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T h e L A R G E S T U K C I R C U L A T I O N o f a n y l i f t i n g e q u i p m e n t m a g a z i n e

....The new Skyjack boom how dies it stack up?.... Face to Face with Neil Partridge.... A look over the new Aichis....




Last minuteConexpo

March 2008 Vol. 10 issue 2

3March 2008 cranes & access

On the cover:

16 Scissor lifts

Spider cranes

Ainscough MBO

Comment 5News 6

New owner for Teupen, Skyjack innovates, Port Services invests, Fork Rent

acquires Swift Plant, Manitou's Braud honoured, Bravi UK formed,

Carrington is King, Bus driver case dropped,Instant drops Tallescope,

Boom lift fatality, Spaldingcalls it a day, Aichi keeps it

in Japan, Emerson joinsJuwel, Morgen Est orders

Sennebogen, Modulift goesstateside, King takes Ace.

Scissor Lifts 16The self propelled scissor lift has become 'part of

the furniture' on construction sites, as contractors increasingly appreciate their

productivity benefits and improved safety. Here we take a look at

the latest developments as well as previewing Japans leading aerial lift producer

Aichi which has finally unveiled its 'global'

Mini scissor lift family.

Last minute Conexpo

25We take a final look at

the events to look out forat Conexpo 2008 as well

as additional product infor-mation, news of late

entries and exhibits not tomiss.

Spider Cranes 29The popularity of spider cranes over the last fewyears has grown considerably - so much so that

it now has its own definable sector. Cranes &Access looks at this increasingly

useful lifting tool, written off by many traditional crane users as a 'toy' when

it first appeared.

The first picture of Haulotte’s new H28TJ+ unveiled at Conexpo. See how it stacks up on page 27.


The April issue will feature: Mast Climbers, All Terrain cranes, Loader cranes, Conexpo review,SED preview and the IPAF summit

In the next C&A

PASMA focus 45Innovations 47

Online poll results 48IPAF focus 49

ALLMI focus 51Training 53

Books & Models 54Your letters 55

What’s on 57Recruitment ads 58

On-Line directory 62



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ARA rentalshow 38

The second of three shows in Las Vegas thisquarter - the ARA was thought by many

exhibitors to be 'a bit on the slow side'. Herewe bring you the highlights.

Face to face: Neil Partridge 41

The much publicised £255million Management

Buy-Out of Ainscough Crane Hire last October

marked the start of the newera headed by managing

director Neil Partridge. Mark Darwin talkedexclusively to Neil about the past, present

and future.

Generators 46The need for an independent electrical

power source for power tools in the platformis growing, particularly on RT scissor lifts.

We spoke to the UK's leading supplier ofhydraulic generators, UK Generators, aboutthe pro's and con's of the modern hydraulic

generator for aerial lifts.


Re writing historyAmerican product liability has for as longas I can remember been the subject of exasperation for manufacturers and thesource of unbelievable anecdotes for the

public at large. Stories such as the grossly unfit overweight man whosued a lawnmower company for his heart attack and the lady who suedthe microwave manufacturer after her wet cat exploded as she tried todry it out.

As crazy as these stories seem, most people are aware of the massivecost for manufacturers of fighting numerous unwarranted law suits,many of which are driven by the fact that in most states, workers compensation laws prevent an employee suing his or her employer.They therefore go after the next in-line such as the rental companieswith the 'No win No fee' lawyers homing in on those with the deepestpockets like a heat-seeking missile.

A recent case still open could, if successful, turn the equipment industryon its head and focus manufacturer's minds on when to introduce newtechnology. It could easily put a brake on the development of safetyideas rather than accelerate their uptake. The case, fully detailed on concerns an operator who reversed his scissor lift into ahole that someone had created the day before in a perfectly smooth flat concrete surface. The 1995 narrow aisle machine tipped over killing the user.

His family contend first of all that a pothole protection system wouldhave saved the man's life and presented paid witnesses that declaredthis was the case even though tests they carried out were flawed. They then contend that as these systems were around at the time,albeit far from universal, the manufacturer should have fitted them sooner and if it had the man's life would have been saved.

This logic is highly dangerous and it is surprising that car manufacturersfor one are not lobbying against this case. After all what about the vehicles that are still being built without airbags? How far do we goback? Can crane producers in the USA be sued for not having fitted load moment indicators in the 1970's?

While the death of this man is without question a tragic accident thatshould never have happened, it is his employer - or whoever wasresponsible for that hole, that is to blame. Hopefully justice will be done,otherwise this could set an unfortunate precedence for our industrywith repercussions worldwide.

Mark Darwin

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March 2008 Vol. 10 issue 2

March 2008 cranes & access

A Hanover-based private equity firm, Nord Holding, has purchased a majority stake inTeupen, the Gronau, Germany-based manufacturer of truck andspider lifts. The current ownersand managing directors, AlfonsThihatmer and AndreasGrochowiak, have retained a significant share of the companyand will continue to manage thebusiness.


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cranes & access March 2008

New ownerfor Teupen

Teupen now specialises in crawlermounted spider lifts and truckmounted platforms. Revenues lastyear were in the region of €45 million with 75 percent comingfrom exports. The company currently employs 160.

Nord Holding has a broad portfoliobut specialises in businesses thatare facing succession issues with theability to expand. The shareholderssee opportunities to invest in and

expand the business, with particular focus on the markets ofthe USA, India and Brazil whichsays Nord Holding, “offer specialopportunities that should be tapped into.”

Alfons Thihatmer, managingdirector of Teupen

Manitou's Braud honoured Marcel Claude Braud, president and CEO of telehandler and aerial lift manufacturer, Manitou, has been made a Chevalier (knight) of the Ordre de la Légion d'Honneur, France's highest decoration.

Braud was nominated by Thierry Breton, France's formerfinance minister, for services to business and the militaryservice. The insignia was presented to him by the Préfetof Loire-Atlantique, Mr. Bernard Hagelsteen.

…And opens new Manitou parts centreOn the same day Manitouofficially opened its new€23 million, 22,000 squaremetre replacement partsand logistics building. Thenew facility is located on a13 hectare site near to thecompany's Ancenis HQ.

Marcel Claude Braud cuts the ribbon at the new parts facility.

Bravi appointsnew distributorItalian compact self propelled aeriallift specialist Bravi, has appointedBravi UK, a new company set upby Andrew Fishburn and StuartHoneywood, both joint managingdirectors and Andy Pratt, technicaldirector, as its UK/Ireland masterdistributor.

Bravi UK is based in Leeds andofficially took over the distributionof Bravi lifts on 1st February. Untilnow Bravi has both sold direct andthrough dealers such as APS. Thethree principals of Bravi UK worked

Mark Carrington, managing director of King Trailers and KingHighway Products - the parent company of SkyKing - has acquiredall of the shares that he did not already own in both companies. Themove follows the departure of finance director Vinod Thakrar whojoined Carrington in the buy-out of the company from 3i's in late 2005.

The King businesses had combined revenues lastyear of £16 million, from heavy trailers, accessequipment and traffic management products.Having served King's head of finance for 19 years,Thrakrar is looking to leave the industry andacquire a business in another sector.

Richard Brown takes over from Thrakrar, havingjoined King as finance director on January 2ndfrom Chemence Limited, a producer of industrialadhesives and polymers.

Mark Carrington with a Bluelift at SED last year.

The Crown Prosecution servicehas dropped the case againstKrzysztof Ociepa, the driver ofthe double decker bus that hit aboom lift in Manchester last yearcatapulting the operator, MartinPilling to his death. Ociepa wascharged with causing death bydangerous driving. The judge atManchester Crown Court howeverruled that he should be found 'notguilty' after the Crown ProsecutionService decided not to proceedwith the case.

In an unusual move, Judge Goldstoneinstructed the prosecuting barristerGraham Knowles to respond to alist of issues raised by Pilling's parents concerning the case. Theseincluded allegations that Ociepa had:

•Worked beyond the permittednumber of days when the accident happened.

together some years back at JLGUK. Honeywood and Fishburn leftJLG in 2004 to join WizardWorkplace the company that purchasedIndependentAccess Servicesthen in administration.Wizard was purchased bythe LavendonGroup last yearand integratedinto NationwideAccess.

Brav's popularLeonardo lift

Marcel ClaudeBraud after hisinvestiture

Carrington is King

•Failed an eye test.

•Gone through a traffic light on amber.

•Not been trained to drive a double-decker bus.

He went on to say: "I'm acutelyconscious the parents of Mr Pillinghave conducted themselves with alevel of dignity which I cannotpraise enough. The fact remainsthey disagree with the decision ofthe CPS with as much strength asthey can muster. I cannot allowtheir emotions and wishes to override the reality of the situationconcerning the strength of evidence. I am satisfied theapproach the prosecution hasaccepted is correct and one which I endorse."(See for full story)

Bus driver case dropped

and platform capacity are all interlinked. The key is to develop a machine that has the best


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March 2008 cranes & access

Skyjack unveiled its new 60 and66ft straight boom lifts at therecent Rental show (See page38). As promised the companyhas kept to its policy of keepingmachines simple, eschewingmicroprocessors and fancy electronics in favour of its timetested technology similar to thatused in its big scissor lifts.However it has taken the opportunityto build in a number of innovativeideas including a base boom counterweight that offers increasedballasting effect when the boom ishorizontal while improving rearward

Instant drops TallescopeInstant UpRight, the aluminium access tower manufacturer has sold thedesign, manufacturing, sales and distribution rightsfor its Tallescope products to Leigh-based AA(Aluminium Access) Products. AA Products wasestablished in 2001 and is headed by FrankPartington and Robert Deakin. The company willmanufacture the Tallescope at its UK premises andsell it internationally. They are already shipping product to Dubai and parts of mainland Europe.

The Tallescope is a one-person aluminium telescopicvertical ladder work platform which is manually operated. Three standard models and two elevatormodels are available with platform heights of up to 7.3 metres.

Boom liftfatalityA 24 year old man died after hewas crushed between the controlconsole of his platform and anoverhead beam at Euro Central inMotherwell, Scotland in earlyFebruary. A statement issued bymain contractor Bowmer & Kirklandsaid: "The labourer was employedby a steel fixing sub-contractor and

Port Services (Invergordon) hasinvested £4 million in a 1,000 tonneTerex Demag TC2800-1 lattice boomedtruck crane for its new Aberdeendivision to service the oil and gasindustry in Scotland.

The new company, PortServices (Aberdeen), hasbeen set up by thelogistics specialist inrecognition of its rapidlyexpanding operations inthe north east of Scotland.

Swift entrance for Fork RentFork Rent, the Ipswich-based telehandler rental company has acquiredthe operational assets of Swift Plant Hire of Ibstock, Leicestershire,from owner David Wilson Homes. The deal boosts Fork Rent's fleet by120 telescopic handlers and more than 20 delivery vehicles. The transaction value has not been disclosed.As part of the acquisition, Fork Rent has signed an 18-month sole-supplyagreement with the house builder, to provide plant and equipment to all ofits sites across the UK. Fork Rent, currently runs more than 1,200 machineswith an average age of less than 14 months. It will provide a completeequipment hire service to the contractor. “This deal will mean more than simplyadding 120 machines to our business,” said Fork Rent director Guy Nicholls.“We run the youngest fleet of telehandlers in the country and will thereforebe renewing the additional telehandlers within the next six months.

slightly at maximum elevation contributing further to improvingrearward stability. The internal boomtelescope system can be removedfrom the back of the boom basesection for long-term telescope cableinspection or replacement. Cut-outs on the side of the base section allow easy routine inspection and adjustment.

The SB60/66T shares many components with the company's 40 and 45ft models, for simpler production and ease of parts stocking. For example, the sametelehandler axles are used on bothalthough the 60/66 use dual hydraulicmotors where the 40/45 use one.

So how does the new machinestack up against its competitors?

comes to Gross Vehicle Weight sothat two units weigh less than 25tonnes. Tailswing is also bang inthe middle and yet it offers thebest outreach of the 66ft models -only the 68ft Haulotte H23TPX

and 69ftAichi beat it. All-in-all a very goodmachine, although not

earth shatteringly better or different. Just

what Skyjack set out to do then.

Model Platform Outreach Capacity GVW O/A O/A Turning TailswingHeight kg tonne width Length m m

Skyjack SB66T 66ft 17.4m 227 12.4 2.4m 10.3m 5.1 1.2JLG 660SJ 66ft 17.3m 230 13.1 2.44m 10.84m 5.41 1.14Genie S65 65ft 17.1m 227 10.1 2.49m 9.5m 5.72 1.22Haulotte H23TPX 68ft 19.0m 250 13.8 2.47m 11.05m 6.15 1.06Snorkel TB66J 66ft 17.1m 227 11.9 2.5m 10.0m 6..1 1.6Aichi SP21AJ 60ft 17.8m 227 14.3 2.43m 11.57m N/A 1.16

Skyjack adds innovation

When designing a boom such asthis there are few opportunities tobreak the mould. The Laws ofPhysics mean that the mix ofweight, width, tailswing, outreach

have done a very credible job with the SB66T. It is the narrowestmodel on the market, and easy toload on a standard truck. It is right inthe middle of the pack when it

stability. At the same time amechanical link between the superstructure frame and the telescope cylinder allows the company to install a shorter cylinder. While mechanically limitingoutreach it also extends the boom No fancy microchip electronics here!

The unusual drive train is based on telehandler axles.

The SkyjackSJ66T


The company will operate out of anew three-acre facility in Altens Eastand will offer heavy lifting, projectmanagement, transport and portmanagement and marine services.

Port Services new Terex DemagTC2800-1 ready for signwriting

New lattice truck crane for Port Services

was fixing a secondary framingsystem for curtain walling from aGenie Z-60/34 platform when hebecame trapped by the neckbetween the top of the controlshroud/basket and the underside of the secondary framing system.He died as a result of the injuries."The machine was inspected andtested by the HSE and its owner,The Platform Company after theaccident and found to be in perfectworking order and well maintained.The HSE is conducting a full investigation.

combination of these factors for the most applications. Skyjack seems to

8 cranes & access March 2008

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Modulift, manufacturers of the uniquemodular spreader system, has announcedthe launch of a US subsidiary, ModuliftCorporation. The company has recruitedChris Batten as chief executive.Modulift already has strong relationshipswith many US companies within theheavy lifting market and felt that he time was right to establish an operation to support them while looking to expandits market coverage. Its modular spreader system offers users the ability to create specialised spreader combinations, to accommodate complexloads, from standard components.

Nick Latham, chairman of Modulift said: “This is an exciting time for us, there is huge potential for the system among several industries in America. Our entire range of spreaders will nowbe manufactured and distributed withinthe US, eliminating the need for them to be imported from the UK.”

The first Sany crawler crane in the UK - a 50 tonne SCC500D purchased by Lancashire-based Anderson Crane Hire - came to therescue of the stricken Ro-Ro ferry Riverdance when it was struck bya freak wave on its journey from Northern Ireland to Heysham Portleaving it beached just off the coast of Blackpool. The 6,000-tonnevessel was left listing at a perilous angle and had to be stabilisedbefore any attempt at re-floating could be made. The stabilising operation had to be carefully co-ordinated to re-distribute the weightof the oil and water in the hold by pumping the bulkheads whilstreducing the weight at strategic areas of the deck to effect a controlled pendulum movement to right the vessel.

Spalding calls it a day at SkyjackLloyd Spalding - president of Skyjack for many years -said goodbye to the access industry at this year'sARA/Rental show before moving into retirement.

Spalding, (66) who formally retired from the companyat the end of February, spent the week of the show onthe company's stand saying farewell to customersand colleagues, as well as helping out of course.

Having passed Linamar's official retirement age, Spalding has been handingover the management of the Canadian-based company to Ken McDougall of Linamar. Spalding says that while he is retiring from Skyjack he intendsto look at new business opportunities.

New Manitowoc Asia Pacific headManitowoc Crane Group has appointed Gilles Martin as executive vicepresident of the crane division in the Asia-Pacific region. Based at thecompany's headquarters in Shanghai, China, he will report directly toEric Etchart, president and general manager of Manitowoc's crane division and the man he replaces.

Prior to joining Manitowoc, Martin worked withSchneider Electric in China, France and Morocco,most recently as the vice president of building segments in Grenoble, France. He has also heldmanagement positions with Clemessy, the FrenchEmbassy and Philips Group.

Etchart said: “Gilles is an accomplished managerwith a proven track record in international businessgrowth and change programs. With experience inboth China and Korea, he has a sound understandingof the opportunities and challenges in the Asia-Pacific region.”

Peter Hird celebrates...Peter Hird and Sons the UK-based crane and access company recentlycelebrated 25 years in business. Founded by Peter Hird senior, the company began with crane hire before adding aerial lifts to its fleet.The Hird name became more widely known after Hird Senior devised aconsistent method for testing the battery life of electric self propelledlifts. Known as the 'Hird Test' it is still used by manufacturers today.


The company has expanded steadily and runs a fleet of around 450 aeriallifts, with a few mobile cranes and a growing fleet of Valla pick and carrycranes. It is also well-known for its training activities and was one of the pioneers of the IPAF Pal card programme. It currently offers more than 65 different cranes and access courses. Affiliated operations include Valla UKand 3B6 UK the distributor for Rated Load Indicators.

Peter Hird senior retired in February 2004 leaving his eldest son Peter asjoint owner and managing director. Since then the company has expandedyear on year both in terms of size but also in terms of geographic spread,joining the Access Link last year and then becoming one of the few aeriallift rental companies to achieve IPAF Rental + status.

...And launches a new businessPeter Hird has opened a second company in the Middle East - CompactLifting Equipment. The new operation will run alongside but separate fromthe Valla pick and carry business.

The new operation will sell and service Jekko mini spider cranes in the regionin addition to compact aerial lift equipment. Hird said: In order to do both Vallaand Jekko products justice we thought that they should be independent fromeach other. The Jekko range has come along way since we first consideredit. The company now builds a quality product with standardisation of components across the range, this made it a more attractive propositionand helped us decide which spider cranes to represent in the Middle East.”

Peter Hird senior (L) and son Peter Hird at the company's 25th anniversary celebrations.


Lloyd Spalding on the Skyjack stand at the Rental Show

Moduliftspreaderbeams usedto handle adelicatebulky load

Modulift USA

9March 2008 cranes & access

n e w sc&aDouble liftfor HiabHiab has acquired two new tail-lift companiesDEL Equipment (UK) based in Witney,Oxfordshire and Ultron Lift Corporation,which has plants in Toronto, Canada andBuffalo, New York. Both businesses wereowned by Militello Holdings (MHI).Hiab says that the acquisitions will roundout its tail-lift product range and businessgiving it a leading position in this market.It claims that DEL is the market leader fortail lifts in the in UK while Ultron is theleader in Canada. The combined revenuesof the two companies last year was about€23 million. Before changing its name in 2002 Ultronwas called as DEL Liftgates - "DEL" originating from Diesel Equipment Limitedwhich was founded in Toronto in 1945.Hiab alreadysells tail-liftsunder theZepro, AMA,Waltco andFocoliftbrands.

Lean on me! Two telehandlers ended up in an unusual position as one toppled ontothe other in Flush Place, Craigavon, Northern Ireland. The road betweenQueen's Street and the Waringstown Road had to be closed as the twomachines leaned precariously to one side. The boom of one machinewas being extended when it toppled onto the other, the booms jammedcreating an A-frame that prevented them both from going over.

Aichi decides againstoverseas productionAt the recent unveiling of its new booms and scissors, Aichi president and chief executive officerS. Takeuchi categorically stated that the company has no plans in the foreseeable future, to buildAichi aerial lifts outside of Japan. The only exception to this is its operation in China which buildsa variety of specialised products for the local market.

Aichi had suggested last year that it would build both scissors and booms in theUSA and Europe, and it was confirmed that the company had looked very seriouslyat facilities in Holland and Indiana, USA. It had also obtained local quotes from keysuppliers in preparation for a start up in late 2007 early 2008. However Takeuchi told C&A that these were studies intended to look at the feasibility of producing machines closer to the end market and that on final reflection it has decided it would be better served by increasing capacity at its current facilities in Japan.Takeuchi did confirm that the company is accelerating its plans to become a full line global producer ofaerial lifts with a full scissor, straight boom and articulating boom line likely to be in place by 2010. In terms of European distribution Aichi has now moved into its new offices in Oosterhout, Holland.

A DEL UK tail-lift.


10 cranes & access March 2008

Manitowoc released asparkling set of results for2007 numbers, with theGroup exceeding the $4 billion revenue level for thefirst time. The crane groupcontinues to drive resultswith sales for the full yearup by more than 45 percentto $3.25 billion, more than81 percent of the total group revenues.

The trend increased in thefourth quarter with crane salesrising by 56 percent to $945million, putting the crane company on target for $4billion annual sales in 2008making it the clear marketleader. Operating income forthe crane group increased byalmost 68 percent to $470million -14.5 percent of sales.

Terex Cranes up 28%Terex Cranes has announced its full year 2007 results, with revenuesup 28 percent to a record $2.235 billion and profits of $257 million morethan 66 percent higher than in 2006. Order intake continued to outpacethe Terex Crane's ability to produce, pushing its order book up by morethan 77 percent to over $2 billion, more than a year’s production.

The company said: 'Strong global demand for large crawler cranes andmobile telescopic cranes continues at unprecedented levels. In the NorthAmerican market, rough terrain cranes continue to be in high demand, whilesales of boom trucks and smaller truck cranes are down compared to 2006.Supplier constraints, particularly in Europe, and capacity limitations in termsof welding and assembly space have extended delivery lead times.Operating margins improved due to a shift in mix to larger cranes, priceincreases and better factory utilisation.'

Overall Terex Group revenues increased by 19.5 percent to $9.14 billionwhile pre-tax profits leapt by almost 50 percent to $919.3 million.

Tadano third quarter up

Manitowoc leaps forward

Manitowoc still on the up

Japanese crane maker Tadano hasreported third quarter revenues to theend of December up by 22 percent to122,827 million yen (£593 million).

Domestic revenues increased 11 percent to 65,231 million yen (£315million) dueto thestrongdemand for replacementcranes,while exportsincreased bymore than 37percent to 57,595

million yen (£278 million) thanks to the demand in Europe and North America.

Net income increased 42 percent to 8,252 million yen (£40 million). The company still predicts total revenues for the full year to the end of March of 168,000 million

yen ($1.6 billion/£811 million).

New vehiclesNew build


Vehicle mounted access



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11March 2008 cranes & access

Genie climbs 12%Terex Aerials which largely trades as Genie and comprises aerial liftsand telehandlers has reported record revenues for 2007, up by almost 12 percent to $2.34 billion. Profit before tax and interest increased 21.5 percent to $453.1 million or 19.4 percent of sales - almost two percent up on last year.

The trend improved in the fourth quarter in terms of sales and profits whilethe company managed to maintain its order book at the relatively high levelsreached at the end of 2006 of $652 million - marginally up on September. The company says that North American demand for aerial lifts, flat for thepast 12 months, showed signs of improvement in the fourth quarter.

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Cramo rises 23%Cramo, the Finish-based internationalrental company has reported a 23.5percent increase in revenues to€496.4 million while pre tax profitsclimbed by 34 percent to €75.8 million. The pace in the last twomonths has picked up as some of its initiatives, such as its deal withSkanska Denmark, came into play.

Record revenuesfor Finning Finning International, the Canadian-based parent of bothHewden and Cat dealer Finning UKhas reported record revenues up16.7 percent to C$5.66 billion($5.57/£2.83 billion) while pre taxprofits climbed 26 percent toC$383 million ($377/£192 million).

The UK business represented almost 25percent of the group’s sales generatingrevenues of around £700 million -11.2 percent higher than in 2006

Profits fall atManitouWorld leading telescopic handler manufacturer Manitouhas confirmed full year revenues up almost 12 percentto €1.26 billion. Profits howeverwere down by just over threepercent to €131 million - hit byincreased pricing pressures inthe fourth quarter, productionchallenges and a number of one off costs.

Finland's Ramirent hasannounced its full year

2007 results with revenues up by more than 27 percent to €634 millionand pre tax profits up by nearly 42 percent to a record €145.8 million possibly making it Europe's largest rental company.

Europe's largest?

Vp (Vibroplant) the owner of UKForks and Hire Station says thatits performance in the last quarterhas remained positive and activitylevels have built up satisfactorilysince the Christmas break with nodiscernible impact from the problemsin the wider financial markets.

Trading remainsbouyant at Vp

12 cranes & access March 2008

The three owner managers of Certex UK haveagreed to sell the business to the Foranka divisionof Axel Johnson International which alreadyowns Certex companies in Denmark, Finland,Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway,Russia and Sweden. The three purchasedHarworth, Nottinghamshire-based Certex UK via a Management Buy Out from wire rope company Bridon International in 2005. More details will be announced later this month.

TakefiveInfrastructure servicesprovider Morgan Est

has purchased five Sennebogen lattice boom crawler cranes from UKdistributor E H Hassell. The cranes include one 650HD, two 680HD andtwo 6100HD the first machines of this type in the UK. Morgan Est hasalso ordered a further seven new cranes, for delivery later this yearincluding two 680HD and three 650HD lattice boom crawler cranes andalso two 683HD telescopic crawler cranes.

Donald Steele, Morgan Est mechanical plant manager said: “The partnershipbetween us, Hassell and Sennebogen has been tremendous in developinga product capable of operating across all Morgan Est divisions, addingincreased safety, productivity and cost effectiveness to our business.”

German prefabricated concrete building manufacturer, Juwel is partneringwith Emerson Crane Hire to deliver its range of modular buildingsacross the UK. Juwel's buildings are available in sizes ranging from5.5 to 8.99 metres in length and 2.55 to 3.48 metres in width.

Joe Robinson, managing director of Juwel (UK) which opened its officein Henley in January said: “Emerson doesn't simply supply cranes, ithas the technical expertise to meet all our lifting requirements, from riskassessments to detailed CAD drawings mapping out a particular lift.”

The Hewden South East sales team won the 'Sales Team of the Year' award at the British Excellence in Sales and Marketing Awards (BESMA). The teamworks across twelve Hewden depots in the South East region of England.Simon Clothier, general manager, said: “This is a fantastic achievement by theteam as they were benchmarked against some stiff competition including bluechip firms such as NatWest and the Royal Liver Group. This is a just reward fora hardworking team led by a dynamic and innovative manager.”

(L-R) Back Row Peter Heneghan, Chris Titley, Des O'Brian, Jessica Eames, Nathan White,John Davis, Stephen Cormack, Paul McCarthy, Jeff Schofield: Middle Row - MartinVincent, Darren Spring, Brian Sherlock, Simon Clothier, Christine Hardy, Gordon Piggings.

Sales teamof the yearSales teamof the year

n e w s c&a

Certex UK acquired Emerson joins Juwel

Juwel the manufacturer of concreteready-made buildings is joiningforces with Emerson Crane Hire

One of two Sennebogen 6100HD's bought by Morgan Est


Quality Innovation Reliability


Odense + 45 66 13 11 00 Holbæk + 45 59 45 55 00

WORLDLIFT INDUSTRIES ASis the result of the merger ofDenka Lift A/S and E. FalckSchmidt A/S. Both companieshave always been known for theirhigh quality products. Togetherthey are the perfect combination.

FALCON SPIDER/NARROWCompact track or wheeled lifts developed for indoor and outdoor use. Down to 0.79mwide you can access everywhere. Working height from 19 to 55m.

DENKA TRAILERSWorking height from 12 to 30m.The new DLX15 is the only trailermounted lift with jib-arm, thus combining the best of articulatingand telescoping principles.

FALCK SCHMIDT SERIESTruck mounted, total weight 3500kg with working heights up to 21m, as well as highly sophisticated utility platformsmounted on truck or van.

The perfect combination

13March 2008 cranes & access

Bristol based King Lifting, the UK's the fifth largest crane rental company,has acquired ACE Crane and Engineering of Gravesend, giving it itseighth location and reinforcing its coverage of the London region.

ACE owner Alan Stowell - started his first crane hire company - DiamondCranes with this brother David in 1982 - the same year as Bob King foundedKing Lifting. Their first company was subsequently sold to Ainscough, butStowell went on to found ACE in 1996. Today it runs about 10 mobilecranes, ranging from a 20 tonne City to an 80 tonne Tadano All Terrain anda five axle Spierings SK599. A seven axle Spierings is also on order. Thecompany is approved to work on the Royal palaces and is well positionedto win work on the Olympic construction projects.

Faresin upgradesItalian telehandler manufacturer Faresin has upgraded its range offixed frame models. The major change is the side mounted Iveco turbointercooler engine with Tier III approval. The machines also feature anew direct drive configuration for the front engine cooling fan allowingthe Load Sensing System to be available as an optional extra.

The LS system includes a variable capacity piston pump, a proportionaldistributor and two different types of proportional joysticks with eitherthumbwheel control for boom extension and a push button for the headancillary equipment or two thumbwheels can be specified. According toFaresin, the system allows several simultaneous functions even at lowengine rpm.

Collapsed cranedismantledThe Raimondi LR60 tower crane thatcollapsed on the Deco Design & Buildsite in Forest Hill, South London threemonths ago has finally been dismantledand moved to the HSE's laboratory inBuxton for thorough examination.

The delay was caused by the need for all parties to agree the method of dismantling the crane and for the laboratory to preserve any clues relating to the cause of the accident.

Bob King (L) and Alan Stowell

King takes ACE

King Lifting also took delivery of the first of itsfive tonne capacity Maeda LC785 mini cranespainted in its British racing green livery. Purchasingthis smaller size of machine is a completelynew venture for the company. Currently itssmallest unit in its 80 strong fleet is 8 tonnes.

Bob King (left) and Terry Marnock of Maeda distributor Kranlyft at the handover.

And buys mini cranes

Almost three months after the accident the crane will be dismantled


n e w sc&a

15March 2008 cranes & access

Holland Lift has purchased a 25 percent stake in its UKdistributor - Russon Access.

Russell Rowley has formed a new sales company, R2 Access Platforms, to sell Manitou access equipmentto the access rental companies throughout the UK and Ireland.

Hiab has opened a state-of-the-art crane testing centre atits loader crane production facility in Hudiksvall, Sweden.

Haulotte UK has appointed ShayneWright as its new national accountsmanager or the UK and Ireland.

UK-based Facelift has taken delivery of 15 Haulotte H25TPX, 76ft boom lifts.

Franco-German aluminium access company Zarges-Tubesca, has purchased Skyworks the Dutchaccess sales and rental company.

Oshkosh Truck Corporation, the parent company of JLG,has changed its official name to Oshkosh Corporation.

Cargotec, owner of Hiab, Kalmar and MacGregor is tobuy-back up to 10% of its own shares.

A 60 metre high tower crane collapsed at the NationalUniversity of Singapore, killing three men and hitting abus shelter.

German-based overhead crane manufacturer, Stahl CraneSystems has completed testing on its first explosionproof crane in the UAE.

Janneniska, the Helsinki based truck mounted aerial liftrental company has acquired Stockholm based Nofa.

JLG is launching a global brandfor all of its customer services,including parts, service, rebuildand financial services under theJLG Ground Support banner.

Loader crane company Hiab has signed an agreement to acquire 70 percent of the operations of O'Leary'sMaterial Handling Services in Perth.

UK equipment rental company Hewden was nominatedfor two categories at the British Excellence in Sales andMarketing Awards - winning one.

Manitowoc UK has broken ground on its new crane distribution and support facility in Buckingham.

The BBC (London) aired a programme on Feb 22nd wherecrane drivers claimed they were forced into unsafe cranepractices on London sites.

AFI, the UK based access rental company, Ainscoughand the Specialist Hire Group have all made the Top 100 list of private equity funded companies with thefastest growing profits.

Julian Elms has joined Manitowoc UK from TerexDemag UK, as a regional sales manager. Kranlyft hasappointed Moscow based access rental company - Ltechas its distributor in Russia.

Australian based National Crane Hire has acquired Adelaidebased crane rental company - Brimco Crane Service.

Singapore basedcrane company -Tat Hong hasacquired furthershares in theChinese towercrane companyYongmao, taking its holding to 20%

Ramish Lal has joined UpRight, the UK-based poweredaccess manufacturer as master distributor and keyaccount manager.

JLG has won a $25 million telehandler deal with the USNavy for 197 Millennia Military Vehicle (MMV) telescopicmaterial handlers.

Manitowoc Crane Care UK has appointed Peter Boyes-Korkis as general manager responsible for allaspects of customer support for Manitowoc crane products in the UK, including Grove, Potainand Manitowoc.

Graham Dobbs, of Nottingham based software supplier InspHire has joined the board of the HireAssociation Europe.

Turkish loader crane manufacturer Acar Hydraulics is to open a manufacturing facility near Haraaj in SouthJeddah as part of a Saudi-Turkish collaboration.

Modulift Design & Consulting, theUK based manufacturer of Modulift,the modular spreader system, hasappointed Ann-Marie Negre to provide marketing support for the company.

Rental revenues at USA basedUnited Rentals increased by 4% in 2007 while pre-taxprofits rose by 42.7%.

A man died and two others sustained serious injuries in a worksite accident when a crane jib fell in Mameer, Bahrain.

Escorts Construction Equipment has signed up withIHI Construction Machinery to distribute its entirehydraulic crawler crane range to the Indian market.

Finning UK, parent of Hewden, has appointed Jim Gray to the newly created role of head of safety,health, environment and quality.

Spider, the suspended platform division of SafeWorks, has hired Lee Tigner as district sales representative for its Atlanta location.

A man died after a crane dropped its load on him at thePort of Houston.

Caterpillar is to fit equipment tracking and management systems as standard in Europe.


See news archive for full versions of all these stories

Eazi Sales&Service, a division of Eazi Access Rental of South Africa has been appointed as theUpRight Distributor.

Instant UpRight, the aluminium tower specialist has made three new senior appointments to its management team. Eamonn Griffith as businessdevelopment director, Mark Edwards as commercialdirector responsible for finance, IT and humanresources while Scot Ballantine takes on the newrole of supply chain manager.

A mobile crane caught fire when its engine explodedat a construction site in central Reykjavík.

Manitou UK has appointedAndrew Dixon as EasternCounties area sales managerbased in Louth, Lincolnshire.

Rhode Island-based LJ groupof companies has appointed Robert A Renzi as director of safety and training.

Hi-Reach Manlift of South Africa has won Genie's 2007 Best Dealer award for the Africa/Latin American region.

Mark Lawrence, CEO of Australian crane and accesscompany Boom Logistics has resigned in the face ofa surprise drop in profits.

Imer Iberica, part of Italy's Imer group based inZaragoza, has been appointed as an UpRightdistributor in Spain.

Kranlyft the European master distributor for Maeda,mini cranes has appointed Hamamcioglu as its distributor for Turkey.

Magnetek, the overhead crane control company hasacquired Enrange, a wireless radio remote controlmanufacturer in Pennsylvania.

Norwegian-based rental company, Bautas, part ofFinland's Ramirent, has entered the mini crane rentalmarket with four brand new Maeda cranes.

A.M.P Access of Taunton, UK, has given its apprentices the challenge of rebuilding a dilapidatedNiftylift as part of their training.

A man was died in Iowa after he was crushed by acrane boom that he was disassembling.

The Lavendon Group, the world’s largest specialist powered access rental company, has agreed a deal to acquire - subject to shareholderapproval - The Platform Company the UK’s second largest powered access rental company in a deal worth £79.1 million. The deal is made up of part cash and part shares with stage payments plus the assumption of up to £33 million in debt.

Ann-Marie Negre

Jim Gray

Andrew Dixon

Shayne Wright


the sharpest

s c i s s o r l i f t s c&a

16 cranes & access March 2008

Over the past 10 years or so, themore popular scissor platforms haveseen a quiet and steady progressionin design and performance, unlikethe major developments seen in themid 1990's. However the scissorhas recently made great strides atthe lower end of the market.Having taken this side of the Atlanticby storm, Pop-Up has just dipped its

toe into the North American waterby showing its push around scissorlifts at the ARA show last month.Undoubtedly the platform successof last year, the 1.63 metre platformheight/ 3.5 metre working height,240kg capacity platform sold 1,500units in its first year and since itsintroduction in 2006 more than3,000 units have been sold. A case

of the right product at the rightprice at the right time - benefitingalso from the introduction of the2005 Work at Height Regulations.The addition of the Pop-Up Plus+gives an additional one metreworking height and expands itsrange of applications further.

Another variation on the small scissor theme is the TP9000 - atowable, trailer-mounted scissor liftwith a seven metre platform height.Imported from PLE in the USA, it is a refined CE version of the PLE24 which has been available for several years. With its 24ft platform height and weighing just1,100kg, the unit is easily towablebehind most cars.

not extendible) was also launchedby Italian SUP Elefant at last year'sSAIE, but whether it is marketed inthe UK remains to be seen.

Scissorstools in thebox?Over the years, the self propelledscissor lift has become 'part of thefurniture' on construction sites ascontractors increasingly appreciatetheir productivity benefits andimproved safety. Here we take alook at the latest developments andmanufacturers that are hoping toextend the market sector.

The platform success of 2007? - Pop-Up has sold more than 3000 units in since its introduction in 2006.

Electric powered outriggers with automatic levelling willhopefully attract more users of the PLE24/TP9000

Sales to date (around 30 to 40)have not been as strong as expected.The company has recently installedelectric powered outriggers withautomatic levelling and hopes toappeal to users who dislike manualoutrigger jacks. Once elevated, the1,200mm by 2,400mm (whenextended) platform offers a goodworking area and a 225kg capacity.A similar type of large platform (but

Rough Terrain The rough terrain scissor has beenaround since the birth of the selfpropelled platform yet over the last few years there have been few major technical developments.Even the tallest platforms are onlymarginally higher at 33 metres than they were 10 years ago. There have, however, been significant improvements in termsof choice and performance withnarrower widths and increasedplatform capacities.

Something quite different waslaunched by Finnish manufacturerLeguan at Bauma 2006 with its four wheel drive 80SX skid steer-type scissor lift.

Adding to the small number of trailermounted scissor platforms is this fromSUP Elefant.

s c i s s o r l i f t sc&a

17March 2008 cranes & access

sales, service support, finance andadministration operations.

A number of manufacturers arelooking to take a piece of theEuropean scissor lift market. Onpage 22 we report on Japanesemarket leader Aichi's first 'global'scissor lift family, the 20 and 26ft'skinny mini' electric slab machines.

Chinese manufacturer Jing ChengHeavy Industries (JCHI) is alsopreparing to enter the Europeanmarket with three new electricscissor lifts with working heightsbetween eight and 10 metres. OnceCE approved, the company's nextproject is a range of four wheeldrive diesel scissors with workingheights of 10, 12 and 14 metres.

An all-American manufacturerwhich is finally preparing to launchits CE models is Custom Equipment.It offers a two scissor lift productline, the HB1030, with 10ft platformheight and a new 14ft model bothdesigned for low level internalapplications. With a 1.5 meteroverall length and at 530kg or 750kg

show MEC unveiled an electric version of its 72 inch wide compactrough terrain scissor lift range, the3072 and 3772. With a massivebattery pack the new model providessimilar performance to the dieselversion including four wheel driveand leveling outriggers. The onlydownside is slower drive speeds.

This is not the first such machine.UpRight produced an electric versionof its XRT and Holland Lift in particular has done well with fourwheel drive electric machines, butvolume producers have generallyhad little success with this concept.

The UK is in fact Holland Lift's second largest export market afterGermany, surprising in that 10 yearsago, few, if any were prepared topay for ultra high spec, heavy-dutyscissors. UK distributor RussonAccess has made a significantimpact with these high qualitymachines including two 32 metreHolland Lift G-320DL30 to AccessRentals which has also orderedfour 27 metre M250-27 - the first in Europe - which has a useful 1.2 metre wide side platformextension. Delivery is expectedspring/summer this year.

The Leguan SX80's skidsteer type chassis gives

good rough terrain capability and can level on

slopes up to 25 degrees

The Leguan SX80's skidsteer type chassis gives

good rough terrain capability and can level on

slopes up to 25 degrees

Skyjackinstigateddual-deckextensions in the UK.

Japan's number two aerial lift manufacturer S-Mac exhibited atthe Big-5 show in Dubai inNovember where is showed a 19ftelevator scissor lift to 'test' thelocal market as a first step towardsstepping up its export efforts.Prices are very high which willprobably limit its progress. Leading

S-Mac showeda 19ft elevatorscissor at theBig-5 show in Dubai

Custom Equipment's new14ft HB1430 should now

be fully CE compliant

GVW they are ideal for elevators,upper floors and delicate surfaces.In fact their dual steering wheelsare designed to turn full arc withouttwisting or rucking carpet.

A little closer to home, Germanmanufacturer PB Liftechnik showedits products at Vertikal Days lastSeptember - the first time in theUK. Two new heavy duty scissorlifts were seen including the brandnew S171 which has an overallwidth of 1.2 metres. Both machinesare driveable at full height andequipped with jacks which allowthe machine to be levelled onuneven ground. The company islooking to sell direct or to find alocal distributor.

The improving performance of theelectric platforms is also the causeof a major expansion for this typeof machine. At the recent ARA

MEC showedtwo new

machines atthe ARA - the

30ft 3072and the

37ft 3772

German manufacturer PB Liftechnik islooking to sell its products in the UK.

Developed in conjunction withEuropean rental company Ramirent,the unit is fully self propelled in thestowed position with outriggers setbefore elevating to six metres.Being based on a skid steer typechassis, the machine has goodrough terrain capability and canlevel on slopes up 25 degrees. Itslight weight makes it ideal for anumber of applications.

Skyjack - the world's fourth largestplatform manufacturer - has beenenjoying excellent sales of its compact Rough Terrains in Europe probably selling more that all otherproducers combined. The Canadian-based company instigated the dual-deck extensions when it modifiedUK machines for cladding work inthe mid 90's. Currently implementinga European expansion programme it has recently moved into purpose-built headquarters inOswestry, Shropshire. The facility

will be the hub for Skyjack Europe's

See us at CONEXPOBooth G-170

19March 2008 cranes & access

s c i s s o r l i f t sc&a

While several companies have built'side extension platform specials'Italian manufacturer Iteco launchedits small electric IT4680M scissorin 2006 which has a 360mm wideside extension and could be a signof things to come although thereare not many takers at present.

Genie, Skyjack, Haulotte and UpRighthave appeared to ignore the directelectric drive breakthrough madeby JLG. They have continued to fit their small scissors with the traditional hydraulic motor drive,albeit coupled to a motor controlsystem, which provides smootheroperation and longer battery life.

However an increasing number ofend users are learning that forapplications that involve extendedworking hours and particularlylonger travel distances, direct electric drive offers tangible benefits. Some rental companieshave added JLG ES scissors totheir fleets and charge a premiumfor them which they all too oftenmanage to obtain.

Over the next 18-24 months,expect one or two of the volumemanufacturers to introduce similardrive systems, with Genie likely tofollow Aichi into the AC motor system. The overall reluctance tochange is down to cost and reliability. Modern narrow electricslab scissors are notoriously reliable, offer good battery life andkeep going day in day out withvery simple maintenance routines.

Enhanced ESSome four years or so after it firstlaunched the ES series, JLG has givenits models a thorough evaluation andintroduced a number of enhancementsand product improvements, eventhough visually the machines lookvery similar.

These changes include a fastersystem start up time eliminatingthe need to 're-boot' the system if a function is engaged before thesystem is ready. Gone too is theneed for a separate analyser - themachine's digital display will nowshow any error codes as well asproviding a readout of battery status.

The deck extension has new U-shaped channels on each side inorder to help reduce the chance ofdebris causing the deck extensionrollers to hang up or jam. The platform cable also features a coiled“stinger” reducing the amount ofslack cable on the platform and acurved cable hanger has beeninstalled on the platform's mid-railto provide a means of securing the cable completely out of theoperator's way.

The welded steel wheels, whichwere all too easily damaged whenthe lift was driven into curbs etc,have been replaced by heavier,thicker 'abuse resistant' cast steelwheels. Drive wheel motor cableshave been re-routed and providedwith strain relief to prevent excessive flex and wear while thebrake housing has been made intoa two-piece cover that providesmore corrosion-resistance and iseasier to service.

Slab machinesUntil the mid 1990's it was common for electric scissor lifts -such as the Economy Wildcat andUpRight XL24 - to have high flotation versions that were goodon gravel and soft ground aroundbuildings. When pure slabmachines arrived with solid tyresand pothole protection, compactelectrics were truly restricted tosmooth surfaces. Attempts to reintroduce such machines, including electric 4x4 models havenot sold well.

Back in 1995 the slab scissor market was relatively simple, with'skinny' 32 inch (820mm) widemodels with 20ft working height,and a 46 inch (1,200mm) widechassis for a 24 to 26ft modelswith a 20ft wide version available.Above that the larger 68 inch wideunits had 32ft platform heights.

That has all changed with the introduction of the 19ft elevatormodels such as the UpRight MX19,with overall widths of around 29inches, (760mm) an overall lengthof 1.6 metres and initially a GVW of just under 1,000 kg. These units were designed to be transported in lifts to upper floors.

There is a high demand in the UK for Holland Lift's high spec, heavy-duty scissors.

AC/DCAichi is hoping its new 'global' scissor range will take a significantslice of the world scissor lift market.The new models not only incorporatefront wheel direct electric drive,first introduced by JLG in 2003, buthave chosen to skip the DC motortechnology employed by JLG andmore recently Iteco moving directlyto AC wheel motor drive.According to Aichi, the benefits ofAC wheel motors include compactbrushless motors, which will notoverheat from extended running or wheel spinning and even betterbattery life. The AC drive is clearlysmoother than anything currentlyavailable, with none of the pulsingfelt with many motor controlleddrive systems.

Until now the other volume producersof electric scissor lifts such as

This 360mmwide sideextensionfrom Iteco

could be a sign ofthings to


A JLG wheel motor.

Finally a lower cost J.R. Merritt joystick - completely interchangeablewith the pricy PQ controller - hasbeen installed on the control box.JLG anticipates that the upgradeswill eliminate the 'niggles' thatsome owners experienced with theES range and will help the productwin a greater share of the market.

JLG's welded steel wheels were tooeasily damaged.

JLG has recently improved its ES rangeof scissors.

20 cranes & access March 2008

21March 2008 cranes & access

s c i s s o r l i f t sc&aHowever more importantly theywere compact and manoeuvrableand at least in North America contractors began renting them insufficient volumes to ensure thatevery tradesman on site had hisown micro scissor lift. Then the26ft machines were stretched to

32ft high while maintaining their 46 inch (1,200mm) overall widthand the resulting machines becamevery popular.

Skyjack made the next break-through by creating a 26ft versionof the regular 32 inch wide 20ftnarrow scissor lift. Genie andUpRight soon followed and thesemachines gradually became popular with the full size 2033models fading in popularity asusers settled into using the 1930,2633 and 3246 models.

Last year Genie moved to break themold by introducing a 32ft ultranarrow model with 32 inch singledoor width that does not requiremassive counterweighting, keepingcosts down. In order to make the3232 work it equipped it with a setof four automatic self-levelingjacks, allowing all calculations tobe made without needing to allowfor slopes and - as it does not driveat full height - the EU kerb test. Theresulting machine is still somethingof a niche product, as was the casewhen the first 2633 was launched.It is too early to judge if the 3232concept and its jacking system has mass appeal.

In the UK it has always been possible to drive scissors at fullheight so long as the machine wasdesigned to do so. In continentalEurope this was not always truewith Germany and Holland restricting the maximum travelheight to eight metres and Italywhere driving at height was notpermitted at all. EN280 changed allthat although some manufacturersand users prefer to keep to the oldeight metre cut out devices.

With platform heights now over 30metres, the effect of hitting a curbor driving on a slope is magnified.Most manufacturers have drive andtilt alarms set at two degreeswhich should prevent the lift frombeing driven on anything but a levelsurface. American-built machinesstill meet ANSI stability regulationsand have to withstand a five degreeslope in its least stable positionwith a 30 percent overload.

The key to driving at height is to befully trained and only drive on levelground after having walked andchecked the route to check forvoids and obstacles.

So in spite of being 'part of the sitefurniture' the scissor platform iscontinually evolving and wideningits range of applications. It will beinteresting to see how it developsover the next year or two.

Genie GS3232 is an ultra narrow scissor that does not require massivecounterweighting.

A radical new product that is nottotally new is the Airtrax range ofomni-directional scissor liftslaunched at last month's ARA show.The very first scissor lift with sucha wheel was shown at Bauma in themid 1980's when Grove exhibitedan SM3270E modified with a setof Polypenco steel omni-directionalwheels. The machine was complicated to operate, was hardon floor surfaces and had limitedbattery life. Although the machinehad been ordered by a customer itwas eventually converted back toregular wheels.

In Sweden MaxMade produced arange of electric scissor lifts thatused conical wheels that rotatedthrough 360 degrees to provide thesame effect of being able to rotateor even move sideways. The conceptwas commercially viable but morecomplex to operate than a regularscissor lift and only practical on perfect surfaces.

In February 2004 MEC exhibited a32ft scissor full size electric scissorlift with the Airtrax wheels. Dubbedthe Phoenix the concept was thecause of much interest but noorders. The machine appeared againthe following year but was then quietlydropped. Airtrax the company thatowns the patent for the wheels whichit fits to an industrial fork lift calledthe Sidewinder, has been talkingabout its Cobra scissor lifts for thepast 18 months. At the ARA thecompany showed off three modelswhich it says will go into productionone by one during the year. Thesmallest model is the 19ft ATX1933but at almost 1.8 metres, it is atouch long for an elevator model. Itis also a tad wide at 33 inches butthen most 19ft elevator scissor liftshave grown too heavy over theyears for small elevators, and theCobra does have the additionalmanoeuvrability benefits. Next up is

the ATX3247, with classic 32ft narrow aisle scissor dimensions and performance.

Finally at the top of the range is the33ft full size ATX3368. The newAirtrax scissors use a fifth generation omni-directional wheelcontrol system (the MEC Phoenixwas fitted with a second generationsystem). The dual axis joystick alsotwists to provide a very intuitivedirectional control that allows you toplace the lift exactly where you wantit. If manoeuvrability is critical then itdoesn't get any better than this. Thefour wheels are controlled by four ACdrive motors while a microprocessorchannels the joystick movements tothe wheels to move the lift in therequired direction. One down-side isthe ground bearing pressures from therubber coated rollers, however they doperform exceptionally well on carpet.

The main issue with these productswill be the price - they cost aroundthree times that of a regular scissorlift. The ATX1933 for example isbeing discounted for the first 100units to $26,681 while a regular 19ftscissor can be had for around$8,500. The sale price on theATX3247 is $37,511 and on theATX3368 a whopping $80,773 net.At these prices only those who canreally benefit from the advantageswill consider acquiring them. Thedeal on the first 100 of each is likelyto remain open for a very long time.

The Airtrax ATX1933 with omni-directional wheels

Nothing new under the sun

Three Airtrax models were shownat the recent ARA show.

Up until now Aichi designed and built its lifts for Japanesecustomers. If the resultingproducts appealed to overseasbuyers, all well and good, if notthen so be it. This policy hasgiven the company a dominantmarket share at home, where itclaims 75 percent, but patchysales in Europe and theAmerica's. Its crawler mountedbooms found a niche overseasand in recent years its wheeledboom lifts have carved out astrong market share in Hollandand Germany, thanks to theirunrivalled reliability and fiveyears full warranty.

Recognising the vulnerability ofthis sales concentration, it set outthree years ago on a five year planto introduce a full 'global' productline, to reduce its dependency onthe home market. These newscissors are the first fruits of theprogramme. If Aichi has onemantra for a new product it is'bullet-proof reliability', as a result itis not known for trendy or breakthroughproducts. However the new scissorlifts introduce new ideas and technologyto the sector, emphasising thecompany's change in strategy.

AC-DCHaving recognised the benefits ofdirect front axle electric drive, Aichidecided to go one step further andselected AC rather than DC drive.The benefits says the company,include brushless motors, whichwill not overheat from extendedrunning or wheel spinning andeven better battery life.

In addition to these reliabilitypoints, the AC drive is clearlysmoother than anything currentlyavailable, with none of the pulsingfelt with many motor controlleddrive systems. Start and stop isexceptionally smooth and ramps upand down brilliantly, however lettinggo of the enable switch or the drivecontroller does not produce the violentemergency stop that is possiblewith most small scissors. This canbe viewed as good or bad, dependingon you viewpoint.

Radical progressive steeringAnother radical feature is whatAichi calls proportional steering.This refers to the fact that its circularcontroller is progressive, with thewheels moving to the position youmove the controller to, just likeyour cars steering wheel. The

wheels alsoimmediatelyreturn to straightwhen yourelease thespring-loadedcontroller. Whilefeeling verystrange, onequickly adaptsto it, this optionalfeature mightjust change theway steeringcontrols aredesigned if theuptake issufficiently high.

Staying with the control box, aspring-loaded dual pole toggleswitch serves as the dead mancontrol, so that when steering youmust keep one finger on this, yourhand on the main controller whilethe other operates the steeringcontrol. In reality - easier than itsounds, thanks in part to the excellenthand-rest/grab handle on top of thebox, which also protects the controlsfrom the operator.

From here on out the rest of themachine is relatively traditional,although its full one metre roll-outdeck extension is clearly betterthan most. Platform rigidity on thetest machines was average - goodat full height with quite of bit ofsway at mid height, in other wordsquite typical. Batteries are locatedin a heavy duty sliding steel box onone side of the machine with mostother components arranged on theother, electric drive keepshydraulics to a minimum. Thebattery charger is well protectedand fully automatic, able tocope with any voltage from100 to 240 volts. A batterycharge indicator is built intothe lower controls and easilyvisible as you enter the machine.

Pothole protection is mechanicaland the steps to the platformare located within the

machines overall length, great forkeeping the machine compact andpreventing damage, not so good forthose who exit the platform frontfirst, but since this is not goodpractice this is hardly a disadvantage.In the platform the stamped steelfloor is practical, but the guardrailsseem overly fussy and the controlbox cannot currently be hung on eitherside. The tabs that retain it in itsprinciple location will not function bashed.

In summaryAn excellent effort, with some finetuning these new models couldeasily set a new benchmark forsmall scissor lifts. Whether theyachieve Aichi's aims to win arespectable share of the Europeanand North American market willdepend most of all on how effective its distribution is and thepricing strategy it employs.

Global scissorsfrom Aichi

Aichi, the leading aerial lift producer in Japan, has finally unveiled its first'global' scissor lift family, the 20 and 26ft 'skinny mini' electric slab machines.With their 800mm overall width and 2.3 metre overall length the new models aredesigned to American and European dimensions. Cranes&Access had the chanceof an early preview of the first machines to arrive in Europe.

22 cranes & access March 2008

s c i s s o r l i f t s c&a

26ft, 32 inch wide (Skinny Mini) scissor lifts

XX = best in class * Access steps remove to reduce to 2.31m

Control box

Aichi JLG Genie Skyjack UpRight MEC Haulotte

Overall 2.3m 2.3m 2.44m 2.31m 2.35m 2.49m* 2.48m*length

Overall 80cm 76cm 81cm 81cm 83cm 84cm 81cmwidth

Stowed 1.16m 1.23m 1.16m 1.14m 1.12m 1.09m 1.08mplatform ht

Lift 230kg 230kg 227kg 227kg 340kg 227kg 230kgcapacity

Roll out 100cm 90cm 91cm 90cm 90cm 106cm 92cmdeck

Lift/lower 40/40 40/40 30/40 56/ 42/40 27/35 51/42speed

GVW 2,060 2,155 1,956 1,876 2,358 2,105 2,106

Roll out deck

24 cranes & access March 2008

25March 2008 cranes & access


Following on from our initial coverage of next weeksConexpo show we bring you a little more information onthe events to look out for, additional product information,news of late entries and exhibits not to miss.

Maximum Capacity Media, publishers of Lift and Access and the CraneHotline in the USA is organising a five kilometre run/walk during Conexpo toraise finds for the AEM Construction Challenge initiative. The eventwill begin at 6:30 am on Thursday morning, March 13th at the Hilton.

The Construction Challenge is part of Association of EquipmentManufacturers ongoing efforts to attract young people into the constructionequipment industry in a wide range of positions. Member companiessponsor teams of high school students to participate in the challenge finals.The AEM Construction Challenge is also intended to focus attention onthe importance of the construction industry and the benefits it provides.

How to register: Go online to and complete a sponsorship form.

Entry fee: Entrance is $25 and includes a T-Shirt.

Where: Runners will meet at the Paradise Rd, (West) side of the Las Vegas Hilton, 200 yards North of the main hotel entrance and sign.

The course: The course is a closed route traveling in a 5km loop. The Challenge Cup: The company with the most runners registered will win the Manitowoc challenge cup.

Vertikal ConexpoBefore you do anything else pick up a copy ofVertikal Conexpo, the definitive guide to Lifting andAccess at the show which can be found on liftingexhibitors stands, in the magazine distribution binsat the start of the outside areas, on the MaximumCapacity Media stand in the Gold Lot, on the VertikalPress stand on the edge of the Silver Lot, near the opening ceremony and main entrance and on the AWPT-IPAF stand. Not only does it provideguided tours for each major equipment type, but it is also a handy guide to Las Vegas, its restaurants, sights and shows and also contains greatmaps to the main outdoor areas and to the city.

ConexpLast minute

Additional exhibitorsA number of companies havedecided to take space at the showlate in the day and at least one haspulled out. The additional exhibitorsinclude Niftylift which will havebooth near to the Safety zone andthe IPAF demonstration area whichhas now been relocated from theside of the Blue Lot to the back of

the Green Pavilion. Fraco theCanadian mast climber will dosomething similar with a booth inthe Green pavilion and a machineon the IPAF demo space. Aichi willtake space on the Toyota stand inthe South Hall in order to show offits new booms and scissor lifts.Instant-UpRight, the alloy towermanufacturer, has taken a stand in the Blue Lot.

In the other direction telescopiccrawler crane companyMantis/Spandeck has pulled out of the show, after considering itsstand location. However seniormanagers from the company willbe in town in order to meet withcustomers and dealers.

Instant Alloy towers can be found in the Blue Lot.

Join the run...or walk

Note IPAF - AWPT has moved. You will find the IPAF demonstration area and the Safety Zone to the rear ofthe Green Pavilion now, rather than in the Blue Lot.

Tower Crane Safety conferenceA two hour Tower Crane Safety conference will be held on Thursday March 13th at 9:30am in conference room S233 With speakers fromEurope and the USA the conference should be an informative and thoughtprovoking introduction to tower crane safety.To learn more go online to

Ca l l 0845 0175 500 f o r more in fo rmat ion on the fu l l UpR igh t range o r v i s i t :

takingto New Heights

UpRight goes fromstrength to strength

b o o m s t r a i l e r s l i f t s s c i s s o r s

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• Comprehensive product line with working heights up to 40m

• New line of straight telescopic andarticulated boom lifts; plus slab

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• Global sales and support networkproviding local, high quality service

Find the right machine for you

27March 2008 cranes & access


SkyjackThe new 60 and 65ft straightbooms from Skyjack include anumber of innovations withoutbreaking the company's policy ofrugged simplicity. See News formore details.

AichiThe new Aichi booms and scissorlifts incorporate some radical features in a conservative package- especially the scissors. (See page 22 for more details.)

Reachmaster The Denka, Falck Schmidt andHinowa dealer will be showing off a new 30 metre Denka telescopicboom on a medium weight truck.

Manitowoc Look for the new Potain telescopicself erecting crane - the T85 - whichbuilds on the innovation set downby the T70 launched last year.

The Grove GMK5170 is a new 170tonne, five axle All Terrain cranewith 64 metre main boom with thelatest features.

TerexThis new RT1120 Rough Terraincrane is the first to adopt a high-techEuropean superstructure with heavy-duty rugged American chassis. Itshydraulically removable counterweightmakes it easier to transport.

Products not to miss:Make Model Platform Outreach Capacity Jib GVW O/A

height m Kgs m WidthHaulotte H28TJ 86ft/26m 22.6 350 5.0 17.3 2.47JLG 860SJ 86ft/26.2m 22.9 230 1.8 16.5 2.49Genie S85 85ft/25.9m 23.6 227 1.5 16.3 3.07*Snorkel/UpRight TB/SB85J 85ft/25.9m 23.4 227 1.5 17.3 2.60

The new Haulotte H28TJ+

HaulotteThe new Haulotte H28TJ+ boomlift is quite different in that it features a five metre telescopic jib, high capacity and compactdimensions.

*The Genie S85 has telescopic axles,which retract to 2.44m

Tadano The company has a good number ofnew models on display but they arelargely truck mounts and boomtrucks targeted at the US market.However take a look at the new 35ton TM 35100 although billed as a'boom truck' from its photographs itlooks to be a handy commerciallymounted truck crane.

SnorkelThe re-launched AB46 is a surprise.Although the initial design is nowsome 10 years old, Snorkel engineers have given it a crediblefacelift with new triple entry cagesand new shoes. The Snorkel paintscheme is also an enhancer.

[[photo AB46]]

MECThe new MEC 40 and 45ft boomsare well worth a look. Althoughmany features are clearly adoptedfrom Genie, the new modelsinclude a good number of featuresincluding a small tailswing, tight turning radius and a newoscillating axle design.

Skyjack SJ66J

Mec M-40T

Grove GMK 5170

Link Belt Tight lipped to a fault about itsnew products, Link Belt says that it will unveil its largest crawlercrane to date. The company ispromising a number of other surprises and its ATC350 a 220tonne All Terrain is worth a look.

The Terex RT1120

Kobelco The new 550tonne SL6000crawler crane is an impressive piece of kit and worth a look just for its size.


The KobelcoSL6000 working

in the Weldex fleet

Liebherr Will also be showing its latest bigcrawler the 600 tonne LR1600/2,also if you have not seen theLRT1100 telescopic crawler thenhere is your chance.

Manitou Has a wide range on display but theworld’s biggest telehandler, theMHT10210 has to be the mainfocus along with the MHT10160.

JLG The recently launched super compacttelehandler 2505 will be the mainfocus of the stand. This is a powerfulsmall machine with 2,500kg capacityand five metre lift height.

CareliftNow owned by Skyjack, the ZB12032is a new heavy-duty telehandlerequipped with a pipe grab. Hardly aEuropean machine, but interestingall the same.

Bil-Jax The new X series of ultra-lightweightself propelled booms are worth alook. The choice is either a straighttelescopic or 45ft articulated - ifweight is critical these will be ofinterest. Also the American versionof the Power Tower includes someinteresting changes over the UK-built model.

BobcatThe new super compact BobcatV417 VersaHandler promises agreat deal, as the company aims towin a larger share of the telehandlermarket under Doosan ownership.

Snorkel AB46

The new Super compact Bobcat V417


ler cranes

A new forceNow availablein the UK

In the UK contactWatson & Hillhouse Ltd. Whitehouse Road,

Ipswich, Suffolk. IP1 5NT UK

Tel: +0044 (0) 1473 748 652. Fax: +0044 (0) 1472 240

SANYHeavy Industry Co. Ltd.

Tel: 0086 731 4031642

Fax: 0086 4031527

Cell No: 07942 071655

29March 2008 cranes & access

spider cranesc&a

It is two year's since C&A lastcovered the mini crane market inany detail. At that time there wasstill some confusion as to how todefine a mini crane and if fittedwith spider-type outriggers,whether they should in fact becalled spider cranes.

The continued impressive growthsince then has certainly made itmuch easier to define the sector -spider and mini tracked cranes - to the point that this feature solelycovers spider cranes rather thansmall tracked cranes from IHI andHitachi and Maeda's largest theLC785C, small tracked compactcranes from Valla, or the wheeledpick and carry cranes from Vallaand Galizia, available now fromGGR-Unic.

Its all in the name - spider cranesmust have outriggers - either spider-type or dropdown. Howeverin an effort to try and define a minicrane exactly, we carried out a survey on the websiteabout a year ago. The results werenot conclusive with just over halfsaying any crane under 10 tonnesand nearly a third saying any craneunder five tonnes. Small trackedcranes with outriggers (spidercranes) polled about 20 percent of the votes.

Like most things compact, the spider crane originated in Japan,where the compact tracked chassisallowed cranes to be designed tocope with its congested construction sites and internal lifting applications. Unfairly dismissed as a toy/joke by many of the 'old school' crane hirers, thespider cranes brought in pioneeringdesign, precision manufacturingand advanced materials technologyresulting in a high performance, yetincredibly compact unit.

operation, monument lifting, landscaping, marine lifting, confined access, glass installation,machinery removals and installation,exhibition set-up and dismantling,tunnel operations, shopping malland retail park installations,restoration projects and waterwaysmaintenance to name but a fewand new applications are being discovered every day.

machines are being discovered on a daily basis, the new industriestaking on board the concept andusing the products on the groundare finding time and cost savingswhich help the concept gatherpace. The major successes havetraditionally come from internalwork and glass handling, paneling,steelwork and cladding industriesbut nowadays thanks partly to

Minisfrom Venus.

Spidersfrom Mars,

The general acceptance of the spider craneover the last few years has grown considerably- so much so that it now has its own definablesector. Cranes & Access looks at this increasingly useful lifting tool, written off bymany traditional crane users as a 'toy' when it first appeared.

The uses for these machines areendless and include new build andrefurbishments, working betweenfloors, below ground and roof-top

Despite the growth in the sector,there are still just a handful of manufacturers offering spidercranes (see table page 36) primarilyheaded by Japanese manufacturersMaeda and Unic. The Italians comenext followed by a couple of specialists - Reibsamen in Germanyand Reedyk in Holland.

On a global scale Maeda claimsmarket leadership with about 75percent market share. In Europe it is far closer, with Unic probably anose or two ahead of Maeda withthe two companies sharing around85 percent of the market betweenthem. As we have already said thenew uses for these versatile

the heightened awareness of theproducts and also the increasedavailability, it is not uncommon tofind these cranes being used in nearly all sectors of work.

Maeda is distributed in Europe byAnglo/Swedish company Kranlyftsince 2001 and claims to have thelargest working population of spidercranes in Europe. Kranlyft has been busy recently boosting its distributor network appointingHamamcioglu, the Bobcat dealer, as distributor for Turkey, UABAgratekas as distributor in Lithuaniaand Latvia in January and morerecently L-Tech as its distributor in Russia.

For their lifting capacities, spider cranesare incredibly compact.

Using Hiab cranes, Reibsamen plans to enter the UK/Ireland market later in the year.

30 cranes & access March 2008

Most other European countries arecovered including Austria, Belgium,Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy,Norway, The Netherlands, Ireland,Spain, Switzerland, Slovakia andScotland from its main depots inEngland and Sweden. Talks are alsocurrently underway with potentialdistributors in France and otherremaining European territories.

A comment from the chairman ofthe new Turkish distributor MünirHamamcioglu sums up the effectspider cranes are having: “Thesesmall but magical machines haveopened up new horizons to ourbusiness vision, in which we foundunending opportunities for its uses in Turkey, especially in therestoration of historical buildings,archeological excavations andworld heritage sites.”

Turkey probably has many morearcheological excavations than theUK but similar to spider accessplatforms covered in the last issue ofC&A, these machines are movingfrom being used as a last resortwhen more traditional methods have

failed, to being a readily availableand cost-effective option.

Specialist lifting and access companyTracked Access has seen anincreasing demand for compactcranes and expects continued growththroughout 2008. According to PhilLomax, its experience with spideraccess platforms has definitelyhelped with the cranes and they oftenfind the spider booms workingalongside its spider cranes. “Thereare a number of similarities including point load considerations,height/width/length restrictions andoften difficult tasks that requiretime and thought!” he said.Exact UK sales figures for thesemachines are not readily available

but the twoglobal leaders -Maeda and Unic currently dominate salesin this countrytaking well over90 percentbetween them.

The Maeda spider cranerange is currently fourstrong - it alsohas the larger

LC785 mini crane - and spans maximum lifting capacities from 1tonne to 4 tonnes. We are hearingthat this is set to increase this yearwith a further three machines to beadded to the range increasing the maximum capacities further still,however we are not sure at themoment whether they are to bespider or mini cranes.

The spider MC range are all dual-fuel ready, either a combination of petrol/LPG or diesel/electric giving the option for both indoor and outdoor use. Customers can also opt for a three phase electric option on the smallestcrane in the range, the one tonne

capacity MC104. The entire MCrange can be operated by remotecontrol, either hard wire or radioremote which has proved to be auseful feature for end users andhelped in the rise of the concept as a whole. As has the two yearMaeda warranty which givesincreased confidence in the qualityof the product.

The other major distributor of spider cranes is GGR-Unic, whichwas originally a user of Maedacranes as glass contractor GGRGlass. It purchased several units forits own use and in between jobs,rented them out. Seeing a longerterm potential for the product GGRapproached Unic's parent, Furukawain Japan, which was initially notinterested in investing in Europenor with the problems involvedwith obtaining CE approvals.

sp ide r c ranes c&a

The Unic URW-706 is the largest spidercrane from any manufacturer to date.

31March 2008 cranes & access

spider cranesc&aa network of authorised distributorsin Europe, the Middle East andAfrica and rivals Kranlyft for market leadership.

Unic currently offers a range of sixcranes from the 995kg URW-094 tothe world's largest spider crane theURW-706 which has a six tonnecapacity at three metres and ahook height of 19.5 metres. Thenew machine is huge in spidercrane terms yet measures just1,600mm wide, still narrow enoughto gain access through a standarddouble doorway. For added liftingflexibility, the 706 also features anoptional 3.1 metre long stowablefly jib, together with an optionalsearcher hook. The progress thatGGR-Unic has made was demonstrated by the fact that itsold and delivered the world's firstunit of the 706, after City Liftingpurchased it as an addition to itsvaried fleet of cranes.

Apart from this top end machine,the Unic and Maeda range is quitesimilar. In fact, Maeda has its 4.9tonne capacity non spider LC785Cmini crane which gets closer to theUnic 706 but still falls short on liftcapacity, boom length and width.However the LC785 does have a2,000kg pick and carry capability

(as does the Maeda MC405 with500kg), but as it is a heaviertracked mini crane this is only to beexpected. It will be interesting tosee which way Maeda goes withits new models. Obviously to compete head to head with Unic itneeds a larger (six tonne?) capacitymachine, but will this be a spider ormini crane? And with an emphasison accessibility and narrow width,its best selling MC285 has verysimilar performance to the UnicURW-295 but has a wider outriggerspread and is 750mm wide compared to an extra-narrow600mm for the Unic.

The growing market and success of the Japanese manufacturedmachines has resulted in severalEuropean companies - primarilyItalian such as Imai, Italmec, Kegiomand Palazzani - entering the marketalthough on a much smaller scale.

Imai's initial models were all specials designed to meet theneeds of Italian glass and curtainwalling contractors working aroundthe world, including a number ofthem which have been working onprojects in London.

GGR went ahead and purchased afew units, obtained CE certificationand become the European masterdealer, establishing Unic CranesEurope as a division of GGR Glass.It now supplies, services and develops Unic mini cranes through

City Lifting - Bauma 706

Despite very similar performance, theMaeda MC285 is significantly widerthan the Unic 295.

Increased production facilities hasboosted production of Jekko machinesto 15 cranes per month.

sp ide r c ranes c&a

The company now offers a range ofstandard machines, which lookincreasingly sophisticated. As themarket has grown IMAI hasexpanded this area of its businessand has started selling its newseries-production cranes under theJekko brand and widened the rangeof models that it offers. The company,which has only been building spidercranes for about six years, is addinga new 400 sq metre assemblyfacility in Italy to boost productionto 15 cranes per month. With theUK and Irish markets now thelargest in Europe for this type ofcrane the company says that itneeded a presence to help it to wina respectable market share andensure aftersales support. It hasestablished Jekko UK Ltd run bySteve Mayes. Also involved is MckClark of Clark Craneswho is buldingup a mini crane rental fleet and canalready offer eight machines including the new SPD500.

Jekko’s five model line-up includesthe biggest crane the SPD500C.With a five-section main boom, thecrane can lift a maximum load of1.75 tonnes, 350kg at 10 metres or650kg to a height of 10.7metres.The boom can carry a four metre,triple extension jib to reach a tipheight of 11.5 metres at about a

5.5 metres radius, at which it canlift 600kg.

Another Italian manufacturer isKegiom Lifting which launched itslatest machine, the 350 E4 Plus atits first Bauma last year. Itsapproach is different in that it usesa standard articulated truck loadercrane with a narrow outrigger base- just 1.7 metres wide. The company claims that it can liftmore than two tonnes - the best inits class - and also pick and carryup to 1.25 tonnes. Kegiom uses aHinowa undercarriage and eitherCormach or Maxlift cranes.

The Dutch-based Reedyk Compactcrane C3405 follows a similar concept but uses swing-out outriggers which are a maximum

of 2.9 metres long from the centreof the machine. Using a lightweightAmco Veba crane, it has a maximumcapacity of 1.75 tonnes and can lift290kg at 10.9 metres. Standardequipment includes a built-in generator, wireless remote controland GPS/GSM for remote troubleshooting and information access.

A third producer, Reibsamen fromGermany also follows the truck

at Haydock in late June.

Big spider lift manufacturer,Palazzani, in addition to the 10 and15 tonne pick and carry cranes inits portfolio, has a full range of spider access platforms/cranes. All Palazzani spiders have theoption of a 200kg winch that isinterchangeable with the basket.Two models - the XTJ30 & XTJ35 -have a 600kg winch option.

32 cranes & access March 2008

Jekko launched its updatedSPD500C at the SAIE show last year

Kegiom launched its 350 E4 Plus machine at Bauma

Dirk Reedijk showing off his new C3405.

loader crane route, using Hiabcranes. The company, which likeGGR got into the spider crane business through glass handling,has plans to enter the UK/Irelandmarket later in the year and hasbooked a stand at Vertikal Days

To fit the winch, the basket needsto be removed - in all this operationtakes less than an hour to complete.The ability to lift 600kg, 30 metreshigh from a compact tracked chassis is one of the Palazzani spider cranes USP's.

Maeda claims seventy five percent of global market share.

Benelli Gru and Italmec are twoother Italian manufacturers thatdabble in this market but are notparticularly active outside of Italyand have very little, if any, cranepresence in the UK.

spider cranesc&a

March 2008 cranes & access 35

are undecided as to whether to buy, while their fleets (almost 80units in GGR-Unic's case) can alsosupport those rental companies that do decide to dip their toes intothis market. It is interesting to note that powered access rentalcompanies have embraced anddone better in this market than traditional mobile crane hirers. An added benefit of having theirown fleets is that it creates asteady stream of good, used models for those wishing to buy but with a smaller budget.

After all, the key to wider acceptanceand usage of these machines isavailability, the easier it is to rentthem the more companies do.

Easi-Up Lifts (Height for Hire inIreland) was one of the first accesscompanies to build a significant spider lift fleet. It now runs around30 units along with a number of

mini cranes and a couple of Vallapick and carry models. Until now ithas mainly concentrated its effortson the Irish market, although itplans to eventually add them to itsUK operations.

Hi-Lift of Swindon also found thatspider cranes mixed well with itsaerial lift rental fleet when it formedits Eco-Lift division with the purchase of 10 Maeda cranesaround 18 months ago. It orderedthem with a number of environmentally friendly options toadd to their appeal for internal liftingapplications. “We don't do things by halves” said Hi-Lift's managingdirector Paul Richards, “we hit theground running with 10 fully operational Maeda's and a team offully trained staff, capable of providing effective technical advicefor our customers.”

Tracked Access currently has a fleetof 10 Maeda spider cranes includingan MC405 with fly jib, MC305's andMC285's. The majority of work iswith glazing/cladding companieswhere the machines are workingfrom a concrete slab.

The two major players in the UKmarket - Maeda and Unic - bothoffer sales and rental of machines.Kranlyft entered the rental market inmid 2006 after limiting its activitiesto sales only for many years. Unicdid it the other way round. In theoryboth run the risk of competing withpotential customers however theirrental fleets allow them to rent tocustomers who like the concept but

“The low point-loads and compactdimensions combined with excellentlifting capacities are the mostimportant features of thesemachines,” said Lomax.

The Palazzani XTJ30 (above) and theXTJ35 have 600kg winch options and can lift to 30 metres.

Benelli has very little presence in the UK.

Full safe load indicator on a Unic 376 and 506.

A Unic machine transported on a barge in Venice

A small Maeda working in an Italian chapel.

36 cranes & access March 2008

spider cranes c&a“Other applications include the construction of timber framed buildings, lifting trees into position,lifting steel plates etc.”

Several mobile crane hire companieshave recently added spider cranesincluding Emerson Crane Hire ofDagenham, Essex. The companysays that it has been testing themarket for a while on a rehire basisand decided to add its first twounits, a Unic 295 and Unic 396 toits fleet to further test the marketand to provide an additional serviceto its clients.

If all goes as expected Emerson will build a small fleet of minicranes and hopes to have six unitswithin 18 months or so. Havinglooked at the options on the market,Emerson chose Unic due as muchto its distributor. The fact that Unichas a large rental fleet that it couldpull on was significant in its decision, as was the service thecompany offers.

“At the end of the day the pricingand specification between the final

models we looked at was similar,but Unic was able to work with our last minute demands - forced on us by our customers. They provided the crane and the trainingwhen we wanted them and werevery easy to deal with,” said SteveKirby of Emerson.

The first crane has gone out on a six month rental contract, working inside an 18 storey apartment block which is undergoing refurbishment. Thecrane is erecting internal steel work and concrete panels and for general material handling.

From feedback we received, it feels as if the spider crawler crane is finally coming of age andmoving into the main stream lifting market. It has been on thecards for a long time but with more and more hirers and end-users recognising the potential,these machines will become a regular sight wherever heavy itemshave to be lifted in tight areas.

Make Model Max capacity Weight Max width max outrigger Max working Power Pick @ radius lift ht spread lxw radius and carry

Heila HRC 999 999kg 1800kg 8.5m 790mm 3000 x 2710 7.4m Petrol/diesel No

Jekko SPD 160C 800 @ 2.0m 1000kg 5.5m 780mm 2300 x 2300 4.2m Petrol No

Jekko SPD 265C 1200 @ 2.0m 1700kg 7.0m 800mm 2750 x 3650 5.9m Diesel/electric No

Jekko SPD 360C 1800 @ 2.0m 2200kg 9.3m 800mm 4000 x 4000 7.6m Diesel/electric No

Jekko SPD 500C 1750 @ 2.4m 2800kg 10.3m 1100mm 4300 x 4300 9.3m Diesel No

Jekko SLM 1000 2000 @ 4.4m 4700kg 12.8m 1400mm 4000 x 4000 13.0m Diesel No

Kegiom 350 E4 2050 @ 1.6m 1700kg 8.2m 750mm 4500 x 4500 6.8m Petrol No

Kegiom 350 E4 Plus 2050 @ 1.6m 2400kg 1020mm 1700 x 1700 6.8m Petrol Yes - 1250kg

Kegiom 8700 E 2880 @ 2.5m 3520kg 11.5m 1300mm 5300 x 5300 13.71m Diesel No

Maeda MC104CR 995 @ 1.1m 1050kg 5.5m 600mm 3400 x 3300 5.10m Petrol No

Maeda MC285CRM 2820 @ 1.4m 1720kg 8.7m 750mm 4580 x 4530 8.21m Diesel No

Maeda MC305 2980 @ 2.5m 3900kg 12.52m 1280mm 4888 x 4396 12.16m Diesel No

Maeda MC405CRM 3830 @ 2.7m 5600kg 16.8m 1380mm 5786 x 5118 16.0m Diesel Yes - 500kg

Palazanni Ragno XTJ30/C 600kg 6200kg 21.0m 1950mm Diesel/electric No

Palazanni Ragno XTJ535/C 600kg 7800kg 26.0m 1500mm Diesel/electric No

Reedyk C3405 1750 @ 2.2m 2850kg 12.8m 780mm 5800 x 5800 10.9m Diesel No

Reedyk C3410 3840 @ 2.2m 5500kg 16.5m 980mm 5800 x 5800 13.5m Diesel No

Riebsamen Euro Multi Crane 1820 @ 1.4m 1300kg 6.0m 600mm Petrol/electric

Riebsamen Power Multi Crane 2310 @ 1.5m 1600kg 8.0m 650mm Diesel/electric

Riebsamen Maxi Multi Crane 10.0m 650mm Diesel/electric

Unic URW-094 995 @ 1.5m 1000kg 5.6m 595mm 3340 x 3210 5.17m Petrol/LPG No

Unic URW-095 995 @ 3.5m 1850kg 8.8m 600mm 3885 x 3935 8.14m Petrol/LPG elec./diesel No

Unic URW-295 2900 @ 1.4m 1850kg 8.8m 600mm 3885 x 3935 8.41m Petrol/LPG elec./diesel No

Unic URW-376 2900 @ 2.5m 3850kg 14.9m 1300mm 4565 x 4440 14.45m Diesel/electric No

Unic URW-506 3000 @ 3.4m 4840kg 16.0m 1400mm 5900 x 5940 15.52m Diesel/electric No

Unic URW-706 6000 @ 3.0m 7920kg 19.5m 1600mm 5900 x 5950 18.6m Diesel/electric No(22.7m with jib)

Emerson has added a Unic 295 and396 to its fleet to test the market

VegasA significant majority ofexhibitors however reportedstrong activity and some goodorders. Products targeted moretowards house building wereslow while those aimed at commercial construction andinfrastructure development were more buoyant.

Overseas attendance was definitelydown, with those that travel fromfurther away clearly choosing tomake it Conexpo this year ratherthan the ARA. In spite of this, thefirst two days saw good volumes oftraffic and a large number of dealsdone. In terms of news the absenceof Haulotte from this year's showwas notable as the manufacturerdecided to concentrate its NorthAmerican efforts on Conexpo. Newproduct launches revolved largelyaround boom lifts and telescopichandlers, although the appearanceof the Airtrax Cobra scissor liftswas significant.

Skyjack presses on The new Skyjack SJ66T wasarguably the star of the show andintroduces a number of new ideasto the sector. The key feature of thenew model was its commonality ofcomponentry with the company's

40ft and 45ft models. This is part ofa determined effort by Skyjack tomake its new boom range particularly attractive for small tomedium sized rental companies.Improvements over the 45 includenew, more stylish and easier tooperate fibreglass covers. The unituses the same slewing gear axlesalthough the hydraulic drive usestwo motors rather than one in orderto cope with the extra weight.

The boom also incorporates somenew ideas in order to provide goodoutreach while keeping themachines weight down withoutincreasing tailswing. To achieve this

Staying with booms, MEC showedoff a prototype of a 45ft - or inMEC's case a 46ft - telescopicboom lift and the company's firsteffort is exceptional. It has chosento adopt the same proven technology

VegasRegistration for this

year's rental exhibition- the second of threeshows in Las Vegas

this quarter - wasaccording to the

organisers, the highestit has been for severalyears. Whilst this wasalmost certainly tiltedtowards the party and

tent visitors, the number interested in

heavier equipmentsuch as telehandlers

and aerial lifts wasgenerally on the

slower side accordingto most exhibitors.

38 cranes & access March 2008

Skyjack has built a counterweight intothe base of the base boom section inorder to provide maximum counter-weighting effect when the boom ishorizontal and reduce rearward stability issues when the boom iselevated. A link from a horizontal barat the rear of the superstructure isattached to the telescope cylinderthis allows a shorter cylinder to beused. It also extends the boom byup to a metre at full elevation without extending the telescopecylinder which also has a positiveimpact on rearward stability whilethe shorter cylinder limits outreachmechanically. In a way it invisiblyachieves the same effect as the parallelogram superstructure frameon the Genie S65.

as Genie - it is in fact designed byex-Genie veteran Steve Citron -while incorporating some tangibleimprovements such as reduced tailswing, tighter turning circle anda higher lift capacity. Full productionof the new model is due later in theyear and the company says it isalready gearing up output.

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Genie launched a new version of theTrax with permanently fixed crawlerunits with reduced width and easiertransportation than the convertible version.

March 2008 cranes & access 39

MEC also unveiled a new batterypowered version of its 3072 and3772, 4x4 rough terrain scissor liftswith outriggers. The company saysthat the new models are designedfor work off slab close into buildingsand where noise and fumes arefrowned upon.

Snorkel also introduced, or ratherre-introduced a new articulatedboom lift, the (UpRight) AB46JE and ABF6JRT. Changes over theUpRight AB46 include solid non-marking tyres on the Electric andlow profiles on the RT. The electricshave been completely updated, the jib design upgraded and a newthree point entry, Snorkel-type basket compete with helix styleplatform rotator. In Snorkel coloursthe updated booms looked fresh and attractive.

Moving on to scissors, Airtraxappeared at the show for the firsttime unveiling its long trailed rangeof Cobra scissor lifts with omnidirectional wheels. The concept firstappeared in its latest guise on theMEC stand some four years agowhen Airtrax and MEC were

niche powered products Bil-Jaxlaunched its version of the PowerTower, the three metre platformheight push around sigma lift introduced last year by CTE-UK.

It was clearly the time for British-designed push around lifts with Pop-Up products launching in theUSA. Interest in the concept wasstrong and if the company can get

ARA rental showc&a

The new Airtrax are amazing, but expensive.

partners on the project. Thatmachine, the Phoenix utilised second generation omni directionaldrive system. The new units are fitted with a fifth generation systemthat uses AC drive motors for verysmooth control and incrediblemanoeuvrability. The snag is thatthey cost more than 3 times that ofa regular scissor lift of the same

size. The products are however well finished and for certain nicheapplications could do well.

JLG launched its new G5-18A -2,500kg, 5.5 metre super compacttelehandler with the universal skidsteer attachment coupler option. Onthe lift side there was nothing newat the show although the ES scissorrange showed off its numerousupdates and improvements. Thecompany is also preparing a majornew branding to help pull togetherits growing after sales services -called Ground Support - whichencompases everything fromfinance packages through parts and service support to rebuild andrefurbishment.

Bil-Jax hosted one of the busieststands at the show as it launchedits latest X series boom lifts that areself propelled in the stowed positionand deploy outriggers when theboom is raised. The articulated45XA follows on from the telescopic35XT. The new model not only offersmore height but at about 2,000kg, is also lighter. Both models usestandard trailer lift superstructuresand according to Bil-Jax offer alower price and lighter weight thanthe European products available. In the spirit of its strategy to offer

a Bil-Jax-style platform and longermachinery chests. The lift hasgained a few pounds along the wayrising from around 340kg to 400kg.Interest at the show was brisk.With the PT10 priced at $4,500 itfalls nicely between a small scaffoldand the smallest self propelled liftspriced at around $8,500.

Known as the PT10 it is made underlicence by Bil-Jax and the companyhas converted the design to usestandard local steel profiles, added

time may have now come.Reachmaster, a division of Worldlift,showed a 28 metre Falcon alongwith two Hinowa light lifts. Hinowa,says that it will be introducing a new22 metre model later in the year.Other spider lifts included TeupenAmerica with a 15 metre Leo 15 andPlatform Basket testing the marketwith its 12 metre model RQG12.

its distribution and pricing right itshould do well. Another poweredaccess concept coming in fromoverseas is the spider lift whose

Niftylift broke traditionand showed off a coupleof its machines in itsEuropean Green livery

Interest in the Pop Up products was strong

face to facec&a

health and safety assessment ofcontract lifting work, utilising our topexperts for these assessments,” saidPartridge. “This is an area of thebusiness which is growing significantly.We are also proactively auditingselected re-hire crane suppliers. Inan effort to improve this side of thebusiness this list is now quite small.Ideally we would rather not have torehire cranes - mainly up to 100tonnes - but as we have to, we wantsuppliers that work to our standards.”

Even though Ainscough has 525cranes in the fleet, during the lattermonths of 2007 it was rehiringabout 50 cranes each day.

“Utilisation is running at about 90percent,” said Partridge. “Allowingabout five percent for repairs andservicing it means that the cranes arebasically working almost all the time.”

“The servicing side is thereforebeing scrutinised. With such demand,time required for service reducesavailability for hire. We are liaisingwith manufacturers to reassess serviceintervals as we probably service our cranes more than the industryaverageand if we can reduce theservice time and increase utilisationjust one percent, that would createin excess of an additional £1.0 million of revenue.”

“We are also working on instigatinga second shift for servicing in oneor two depots to reduce the amountof time a crane is not available forhire and therefore help again toincrease utilisation.”

With more deliveries due the fleet

Moveon up

One of the big surprises in cranehire over the last 30 years wasthe continued rise of AinscoughCrane Hire to become the UK'sleading crane rental company.Led by Martin Ainscough, it grewmainly through acquisitionincluding the audacious purchaseof its two biggest competitors -GWS in 2000 and Baldwins in 2002 -finally confirming it as market leader.

But Ainscough not only grew in sizeover this period but also in statureand standing within the cranesector, gaining respect for itsprofessionalism and responsibleattitude. As the leading rentalcompany others look to it to setthe industry standard a positionit has not shied away from.

So can Neil Partridge, the Ainscoughnumber two over the last few yearstake over the reigns and continue tofurther develop the company?

Partridge joined Ainscough in 1995having spent 14 years withHarrogate-based Vibroplant, joiningas chief accountant in 1981 and

rising to financial director in 1986.A chartered accountant by professionhe obtained a first class honoursdegree at Newcastle University beforespending four and a half years training at Price Waterhouse. It wasduring this time that he decided thathe wanted to be 'at the sharp end'in industry which is when he joinedVibroplant.

However, after 14 years he realisedit was time for a change but notknowing what, he resigned withnothing definite planned. In spring1995 he joined the troubled Kilroecivil engineering group. He knew ithad problems, but after three weekshe realised they were not in recovery but in intensive care andspent the next three months puttingthe company into receivership. Anearlier chance meeting with JamesAinscough at Conexpo 1993 resulted in asubsequent meetingwith James and Martin and beingoffered the position of financialdirector of Ainscough. After RayLedger left the company, Partridgetook on more and more of the dayto day operations from MartinAinscough; subesquently beingappointed chief operating officer.

The question on everyone's lips is'what changes are there going tobe at Ainscough?' Well nothingmajor and only changes that maywell have been done even if the company had not been sold. Andrather than changes, tweaks mightbe a more accurate description.

“We have stepped up the level of

March 2008 cranes & access 41

Neil Partridge

The much publicised £255 million Management Buy-Outof Ainscough Crane Hire last October marked the end ofMartin Ainscough's involvement with the company hewas instrumental in building into the UK's leading cranerental force. It also signified the start of the new eraheaded by managing director Neil Partridge, previouslychief operating officer and leader of the existing management buy-out team. Cranes & Access talkedexclusively to Neil about the past, present and future.

will increase to 550 this summerand to 575 by the end of the year.

By mid 2009 it should reach 600 cranes.“We will be adding a number ofunits this year with sizes from 40tonne ATs to the 'boom on concept'Terex Demag AC1000/9 due thisAugust with a second arriving next year.

Ainscough is primarily a 'Liebherr'customer - in fact the company isLiebherr's biggest customerworldwide. At present supply fromLiebherr is restricted due to thestrength of world demand, eventhough Liebherr currentlymanufacturers about 1,650cranes per year.

42 cranes & access March 2008

“Because of the global demand for cranes, we are currently looking at the Liebherr crane purchases for 2011,” said Partridge.“Whilst Liebherr is the preferredchoice, if there are other manufacturers that offer cranes that are not available from Liebherrthen we will buy these.”

One of the new arrivals is the new300 tonne Demag AC300/6. Butwith Liebherr also due to introduceits 300/350 tonner into the market,subsequent machines may bebought from Liebherr.

“All the major manufacturersproduce good cranes, but for us,Liebherr has the edge,” saidPartridge. “In the UK it has thebiggest population of anymanufacturer and we think the bestafter sales and support facilities,although with more than 60 fittersand technicians, we need to belargely self-sufficient in that area.”

Ainscough currently has six largeTerex Demag cranes on order andin 2004 bought a number of Grovecranes. “We have a particularlygood relationship with Liebherr andevery year we have reciprocal visitsby senior management. Our engineering director, Steve Cookehas a big influence on the futuredesigns and features of the craneswe would like to see in the UK.”

Current average age of the fleet isabout four and a half years and it isthought that this will remain at thislevel for the next few years.According to Partridge, cranes havea least a 10 year productive rentallifespan.

Ainscough also has a full refurbishment facility where it cancarry out a complete mechanicaland paint refurbishment. This isideal to refurbish its small industrialunits including its Grove AP415’swhich were purchased in 1996 andeven older Iron Fairy units. Therefurbishment facility was in greatdemand following several of theacquisitions - particularly Baldwinand GWS.“GWS had an older fleet but theBaldwin cranes needed more work.The 360 dark blue GWS cranes and200 blue/white Baldwin cranes -and more recently 35 Nationwide

cranes (although some were sold) -all had to be repainted into theAinscough livery,” said Partridge,“and since 2005, at least 150cranes have been refurbished.”

“Over the last few years mobile cranehire has become very specialised,”

he said.“ Ainscough offers a veryhigh level service - we are not saying we are perfect, but we arenot complacent. Before the MBOthe customer service was secondto none and the challenge is to keepit that way and if possible improveit. Unlike other generalconstruction equipment where hirerscan easily offer the same levels ofequipment and service, mobilecrane rental has the opportunity to differentiate between hirers.”

At about 10 percent, generalconstruction is a relatively smallproportion of the company's work.Its largest sector of business isderived from infrastructure projects(about 30 percent) then petrochemicalwork (about 20 percent) followedby commercial and shipbuilding.

The current huge infrastructuredemand looks set to continue andfuture projects are already lookingvery promising. Projects such as the widening of the M25 motorway,the Olympics and Scottish road network as well as the nuclearpower station programme meansthat the overall level of business isthe highest seen by anyone in thecompany for more than 30 years.

An ideal time to take overthe company?

“The MBO was the ultimate endresult that all started in 2006,”explained Partridge. “The Ainscoughfamily wanted to sell the companyand appointed Price WaterhouseCoopers to investigate. More than

20 companies showed an initialinterest including venture capitalists,banks and some trade buyers.After sifting through the possibles,PWC formed a list of six crediblebids. However, this coincided withthe global credit crunch which put

limelight, but I am more than happyto lead the company into its nextexciting phase of development.”

With Partridge now firmly at thehead, the company is looking for a'highly competent' finance directorto take over his old position.

pressure on the VCs bids as well as the bid by the Bank of Scotland’sIntegrated Finance Team. Up to thatpoint an MBO was not even thoughtabout, however Martin indicatedthat if the final decision was marginal he would back an MBOwith the existing management teamremaining to run the company. Ithink the headline price of £255 million not including debt, was agood deal for all involved, theAinscough family, the Bank ofScotland and the MBO team.”

Martin still owns and runsAinscough Vanguard, AinscoughTraining Limited, AinscoughBrothers and AinscoughInvestments which leases backbuildings to Ainscough Crane Hire.Martin's other two brothers, Jamesand Brendan, are also not involvedin the crane rental company any way.

There are a few family membersstill working for the company.Martin's daughter Danni Hitchenremains as marketing manager andher husband Steve is the directorof heavy cranes.

So as the new head of Ainscoughis Partridge ready to be in thespotlight?

“I had a great time working withMartin, we made a great team andI think we learnt a lot from eachother,” he said. “The position ofchief operating officer has exposedme more and given me the experience of being the 'visible'head of the company. It is true,Martin did enjoy being in the

face to face c&a

March 2008 cranes & access 43

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This was a requirement of the bankwith an appointment expectedwithin six months of the buy out.

“The MBO has worked out betterfor the company in that venturecapitalists would have been lookingfor an exit after three years, but theBank of Scotland is happy with fouror five years or even longer whichis when I will look to vacate theposition,” said Partridge. “The business is currently doing well andahead of predictions so there is nopressure from the bank.”

The management structure belowPartridge is made up of six directors- George Kesterton and GrantMitchell sales directors for theNorth and South respectively, PeterKernohan, operations director, SteveCooke service and engineeringdirector, Keith Hartis, health andsafety and training director andSteve Hitchen heavy crane director.

“This is probably the most buoyanttime the company has ever seen inits 30 year history,” said Partridge,“the current level of demand is quiteextraordinary. We now have 25 percent of the UK market and Ibelieve the market should continueto grow at around four percent peryear. We intend to grow our fleetand take benefit from this growth inmarket size.”

And does further expansion includeinto elsewhere in Europe?

“A definite No” he said, “the UK and

Ireland is more than enough for usat present.” But does he fearothers coming into his market?

“With the worldwide demandmaking it difficult to obtain cranes,the overseas crane rental companieshave not done a lot in the UK. Noforeign companies have beeninterested in the acquisitions,”

he said, “Nationwide would havebeen a good target but nothingmaterialised.”

Nationwide was Ainscough's latest acquisition but not its last.“The company had a good mix ofcranes - about 7 heavy and 30 smaller units - and this allowed usto increase our exposure at thelarger end of the sector,” he said.

“We will continue to makeacquisitions perhaps one to two a

year, as we need a better cranemix at the larger end and there aregeographic gaps in our coverage.We are very good at acquisitions,we know what we are doing.”

Look out for at least one acquisitionthis year then.

And in the longer term?

“We had to put forward a threeyear strategy and business planwhen going through the MBO. Weare currently ahead of our growthand earnings forecast so the bankis more than happy with the performance - even without additionalacquisitions which would move usfurther ahead of the plan.”

The company has been growing ata substantial rate. Revenues from2006 to 2007 increased from £77million to £96 million (£104 millionif Crane Services' figures for thefull year were included). That looksset of to increase to about £120million in 2008.

“The rate of organic growth has toslow down, but with acquisitionswe would certainly hope to maintain revenue growth above 10 percent,” he said. “It took the company 30 years to reach£77 million.

Over the last two years we haveadded almost a further £50 million.All the systems are in place for continued growth, we have anexcellent computer system and very strong senior and middle management.”

A recent joint appointment betweenthe Bank of Scotland and Ainscoughwas non executive chairman/directorJim Faulds who attended his firstboard meeting in January.

“Ainscough has built a reputation for being at the forefront of theindustry,” says Partridge. “I amhappy to continue this, but whatever we do, we do nothing tosacrifice safety and live by our commitment - Safety before Profit'.We all take accidents very personally and painfully and doeverything forseeableto avoid them.” “I thoroughly enjoy the work andchallenges we face, as do all thedirectors. We are all totally committedto improve all aspects of the businessand drive the company to evengreater achievements.”Ainscough has just entered its nextphase of development. Watch outthe rest of the industry.

Reads - Fiction last book Tell no-one, Harlan Coben

Gadget - iPod and Bose sound system - wide variety of music

Car - Drives a BMW 330d for work. Just bought an Aston Martin V8 in Tungsten silver - 'a lovely car'

Sport - cycles and walksInterests - Travel - sun sea

and sand.

Neil Partridge - essential or favourite...

(L-R) Steve Cooke, Grant Mitchell, Neil Partridge, George Kesterton, Peter Kernohan,Keith Hartis and Steve Hitchen.

Pasma will soon release a comprehensive consultation document concerning proposedchanges to the procedures andpaperwork relating to the standardtraining scheme. The consultationand comment process will be published on the association’s website, all PASMA members will have the opportunity to study the proposal on line and comment on it. Don't miss this crucial opportunity to have your say. Go to

PASMA focusc&a

March 2008 cranes & access 45

PASMA, PO Box 168, Leeds LS11 9WW Tel: 0845 230 4041 Fax: 0845 230 4042 Email:

Last year it was The Belfry, this year Moxhull Hall willbe the venue for the PASMA Annual General Meeting.The date to put in your diaries is Tuesday, 15 July 2008.Moxhull Hall is conveniently situated in SuttonColdfield, just off the A446, one mile north of The Belfry golf course and a short drive from BirminghamInternational Airport. You can for further details.

PASMA AGMAlways an important date in the PASMA calendar,this year's AGM promises to be another memorableopportunity to catch up on the latest news anddevelopments at the industry's trade associationand training programme provider. Not to mention the chance to meet and network andexchange ideas.

Another new recruitChris Smith, a familiar face to most PASMA members and the accessindustry at large, has been appointed regional training scheme auditor forPASMA's Northern Region. He takes over from Karen O'Neill who has joinedthe association's head office administration team.

Formerly with Glasgow-based Turner Access, and more recently a freelancetrainer and PASMA lead instructor, he brings a wealth of knowledge andexperience to the post. Smith will also continue as an auditor for theInternational Powered Access Federation.

Accessin action


positions at Kendrick Hire, includingthat of area and regional manager.

His qualifications include theNEBOSH National Diploma inOccupational Health and Safety andthe NEBOSH Specialist Diploma inEnvironmental Management. He isalso a Dangerous Goods SafetyAdvisor (SQA).

Through its nationwide training network, PASMA is actively supporting the HSE's 'Shattered Lives' campaign running in Februaryand March 2008.

More than 1,000 employees a month suffer a serious injury following aslip, trip or fall at work. The campaign is aimed primarily at those most at risk of such accidents and those best placed to take action.

The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness of the risks and helpthose involved to take simple action that prevents accidents in the workplace, because slips, trips and falls shatter lives. More informationfrom

Well you could be…in the AccessIndustry Forum (AIF) seminar theatre to be precise. The AIF has opted this year to lift the profile of working at height by sponsoring the AIF Work atHeight Seminar, rather than tohold a formal conference. Each of the eight AIF member organisations, along with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), has been allotted three 25-minute presentation slots.

If you have something to say thatwill bring a fresh perspective or addto the body of knowledge aboutworking at height,

Now your’etalking!

Have yoursay

Shattered lives

In this and subsequent issues of Cranes & Access we will beprofiling members of PASMACouncil. We begin with MarkTurnbull.

Since 2001, Turnbull has been headof health and safety at Speedy Hire,responsible at board level for safety,health, quality and the environment.Prior to that he was head of healthand safety at Speedy Hire Southernand from 1979 to 1994 held various

46 cranes & access March 2008

generators c&a

Aside from the safety issues, thismethod of supplying power to theplatform tethers the machine toan electrical outlet - assuming ofcourse that there is power onsite. An early solution was to provide an external generator.However because they often usedpetrol, it was not always availableon site and more critically, theywere a target for thieves. Over thepast few years an increasing number of rental companies havefitted built-in hydraulic generators

to their machines and in particularwith Rough Terrain scissor lifts.In the UK The Platform Companywas a pioneer in this some seven oreight years ago. It has now becomea must have option which appearsto be spreading to smaller scissorlifts and even boom lifts. In the USA direct electric drive and betterbattery life is stimulating the fitmentof DC inverters to provide a similarAC power source, although this has not yet become a popularoption in Europe.

• Engine driven generators sufferfrom the extremely high occurrence of theft and poorworker productivity.

• Belt drive offers an excellentapproach if the lifting platformcan be adapted though it can becostly.

• The Platform Power Packhydraulic generator is easy toinstall and secure and requires nomaintenance. As it uses the platform’s engine, running costsand noise are reduced.


The latest power packs can be installedon any engine driven scissor lift orboom where hydraulic flow permits.The pack simply links into the existingplatform's hydraulic system pump anda power line to the platform along withthe addition of some basic wiring. UKGenerators says that typical installationtimes on new machines can be as lowas three hours. Retrofitting to oldermachines can take a little longer withcables and hoses being different forevery machine type. However eventhe most challenging installation caneasily be handled in a standard workingday. The cost of a typical system hascome down significantly over theyears as they have become more ofan 'off the shelf' product. Dependingon size - normally between 3KVA and6KVA - prices range from £500 to£1,500 all in.

The need for electrical and other powersources for power tools in the platform hasalways existed. Lifts have traditionally beenfitted with power to the platform options,allowing you to plug the machine into themains at the base and to power a socket nextto the controls. However the fact that thiswas usually an option, meant that all toooften, aerial lifts worked with trailing extension leads, something that is nowfrowned upon for many reasons.

We spoke to the UK's leading supplier of hydraulic generators, UK Generators, about the pro's andcon's of the modern hydraulic generator for aerial lifts.

Benefits of a hydraulic generatorplatform power pack include:

1. An onboard power supply significantly enhances operatorproductivity.

2. Free standing tools integratedinto the aerial work platformsrelieve job site congestion byreducing individual equipment on site.

3. By utilising a single power source, on site job noise is reduced along with emissions and fuelconsumption.

4. With power always on tap withinthe platform, working conditionsare improved by making workless strenuous hence reducingoperator fatigue, reducing thechance of injury.

5. The Platform Power Pack is virtually maintenance free.

Hydraulic better?Over the years there have been arange of platform power suppliesdeveloped, some better than others.

• Inverters often appear to be a lowcost solution but in many cases canbe a poor choice due to batterydamage and usability issues.

P A S M A f o c u sc&aHydraulicdiagnostic toolWebtec Products - the Cambridgeshire-basedspecialist manufacturer of hydraulic test equipmentand components - is receiving a positive responseto its latest design of its new DHM 3 series portablehydraulic multi-meter, particularly across Asia.

The DHM '3' series is a portable instrument, aimedat providing hydraulic technicians with an invaluabletool for diagnosing hydraulic systems on constructionand agricultural machinery in much the same wayas an electrician would rely on an electric multi-meter.

The 'all-in-one' design includes a built-in loadingvalve with built-in safety protection and means thehydraulic technician just needs to take one toolonsite rather than several different sensors. TheDHM '3' series can measure flow, pressure, peakpressure, temperature, power and volumetricefficiency and runs on a 9V battery. Webtec saysthat it has been designed to offer 'laboratory' accuracyand is housed in a rugged steel case to protect itwhen used in the harsh construction environments.

The latest range of advanced IQANsensors from Parker Hannifin formanufacturers and end users ofmobile hydraulics systems is aimedat improving long term operatingperformance while reducing overalllife cycle costs.

The IQAN range of pressure,temperature, accelerometer, proximity,rotary and tilt sensors use proven andreliable technology, are extremelycompact and lightweight, and havebeen developed to meet the specificneeds of the mobile sector.

The units use either sophisticated thinfilm Hall-effect sensors, or simple buteffective reed switch technology.In each case, the sensors are mountedin tough stainless steel or plastichousings, complete with all signalconditioning electronics, and are fullyprotected against shock, vibration andelectro-magnetic interference (EMI).Combined, these features help tomake the IQAN products ideal for usein many different mobile andoff-highway applications.

Parker claims that the IQAN sensorsare designed to be easy to install,with a choice of sealed electricalconnectors and mounting options toreduce both build costs for OEMs andsubsequent maintenance costs for endusers. The sensors can be used underextreme temperature and humidityconditions; for example, the IQAN-ST

temperature sensor can operate attemperatures from -50 to+150 degrees C, while the IQAN-SP pressure sensor can be used between-40 degrees C and +125 degrees C.

Depending on the model of sensor thelatest IQAN products offer a variety ofspecific advantages, such asextended output signal on the IQAN-STtemperature sensor of 250 to 4750mV,with a pressure rating of between 300and 700bar. Similarly, the IQAN-SPpressure sensor offers excellentlinearity, hysteresis and repeatabilitycharacteristics, has a fast responsetime of 5.0msec and can be used inapplications requiring up to 500bar,with an over-pressure rating of up to1,050bar and a minimum burstpressure rating of 1,500bar.

Quieter, cooler and longerAdvanced IQAN Sensors

March 2008 cranes & access 47

innovat ionsc&a

The DHM 3 seriesportable hydraulic

multi-metre is an all-in-onediagnostic tool.

To contact any of these companies simply visit the ‘Industry Links’ section of, where youwill find direct links to the companies’ web sites for up to five weeks after publication.

To have your company’s new product or service displayed in the ‘Innovations’ section of C&A, please send in all information along with images to either;Innovations, Cranes & Access, PO Box 6998, Brackley, NN13 5WY, or alternatively by e-mail to: with ‘Innovations’ typed in the subject box.

e nquir ies

The latest range of IQAN sensors from ParkerHannifan aim to improve long term operatingperformance while reduce overall life cycle costs.

Improvements in the geometry, surfaces and materials but withunchanged dimensions means that Schaeffler's new X-life singlerow FAG T7FC tapered roller bearings are quieter, operate atlower temperatures and offer up to 70 percent longer rating lifeand 20 percent more basic dynamic load rating.

For some applications, where loads are unchanged, customers canuse smaller and therefore more cost-effective bearing sizes. The newbearings use through-hardened premium material (rather than casehardened), which gives higher resistance to solid particles. In addition,Schaeffler has modified the logarithmic profile of the raceways and theoutside surface of the rollers, which compensates for stress peaksunder high loads and any possible misalignment.

Due to the optimised surfaces, an elasto-hydrodynamic lubricant filmbuilds up even at very low speeds. This enables higher loads on thebearing immediately after start up. In addition, significantly reduceddimensional and running tolerances ensure optimum load distribution.Therefore, stress peaks are avoided and material loading is reduced.

Higher dimensional and running accuracies, in combination withimproved surface topography, reduce friction and heat to a considerabledegree. The improved contact geometry of the inner ring ribs and rollerend faces also reduces friction, resulting in less strain on the lubricantinside the bearing. This means maintenance intervals can be extended.The bearings run significantly quieter than conventional bearings.

Schaeffler's X-life single row tapered roller bearings offer high radialand axial load carrying capacity, high rigidity and ease of fitting. Thebearings comprise solid inner and outer rings with tapered racewaysand tapered rollers, with cages made from pressed sheet steel. Theinner ring, together with the cage and rollers, can be fitted separatelyfrom the outer ring.

Bore diameters for theX-life bearings are between45mm and 95mm and thebearings can be used atoperating temperaturesbetween -30 degrees C upto 120 degrees C.

Schaeffler's new X-life singlerow FAG T7FC tapered rollerbearings are said to be quieter, cooler and last up to 70 percent longer.

48 cranes & access March 2008

In January we wrote an editorialconcerning the use of outriggermats on cranes and aerial lifts.The comment came after whatseemed to be a spate of high profile tip overs in 2007, mostly,it has to be said, with mobilecranes and most of them in NorthAmerica. In every case, as faras we could see the crane or liftwas being used without anyspreader mats under themachine's often small fitted pad.

We maintainedthat even ifundersizedmats - wood or synthetic - wereused, it is entirely possiblethat in many, ifnot most cases,the tip overwould have beenavoided. Based

on this we asked the question:-

Should the use of outrigger mats bemade mandatory on cranes & lifts?

We were quite surprised by theresponse -

• 966 people voted

• 787 or 81.5 percent, said Yesthey should be mandatory while

• 179 or 18.5 percent, said No,Possibly due to the fact thatcompulsion goes against thegrain with some. No matterit was a surprisingly strong

endorsement of the proposition.

We then had a call from a readerclaiming that he had tried to rent a self propelled boom lift with outriggers and that the companyhad been unable to supply mats ortell him where to find a set. So weasked a new question:

If you are a rental company - Doyou offer outrigger mats on all self-drive crane and aerial rentals?

The surprise here was in the otherdirection:-

• 117 companies have voted so far

• 45 or 38.5 percent said No

• 72 or 61 percent said Yes.

The argument goes that the supplyof mats is related to the groundconditions which vary and so mustbe the responsibility of the personrenting the machine, rather thanthe hire company. Companies wereconcerned that if they provided ahalf metre diameter mat and themachine was being used on verysoft ground and the machine thentipped over, the rental companymight be cited as liable.

All companies said they provide matswith driveroperated liftsor cranes forthat matter.They also saidthat if a selfdrive machineis fitted withmats, as anincreasingnumber are,

then those units go out with them too.

Both sides of the argument on this issue agreed one thing, thatthe industry - through IPAF and the CPA - should issue a policy statement on the issue in order toensure consistency and to preventcowboys undercutting those whotake safety seriously.

Our view is that mats should beoffered, and probably charged for,with larger ones available for extrasoft ground at a further cost. We also believe that there is a case for manufacturers beingrequired to fit a set of half metrepads in a rack on the machine. This then puts the onus firmly onthe user, the next job will of coursebe to encourage him to use them,but that's another story.

Outrigger mats the big debate

ou t r i gge r ma ts c&a

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IPAF is25 Another CAP

Alliance Learning trains trainers

The IPAF Safety Zone at CONEXPO(Booth SZ1000, Green Lot) willfeature a dynamic demonstrationon the dangers of not wearing aharness in boom type platforms.This 15-minute show will run atregular intervals throughout theday and give practical advice onthe correct way to use a harness.Show times are: 10:00, 12:00,13:00, 14:00 and 16:00.

The IPAF Safety Zone covers morethan 10,000 square feet (about1,000 square metres) and has beenmade possible with support fromthe CONEXPO organisers. The display

AJ Access Platforms has become the fifth IPAF centrefor CAP assessments. The Competent Assessed Personprogramme assesses service and maintenance engineersas competent persons who can perform thoroughexaminations ofaccess platforms.

Six-monthly thoroughexaminations of allequipment used to liftpeople are required bylaw under the LiftingOperations and LiftingEquipment Regulations(LOLER) 1998.

A CAP assessmenttakes one day and successful candidates are issued with theCAP Card. More information on CAP and location details ofapproved centres can be found at

The IPAF Summit on 15 April 2008 atWhittlebury Hall in Northamptonshirewill end with a stunning spectacleto celebrate the achievements ofthe federation in the first 25 yearsof its existence.

Food for thought will be provided bythe IPAF Summit, which will focus on thoroughexaminations. Authoritative speakers from governmentand industry will show why machine safety is an issuefor rental companies and users.The final programme will be available at register, call 015395 62444 or e-mail

There will be the traditional golf tournament the daybefore on 14 April. The IPAF MCWP (UK & Ireland)Committee will meet on the day after the Summit,16 April, at 10:00.

Attendees booking rooms should call WhittleburyHall direct on 01327 857857 and quote the bookingreference number 17725.

Alliance Learning, an IPAF-approvedtraining centre based in the NorthWest, is now able to offer courseson instructional techniques. Thiscourse is one of the compulsoryqualifications to become an IPAFinstructor.

The instructional techniques coursetakes five days, at the end of whichcandidates have to prepare andsuccessfully deliver a presentationon a chosen subject.

“The course combines generalinstructional techniques with thespecific requirements of MEWPtraining,” says Brian Nicholls, senior

plant instructor at Alliance Learning.“It provides essential training foranyone wishing to become anIPAF instructor.”

will feature a range of aerialequipment supplied by IPAFmembers exhibiting at the show.

“We much appreciate the supportof the organisers in making thishappen,” said Tim Whiteman,AWPT president and IPAF managingdirector. “It is frustrating when peopleare unnecessarily killed or injuredwhile using boom type platformsbecause they don't wear harnesses.The demonstration will show in avivid way the dangers of beingthrown or catapulted from the platformif it is hit by another piece of equipmentor is affected by ground subsidence.”

The live demonstration is part ofAWPT's Click It! safety campaignthat calls on users of boom typeplatforms to wear a full body harness with a short lanyardattached to a suitable anchor point.This advice is outlined in TechnicalGuidance Note AWPT H1, whichexplains when and how to wearharnesses and lanyards on differenttypes of aerial platforms(available at

With the Click It! campaign, thousandsof stickers in six languages havebeen printed for distribution. Thestickers remind and encourage peopleto wear a harness and can beplaced on boom type platformswhere all occupants in the platformcan see them. The programme isendorsed by the Scaffold IndustryAssociation as well as many aerialequipment manufacturers and rentalcompanies around the world.

Several technical meetings arebeing held at the IPAF SafetyZone during CONEXPO (BoothSZ1000, Green Lot):

11 MarchAWPT Instructors' Meeting(for instructors), 13:30

AWPT Advisory Council Meeting(members only), 14:30

IPAF Reception, 16:00

12 March IPAF Manufacturers' TechnicalCommittee Meeting(members only), 14:00

13 March IPAF Press Conference(for journalists), 9:00

IPAF MCWP (International)Committee Meeting, 14:00


IPAF is supporting the Plant2008 conference on 6 March atthe National MotorcycleMuseum in Birmingham. Thisyear's topics are dedicated tosafety and environmental issues.For more information,

Plant 2008

IPAF focusc&a

March 2008 cranes & access 49

IPAF, Bridge End Business Park,Milnthorpe, LA7 7RH, UKTel: 015395 62444Fax: 015395 64686www.ipaf.orginfo@ipaf.orgOffices in France, Germany,Italy, the Netherlands, Spain,Switzerland and the USA.

SUMMIT DATE: 15th April 2008

Brian Nicholls, seniorplant instructor atAlliance Learning

Do you need a top seat for your application?

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The training accreditation service of Lorry Loader Manufacturers and Importers

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ALLMI Second Floor Suite, 9 Avon Reach, Monkton Hill, Chippenham, Wiltshire. SN15 1EETEL:01249 659150 email: web:

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50 cranes & access March 2008

a meeting of minds…..for lifting equipment professionals

Haydock Park RacecourseWednesday 25th & Thursday 26th June 2008

Vertikal Days is a new two day event focusing solely on the

lifting equipment industry where professionals from the

fields of cranes and access can meet with

suppliers and view the latest products.

For information on how to register - visit our website

email the Vertikal Team info@vertikaldays.netTelephone: UK +44 (0) 8707 740436 • Germany +49 (0) 761 89786615

w w w . v e r t i k a l . n e t

Mark Rigbyhas beenre-electedas chairman

P A S M A f o c u sc&aALLMI leading the wayon British Standard Revision

A meeting scheduled for April will be attended byrepresentatives of ALLMI's manufacturer members,the ALLMI Operators' Forum Executive Committee,the Health and Safety Executive, the ConstructionPlant Hire Association, and the Modular Portableand Building Association. In addition, ALLMI's BSIrepresentatives, John Penny and Bryan Flintham,and technical director, Eric Hawkyard, will formpart of the working group. In conjunction with consultant, Tim Watson, the working group willhold a series of meetings throughout 2008, witha view to producing a draft document,for BSI for approval/comment.

ALLMI chairman, Mark Rigby, said: 'This is positive

news for ALLMI and the lorry loader industry as awhole. Many people feel that due to developmentsin technology and legislation, the revision of theBritish Standard for lorry loaders is long overdue.As the industry Association, it's essential thatALLMI and its members play a key part in this process.

As a result of a meeting held in January, which was originally arranged to clarify the requirementsfor lifting plans for lorry loader operations, the first step towards the revision of BS7121 Part 4 hasbeen taken with the formation of a specialist working group.

ALLMI training progresses in Trinidad

New Operators' Forum chairman

ALLMI has recently held elections for both thechairman's position and the board of directors.Mark Rigby of T H White/Palfinger was the onlynominee for chairman and soautomatically retains his position.

Five nominations were received for the five places on the board and therefore, the following people will be appointed:Andrew Taylor (Terex Atlas),Eric Hawkyard (currenttechnical director), AlanJohnson (SJB CraneCo),Ismo Leppanen (Hiab), andLee Maynard (Terex Atlas).

It’s Election Time

Thorough Examination Training gets off to strong start

March 2008 cranes & access 51

ALLMI focusc&a

Following ALLMI's move to expand outsideof the UK, the delivery of ALLMI training inTrinidad is going from strength to strength.

With large numbers of operators already passingthrough the lorry loader training scheme, Trinidadbased ALLMI training provider and member,Hydraulic Components, is now receiving enquiriesabout the ALLMI Slinger/Signaller course. GlennSingh, managing director of Hydraulic Components,said: 'We've been delighted with the uptake of theALLMI training scheme in Trinidad. The demandwe're experiencing has far exceeded our expectationsand with ALLMI's profile being continually raised inthis country we expect this trend to continue.'

ALLMI executive director, Tom Wakefield, said:'The feedback so far has been very positive.The subject is covered in great depth and so it's avery intense course, but the engineers who'vecompleted the training tell me they've come awayfeeling very well informed. As a result of the feedback

we've been receiving, we're continually updatingthe course content and the template documentationthat we issue to course candidates. We hope thiswill further increase the training programme'spopularity amongst members.'

Launched in May 2007, ALLMI's ThoroughExamination and Load Test Training courseenjoyed a very impressive uptake during itsfirst year. In the nine months that the coursehas been available to ALLMI members, 35engineers have successfully completed the training.

As part of ALLMI's drive to increase itsmembership and to improve standardsthroughout the lorry loader industry, itsmanufacturer/importer members are currentlyencouraging all of their sub-contractors tojoin the Association.

In addition, the longer term aim is to haveall of the sub-contractors' engineers go throughthe ALLMI Thorough Examination and Load Testtraining scheme. ALLMI chairman, Mark Rigby,said: 'Whilst the standards of the manufacturers'sub-contractors are extremely high, we feel thatit's only right that companies carrying out workfor ALLMI members also have access to theAssociation's technical documents and trainingprogrammes. There's only one way they can dothat; by becoming members themselves.'

Sub-contractorsjoining ALLMIElections have also taken place within the ALLMI Operators

Forum, with Steve Frazer - Brown of Milbank Trucks being appointedas forum chairman for a second consecutive term.

As a founder member of the forum and having played a key role for it’smembers over the last two years, Steve is looking forward to the challenge.He said “I think the forum has made excellent progress since its formationtwo years ago and i look forward to building on it’s achievements.We’ll continue to improve standards among lorry loader operators whilstexpanding forum membership even further and ensuring that ALLMI maintainsits high profile within the industry.”

The Forum Executive Committee also stood for re-election. The Committee consists of: Ian Berrill(Saint Gobain Building Distribution), Brian Sutherland (Elliott Hire), Peter Duckett (WTB Group), JohnAllum (Allum Plant Hire), Bob Toon, Andrew Hollingsworth (Wincanton).

Are your staff properly trained ?Don’t risk it call a certified local company today


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All training centres above offer IPAF approved and audited courses for Operators of Mobileaerial work platforms, European directives require that all staff are fully and adequatelytrained in the safe use of the equipment they operate.

See for full listing

Are your staff properly trained ?Don’t risk it call a certified local company today


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Rebuild challengefor apprenticesA.M.P, the South West basedaccess rental company now partof the Lavendon UK regional group,has teamed up with Niftylift to givetwo of its apprentices the chanceto develop their knowledge andexperience by rebuilding two veryneglected Nifty Height Rider 12's.

The two lifts were acquired as partof a package of machines from abankruptcy sale and had beenrobbed of parts and generallyabused to the point where theywere close to scrap value. Theeight week programme wasofficially launched in February byNiftylift's John Keely, Andy Personof A.M.P Access, Paul Williams,the National Construction Collegeassessor and Terry Cole A.M.P.regional engineering manager.

The two apprentices, ChrisVerrin-Sipsom, based in Liskeardand Sam Lee based in Taunton,have eight weeks in which tostrip out the machines and thencompletely rebuild them.

The job has been plannedin 10 stages: • A complete strip down and clean

• A full chassis structuralinspection and rectification

• Replace slew bearing, bushesand pins, repair and fit boom

• Hydraulic system full refitand replace where needed

• Complete review, repair andreplace of running gear

• Refit engine

• Full overhaul of electrical system

• Check test and run up

• Repaint and decal

• Test and prepare for new sixmonth Loler test

The two apprentices will maintain awork-board charting their progressand will be fully supervised throughoutthe rebuild by A.M.P's rebuild workshopforeman. The completed machineswill go on display at SED andAccess Days in May. Niftylift issupporting the programme andhelping sponsor the project.

Vertikal.Net will carry regularupdates of the progress as part ofits support for apprentice trainingand encouraging the recruitment ofyoung people into the industry.

Train ingc&a

All training centres above offer IPAF approved and audited courses for Operators of Mobileaerial work platforms, European directives require that all staff are fully and adequatelytrained in the safe use of the equipment they operate.

See for full listing


Tel: 01324 889000 Fax: 01324 888901e-mail:



Contact: Access TrainingTel: 01925 860826


(L-R) John Keely of Nifty, Paul Williams ofthe National Construction College andAndy Pearson of A.M.P.

The battered Nifty HR12

Who trained him then?

Oxford-based rental company, 2Cousins Access, has opened a newIPAF training facility in Oxford. KeithJohn, director of 2 Cousins said:“Over the past two years we havebeen growing at a steady rate andopening this training centre enablesus to offer a complete service toour growing client base.”

New IPAF training centre

IPAF trainer Mark Smith conducts thefirst course at 2 Cousins new facility.

Harness saves twoTwo men are alive and wellfollowing an accident in Miramar,Florida in mid February, after acrane dropped a 450kg, seven

Fall costs £350,000 A manager and three firms havebeen fined a total of £342,500after the death of a traineescaffolder in January 2004.Steven Burke, 17, fell 16 metresfrom scaffolding at DavyhulmeWastewater Treatment Works,Trafford only two days afterHealth and Safety inspectorshad said it was too dangerousto climb.

Burke was employed by 3DScaffolding and under the controlof a visiting contracts managerDavid Swindell Jnr. The firm wascontracted by RAM Services, asubcontractor of principalcontractor Mowlem.

Judge Jonathan Foster QC,sentencing at Manchester CrownCourt, told Swindell and the threecompanies the case was `a tragicexample' of the `disregard forsafety measures'. He fined 3DScaffolding, of Northbank IndustrialEstate, Irlam, £60,000 plus £20,000costs. Swindell, of Barrington Drive,Middlewich, £7,500 with £15,000costs. Principal contactor Mowlem,of Isleworth, Middlesex, was fined£75,000 plus £70,000 costs andRAM pleaded guilty to failing toensure scaffolding used by itsemployees had been properlyinspected and safe to use and wasfined £75,000 with £20,000 costs.

metre long steel beam fromaround 25 metres after its liftingslings gave way. The beam struckthe guardrail of the basket of a

boom lift that two men were using toreach the beam in order to fix it inplace. The collision caused a catapulteffect on the boom throwing the mentowards the beam. The two wereretained in the platform by their harnesses and short lanyards. One of

the men suffered a back injury fromthe jolt and was taken to Hospital.The main contractor on the job - theMiramar Cultural Arts Center - isKaufman Lynn General Contractors,the steel erection is subcontractedto Industrial Steel Fabricators.

books & models c&a


A good instruction leaflet is suppliedwith the crane with very clear pictures.This assists the assembly processwhich takes over an hour includingthe stringing up of various hoists.A CD is also included which has aselection of good photos, a screensaverand technical datasheets and hopefullymore models will have this featurein the future.

The MK100 is to the usual standardof detail for Conrad which is generallyvery good, if perhaps not to thestandard of models currently producedby some competitors in China.Overall there is relatively little useof plastic except for the outriggerbeams, which fortunately are toughenough to support the model, and a

short section of the jib which istelescopic and where plastic keepsthe weight down.

The mast of the crane is a threesection telescopic to which metalladder rails clip on the side to permitthe operating cab to elevatesmoothly and this is a working feature

At Bauma last year, two prototype models were shown of All Terraincarrier mounted construction cranes. One was the Spierings SK599and the other is the model reviewed here, the Liebherr MK100 madein 1:50 scale by Conrad of Germany. The mechanical connectionswithin the real crane are highly complex in order to allow it to foldfor transport and this presents a challenge to model at small scale.

of the model. The jib is complicatedbecause of its folding nature andConrad has done a good job herewith the lattice work. Particularlyimpressive are the variousconnecting pendants and wireswhich have all been made to verygood tolerances to ensure that thejib is straight and that there are nosagging parts lacking tension.

The crane looks very impressive bothin transport mode and when displayedin working configuration. In fact themodel is large when erected, beingover 800mm high, when the jib ishorizontal, and around 1,160mmlong from jib tip to counterweight, soa lot of space is needed to display itto its best advantage.

SummaryThis is a complex model and Conrad has been up to the task ofproducing a pretty faithfulrepresentation of the real crane.There are a few areas where perhaps

the model making boundary couldhave been pushed a little furtherbut overall it is very good value ataround €225 and is recommended.

To read the full review of this modelvisit

Tightly packed for transport

Rear view

Flying the flag

Extended to the max

This is a complex model

New boom from AichiAichi has produced a new 1/32 scale model of its new SP14CJtelescopic boomlift to coincide with the launch of the real thing.See news section for more details.

This model does not compare with the highly detailedreproductions turned out by NZG or Conrad or the 1/32 and largerscale models that JLG has made in China.

The SP14CJ does not pretendto be such a fully accurateminature of the original, butneither can it be dismissedas a mere toy for children, itis perhaps a hybrid. While itmight lack some of thedetails found on many modelsthese days, such as openingmachinery chests andoperational oscillating axles, it is overall accurate and well made.The inner boom sections though are made from plastic and appearto be far slimmer than the real thing, while the jib pivot pins areclearly oversized as are the platform guardrails.

In spite of these criticisms and its slightly odd scale, collectors willalmost certainly want to add it to their collections. Aichi has not yetreleased any details of how much the new model will cost or whereyou can order them.

Cranes Etc Model RatingPackaging (max 10) 8

Detail (max 30) 23

Features (max 20) 15

Quality (max 25) 19

Price (max 15) 12

Overall (max 100) 77%

54 cranes & access March 2008

Dear Sir,

Re your article "Tower Crane Trends " February 2008

I would like to remark on Paul Phillip's statement; "there is more than enough

information covering the safe erection, use, maintenance and dismantling of

cranes, but no-one appears bothered to either read it or take

note of what it says".

It goes far beyond what Mr. Phillips states about those

entrusted with such operations and their apparent ignorance

to follow "basic" manufacturers / engineering guidelines.

Information alone is not enough. Here in the USA, tower

crane manufactures (with their record $ profits ) should be

mandated to offer hands-on training with regards to

erection, dismantling, and especially the climbing of

tower cranes.

Technicians and Inspectors should be certified by the

manufacturer to perform / oversee such high-risk

operations. I believe Florida's "pending" new tower

crane regulations are a step in the right direction, but

doubt it will be enforced. Unfortunately it will take a

catastrophic accident before specialized certification

is mandatory.

Terry McGettigan

March 2008 cranes & access 55

let tersc&a


Letters to the editorPlease send letters to the editor: Cranes&Access: PO Box 6998, Brackley NN13 5WY, UK. We reserve the right to edit letters for length. We also point out that letters are the personal views of our readers and not necessarily the views of the Vertikal Press Ltd or its staff.

I note your online editorial comment on Outrigger mats and the

fact that a number of hire companies do not provide them. While

you may have a valid point, there is another side to this which I

feel the industry needs to sort out. The responsibility for setting

up a machine properly clearly belongs to the person hiring the

machine. Unless we do a site survey there is no way we can

know what the ground conditions are like and what size pad

the user needs.

If we supply the customer with a half metre pad, and the ground is

too soft, requiring larger ones, we might be accused of supplying

the wrong equipment? Surely IPAF should draw attention to this

issue and survey its members in order to draw up a common

industry policy on it? It should include any changes to standard

terms and conditions which reference this issue.

We have now decided to purchase a number of pads and will

insist that those hiring trailer lifts and other such platforms that

include outriggers also take/hire a set of mats at an extra cost.

However unless everyone follows suit we will be putting

ourselves at a commercial disadvantage which brings me back

to the need for an industry standard.

Yours truly,

Name supplied but withheld.

Leigh and Mark... I wanted to point out something from Jan/Feb Cranes & Access. On page 19 in the 2007 Review under the heading "Outreach", you show a photo of two people in the platform of a boom lift that are not wearing a harness. I realize that this was "only" a publicity shot, but it doesn't matter. All people in boom lifts must wear a harness whether they are on the ground or 100ft. in the air. There is a big problem in that many companies think they don't have to wear a harness if they are not elevated. This is particularly true in some rental companies when they are moving boom liftsaround a yard or in and out of service bays. We need to correct this, and seeing a photo like the one onpage 19 doesn't help this cause. This photo was even more problematic as the company that these peoplerepresent is an IPAF and ALLMI training center. They should know better.

Best regards...Bill William Hindman, President Industrial Marketing Services 2375 Touhy Avenue Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Ed: While we fully agree with MrHindman and he does make a veryimportant and valid point, we alsoneed to point out that the photo concerned was cropped close hidingthe fact that it was not a regularboom lift, but an oil drilling rig maintenance basket not subject to cantilever/catapult problems. It does raise an issue regarding management publicity shots, it iseither don a harness or use a scissor lift.

a meeting of minds…..for lifting equipment professionals

Haydock Park RacecourseWednesday 25th & Thursday 26th June 2008

Vertikal Days is a two day event focusing solely on the lifting equipment industry,

where professionals with an interest in Cranes, Access equipment or Telehandlers can meet with

suppliers and other industry professionals as well as view the latest products and services.

For information on how to register - visit our website

email the Vertikal Team at info@vertikaldays.netTelephone: UK +44 (0) 8707 740436 • Germany +49 (0) 761 89786615

w w w . v e r t i k a l . n e t


reaches over six times as manyUK/Irish buyers of lifts and liftingequipment than any other liftingmagazine.

ADVERTISING:The Vertikal Press Ltd.PO Box 6998, Brackley, NN13 5WY UK.Tel: +44 (0)8707 740436Fax: +44 (0)1295 768223E-mail:



for a full listing of events with

direct links to the organisers.

SamoterEarthmoving and construction equipment showMarch 5 -9th 2006 Verona, ItalyTel. 030.3539159 Fax

Conexpo-Con/Agg 2008The leading US construction show.March 11-15, 2008 Las Vegas, Nevada, USAPhone: +1 414-298-4133Fax: +1 414-272-2672E-mail:

IPAF SummitAnnual Summit for International Powered Access FederationApril 15, 2008 Whitlebury, UKPhone: +44(0)1539562444Fax: +44(0)1539564686E-mail:

Safety & Health ExpoHealth and safety showMay 20-22, 2008Birmingham, UKPhone: +44 (0)207 921 8067Fax: +44 (0)207 921 8058E-mail: tbond@cmpinformation.comCTTRussian equipment show,June 17-21, 2008. Moscow, RussiaPhone: +49 89 949 22 116Fax: +49 89 949 22 350E-mail: miedaner@imag.deVertikal DaysMeeting for the UK crane and access industryHaydock Park June 25/26th 2008Tel: +44(0)8707 740436 Fax: +44(0)1295 768223E-mail: info@vertikal.netWeb: www.vertikaldays.netEuroplatformIPAF central Europe SummitSeptember 16, 2008 Maastricht, HollandPhone: +44 (0)15395 62444Fax: +44 (0)15395 64686E-mail:

ApexInternational powered access fairSeptember 17-19, 2008Maastricht, The NetherlandsPhone: +31 (0)547 271 566Fax: +31 (0)547 261 238E-mail:

ARA / Rental Show 2009ARA /Rental Show 2009Altanta Georgia March 3-5th Tel: +1800 334 2177Fax: +1309 764 1533E-mail:

Intermat 2009International construction equipment showApril 24-29, 2009 Paris, FrancePhone: +33 1 49685248Fax: +33 1 49685475E-mail:

Bauma 2010World’s largest construction equipment show April 19-25, 2010Munich, GermanyPhone: +49 (0)89 51070

Smopyc 2008International Public works, construction and mining showApril 22-26, 2008 Zarragoza, SpainPhone: +34 976 76 4700Fax: +34 976 33 0649E-mail: info@feriazaragoza.comAccess DaysOpen day event May 13-14, 2008, Milton Keynes, UKPhone: +44 (0) 1908 2234Fax: +44 (0) 1908 312733E-mail:

SED 2008

UK's premier construction equipment exhibitionMay 13-15, 2008 Rockinham Speedway, Corby, UKPhone: [44] 020 8652 4810Fax: [44] 020 8652 4804E-mail:


Whats on?







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• W



• U





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March 2008 cranes & access 57




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T •





58 cranes & access March 2008

Experienced Mobile Crane OperatorsAinscough Crane Hire Ltd. is the largest mobile crane hirer operatingfrom twenty five strategically located depots throughout the UK. As part of our ongoing expansion we are looking to recruit a numberof Experienced Crane Operators.All applicants must have a full LGV Licence and CPCS Certification.

Contact:Mark James - Southern Region Operations Manager 07748 923857Lee Sixsmith - Northern Region Operations Manager 07771 915109Peter Kernohan - Operations Director 07774 426106

Please send CV,s in writing to Lisa McCormick atAinscough Crane Hire Ltd. Bradley Hall, Bradley Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancashire. WN6 OXQ. or Email

mobile cranes&

Based in the South of England. We have a good small team

engaged in the repair, service, test & rebuild of our own

cranes plus those made by other manufacturers. It is our

intention to build new units in the future as well as staying

committed to the existing machines. We need good service

engineers for both on site work & factory/works activities.

Experience with our or other cranes is preferred but

transferrable skills will be considered.

We also seek a general machinist & machinist/welder-

fabricator for the crane side & the allied


Please forward CV's to Sean Preston on email or fax 01273 494294

We are JONES & IRON FAIRY cranes.

service engineers

























March 2008 cranes & access 59

Operator InstructorOperator InstructorBased M4 Corridor • 25K + Benefits

JLG Industries, Inc. is the world's leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of accessequipment. The Company's diverse product portfolio includes leading brands such asJLG® aerial work platforms; JLG, SkyTrak®, Lull® and Gradall® Telehandlers; and an

array of complementary accessories that increase the versatility and efficiency of theseproducts. JLG is an Oshkosh Corporation company [NYSE: OSK]

The role of Operator Instructor will ensure all training in the safe use of TelescopicMaterial Handlers and Powered Access Work Platforms is carried out to corporate andnational standards and will personally deliver all operator training to pre-agreed levels.

The successful candidate will be an experienced Operator Instructor from within a similarenvironment / industry and must hold a relevant recognised qualification. Essential to the

role will be your ability to demonstrate an excellent understanding of current health & safetylegislation. You must have the ability to plan, organise and execute training within agreedtimescales and therefore will possess excellent communication and organisational skills.

If you feel you have the required skills and attributes to be successful in this role,

please apply with CV and covering letter to The Human Resources Department, JLG

Industries (UK) Limited, Bentley House, Bentley Avenue, Middleton, Manchester. M24 2GP.

Alternatively, email your application to: pbjohnson@jlg.comClosing date for all applications is: Friday, 4th April 2008.




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60 cranes & access March 2008

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For further details contact Frank Delaney by phone, email fax or post, all information treated in strictest confidence,

Tel: +353- 21-4311332 Fax: +353 -21-4311523Email:Manlift@eircom.netManlift Hire Ballycurreen Industrial Estate, Kinsale Rd, Cork, Ireland

Service engineers Manlift Hire is one of Irelands leading poweredaccess companies, established over 12 years ago,we are based in Cork, with locations in Tralee, Co Kerry and Galway. Our expanding fleet includes a large number of specialist equipment, includingunderbridge inspection platforms, larger truckmounted and spider lifts as well as regular self propelled booms and scissors. We are currently looking for experienced serviceengineers to help keep our expanding fleet in tip-top condition as well as supporting our growing sales operation, together with new depotsthat are coming on stream.An excellent salary and benefits package is available for the right person as well as assistance with relocation, if required.


Aichi www.aichi.deAIRO by Tigieffe S.r.l www.airo.itAlimak B.V. Ruthmann www.ruthmann.deBarin www.barin.itBasket www.basket-platforms.comBil jax www.biljax.comBison - Palfinger www.bisonpalfinger.comBravi www.braviisol.comCTE www.ctelift.comDenka Lift www.wi-industries.comDino Lift www.dinolift.comEsda www.esda-fahrzeugwerke.deGenie www.genieindustries.comGSR Spa www.gsrspa.itHaulotte www.haulotte.comHolland Lift www.hollandlift.comIteco www.itecolift.itJLG www.jlgeurope.comLeguan Lifts www.leguanlifts.comMatilsa www.matilsa.esMEC www.mec-awp.comNifty Lift www.niftylift.comOmega Platforms www.omegaplatforms.comOmme Lift www.ommelift.dkRanger tracked access ww.skyhigh.beSnorkel www.snorkelusa.comTeupen www.teupen.infoTurner Access International www.uprighteuro.comVersalift distributors (UK) Ltd

MAST CLIMBERS AND HOISTSAlimak-HEK www.alimakhek.comSafi

PLATFORM RENTAL2 Cousins Access Limited Platforms Direct Access Rentals Ltd up Lifts www.easiuplifts.comFacelift Hire www.manlift.ieMax Access Access Platforms Hire www.skylift.iePanther Platform Rentals

NEW & USED PLATFORMSAccess Business www.accessbusiness.nlAccess Platforms Direct Platform Sales Sales International Resale Access Platforms www.accessplatforms.comBaulift www.baulift.deEasi-uplifts www.easiuplifts.comFacelift www.Flesch-Arbeitsbuehnen.deGenie www.genieindustries.comJLG www.jlgeurope.comKunze GmbH www.KUNZEgmbh.deManlift Sales www.manlift.ieMax Access Access Ltd Access www.trackedaccess.comPlatform Sales Access www.promaxaccess.comRapid Platforms Bros auctions www.rbauction.comSkylift Hire www.skylift.ieThanner www.USED-Worklift.comTurner Access - Group Thermote & Vanhalst

ALLOY SCAFFOLD TOWERSAltrex www.altrex.nlInstant www.instantupright.comSafe2Reach www.svelt.itTurner Access


SPECIAL AND NICHE PLATFORM RENTALBAC Verhuur www.bachoogwerkers.nlMax Access Platform Rentals Access www.trackedaccess.comRapid Platforms

TRAINING CENTRES AND TRAINERSAccess Platforms Direct Platform Sales Safety Access www.accessplatforms.comAvon Crane Access www.genieindustries.comHCS www.hiab.comHird Training www.jlgeurope.comKingfisher Access Transport Equipment Training Training Services Platform Rentals Platforms Hire www.skylift.ieSouthern Crane & Access White Atlas (UK) Ltd. Platform Company Access


CRANE MANUFACTURERSGrove www.groveworldwide.comKobelco www.kobelco-cranes.comMantis Cranes www.mantiscranes.ieTadano Faun www.tadanofaun.deTerex-Demag www.terex-cranes.comUnic Cranes

CRANE HIREAinscough Lifting Hewden tower crane hire Cranes www.mantiscranes.ieMcNally crane hire Port Services Ltd Heavy Crane division


NEW & USED CRANESAGD Equipment Ltd UK www.cranesuk.netCrowland Cranes www.kobelco-cranes.comMantis Cranes www.mantiscranes.ieM. Stemick www.stemick-krane.deP.V. Adrighem BV www.adrighem.comTerex Demag www.terex-cranes.comUsed Cranes CCK www.used-cranes.deValla UK Ltd

SELF ERECTING TOWER CRANESAirtek safety www.airteksafety.comCity Lifting tower crane hire Cranes www.mantiscranes.ieVanson

LORRY/TRUCK LOADER CRANES Effer www.effer.itFassi UK www.fassiuk.comHiab www.hiab.comPalfinger

on line Access&Lifting directory – Visit these companies in one click

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OVER 3.25 million Hits a MonthOVER 75,000 Vis i to rs a Month

TELESCOPIC HANDLERSDieci www.genieindustries.comJLG www.jlgeurope.comMec Telehandlers Merlo

OUTRIGGER PADSEco power pads lifting supplies


NEW AND USED TELEHANDLERSSkylift Hire www.skylift.ieVHS Vissers Heftruck Service

PARTS AND SERVICE SUPPLIERSCrowland Cranes www.ips-ltd.bizJLG www.jlgeurope.comTVH - Group Thermote & Vanhalst

SAFETY EQUIPMENTAirtek equipment www.airteksafety.comSMIE

STRUCTURAL REPAIRSAvezaat Cranes www.avezaat.comCrowland Cranes Taylor Crane Services Ltd

WIRE ROPETeufelberger Seil www.teufelberger.comCasar

BATTERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERSOptima Batteries www.optimabatteries.comTrojan Battery






EVENTSVertikal Days www.vertikaldays.netSED Days www.platformers-days.deConexpo

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64 cranes & access March 2008

March 2008 cranes & access 65

ECO LIFToutrigger pads• Manufactured in Germany to the highest standards

from regenerated polyethylene• Safe and easy to handle will not splinter• No water absorption• High resistance to impact and vertical pressures• Under normal working conditions unbreakable• Inbuilt memory, adapting to working surface• Custom sizes available• Supporting - mobile cranes, self erecting

tower cranes, loader cranes, aerial work platforms,concrete pumps, tele handlers

• Load bearing capacities from 5 to 300 tonnes• 3 year warranty against breakage

Bill Green @ PLC SalesTel: +44 (0) 1449 674 154 Mob: +44 (0) 7885 020 582

Fax: +44 (0) 1449 674 173Email: Web:

The UK’s Leading Supplier

(International Code: + 353 21 4385342 or +353 21 4381314)


1994 SUMITOMOSC500-2 Tower Boom

1994 SUMITOMOSC500-2 Tower Boom

NEW HSC80 TON Crawler Crane




1997 KATO 25 TONCity Crane

2001 KATO 10 TONCity Crane

2001 KATO 25 TONCity Crane

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1999 IHI CCH500Crawler Crane

2001 KOBELCO TK550Crawler Crane

2007 IHI CCH70070 TON Crawler Crane



1999 & 1998 KOMATSUMini Crawler Crane

2005 HSCSCX400 40 TONCrawler Crane


1992 KATO 25 TONTruck Crane

1994 KATO 25 TONTruck Crane

11 TON KOBELCOTele-Crawler Crane

1995 KATO 30 TONTruck Crane

1996 KATO 30 TONTruck Crane

1998 KATO 25 TONTruck Crane

• 1996 HITACHI KH125-3, 35 TONCrawler Crane with 37m Boom.

• 1998 KATO NK75M-V2, 7.5 TONTruck Mounted Crane.


Transmissions etc…. call for details.



Coolowen, Blarney,Co. Cork,

Telephone: (021)-4385342or (021) 4381314

Fax: (021) 4381504

8 Snowdon Road, Middlesbrough,

Cleveland TS2 1LP

Tel: 01642 218607 Fax: 01642 217149



SKYJACK 3219 €650019ft scissor lift, fully serviced, new paintand certified, rent ready, excellent condition

SKYJACK 3220 €750020ft scissor lift, fully serviced, new paintand certified, rent ready, excellent condition

SNORKEL 2033 €750020ft scissor lift, 3 years old, fully serv-iced, new paint and certified, rent ready,excellent condition

MX19 UPRIGHT SCISSOR LIFT €575020ft scissor lift, fully serviced, new paintand certified, rent ready, excellent conditionquantity x6

SP125 PERSONNEL LIFT €350031ft working height lift, fully serviced, certified, rent ready, excellent conditionquantity x2

CONDOR 26M ARTICULATED TELESCOPIC BOOM €200004x4-fully serviced, certified, rent ready, excellent condition

CTE MODEL Z20 €390002003, 20M Working height boom on anissan cabstar, fully serviced, certified,rent ready, excellent condition

SOCCAGE MODEL M22 €470002004, 22M Working height boom on anissan cabstar, fully serviced, certified,rent ready, excellent condition

AMZ 50FT BOOM €12500fully serviced, new paint and certified, rentready, excellent condition

GENIE IWP20S PERSONAL LIFT €69002006, 26ft working height, new demounit, rent ready, fully certified

GENIE AWP 40 PERSONNEL LIFT €3500200, 46ft working height, perfect condition, rent ready, fully certified

00 VOLVO FLC 18Complete with 3DF beaver tail body andremote control winch

04 MANITOU 1740 €40000 TRANSIT12.5 meterlift mounted

LIFT 31.5 meterlift, mountedon a hino chassis,20,000 miles, perfect mechanical order

Type Quantity Working HeightBattery ScissorsJLG 1930 ES 10 8mJLG 3246 ES 4 12mHaulotte Compact 12 8 12m

Battery BoomsHaulotte H15IP 1 15m

Diesel BoomsHaulotte HA16PX 2 16mHaulotte HA18PX 2 18mHaulotte HA20PX 1 20m

Type Quantity Working HeightJLG M600J 2 22mJLG 450AJ 4 16m

Diesel ScissorliftHaulotte Compact 12 2 12m

Tracked BoomliftBi Energy SUP 2 19m

Vehicle mount Nissan Cabstar 21m telescopic 1 21mNissan Cabstar 21m articulating 1 21m

Type Quantity Working HeightBattery ScissorsHaulotte Compact 8 - 2003/2004 10 8mHaulotte Compact 10 - 2003/2004 2 10mHaulotte Compact 12 - 2003/2004 6 12mSnorkel 2032 - 2003 1 8mSnorkel 1930 - 2003 1 8mJLG 3369 ES - 2001/2002 6 12mJLG 2646 ES - 2001 3 10mJLG 2032 ES - 2001 4 8mJLG 1930 ES - 2005 10 8mJLG 2030 ES - 2005 6 8mJLG 2630 ES - 2005 6 10mJLG 3246 ES - 2005 2 12mUpRight MX19 - 2006 10 8m

Diesel ScissorliftHaulotte Compact 12dx - 2005 2 12mHaulotte H15 SX - 2005 2 15m

Type Quantity Working HeightBattery BoomsHaulotte H15IP - 2005 1 15mDiesel BoomsHaulotte HA16PX - 2004/2005/2006 6 16mHaulotte HA18PX - 2004 1 18mHaulotte HA20PX - 2005/2006 2 20mHaulotte HA25PX - 2005 2 25mHaulotte HA26PX - 2005 2 26mJLG 1200 SPJ - 2002 1 38mJLG 1250 AJP - 2006 1 41mTelescopic ForkliftsManitou MT1470 - 2004/2005/2006/2007 1 17mVehicle Mounted LiftsNissan Cabstar CTE - 2004 1 20mNissan Cabstar Socage - 2005 1 22mNissan Cabstar Isoli - 2004/2005/2006/2007 8 20mHino Truck 18,000 miles Acklift - 1992 1 31.5m

Call: +353 (0)21 431 1332 • Fax: +353 (0)21 431 1523

Email: • Web:

New Machines

Used Machines

Serious enquiries only – No tyre kickers or bungee jumpers!


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G •




m a r k e t p l a c ec&a

March 2008 cranes & access 67

PKS-600 Super-compact Aerial Work PlatformThis super-compact work platformis ideal for working in tight spaces.Battery operated and driveable atfull height, the PKS-600 weighs just653kg and folds down to fit intoa small van!

• Up to 6m of working height

• Compact - only 0.78 x 1.47m

• Easy to transport -stows to just 1.13m

• Battery operated for 'clean-air'and quiet operation

Call the KermCo team today for allyour powered access needs -models range from 3m to 101m!

UK Distributor for Faraone aerial platformsTel 01825-724489Mobile 07790 295081Email







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m a r k e t p l a c e c&a

68 cranes & access March 2008

YOURYOUR Direct Route to Access…..• Sales of New and Used access platforms

• Training and Instruction anywhere in the UK

• Equipment Finance options include Spot Hire,

Contract Rental & Buy-back (subject to status)

• Worldwide Export with in-house shipping service

• Wir Sprechen Deutsch…Se Habla Español….

• Parliamo Italiano…..

• Experienced Access people

T: 01483 475390

F: 01483 486468

M: 07717-779541



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•m a r k e t p l a c ec&a

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m a r k e t p l a c e c&a

70 cranes & access March 2008

The new Leo 50 GTX


Winner of the SED Awards for

Excellence - The new Leo 50 GTX

with big basket capacity.

The Leo range of tracked access is now

available for Re-rent from Ranger Equipment

• Simple and fast set up

• Compact and easy to manoeuvre

• Working heights up to 50m

• 180 degree basket rotation

• Big outreach (50 GT)

• Big capacity (50 GTX)

• Easy to drive into a building

Manufactured by Teupen and distributed in the UK by RANGER EQUIPMENT 52 Shaw Street, Whittington Moor, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 9AY • • Tel 0870 225 5554


Compact dimensions allowevery Teupen model to passthrough standard doorways,whilst the tracked chassiscreates low ground bearing

pressure to eliminatedamage to floors.












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m a r k e t p l a c ec&a

March 2008 cranes & access 71


New book describing how hydraulic components, systems and seals work and how to keep them working.

byDon Seddon and Nick Peppiatt

25 Chapters 180 Pages

£25 from

44(0)1284 700321







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m a r k e t p l a c ec&a

March 2008 cranes & access 73

Access Platform SalesN E W • U S E D • T R A I N I N G • S E R V I C E

SNORKEL SR2770 (2001)Scissor lift.33' working height. Diesel.Repainted, serviced & tested.

NIFTYLIFT HEIGHT RIDER 12NBE (1998) Self propelled boom.40' working height. Narrow, bi-energy.Repainted, serviced & tested.

JLG 120HX (1998)Self propelled boom.126' working height. Diesel.4 wd. Serviced & tested.

SPIDER TST29 (1999)Special high reach platform94' working height. Battery/mainselectric. Repainted, serviced & tested.

SNORKEL S2545 (2001)Self propelled scissor lift.31' working height. Battery.Repainted, serviced and tested.

GENIE GS-2646 (2000)Self propelled scissor lift.32' working height. Battery.Serviced & tested.

Leewood Business Park, Upton, Huntingdon, PE28 5YQTel: +44 (0) 1480 891251 Fax: +44 (0) 1480 891162


TEREX TA30N (1999)Self propelled boom.36' working height. Battery.Repainted, serviced & tested.

HAULOTTE STAR 6 (2005)Personnel lift.20' working height. BatteryServiced & tested.

GENIE Z45-22 DRT (1990)Self propelled boom. 51' working height. Diesel.Repainted, serviced & tested.

NIFTYLIFT HEIGHT RIDER 15 NDE (2000) Self propelled boom.51' working height. Diesel/battery.Repainted, serviced & tested.

LIFTLUX SL105-10 (2002)Self propelled scissor lift.41' working height. Battery. Repainted, serviced & tested.

GENIE AWP20 (2005)Personnel lift.26' working height. Battery.Serviced & tested.

w w w . a c c e s s p l a t f o r m s . c o . u k

Library picture

Library picture

Library picture

Library picture

Library picture

Library picture

• 30 years experience in theAccess Industry

• Over 2,500 machines for sale• All machines CE marked

• Machines sold tested and certified• Lead-times a fraction of

the manufacturers• Packages/special offers available


Genie GS1932 7.6m 2004/5/6/7Genie GS2032 7.9m 2004/5/6/7Genie GS2632 9.9m 2004/5Genie GS2646 9.9m 2004/5/6Genie GS3246 11.7m 2004/5/6/7Liftlux 153-12 17.3m 2001/7

Nifty TD120 TN 12.2m 2007Scanlift SL185 18.5m 2000Scanlift SL190 19m 2001Omme 2200RBD 21.8m 2004/6/7Denka DL22n 22m 2001/2Scanlift SL240 24m 2000/1/4Falck Schmidt FS290 29m 2003/5Falck Schmidt FS290C 29m 2005Omme 3000RBD 29.7m 2006/7Falck Schmidt FS370 37m 2005Falck Schmidt FS420C 42m 2005


Skyjack SJ6832 11.5m 2007Genie GS3384 12m 2005/6/7Skyjack SJ7135 12.5m 2007Skyjack SJ9250 17.1m 2007Genie GS5390 18.5m 2005/6/7Liftlux 205-25 22.5m 1999

Diesel Scissors 11.5m - 22.5m

Genie Z25/8 9.4m 1999/2000Genie Z30/20n 11.1m 2005/6Genie Z34/22n 12.5m 2005/6UpRight AB38 13.5m 2004/5/7

Battery Booms 9.4m - 13.5m

Genie Z45/25 BI 16m 2002/3/4/5Genie Z45/25RT 16m 2004/5/6/7Genie S45 15.7m 2004/5/6/7Genie Z51/30 17.6m 2007Genie Z60/34 20.4m 2004/5/6/7

Diesel Booms 16m - 20.4m

Genie S65 21.8m 2001/4/5/6/7Genie Z80/60 26.4m 2004/5/6/7Genie S85 27.9m 2005/5/6/7Genie S125 40.1m 2003/4/5/6/7Genie Z135/70 43.1m 2006/7

Diesel Booms 21.8m - 43.1m

Specialised Access 12.2m - 42m

Manitou MT420 4m/2 ton 2002Manitou SLT415 4m/1.5 ton 2002Manitou MLT523 5m/2.3 ton 2004/5Manitou MT932 9m/3.2 ton 2005Manitou MT1030 10m/3 ton 2005Manitou MT1335 13m/3.5 ton 2005Manitou MT1740 17m/4 ton 2005Manitou MRT2150 21m/5 ton 2005

Telescopic Forklifts 4m - 21m

Large choice of:Simon S220/263/300 1987 - 1999Bronto S34/46/50 2002 - 2005

Vehicle Mounted 13m - 50m

Maeda MC104 CRG 5.5m/1 ton 2006Valla 20E 4.5m/2 ton 2003Maeda MC285 CRME 8.7m/2.82 ton 2006Maeda MC305 CRME 12.6m/2.93 ton 2006Valla 35E 6.5m/3.5 ton 2003Maeda MC405 CRM E 16.8m/3.83 ton 2007Maeda LC785 16.35m/4.9 ton 2007

Mini Cranes 2 - 3.5 tons


Quality Used Access

Coolquoy. The ward. CoDUBLIN. Ireland

Tel: +353 (0)1 835 2835Fax: +353 (0)1 835 2856


s Machinery For Sale

Genie S45 Telescopic boom

15.7m - 2004/5/6/7

Genie S65Telescopic boom

21.8m - 2001/4/5/6/7

Genie GS1932Battery scissors7.6m - 2004/5/6/7

Genie GS3246Battery scissors

11.7m - 2004/5/6/7

Manitou BT420Diesel teleporter

4m/2. tons 2002/4

Manitou MT1335Diesel teleporter

13m/3.5 tons 2005

Omme RBD2200Specialised spider21.8m - 2004/6/7

Omme RBD3000Specialised spider

29.7m - 2006/7

Genie Z51/30Articulated Boom17.6m - 2004/5/6/7

Genie Z60/34Articulated Boom20.4m - 2004/5/6/7

Skyjack SJ7135Diesel scissors12.5m - 2006/7

Genie GS5390Diesel scissors

18.5m - 2005/6/7

Manitou MT1740Diesel teleporter

17m/4 tons 2005

Manitou MT2150Diesel teleporter

21m/5tons 2004/5

GSR 12.5RA (Iveco)Truck mount12.5m - 2003

Nifty 130VT (NissanCabstar)

Truck mount13m -2003
