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SecretsHow Ordinary People Create Extraordinary Success

Plus, 7 Beliefs That Can Hold You Back


What does it mean to L.I.V.E. your Success? It’s an important question and one only you can answer.

Each one of us has a vision of how we want to live our lives. Within our vision we see our finished product – a life lived based on our values, making a good living and building for the future. That is the foundation of the L.I.V.E. Success Strategy. Living Intentionally. Living the life you choose by design, and you are the designer.

Now, let’s put this in perspective: we are all just ordinary peo-ple. What makes us unique is our ability to change our tomor-rows, to pursue something more, to create the extraordinary. Simply put, to find success.

Regardless of how successful you may be today, deep down inside you are question-ing your actions. Every step of the way, you are wondering “Am I doing it right? What else should I be doing? Would have. Could have. Should have.” We all do it. Our L.I.V.E. Success strategy will help you to define what you want and create a path to achieve it, reduc-ing second thoughts and life’s inevitable regrets.

To L.I.V.E. your success you will first need to embrace change. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I’m not saying you need to change everything, but there is NO doubt some things will need to change: your mind, your plan, and your actions.

It’s a fact that successful people have a different set of habits. In mindset, how they spend their time and who they associate with. Here are a few more success habits:

• Watching an average of three hours of TV or less per day

• Spending less than one hour per day on the internet forsport or personal reasons

• Waking up an average of 2 hours before necessary

• Reading an average of 2 hours each day on industry, skillbuilding or business topics

• Sleeping an average of 7 hours per night

• Eating healthy and work out for 30 minutes 4 times perweek.

Albert Einstein once said that the definition

of insanity is doing the same thing

over and over and expecting

a different result.”


The most highly noted habit of a successful person is their ability to set goals, create a plan to achieve their goals and stay focused until they receive a positive result.

This book offers 7 Secrets to achieve the extraordinary. And the truth be told – they’re not really secrets at all. The secret comes to life if you do them and do them well. By your actions you will achieve your success and L.I.V.E. life in an extraordinary way.

CREATE A PLANThe L.I.V.E. Success Strategy is designed to help you create your vision and define your goals based on four core values to determine what you want for yourself:

• Lifestyle –your personal Lifestyle choices aligned withyour personal goals

• Income – the ability to earn and grow your Income

• Values – your personal Values aligned with your profes-sional values

• Equity - build financial Equity for long term growth andfinancial goals

The L.I.V.E. Success Workbook asks the tough questions about “What You Want for Yourself?” and encourages you to set goals. Answer each question in as much detail as possible. The ques-tions may be hard at first; that’s completely normal. You may find it a good idea to jot down a few notes, give them some serious thought and come back to it. I promise the answers will come to you and the process gets easier.

Steven Covey once said “Begin with the end in mind.” The L.I.V.E. Success Strategy is a good place to start.

LLifestyle Income

I VValues


Sandra A. PriceFounder, Advisor, Consultant, Six Sigma CertifiedWith her expertise as a hands-on entrepreneur, an award-winning financial advisor and her Six Sigma Certification in Finance, Sandra Price has lived the dream. Sandra has been immersed in the world of business since she was a little girl, working in the family restau-rant business with a focus on product quality, business operations, service and sales. She has learned the value of leadership and an uncompromising work ethic.










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To L.I.V.E. Your Success requires hard work and vision, planning and execution. Here are the 7 Secrets to making it a reality.

The 7 Secrets to L.I.V.E. Your Success

Early on in my career someone asked me “What do you want for yourself? What is your WDYWFY?” This silly phrase has stuck with me over the decades and is my driving force. So I ask you the same question - What do you want for YOURSELF?

Each and every one of us has natural gifts, talents and pas-sions. Even as a child playing pretend games, you were using your imagination and defining your natural passion. Were you a teacher, a policeman, a superhero? Each says something about your natural talents, traits and abilities.

Over time your life experiences have molded your natural tal-ents one way or another. Those same life experiences have also created what I call - nurtured talents. Nurtured talents are those talents we develop solely by our experiences as a meth-od of adapting to our situation. As adults we often become so captivated by our nurtured talents that our passion or natural talents get pushed by the wayside. Over time, the notion of us-ing and experiencing our passions and talents gets buried so far into our sub-conscious mind, it’s like trying to under-stand a foreign language.

Here’s an exercise to help you redis-cover those deeply-stored talents and reconnect with your history. Write your personal biography. Start with your family history. Then add in the stages of your lifetime. People, places and things you did that were those precious mo-ments of impact. What you’ve experi-enced sets the stage to where you will


Goals are only

truly valuable

when they are

combined with



go from here. When your past, present and future are aligned you will have a foundation that encourages a positive, effec-tive and forward-thinking mindset. Then, you can focus on the things that you value most in life right now.

TIME TO GET SMARTSMART goals that is. Once you know what you really want for yourself it’s time to establish your SMART goals and create your L.I.V.E. Success plan. Remember this: goals are only truly valu-able when they are combined with action.

What are SMART goals? They are goals that are:

The more defined your goals are, the more likely you are to achieve them. If you’re serious about success, get SMART about your goals.

• Specific – use actual amounts, dates and times to define each goal or each step.

• Measurable – how and when will you track your progress for each goal or each step?

• Actionable – what specific actions will you take to achieve your goal or each step?

• Reasonable – make your goals reasonable, but reaching. Stretch yourself.

• Timely – specific time that you will achieve each goal or each step.




The L.I.V.E. Success Strategy is grounded in the belief that suc-cess begins in the mind. The frame of mind you keep on a consistent basis, what you focus on most, is what you believe to be possible or not possible. It’s your mindset. With the right frame of mind, humans can accomplish some pretty amazing feats, some of which would normally be considered impossible by most people. With the right mindset, you can do just about anything. Successful people know that when you change your mindset, you change your reality - you change your world!

Successful people have a very unique mindset. Their beliefs and values are very different from those of most people. And they have adopted different habits that support their beliefs and help them achieve their goals. As a result, successful peo-ple react differently to events, situations and challenges in their lives. They also react differently to what other people say or think. Only they decide what they are to focus on at any given time.

Successful people ask the right questions! While most look at a situation and ask “Why isn’t this working?” The success-ful person will look at the same situation and ask “How can I make this work?” Where most people will wonder “Why is this happening to me?” The successful person will ask “What can I change in order to get what I want?”

The successful ones may have a very different mindset, but here’s what’s interesting. Successful people aren’t born this way. They are different because they choose to be different. They simply decided to change their lives because they didn’t like what they had. They didn’t like the kind of results they were getting, or the direction in which their lives were heading. So they decided to change it. But they realized that in order to change their lives, they first needed to change their beliefs, values, and habits. They needed to change their mindset. And so they did.

Anyone can choose to do the same. Anyone can decide to


“A ship, like a human being, moves best when it is slightly athwart the wind, when it has to keep its sails tight and attend its course. Ships, like men, do poorly when the wind is directly behind, pushing them sloppily on their way so that no care is required in steering or in the management of sails; the wind seems favorable, for it blows in the direction one is heading, but actually it is destructive because it induces a relaxation in tension and skill. What is needed is a wind slightly opposed to the ship, for then tension can be maintained, and juices can flow and ideas can germinate, for ships, like men, respond to challenge.”

-James Michener

become successful. Anyone can obtain riches, optimum health, fulfilling relationships, and so on. Anyone can go out there and start searching for answers, for knowledge and skills that would make them successful. And since success starts first in the mind, anyone can choose to adopt new empowering be-liefs and habits and let go of the old, limiting ones.

Believe! You have to believe that you CAN get whatever results you’re after. If your goal is to earn a million dollars, you have to convince yourself that you can do it. The easiest way to do that is to spend time looking at the millionaires around you. Read about them. Watch videos about them. Listen to others talk about them. Do whatever you have to do to FOCUS on suc-cess and spend time around like-minded people.

THE POWER OF FOCUSThe power of focus must be developed to enable a person to work effectively, to stay committed to their purpose and to produce the best of which they are capable. Focus does not mean straining your mind. On the contrary, there is a power in self-control. Every person should have at least one great pur-pose in life to which they direct their best energy.

By constantly keeping that aim in front of you, and choosing to bend your energies to it, you will eventually attain your highest goals. When I asked a client the secret of his success, he said that as a young man he made a strong mental picture of what he would become. Day and night he focused his powers on that one goal. There was no rush to achieve, no nervous over-reach, and no squandering, but a strong, purposeful, un-waver-ing determination to make that picture a living breathing pur-pose. You can do the same.

ARE YOU SELF-CONFIDENT OR SELF-CONSCIOUS?Self-confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on one’s self. A self-conscious mind is the lack of belief in one’s ability. The lack of belief in your ability creates indecision or lack of action. The lack of action is often due to fear.

People hesitate to take a step one way or the other for fear that they might do the wrong thing, and this dance of inde-cision and hesitation often leads them into the very mistakes they would rather avoid.

It’s like a child on a bicycle, attempting to steer clear of an ob-struction on the road, but all the while keeping their eye fas-tened upon it so that a collision is inevitable.

There is nothing more disastrous to success than lack of belief and purpose and, therefore, lack of action. The world general-ly accepts a man or woman at their own value. If you give the impression that you are afraid, unable to make choices, you will be overlooked at almost every turn.

If you want to learn how to be self-confident, then resolve that you will choose to follow your purpose to its completion


and with great tenacity. Realize that no weak-hearted efforts will achieve your pur-pose.

Hold in your mind the supreme assurance that you can and will achieve your pur-pose and your reward for your energy and perseverance will mean great success! The mind has a tremendous power if you allow it.

HOW TO REMEDY THE SELF-CONSCIOUS MIND? How do you remedy the self-conscious mind? It’s a matter of securing control of one’s thoughts and choosing to conscious-ly redirect them.

The mind is not a machine, but a willful being which you must make obedient to your personal power. When brought to submission, it will serve your highest purpose. But left to itself, it may easily run into confusion and destruc-tion.

When your mind wanders to the negative, then you must choose to go after it and bring it back. You say you can’t? Who’s operating your mind? Does it run itself? Would you get on a train that had no engineer or no conductor? Yet this is what you permit your mind to do with your train of thoughts and ideas. Be sensible. Take serious hold of yourself. Set your will to work. Stand up straight. Take time daily for mental overhauling. You are about to educate your will, and its serious business. Procrastination will not do. From this time forward there are no excuses. You must resolve to control and choose to direct your mental powers toward your definite purpose.

TURN A NEGATIVE INTO A POSITIVE MINDNegative thoughts are within your choice to control and to change. Years ago I was faced with the challenge of speaking in public for the first time. The thought of staring into the faces of 100 teachers created a whole host of negativity and fear.

But a simple trick helped to redirect my negative thoughts to a positive mind set. What’s the trick? A paperclip in my pocket. Yep, that’s it. Each time my mind would lean to the negative I choose to reach for my paperclip and redirect my thoughts to my end goal – a successful presentation.

Negative people can take away your resolve to improve and move towards your purpose in the blink of an eye.

Understand that there are some people who you can spend an hour with, there are some you can spend an evening with and there are some you can spend a weekend or week with and you must choose which is right for you. Limit, if not avoid, expo-sure to negative people whenever possible.

There is nothing

more disastrous to success

than lack of belief and

purpose and, therefore,

lack of action. ”

If you’re faced with spending time with a negative person, make a conscious choice to turn their negative comments into pos-itive responses. You may want to choose to share your new resolution to be positive with them and hope that they take a hint. And don’t forget your paperclip – you can magically choose to turn negatives into positives.

Positive thoughts are constructive, such as “I am confident,” “I am strong,” “I am able.” These affirmations must be made visual-ly, silently and out loud, always with deep conviction and earnestness. Post a positive note on your bathroom mirror and read it out loud each morning or read a book of positive quotes in the evening. Choose to fill your mind with the positive.

Also, remember, these affirmations must be confirmed by actual performance. When you say “I am courageous,” you must demonstrate it in your daily life. You may say “I am hopeful, powerful, kind, cheer-ful,” but if you then proceed to sit down in a corner by yourself and moan about your life, you are simply deluding yourself. It is not enough for to you to just say the words. You must believe what you affirm; you must be it, live it, and act it.

Positive thinking constructs, strengthens, and enables. It means a better lifestyle, the courage to do and to dare, and is the action of mighty effort. It knows no limitation, but reaches out daily for new conquests. It is a power unto itself, growing through its own use.

Our habits of thought must be directed by our principles, values and our desire to live with purpose. The thing we repeat fre-quently in our mind becomes our purpose. Do not seek to per-form one great act of courage, but courageously perform all acts, however small, every day of your life.

As you define your passion and your plan, your values will drive your purpose and set the stage of how you live your life. In the simplest terms, your mindset, attitudes, goals and objec-tives define your actions.

A paperclip in my pocket.”“




For the longest time, people believed that the earth was flat and if you traveled all the way to the end you would fall off. Until, one day, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan proved them wrong by sailing around the world, and in doing so, opened up a whole new world of possibilities and opportuni-ties for everyone.

Beliefs are funny creatures. Beliefs are not necessarily based on what’s true or factual. The power of each belief comes only

“Here there be monsters!”-Ancient usage by cartographers for

places “beyond the map”

from the believer; the strength of your belief depends on how strongly you believe it to be true. As long as you believe it to be true, it will be true in your life. Consequently, you will attract events, experiences and people into your life that will match your beliefs, which will in turn further strengthen those beliefs.

It sounds a bit like I’m talking in circles. But the level of suc-cess of a person depends greatly on his/her beliefs. It depends greatly on how s/he views the world, through those beliefs. For this reason, it is crucial to adopt only the beliefs that serve you and to let go of those beliefs that limit you. Because, we don’t always see what is “real.” We perceive the world based on our beliefs.

As we walk through life, we begin to realize that a lot of what we learned growing up was not very useful, or even true. We begin to realize that life is really about “choices.” That we can choose to believe whatever we want. And if a certain belief is not very useful, we can change it.

You have done it before. It takes courage to be willing to look at your current beliefs and then decide whether they serve you or sabotage you, whether to keep them or get rid of them. But you have that choice. You have the power to change your beliefs, and to change what is “real” to you.


MYTH #1: I don’t have what it takes to be successful.

FACT: Successful people were not born that way. In fact, many of the most successful people today had very difficult lives. They were regular people who wished for more. And they de-cided to do something about it – to change their circumstanc-es. Anyone can do the same, including you.

MYTH #2: I don’t have any experience or education in any-thing.

FACT: Many successful people started with no experience. Many of them also flunked high school and never had any college education. The only way to get real education and ex-perience in anything is by doing, by “starting.” Once you start doing it, you learn very quickly.

MYTH #3: To be successful, I have to start a business and I’m just not cut out to be a businessperson. I don’t have what it takes.


FACT: Listen...I know a few people who can barely read or write. Yet they’re running their own businesses. It’s scary, I know. But think about it...right now, at this moment, you’re already sev-eral giant steps ahead of them. The only difference between a person who’s thinking about starting a business and anoth-er who is running a business is just that. One of them is doing what the other is only “thinking” of doing.

MYTH #4: Money isn’t that important.

FACT: Tell that to the family who’s starving right now, or to the family who needs money for serious medical help for a mem-ber of their family. They’ll tell you how important money is.We’ve been conditioned from Day 1 to believe that money is not important. We have been conditioned to believe that want-ing money is wrong and unethical. And yet the entire world seems to run on money. It is one of the biggest myths known to man.

And it’s one of the main reasons why the majority of the peo-ple are not wealthy. Money is simply a way to measure the amount of value you create for others. If you have a lot of money, it means you have created a lot of value for other peo-ple. If you don’t have the kind of money you’d like to have, that simply means that you just haven’t yet found a way to produce the kind of value for others that you’re capable of, or the value that you’d like to.

Just look around you at the countries or even cities that have a lack of money. You’ll find that in these same places, there are usually more crimes being committed, more people taking advantage of others, more diseases, more suffering, more deaths, and no (or very little) education. Money may not be the most important thing in life, but let’s face facts here... Money is pretty darned important in this day and age.

MYTH #5: If I win, someone else has to lose.

FACT: This is absolute, high-grade, premium quality nonsense. There is enough opportunity and enough money in this world to go around so that everyone can be a winner. In fact, there is more than enough to go around. The only reason some people are not winners is because they don’t believe they can ethically and morally do so. (Remember “the earth is flat” story?) As soon as you get rid of that belief and take a step into the unknown, you begin to realize how much wealthier you can be. You also will realize how your being a winner can only help others win as well! You can become rich by using ethical and legal means - without having to cheat or hurt others. In fact, that’s the only way I recommend that people do it. The easiest way to become

Beliefs are funny creatures.

Beliefs are not

necessarily based on

what’s true or factual. “

rich is to create value in other people’s lives. There are no losers in that scenario.

MYTH #6: Success will mean that I’ll have to work hard all day and not have time for my family, friends and leisure.

FACT: There’s a huge difference between working hard and working smart. Successful people have learned the smart way to work! They have learned to find other successful people they can model after so they don’t make the same mistakes other people did. And by doing so, you can save a lot of time, mon-ey and effort…and spare yourself some major headaches. Getting your business started and running does re-quire work. There’s no way around that. But, you can still take time out for your loved ones and for your leisure. In fact, it’s highly recommended. The L.I.V.E. Success Strategy gives you the outline to have success and quality of life too.

MYTH #7: If I have more money, people will judge me, and they will not like me very much.

FACT: The harsh reality is people will judge you anyway. They are judging you right now! It’s what they do, unfortunately. Most people don’t know who you are anyway. They don’t know the “real” you. They only know who they think you are, based on what little information they have about you. So, let them think or feel what they want.

They don’t know any better. And you really shouldn’t be con-cerned about those people. Remember, respect and friendship are earned. If they can’t appreciate who you are, then they don’t deserve your time, or your thoughts.


Many of these myths have been floating around for hundreds of years and were typically conjured up by people who didn’t know any better. Many of them got programmed into us when we were very young.

But, we’re adults now. We can think for ourselves. We can choose to adopt only those beliefs that benefit us and drop the ones that are no longer useful or empowering. It’s all up to you.

Beliefs are very powerful indeed. They are, for the most part, what dictate the quality of your life. Change your beliefs and you change your life. Free your mind, and success will follow!

Money is simply a way to

measure the amount of value you create for





Realize that you may not always have all the answers. Put ego and arrogance aside and go look for help. Mentors, Role Models and Influencers can give you guidance, inspiration and support.

Look for the people who are already successful at whatever it is you want to be successful in. And learn from them. Master mind groups are a great resource.

There’s someone already out there doing it successfully. Find people who can show you the shortcuts. This will speed up the process. Plus, they will often save you a lot of headache and wasted time/effort by giving you little gems that they learned along the way by making mistakes. You don’t have to make those same mistakes.

PROFESSIONAL SUPPORTKeep your energies focused on achieving your goals at their highest level. Even the most successful athletes have a coach and sometimes more than one. Look to hire a professional or group support to fine-tune your talents and abilities.

GET BUSYThis is one of the most important steps and also the one most ignored. Take what you learn and put it to use! Apply what you learn right away. Take what you have learned and turn it into “action steps.” Just reading about it, watching a video, or taking a class won’t do it. You have to actually do something to get results. Without action, knowledge is just “useless information.” I don’t care how great a course you buy or how great a coach/instructor you find. Unless you actually apply the information by “doing it,” you’ll never get anywhere.

Even with the best training materials and coaches, there will be a “learning curve” to overcome. The only way to overcome the learning curve is to use what you learn, to apply it. Unfor-tunately, there’s no shortcut around it. For example, I can give

you all the information on “how to drive a car”… all the do’s and don’ts… and all the “secrets” I’ve learned over the years as a driver. But, none of it will be of any use to you, even if you read the information 100 times over. Until you get into the driver’s seat, turn the ignition and start driving around on a “real” road, with “real” traffic signs and “real” drivers around you, you will never learn to drive well. There are some things that you can only learn by doing.

JUST KEEP GOINGOf course , it’s always great to find the best teachers and coaches to emulate. It will save you from making a lot of mis-takes. But, they can’t save you from making all the mistakes. Some you’ll have to make on your own in order to move for-ward. Again, like driving a car.

What you should realize is that, sometimes, the only way to find the “right” way of doing things is to just start doing, and eliminate all the wrong ways until you get to the right one. This means there is no such thing as “failure.” There are only “les-sons” you learn as you walk along the path to success.

If something doesn’t work out like you planned, don’t beat yourself up over it. Just learn from it and try again, and again, and again, till you find the “right way”. And as far as “looking silly in front of others” is concerned, remember what I said earlier. “Normal” people never become successful. It’s the ones who are willing to do things differently that make it. You have to be comfortable with being different than others. Let’s face it, over 85% of the population isn’t successful in a business sense. So why would you worry about looking bad in front of them? Forget about them and do what the other 15% of the successful people are doing. Each time you make a mistake, you are one step closer to success!

“I have not failed 10,000 times. I

have successfully found 10,000

ways that will not work.”

-Thomas Edison, on creating a commercially- viable lightbulb




“For years there was a battle raging inside my mind...and no one could stop it!” I was desperately searching for answers, devouring every success, money, and mind-power book I could get my hands on. I bought every course and tape set I could afford. Many of them made a lot of sense and offered great advice. But none of them helped me. I looked around and I saw others doing the same thing, getting the same results. None of the materials on success seemed to bring about the results I was so desperately after. It didn’t matter how many books I read or how many techniques and strategies I tried. Nothing was working.

So why wasn’t I more successful, rich and happy? As I read them, they made perfect sense. What I came to realize was the impact was only on a “conscious” level of my mind. After going over many of the success materials, I would get an unbelievable high. I was ready to take on the world! I was charged up to go after my dreams and make them a reality. That feeling lasted for about 2 days. After that, I was back to doing what I used to do. Back to the old thoughts, habits, patterns and beliefs.

Fortunately, I kept on going. I kept on reading everything I could on mind-power and success. And finally, I found the answer. What I will share with you may seem simple. But I must warn you, it took me almost a decade to finally figure it out, so please don’t dismiss it. Because this is it...this is the key to making everything else work. The magic is Consistency!

The key to permanent change is to consistently feed your mind with those positive thoughts, pos-itive ideas, and beliefs until your subconscious mind gets it! I’m sorry if you’re disappointed that I didn’t reveal something you didn’t already know. But you see...I thought I knew it too. And so did you, but you didn’t do it either. We didn’t change our mindset, our habits or our actions.

“For years there was a

battle raging inside my

mind...and no one could

stop it!”

THE RULE OF 21 The way to change your beliefs and habits is to consistently and consciously keep your mind focused on the positive, on what you want instead of what falls in its path randomly. Hab-its are formed after 21 consistent repetitions. By focusing on something or doing something consistently, your subconscious mind begins to pay attention. It begins to get the message that what you’re doing is in fact important, that it has merit, that it is true. It’s not enough to get the information only on a conscious level. It has to be fed to your mind until your subconscious mind begins to ‘believe’ that it’s true. And that’s when your life begins to change radically.

Just as a magnifying lens focuses and intensifies sunlight into a powerful laser that burns a hole through paper, so can your positive thoughts burn through any barrier and negative at-titude if you keep the focus on the positive… consistently. Ev-ery single day that you wake up can pose a challenge for you, because there’s a lot of negativity floating around you. People telling you that it can’t be done, the news focusing mostly on the negative, the daily events that cause you to get upset or angry or depressed. And let’s not forget the fact that there’s a

part of you that simply doesn’t want to change! It’s a constant battle. And that’s why so many give up. But now we know how to beat it. We know that by consistently holding our thought and focus on what we choose, we can burn a hole through anything that gets in the way. The trick is to hold that focus in place long enough for it to work, long enough for your subcon-scious mind to get it. Try it out for the next 30 days and prove it to yourself.

Let’s circle back to our first secret. We talked about our passion, plan and purpose. We talked about the L.I.V.E. Success Strategy and living by design. Now it’s your turn to design a master plan to L.I.V.E. Success in the way that works for you. From the mo-ment you wake up, consciously shift your focus towards your goals, towards the positive. Make a list of steps to follow, if you have to.

From the moment you wake up till the end of the day, focus on your Lifestyle, Income, Values & Equity for the future. It’s a path to the greatness you were meant to live.

“When you look at people who are successful, you will find that they aren’t the people who are motivated, but have

consistency in their motivation.”-Arsene Wegner




Remind yourself of how much you already have. Your family, your friends, your health, your intellect, the entire knowledge-base of the Internet right at your fingertips. Gratitude can do wonders for your life. It trains your subconscious to focus on abundance instead of scarcity.

INSPIRE: Make it a daily habit to read or listen to something positive or inspirational. Grab a book or tape of your favorite success coach and keep it with you. Listen to it regularly. Keep that high going. Remember, consistent focus is what makes the change!

GIVE: Ask yourself how you can give to others today. The quickest way to become wealthy is to help others reach their goals! Ask yourself what it is that you enjoy giving to others. Just look back at what you’ve done in the past and you’ll find the answer.

LEARN: Ask yourself what new things you can learn today. Make it your mission to really notice what’s going on around you. Pay attention. Look at how things work around you. Learn! Among those things and events happening around you are opportunities.

ACT: Most importantly, take action towards your goals. Figure out what additional steps you can take today that will get you closer towards your goals. And then, do them!

LAUGH OUT LOUD: Spend at least 30 minutes, every single day, doing something joyful. Trust me, it is powerful stuff. When you get a good laugh, your body and mind relaxes, it lightens the load of your day. Your body and mind functions best when they’re relaxed. That’s when ideas and opportunities come rushing in.

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday

epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever

how we experience life and the world.”

– John Milton



PUSH RESET EVERY DAY Realize before you start your day that there will be people, things, and events during the day that may throw you off the tracks. Remember, these little hurdles are only temporary. Don’t let them ruin your day. Quickly jump back on track and resume your focus on what it is that you’ve chosen to focus on. Don’t let other people or other things determine your focus. You are in charge of it! It is your choice. If it seems like too much work to keep yourself focused on the positive and productive, just ask yourself one question... “How much will I miss out on in life if I don’t choose my focus consistently?” Seriously. Is it worth spending a few minutes of your day so you can reach your success goals? Is it worth spending 5 to 15 minutes of your time to start the day right by consciously deciding what you will fo-cus on all day? During the course of the day re-ad-justing your focus so that you can enjoy the kind of life you dream of? Is it worth doing this for 30 days if there’s even the slightest chance that doing so could transform your life beyond belief?

You have the key in your hand now. The powerful understanding of what over 85% of the population is missing. In order to get your subconscious mind to grasp success, you simply have to focus your thoughts on it consistently - until the change hap-pens. Until the negative part of you finally gives up and quits. Until your subconscious mind makes the shift and begins to change your whole life, for the better.

I’ll tell you right now...your old self will come up with excuses not to do it. It will think of creative ways to procrastinate and find reasons to not do it consistently. But you know how to beat it now. With consistency.

Read this book more than once. In fact, read it as many times as is needed! Read it every morning for the next 30 days if you have to. The very fact that you’ve read it once tells me that you’re NOT a part of the other 85% who won’t do anything with the information they learn. You are part of 15% that will accomplish extraordinary things. Your very life depends on it.

“Seriously. Is it worth

spending a few minutes of your day so you can reach your

success goals? “



Finally, we come full circle. In the beginning of this book, I said the L.I.V.E. Success Strategy is designed to help you create your vision and define your goals based on four core values to de-termine what you want for yourself.

But here’s the thing; you’ve got to do the heavy lifting and you’ve got to determine what that all means to you. Success in not found in the DIY section of your local hardware store. You can’t Google it. No one else can do this for you and to do it well it takes time.

If you find yourself splashing around in the deep end trying to decide if you’re going to sink or swim bring your thoughts back to your “WHY”. In 80% of the businesses I have worked with over the years, when we scale things back to “why” all else becomes clear.

The L.I.V.E. Success Strategy will help you find your “why” by focusing on the things that matter most to you:

• Lifestyle –your personal Lifestyle choices aligned with your personal goals

• Income – the ability to earn and grow your Income

• Values – your personal Values aligned with your professional values

• Equity - build financial Equity for long term growth and financial goals

You are now equipped to create your L.I.V.E. your Success Strategy. As I leave to do your good work, please remember this;

When you combine your desire to achieve with clearly defined goals, and focused intentional actions you have created the strategy for great success. Have faith in your ability to achieve great things. You can do whatever you decide. Mistakes will happen and it’s OK, just push reset! The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; Your Success.


LLifestyle Income

I VValues


Put your newfound knowledge into action. Proceed the next page so you can get started on the L.I.V.E. Success Workbook.