Searching for a journal article



Flow chart detailing where and how to search for journal articles

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Searching for journal articles

Do you have a

reference for an




1st yrs

Use Summon

2nd/3rd yrs or PGs

Use PsycInfo OR Web of Science (Sciences Citation

Index & Social Sciences Citation Index)

Go to the library catalogue (after logging into MyUnihub)

Do a ‘journal keyword search’ for the title of the journal (not

the title of the article!)

See which year you need and follow correct link

How to guides for searching databases on

the left hand side of ‘Searching for journal

articles’ LSG page

Does your reading list say we should hold this in the library but you don't see

a subscription to the journal??!

It may be in the photocopy collection - try searching the name of the

journal article under a 'general keyword search'.

The library catalogue shows you the definitive list of the journals we have access to and which dates.
