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Prices starting from only £5 a day Get your business recognised... Your favourite restaurant in Worcester is back with an ex- cellent Christmas day lunch offer. Have a three course meal for £24.95 featuring live perform- ances from live singers. For more information please call us on our number listed above. Bookings for Christmas are being taken now. Hurry before tables run out. ... call 0800 180 180 to give your business the chance of a lifetime 2 Birmingham Star 9th August 2010

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Birmingham Star 9th August 2010 2

With £15million in her bank, Gajmina Begum is living the life of a stress free millionaire.

After playing the lottery for near-ly five years, she has finally won it.

The 24 year old primary school teacher has now fully refurbished her house, bought herself a new car, cleared off her £152000 mortgage and has nothing else to worry about.

Miss Gajmina has also bought

a hotel that is worth £500000.She said ‘I will never leave my job be-

cause teaching is something I love doing.The hotel is going to be

kept as a side business.I have used nearly £1million up on im-

portant things; however, the rest of the money is going straight in to my savings.’

The friends of Miss Gajmina claim that she is a very nice and quiet person.

By John Taylor

£ 1 5 m i l l i o n pound won in

the Lottery

The swine flu outbreak has calmed down. In the last two months only 21 people were diagnosed with swine flu and they have all recovered safely.

However, the European Health Agen-cy claims that the swine flu outbreak is just about to get worse in the next 4 days because of the rapid weather changes.

The swine flu vaccination is still in the process of being made.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes that it

should be complete by the end of October 2010.The Health Secretary Mr Alistair is try-

ing his best to speed up the process.For more information visit or call 08001513100.Swine Flu can be very dangerous if

it is not taken care of straight away.So far the there has been 24 people dead

after being diagnosed with swine flu.Tamiflu is the best medication to

use if you are suffering from swineflu.


Call 08001254789

>Lucky Winner Recieves £2million -Page 3>The new Mercedes is given a British Rating - Pag-es 33 & 34>Swine Flu Update - Page 3>What’s on - Page 22 to 32>M&S on the top - Page 33

No more SAT’s examsFor year 9 children

The government have de-cided that SAT’s exami-nation for the children in year 9 should be scrapped; instead they should have internal exams in school which could identify the progress of each child.

The educations minister Mr John Ascott has said ‘statis-tics show that SAT’s exams put too much pressure on the school children, it will be better if they start work-ing towards their GCSE’s’.

This rule is being made so that secondary school

can be much easier.Everything over the past

years has been too advanced.Statistics show that those

children that do not do well in their SAT’s exams don’t do very well in their GCSE’s either; experi-ments have proved that it is the lack of motivation which plays a big part.

Having said this, the educa-tion minister is being totally serious in deciding whether he should allow children in primary school do SAT’s.

The education minister has

also decided to give children in year 10 the option of tak-ing their GCSE’s because he believes the earlier they do it, the more time they have to improve their grades.

Tonight the education min-ister has appointed a meeting with Prime Minister Gordon Brown to discuss this issue and further information will be announced tomorrow.

Views tomorrows Birming-ham Star Newspaper for an exclusive interview with Mr Alister about what he thinks about the education system.

Your favourite restaurant in Worcester is back with an ex-cellent

Christmas day lunch offer. Have a three

course meal for £24.95 featuring live perform-ances from live singers. For more information

please call us on our number listed above. Bookings for Christmas are being taken now.

Hurry before tables run out.

6 Malvern RoadPowick

WorcesterWR2 4QP


Cromwells Indian Restaurant

Today’s news

Swine Flu is about to get worse in the next few days

Close up of Tazmina holding her cheque in her school office

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