Section : المعمل الشرقي gp : 401:417. Introduction *the immune system is a system of...


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  • Section : gp : 401:417
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  • Introduction *the immune system is a system of biological structures And processes within an organism that protects against disease *Disorders of the immune system can result in autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer Immunodeficiency occurs when the immune system is less active than normal, resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections. In human
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  • Drugs affect the immunity system
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  • Immunostimulent drugs Natural origin eg :Echinacea Semi-synthetic Synthetic immunocord eg: Immunosupprresive drugs semiSynthetic* Azathioprine Synthetic* eg: * cyto toxic drugs *Cortico steriods *Irradiation *Lympholytic agent
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  • Immunostimmulent drugs stimulates the body into producing more white blood cells It also stimulates the release of interferons Organ transplant Treat autoimmune diseases or diseases that are most likely of autoimmune origin(e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and ulcerative colitis). Treat some other non-autoimmune inflammatory diseases (e.g., long term allergy,asthma control). Immunosupprresive drugs
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  • 1)Echinacea 2)Astragalus 3) Himalaya Herbals 4)Garlic 5)Guduchi 6)Ginseng 7)South African Geranium 8)Nigella seed
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  • *origin: **The dried rhizome, roots, or other part of any of three composite herbs (Echinacea Angustifolia, E. Pallida and E. Purpurea) Family : Asteraceae Flowerheads *Part Used: *Active Constituents: 1)Poly saccharides : which is responsible for stimulation of immunity system and founded a lot in the upper part of the drug 2)Alkamides, Flavonoids and Polyacetylenes 3)Caffeic acid derivatives 4)Essential oil : which is founded a lot in the roots :*Uses 1) Immune system stimulant
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  • *Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: Pharmacological Action: *Echinacea stimulates the body into producing more white blood cells. It also stimulates the release of interferons. These are what the body uses as a fighting weapon *Echinacea also helps to prevent bacteria from producing an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which works through the membrane, and invades the tissue *Echinacea also has been known to destroy viruses, such as the common cold Side Effects: *Echinacea may cause allergic reactions and shortness of breath Contraindications: *People with leukemia, diabetes, connective tissue disorders, multiple sclerosis and during pregnancy or breastfeeding should not take Echinacea
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  • :*Origin The dried root of Perennial herb, Astragalus Membranaceus and *.Astragalus Mongholicus, Family: Leguminosae ( Fabaceae ) *Part Used: *The roots *Active Constituents: 1)Poly saccharides 2)Iso-flavonoid compounds 3)Saponins 4)Amino acids 5)Triterpene glycosides *Uses 1)Strengthen and regulate the immune system
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  • *Pharmaceutical application :
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  • *Comment: *Pharmacological Action: stimulates immunity system by stimulation of macrophages, promotion of antibodies formation and increasing T-Lymphocyte proliferation *Side Effects In over dose it may be toxic *Contraindications It is contra-indicated in patients with autoimmune disease because it could worsen the symptoms of auto-immune diseases
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  • *Origin: Septilin from Himalaya Herbals is an ayurvedic herbo-mineral formulation Uses: 1)Septilin helps increase the effectiveness of protective white blood cells thereby protecting the body against infection. 2)Septilin optimizes the body's immuno modulating mechanisms. 3)Septilin helps cope with modern allergens. 4)Septilin helps the body to strengthen its natural immunity. 5)Septilin helps build resistance. 6)Septilin is an ultimate health promoting product for all ages.
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  • Main components: 1-Guggula 2-Liquorice:*is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra from which a sweet flavour can be fabaceae *enhances immunostimulation and increases macrophage (white blood cells that ingests antibodies) function in vitro. It is also an antiviral agent and an expectorant, which is beneficial in asthma, acute or chronic bronchitis and chronic cough. 3-Guduchi: *tinospora cordifolia, which is known by the common names Guduchi and Giloy, is an herbaceous vine of the family Menispermaceae *is a potent antimicrobial that has immunostimulatory properties, which helps in increasing the level of antibodies. This helps in building up the bodys resistance to infections. 4-guggula :is a flowering plant in the family Burseraceae. (oleo gum resin )
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  • Pharmaceutical applications
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  • Comment: :Dosage Initially 2 tablets twice daily, followed by 1 tablet twice daily, or as directed by your physician Side effects and contraindications 1)Septilin is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage. 2)Larg doses might cause diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, and skin rash. Some users experienced mild gastrointestinal discomfort 3)Finally, as mentioned guggul is strictly contraindicated for use during pregnancy. NB. *not take more of this medication than is directed. *Too much licorice could be dangerous. Also, do not take licorice for longer than 6 weeks. *The use of licorice at high doses (over 50 g per day) and/or for longer than 6 weeks may cause low blood levels of potassium, high blood levels of sodium, water retention, increased blood pressure, heart problems, and blood problems.
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  • :* origin The fresh or carefully dried consists of main bulb with secondary bulbs (cloves)of allium sativum Family (alliaceae) *Active constituents: 1)Volatile oil :sulpher containing compounds including (Alliin, terpenes) 2)Enzymes 3)Protein, minerals and amino acids *uses 1)Anti bacterial 2)anti-carcinogen in both prventation and treatment 3)Antioxident 4)Strengthen the immune system (Se,Gr,Zn and vitamins)
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  • Pharmaceutical applications
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  • *Comment: :*Side effects There are signs of an allergic reaction while taking garlic (the active ingredient contained in Garlic Oil) as difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue,burning in your mouth or throat. :*Conrtaindicationds 1)Therapeutic doses of garlic may interfere with existing hypoglycaemic and coagulant therapies 2)Garlic may potentiate the antithrombotic effects of anti- inflammatory drugs such as aspirin 3)Garlic should not be used prior surgery since it can prolong bleeding time
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  • :*Origin Botanical name: Tinospora Cordifolia Family: Meninspermaceae Geographical origin: North and south India *Part Used: *Stem *Active Constituents: 1)Diterpene compounds 2)Polyphenols 3)Polysaccharides, including arabinogalactan polysaccharide :Uses 1)Guduchi boosts the body's defense mechanism (immunity) 2)Guduchi helps in building the body's own defense mechanism (immune system)
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  • Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: Pharmacological action: *improves the phagocytic function without effecting the humoral or cell mediated immune system *It also induces macrophage activation as macrophages are known to represent the first line of defense against invading microorganisms *Caution: 1)Diabetic patient should be careful 2)Avoid during pregnancy and lactation *Recommendations *Clinical trials to support dosing are limited, with 300 mg of a standardized aqueous Tinospora stem extract taken 3 times daily for up to 6 months
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  • *Origin: *Dried roots of Panax Ginseng plant, Family: Araliaceae *Part used *Root *Active Constituents: -Ginsenosides -Rich in amino acids -Minerals as: aluminum, arsenic, copper, iron -Vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), vitamin C
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  • Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: Pharmacological action: it stimulates the activity of immune cells in the body, improve the effectiveness of antibiotics in people with acute bronchitis, and enhance the body's response to influenza vaccines Dosage: 800 mg to 2g per day depending on the individual's needs Caution: The dose should be decreased in case of increased blood pressure
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  • :*Origin: Latin name: Pelargonium Sidoides DC Family: Geraniaceae Geographical origin: South Africa Part Used: Roots (dried) Active Constituents: 1)Coumarins 2)Tannins of the proanthocyanidin type 3)Simple phenolic compounds Uses: 1)Host immune stimulation
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  • Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: Contraindications: 1)Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to the excipient 2)Increased tendency to bleeding and risk of coagulation-inhibiting drugs 3)Severe hepatic and renal diseases 4)Pregnancy and lactation 5)Children < 6 years Side Effects: 1)Gastro-intestinal complaints such as stomach pain, heartburn, nausea or diarrhea may occur 2)In rare cases mild bleeding from the gingiva or nose may occur
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  • :*Origin *The dried ripe seed of Nigella Sativa, Family: Ranunculaceae *Part Used: *Seeds *Active Constituents: 1)volatile oil: 1.4% ;thymoquinone and its dimer are the major constituents 2)Fixed oil : a)unsaturated fatty acids : oleic 23%, linoleic acid (omega 6), linolenic acid (omega 3) b)saturated fatty acid as myristic, palmitic acids 3)protein : composed of nine essential amino acids (not formed by the body) and arginine (amino acid used for infant growth) 4)vitamins (B1, B2, B6), minerals (Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu), carbohydrates hexoses and pentoses *Uses: 1)Immunostimulant
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  • Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: Pharmacological Action: *Expressed oil has immunostimulant activity, it stimulates the immune system through stimulation of natural killer cells and phagocytic cells. * The oil has antitumor activity due to stimulating the immune system Side effects and toxicity: In large quantity, the seeds induce abortion Recommendations 1-2 soft-gel capsules twice or three times daily
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  • *Origin: Dried ripe fruit of Vaccinum Angustifolium Family: Rosaceae Part Used: Fruits Active Constituents: 1)Anthocyanins 2)Flavonoid 3)Polysaccharide 4)Minerals 5)Vitamins 6)Tannins
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  • Pharmaceutical application : CranBlu active, 100 ml Cranberry extract with particularly high content of proanthocyanidins (40 mg per daily intake recommendation of 20 ml ). The extract of fresh cranberries is enriched with high concentrates of 13 herbs and fruits. As a result, CranBlu is palatable and digestible. CranBlue contains many natural proanthocyanidins (PAC) and vitamin C from acerola cherry. Vitamin C supports the immune system and protects the cells from oxidative stress. CranBlu active, 100 ml - Product data Food supplements - Cranberry special tonic Ingredients: Aqueous plant extract (from hawthorn fruits, elderberries, Pomeranzenschalen, lemon balm leaves, horsetail, green oat herb, rosemary leaves, lemon grass, sage leaves, gentian root, wormwood, centaury), pear juice concentrate, agave syrup, cranberry juice concentrate 2.5%, Preiselbeersaftkonzentrat 2.5%, blueberry juice concentrate 2.3%, Acerolasaftkonzentrat, proanthocyanidinreicher cranberry dry extract 2.2%, coloring plant extract (from carrot and blueberry), stabilizer guar gum and xanthan gum, natural flavor Content is not chemically preserved. per 100 ml amount per daily dose (20 ml)% of the reference amount * (per daily dose ) Recommended dosage: 2 x daily in the morning and in the evening (with enclosed measuring cup) drink before going to bed 10 ml and then a glass of water or tea. Tastes very well diluted with 1/2 glass of mineral water. Please close immediately after opening well and refrigerate. Once opened, consume within 2 weeks. Keep out of the reach of small children. Shake the bottle well before use..
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  • Comment: Pharmacological Action: *Supports the macrophage activity, thus stimulating the innate immune system Special Precautions: *Be careful with pregnant breast-feeding woman Recommendations *The appropriate dose of blueberry depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, weight and several other conditions
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  • :Origin *The root-tuber of Curcuma Aromatica Salisb Family: Zingiberaceae Part Used: *Dried rhizome Active Constituents: 1)Curcuminoids, which include curcumin 2)Volatile oil 3)Brown colouring matter 4)Gum 5)Starch 6)Chloride of calcium
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  • Uses 1)Immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory Pharmaceutical application : Gufic Imunocin Syrup Indication Natural health supplement to enhance the host defence mechanism. Improve host defence mechanism singly and concomitantly with anti-biotic therapy in Upper and lower respiratory tract infections Tuberculosis Skin and soft tissue infections Genito-urinary tract infections in female children Enteric fever Fever of unknown origin Burns Immuno-compromised conditions Composition Each 5 ml Syrup contains: Extracts derived from Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 135 mg Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)135 mg Neem (Azadirachta indica)135 mg Haridra (Curcuma longa) 65 mg Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 65 mg Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) 55 mg Pippali (Piper longum)10 mg Syrup Base q.s. Dosage 2 teaspoonfuls twice a day till symptomatic relief is obtained.
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  • :Comment Pharmacological Action: *Curcumin modulates immune system by suppressing T-cells, proliferating number of B-cells and reducing proliferation of immature B-cell lymphoma cells *The herb may also benefit sufferers of inflammatory conditions such as ulcerative colitis. *Turmeric may help prevent, control or even kill several types of cancer including breast, colon Side Effects: *large doses of turmeric may cause upset stomach or in rare cases, ulcers Contraindications: *It shouldnt be used in case of obstruction of biliary tracts *Curcumin is also contraindicated in breast cancer patients treated with cyclophosphamide until the significance of an in vivo model of breast cancer, which found that curcumin reduced the tumour regression effects of chemotherapy, is clarified
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  • Origin: The prepared leaves and leaf buds of camellia sinensis Family: Theaceae Part used : Leaves, buds and stem. Active constituents : 1.polyphenols 2.catechins 3. Alkaloids :caffeine 4.Volatile oil 5.Flavonoids 6.Triterpenoid saponins
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  • :Uses 1)It has a positive effects on the immune system. 2)It prevent autoimmune disorders. 3) antioxidant. Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: Side effects : 1)headache 2)constipation 3)nervousness Drug Interaction : 1)Diazepam 2)Lorazepam special Precautions : *It should be taken in small amounts During pregnancy and breast feeding, about 2 cups per day.
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  • *Spirulina is one type of blue-green algae *It is very high in protein and is also a rich source of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals Active Constituents: *Protein *Carbohydrates *Vitamins: -Vitamin A (100% as Beta-Carotene) -Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) -Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - Folic Acid *Fatty acids: -Omega 6 -Omega 3 *Minerals: -Calcium -Magnesium -Zinc -Iron Uses: 1)Improve the ability of the immune system
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  • Comment: Pharmacological Action: *Spirulina increases production of antibodies, infection-fighting proteins, and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses such as cancer Side Effects: *Contaminated blue-green algae(spirulina) can cause in large dose liver damage stomach pain nausea vomiting, weakness Contraindications : *People with a metabolic condition called phenylketonuria (PKU) should avoid taking Spirulina *If you have an autoimmune disease, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus, you should avoid Spirulina Recommendations: *Spirulina should be taken once a day, or in smaller doses, multiple times per day *It is not recommended to exceed the highest dose mentioned above, as no clear benefits have been noted beyond that level.
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  • :Name *Ganoderma lucidum Family: Polyporaceae Common Name(s) *Reishi, ling chih, lingzhi spirit plant, Active Constituents: 1)complex of carbohydrates 2)amino acids 3)Ganoderic acids 4)Proteins Uses: 1)anti-tumour, immune modulating and blood pressure lowering effects.,
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  • Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: :Dosing *The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China recommends 6 to 12 g reishi extract daily. Ganopoly (a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract) in doses up to 5.4 g daily (equivalent to 81 g of the fruiting body) for 12 weeks has been used in a few clinical trials. Dosage Traditional practitioners recommend 0.5 to 1 g daily, 2 to 5 g daily for chronic illness, and up to G. lucidum 15 g extract daily for serious illness.
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  • Scientific Name(s): Ananascomosus Family: Bromeliaceae Common Name(s): Pineapple,bromelain, Phlogenzym, Debridase Uses 1)Anti-inflammitoryAntimicrobial 3)Immunomodulation
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  • Pharmaceutical application :
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  • Comment: Contraindications *Hypersensitivity to any of the components in pineapple. Cross-reaction with honeybee venom, olive tree pollen, celery, cypress pollen, bromelain, and papain have been reported. Toxicology *Bromelain ingestion is associated with a low incidence of adverse reactions, including diarrhea, menorrhagia, nausea, skin rash, and vomiting. Angular stomatitis/cheilitis can result from eating large amounts of the fruit. *Bromelain has very low toxicity. Special Precautions & Warnings: 1)Surgery: Bromelain might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using bromelain at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgey 2)Pregnancy and breast-feeding 3)Allergies: If you are allergic to pineapple, latex, wheat, celery, papain, carrot, fennel, cypress pollen, or grass pollen, you might have an allergic reaction to bromelain.
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  • *It consists of the pure,cold pressed and refined fixed oil from freshly ground wheat embryo Active Constituents: 1)Vitamin E 2)Poly unsaturated fatty acids Uses 1)Preserve integrity of all cells especially free cells of short life span e.g:RBCs &WBCs so can be used in case anemia to increase immunity
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  • Pharmaceutical application : LiquiVive Is a Whole Food Supplement and Contains NO Gluten, Sucrose, Starch, Wheat, Yeast, Artificial Colors, Flavors or Sweeteners. 100% Natural and 100% Vegetarian Supercharged Energy With This Immune System Boosting, Liquid Vitamin Nutritional Supplement? This Comphrehensive Liquid Vitamin Supplement Containing More Than 200 Total Nutrients May Be The Answer To Providing You With Your Basic Nutritional Foundation For Optimal Health and Well Being. Just One Ounce Of LiquiVive Liquid Vitamins Nutritional Supplement Per Day Covers Your Basic Nutritionalliquid vitamins Needs, Gives You the Highest Possible Bodily Absorption, and Helps You Keep Your Immune System Running In Tip-Top Sha Supplementation of this plant derived liquid vitamin supplement may be the secret you have been searching for to keep your immune system strong, protect you and your family against illness, staying healthy and looking and
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  • Comment: :side effects If you're allergic to wheat (eg. Celiac) Iti s an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine Dose: One teaspoonfull daily
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  • * the leaf has been used medicinally in various times and places. Active Constituents: 1)Olive leaves contain high amounts of oleuropein 2)one of nature's most powerful antioxidants :Uses 1)have a broad-range of immune-enhancing properties. 2)powerful antioxidant that can help give support to the healthy immune system, cardiovascular system, and joints
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  • Pharmaceutical application : Product Description Ingredients Olive Leaf Extract Directions As a dietary supplement take one (1) capsule 2 times a day before meals with water Olive Leaf Extract is derived from the leaves of the Mediterranean olive tree. This extract is standardized for % Oleuropein, a powerful phytonutrient Indications: Supports immune health Head-to-toe antioxidant Standardized to 15% oleuropein
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  • Comment: Olive Oil Dosages According to FDA, the daily olive oil dosage can be ranged from 25 mL to 40 mL and 8 g to 70 g without reported side effects. Olive oil at dosages of 30 mL is usually used as a laxative. Pregnancy/Lactation Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) when used as food. Avoid dosages above those found in food because safety and efficacy are unproven. Contraindications Contraindications have not been identified. Interactions None well documented.
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  • Azathioprine (semi synthetic) Commerical name :imuran Ingrediants: *azathioprine *lactose *magnesiam stearate *potato starch Uses 1)is used after organ transplants to prevent the body from the transplanted organ rejection 2) is used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases are self-such as inflammation of the bowel disease
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  • Comment: side effects Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using azathioprine and call your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms of lymphoma: 1)fever, night sweats, weight loss, tiredness; 2)feeling full after eating only a small amount; 3)pain in your upper stomach that may spread to your shoulder; 4) pale skin, feeling light-headed or short of breath, rapid heart rate; or nausea precautions * Before taking azathioprine, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it, or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems..
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  • * docs%2Fen%2Fq%2F&h=VAQHkDK3z ds%2Fen%2Fd%2FJs4927e%2F&h=VAQHkDK3z f-Immunity-Booster-Cid178&h=hAQGnJib5 * 2.Black AJ, Mc Leod HL, Capell HA, Powrie RH, Matowe LK, Pritchard SC, et al Thiopurine methyltransferase genotype predicts therapy-limiting severe toxicity from azathioprine. Ann Intern Med 1998;129:716-8. *Herbal medicines *pharmacognosy 3 (204) *pharmacognosy 2 (204) *PDR herbal medicines -German Commission E Monograph, Ginseng radix -Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China Clinical aspects of immunology by fachmann peteres part 2
