Section 2.10



Section 2.10. Catholicism Reformed and Reorganized. Catholic/Counter Reformation. Charles V wants a conciliar movement Discouraged by Francis I Fear of Hapsburg power (“Universal Monarchy”) France encourages Protestant princes discourages Pope from negotiating with Protestants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Section 2.10

Catholicism Reformed and Reorganized

Catholic/Counter Reformation• Charles V wants a conciliar

movement • Discouraged by Francis I • Fear of Hapsburg power

(“Universal Monarchy”)• France

– encourages Protestant princes

– discourages Pope from negotiating with Protestants

• Keeping Germany divided becomes characteristic of French foreign policy until 1870s

Council of Trent (1545-63)• Initiated by Paul III (1543-1549)• Not well attended• Main Resolutions

– Rejected “faith alone” dogma • reaffirmed that both faith and good works are

necessary for salvation– Bible (Vulgate), Church tradition & law all

recognized sources of authority – Reaffirmed 7 sacraments, Latin, purgatory, cult

of saints and Virgin, celibacy, monastic life

Condemned abuses Called for more educated clergyCalled for more religious art (Baroque developed)Created Index of Prohibited Books

Erasmus, Galileo, Luther, Calvin

Reaffirmed absolute Papal authority (1870: Papal infallibility declared)

Council of Trent (1545-63)

The Society of Jesus• Known as the Jesuits (1534)• The spiritual soldiers of Counter Reformation• Founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)

– Military background

• Absolute obedience to pope• Rigorous theological training• Politically influential• Founded universities and schools• Carried Catholic message abroad• Preserved Catholicism in Germany, Eastern Europe• Utilized Inquisition in Italy and Spain to suppress


Spiritual Exercises by Ignatius Loyola

• In what sense are these rules intended as a rebuttal of Protestant theology? Be specific.

• What are the religious underpinnings of Rule 13? Be specific.
