Section 9.1 Rental Agreements Section 9.1 Rental Agreements A contract to rent real property, such...


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Section 9.1

Rental Agreements

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

A contract to rent real property, such as an apartment or a house, is called a lease.

The person who rents the property is the tenant, or lessee. The person who owns the property is the landlord, or lessor.

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

The terms of a lease lay out the rights and responsibilities of the tenant and landlord.

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

Tenants’ basic rights are:

possession of the premises

continued occupancy

freedom from intrusion or annoyance

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

Landlords’ basic rights are:

receipt of rent

return of the property in good condition at the end of the lease

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

Landlords’ basic responsibilities are:

not discriminating in renting property on the basis of race, gender, age, or marital status

maintaining the premises

transferring peaceful possession of property

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

Transferring peaceful possession means the landlord is required to let the tenant use and enjoy the property without any interference.

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

Tenants’ basic responsibilities are:

abiding by the terms of the lease

avoiding waste (damage) to property

returning all fixtures at the end of the lease

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

Fixtures are personal property attached to real property, such as sinks, kitchen cabinets, and ceiling lights.

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

An eviction is when a landlord takes away a tenant’s possession of the property.

You can be evicted for not paying rent, damaging the property, or violating conditions of the lease.

Section 9.1 Rental Agreements

It is illegal for a landlord to evict a tenant by force.

A landlord must first obtain a court order.
