Scott Siddall The Longsight Group By higher education – for higher education


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Scott SiddallThe Longsight Group

By higher education – for higher education

Open source

Use it…make it better…share it.No fees.

When you select Sakai……you join a community of peers

Hundreds of educational institutions: small colleges, community colleges, large universities, K-12, non-profits, for-profits

Community sourceSustained by institutions of higher education

Organized…assured quality…vision from stakeholders

Not a chaotic meritocracyNot commercial and proprietary

Flexibility and controlNo vendor lock-in

Save money

Quality support – yours or a vendorMature, reliable software - SakaiDynamic community – your peers

What do you need to accomplish this?

Upgrades and patches

All Sakai features

24 x 7 with 4 hr response time

99.999% uptime Expert technical support

Proactive support calls

Training: onsite, online, just-in-time

Community documentation

New feature developmentIntegration


Server maintenance, replacement

Unlimited bandwidth

Administrative usage reports

Longsight provides comprehensive support

What is Sakai?

Collaboration and learning environment

Sakai is a framework, not a box

A framework for collaboration and learning

Sakai is a framework, not a box

Sakai is tool-based andpedagogically rich


Sakai is a framework, not a box

Sakai is open and flexible.Bring your vision

Structured designs for hybridcourses or fully online courses

Sakai is a framework, not a box

Minimal designs for smallgroup collaboration

How can I organize my course?Topically or chronologicallyFlexibly with the syllabus

Assignments can define activitiesThe course home page can be the backbone

Drive your course with the calendarThe content repository can provide structure

Sequence your content by time or conditional releaseEmpower students with the wiki

How do I assess learning in Sakai?

Tests & QuizzesEvaluation SystemePortfolios

Tests & Quizzes



Communication is important in Sakai

NotificationsEmail archiveMessagesChatForumsBlogsDrop boxWeb conferencing

What about content authoring?Author materials within Sakai

Create web pages with the rich text editor

Author materials outside of SakaiSCORM and Flash modulesCamtasia or Captivate modulesSoftChalk and many, many more…..

What about multimedia?Embed videos in Sakai pagesStore media in the Sakai repository or link to your favorite providerUse the podcast or iTunesU tools

Migrate content from a legacy LMS•Export then import based on IMS Global standards•Re-create anew because Sakai tools are better•Cut-and-paste•Drag-and-drop


What’s coming?Sakai Open Academic Environment
