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Scene 1

EXT. It’s day time (around 12 o’clock). (LS) The camera tilts from the gravel to a full view of the lane towards the cottage at the end. (CU, MS) A car pulls in and parks on the gravel. The girl and her mother get out of the car and lock it. The camera tracks them, walking to the front of the cottage (holding cardboard boxes and a map/pictures in hand). They are quiet as they evaluate Amy’s new home. (CU) She puts the key in the door, looks behind to her mum and walks in…Fade to black. Eerie music.


INT. Match cut from the inside of the house –(LS) It is dark and quiet inside, a few boxes are sat in the room.

AMY(MS) girl and mother walking in through the door. Walks around, puts

the boxes down, takes her jacket off and begins to unpack.

Guess this is it, I’ve almost unpacked. Thanks for everything Mum.

MUM(MS) Hugs Amy

You’ll be fine darling, call me if you need me.

AMY(CU) Looks lovingly at her mother. Smiles as her mum closes the door

behind her.

Drive safe; I’ll see you tomorrow.



(CU) Her mobile rings, she answers.Hello. (Megan answers)

Oh hey Rhi (pauses) Yeah sure, come over tonight, you can see the new place. (Pauses) Okay, okay, bye.



(MS) Unpacks the boxes, has a look around, bends down to the fireplace, blows the dust away and find a ring hiding in the corner.

Picks it up, dusts it off. Hears a bang upstairs. Looks at the ceiling.

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(CU) What the…


INT. fade in. Room is darkened as it turns to evening/night time. Camera looks at the bed as the duvet starts to be pulled away from the bed (string).

AMY(MS) She climbs the stairs, looks worried, walks into the bedroom and looks around. Turns to look out of the window. Knock at the door, cuts

to answering the door.

Oh it’s you!

MEGANWho else would it be? (Hugs)(Match up of Megan walking through the


AMYNo one, I’m just getting use to place, come in.


INT. (MS) It’s dark outside. CU (on faces for emotion) They look at each other, scared.

MEGAN(MS) The girls sit down and Megan notices the earring on the table. She picks it up the ring and drops it when she hears a second bang

upstairs.What was that?

AMYThis happened earlier, please help; I don’t know what to do.

MEGANCome, quiet.

INT. quick cut to the stairs. The camera pans to the right to look out the window, smoke/steam begins to rise as the music becomes lower creating a mysterious atmosphere.

AMY(MS) They walk into the room to find changes (candles are lit, the duvet has moved, old papers are everywhere. Picking an old bit of paper from the bed, it reads “Your beginning will not be my end”.


MEGANCU on the article she is holding. “Remains found in cottage”.

Amy, we need to leave, now!

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MEGAN(LS) They look around, as the screen turns black.


MEGANThey run down the corned stairs to find the rings on the table

rattling. (CU) on the ring. Cuts quickly to the door as they run and find its locked.

Where’s the key Amy? (shouts) Amy where is it?

Screen goes blank and words appear (editing afterwards). A scream sounds (Megan).

AMYAmy turns to search for it and finds the old, archaic key hanging in the air. She slowly reaches out to get it and the lights switch off. The lights come back on to find Amy standing alone as she screams for


Megan! Megan!

AMY(MS) She runs to look for her as she hears slow loud steps coming down

the stairs. She looks up, into the mirror to find a black-cloaked figure standing on the bottom step. (CU)She whispers.


The screen turns to black as the credits appear.

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