Secrets of Government Revealed! How the US Government Affects My Life by Robert Lloyd, period 2


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Secrets of Government Revealed!How the US Government Affects My Life

by Robert Lloyd, period 2

How Local Government Affects My Daily Life

• My local government chooses how my property taxes are spent. This affects me because they decide how funding is used at my school.

How Local Government Affects My Daily Life

• Another way my local government uses my tax money is for municipal services, they provide things such as garbage pick-up.

How Local Government Affects My Daily Life

• One less desirable affect of my local government is the local law enforcement. They enforce the laws pertaining to local issues, such as driving laws.

How State Government Affects My Daily Life

• My state government is responsible for the condition of public facilities such as parks and roadways. They miss a lot of pot-holes in my state, though.

How State Government Affects My Daily Life

• My state government also affects my life through school, they set the state’s rules and standards which my local government must follow. They use tests like the PSSA to test our performance.

How State Government Affects My Daily Life

• My state government controls the quality of the gasoline that goes in my car. In the winter, they add oxygen to hinder extra efficiency due to low temperatures.

How Federal Government Affects My Daily Life

• My federal government decides what free services I should receive (such as free internet service or public television) by funding only those which it approves of.

How Federal Government Affects My Daily Life

• My federal government also affects my daily life through school, they set the rules and standards which must be followed by my local and state governments.

How Federal Government Affects My Daily Life

• My federal government regulates the prices that I have to pay for imported products like toys and video games. They do this through tariffs which the importers must pay.

How Local Government Affects My Lifetime

• My local government has the authority on what can be built in my town. Currently, my township is deciding whether to allow a mushroom/ composting facility to be built next door.

How Local Government Affects My Lifetime

• My local government controls my water supply and sewage systems, hopefully to ensure my health. If they fall short of this goal it will definitely affect my life.

How Local Government Affects My Lifetime

• My local government has the authority over the grading policies in my high school. If these policies are made any more difficult, it may a long-term negative effect.

How State Government Affects My Lifetime

• If I choose to go to a public college, the state government will decide what I learn through curriculum standards and control of funding.

How State Government Affects My Lifetime

• If I decide to get married, the state government will decide whether I am allowed to legally marry another man, donkey, q-tip, etc.

How State Government Affects My Lifetime

• My state government will decide what happens to the wildlife I’ve grown up with. Will wild land be made into state parks or sold to the highest-bidding developer?

How Federal Government Affects My Lifetime

• One way that my federal government may seriously affect my life is through the draft, the requirement of military service from all who are able to serve, which may be reinstituted due to the War on Terror.

How Federal Government Affects My Lifetime

• My federal government controls social security, assistance for those faced with unemployment, disability, or old age. My generation may be most affected by a lack of social security.

How Federal Government Affects My Lifetime

• For the rest of my life, the views that foreign citizens have of me as an American will be largely based on our foreign policy and by the actions of our chief representative, the president.

The End

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