar), group M \\ lwlly In the haudll of lbe Central Committee or lilt' COUlwunlst l'arty-wbether the part)' .. a \\ hole ill a lawful or Illegal oue at the Ii"" JIlllln.'ut. Tbe chairman and the prelldlum or the Ilarllan,ultmtary Comunlst group mua be coufirmed In their (unctions b)' lbe C8nU&l ('lIlJllllittce of the Party. The Central CommlUee of the Party must have U,II perlJlanent represent. uUn, lu the parllaulentary IrouP. with till right oC \'eto, On all Important political quesUona lhe I.arliaruentary Communist group muat be llIilHlry lustrul'tlons from the Central eo ... 1111 tteo of Ute Party.
l're\'luuhly to any Important demonstraUon of thll Comruuulllll In parliament. lbe Central COJUmittee mUFt be elltltled and boUDd to apolDI or r .. 1<', t U .... oralt'r oC the faction. to demand of 111m to halld in bt'10rehaud the thele.. of !lie speedl, or tbe text, ror coufirm.tlon by the (,'I'ntrlll Conlluiltt'e. t'te. E\"t'ry candidate entered on the II1;t mUlit Ilgll • Btatemellt &0 the elYt'ct that, at the Urat requellt of the CeD­ tral Committee of thu Party, he Is bound to i;h'e up hla nlandate. 110 tllat the Part)' call obtain a new election.
~l. In COUlltl h'b l\'here rE-formllt. lem1.refOl1ll- 1111. ur I1l1nl'ly ('arf.'.~r.lieeklu, elt'w\!nts have ... Bgt-d to pl'n. tfllte luto the parlamentary Com. IIlllullt gWIIl's (al> baa already happened III "e\'E'ral ,countrlel) the Ceutral Commltteea of the Comlllullitit Purtles are ,bound radicall)' to w('t,d \lilt the 1II'I'Ilounoi ot tbe grOUPI. on ttl. l.rhl"'III., thBt It (s better for tbe caus. of tn. working c181is to lUl\'e a snlall but trul)' Com· IIlunlijt gro'lp than a numeroolS one without a rt.'gulur ('OlllIlIuuiat line of conduct,.
4. A ("OIIlIUUBiNt dl·puty. on the decillon of til(' ("'lIll'sl CUwlllltte.... I. lIoulld to combill • II'KUI work witb Illegal work. In countries where thl' COllllllunlHt dellUty slill enJoya a certatll hn-l(JlubIIlIY. till! IlIttt:r hluat be utlllzl'd by way of rt'lll!f'riu/C 1lI181KtanCti to the m",al orlanl .... UOh &11111 PJ'(lI'lltHlldll of tbe Part,.
6, 'rllll l'ullllnllnl»t luem1ler. shan make all tllt'lr Jllllllallll.'lItary ",,'ork d .. pendl'ut on ua. ""ork of lito Purty outilide parllamont,. Til.
(C(Jnthluecl on p ... t)
Vantus and Haubrich BY ,ELA
II) b. It! lIetter to bruk th.n to tol.r.t. the confu.ion which hinder. the Ideal, UI, theoretical revolutlon.ry growth ....
It I. better to perl.h th.n to tolerat. anCl c;ondone mediotrity .nd Irreeolutlon.
" Lenin. ''''ll k now that what WI' "re I&bout to Bay
will' OroUIH! !lIe blttt!r n'Sl'ntment of those, who, hltll1-buuud In their middle-clan pre. Judkt·H. nre hH"aJlnbll' of (lver becomln, true re\"lIluUollnrll's. .It ..... 111 ('nrage the re\·olutl<>n. ary deCeatlHh,. vdlol'" lIckleneslI alJd lustability l .. ad8 UIf'U1 tu )ll'rpt'tual morali:r.lng aud whoae /Idly dilcttlf.lltiHnI hetraYi ltaelt 'In coustant \"Iwillntilln . ."\0 doubt they will Bay that It la ('II~Y to talk I:oldly from a safa dl»tancl'. Let th('m"
'I'hpy will launch their fiery denuhclatlons at our beads. Let them. Denunciations have become tilt'lr dally bread. They will accu.e us or aUnl'klllg men wbo are belpels In Horthy·. POWlr. Let them. It 16 patt or theIr almlclI dt'magogy to do 80.
\\'h II t. we are about to say mUlt be aald, Jl must ,be aald. b(,l4Iftuse we must make good our own el·rorll. We have to make good what we rOBt tbrolJ~b sentimental w(·akneaa. and through miscalculation, We bave to make reparatioD fur ha\'in~ only l·.gII.:-I, warned, and not sual­ clenUy !l1ll'rel>Sed upon the proletarian masael, that among tltdr Il'ad
