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SE Melstar Information Technologies Limited CIN : L99999MH1986PLC040604





P. J. TOWERS, Exchange Plaza, DALAL STREET, Bandra Kurla Complex, MUMBAI - 400 O01 Bandra (East),

Mumbai — 400 051


Dear Sirs,

SUB: Publication of Notice of Adjourned Board Meeting to be held on

19th November 2019 as per Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligation

and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015.

Ref ; letter dated 12th November 2019

Pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements ) Regulation, 2015 we have published the Notice of Adjourned Board Meeting to be held on 19" November 2019 in English Daily Newspaper BUSINESS

STANDARDS?” and Marathi Daily Newspaper in MUMBAI LAKSHADEEP”

The above is for your records

Thanking you

Your Faithfully


Under Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)

\ ae

Sirish Kumar Sahoo

Director Din :08052666

Enclosed As above

Registered Office:

159, 5th Floor, Industry House,

Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020. INDIA.

Phone : +91(22) 6235 6400 Fax : +91(22) 6235 6402


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Taya, fF. 93 Alesax 2098 jaan ©

SAMS a ASR SAGE Ah SAT VATA AT BTS AH, ottrdt vac Gurrdg FAR A Uiell H.vvd, Tes F.42, TTS HISAR AM, TAMER (Ya), Tas-K000G, AAS 220 TH. aa, T/ até, LUAU, Fae WRF SIAM aleve

(age Wat Gel Te age) acter aera Teh BIT. Hal Gleft Yosd: Tara UH Stare

wa Giada cars wa after, ce a fea adh veto GUS SAR AAT As BEATA

fear 2¥.02.2084 Osh fea eet. wa sretter

aa Gaferaraga Pat ary Teta aerpr fea

Sea /STaT HAT Fl GSAT THAT a4 feared wear aay a arararad ae SEAS Hel ST SF Stay GET Haters Weta wadiae amfavara ta area. az fafea

spreradia oe Ale erat a aay oa a area Tears aT ae oer 8 ata /fasi/ See HVAT AH Herter arf qeqaz eploraret rat ferred Serer TOT ATA.

fen: Fag TAT 283.282.2088 wet /-

sag fase wera ah Tal ATA

wie #.St/¥3/243, HAT sreth, aH, Geet 2, arleaet (afer),

Fas-¥0 0089.


Notice is hereby given that my clients

(1) Mrs. Sushma Chandrakant Khatu,

residing at_68/502, 5th Floor, Kurla Sahyog

CHS Ltd, Nehru Nagar, Kurla (East) Mumbai

- 400024, (2) Mrs. Geeta Purshottam Shah

residing at 68/502, 5th Floor, Kurla Sahyog

CHS Ltd, Nehru Nagar, Kurla (East), Mumbai - 400024, and (3) Mrs. Snehal

Omprakash Singh residing at Bldg No. 68,

Flat No. 304, 3rd Floor, Kurla Sahyog CHS Lid, Nehru Nagar, Kurla (East), Mumbai -

400024, intend to transfer the property

mentioned in the Schedule hereunder in

their joint names after their mother Smt.

Shaheda Rahmatullah Shareef expired on

09/05/2018 at Mumbai, wherein their mother

was owner of Flat mentioned in the Schedule

hereunder and was member of Kurla

Sahyog Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd,

Having address at Bldg No. 68, Nehru

Nagar, Kurla (East) Mumbai - 400024 and

was holding Shares with distinctive No. 106

to 110 (both inclusive ) issued under Share

Certificate No. 22 in respect of the Flat

mentioned in the Schedule hereunder.

Claims or objections are hereby invited from

the heir or heirs or other claimants/ objector

to the transfer of the above said Shares and

interest of the deceased Member in the

capital/property of the Society within 15

(Fifteen) days from the date hereof along

with supporting documents to the

undersigned at his address at Bldg No . 12

Flat No. 409, 3rd Floor Dignity CHS, Nehru, Kurla (East), Mumbai - 400 024. If no

claims/objections of whatsoever nature are

received within 15 days from the date hereof,

my clients will be free to get the Flat (as

metioned in the Schedule hereunder) and its

shares transferred in their joint names and

claim of such person(s) will be deemed to

have been waived and/or abandoned.

SCHEDULE Flat No. 502, 5th floor in Building No. 68,

a2 Fe cvara aa are Al, oft. Sta HAR ge art step fecwy, wrarfirr sat-attarfeee gift areract fefies, ax ctw. te fae, facttrel (G4), Fas-vo004s aT sardine waa wH.¢ Barta feat SPAT 36 a XO ae B.40/- Teta & Mat saftt a= Aaearater Gat ¥20 TLD, He Haars Fee H.U- 30% S VHA AretH Bred Saft ArearHS Aa SST Teds Te ae THT Fs BITTE A FT TIE AIR Aa aeeea arr d ye Fad Ae a Beads wees at. Trp we art Heat wad aneen a wae seacarar aan Hila sed, FATS BATE Bev mea Fer aret outer afta afer arisrepare ere are 2e SE, 2088 Chit Hea aa Tf Cart SH TAT TATA Het Bld, AAT HST AS ATTA OTA Bae / TET

Bret Ss BT TAT 22 AceaR, 20R8 Toh facet ya diel srt ael as aie act se aif ara dreads Wael Fes TA aa Tac He GEA amarersarcafta Barts stat ete SATB. SR BIT Sachl Saft /ferar Geen Bex SC ATTA Safer /feear ata fasht, aT, ITE, Fee BH, ATH, Tala, AKA BH, Ara, ASIST far Br=I SK WHR Tat 9S UTA FT wees fash, Fea, SAT anf aftecces we

Sead SeCATS Sith /fepar STA HR ST Sat are ala Gaoasl ae Gea Tal GA TST ty fesse Ara ATES Hoa Bes sre Sach / aeare eet fran aneft, araty gearét sraeara @ franca Fact Soe Tere sare areradign Gar aaa feats bet Geet safer Tex MAS a Feel Arete TRO al ARAERTS Ala SRT chet GSC. we fearkya 23 Ategaz, 20%e mm. afta

wrarfires cal—ariarfeeg gifeer araract fetes a th.wa. te faeria, factor (G4), Fas-voo 04s.

CONTINENTAL CHEMICALS LIMITED (Registered Office : A-7, Sector-7, Noida - 201301)

Advertisement under Regulation 18(7) in terms of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011.

This Advertisement is being issued by D &A Financial Services (P) Limited (the “Manager to the Offer”), for and on behalf of the Acquirer, namely, Mr. Aditya Vikram Chibba and Person Acting in Concert namely Mr. Naresh Kumar Chibba pursuant to Regulation 18 (7) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations 2011, in respect of the open offer to acquire shares of Continental Chemicals Limited (“CCL”/ “Target Company”). The Detailed Public Statement (“DPS”) with respect to the aforementioned offer was published on Monday, 9" September, 2019, in Business Standard (English-All Editions), Business Standard (Hindi-All Editions), Lakshdeep (Marathi) Mumbai edition.

1. Offer Price is Rupees 13.00 (Rupees Thirteen Only) per equity share.

2. Committee of Independent Directors (Hereinafter referred to as “IDCs”) of the Target Company recommends that the open offer price of Rupees 13.00 per fully paid up equity shares is fairand reasonable based on the following reasons:

a. The Offer Price is higher than the price as arrived by taking into account valuation parameters including, book value, comparable trading multiples, and such other

parameters as are customary for valuation of shares of such companies, which comes

to Rupees 11.73 per share.

The IDC's recommendation was published on 11" November, 2019 (Monday) in the same newspapers where Detailed Public Statement was published.

3. This Offer is nota Competing Offer.

4. The Letter of Offer dated 31° October, 2019 has been dispatched to the shareholders onor before Wednesday, 6” November, 2019.

5. A Copy of the Letter of Offer (including Form of Acceptance cum acknowledgement) will also be available on SEBI's website ( during the offer period and

shareholders can also apply by downloading such forms from the website. Further, in case of non-receipt/ non-availability of the form of acceptance, the application can be made on plain paper along with the following details:

Name(s) & Address(es) of Joint Holder(s) (if any), Number of Shares held, Number of Shares tendered, Distinctive Numbers, Folio Number, Original share Certificate(s) and duly signed share transfer form(s).

6. In terms of Regulation 16(1) of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011, the Draft Letter of Offer was submitted to SEBI on 17" September, 2019. Alll the observations made by SEBI vide letter no. SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR-1/OW/P/2019/28357/1 dated 25” October, 2019 has been incorporated in the Letter of Offer.

7. There have been no material changes in relation to the Open Offer since the date of the PA, save as otherwise disclosed in the DPS, Corrigendum to DPS and the Letter of Offer.

8. Schedule of Activities:

(qatcit tet sinitaytior fertres)

QE, START, Te AM Hie, Tee Serr te, aieach (af), Fss—v0 0 0es. ator TT fo 0TTTET ceeTIIN4 4 833 F-Aet: bellagro dtaawe:

30 Atay, 2099 Walt Gaeta faa a aelautafer acvarahetta fara Pend




Statement of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter / Half year

(Rs. In Lakhs) ended 30th September, 2019

(&. ae)


Bure 4 Ait | Bete s Aet | Bas ae

a, | qattet 30.02.2083 | 30.08, 20%¢ | 32.03.2088

R. aera | actaraitiaa | creraktera

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aan / Feber feats ALT STETRH) 2.22 3.0¢ 86.88 4, | arevectenttear tego weeny sera (aremraetienftar seer

THI/ (eT) (HAAR) Salo Se AaeHH eA (HATAT)) 2.2 3.06 86.88 &. | FANT wTSae 34,00 34.00 34,00 is, | wala (Gadeaifeee Teis areaa) Ate aera Serailera

arebare aenre eeeTATT -2.32 88.25] -¥.44 é, | seta via (radia a Geta HaeraTahT)

We 0.8% 0.06 4.¥2 2. aig 0.8% 0.06 4X

feu: a, Bah (fetter aifeottara sive ferrin ftaraciza) tee 20%4 aT fam 33 orae win WHE ATR UATE alee ante faite fate feasts afer wpadte sort are. safe fare fais frets aot aa arian daagen at tis tees Taaeen Sie He,

ata wees fatteeaion

Hal/- fete: 22.22.2022 atta teat


Quarter ended Half Year Ended Year ended

Particulars 30.09.2019 | 30.06.2019 | 30.09.2018 | 30.09.2019 | 30.09.2018 | 31.03.2019 5 (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Audited)

1. INCOME a. Revenue from Operations 4,041.19 3,898.40 4,074.48 7,939.59 7,366.54 | 16,957.30 b. Other Income 5.24 9.17 103.98 14.41 205.86 47.45 Total Income 4,046.44 3,907.57 4,178.45 7,954.01 7,572.40 | 17,004.75

2 Expenses

a. Cost of Materials consumed 1,917.67 2,308.50 1,784.48 4,226.17 3,485.61 8,380.65 b. Cost of Traded Goods - 49.41 1,174.13 49.41 1,773.91 4,240.38 c. Change in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-Progress and Stock in trade 481.18 299.88 41.35 781.06 (142.93) 173.62

d. Employee benefits expenses 349.08 299.63 285.93 648.71 554.14 1,173.51

e. Finance costs 199.98 214.02 397.72 414.00 758.68 837.88

f. Depreciation & amortizations expenses 482.20 426.23 485.07 858.43 965.21 1,930.85 g. Other Expenses 542.49 437.84 443.80 980.34 829.44 1,878.14 Total Expenses (a to g) 3,922.60 4,035.51 4,612.48 7,958.12 8,224.06 | 18,615.03 Exceptional Items = = = = = =

3. Profit / (Loss) before tax (1-2) 123.83 (127.94) (434.03) (4.11) (651.67) | (1,610.28) 4. Taxexpense

Current Tax - - - - - - Deferred Tax 169.03 (20.33) (307.12) 148.70 | (227.15)| (468.17) Short / Excess income tax provision for earlier years - - 70.69 - 70.69 60.95

5. Net Profit / (Loss) after tax (3-4) (45.20) (107.62) (197.60) (152.81) (495.21) | (1,203.06) 6 Other Comprehensive Income

Items that will not be reclassified into

Profit or Loss - Remeasurement of Defined Benefit Plans (Net of tax) - - (0.38) - (0.38) (1.25)

7. Total Comprehensive Income for the year (after tax) (5+6) (45.20) (107.62) (197.98) (152.81) (495.58) | (1,204.31)

8 = Paid-up Equity Share Capital (Face Value of Re. 10/- each) 2,286.44 2,286.44 2,286.44 2,286.44 2,286.44 2,286.44

9 Other Equity excluding Revaluation reserve as per Balance Sheet - - 8,952.06 8,090.52 8,952.06 8,243.34

10. Earnings per Equity Share (of Rs. 10/- each)

(a) Basic (0.20) (0.47) (0.86) (0.67) (2.17) (5.26) (b) Diluted (0.20) (0.47) (0.86) (0.67) (2.17) (5.26)

Notes :

1) |The Above Financial Results were reviewed by the audit committee of the board on 12th November, 2019 and approved by the Board of Directors of the company at their meeting held on same date. The Statutory auditors have expressed on unmodified opinion. The review report has been filed with stock exchange andis available on the company's website. The Financial results have been prepared

in accoradance with Ind AS notified under the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rule, 2015.

2) —CostofMaterial consumed for the quarter / half year ended 30th Sept,2019, includes Rs.660.00 Lakhs being material damaged /loss due to floods in the factory. Though the company has filled an insurance claim, however, cosidering the conservative accounting approach and Insurance cover availed, the same is debited and shown as part of material consumed.

3) Finance costincludes gain / (loss) on account of foreign exchange flucuations

Quarter ended Half Year Ended Year ended

Quarter / Half year ended 30.09.2019 | 30.06.2019 | 30.09.2018 | 30.09.2019 | 30.09.2018) 31.03.2019 (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited)| (Audited)

Foreign Exchange Gain / (Loss) (46.08) 8.79 (123.02) (37.29) (239.53) (151.16)

Wreat tettaret feraes U/ 2k, Weal soa, Cle wH. 3, Isai, mrs, Het (Ga), Fas-v00083.


APTA FAT Teaupenan Praror a Hero Pat (atrascitam) We VT hatha AIST BEATAAT.

AI Gat ead Aa sie Al, feats w are, 20%¢ Wit wea yal saeiel GEEK TATE Bhd TdaeRen fam a sam Ae wife (Sar, Sarahert, seca a weal) sfifian, 20%¢ (Aan) aeafia hott Srret 20%3 A HOA 22v(e) AT

adden seat wctoa ferkesgh artic © ae aster sutret cMistex cat a Sel SAAT AMT SAUNT YaavEHeR fram a aa Fel (stein) Te IA GAM BEAT chet sete.

wa Paka wears Fad Breede Ye wrens seated chet STK sted TAT SET ate care aft: -

8. a enidiat dak WSIS GHA Ale Wea HLT Sch Sle Safer at Tentcier aa waa para a FIA BAe.

2. Great aa aig Hai Fes UTTSATGs Blesters Te et aide safer STaER as sade.

3. Teenie Haigh suacits aeiel ge aaBre e Hrstion Yes read Vas SEATKITAT

¥. HR Hodes Beenie 22 fedex, 202% wha Hora aar wa a Heara Sait aa Beet srastive Ys wed earckia bel ordi.

Q. segtion sire /ye rend eeciatia heel Ms a cleat a Heist TMMTITAL aagtios sifu gs cat beast Great wa Ht Adia, ard ware 3 3d sea.

ate TRU Bc Te SCI ATI Prat Wh el feat cats fra o 4) 5)


Effective April 1, 2018, the Company has adopted Indian Accounting Standard 115 - 'Revenue from Contract with Customers’ with modified retrospective approach. Adoption of this standard did not have any material impact on the financial results of the Company.

The Company has single business segmenti.e. Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), therefore, in the context of Ind As 108, disclosure of segement information is not applicable.

Figures of previous period have been re-grouped / reclassified wherever necessary, to confirm to this period's classification. By order of the Board of Directors

For Lasa Supergenerics Limited

Place : Mumbai

Date : 12th November, 2019


Sd/- nand Hegde


(DIN No. 00185508)

am eee wiehet_fersisx afdaa ured fates, und daaad gana, Yat Awe, aad stadia oan, fea giteat ye, Rrs—mef ts, sie (Ga), Fas-vo00u8 Fa waar feat et

wernt tetract ferfesafat

et /- Tits atae

FeATH: 88. °F. 2oRS whut afaa a fear : dag we arfirart

Offer will be dispatched to the canara fefaes

(Old Room No. 68/2282), Kurla Sahyog St} Activity Days & Dates Days & Dates Co-operative Housing Society Ltd, Nehru No Original Schedule | Revised Schedule Nagar, Kurla (East), Mumbai - 400 024: 1. |Date of Public Announcement Saturday, Saturday,

Building Situated on $.No.229-267, C.T.S August 31,2019 | August 31, 2019 No. 12(Part) of Village Kurla - 3, Mumbai 2. |Date of Publication of Detailed Monday, Monday, Suburban District, L-Ward. Public Statement September 09, 2019| September 09, 2019 Place:Mumbai Sdi- 3. |Filing of the Draft letter of Offer to Tuesday, Tuesday, Date:13-11-2019 BB. GHORPADE SEBI September 17, 2019] September 17, 2019

ADVOCATE HIGH COURT 4. |Last Date for a Competitive Offer(s) Tuesday, Tuesday, October 01,2019 | October 01, 2019

5. ||dentified Date* Monday, Wednesday,

AoxzeIz Sow October 14, 2019 | October 30, 2019

6. |Date by which Final Letter of Monday, Wednesday, October 21, 2019 November 06, 2019

Rectan, Ase-Y00020. LSTA TERN N9 STIG A EUNeRTIOBO gO’

the independent directors of the

Target Company shall give its recommendations.

shareholders BIR sadant ara Whar 7. |Last Date for revising the Offer| | Wednesday, Friday,

(israel) aterfe Price/ number of shares. October 23, 2019 | November 08, 2019 448, 4a Fae, Sse ena, Tec, 8. |Date by which the committee of Thursday, Monday,

October 24, 2019 November 11, 2019

feats ¢ areax, 2092 weilct 30 Ue, : Tenderi Period (Off

2098 wot sadear fedia faarat 7 endering Period (Offer Opening date)

: : 9. |Date of Publication of Offer Friday, Wednesday, waft aictelt Hse BAT 98 AleEaX, 204 aaheeanh gee rons Opening Public Announcement| October 25,2019 | November 13, 2019

10)Date of Commencement of Tuesday, Thursday,

October 29, 2019 November 14, 2019

SAT QUST SEM TORRE Sra sare cpr Oot arelt afr ft aT Area, 98 Aces, 2098 Ys 948, Yat Hote, SSeeh aS, adic, fecrig, Yas—yooo20 ae Gvancr asa. age Sat (sifefasrt sits srarasx SfSt) Vases, 2094 TAR afer aneites

rejection/acceptance and payment of consideration for applications accepted/ return of unaccepted share certificates/ credit of unaccepted Equity Shares to Demat Account. sdactoRa autte srcsearateere facta 11.| Date of Expiry of Tendering Monday, Wednesday,

“as TART aw a “ac ar arene Period (Offer Closing date) November 11, 2019 | November 27, 2019

BIO fata 42 Nees, Oa eit Hse 12]Last Date of communicating Tuesday, Wednesday, November 26, 2019 December 11, 2019

car wevaaka Hota ats ain

ste TAR, wade ¢ vale wtant aft ears care aaa card sae

adage arearetat care ftashl 49

* The identified date is only for the purpose of determining the public shareholders as on

such date to whom the Letter of Offer would be mailed. It is clarified that all the Public

Shareholders (registered or unregistered) are eligible to participate in this offer at any

time prior to the closure of tendering period.

STFA, 2098 FT 29 Aes, 2098 Wit (airat fea warfase) vec sq Sacht orga. wax Yat |= otteat http: // daagcax a tcl

The Acquirer and PACs accept full responsibility for the information contained in this Pre Offer Advertisement and also shall be jointly or severally responsible for the fulfillment of the obligations under the Offer and as laid down in SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011 and subsequent amendments thereto.

This Pre Issue Advertisement will also be available on SEBI's website at veadorear @ http:/ asadcae Issued by Manager to the Offer on behalf of the Acquirers

13, Community Centre, East of Kailash, New Delhi-110 065 Tel: (011) 26472557, 26419079, 26218274 Fax: (011) 26219491

D&a D & A Financial Services (P) Limited

Email: Contact Person: Ms. Radhika Pushkarna


Walsh FSOreA sees


fafaeseRear Date : 12.11.2019

feria: 92.99.2098 fete gareerg| [Place : New Delhi fearon: Has Wares SISRIVA:0€ 04 2EEE

TATA CHEMICALS LTD Regd office: Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Fort,

Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Tel: 022-66658282

NOTICE is hereby given that the certificate for the under mentioned Equity shares of the company has/have been lost /mislaid and holder of the said securities / applicant has/have applied to the company to issue duplicate share certificate. Any person who has claim in

respect of the said securities should lodge such claim with the company at its registered office within 15 days from this date, else the company will proceed to issue duplicate

certificate without further intimation. NAME OF HOLDER: (1) Mrs. LINDA CREADO (2) Late. Mr. ROGER CREADO


Folio No No of shares/deb. | certificate no.{s) Distinctive (s) C1L0021702 20 C300145358 79938171 - 79938190 C1L0021702 20 C300560435 99538171 - 99538190 C1L0021702 25 C300819865 92099185 - 92099209 C1L0021702 25 300907111 111699185 - 111699209 Place: Mumbai, Date: 13/11/2019


Regd office: Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Tel: 022-66658282

NOTICE is hereby given that the certificate for the under mentioned Equity shares of the company has/have been lost /mislaid and holder of the said securities / applicant has/have applied to the company to issue duplicate share certificate. Any person who has claim in

respect of the said securities should lodge such claim with the company at its registered office within 15 days from this date, else the company will proceed to issue duplicate

certificate without further intimation. NAME OF HOLDER: 1) Mrs. FATEMA FAKHRUDDIN ARSIWALA


Folio No No of shares/deb. | certificate no.(s) Distinctive (s} C1F0020267 50 F00011691 46737569 - 46737618 C1F0020267 50 F00011692 46737619 - 46737668 C1F0020267 50 F00011693 46737669 - 46737670 Place: Mumbai, Date: 13/11/2019

8cem x 28cm

13” November, 2019

[Fer tae aioe fares


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Registered Off: B-9 to B-16, M.1.D.C. Osmanabad — 413 501 (Maharashtra)

Tel.: 26135626/27 Fax: 26191817 Email: Corp Off: 78/c The Dawn Bldg., 1* Floor, 7* Golibar Road, Santacruz (East), Mumbai — 400 055.

CIN :L24100MH1990PLC057190}

Extract of Unaudited Statement of Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 30th September, 2019.

PLACE : MUMBAI DATE : 12th November, 2019 Sd/-

Director- AKSHIT B LAKHANI DIN: -00334241

Regulation 47(1) (b) of the SEB! (LODR) Regulations, 2015] (In Lakhs)


Quarter Ended Six Month Ended Year Ended

PARTICULARS 30.09.2019 | 30.06.2019 | 30.09.2018 | 30.09.2019 | 30.09.2018 | 31.03.2019 (UnAudited) (UnAudited) (UnAudited) (UnAudited) (UnAudited) (Audited)

Total income from operation (net) 136.08 28.62 - 164.70 60.45 81.08 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax, Exceptional 10.00 6.36 5.22 16.36 16.74 6.81 and/or Extraordinary items) Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax Exceptional 10.00 6.36 5.22 16.36 16.74 6.81 and /or Extraordinary items)

Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax (after 8.01 4.61 3.77 12.62 12.09 4.60 Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items ) Total Comprehensive Income for the period [Comprising 8.01 4.61 3.77 12.62 12.09 (17.71) Profit / (Loss) for the period (after tax) and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax}] Equity Share Capital 903.47 903.47 903.47 903.47 903.47 903.47 Reserves as shown in the Audited Balance Sheet of the 53.18 previous year Earnings Per Share (of Rs. 10/- each) (for 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.14 0.13 (0.20) continuing and discontinued operations) - 1. Basic: 2. Diluted: NOTE :-

1)The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of Quarterly Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange website and on the Company's website:.

For Indo Euro Indchem Limited

Aga SSA, & A AS, TA. ai. WAR Fag ¥00009.

99, MHX ANAS! Aes, 2 W Aven, VA A. 93, GTA & et HA oH, YIg-Yooooy.

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