Searching1 Searching The truth is out there.... searching2 Serial Search Brute force algorithm:...


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searching 1


The truth is out there ...

searching 2

Serial SearchSerial Search

• Brute force algorithm: examine each array item sequentially until either:– the item is found– all items have been examined

• Algorithm is easy to code and works OK for small data sets

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Code example for serial searchCode example for serial search

// precondition: none// postcondition: searches an array of N items for target value:// returns true if target found, false if not

template <class item>bool SerialSearch (item array[], size_t N, item target){

bool found = false;for (size_t x=0; (x < N) && (!found); x++)

if (array[x] == target)found = true;

return found;}

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Time analysis of serial searchTime analysis of serial search

• Worst case: serial search is O(N) -- if item not found, have to go through whole array before this can be verified

• Best case: O(1) -- target value found at array[0]

• Average case: O((N+1)/2) -- basically still O(N), but about 1/2 the time required for worst case

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Binary searchBinary search• Much faster than serial search

• Works only if data are sorted

• Uses divide & conquer approach with recursive calls:– check value at midpoint; if not target then– if greater than target, make recursive call to

search “upper” half of structure– if less than target, recursively search “lower” half

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Implementation of binary search Implementation of binary search // precondition: none// postcondition: searches an array of N items for target value:// returns true if target found, false if nottemplate <class item>void BinarySearch(item array[], size_t first, size_t size,

item target, bool& found, size_t& location)// parameters: array is the array to be searched,// first is the first index to be considered,// size is the number of items in search group// target is the value being sought,// found is the success/failure flag// location is the index of the entry containing the// target value, if found

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Binary search code continuedBinary search code continued{ // start of function

size_t middle; // index of midpoint of current search areaif (size == 0)

found = false; // base caseelse{

middle = first + size / 2;if (target == array[middle]){

location = middle;found = true;


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Binary search code continuedBinary search code continued // target not found at current midpoint -- search appropriate half else if (target < array[middle]) BinarySearch (array, first, size/2, target, found, location); // searches from start of array to index before midpoint

else BinarySearch (array, middle+1, (size-1)/2, target, found, location); // searches from index after midpoint to end of array

} // ends outer else} // ends function

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Binary search in actionBinary search in actionSuppose you have a 13-member array of sorted numbers:

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Initial function call: first = 0,

size = 13, middle = 6

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Binary search in actionBinary search in action

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Initial function call: first = 0,

size = 13, middle = 6

Since 113 != 82, make recursive call:BinarySearch (array, middle+1, (size-1)/2, target, found, location);

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Binary search in actionBinary search in action

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Recursive call(1): first = 7,

size = 6, middle = 10

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Binary search in actionBinary search in action

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Recursive call(1): first = 7,

size = 6, middle = 10

Since 113 != 130, make recursive call:BinarySearch(array, first, size/2, target, found, location);

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Binary search in actionBinary search in action

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Recursive call(2): first = 7,

size = 3, middle = 8

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Binary search in actionBinary search in action

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Recursive call(2): first = 7,

size = 3, middle = 8

Since 113 != 108, make recursive call:BinarySearch(array, middle+1, (size+1)/2, target, found, location);

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Binary search in actionBinary search in action

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Recursive call(3): first = 9,

size = 1, middle = 9

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Binary search in actionBinary search in action

5 14 23 47 59 71 82 99 108 113 130 151 172

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Searching for value: 113Recursive call(3): first = 9,

size = 1, middle = 9

Since 113 == 113, target is found; found = true, location = 9

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Binary Search AnalysisBinary Search Analysis• Worst-case scenario: item is not in the array

– algorithm keeps searching smaller subarrays– eventually, array size will be 0, and the search will


• Analysis requires computing time needed for operations in function as well as amount of time for recursive calls

• We will analyze the algorithm’s performance in the worst case

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Step 1: count operationsStep 1: count operations• Test base case: if (size==0) 1 operation

• Compute midpoint:middle = first + size/2; 3 operations

• Test for target at midpoint:if (target == array[middle]) 2 operations

• Test for which recursive call to make:if (target < array[middle]) 2 operations

• Recursive call - requires some arithmetic and argument passing - estimate 10 operations

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Step 2: analyze cost of recursionStep 2: analyze cost of recursion

• Each recursive call is preceded by 18 (or fewer) operations

• Multiply this number by the depth of recursive calls and add the number of operations performed in the stopping case to determine worst-case running time (T(n))

• T(n) = 18 * depth of recursion + 3

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Step 3: estimate depth of Step 3: estimate depth of recursionrecursion

• Calculate upper bound approximation for depth of recursion; may slightly overestimate, but will not underestimate actual value– Each recursive call is made on an array segment

that contains, at most, N/2 elements

– Subsequent calls are always made on size/2

– Thus, depth of recursion is, at most, the number of times N can be divided by 2 with a result > 1

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Estimating depth of recursionEstimating depth of recursion

• Referring to “the number of times N is divisible by 2 with result > 1” as H(n), or the halving function, the time expression becomes:T(n) = 18 * H(n) + 3

• H(n) turns out to be almost exactly equal to log2n: H(n) = log2n meaning that fractional results are rounded down to the nearest whole number (e.g. 3.7 = 3) -- this notation is called the floor function

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Worst-case time for binary searchWorst-case time for binary search

• Substituting the floor function of the logarithm for H(n), the time expression becomes:T(n) = 18 * ( log2n ) + 3

• Throwing out the constants, the worst-case running time (big O) function is: O(log n)

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Significance of logarithms Significance of logarithms (again)(again)

• Logarithmic algorithms are very fast because log n is much smaller than n

• The larger the data set, the more dramatic the difference becomes:– log28 = 3

– log264 = 6

– log21000 < 10

– log21,000,000 < 20

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For binary search algorithm...For binary search algorithm...

• To search a 1000 element array will require no more than 183 operations in the worst case

• To search a 1,000,000 element array will require less than 400 operations in the worst case
