Second hour exam



Second hour exam. TEST REVIEW. ID: eee105. Password: prAIRie. Friday Mar 8. noon here. 100 points. (of 500 for semester). 29 questions. 57 bubbles. Wed. Mar 6. 5-7pm 141 Wohlers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Citation preview

Second hour exam eee105Password: prAIRie

Friday Mar 8noon here

100 points (of 500 for semester)

29 questions 57 bubbles


If University-approved conflictSign up with Karin Nelson

by Wednesday’s lecture

Wed. Mar 6

Conflict Exam

5-7pm 141 Wohlers

Grade Cutoffs


87 A

80 B

56 C

49 D



90 A

80 B

70 C

60 D


Nuclear Energy EEE 105 eee105Password: prAIRie

Read Chpt. 11

Nuclear Breeder Reactors

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• Extremely toxic

• Plutonium effects on humans secretly tested

, 0.5 µg permitted dose

• 111 metric tons produced in US


• Constitutent of nuclear weapons


Pebble Bed Modular Reactor

• Uranium pellets encased in ceramic

• Enclosed in a graphite sphere

Pebble Bed Modular Reactor

• Fission products confined in sphere

Pebble Bed Modular Reactor

• Pebbles heat helium

Core melt “impossible”

Costs ~ natural gas

South Africa 2002 (?)

No containment (?)

Pebble Bed Modular Reactor

Nuclear FusionNuclear FusionNuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fusion

efficient1 oz. =70,000 gal. of gasoline.

but 40 years & $10billion of researchand still not feasible

Nuclear Fusion

How to confine high temperature plasma

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear fuel cyclemining & millingenrichment

Separating U235 from U238

Depleted Uranium

• Uranium 238 waste from enrichment = DU

, 17 X as dense as leadHard metal

Used as armorUsed as armorand as armor piercing shells

Depleted Uranium

• DU ammunition used in Gulf war

• US fired 31,000 DU rounds in Kosovo in 1999

• Is DU responsible for Gulf War Syndrome and the more recent

Balkan Syndrome?

Depleted Uranium

• DU burns vaporizing into tinyuranium dioxide pellets

• If inhaled persists for yearsemitting & radiation

• Now plutonium contamination found in DU

Depleted Uranium

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear fuel cyclemining & millingenrichmentfabricationreprocessingwaste

Nuclear Waste

High-level radioactive wastes

The accumulation of nuclear wastes has blocked expansion of nuclear power

High-level radioactive wastes

As of 1998., IL power plants had the largest nuclear dump in the world …..5200 metric tons

Nuclear Energy

Yucca Flats storage site


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et d


3 square miles

Nuclear Energy

Yucca Flats proposed storage site


0 f e

et d


3 square miles

Would hold 70,000 metric tons for 10,000 years but already this much waste

Nuclear Energy

Yucca Flats proposed storage site

Nuclear Energy

Yucca Flats storage site

Transport of radioactive wastes

Proposed Nuclear Waste Disposal Routes

World-wide Nuclear Wastes

a hidden hazard

a terrorist goal

The Doomsday Clock

Nuclear Energy110 commercial reactors in U.S.

50% IL energy is nuclear

434 reactors world-wide

Nuclear Energy

U.S. produces most nuclear energy

Nuclear Energy

France has committed its energy future to nuclear power

Nuclear Energy

Clinton Power Station

NRC Clinton Special Evaluation Team Report

Mr. Larry HaabChief Executive OfficerIllinois Power Company550 S. 27th Street Decatur, IL 62717

Dear Mr. Haab:

This letter forwards the Special Evaluation Team (SET) report for the Clinton Power Station (CPS). The decline in performance of CPS became apparent to the NRC in September 1996. This trend was documented in a letter to you dated January 27, 1997.At the June 1997 Senior Management Meeting, the NRC decided that CPS should remain on the list of plants with a declining performance trend and that a

The ISA, conducted from August through October 1997, identified significant weaknesses in operations, engineering, maintenance, and plant support.Examples of these weaknesses occurred in conduct of operations, management and supervision of operations, performance of system engineers, control andunderstanding of the design bases, maintenance work scheduling and work processes, and radiation protection. In addition, the ISA identified a number of weaknesses in the barriers to prevent safety problems that are not typical of facilities with a strong nuclear safety culture. These weak barriers were found atall levels of management associated with CPS and were

December 16, 1999 Illinois Power sells nuclear plantDecatur, Ill.-based Illinois Power has sold its Clinton, Ill., nuclear power plant to AmerGen, ajoint venture between PECO Energy Co., ofPhiladelphia, and British Energy, of Edinburgh,Scotland, for $20 million. Illinois Power said itwill purchase at least 75 percent of the Clintonplant's electricity output through 2004.

Nuclear Energy

Anti-nuclear protests, ‘60’s & ‘70’s

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy

Anti-nuclear protestsThe China Syndrome

, ‘60’s & ‘70’s

Three Mile Island

Nuclear Energy

Chernobyl 25 April 1986


Nuclear Energy

Chernobyl 25 April 1986

Nuclear Energy
