Section 18 Infection Contro1€¦ · Dry hands with a clean paper towel fom fingers to foream. 6....


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  • Section 18 Infection Contro1

    18.1 Infection ControI Policv

    In general, infection control for any communicable disease is based on three principles:

    l. The infectious agent is blocked from entering a potential host

    2. The agent is physically removed before it causes ham

    3. The agent is killed in a process of sterilization or disinfection

    The Agency recognizes the need to protect bo血clients and empIoyees from the risk of infection・

    1 8.2  Proced ure§

    A. Infection Control is practiced in accordance with the Agency’s Qunlity Management Plan and accepted

    nursing practice.

    B. Hand Washing Techniques

    To prevent cross-COntamination and spread of infectious organism・

    1. Wash hands before and after any client care.2・ Take equlPment tO WaSh hands to sink area and place items on clean paper towel.

    3. Wet hands and foreams. Lather using vigorous friction’Sta血g at fin・geIlips and working toward


    4. Wash hands vigorously under stream ofwater for at least lO seconds. Ifruming water is not

    avai賞able, then hands should be cleansed with an antiseptic hand cleauser.

    5. Dry hands with a clean paper towel fom fingers to foream.

    6. Leave water ruming during hand drying and tum off faucet with a dry paper towel.

    7. Discard towel in trash.

    8. Wash hands between procedures as applicable.

    9. Ifwearing gloves, always wash hands after removal ofgloves.

    C. Proper Handling, Cleaning, Disinfecting ofPatient Care Equipment, Supplies, and Linens.

    1 ・ All equipment must be cleaned oforganic material before disinfection・

    2. Cleaning agents that may be used in the home:

    a, Bleach

    b. Hydrogen Peroxide

    C. Hot Soapy Water

    d. White Vinegar

    e. Isopropyl AIcoho1

    3. Laundry should be handled as皿1e as possible to prevent cross-∞ntamination.

    a. place linens soiled with body fluids in a large Plastic bag.

    b. Linens are then washed in hot soapy water with bleach solution.

    C. Linens should be kept separate from family wash.

    d. Dirty linens should never be carried against cIothing wom by the empIoyee.

    D. EmpIoyee Health:

    l ・ All empIoyees providing direct client care must meet the health requirements listed in the Persomel


  • 2. All empIoyees having direct client ∞ntaCt will receive an amunl education on BIoodbome

    Pa血ogens and Universal Precautions and Tuberculosis prevention in ac∞rdance with OSHA’State

    and local standards.

    3. EmpIoyees who are ill should notify′ their supervisor.

    4. Job-related illnesses and a∞idents wi11 be reported immediately to their supervisor. The supervisor

    wi11 complete an Incident Report form and follow the ∞mPany PrOCedure for Wokers’

    Compensation Claim Reporting.

    5. Exposure incidents will be handled in a∞Ordance with the federal, State’and local laws.

    183  ReDOrtin望Communicable Diseases

    A. Reportable Diseases and Conditions

    All new cases of reportable diseases, Whether client or empIoyee related, Shall be reported to the local

    health o触ces, ifthe attending physician has not already done so, m ac∞rdance w地心e laws ofthe

    state. Reported diseases and the time frane for repo血1g Will confom w地心e state and loca1 1aws. A

    list of state specific reportable diseases can be found at the end ofthis section.

    B. Report ofOutbreaks

    All cases ofany outbreak or undue prevalence of infections or parasite disease or infestation shall be

    reported to state or local hea皿departments in accordan∞ With the laws ofthe state.

    18.4 Medical WasteHandIin箪

    Medical waste handling is perfemed in accordance with the Exposure Control Plan and local laws. In血e

    event that an o∞aSion should arise when we would need to utilize special waste handling, it is our intent to

    use a reputable medical waste handling company on a per client contract basis.

    18.7  State SDeCi範c ReDOrtable Disease List

  • /、 Diseases and Conditions Reported to CoIorado Pubfro臨ealth Agencies by State Law

    重mpo].tant nO缶oe for pa鯖ents receiving health care services in CoIorのdo!

    The following list of di§easeS弧d conditions must be reported to st概e or county public hedth

    ngencies by health care providers, ho§Pitals and laboratories, accOrding to CoIorado Board of

    Health regulations &ttp :侮vw.cdphe,State.CO,uSんpんegs妃iseasecontrol胤dex.h粗l). By law,

    血is repo血g doe§ nOt requlre patient consent or nodfication. The col血dentialrty ofpersonal

    health iIlfomation reported to the CoIorado Depar血ent of Public Hea弛=弧d Environ皿ent

    (CDPHE) is protected by law. If you have question§ regarding the§e rePOrting requke皿e創is,

    please call CDPHE at GO3) 692-2700. Ifyo`】 have quesfrong aboIIt Whether you皿ight have a

    COndition that must be r印orted, disc鵬this with your health care providen

    重血健扇o櫨s Di§e猟銃




    Ca皿pylo ac健r ‾



    α0工era,狐d o瓜釘Ⅴめ五〇血危c缶ons

    C重os壷d止血d与脆鵡ile *

    Cmtchfield-Jacob Disease (CJD) or vari如t CJD

    ( CⅣptOSp〇五dⅧ皿



    E. °°櫨0157;櫨7 (狐d o瓜erめⅩ血や的d慣cぬg E, c串)




    G鶴Oup Ou餌eaks ind訪ねgあod poiso競止g


    He皿Olydc ue重nic syndro皿e =1 8 years old

    Hemophilus ducreyl


    Hepa脱s A, B and C (and other viraD

    ⅢV仏IDS (includes CD4+ count

  • 棚tbe/OW脚es時ys胸s a勅e細Ca叩Viders L∂bo融es have sep細repO砺卿irements∵ A case鵬t be rapo舶f肋sfateorIocal煽筋d印a肋en聞○面g舶gわos府画的加的脱硫me ln脱融

    〈棚S創。脆m 。apa同軸朋。m脚誌望伽a〃臆Suspe叩CapeS・ W申nerO手機of s撃PO噂鮒やo巾細臆a噂a鱒二二

    2互・ Hou「 R印o昨a削es

    血aI刷fes by dogs, Cats’bats,

    諒unks or othe「 w肘camivores





    剛p ou伽eats - known or suSpeCted

    of a岬ypes: iIlcluding foodbo叩e'

    waterbome or Other胴ness

    epat鵬B (了d)

    仙enza ・ asSOCiated

    h°Spita惟atl°n (7d〉

    a蘭画oba債e面Sis (7d)

    γptoSpo「棚osis (7d)


    」 c°Ii O157:H7 & s輔ga tox面

    上へ轟Cing E. co= (7d)


    油ancroid (7d)

    )「uceIl°Sis (7d)

    ねn(avl「us 〈7d)

    yme Disease (7d)


    1epat鵬C, aCute (7d)

    」epa珊S, othe「 >圃(7d)

    ねwasak! Syndrome (7d〉

    両ism spectrum diso「de「S SI O years

    °Id 〈30d〉十

    綱h defects, deve10Pmenfal disab猶ties

    and risk factors (PregnanCy tO 3rd

    胃’(ねy) (120d〉十

    Haemoph軸S輔uenzae invasive disease


    Human Rabies (SuSPected)


    Ne!sseria meningitidis invasive disease

    Pe轟ussi s



    lnfIuenza _ aSSOCiated deat掴fく18

    yea「s (7d)

    Mumps (7d)

    旦墜車両e種両日両岸鴫馴書〇割塗室Giardぬsis (7d)

    Hemo騨C uremic syndrome if s 18

    yea「s (了d)

    しiste「iosis (了d)

    S堅型型Iv Trans臆mi脆d Dis皇室連星

    G°n〇両ea, any S請e (7d)


    Ps舶c°Sis (7d)

    Q戸eve「 (7d〉

    Relapsing Fever (7d)

    蛙血腫垂壁nce畦e蝿S圭」虫y争S ive Dj謹皇整

    心e函c me面g鵬(了d)

    生唾里中関山請Re関山bh D加重圏はLegionellosis (7d)

    Lep「OSy (7d)

    Maぬ「ia (7d)





    SyphiIis, ea「書y (1O, 2o, earIy Iafent)

    TubercuIosis (active disease)

    TypIIOid Fever

    RubeIla. congenital (7d)

    Tetanus (7d)

    Va「icella (7d)

    Sa血onellosis (了d)

    S涌gellosIs (7d)

    Trichinosis (7d)

    Lymphog削uloma venereum (7d)

    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (7d)

    丁ula「e請ia (7d〉

    Transmissible spongiform

    enceph亀lopathy (7d)

    Toxic Shock Syndrome (7d)

    Pos粗Ve TB s軸test in wo「kers

    exposed to active disease (7d)

    Environ調皇nt連Pccupa唾堕L and Chronic Cond随里芋MuscuIar Dystrophy (120d)+

    Sp圃c○刷れ申南S (120d)十Fetal AIc°hoI Synd「ome if SIO years

    °ld 〈30d)

    Head injuries (hosp闘Zed

    ○○繍al) (120d〉十


    . The disease O「 COnd牝ion being 「ePOrted

    」 Patient's name, date of b柵, SeX, 「aCe・. ..   . ●   臆 ′・○ ○I‥」:__ _;き、,


    The Loca岨ea船Depertment Or

    coIorado Depar血ent of Public Hea帆and Envi「Onment

    Division of Disease Contnof & E nvironmental Epidemiology

  • Exposure Contro賞Plan

    血accordance with也e OSHA BIoodborne Pa血ogens Starrdard’29 CFR 1910. 1030’the

    剛owing expos鵬plan has been developed・


    The exposure dctermination is made without re ard to the use ofpersonal

    protective equip重neu唖.e. exployees are considered to be exposed even if they鵬紺

    personal protec。ve equipme叫This exposue dete馳血ation is required to list all job

    classifications in which all empIoyees may be expected to i調r such occupa魁onal

    印osure, regardless of frequency. Ai tlris agency,也e脚owing job class亜cE血ons ae m

    血is c如egO坤:

    l. RN SxpervlSOr

    2. RN, LPN, CNA, PCP field staff

    3. Ad皿i血s寄如O重

    4. Br狐ch M細胞g繍

    5. Care Coordinator(S)

    6. Hum狐Resource Mannger(S)

    General Pr血ciples

    l. Consider all patieut’s blood狐d body fluids as infe{誼ous皿ate固s.

    2. Equipmen扉instrments and utensils w腿com誼contact w池patieut

    excredons, SeCrctious and body fl融s are considered contaminated.

    3.血fe血us wa如e includes’but in not lin宙ed to, the following:

    a A皿d記SS血gs

    b. Used so孤ed pads価apers


    d. Used foleys and drainage bngs

    e. A皿used needles and sha呼s

    f Thsh,如ves, gOWnS,皿aSks’chlⅨ, d印ends’etC’Contaminated with

    clie皿ts blood or body餌ds

    g・ S料地呼皿坤龍腿

    Standard Precau慣ons

    A皿healthcare workers sho山d rou血ely use a押ropriate bar血preca血ous to

    prevent skin and則COuS-membrane exposure w血en contact wi也blood or other body

    餌ds of any padentis anticipated. The puxpose ofprotective equip鮒証e to keap blood

    and o也er potentia11y infe鎚ous皿aterial fro皿∞utacting skin’eyeS,狐d n鵬OuS

    membr弧es. But this does not皿ean血at you皿ust be wxpped in a headtotoe cocoon・

    血some cases, adequate protection is provided solely by givves・血o也er cases,皿aSks

    and eye protection融also be needed. And in sti皿other §ituatious, gOunS’apronS狐d

    head covering皿ay be requlred.

    1.塑吐哩過重g: Strict hand washing technique is to be used in all in§tanCeS Of

    cou同t with狐y Patient’s blood or o血er potentially infectious餌ds. Wash

    harrds froquerty and always betvreen clieu朗融ents and after glove r弧oval.

  • Exposure ControI Plan

    GIoves should be ch孤ged after contact with each patieut and immediately if

    they’re to皿Or Pur調tured. Refer to励新海脇ng Procedre蹄関わ妬めr虎細線・

    2.製唾Si Wear gloves when exposed to any patient’s blood劃d body secretio髄

    including cont訓鴎with any moist body site, fluids or solids’including劇eous

    men心ranes or non-i劃act skin, h組d血g soiled equipme競and/or linens’紐ger

    sticks and/or a叫y皿vaSrve PrOCedures, and a11 client care.3・器鵜磐繋灘灘誤認霊謹dpass血ou釦to or reach the empIoyee’s wo血cIothes under nomal con{髄ons of

    us。. AII PPE will be provided by facility, family or clie血as deemed appr垂uate.

    R鴫r研]切so桝l Pro嬢かe軸碕桝ent Ch釘やr 。寂菰


    from diaposめle sy血ges. After use, items will be placed in puncture

    resisf狐t COutainers. These corf血IerS Shndd be: Prac缶cal to也e use area’

    be leak proof on血e sides and bo請Om・ be k印t cIosed, nut OVer帥ed.

    when the co血er is %餌珂W軸心e securely sealed and placed in the

    household trash.

    b. M独融w紬〇両也諒sk ofpu鵬唾, e・g・, ga昭e血ess立鴇C地軸S,

    gloves’d印ends, etC.’Will be place。fu leak proofplastic b鍵翫也en

    securely蝕tened and disposed ofin也e clieut,s household tl aSh.

    5.遡哩的珪壁婆a. Eating, drin血ng, aPPlying cosmedcs or lip bal皿, arrd handling contact

    leuses are pro肋ited in work areas where blood or oth餅POte融a11y

    血姑誼ous皿軸瓦血s狐e肱ely to be p鯵S鎖血

    b. Ma血t‘血a clean che競eAVironment with e皿Phasis on the baぬroo皿弧rd


    c. Kieep su押lies offぬe floor and out ofreach ofc鮒dren.

    d, Bngs used by則rses証me he地aide狐d other sta鯖w址ch are t]rought

    into the ho皿e are Class競ed as clean o阻血e inside. The outside of也e bag’

    becanse it is磯posed to all environments, is considered代soiled." The

    iuside and outside ofthe bag whl be cle紬ed wl].en Visibly soiled. A barier

    皿ay be used urker the bag as needed. For RN几PN“ disciplines’Please

    refer細棚融暗B優姥e脇que Proceゐ鳩

    e.血dividuals w地Iesions or exposed skin surfaces may require removal

    from wo出血clieI鵬homes. Sma皿cuts and scrapes should be covered

    wi血an adhesive dress血g or bandnge and皿Onitored cIosely for integrfty

    血止血g c騰血C狐e孤誼Ⅴ迫es・

    6.堕ds ofDis追触垂塑a. Reusable articles in the client,s home cont劃血ated with blood or body

    餌ds wi11 be washed with soap狐d water. If a d狐ger Of contanin証on of

    body parts or a砧aceut areas exists, item win be washed in a spe髄c

    container and瓜e subseque血sohtion discarded in the toilct bowl. F皿

    strength disinfectaut will be used to cle狐t{胤ct bowl勧rd seat.

    b. Wk姐it is I]eeeSSary to uSe equlp皿eut Which皿st be disinfected after use

    狐d whch will be used by or for a patient over a period oftime’e.g.:

  • Exposure ControI Plan

    bedya購, u血als, bedside co皿mOdes, etC・,ぬe famdy will provide this


    c, BIood glueose m血tors wi皿be cleaned when visibly soiled or according


    d AII solutions will be checked for expira高m date prior to use. Use a

    spec迅c so舶on such as aloohol or CIorox l : 10 if coⅡtaninated with

    blood or body餌ds fro皿a Chent. R帥r to Proce働脚部乃r #鍬m


    e. Themom如rs will be wiped w池alcohoI or an alcohol pad’SuPPlied by


    f S悔めoscopes and blood pressure oof穏wm be cleaned w血en Visibly soiled

    by the employee who has possession of也e equlPme加.

    g.餌clien証amdy is to be handled mini血ly and not shaken or placed

    ngainst the e叩loyee’s cIo亜ng or body. Contemina鵬d laundry will be

    placed immediately in也e clieut’s washing皿achine to m血imize e劃PIoyee


    h. Broken如vsware will mt be pided xp directly by harrd. Wear gloves to

    scoop up theわsoめed spⅢ and broken glass・ D垂鵬e血container arrd

    pla∞ COutainer into household garbage.


    A sig血飼cant exposure is defined as a needle stick or cut cansed by needle or

    sha呼也at was act脇寒ily or p疎加ially coutaninated融blood or body餌ds, a muCOus

    ne皿brane expo§ure (i.e. splash to血e eye or r調Eth) to blood or body fluids, a Cut狐eOus

    expos耽invoiving large anoulits of blood or prolonged contact with blood - eSPeeially

    Ⅵ血en也e exposed skin was cha押ed・ al’陶ded, Or a蝕icted with dem劇輯s.

    If you are dire鎚y exposed, rapOrt it血mediately to your Supervisor. You wi11

    be directed to a physician for ay treatmeut and剛ow-xp required as a result of狐y

    exposure you encounteL R帥r to Cbmm棚融b朋穣cめ郷創se倣e #,r棚碗極地ble・

    l. D鏡血道0鄭:

    a. An i確C#0郷disease results fr(m也e iAVaSion ofa host by disease-

    producing onganisus, SuCh as bacteria, Vi関ses,允mかr parasites.

    取ample‥ Salmom批is a highly血fectious disease usua11y transmitted

    from poo轟y pr印紬e{i允ods co血劃inated w池salmone皿bacteda and is

    血ot ∞鴫ious.

    b. A co朋muni倣ble (or contagious) disease is one that can be transn諦ted

    from one person to ano也er. Not a皿infectious diseases are co皿m脚icable.

    Exarxple: Chictrenpox is an infec屯ous disease w出ch is also co皿murde甜e

    and can be eas叫y trans血tted from one person to ano血er.

    2. Modes of Transnrission: Communicめle disease can be箪脂ねd#’eC姫y or

    i融かec動bわ0めorne or a訪ome・

    a. Direct龍阻Smission occurs也rough direct co競act wi吐血e blood or o血er

    body subst狐CeS Of an infected individual.

    b.血direct龍皿Smission occurs w池out person巾irerson CO劇act・珊e

    disease-Produeing onganism passes fron the infected individual to an

  • Exposure Control Plan

    inan血ate object. (The person comes into ∞utact wi也a conta皿inated

    oセject and come§ down with也Le disease.)

    c. BIoodbo虹Le diseases are spread by direct contact w池the blood or o血er

    body sul)sta鵬eS Of狐infected pe購on.僻loodbome diseases of mst

    concem include HIV, H唾atitis B and Hapatitis)・

    d. Ai血ome diseases are spread by droplets of也e diseasei)rOducing

    org狐ism be血g expelled i血o the air by a productive cough or sneeze or by

    direct contact with infected body secretious. Ones of concem include

    tut)erCulo§is, meningitis, mumPS, rubena and chickenpex・

    3.旦xposure to BloQ4bo鱒e臆P鎚麹塾墜Hu皿an ``expsure” is de鋸ned as co血ct

    wi血blood or body紐uids to which Standard Precautious apply. Exposure can

    occur via needlestick, 1aceration or bite, Cor虹act w地an apen wourd, nOn-intact

    skin or mueous me血brane during也e perfemance ofnomral job duties.

    4.堕dy F担ds Expo型喧しExposures餌e也ose identified by也e CDC to which

    Standard Precautious a押ly血cluding, wi血out lin融on,也e fo皿owing body

    細血ds: blood, Se皿en, Va車血secrctions, CSF, SynOvial fluld, Pleural鳳rid,

    peritoneal鳳rid’Pericardial餌d’am血otic froid, laboratcny坤ecim釦s也at

    contain HrV or o也er body皿uids w址ch co劇ain visible blood, §uCh as vo皿itus or


    Health Guidelines for EmpIoyees

    珊e agency will dete龍血r弛e work sta加s of狐emPIoyee diagnosed wi血certain

    diseases. R窮r扉Ziea協G協de搬esJar EJ呼lめ彫s and E即砂ee砕ya融%棚めn


    l.血fectious Dise謡es: Work status of emptryees with infec血ous diseases will be

    dete皿ined by co腿ultation with the Director ofNursing甜rd也e e皿PIoyee, s

    physician. Re∞mmendatious will be based on g竜delines from CDC’伽町ent

    Practice and state law.

    2. Communicあle Diseases‥ Any employee who has exposure to or is diagnosed

    with a r印or劇ole co皿蘭皿icable disease w田mt be a1lowed to wo血Nb龍icafron

    will be made ofexposure or diagnosis to all contacts.皿e client’s physician will


    a.珊e employee will紐st be suapended岨om whk. The er坤loyee wiu be

    required to r印ort to his or her physician・

    b. To retum to work, the empIoyee must present a written statement虚om

    empIoyee,s physician indicating ptrysici狐’s pemission to r卸m to wok

    wi血no restriく舟ons.

    c. Reportable co皿mu血oable diseases are de缶ned by local healぬ

    dep軸血e加S ・

  • Exposure ControI Plan

    List of R印ortable Diseases

    皿ess p扇0鵬中書や融, Clie鵬証吐血Ⅷ餌馳p劇証印0融脆


    QfR儲タO汚ab le D言seases

    l. Ahiepo融le co関unicable diseases調be reported to the State Department Of

    Health, according to guidelines est融shed by the State Departmeut of Hedth.

    2. Re∞rds win be kapt to identify any patte鵬Or trends of co皿皿unicable diseases.

    Data regar(血g co皿unicable diseases皿be reviewed and analyzed on狐

    ongoing basis to identify any trends.

  • Communicable/In蛤ctious Disease Information Th址皇

    Disease/Infection �Modeof �重富Vaooi皿e �Si弧Sand

    Tr種ns皿issio皿 �Av郷頒ab賞e? �Sy皿pto皿s

    AIDS/HIV �Needlesticks,bloodsplashesintomu- cousmembranes(eyeormou也)or bloodcontactwithopenwounds �NO �Fever,nightsweats,Weight loss,○○u鴻

    Anthrax �Cutaneous:SPOresenterOPenareaS Pulminary:inhalationofspores �YES �Cutaneous:PuStules,1esion§, edema Pulminary:fever,f轟igue, heacぬche,rapidoasetof acute respiratorydistress

    Chickenpox �Respiratorysecretionsandcontactw池 moistvesicles �YES �Fever,raSh,blisters

    Di軸心ea: Campylo耽0ら C喜押toporidium’Gardia Salmonella,ShigellaViral, Yersinia �Fecal′0r種I �NO �L○○se,W訪eヴS約〇Is

    GemanMeasles(Rube11a) �Respiratorydroplet§andcontactw粗 respiratorysecredous �YES �Fever,raSh

    HepatitisA (InfectiousHepatitis) �Fe○al/Oral �Y臼S �Fever,1ossofappetite,fa一 tigue,jaundice.Incubation Periodis]5-50days(28avg)

    Hepat鵡B (Se調mHep如tis) �Needlesdcks,bloodsp]achesintomu- cousme皿branes(eyeormouth)or bloodoontactwithopenwounds �YES �Fever,fatigue,lossofappe一 tite,n餌§ea,headacheうj劉m- dice.Incubationperiodis 45-160days(120av妙’

    櫨ep沸i債sC �SameasHepatitisB �NO �S糾虹eaSHep融債sB

    Hep都債sD �ameasHepatitisB;dependenton HBVOastorpresent)tocause 工n危ction �NO �AcomplicationofHBVin- fectionandc劃increasethe §eVerityofHBVinfection

    Othernon-A,non-B �Severalvin章SeSWithdi飾erentmodesof �NO �Fever,headache,fむigue,

    Hep融償s �transmission(Non-A&non-Bbec餌se 血erearenotteststoidentify血em) ��」a肌髄ce

    HerpesSinplex (ColdSo鵬) �Contactofmucousmembranewith �NO �SkinlesionsIocatedaround

    moistlesions.Fingersareatp弧でicular rickforbecominginfected ��血e血outh

    H印eSZoster(Sh血gles) �Contactwi也moistlesious �NO �S貼nlesions

    賞n組uenza �Aめome �Y巳S �Fever,fatigue,lossof appetite,n餌Sea’headache

  • commu皿icable鵬Ctious Di§eaSe I融mation Thble

    Si糾S狐d Sy皿pto血S

    D亀se的eI工融0Ⅱ �Modeof Tnsmis§ion �� �重sVacc皿c Avさ胤みb霊e? � 富a �� �NO �S ぬ め も 健 �ev餌e劃血g狐d8償細山 も0紙皿読めseco櫨d坤 霊誌。‡警寵呼 cted.Eggsofheadfroe 枇a血的ha遼asⅡ購曲 調曲直餌や書u車型 �

    Lice:Head,Body・Pul)ic �cIoseheadtobeadcontact.Bo血body 皮p融鵬坤血e出血贈晦c○職場t餌 ぬ紺血go餌血虜eCl唾

    Measles �R印触0Ⅳ血吋廊COO: 皿s独億也的沈SeC頑io皿s・唖車重y∞皿‾ 皿un鵡able �� �YES ��Fever,競鯵心,心憎n融魅  h誕‡劇場S組

    M餓血豆tis: Me血却COcC血 蹟e皿o垂加S血的e種後 ViralMeningitis �contactw組respintoryseCretious c側線購W虹e§p心気働ySe慨e瓦oos co同actwithrea車atoryseCretions �� �NO YBS NO ��京ev餅,SeV敬やe, ne〇七s働e也でo如 くS劃ne) (S劃腿〆 也かo垂励鼻糾e

    Morormroleosis :誓Wt崎ir坤SeC陶ti_調 ����NO ��Fev鋒,SO職 �

    YES ��FeⅥ瓢,SW班血gofs捉Ⅴ狐y 頭狐ds(p紬宛の  粛

    M噌S    軸ir坤や1総出co血露融 �������

    軸皿ooe皿OSis    F○○的伽e ����NO ��Suddenons鏡Ofev餌, めdo調i脚1paぬ,髄如 nausea&frequentVOmiting � 臆喜喜題エコ==こ ��愉出血g,t吋拉庶狐bu調WS or・調鳩鳴,,v節icle㌻-- p劃鵬まc心細y餌o皿d語孤教導S, w五節S,的州S皮衣血剣確  心血班s出血

    scabies     Closebodycoutact ����NO ���

    YES ��Severeh鈎dace,c,g 誌鰯n§, � S皿塊lPox ��耽S中細吋的p煽S&co劃幽CtⅥ nasalor請oa陸eCr鎚ons・Directcou-

    tactw組PuStule§・Highlycorrm狐lca- bl ����血atbeeo皿eblisters

    Gen細皮c庇皿eOuSl錐io皿s・ 櫨。Ⅳed鮮血e頑ioo囲め

    帥皿秘中§e測狐co田圃的甜e重y throu執blood髄nsfusion ��NO ��� S押出脆

    聯Ⅳ執心か押e躯,Wei卵: loss,cOu弧 二1‡00u直鵡細時的 �

    Tuberculosis)Pu血OOary ��Aifbo皿e ��NO ���

    詣議00直 篤註伽舶tW軸 ����YBS ��V章0eⅡ Ⅵ心0坤孤gso調速W心細 ○○職如Sめs鵬3 �

    看鵜喜鵜鵜賀賀田 ���� ��

    NO冊陳謝師直抽出餌lo融弧d印抑e帥餌制約卿適creportable’CO皿nunicable diseases


  • 圃囲田園圃間圃圏圃

    E叩ipme巾● Bacteriostatic fo餌可eel/liquid/wipes

    . si通読侃調nn血gw沈er

    ● Soap -Preferably liquid

    ● P坤erTowels

    ● Disposable plastic bag or WaSte Can


    l.血dication for handwashing are:

    ' Before and after direct patient c紺e

    ● Before and after each procedure舶丸-

    ● A角錐uS血g也eb抽○○皿・

    ' After blowing or Wiping nose"

    ' Before and程er food prep or eating‘

    ● Whenh狐ds are sOiled.

    ● A船的00虹紺融融抑摘edm勧請粗s・

    ● Before re-ente血g e岬loyee’s bag or clieutis supplies.

    2. A11 empIoyees are reSPOnSible for inxplementing handwashing procedures in an

    ongoing attemPt to Preveut andfor coutain in観ous proCeSSeS and communical’le

    3. Bacteriesta。c ft融aniquid柾pes are the preftrable handwashing method

    Ⅶm using Bactedosta龍c foandgeMiquid/wipes, 。坤ocedure is as fofrows :

    ' Place adequate anOuut Offoan or liquid on hands

    ● Using frction南m between fingers, arOund and under融Palms and

    4. The proper ProCedure for handvrashing when using soap and融is as follows:

    ● Tm water tO a COmfortable wam temPerature

    ● Hold hands under nming water SO they get COmPletdy wct.

    ● Lather hands融with soap: use fiiction; Wash between血gers, Wach area


    ● Using s clean toW。 dry hands thoroughly.

    ● Tum offwaterぬucet using towel・

    ● Discard paper toWels in a disposalale bag or WaSte Can.

  • Nurs血g Bag Technique

    1. Before entering the home’m放e sure血e bag is stocked w池bacteriostatic

    foanAIquid佃ipes and plastic trash bags (Preferable in a side pocked)

    2. Upon eutering the home’Place the bag on a cle狐Sur離e; Paper towels or plastic

    bag may be used to create a cle紬area ifindicated. Open也e bag near the care

    area and証POSSible, near the water s岬Iy.

    a. wash hands thoroughly with bacteriostatic foa血liquid佃ipes.

    b. Remove all items which will be needed for也e visit.

    ' Place iteus on one ofthe Paper towels' CIoseぬe bag and give

    ぬe client care.

    ' If additional items are needed after care has started, WaSh hands

    before re・eutering bag.

    ' Cle狐any Visibly soled items which融I be retu皿ed to the t)ag'

    ● Wash hands狐d retun equipme加to血e bag; CIose bag.

    . Tidy up the work area disposing ofwastes.
