Secret of Coin


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  • 8/14/2019 Secret of Coin


    Written by: Muhammad Rahmany

    Secret of coinCamera shows curded London city which in people are

    busy to their works.

    Camera is zooming on ancient clock which has placed in

    center of city. The clock show 7 am and is ringing 7


    Camera show Jim and his brother mike which sleep

    beside of together.Camera is zooming on clock which placed on the desk

    beside Jims bed that is ringing. Jim gets up and turns the

    clock off. In beside of clock on the desk exists a picture

    that shows Jims family.

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    Jim look at the picture .Jims father seems very glad in

    picture. Beside of father is seen Jims grandmother and

    mother.jim stand in front of his father. Jims eyes zooming

    to grandmas face. It seems that grandma smiles him.Jims mother is cooking food in kitchen and Jims sister

    (Anna) is putting the washed clothes on the rope to dry.

    Jim and his family live in seventh floor of an apartment

    which has placed in a narrow street.

    Jim goes toward the window. Through the window the

    ancient clock is seen. Jim looks at the street and sees

    peddlers that like before are busy of their works. In that

    side of the street place a florists shop. In beside of it are

    a fruit sellers store, a fishmongers store and a

    shoemaking. Jim works in this shoemaking which had

    been for his father before. Jims father died 3 years ago

    and now he is superintendant of his 4 members family.

    Anna has 17 yeas old and mike has 14 years old. Jim is

    greater than them and has 21 years old.

    When Jim is looking to street see a coin which is on floor

    of street. As if anybody doesnt pay attention to it. Really,

    reflection of sunlight in it makes Jims attention. Jim goes

    down the stairs and comes toward the street but

    whatever he seeks the coin, find it never. The mother

    calls Jim from window and falls to him a basket and somemoney to buy some vegetable.

    At night of that day, the family sits down around napery

    and taking the dinner. Jim is in thought and plays with

    spoon. The mother looks at Jim and tells him why dont

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    you eat? Jim says I miss grandma. I want to go and see

    her. Mother confirms Jim and says yes, it is passed so

    time than the latest time we see grandma. When you

    want to go her home tells me to prepare some trumperyto give her. Jim is in his bed but doesnt sleep still and is

    in thought of that coin which had seen this morning.

    Camera is zooming in coin in the Jims dream and the

    scene becomes full of light.

    Next scene shows tomorrow morning and beautiful

    rinsing of sun makes Jim to wake up. Jim gathers together

    his things and goes out of home toward bus stop to go tograndmas home.

    Next scene shows Jim stands in front of grandmas home

    and look at it. As if the home changes a little. Jim feels

    this change. The space around of home and neighbors

    homes are not like that been formerly. Jim doesnt expect

    so change from 3 months ago which came here. Jim goes

    toward home slowly. Jim tells himself is it grandmashome really?

    Suddenly Jim sees ancient fence in front of home. This

    fence is very acquaintance for him.

    Camera goes in Jims dream and shows 5 years old Jim

    with his father that are busy to repairing of fence. Father

    tells him you help me Jim in repairing the fence and Iwrite on the corner of these fence your name and huge


    Jim still stands in front of home and a tear is seen in his

    eyes. He touches the fence and his name. The door is

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    semi open. Jim tells himself grandma again has

    forgotten to close the door. He goes inside home and

    calls his grandma where are you, grandma? Your Jim has

    comeGrandmas home is an ancient 2 floor building with many

    rooms and twist corridors which she has inherited it from

    her uncle. In the corridor of entertainment Jim sees a fat

    and short old man that is busy to feeding his small hairy

    dog. The old man wonders when he sees Jim and says

    him who are you? What do you do here? May you are

    one of those gamblers?Jim still is surprised and after that swallows his saliva

    says to him I am Mrs. Jerseys grandchild. Who are you?

    the old man looks at Jim carefully and says we just

    hadnt a crazy that now have. Who is grandma else,

    boy? and he goes of sight of Jim and disappears in the

    dark corridor. Jim is amazed and feared and has

    transfixed in his place. Jim goes forward a little andarrives at the end of corridor which ended to a hall, but

    while he is coming near of the end of corridor, he hears

    womans sound that is singing. But it does not belong to

    his grandma. He knows kind pleasant grandmas sound.

    Suddenly, Jim sees a beautiful girl that is making up her

    face and singing in the toilet which is placed there. The

    girl is very beautiful and Jim has fainted and transfixed inhis place. Abruptly the girl sees Jim and look at his eyes.

    Jims heart beats faster. She without any word goes out of

    Jim toward upstairs fast. Jim is too amazed that dont ask

    her what she does in his grandmas home.

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    Jim goes inside the hall. He seems worried and anxious.

    Camera fallowed Jim to the middle of hall (camera is

    located instead the Jims eyes). Jim stands there and calls

    his grandma loudly. In beside of the hall is a room whichmakes Jim to remember many beautiful memories. As a

    matter of fact there was Jims room when he came here

    in his childhood. Usually, every year in summer Jim came

    to grandmas home and she told story for him every night

    and the Jims childhood is matched by beauty memories

    from grandmas home. Jim slowly goes toward the room.

    The voice of several women and Childs is heard. Jim goesnear and sees 2 women which sit down on bed and are

    talking together. One of them is breast feeding her

    neonate and in a short distance of them, a child is

    playing with a toy on floor. Other woman sees Jim and

    goes toward the door and closes it. As if they havent

    good feeling about Jim. Abruptly sound of persons shoes

    draw Jims attention. Jim turns back and sees the old manwhich goes toward upstairs. Jim fallows him, the old man

    stands on stairs and turns his face to Jim and looks at him

    profoundly and after a short halt brings an ancient coin

    from his pocket and shows it him. This coin is very

    familiar to Jim. An ancient coin with jagged edge that is

    not clear that belong to which century and country. With

    reflection of light from coin, Jim remembers that coin

    which he had been seen yesterday morning in the street.

    The old man takes Jims hand and puts the coin in it and

    with a more kind tone rather than before, tells him take

    it. It is yours. It is lucky coin for you. Be care of it

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    Jim is still amazed about the coin. Suddenly he brings up

    his head and doesnt see the old man. He has gone. Jim is

    tired and sits down on the stairs and look at coin. But

    suddenly he tells himself maybe I have come to anotherhome that looks like grandmas home. He goes out of

    home and looks at it again. Suddenly he remembers his

    written name on the fence and his bedroom and unique

    twist corridors of grandmas home. Jim tells himself no, I

    have come truly. Here is grandmas home. Im sure. But

    where is she? Whats happen for her?

    Jim is in this thought deeply and abruptly sees a 9 yearsold boy that stands in front of him and looks at Jim. Jim

    sits down and puts his hand on the boys shoulder and

    says whats your name? but he doesnt answer Jim and

    just looks at his face. Jim says ok, no problem. Dont

    tell me your name. But do you know who I am? Im Mrs.

    Jerseys grandchild and have come to see her. Do you

    know Mrs. Jersey? The boy with moving head shows noand takes Jims hand and pulls him toward the home.

    They passing from hall and go to the old warehouse

    which has placed under the stairs. The boy brings out

    from trumperies an old picture and shows it to Jim. This

    picture is the same as picture which is in their house in


    Jim points to grandmas face and tell him she is mygrandma. Do you know her?

    Suddenly, Jim feels heavy hand on his shoulder and turns

    his face back and sees a 40 years man that clothed in

    rags with a coarse face and from his body smell, anyone

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    realized that he hasnt take a bath several months. The

    man calls boy and says Joe come here who is he?

    The boy goes toward the man which seems is his father.

    But before he answers his father, Jim introduces himselfIm Mrs. Jerseys grandchild. Itis her picture. Here is her

    home. I come to see her but everybody is here except


    The man looks at the picture and says I had been heard

    from the people that the previous owner of this home has

    been an old woman but I never see her.

    Then he takes his sons hand while is warning Jim go and

    never come back here and after that, while cachinnating

    loudly and going toward courtyard says this home is

    cursed And faded in the dark of corridor which ended to

    back courtyard.

    Jim slowly fallows them without to makes them aware

    and hears the man is interrogating his son and says himI said you: dont talk with unfamiliar persons. Do you

    know if they find out we are in this country illegally, what

    will happen for us?

    When Jim hears these sentences is worried more than

    ago and he goes to the kitchen and opens the door of

    refrigerator and brings out of it a bottle of water and

    pours some water in a cup to drink it. He gets involvedwith a thought and tells himself if they killed grandma


    While drinking, Jim sees a phone on a table in the hall.

    Jim decides to call the police and tells them about it. He

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    goes toward the phone and picks up the receiver but it is

    disconnected. He decides to go out of home as soon as

    possible. While he passes from the hall he sees an old

    woman from the window that has clothes grandmasdress and is watering the flowers. Suddenly Jim stops and

    looks at her. Jim cant see her face because her back is

    toward Jim. Jim says himself grandma and runs toward

    the back courtyard fast. Jim goes near of her and puts his

    hand on her shoulder and says grandma. The old

    woman turns back to him.

    Jim transfixed at his place. She is not grandma. The oldwoman turns her face to the flowers and goes on

    watering of them. In this moment, the 40 years man hits

    Jims head by a mace from behind. Jim falls on the floor of

    courtyard and the coin exits from his pocket and while it

    is rolling on the floor, Jim faints.

    Next scene shows the full stars sky in the night and then

    shows Jim is becoming conscious while is still sufferingfrom headache. Jim after much trouble could stand up

    and find himself in the back courtyard. Jim while is still

    amazed try to go toward the home but radiance of light

    which comes from the basement makes Jims attention

    suddenly. Jim goes slowly toward the wall and moves

    slowly to the door of basement.

    A voice heard from the basement. He goes near and fromthe semi open door looks at inside. A sick woman

    sleeping in bedroom and is groaning as a result of pain.

    Jim also sees a venomous snake which is crawling toward

    her but a disabled hen is defending her against snake. In

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    the twinkling of an eye, the snake stings that hen and

    starts to swallow it. Jim goes inside of the basement

    slowly and takes a walking stick from near of wall and

    kills that snake and saves the woman. Jim goes near ofthe woman and suddenly find out she is pregnant and her

    groaning is as a result of labor pain. Jim goes toward the

    home and arrived at hall.

    He decides to go to upstairs to search anyone who be

    able to help the woman. He forgot headache completely.

    The door of one of rooms is open. Jim slowly goes toward

    the room.The camera is zooming on the leathern shoes under the

    table. The space of room is full of smoke.

    Camera is zooming on the feared Jims face.

    4 men sit down around the table and are busy of

    gambling. Suddenly Jim sees the girl which had seen in

    the toilet. She enters the room from the other door whilecareering a try full of wineglasses. She sees Jim suddenly

    and without exciting the mens attention, gets rid of them

    and exits the room. Jim is waiting her behind the door.

    The girl looks at Jim and tells him why do you come

    here? Jims heart starts to beat faster. Jim swallows his

    saliva and tells her a woman in the basement needs to

    help the girl says a woman? Jim answers her yes, sheis in the basement. I cant help her.

    The girl fallows Jim. Both of them go down the stairs and

    move toward back courtyard. While they passing the hall

    Jim ask her name she says Im Amy. Whats your name?

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    Jim answers Im Jim Amy asks him what do you do

    here? Jim answers its story is very long. I tell you it

    later. They arrived at the basement and go near of the

    woman. Suddenly Amy sees the killed snake and fears.Jim tells her dont worry. It has died. Emi examines the

    womans state and starts to talk with her and says to Jim

    go and bring some warm water and several clean

    towels. Hurry up Jim

    Jim comes fast toward the former bedroom and looks for

    the towels in commode. Finally he finds them and goes

    toward the kitchen and pours some warm water in a bigcontainer. He comes back to the basement and gives

    them to Amy.

    Amy tells Jim go out and wait to I call you.

    Jim exits the basement and leans to wall and looks at sky.

    While looking to the clear and full stars sky remembers

    grandmas sentence. Every person in the earth has a

    star in the sky Jim says himself so now one star will

    add to others

    The womans groan is still heard. After short minutes, the

    space becomes full of voice of newborn crying. Jim runs

    to the basement. Amy is washing the newborn. She is a

    girl. Amy dries her with the towels and shows her to her

    mother and says she is very cute and lovely.Jim goes near and looks at and caresses her.

    Amy says to Jim I must put to sleep her. You can go and

    rest. I will stay here and care them but bring for us an old

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    stove from the warehouse before please. Here is a little

    cold. Jim says ok, Ill come back soon.

    Jim goes to the warehouse. The grandmas old oil stove is

    under trumperies. Jim brings out it. It has some oil still.Jim comes back to the basement and pours some oil in it

    from a barrel of oil which is in the end of basement.

    While Jim is preparing the stove, Amy ask him now, dont

    you say me that what you do here?

    Jim answers surly, you dont know Mrs. Jersey too.

    Amy no, who is she?Jim she is my grandma and here is my grandmas home.

    I went here to see her but encounter with so strange


    Jim tells Amy the whole of that had been happened for

    him. Both of them are very tired and sleep beside of

    together in the basement.

    Next scene shows Jim that still is sleep. Sunlight which

    comes from the window makes Jim to get up. He looks

    around of himself, but Amy is not there and also that

    pregnant woman with her newborn isnt too.

    The old stove is burning yet. Jim stands up and goes

    toward home and enters the hall. He calls Amy loudly but

    she is not there. Jim goes to upstairs. Suddenly, he seesthe door of grandmas bedroom is open.

    Jim goes near and surprisedly sees his grandma which

    has sleep on her bed. Jim dont find that old man, those

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    gamblers and women. Also there isnt that son with his

    father and even Amy too.

    The grandma slowly wakes up and sees Jim. Jim still is

    surprised. The grandma calls him. Jim goes toward her

    and they embrace together. The grandma asks him

    when do you go my son? I waited for you yesterday.

    Your mother called and told me that you would arrive

    yesterday morning. Suddenly something falls from Jims

    pocket on floor of room. Jim turns back and sees the old

    coin which the old man had been given him was on thefloor. Jim sits down and looks at it. The grandma says

    him whats the matter, Jim?

    Jim says I dont know.

    And the scene fades in the light of that shine coin.

    Next scene shows grandmas home again. On the wall is

    a picture that shows Jim and Amy marriage. Jims mother,the grandma, Anna, mike and all of them seems very


    A 60 years old man and 10 years old boy sit down on a

    sofa beside of together.

    The boy asks the old man grandpa, do you see those

    people again?While the old man is taking with his grandchild, an old

    woman that seems be Amy enters the living room with a

    try of fruits. Amy sits down beside of old man and says to

    boy Zhao, thats enough. The grandpa should rest

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    Jim says to Amy no problem, Im not tired. I was so

    curious in his age, too. I liked to know every thing and

    asked very much. Some times my father became sad

    from me but in the most of times answered me carefully.Amy says to Jim you arent young else. Be care of your

    health, Jim

    Jim says her ok, but I want to tell rest of my story for


    Amy says to Jim but doctors opinion was that you must

    rest completely

    Jim says so, help me to tell it for him

    Amy smiles and says ok, we tell him together

    Zhao says thats great and kisses both of them

    Zhao asks her grandma, what happen for grandpa after


    She says to Zhao your grandpa left his job in theshoemaking and went to the Liverpool for work in a

    shipping company which had seen its employment

    advertisement in a newsletter.

    He was employed in passenger ship as a sailor and

    worked in it more than 2 years.

    In of sun day in the end of winter their ship was preparingfor a voyage to Italia. I was in the ship too.

    Zhao ask you, grandma

    The ship was full of passengers. I had stand on the deck

    of the ship and looked at the view of the port and the

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    passengers which entered the ship. In among of them

    was an old man with his cute hairy dog. He went toward

    me and asked me about caf. I showed him its place and

    he said thanks and went.The camera shows Amy that stands on the deck and cool

    breeze (zephyr) which comes from the east makes float

    her long brown hair in the air.

    Amy remembers the unpleasant memories which had

    happened for her in the Liverpool. That shit caf which

    she worked in it. One day owner of caf wanted her to go

    to his room and after she entered the room, he forced herfor sex but Amy disagreed and hindered him. Finally he

    kicked out her from there.

    Amys family had died in the car accident when she had

    just 5 years old and she lived with her grandpa, but from

    his death in the years ago, Amy had become alone and

    has to work for her life. In the great world she had just an

    uncle who lived in Italia and Amy was going to see him

    every time that she could go there.

    After discharge from the caf, she looked for a work and

    one day saw in the newsletter an advertisement for

    employment of translator of the Italian language.

    Amys mother was Italian and his father was from

    England. Amy had learned from her mother Italianlanguage completely. Finally she was employed in that

    commercial company as a translator and with the full skill

    in speaking Italian the company had been decided to

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    send her with other colleagues in the commercial journey

    to Italia.

    It is the first work travel for Amy and she had decided to

    meet her uncle in the Italia.

    Amy had 22 years old and was very beautiful and

    attractive. With light brown hair which was like a gold

    waterfall covered her face in the cool breeze which was

    coming from the east.

    All of passengers have gone on the board a ship and the

    ship is ready for move.

    It is the first time that Amy goes out of the Liverpool. But

    she is very glad and that sunny day and that cool breeze

    double this beauty feel.

    The colleagues of Amy are in the Mr. Petersons cabin. He

    is the boss of the company and a rich man. They are busy

    to gambling and dont attention to Amy because she is

    employed early and they dont know Amy completely.

    Amy was going to her cabin. At the end of corridor she

    sees a sailor which collides to an old woman and

    something falls from his pocket. Amy sees this scene and

    goes to the end of corridor and picks up the thing. It was

    an ancient coin. Amy fallows the sailor and calls him.

    Jim turns back to Amy and looks at her. Jim is perplexedand says Amy His heart beats fast. Amy has wonders

    from Jims reflection.

    Amy says this coin fell down from your pocket when you

    collide to that old woman

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    Camera is zooming on the perplexed Jims face.

    Amy says please take it. I must go soon

    Jim takes the coin but is too amazed to thank her.

    Amy slowly goes away of him toward her cabin.

    Jim says was she Amy?

    Jim remembers whole of that dream suddenly.

    He just has a coin from that dream in his hand until now

    and anybody doesnt accept his word about the eventswhich had been happened for him in the grandmas


    Slowly, he had been forgotten it too, and had been

    believed that is just a dream.

    But Jim keeps the coin with himself always and believes it

    is lucky coin for him.

    On the coin was an ancient written and Jim could never

    realize its meaning. He also show it to an expert which

    had been seen 1 year ago but he couldnt read it too.

    Jim still was there and Amy has gone. Jim goes toward

    the deck. On the deck sees a man which is talking to the

    captain. He wears a brown coat and has a black cane in

    his hand. The captain behaves with him in a respectfulmanner.

    Suddenly Jims friend that is Philip calls Jim from behind

    and tells him do you know who he is?

    Jim says no, but surly he is an important person

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    Philip says he is Professor Albert Saderman who is a

    famous historian and teaches in Harvard University. He

    could reveal the secret of the written on the ancient

    Egyptian tombstone.He got Nobel Prize for its work 2 years ago.

    Suddenly a thought occurred to his mind. Perhaps,

    professor Saderman can realize the meaning of the

    written on the coin. Professor goes toward the dinning

    hall and Jim fallows and calls him.

    Jim professor Saderman

    Professor turns back her face and sees Jim and says do

    you call me?

    Jim yes professor

    Professor whats the matter, young man?

    Jim as a matter of fact, there is a thing that you can help

    me about it.Professor ok, what do I do for you?

    Jim brings out the coin from his pocket and gives it to


    Professor oh, it is an ancient coin that maybe belonging

    to ancient Iranian people. Probably this is picture of

    Darius, who was king of Hakhamaneshian dynasty. Jim, itis very precious. How do you get it?

    Jim answers its circumstance is very long. Ill tell it you

    later. Professor, can you tell me what is written on the


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    In any case, I cant read it now but Ill try to realize it.

    Jim thanks professor. I really want to know what is

    written on the coin. I feel it has strange power.

    Professor if you want the truth, I became very curious to

    find out it, too.

    Jim says goodbye to the professor and goes to the engine

    room, but he is still in thought of Amy.

    Next scene shows the full star sky in the night and Jim

    stands on the deck and looks at the ocean. He is

    remembering the dream which had been seen 2 yearsago. The grandmas home, the moment which he saw

    Amy for the first time, that pregnant woman and etc.

    In the morning, the old man is sitting down on a chair and

    smoking his pipe.

    Amy sees him and goes near of him.

    Amy hello, it is beauty dayThe old man hi lady, yes it is really beauty

    Amy Im Amy

    The old man Im Jeff, glad to meet you

    Amy do you have voyage until now?

    Jeff I dont know, my life story is very strange. One day I

    open my eyes and find myself in a hospital in Peru. I

    didnt remember anything. I had been become sever

    injured and very weak. They just find out I am English.

    They transfer me to England and I was confined in a

    hospital in Manchester for 1 year.

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    I didnt remember anything and had been become so

    depressed to decide to goes out of there. I come out of

    there and became vagrant of streets for a week.

    I didnt know who I am and it suffered me.

    At that time, I had 32 years old. After a week, I find a job

    in a factory and continued to life until now. I just have a

    wooden necklace which is written on it the words of S&M

    from past.

    Then he shows it to Amy.

    Amy Im very sorry. Your family have became veryupset, surly

    Jeff I dont know did I had a family, wife, offspring or

    even now a grandchild

    Camera shows Jim while is coming out of engine room.

    The Captain sees and calls him Jim, come here Jim goes

    toward the captains cabin. Jim yes, sir

    Captain says I send William to control the past part of

    ship. I want you also check engine room perfectly.

    You know Jim, I must not tell it you but this ship just like

    me is very old. If you want the truth I couldnt hinder the

    company to dont send it for this voyage.

    I have experienced many journeys to different country

    such as China, Japan, India, Iran and etc, but Im very

    worried strangely about this voyage.

    Jim says yes, sir. I hope that any unpleasant event never

    happen for us and we come back home healthy.

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    Jim comes out of captains cabin and goes to the engine


    Jim enters there and checks them completely. All of thing

    seems good except the rotten tubes in the back room ofengine house which is hidden from Jims eyes.

    Jim exits there and goes to the dining hall and look for

    Amy between the passengers which are going there.

    Suddenly, he sees Amy that sits down alone in the end of

    dining hall.

    Jim enters and goes toward Amy.Jim hello

    Amy hi

    Jim says may I sit down here?

    Amy yes, sure

    Jim sits down in front of Amy. The servant comes and

    asks them for food and dessert. Amy orders fried fish

    with vegetable salad. Jim orders it too.

    Jim May I ask you a question?

    Amy surely

    Jim I guess your name is Amy.

    Amy yes, but how do you know it?Jim if you want the truth, its circumstance is very long. It

    is reason of my strange behavior yesterday.

    Unfortunately I forgot to thank you.

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    As a matter of fact, I saw a dream or a thing between the

    dream and truth, 2 years ago. I didnt have any reason

    for it. But you were in my dream.

    Jim starts to tell it for her.

    Next scene shows professor which is in his cabin and

    busy of studying on that ancient written. He has realized

    the meaning of some words and write them on a paper

    such as imagine and get and etc but the meaning is not


    Amy says to Jim ok, you think what meaning it has?

    Jim I dont know, but there must be a relation between

    them. In any case, I am sorry for my behavior yesterday

    and thank you very much.

    May I meet you again?

    Amy says yes, Jim, surely. I will become very glad.

    Jim says goodbye Amy and comes out of the dinning halland breathes deeply. He is very happy.

    In the evening the professor sees and calls Jim.

    Jim says oh, hi professor. How are you?

    Professor answers fine, thanks. And you?

    Jim Im fine too

    Professor do you have time to chat with together

    Jim surely

    Professor why do you select this job, Jim?

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    Jim I remember that I had been went to fishing with my

    father. He asks me: what do you want to do in the future?

    I told him: I like to go to ocean and become a sailor just

    like grandpa.He told me: if you want it from the heart deeply, you get

    your wish surely.

    Now I have become a sailor but he is not between us to

    see me.

    Professor Im really sorry Jim and Im sure your father is

    proud of you. By the way, was your grandpa a sailor


    Jim yes, he was an experienced sailor. He worked in the

    famous old ship Titanic. 26 years ago my family informed

    that the Titanic has sunk and its passengers and sailors

    have drowned in the ocean and after that we had no

    news of him.

    Professor Im really sorry Jim

    Jim thanks professor. By the way, did you success to

    read that ancient written?

    Professor Im working on it but it doesnt finish.

    Professor looks at his watch and says oh, I have to go

    Jim. I must meet the captain. I promise to play chess with

    him. He is waiting for me. See you later Jim.

    Jim good night to you

    Professor You too, bye

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    Jim and Amy meet together every day. One day, while

    they are talking together, suddenly Jim sees Jeff and looks

    at him strangely.

    Amy whats happened, Jim?

    Jim do you see that old man?

    Amy yes, I know him. He is Jeff

    Jim he is the same old man who give me that ancient

    coin in my dream.

    Amy really

    Jim Im sure

    Amy he has told me about his life. He has missed his

    memory. Several years ago he was found in Peru and

    then was transferred to England. Only thing which he has

    from past is a necklace which is written on it M&S.

    Probably these letters are the first of his name and his

    wifes name.

    While Amy says about the necklace Jim begins to think.

    He remembers the latest time that he had been gone to

    meet his grandma, before that he came here for work,

    she showed him a necklace and told him it had been

    grandpas gift to her. On that necklace was written M&S


    M was the first letter of grandmas name that is Merry

    and S was the first letter of his grandpas name that is


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    The grandma gave it to Jim and told it is your grandpas

    memorial. Now it is yours. I know it will care of you


    Jim shows it to Amy and tells her is the same necklaceyou saw?

    Amy says yes but

    Jim runs toward the old man and calls him grandpa

    The old man turns back and looks at him stunned. As if

    he hasnt been expected anyone calls him grandpa in all

    of his lifetime.Jim looks at him with tearful eyes and embraces him


    Amy says whats the matter, Jim?

    Jim answers this man is my grandpa. He leaved his

    home 26 years ago and went for work at Titanik ship but

    the ship sank and after that his family doesnt have anynews of him. I understand it from his necklace which he

    had been built a pair of it, one for himself and other for

    her wife that is my grandma

    Suddenly the old man says Merry.

    Jim yes, marry and Peter your son

    Jim says yes Im peters son. Your son died from cancer6 years ago while he wished see you one time else. He

    believed you are alive and will come back home.

    Jim and his grandpa embrace together and shed tears.

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    Next scene shows the moon in the sky at night. Jim is

    looking at the stars and thanks God for his grandpa. He is

    very glad for his grandma more than any one else.

    Professor comes toward Jim and says it is beauty night

    Jim turns back and says hi professor, excuse me, I didnt

    see you.

    Professor Jim, do you want know what is written on that

    ancient coin?

    Jim oh, professor you translate it

    Professor yes Jim, I write its meaning on this paper. Giveit. It has very deep meaning

    Jim takes the paper from professor

    Professor Im going to sleep. Im very tired. Good night

    Jim thanks professor. Good night

    Jim opens the paper and read it but camera doesnt show

    the paper and written.

    Tomorrow, it rains severely. Jim is in the engine house

    and is talking to Mr. Peterson who is in charge of there to

    become sure from that every thing is ok. When he exits

    there, the coin fell down from his pocket and rolls on

    floor. Finally was stopped in front of the door of small

    room which has placed at the back part of engine room.The camera passes from the door and shows the tubes

    which are ready to break.

    Next scene shows Amy while is talking with Jim in caf of


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    Jim Amy. I want ask you a question but I cant tell it.

    Amy what do you want to tell me, Jim? Whats


    Jim says no, dont worry.

    Jim looks at Amys eyes and says If you want the truth,

    at the first time which I see you in my dream, my heart

    started to beat faster. I didnt know you are real or just a

    dream. But you were more real than anyone for me. Amy,

    do you marriage with me?

    Amy Jim, I have the same feeling to youJim I really love you

    Amy me too

    They kiss together and after a short minute decide to

    inform the grandpa from their decision.

    At this moment camera shows the engine room.

    Suddenly at the effect of pressure the tubes was brokenand oil with high pressure poured on the floor. Mr.

    Peterson hears a sound from the back room and goes

    toward there. He opens the door and sees broken tubes.

    He tries to hinder from leak of oil but a die was flung to

    his head and passes out him.

    Jeff become very happy from it and congratulate to both

    of them.

    They come on the deck and are talking together.

    Suddenly Amy ask Jim by the way, could professor to

    read that ancient written?

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    In this moment the pressure make to the hull of ship was

    punctured and water start to leak into the ship.

    Jim takes his hand in his pocket to bring out and shows

    that ancient coin to Jeff.

    Suddenly Jim says coin. Coin is not here.

    Amy asks him where do you go Jim today?

    Jim says engine house. Probably it has fell down there. I

    must go and find it.

    Amy says I come with you, too

    They go toward the engine room.

    When they arrived at there see Mr. Peterson which is on

    floor and water is coming inside with high pressure. The

    floor has become full of water.

    The siren doesnt work properly.

    Jim says to Amy go and call captain and other sailors. It

    is an urgency state. Hurry up Amy.

    Amy comes out there and goes toward the captains


    Then he tries to hinder from leak of water to ship by an

    iron plate and he successes.

    In this moment, a heavy box, at the effect of ship moves

    and sited on the behind of the door of engine house and

    closes it.

    The captain and other sailors arrived at there but the

    door is closed and they cant open it.

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    Next scene shows grandmas home and the courage

    medal which is placed on the wall.

    Jim says to Zhao, after that voyage, I and your grandma

    marriage together and God give us your father and youraunt. This was my life story.

    Zhao ask Jim what has been written on that ancient coin,


    Jim looks at the coin and then brings out a paper from his

    pocket and gives it to Jim.

    That paper is the same paper which professor had beengiven to Jim.

    Zhao open the paper.

    Camera shows the paper.

    It is written on it imagine, feel and be sure to get your



    This story has copyright.

    If everyone wants to buy it send email to this account
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