Scientific study of Miracle healing of Muslims



A phd scientist investigates Muslim miracles

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Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


Tomorrow may be too late… Lusts of life were pulling me through by the chains

and herald of faith whispered, move, move, short of the life is remained and the long journey is on the way, and what you know from the truth is not but a hallucination…. If you don’t get prepared now, when will you?

If you don’t cut these chains now, when will you? …..

Ghazali (greatest mystical thinker 1058-1111)

Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


Contents at a Glance

• Foreword 4

• Introduction 5

• Some Proof of the Divine Origin of the Koran 9

• Mathematical Miracles of the Koran 19

• Evaluation of Different Pathways Toward God 22

• Islamic Mysticism 28

• Master of Mysticism 36

• The Supernatural Acts of Mysticism 43

o Picture of Unknown Entities Around Disciple 52 o Obscure Words on Computer Screen 54 o Disappearance of Razor Blades 55

• Supernatural Healing 57

• Rules of Barakah 65

• How to Become a Mystic 77

o Repentance or Bay’a 80 o The Bay’a or Pledge of Tariqa Kasnazan 81 o Remembrance 82

• Metaphysical Interpretation of Bay’a and Remembrances 85

• Effect of Mysticism on Human Creativity 90


Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power



In this time of great need for global healing and understanding, the healthful and peaceful ways of Islam are needed more than ever.

Everyone has his or her own theory for how to live the ideal life. People also have their unique way of seeking and understanding truth. At the same time there are many people who think the world is a chaotic, empty, unhappy and hypocritical place and see themselves as its victims when things go wrong. This often leads to them blaming the world or others for their misery. Today there is great interest in exploring a better way of navigating life to manage depression, anxiety, guilt, and anger in order to find inner peace. There are even some people who attempt to preach and teach others the way toward inner peace that they themselves are looking to achieve. Many of us, myself included, have felt the futility of this way of thinking and living and have looked for better ways to perceive the world that can lead to personal transformation and inner peace. This book is written as a primer for those who are seeking to experience such a transformation and it is based upon a practical and ancient, but not widely understood system (at least to western culture) called Sufism. This path is a departure from many of the concepts and values of our modern society, which may make some of the ideas in the book appear radical.

. The reason for the effectiveness of this technique is that, it is

not dependent on oneself only, but uses metaphysical power of a spiritual teacher. A Sheikh (in a way similar to Hindu’s Guru), has reached a state of absolute inner peace and unity to guide the follower (called Murid). This provides the Murid with the required ability to master their own ego and overcome mood issues mentioned above while reaching a higher state of consciousness so powerful in its ability to heal and attain peace that it transcends words.

By following the path outlined in this book (which can be

considered a course in spiritual psychotherapy that is self-taught), and by applying the concept to both your personal and professional life, you can experience a spiritual flood which will cleanse your soul and put you in a position to gain control in your life and of your emotions. With this will come a new freedom and power while ridding yourself of false illusions. This path will lead to an experience of internal peace so rarely found in this world.

Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power



To the sincere seekers, I’m sure you have all had the experience of listening to people

talking about God, Religion and Metaphysics, who were brought up like that, or were clerics or those practicing their profession. But this time, you are listening to someone who has come to this way due to his thirst for finding the truth and reality, out of curiosity and by research and investigation.

I have a doctorate degree, but it is not in theology or philosophy, it is in Engineering, in which I am very successful and worked for most of my life. Please forgive me, I do not intend to boast, but would like to clarify that I have not come to this way because of being brought up this way, or not having other opportunities, but due to my pure curiosity for finding realities of the life.

I have always been a top scholar in my field. From the university entrance exam, in which I ranked the first among tens of thousands, to my Ph. D., where I graduated with a G.P.A. of 4.0, from the University of Miami in the U.S.A. I am not someone of low intelligence, or ignorant, being wondered or carried away by intellectual or scientific arguments.

Unlike some people who seek God when they are under times of great distress and have no other choices, I started from a secular life of modern luxury, and on the basis of logic and reasoning came up with divine realities. I had a self-made theory about the purpose of human life and my responsibilities in society. Today as I look into them, I see that ego, selfishness, and self-centered attitudes were always the basis for my theories, which distorted my conceptions, and resulted in an illusive and fake way of seeing realities. Unwarranted, I had a feeling of pleasing God and helping people, but today as I review my feelings, I see that under the label of God and humanity, I was serving my ego, inducing a feeling of being gracious and important.

The same as many of you, at the beginning I did not have any religious background. My approach toward God started about 30 years ago, when I was working on a research project on marine sedimentation. In this project, I was using a certain type of Electron Microscope, Called SEM, which had an amazingly high magnification of one to seventy thousand. It means that with this instrument, you could have an image of 20 feet, from a particle as small as the tip of a pin. Observing corals and some marine creatures with this microscope, I noticed that a particle, hundreds of times smaller than a pin tip had an ordered structure that could blow your mind. Every day for hours I was looking at the images and was mesmerized with the intelligence embedded in such simple creatures. This made me confident that none of the theories of random generation of life is applicable to this structure and that none of the theoreticians claiming the creation of

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life to be caused by some unwanted reaction of Amino acids have ever looked at a simple particle under microscope.

Working with the microscope, made me accustomed to getting precise in observations. For example, by seeing a mosquito, I thought how this little creature could move its wings tens of times per second; if it has a muscle moving the wing, how could it be so tiny? If it has some nerves commanding the muscle, how do they receive the command from the brain? Since I was well aware of air vehicles and flight control in avionics, I was really amazed by the way that little creature controlled its leveling and flight direction and adjusted the landing parameters.

This type of observation brought me to the conclusion that all of those astonishing technological complexities in nature could not be originated but from a knowledgeable and intelligent source, God.

One day there seemed to be a small voice inside me which said, “if you are spending several days reading a book to understand a scientific fact, or many hours per week to watch junk TV programs, or spending hours to know a famous person, isn’t it worthwhile to spend some time to know this intelligent and magnificent creator, that your life and existence in all aspects is somehow connected to Him?”

Responding to that voice, as a curious fact finder with a scientific view,

without of any prejudice or superstitions, I started to look for signs of the magnificent creator and as a first step looked for the people who were claiming to be close to, or know him. Searching for this, I went through village roads, mountain tracks and deserted places. After a tiring investigation spending time with these individuals and practicing their lessons, I came to the understanding that these people were not what I was searching for. Although some of the things I learned from these so-called teachers were new to me, my own investigation led me to certain conclusions about life.

Earth, Universe, human beings and all the elements of existence are

created by a divine and all-pervading entity named God. God has always existed and created human beings for noble and specific purposes. Given humans’ physical and mental capabilities, He appointed them to be His agent on earth or vicegerent for which he is well pleased. In terms of human needs for intellectual guidance, since the creator has special interest in his special creature’s spiritual growth, God has appointed some noble guides, known as prophets to lead them. Because of intellectual development and ability to communicate, over time humans’ need for guidance has reduced. Therefore, after appointing some, there has been no need for new messengers.

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Every prophet over time nurtured the spiritual development of humans through divine guidance from the Creator. Some prophecies resulted in written scriptures as evidence for their divine claims, while other prophets performed extraordinary actions, called miracles. All of the major religions had a scripture, but with the passage of time, the scriptures changed from God’s original word by both unintentional copy errors and deliberate modifications. The interested reader is encouraged to study the history of the Old and New Testaments along with the Koran and historical literature. In such research scholars have failed to find evidence of the Koran being altered since its initial revelation, suggesting tangible evidence for it being inspired by the Creator.

As a human being, you are placed in a high position in God’s universe

and are created with a will so that you may choose to follow God’s divine guidance. In every moment of your life, your creator is anxiously following and guiding your life, and wants you to get closer to Him. Also, if you ask, he will forgive all your errors and as a divine favor to humans, He has shown you one of the shortest paths to get close to Him with the least amount of effort. Proximity to God will release you from the prison of distorted and illusory perceptions and allow you to breathe in freedom and experience the miracle of love.

This will cause the exhausting and difficult problems of stress, depression, guilt, anxiety and fear in this world, to dissolve from your life. You will get connected to the spiritual world of the unseen and supernatural. You will become near and in harmony with God such that God’s wishes and your wishes become manifested. Thus, you become like the prophets and messengers of God from the past where you will be a source of divine miracles and supernatural events.

If one turns away from such a spiritual path, life can become a torturous prison of illusions and pain. Similar to an incubator with hundreds of chickens, one will grow up in this vicious poultry farm of life, where after eating and growing they will face the gloom of certain extinction as food for mass consumption. If one is blessed to have a long life, physical weakness prevails, and seeing the wrinkles on your face and the white hair on your head, you will start to feel the unpleasant taste of declining age. Eventually you no longer enjoy the old pleasures that used to occupy your thoughts and activities when you were younger, such as eating and sex. Perhaps when you were younger you believed that following a spiritual path would not make you the attractive and interesting person you wanted to be. Looking back over time, you start to fear that you have turned into an unpleasant and boring old person with no spiritual direction.

Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


Like the hundreds of chickens on the poultry farm of life, behind the outside walls are vicious predators and on the inside is the slaughtering knife with death being the only certainty for this kind of life.

On the other hand when we follow the path of truth, our small and

humble room in life will be turned into a palace of light and joy and after leaving this life, we will move into the glorious and magnificent eternal life, reaching our merciful Creator and being embraced with pure love.

Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


Some Proof of the Divine Origin of the Koran The Koran is the holy book of the last Divine Religion, “Islam”. Islam

means "submission” (to the will of God), and this faith regards the Koran as the divinely revealed word of God. In this book, I provide evidence to support this argument, and the validity and authenticity of such data should be evaluated.

The Koran is one of the least-read (and, perhaps, most

misunderstood) religious scriptures in the Western world. In this chapter I will provide evidence that is consistent with the argument that the Koran is the word of God and could not easily have been composed by humans In other words, the evidence is consistent with the Koran being a direct communication from the Creator and therefore listening to it is listening attentively to God. The Koran is universally regarded as one of the most beautiful, inspiring, and important pieces of Arabic literature, but the evidence presented here is not about the beauty of the wording, nor is it about the scientific and natural arguments. For example, movement of mountains as explained in chapter 27-verse 88, which relates to one of the new theories in earth crust movement, or creation of the universe from a unit object of continuous form, as explained in chapter 21-verse 30, which is the basis of a new theory in Cosmic Physics, named BIG BANG, or creation of the universe from a mass of smoke type, as explained in chapter 51-verse 47, which is of the new scientific founding in the creation of the universe, or numerous other complex scientific arguments. The evidence presented here is about the Mathematical Miracle of the Koran, which is so simple that if one is capable of counting and adding numbers, one can easily understand.

Studying the Koran, I found that it was a different type of book from the other holy texts, with one fifth of the world's population embracing it. Unlike the Torah, it does not describe the history of the Jewish people and in contrast with the Gospels, the Koran is not focused on the personal life of the Prophet. Instead, it offers a message of guidance to the individual believer, as well as all of humanity, for the challenges in life.

When I came across the mathematical relations in the Koran, I was truly amazed. With investigation, I did not find comparable relations in other holy books. The so-called Bible code, also known as the Torah code, does not present the same mathematical relations as is seen in the Koran.

The Bible code is based on the claim that a series of messages exist within the Bible text, which demonstrate foreknowledge and prophecy. It was first popularized by a book published in 1997, titled “The Bible Code” and a sequel, “The Bible Code II”, published in 2002. Both reached best-seller status. Scientists (from the Jerusalem Hebrew University, the Australian National University, among others), have proven that the Bible

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code does not rest on solid scientific ground and some seemingly meaningful bunches of words which were the basis of all the claims could come out of any large block of text.

The present day Bibles were not written by Jesus nor were they

even written by the apostles, but were written by other people who referred to the apostles. Equally problematic as pointed out by noted religious studies scholar, Bart Ehrman in his book: “Misquoting Jesus: The story behind who changed the Bible and why: (Harper San Francisco, 2005):

“I kept reverting to my basic question: how does it

help us to say that the Bible is the inerrant word of God if in fact we don’t have the words that God inerrantly inspired but only the words copied by scribes-sometimes correctly, : but sometimes (many times) incorrectly? What good is it to say that the autographs (i.e. the originals) were inspired? We don’t have the originals. We have only error ridden copies, and the vast majority of these are centuries removed from the originals and different from them, evidently thousands of ways.” The ability of the Koran to have remained intact over time has been

attributed to divine intervention by God. See the Koran chapter 15-verse 9, which states:” We have, without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)”.. Along similar lines the Prophet Muhammad (P) is considered to be the last prophet with the Koran being the final revelation as noted in chapter 33-verse 40. In the Koran it is also claimed that during this time nobody would ever be capable of producing a book similar to the Koran. Chapter 17-verse 88, states: “If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Koran, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support”.

It should be mentioned that when text of the Koran was dictated by Prophet Muhammad (P), it was done without any previous notice or preparation and seemed as if he had memorized it, or he read it from his heart. The text was written by some followers on pieces of wood or camel bone. After Prophet Muhammad (P), the third caliph Othman made five copies of the original Koran, and sent it to important capitals of Islamic empire. A Koran now in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul is said to be one of these original copies.

The Koran has 114 chapters, some of them are long and some only consist of a few sentences. In chapter 2, verse 23-24, it states: “Should you have any doubt about what we have revealed to Our servant, present one chapter comparable to it and call all your supporters, besides God, if your

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claim is true. If you do not produce such a chapter, and you never will, then guard yourselves against the fire whose fuel will be people and stones, and is prepared for those who hide the Truth.”

In this statement, the Koran challenges to all humans during that time, or in any era, to bring even a small chapter similar to it, and explicitly states that this cannot be accomplished. If you refer to history, you will notice that there have been numerous efforts by the rich pagan, who were threatened by Islam, to invite selective scholars to challenge this article, but none succeeded. Some of the chapters made by these people exist now, and sound truly humble in comparison to the Koranic statements. In addition to the above, there are other statements in the Koran in which an enduring challenge to the opponents is proposed. Here is an excerpt: “Do they not consider the Qur'an? Had it been from any other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.” (4:82)

It should be noted that the Koran was revealed over time, memorized, and written down, without any discrepancies in the 600 pages of its text. Even exceptional writers can never make such a claim. For example, Russian novelist, Leo Tolstoy, had to rewrite the book “War and Peace”, twenty times, until it came to its final version.

Of course, unfair criticisms have been made of the Koran taking

phases out of context and based upon some narrow point of view. In my opinion, the best way to understand the Koran is to read it in its entirety.

Translators of the Koran or people writing commentaries to that believe that any attempt to translate or write even an entry-level commentary to the Koran is a humbling experience. This is because wording of the Koran is regarded as the sacred, living word of God and therefore, it ceases to be the Koran the moment it is translated. This book is a revelation whose every word is regarded as divine in nature and has a mysterious effect on the reader (even for the translations). A man who used to hate Muslims, by reading the translation of the Koran confesses: “I read his introduction, the first three pages, and I began to cry like a baby. I cried and cried and I couldn't help myself. I knew that this was what I was looking for and I wanted to beat myself to death for not finding it earlier. I just knew in my heart how magical it was. This was not the Islam I knew. This was not the Arab thing I was taught to think was dirty. This was my life wrapped up in a few pages. Every page told my life. I was reading my soul and it felt good, but regretful.”

<> “Jamse Farrell, Ex Catholic. “

There are numerous people who have accepted Islam, just by reading the Koran. Famous Pop Star Cat Stevens is one of these people whose quotes

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on explains his attitudes: Interview of Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) with <>

All I have to say is all what you know already, to confirm what you

already know, the message of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as given by God - the Religion of Truth. As human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation. Man is created to be God's deputy on earth, and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next life. Anybody who misses this chance is not likely to be given another, to be brought back again and again, because it says in Koran Majeed that when man is brought to account, he will say, "O Lord, send us back and give us another chance." The Lord will say, "If I send you back you will do the same."

My Early Religious Upbringing

I was brought up in the modern world of all the luxury and the high

life of show business. I was born in a Christian home, but we know that every child is born in his original nature - it is only his parents that turn him to this or that religion. I was given this religion (Christianity) and thought this way. I was taught that God exists, but there was no direct contact with God, so we had to make contact with Him through Jesus - he was in fact the door to God. This was more or less accepted by me, but I did not swallow it all.

I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life. And when they said that God is three, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I more or less believed it, because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents.

Pop Star

Gradually I became alienated from this religious upbringing. I started

making music. I wanted to be a big star. All those things I saw in the films and on the media took hold of me, and perhaps I thought this was my God, the goal of making money. I had an uncle who had a beautiful car. "Well," I said, "he has it made. He has a lot of money." The people around me influenced me to think that this was it; this world was their God.

I decided then that this was the life for me; to make a lot of money, have a 'great life.' Now my examples were the pop stars. I started making songs, but deep down I had a feeling for humanity, a feeling that if I became rich I would help the needy. (It says in the Koran, we make a promise, but when we make something, we want to hold onto it and become greedy.)

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So what happened was that I became very famous. I was still a teenager, my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life, so I wanted to live larger than life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated (with liquor and drugs).

In Hospital

After a year of financial success and 'high' living, I became very ill,

contracted TB and had to be hospitalized. It was then that I started to think: What was to happen to me? Was I just a body, and my goal in life was merely to satisfy this body? I realized now that this calamity was a blessing given to me by Allah, a chance to open my eyes - "Why am I here? Why am I in bed?" - and I started looking for some of the answers. At that time there was great interest in the Eastern mysticism. I began reading, and the first thing I began to become aware of was death, and that the soul moves on; it does not stop. I felt I was taking the road to bliss and high accomplishment. I started meditating and even became a vegetarian. I now believed in 'peace and flower power,' and this was the general trend. But what I did believe in particular was that I was not just a body. This awareness came to me at the hospital.

One day when I was walking and I was caught in the rain, I began running to the shelter and then I realized, 'Wait a minute, my body is getting wet, my body is telling me I am getting wet.' This made me think of a saying that the body is like a donkey, and it has to be trained where it has to go. Otherwise, the donkey will lead you where it wants to go.

Then I realized I had a will, a God-given gift: follow the will of God. I was fascinated by the new terminology I was learning in the Eastern religion. By now I was fed up with Christianity. I started making music again and this time I started reflecting my own thoughts. I remember the lyric of one of my songs. It goes like this: "I wish I knew, I wish I knew what makes the Heaven, what makes the Hell. Do I get to know You in my bed or some dusty cell while others reach the big hotel?" and I knew I was on the Path.

I also wrote another song, "The Way to Find God Out." I became even more famous in the world of music. I really had a difficult time because I was getting rich and famous, and at the same time, I was sincerely searching for the Truth. Then I came to a stage where I decided that Buddhism is all right and noble, but I was not ready to leave the world. I was too attached to the world and was not prepared to become a monk and to isolate myself from society.

I tried Zen and Ching, numerology, tarot cards and astrology. I tried to look back into the Bible and could not find anything. At this time I did not know anything about Islam, and then, what I regarded as a miracle occurred. My brother had visited the mosque in Jerusalem and was greatly impressed that while on the one hand it throbbed with life (unlike the churches and synagogues which were empty), on the other hand, an atmosphere of peace and tranquility prevailed.

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The Koran

When he came to London he brought back a translation of the Koran, which he gave to me. He did not become a Muslim, but he felt something in this religion, and thought I might find something in it also.

And when I received the book, a guidance that would explain everything to me - who I was; what was the purpose of life; what was the reality and what would be the reality; and where I came from - I realized that this was the true religion; religion not in the sense the West understands it, not the type for only your old age. In the West, whoever wishes to embrace a religion and make it his only way of life is deemed a fanatic. I was not a fanatic; I was at first confused between the body and the soul. Then I realized that the body and soul are not apart and you don't have to go to the mountain to be religious. We must follow the will of God. Then we can rise higher than the angels. The first thing I wanted to do now was to be a Muslim.

I realized that everything belongs to God, that slumber does not overtake Him. He created everything. At this point I began to lose the pride in me, because hereto I had thought the reason I was here was because of my own greatness. But I realized that I did not create myself, and the whole purpose of my being here was to submit to the teaching that has been perfected by the religion we know as Al-Islam. At this point I started discovering my faith. I felt I was a Muslim. On reading the Koran, I now realized that all the Prophets sent by God brought the same message. Why then were the Jews and Christians different? I know now how the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and that they had changed His Word. Even the Christians misunderstand God's Word and called Jesus the son of God. Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Koran; it asks you to reflect and reason, and not to worship the sun or moon but the One Who has created everything. The Koran asks man to reflect upon the sun and moon and God's creation in general. Do you realize how different the sun is from the moon? They are at varying distances from the earth, yet appear the same size to us; at times one seems to overlap the other.

Even when many of the astronauts go to space, they see the insignificant size of the earth and vastness of space. They become very religious, because they have seen the Signs of Allah.

When I read the Koran further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt that the only answer for me was the Koran, and God had sent it to me, and I kept it a secret. But the Koran also speaks on different levels. I began to understand it on another level, where the Koran says,

"Those who believe do not take disbelievers for friends and the believers are brothers."

Thus at this point I wished to meet my Muslim brothers.

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Conversion Then I decided to journey to Jerusalem (as my brother had done). At

Jerusalem, I went to the mosque and sat down. A man asked me what I wanted. I told him I was a Muslim. He asked what was my name. I told him, "Stevens." He was confused. I then joined the prayer, though not so successfully. Back in London, I met a sister called Nafisa. I told her I wanted to embrace Islam and she directed me to the New Regent Mosque. This was in 1977, about one and a half years after I received the Koran. Now I realized that I must get rid of my pride, get rid of Iblis, and face one direction. So on a Friday, after Jummah' I went to the Imam and declared my faith (the Kalimah) at this hands. You have before you someone who had achieved fame and fortune. But guidance was something that eluded me, no matter how hard I tried, until I was shown the Koran. Now I realize I can get in direct contact with God, unlike Christianity or any other religion. As one Hindu lady told me, "You don't understand the Hindus. We believe in one God; we use these objects (idols) to merely concentrate." What she was saying was that in order to reach God, one has to create associates, that are idols for the purpose. But Islam removes all these barriers. The only thing that moves the believers from the disbelievers is the salat. This is the process of purification.

Finally I wish to say that everything I do is for the pleasure of Allah and pray that you gain some inspirations from my experiences. Furthermore, I would like to stress that I did not come into contact with any Muslim before I embraced Islam. I read the Koran first and realized that no person is perfect. Islam is perfect, and if we imitate the conduct of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) we will be successful. May Allah give us guidance to follow the path of the ummah of Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). Ameen!

Reading the Koran, Cat Stevens realized that all the Prophets of

God brought the same message and Christians misunderstand God's Word by calling Jesus the son of God. Looking from Islam’s point of view, you get to like Jesus more, knowing that he was a human who suffered because of Man not a God or son of a God who knew that he was going to die, and arrange the whole thing as a spectacle.

In the Koran, Jesus is acknowledged as one of God's Prophets; far from being denigrated, as some Christians suppose, he is accorded a special place of honor in Islam. John the Baptist, too, is acknowledged as a Prophet of God. Muslims believe in this verse of the Koran which states: "We believe in God and what He has revealed to us and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, and their descendants, and what was revealed to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among them and to God we have submitted ourselves." (2:136)

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Before getting back into mathematical miracles of the Koran, it may be interesting for you to know that in the Koran:

• The word “day” (Arabic word, yewm) is used 365 times which is

equal to the number of days/year. • The word “month” is mentioned twelve times, which is equal to the

number of months/year. • The term “seven heavens” is used seven times (In the Koran, it is

told that the heavens are created in seven layers). • World and Hereafter: The Koran speaks of two lives; the one in this

“world” (Arabic word, Dunya), which is finite, and the other in the “hereafter” (Arabic word, A'akherat) which is infinite. The relation between these words in the Koran is very clear. These two words which are used sometimes together in a verse and sometimes separately, are mentioned in equal numbers, each 115 times.

• The word “Satan” (Arabic word, Iblis), is mentioned eleven times and the number of times that words with a meaning of resorting to God from Satan is used (Arabic words, Aooz and Estaez) 11 times.

I read an article claiming that the September11 attack in the United States was a satanic act based on the following:

The tragedy was on September 11 New York is the 11th state New York City has 11 letters The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers

was flight number 11 The second plane was flight number 77, which is

11 x 7 September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar

year, 2 + 5 + 4 = 11 • The word “angels” (Arabic word, Malaika) is used eighty-eight times

(interesting!, it is 11 x 8) and the word “devil” (Arabic word, Shaytan) is used 88 times. It should be mentioned that in the Koran, the word Shaytan is used for those who obey Satan’s command, but the word Satan is used for the Prince of Darkness.

• The word “Prayer” (Arabic word, Salavat) is used five times, which clearly correlates with the command for daily worship 5 times.

• Adam and Jesus: the Koran denies Jesus is God or the son of God. It considers him to be a great prophet, but human in nature. It also emphasizes that he is born from a virtuous mother without any father and considers his creation similar to Adam. The 59th verse of the third chapter of the Koran, states: “The example of Jesus, as far as GOD is concerned, is the same as that of Adam”. To emphasize the similarity between Adam and Jesus, the number of times the

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names of these two prophets are cited in the Koran is equal, 25 times each.

Doesn’t it seem amazing that all of these numbers are sorted in a

fourteen hundred year old book? A 600 page book which was written on pieces of leather and cloth and was collected several years after its completion.

As historians say, this book was recorded as it was revealed, in fragments which were separated in both time and place, and positioned like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle into the final scripture. Since the order of revelation is different from the order of final position, two consecutive verses of this book may be separated by as much as two years and a distance of 300 miles, according to their chronological revelation. It also should be noted that most of the people dealing with this scripture at the time of revelation, and the prophet of Islam, who dictated this book to the writers, were illiterate and did not have any knowledge of reading and writing. Verse 48 of chapter 20 states: “You have not read a book before and have not written any words with your hand, because if so, those who look to invalidate your prophecy would have real doubts”. This verse emphasizes that the prophet was illiterate.

If the Koran is a book revealed by God, and if the argument of creation of Humans by the will of God is true, then what are the arguments raised by some scientists who consider life as some form of undetermined and random reaction of amino acids? In my opinion, people who make practical application of science and technology to build spacecraft, or compose a polymeric compound in the chemical industry, would not judge so superficially about such complex creation is originating from random reactions.

An aeronautical engineer, speaking about an F16 fighter, speaks with special respect, because he or she is aware of the complexities involved in this plane, but a philosopher who has just heard the name of this plane, speaks without such insight.

Some years ago, I saw a TV program on which a Japanese Professor was trying to build a Micro Robot, which is a tiny robot used in medicine. This professor looked into natural models for his work and found the human body to be inadequate, due to its astonishing complexity. After some investigation, he found the roach to be the best model because it had the simplest brain. Using micro surgery, he connected some micro wires to the nerves of a roach and by sending numerical signals through a computer, moved the legs. Using this model, he built a robot which could duplicate some of the simple movements of a roach. When this scientist was explaining the complexities involved in the creation of a simple roach, he was so humble and respectful that I thought no cleric, who has worshiped

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God for years, has such a sense of God’s greatness as this robotic professor has.

To understand the complexity of a simple mosquito, you should be an aeronautical engineer to appreciates the way that an air vehicle, with a weight of several hundredths of a gram, has such an amazing maneuvering capability using different sensors for adjusting angular balance and landing parameters. Alternately, you should be a chemical engineer, familiar with the polymeric product of Kevlar as produced in gigantic and complex plants, to appreciate the complexity of the spider, which can produce a web made of a material stronger than Kevlar. Talking of spiders, it should be noted that some chapters of the Koran are named after creatures which later were found to be sophisticated. Spider, honey bee, and ant are some of these creatures. Considering the fact that these complexities are new scientific findings, this nomination is another proof of the Koran’s divinity.

I think I elaborated enough on the technical matters. My reason for doing this was to reach the conclusion that, “The people who believe that mixing some chemical compounds in the laboratory could generate intelligence, have no sense of such item.”

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Mathematical Miracles of the Koran In 1976, Dr. Rashad Khalifa, a university professor in the united

states, through computer decoding, discovered that the Koran is mathematically coded throughout and is the only book known to be- guarded by an invisible complex network of numbers.

In other words, an extremely intricate 19-based numerical structure has been woven into the the text of the Koran, such that any modification to the original form of the book could blemish the numerical structure. The Canadian Council on the Study of Religion, reported in its QUARTERLY REVIEW of April 1983 that the code Khalifa discovered is "an authenticating proof of the divine origin of the Koran."

Why is nineteen such an important number in the Koran? Verses of 30-31 of chapter 74 of the Koran, states: "Over it there are 19; we have placed none but angels as guardians of the Fire. We have placed such a number (19) merely as a test for those who disbelieve, to convince the ones who have been given the Book, while those who believe may be increased in [their] faith; and so the ones who have been given the Book as well as believers may not doubt, ...” These verses explicitly state that there are some features related to number 19 in the Koran. Here is a small sample of the so-called numerical network of the Koran, based on multiplications of 19:

1. There are 114 chapters in the Koran, which is 19 x 6. 2. The total number of verses in the Koran is 6346, which is 19

x 334. 3. The first statement of the Koran, which is equivalent to: "In

the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful" consists of 19 Arabic letters.

4. Every word in the Arabic equivalent of the above statement occurs throughout the Koran a number of times which is a multiple of 19.

5. The very first revelation that was given to the prophet of Islam, came as 19 words.

6. The total number of letters making up the 19 words of the first revelation is 76, which is 19 x 4.

7. The first revelation is at the beginning of Chapter 96, which heads the last 19 chapters.

8. Chapter 96, consists of 304 Arabic letters, which is 19 x 16. 9. The last chapter revealed (Chapter 110) has 19 words, and

its first verse is 19 letters. 10. God's name in Arabic, `Allah,' occurs in the Koran 2698

times, which is 19 x 142. 11. The word `Koran' occurs in 38 different chapters, or 19 x 2.

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12. The total number of times `the Koran' is mentioned is 57, which is 19 x 3.

In recent years, another important and astonishing mathematical

relationship between the number of verses in each chapter and the chapter number has been revealed. Anyone can confirm it with a small calculator. If you add up the number of each chapter with the number of its verses in the following manner, you come up with four 4-digit numbers (four numbers at the bottom of each column), which are two by two equal to each other. This relation will no longer be valid if we change the number of verses of the Koran, or if we change the order of chapters. This is another proof that the Koran is authentic and of the divine origin.

Chapter number Number of

verses Sum (odd) Sum (even)

1 + 7 = 8

2 + 286 = 288

3 + 200 = 203

4 + 176 = 180

5 + 120 = 125

… … … …

… … … …

113 + 5 = 118

114 + 6 = 120

Sum of chapters: Sum of

verses: Sum of odds:

Sum of evens:

6555 6236 6555 6236

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The figures in the above table are remarkable and from a probability point of view, can be considered a mathematical miracle:

1. The number of evens is 57 and the number of odds is also 57.

2. Adding the sum of the evens is equal to the sum of the verses, 6236.

3. Adding the sum of the odds is equal to the sum of the chapters, 6555.

4. If the sum of 6555 is added to the sum of 6236, number 38 results, which itself is a multiple of 19.

The information stated here is just a small sample of mathematical

miracles in the Koran. More detailed studies, introducing more than 200 different mathematical relationships, can be found on sites such as: <>. Other miracles are shown on the site: <>.

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Evaluation of Different Pathways Toward God The only way for people to obtain a peaceful and steady life is to

reach a state of certainty about their belief. Even the divine prophets of God needed assurance of their belief. It is stated in the Koran:

When Abraham said: "Show me, Lord, how You will raise the dead, " He replied: "Have you no faith?" He said "Yes, but just to reassure my heart." Allah (God) said, "Take four birds, draw them to you, and cut their bodies to pieces. Scatter them over the mountain-tops, then call them back. They will come swiftly to you. Know that Allah (God) is Mighty, Wise." (2:260)

Most people are confused about what is real. Even though they sense there is something more than what they think, they attempt to settle for a reality based on feedback from their physical senses.

What about you? Do you really believe in what you think is real? Have you ever tested your belief and faith? Let me share the following short story with you:

A climber was willing to ascend the highest mountains. After years of preparation and practice, on a cold winter day, he started the trip to his dreamed of peak.

He started his trip at the time of sun set and due to his eagerness, instead of setting up the tent and staying overnight, continued his ascent. He kept moving until absolute darkness prevailed, even the moon was hidden behind the clouds and no stars were observable….

He kept on his track, getting close to the peak. Suddenly his feet slipped and he started to move down a steep slope….

During his fall, all the good and bad memories of his life flashed back in his mind…... when he was thinking of how close he was to his death, he felt the pressure of a rope around his belly and instantly started to swing like a pendulum in the air….

He was lucky; his rope had wrapped around his body and had saved him from the fall. After a long silence, nothing came to his mind but divine belief, which he relied on for most of his life…..

He whispered: “My Lord, I need you……” After a short time, a determined sound from the sky replied: “what do

you want from me?”, “Save my life”, he replied. Do you really think that I can save you? Yes! You can. You are the only one who can save me. If you want to be released, take your knife and cut the rope to which

you are holding. A deadly silence prevailed, no movement occurred but a stronger grip

on the rope……

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The next day a group of climbers arrived and were astonished to observe a frozen man, clinging to a rope with his feet some inches from the ground.

With what you have in mind, let’s review our lives and see if what we

believe in as the truth is the real thing. Most people, based on their experiences of life, have come to a

unique way of living and think of it as the right way. Not only ordinary people, but even criminals and mass murderers have an illusion of following what they think is right. Most suicidal bombings are carried out by people who think that by pushing the detonation key, they will meet mercy angels, welcoming them to the promised Garden of Heaven.

It is said in the Koran: “If you obey most of those on earth, they will lead you astray from God's way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie. (6:116)”.

According to this verse, most people’s image of the truth is nothing but their false conjectures of life, distorted by Egos and false illusions. That is why most people have no certainty and leave themselves to the string of life and get pushed away by small currents.

If we believe that 1400 years ago (when sinful acts were much less than today) most of the people, 70 percent, were off the right path, what percentage should we expect to be on the right path for the present time?

Based on God’s standards as explained in the Koran, people are

divided into three groups. Chapter 56 of the Koran is titled “AL-WAQIA” (The Event, The Inevitable) and explains the incidents of the Day of Judgment, It labels one of these groups as “the Companion of the Right Hand”, who are good people. Another group, named “the Companion of the Left Hand”, are the wicked, and the third group named the Foremost (in faith), are the most noble people who according to the Koran, are the only people near to God.

In another verse, again, these three groups are explained. It states: “There are among them some who wrong their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who are, by Allah's permission, foremost in good deeds; that is the highest Grace.” (35:32)

According to these verses, from the three groups, the Foremost get near to God and receive the highest Grace, by His permission.

In order to understand these three categories, consider God to be a great king with servants, from which some are good people who do not violate the rules and obey the King’s orders. Another group disobeys the orders. The third group, which is part of the monarch family, has permission to get near to the King. The third group has blood ties and a personal

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relationship with the King and obeys His command, not for the greed or wealth (Earthly comfort) or dread of punishment (Hellish torment).

How to become a Foremost and get into the realm of God is the subject of this book. This is something which brings you to a personal relationship with God. This is the most exciting, thrilling, and life changing event that can help one overcome life's problems. Although in the beginning this relationship seems insecure, after some time a feeling of comfort and admiration comes, by which you become content and all your desires are fulfilled.

But how can we become a Foremost and get into a love relationship with God? Many people think that reading holy books and attending religious ceremonies will bring them to such a relationship. This might be necessary, but is not enough. Talking and thinking deals with the mind, but loving deals with the heart. For example, if you go to a man and tell him lots of fascinating things about a woman and then ask him to fall in love with her, he will doubt your intelligence. Real love deals with connection in the heart, something which is indescribable. Most people never forget the feeling. It cannot come by explanation and reasoning. It does not recognize any limits and standards. It happens because it is bound to happen.

There is a sacred hadith (saying of God), revealed by Prophet Muhammad (P), in which God shows the pathway toward Him. It says “one who asks for me, finds me; One who finds me, becomes Mystic to me ('arif of Allah’, refers to someone who knows God by the heart); One who becomes Mystic to me, falls in love with me; One who falls in love with me, I fall in love with “. According to this saying, the people who want to fall in love with God must become a Mystic. Now let’s see who a Mystic is. In Persian literature, mysticism means “knowing God.” Thus a Mystic is one who knows God, but knowing God is not an absolute matter. For example, imagine someone in a desert who sees a black spot from a far distance. At the beginning, he only knows that there is something there. When he gets closer, he sees that the thing has a long body. If he goes forward, he sees that the body has different branches and is a tree. Advancing more, he sees that there are leaves on the branches and by even closer he notices that there are things hanging from the tree and realizes that the tree bears fruit, etc.

The same degrees of Mysticism will appear for one who takes the course of knowing God. Therefore, when someone is called a Mystic, it does not mean that he has reached a perfect stage of knowing which others are absolutely deprived of. Being a Mystic is not absolute and has different degrees.

Since the beginning of history, a love relationship with God has been

the foundation of all divine religions. But along the way, some profiteers came up with self-made bureaucratic regulations and lead people astray.

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When people could not find their answers in traditional religions, they started to utilize their own experimental techniques, and therefore different schools of Mysticism were formed in which no unity exists.

The requirement for having a spiritual teacher named Master was the only common element between all the Mystic schools. There are different names for the Master in different schools. Guru is the name for Asian Indian Hindu schools; Sorcerer for American Indian schools, Lama for Tibetan Buddhist schools, Sheikh for Islamic Schools, etc. The reason for having a true master is that in all the authentic Mystic schools, the master is someone who has a spiritual power, through which the master can spiritually help develop students. Therefore, just gathering a band of disciples and reading a book for them does not result in successful Mystical training (exactly like trying to fall in love by reading a book). In later chapters, the nature of a true master’s supernatural power and methods of transformation of the disciple will be described.

As we explained, being a Mystic is not absolute and has different

degrees. The practical way of reaching Mysticism in Islamic creed is called Sufism, but to be exact, there are some minor differences between a Mystic and a Sufi. If we want to roughly describe the difference between a Philosopher, a Sufi and a Mystic, we would say that a Philosopher has a full mind and an empty heart, a Sufi has an empty mind and a full heart and a Mystic has a full mind and a full heart. Therefore becoming a Sufi is a prerequisite for becoming a Mystic. But in different texts, they use them with similar meaning.

Islamic Mysticism has profound foundations, based on the direct instructions from God as documented in the Koran, the only existing book of God. Numerous Mystics have come out of this school, who have been the source of inspiration in the world and especially in western culture.

The Great Persian Mystic, Hafiz(1320) has been a source of

fascination to Wolfgang Goethe (1832), the most important writer in the German language and one of the most important thinkers in western culture. When Goethe became acquainted with Hafiz he wrote:

“Suddenly I came face to face with the celestial perfume of the East and invigorating breeze of Eternity that was being blown from the plains and the wastelands of Persia, and I came to know an extraordinary man whose personality completely fascinated me.”

In the late summer of the same year he wrote:

“I am getting mad. If I do not immediately start composing poetry, I will not be able to bear the amazing

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influence of this extraordinary personality who has suddenly entered into my life.”

Goethe calls Hafiz "Saint Hafiz" and "celestial Friend". In one place he

compares Hafiz to a ship and himself to a humble and broken raft and exclaims: “0, Hafiz, how can anyone boast to be thy equal...” and he considers the verses of Hafiz as, “a miracle of human taste and refinement and a regenerating source of perfection and beauty as well as philosophy and Mysticism...”

The Great Persian Mystic, Rumi (1273), also called Mevlana, is

another source of fascination to the West, who has been the best-selling poet in the United States for the last thirteen years. Through introduction of Islamic Mysticism to the world, Rumi has become so popular that UNESCO designated 2007 the "Year of Rumi", to mark the 800th anniversary of his birth., Madonna set translations of his verses praising Allah (God) on Deepak Chopra's 1998 CD; Donna Karan used recitations of his poetry as a background for her fashion shows and Oliver Stone wants to make a film of his life.

Most of the beauty of Hafiz and Rumi’s work comes from the

innumerable references to the Koran throughout their poetry either by direct quotation or by allusion. Love and admiration for the Koran and the Prophet of Islam are evident throughout both Hafiz and Rumi’s works.

The nick-name of “Hafiz” was given to him because he knew the Koran by heart and could read it with fourteen different traditions. He explains:

“To thy complaint, love reacheth, if like Hafiz Thou recite the Koran with the fourteen traditions.” The same as Hafiz, Rumi in his book “Mathnavi”, employed so much

imagination, vocabulary and poetic idiom from the Koran, that some people call this book “the Persian Koran.”

As indicated here, a great interest towards Islamic Mysticism is shown

in western culture, just by spreading some of its fragrance. Most of the popularity of Rumi in the west is due to the translations of

his books by Coleman Barks, a native born American, who does not know Persian and has based his translations on other English translations of Rumi. Therefore, some of the divine and hidden secrets of Islamic Mysticism, have not been shown in his translations.

Goethe, who became so fascinated in Hafiz that he named his masterpiece “West-Ostlicher Diwan” after “Hafiz Diwan”, also neither spoke

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nor read Persian and was just inspired by a simple translation of the Hafiz’s book.

The original words of Hafiz and Rumi in Persian are so deep, perfect, touching, and heart penetrating that when read, hundreds of people are moved to tears. This shows how much Hafiz and Rumi themselves were moved to have been able to pour out such living words.

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Islamic Mysticism Do you know why Hafiz and Rumi have become so interesting and

inspiring to billions of people throughout history? For the reason quoted by Goethe as the “celestial perfume” and “invigorating breeze of Eternity”, and we call Islamic Mysticism. This is something which will give a poetic and love dimension to peoples’ life and with its esoteric revelations, turn the narrow and black-white image of life into a colored panoramic picture. The Holy Koran states, “This is the color of God, is there anything more interesting than the color of God?”

Here we want to see what this “color of God” is. It is difficult to explain. It is a divine secret hidden in every human’s heart and throughout history there have been tremendous efforts by people in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to know and explain this secret. Since it was not possible to put it in words and describe it by materialistic science, those aware of it stayed tongue-tied and left it to the people’s self-effort, to feel it, through lengthy efforts and kind deeds.

With the divine light of the Holy Koran, celestial perfume of Persian Mysticism and utilization of modern science which increases our awareness of the other dimensions of existence, we will try to open a door to this secret, something beyond our known and accustomed world, as Rumi says, “Seventy two nations hear their secrets from us”.

To start this, I have to explain the mystical body of the human being.

Before that, you have to get rid of your traditional beliefs about reality, time, space and matter.

Every generation has its own assumptions about reality and existence, and throughout history lots of them have turned out to be false. We cannot be an exception and for sure, many of our assumptions about existence are not true either. For example, we think of our body as a solid substance. If there was a hypothetical microscope, thousands of times stronger than the existing electron microscopes, through which we could look at our body, we would notice some very tiny particles consisting of a dense matter called nucleus, surrounded by some kind of fluffy clouds of electrons, which have the appearance of a ball. The nucleus itself was not solid, and is another set of tiny particles spinning around other particles. This story goes on and on.

Our body is not solid matter that somehow could be considered a movement of energy in a vacuum. To put it simply, our body resembles a set of tiny mosquitoes spinning around a lamp, giving the appearance of a ball. If the movements stop, the body will vanish.

If our assumption of our body as solid matter is not true and we are similar to a mosquito ball, why can’t we pass our hands through a concrete wall? The reason is because when our hands approach the wall, the electron clouds of the outer layer of the hand hit the electron clouds of the

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wall and since they have the same speed of vibration, cannot pass through each other. Like two fans of the same speed, they cannot pass through each other, but a bullet with a speed higher than the fan’s blade, can easily pass between the blades. Does it mean that one who had a high speed of vibration could pass his hand through somebody’s abdomen and remove a cancer tumor?

Let us review the concept of time and matter. Most of us think of time

as an ever existing one way road, in which we are traveling at a constant speed, remembering the past and having no prediction of the future. A road in which what has passed is out of our control and whatever we do now, only affects the future. Based on present knowledge of the universe, Cosmo physicists guess that time and matter were originated about 12-17 billion years ago, when in minuscule fractions of a second, a gigantic explosion named the Big Bang occurred and our visible part of the universe evolved from a complete vacuum. After initial generation, universe started to inflate and from a very hot and small size, expanded to the size and temperature of our current universe and is still expanding and cooling, while we are inside of it.

As you see, contrary to what people think, neither time, nor matter is

so well known. In addition, our imagination of the universe, which in our view is the total existence of life, is not true. What we see in the universe is about 10 percent of what it should be and up till now, nobody really knows where or in what dimension is the missing part of the universe. The story started about 80 years ago, when an astrophysicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois used Einstein's famous equation "E=mc^2" (which describes the relation between energy and matter) and calculated the mass of a jumble of galaxies. He found that the jumble had hundreds of times more gravitational force than it should have, far above its visible mass. After other investigations of scientists on this mystery, since they did not have any explanation, they hypothesized that there must be some other type of matter which cannot be detected. At that time, they referred to this undetectable matter as “Dark Matter”.

Further research for computing the total mass of the universe, indicated that the vast majority of the universe mass, about 87 percent, is missing and should be in the form of dark matter.

Dark matter is not known to anybody, but scientists in general assume that it is composed of some sort of hypothetical tiny, invisible particle that is different from normal matter but exerts a gravitational force! Scientists believe there is potential for the existence of some other type of "weakly interacting massive particles", called IMPS, which might likely be floating around you and hitting your face, while you are reading this book!

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Very soon this book will bring you face to face with subjects which are very different from your traditional beliefs. Thus, in order to understand these new concepts one will need to detach from the classical concept of matter, space and time. I remember the first time I came across these subjects and observed a wound scar disappear (in a way that only a red shin similar to a mosquito bite was observed), I was thinking hopelessly for two weeks to find an answer, based on my classical knowledge from 22 years of education!

In order to understand the supernatural events of mysticism, you should let your perception fly up and break the boundaries of space and time, exactly like Rumi who states:

So that I jumped out of days and nights, As the point of a spear glances off a shield. For in that side all the people are one, A hundred thousand years and a moment are all one; World without beginning and world without end are one; Reason finds no entrance when mind is thus lost.

This poem is one of the mysterious works of Rumi, which 650 years

before Einstein, speaks of the Theory of Relativity. Rumi jumps out of the time shield and sees that all people are united and of one identity. This points to the fact that when space vanishes, time disappears. In the next line he points out that relieving from time, one hundred thousand years and one moment became one! And finally in the last sentence, he emphasizes that this cannot be understood by mental reasoning (it can only be understood by heart feeling).

This poem of Rumi emphasizes the fact that by ascending from the

shield of time (in the higher level of vibrations), unity prevails and all identities get fused into the essence of God. Descent toward lower vibrations (materialistic life), results in diffraction and separation of people from each other, and their separation from God.

With this introduction, we can return to the description of the mystical body. Here, I ask you to reconsider your identity as a regular person and assume that you are someone with a more complex body than the body that you are aware of, called mystical body. Only some minor parts of it have been known to you. Let’s assign a shape for this body. For simplicity, consider it as a hypothetical cone, in some hypothetical dimension, different from your known dimensions of length, width, and height.

If you intersect this cone with a plain surface, the intersection will be a circular flat plate. This circular plate is your materialistic body, which is the intersection of your mystical body with the materialistic plane. The materialistic plane is a plane in which your materialistic senses work and

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within this plane you can see, hear, taste, or feel. Above and below this plane your sensors do not work and therefore, those parts of the cone which are above or below this plane cannot be detected by your materialistic sensors; but can be felt by another sensor, referred to them by classical Islamic mysticism as the “heart sensors”.

According to Islamic mysticism, things related to the materialistic dimensions are “mind related” and things related to the mystical dimensions are “heart related”. Based on this, if you are a person with strong mystical senses (we will explain this later), by looking at someone, in addition to the “mind perception” which is based on materialistic senses ordinary people have, you will have a “heart perception” which is based on your mystical senses.

In order to have a better understanding of the mystical body, consider your eyes to have a turning knob, by which you could change your viewing parameters. You may look at somebody with the present parameters and find him or her, good looking. If you turn the knob, the picture becomes blurred and vanishes and then a new picture appears which might be unattractive and ugly. If you keep changing the knob, by every change in the viewing parameter (intelligence level) , a new image appears; exactly like receiving different songs from a single radio. If you turn the frequency knob of a radio, by every change in frequency, a new sound reveals. It means that all of the sounds co-exist in the air, but for revealing any particular wave, you have to sample it (intersect it) with its favorable frequency. Therefore, there are different images, corresponding to different intelligence levels for each person, which can only be detected by people with strong mystical sensors. Ordinary people are not able to see these pictures but can feel it. The more you get away from the mystical life and get attached to the materialistic life, the more your mystical sensors or so called heart sensors become weak. If people with strong mystical senses feel good about somebody, it means that the person has a good looking mystical appearance (although he or she may look unattractive in physical appearance). Usually small kids, when very young and their mystical sensors have not become blurred by sins and desires (will be discussed later), and animals such as dogs, cats, etc., will like this kind of people. Later, we will show that even a wild animal, such as a dangerous snake, is harmless to someone with advanced mystical training.

Islamic Mysticism provides training and instructions to improve

mystical capabilities. This can only be accomplished by the aid of a true master, through the implementation of his supernatural power, called “Hemmat”. A Mystic master will play the role of a catalyst to change a disciple’s perception of God from a “mind conception” to a “heart conception”.

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Hafiz, Rumi and all other mystical leaders completely acknowledged that there is no chance that one could reach a state of mysticism without the aid of a true master. Hafiz states:

“In Love’s street, plant not thy foot without the road-guide; For, I, of myself, made a hundred efforts; and it became not.” As it says, Hafiz made a tremendous amount of effort to get into the

divine love, but could only succeed when he found a road-guide or a master, named “Attar”. Hafiz compares the master to an alchemist, who turns copper into gold, he remarks:

“I am slave of the divine power of that master, Who in beggar appearance, knows the work of an alchemist” Rumi, who also was a very famous jurisprudent and preacher and had

hundreds of students, was not successful on the mystical road, until he met “Shams”, who acted as his master. It was through Shams that he lit his mystical candle and felt divine love. He said:

“I was dead, I became alive, I was tears, I became laughter. The sovereignty of love appeared, and I became everlasting sovereign”

Rumi, known as the lover of irony, was a great lover of the Divine Truth. Listen to the beautiful words boiling out of his heart:

If anyone wonders how Jesus raised the dead, don't try to explain the miracle. Kiss me on the lips, like this, like this. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. Come, come again, whoever you are, come! Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come! Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times. Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are. My mother is Love, my Father is Love, my Prophet is Love, my God is Love, I am a child of Love, and I have come only to speak of Love Coming back to the role of the master, as it was explained, a true

mystical master will change a disciple’s perception of God from a “mind conception” to a “heart conception”. Talking about a person and thinking about him or her, does not lighten your heart to give you a love feeling. Thinking about God, preaching, seaking of, and praising Him also only

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gives you a mind perception, which is necessary in the first place but, a mind perception (religious belief) does not necessarily lead to a heart perception (Divine Love).

What a master does for a disciple is very complicated and will be explained later. For the time being, assume that the master is an athletic coach with a trained mystical body (those parts of the cone outside the materialistic plane), assisting the trainee to improve his mystical body.

You should know that it is your mystical body through which you can obtain your wishes and carry out supernatural activities. Similar to the physical domain in which you need two items of thought (mind concept), and physical power to act properly, in order to be capable in the metaphysical domain, you need two items of heart concept and metaphysical power (called Hemmat).

Although the mind concept differs completely from the heart concept,

in minor cases, when a mind concept becomes very desiring, it will change to a heart concept. Based on these rare cases, some people have established the wrong analogy that by thinking (mind concept), you can come up with metaphysical changes in your life.

“Law of attraction” is one of these cases. It simply states that thoughts

can affect things outside the mind, and therefore, influence chance and destination.

The introduction of the law of attraction to the public was in 2006, through a film entitled “The Secret”, and then a book of the same title in 2007. The movie and the book gained widespread attention in the media and in the same year, the book received the “Best Seller Book of the Year” title from the New York Times. In 2008, on the same principal, another book “Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness”, appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list.

In addition to regular life affairs, the law of attraction principals have been used in the realm of medicine and for treatment of difficult to cure illnesses. Following the same wrong principles, some people believed that the cause of their diseases was their imagination. This has been criticized widely for the subjective nature of the results and lack of testability of the claims. Only in some cases, which claimed that “love” (as I said, heart concept) has led to some healing effects, is this approach in complete agreement with what we explained above. According to Islamic mysticism, healing can take place only if you transform mind concept into heart concept and strengthen your mystical body, which is the subject of our mystical training.

There is another shortcoming associated with the law of attraction

which claims that controlling thoughts will influence chance and destination.

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Even if this claim was true, being able to constantly control one’s thinking in a positive direction is not possible given the presence of a strong Ego.

Final destination in Islamic mystic training is to become a perfect

human, which is different from becoming a person who is good, ethical and philanthropic. For becoming a perfect human, you need to tame a cruel and brutal dragon inside of you named Ego. As you have this animal with you, even to think that you can have the explained attributes is to deceive yourself. The Ego cannot see beyond its own selfish and urgent interests and by the time you are under his tyranny, you cannot resolve between good and evil and will always be entangled with all the unrecognized negative feelings and habits. You are therefore without proper mystical training, and you will not have any chance of having controlled thinking.

Understanding of mystical identity for people who are expecting to

receive their response from today’s science is not easy. Although the present accomplishments of science are great and admirable, but considering the total history of science and technology is less than 10 thousand years old and the history of the creation is about 15 billion years old, science needs to run about 1.5 million times more to catch up.

Many things are to be known about matter, time, and space, to give us

an accurate view of mystical capabilities. The Holy Koran gives great respect to the Human for his/her supernatural capabilities and states that if Humans remove their impurities (impurities of the mystical body), they will become God’s deputies on earth or vicegerents.

Our physical body is not separated from our mystical body and is part

of that. An important portion of what happens in our body is related to our mystical body. An obvious example of our ignorance about what happens in our body, relates to the performance of our brain. Every second our brain is processing 400 billion bits of information, and we are only aware of 2000 bits, again proving that we are away from reality by a factor of a million.

What we assume of ourselves as a physical creature, is not true. We are a multi-dimensional mystical creature, with an unknown and complex identity. Turkish mystical poet Emre calls it someone inside of us. He says:” There is a self in me, within myself”. Hafiz explains it similarly:

“I know not who resides within my heart Though I am silent, he must shake and quake.” The person inside of you is a real part of you. He or she is the one

who sees, hears, and enjoys, because neither your eyes which receive and transfer color signals, nor your brain cells which process image pixels, do the act of seeing. Most of the problems viewed by you as mental diseases,

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are related to your multi-dimensional mystical body. Therefore, if you fail to know this body and do not know how to save it or please it, you will never taste happiness. If you cause damage to this body (by using narcotics or sinful acts) or disrupt your connections with it, you will lose your sense of real enjoyment.

Evaluation of existence, based on limited materialistic sensors of our physical body, will not lead to realistic results. In mystical interpretations, we are ants, looking from a small hole into the empire’s palace! If we diversify our sight and look at life from a mystical point of view, many of the problems that sound mysterious and complex will become trivial and simple. For example, if you limit yourself to a two dimensional point of view and look at the ground, you will only see shoes of people. If somebody is lifted by a helicopter from the ground, you will be scared, since you would think that he has vanished. Most of the fear and anxiety that people have in the life is related to their unawareness of other dimensions of their lives. If you again limit yourself to a two dimensional view and look at the surface of a swimming pool, while someone is diving in the water, at first two mysterious circles appear (by entering hands of the diver into the water), then another circle will form between the two circles (by entering head of the diver), then strange interactions of circular shapes will appear. Being a scientist, you need to spend many years of wasteful research to figure out what is going on, while if you just add one dimension to your view, you would notice how simple and trivial the problem is.

For the above case, if you want to move from the finger to the toe, it will take you some time (you have to wait until the whole body passes the water surface), while in three dimensional concept, this will occur instantly.

The reason that I am emphasizing these items is because, as was said, in this book you will face events which will look magical or unreal, if you think with your classical criteria. For example, it will look unreal to you seeing a healing process taking place in a short time, a snake bite being safe, and a fire flame being cold and harmless.

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Master of Mysticism Following one single master is an indispensable matter for all the

Islamic and non-Islamic mystical schools. Leading mystics believe that having multi-masters is fatal and striking, because God never created a man with two hearts.

In Islamic mysticism, as Gabriel was the Prophet Muhammad’s source of divine inspiration, master is the source of inspiration to the disciple. Without a true master, no mystic would be able to achieve success. Abu Yazeed, a leading mystic says, “He, who follows no guide, would be lured by the Devil”. Daqaq, another leading mystic says, "A disciple without a master is like a naturally grown tree, which could be alive but couldn’t be fruitful”.

As it was emphasized before, the most important duty of a master is to

utilize his supernatural power to change the “mind concept” of God for the disciple, to a “heart concept” and elevate him to a group named “the Foremost”, which is the nearest to God and would receive the highest grace by Him.

According to the Koran, everybody has a grade before God, “And for all are degrees according to what they did, and that He may pay them back fully their deeds and they shall not be wronged. (46:19)”. Master helps his disciples to approach God and shift their degree to a higher position. This shift is not physical but is mystical and supernatural, since God has no physical existence to reach. He helps the disciple to cultivate sound behavior and purge himself of bad habits, like lying, envy, flattery, and others. In reward, he promises the disciple will be given a state of supernatural awareness and closeness to God, never seen by an eye, never heard by an ear and never conceived by a heart. When the disciple dedicates himself to the master, he will learn how to endure the harms of people. The Prophet Muhammad (P) replied to those polytheists who harmed him “May Allah forgive them for they are ignorant of their acts”.

Real Islam, based on mysticism, invites people towards love and forgiveness. There was a neighbor of the prophet who dumped rubbish on his head every morning, when he passed by her house. One morning when he was walking by her house, no trash was dumped. He went inside the house and mercifully asked if she was well. The woman was sick in bed. Upon seeing his compassion and care for her when she had treated him so poorly, she wept and became one of his followers.

The nature of a master’s mission and capabilities is not fully known

and no master has ever revealed the details. A prospective master must be briefed and guided by a well-established master who is tribally related to the Prophet Muhammad (P). He must be a man of self-denial; eat, sleep and

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speak moderately and must be fully dedicated to the worship of God. He must be patient, thankful, confident, generous, faithful and modest.

Becoming a master is not a matter of chance. It is a God given gift and nobody can obtain it through only worship and training. Rumi states that there are thousands of points in becoming a true master and not everyone who calls himself a master can accomplish the mission:

“Here, finer than a hair, are a thousand points: Not everyone who shaves his head the work of a bully knows” There are many mysterious and difficult trainings and practices

involved in the submission of a new master. Vigil is one of these practices, which is most often used by the mystical masters and very seldom by leading mystics. In the practice of vigil, one enters a remote and quiet place for forty days and stays quiet throughout the entire period. During this period, he must be in a fasting stage, using a very limited amount of food and maintain a constant order of God’s remembrance. In approval of Vigil, the Prophet Muhammad (P) states: “Whoever wholly dedicates to God 40 days, the wellsprings of wisdom shall appear from his heart to his tongue."

Effectiveness of Vigil in the course of supernatural training is an inevitable fact and most of the prophets of God, who have been the mystical masters of their era, have taken Vigil. Some cases are as follows:

• God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (P) to keep away 40 days

from people, during which he fasted and engaged in worship and prayer, before receiving the first message of God.

• Prophet Jesus (P) for forty days walked the desert and fasted in the wilderness.

• Prophet Moses (P) spent 40 days on Mount Sinai where he received the 10 commandments. "And when We appointed (a period of) forty nights with Moses."(Koran 2:51)

• Forty was the number of days that Prophet Ilyas (P) spent in the wilderness before God appeared to him in a cave on Mount Sinai (also known as Mount Horeb)

• Hafiz also took a 40 night vigil at a cave. At the last night of this period, he got a sense of mystical awareness about which he states: Yesterday at dawn I was freed from my grief. And in the darkness of the night I was given the elixir of life.

The reason Vigil has been practiced by all the prophets and mystical

masters is because it is a technique for opening the mystical barriers, or metaphysical locks of a human. In this case physical and metaphysical senses get connected to each other, eyes become unveiled and incredible supernatural capabilities become accessible.

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What is done in Vigil is very similar to the technique used for opening the genetic locks of a cell in the cloning operation.

Cloning is a technique for generation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. The first cloned animal produced in the lab was a sheep, born in 1996 in Scotland. Cloning started at the time scientists noticed that every mammal’s cell, except the red blood, egg and sperm cells, has a copy of the complete set of information required for the production of a complete animal. The only problem for producing a complete animal from a single cell was that according to the type of cell, about 90 percent of the DNA which was the reproduction instruction of the cell was locked and every cell, according to its place in the body, could only produce a similar cell with its specific applications. This is the reason that stomach cells, can only produce a stomach and do not produce an eye or an ear. Scientists noticed that if they come to a procedure to open the lock of a cell, every cell could produce the whole mammal. Years of research was carried out until a scientist discovered that if a cell be isolated and left in a state of rest without feeding, till close to starvation, some magical things happen and locks get opened and a cell with limited application, will change to a versatile cell which is capable of generating a complete creature.

Going back to the main subject, the most important duty of a master is to light the fire of Divine Love inside the disciple’s heart. In the old ages, for lighting a fire, people had to rub two pieces of wood together for many hours. If weather was not humid and desirable wind was blowing, after an exhausting operation, the fire would light. Modern techniques take advantage of an electric lighter, which can be used to light the fire with the least amount of work and without any risk.

Since Islamic mysticism is the latest documented (by the Koran) technique introduced by God, it is equipped with a lighter named Bay’a (pledge), which could easily turn on the divine light in anybody’s heart. Bay’a will be explained in detail in the future chapters, but to describe it briefly here, it is a simple operation where a man who wants to follow the pledge, puts his hand in a state of shaking in the right hand of the master or his deputy, called Caliph. In the case of offering Bay’a to a woman, she holds the beads of the master or the Caliph, instead of the hand, then the one who is willing to pledge, reads the text related to Bay’a sentence by sentence after the master or Caliph. This text is a kind of repentance from sins and bad habits and is a request for supernatural connection with the master and a chain of passed away saints, starting with the Prophet Muhammad (P). After completion of the Bay’a, the divine light will start shining in the disciple’s heart.

Bay’a, although it seems quick and simple, conveys many spiritual secrets. According to many interviews done with the people who have experienced other mystical schools, this simple operation of Bay’a in Islamic

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mysticism is more effective than many years of exhausting training imposed on the disciples in other mystical schools.

By doing Bay’a, the master, based on his unique capability gets

related to the disciple, which gives him a sense of awareness of the disciple’s activity in the metaphysical domain. Al-Tabarani narrated from the prophet Muhammad (P) that he said: “If somebody of you needs something or he wants an aid whilst he is in a place inwhich there are no dwellers, let him say: Oh worshippers of God help me, whilst God has unseen worshippers”. This sacred speech indicates that God has people who are aware of you and can help you, whilst you cannot see them. This is the most important property of the masters, called the power of being a “Ghause”, which refers to a power through which one can perform duties or help others without physical presence!

There is a story in the Koran, which is consistent with our description

of “Ghause”. In the story of Prophet Solomon (P) with the Queen of Sheba, Belgheis. To show his sovereignty, Solomon wishes to transfer the throne of Belgheis to his palace. When he asks his disciples to do so, “One audacious among the jinn said: I will bring it to you before you rise up from your place; and most surely I am strong (and) trusty for it. One who had the knowledge of the Book said: I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye. Then when he saw it settled beside him, he said: This is of the grace of my Lord. (27:40)”. As it is said, a man with the capacity of “Ghause”, (said to be a deputy of Solomon named Asef), without seeing the throne was aware of its place and could transfer it to the palace of Solomon in the glance of an eye.

A true master must be aware of the things happening far away. This

property does not have anything to do with physical abilities and relates only to the mystical capacities of a master. All the data of which the mystical body of the master is aware cannot be transferred to his memory (it is so large that it could blow anybody’s mind). If a master interrogates his mystical mind about a subject, then the related data gets transferred to his mind and his physical body becomes aware of (unless a masking operation happens; which can be assumed as God’s prohibition) the matter. The mystical body of the master which is aware of all incidents, in the cases which require, notifies the physical senses of the master. This is the reason that a master has the capability to be aware of, and related to a large number of disciples, something similar to a server linked to several terminals in a computer networking system. The analogy described here is not hypothetical and I have proof of its details, based on many practical cases that have happened for myself and my close mystic friends.

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As explained, one of the capacities that a mystical master must have is to be a “Ghause”. This refers to someone who has a powerful mystical body which is linked to his physical body in a way that can transfer data with it. Being a “Ghause” is not limited to the master. Actually a true master has some disciples who, by following a master’s training, have reached to the “Ghause” level. The master has other capabilities which make him head of other Ghauses. Islamic Mysticism believes that at all times, there is a unique master who is “Ghaus of the Era” and is head of all the Ghauses, and is assumed to be the deputy of the Prophet Muhammad (P) on Earth. Rumi states:

“There is a saint for every era, friend; This continues till the resurrection day. Those with good natures will be liberated, But those with frail hearts will be devastated. With wisdom as his Gabriel, he’s the light; The lesser saint is like his reflection, less bright; That light, which for the top rank grants new life, To the squint-eyed brings only pain and strife.” Rumi states that the master has a divine wisdom, which lights the path

for the disciple. This light is a new life for the truth seekers but for the squint-eyed is nothing but a pain. He also mentions that other saints are reflections of the master’s light and if the master turns off, they will lose their light.

The same as ordinary people who have degrees before God, saints also have different degrees. Famous mystic Abdullah Ansari (1006), known as the “Pious of Harat” states that at all times there are 300 “Olia”, 40 “Abdal”, 7 “Otad”, 5 “Noghaba”, 3 “Mokhtar” and one “Ghaus” (Ghaus of the Era). This gives a triangle of 356 people, with 300 people at the bottom and one person at the top.

Ghaus of the Era is a super human and has incredible power in his

possession. He does not expose himself to ordinary people, but to elite, because they will honor him as God or would consider him to be Son of God or etc. Rumi also when he first met his master “Shams”, glorified him as God. He states: "The God which I have worshipped all my life appeared to me today in human form."

Masters believe that conquering people’s hearts is some sort of competing with God, because Human’s heart belongs to no human, but only to Almighty God.

According to my experience with the present master, Sheikh Muhammad Kasnazan, he is also very careful not to make himself glorified by people. Whenever he wants to make people aware of a prophecy, he quotes it from someone else. Whenever he performs a supernatural

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healing, he pretends that he is just wishing it and is not certain about its happening. Whenever he himself gets ill, he pretends that he is an ordinary person and needs to be treated by a physician. Contrary to these, I myself and some leading mystics close to me, have observed some incredible acts from the present master, which has made us assured of the fact that the Ghaus of the Era is the vicegerent of God.

View of the masters and leading mystics from the world is different

from ordinary people. Leading mystic, Ibn Arabi (1165) reveals the first time that his eyes became unveiled: “When I was performing the sunset prayer, suddenly I saw some sweeping pure light that enabled me to see everything around me. I was like a ball having no specific destination.”

I have several experiences indicating the truth of this saying. A friend of mine, who works for the present master, has been leaning against a column behind the master, while he has been preaching for a large number of disciples. My friend thinks it would be good if the master could arrange for a good wife for him. Suddenly the master halts his speech and without turning his face, points his finger to my friend and says: “With all the problems that we have, this guy leaning against the column is asking me for a wife.” My friend gets so ashamed that he hides himself behind the column.

Masters have other incredible properties. They have dominance in the domain of human, animal and matter. The way they apply their command is through the information package of a matter.

Einstein showed that the material world is nothing but energy and that everything in existence is part of this universal field of energy, vibrating at different frequencies and intensities. This universal energy field does not act upon itself and is organized and conscious. This energy stores memories, learns and evolves. Masters and people with strong mystical properties can influence this intelligence and therefore, through their mystical power can influence anything and everything in existence through their supernatural power.

Supernatural abilities are embodied in different manifestations. Some of the more important are described as:

1. Miracle: Miracle is a supernatural act carried out by someone who is claiming to be prophet of God.

2. Karama: It is a supernatural act related to the realm of Miracle done by a votary (righteous man) as a sign for the respectable position he holds before God . It is not associated with Prophecy.

3. Ma’aona: Is an act done by a common person who receives such capability through a votary or master, whom he or she is connected to.

4. Istidraj: It is an act assisted by satanic forces, done by a corrupted person to pervert people from God’s way.

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5. Ihan’a (offence): An act happens for a corrupted person to refute his claims. Like the fake prophet Mosayleme, who spit in the eye of a man to cure him, instead, he blinded him.

The power of the master is categorized as Karama, which is proof of

the righteousness of his claims. Mystics believe that miracles of the prophets and Karama of the

votaries are based on the power endowed to them by God. These powers are limitless and setting a limit for them is thinking humble of the power of God. The Al-Mighty says in the Koran: “When He intends a thing, His Command is “Be” and it is. (36:82)”

Grand deceased master of mysticism, Sheikh Geylani said: "Objects

by themselves cannot do the act; they are just means for accomplishment of an act." For example, sword does not cut by itself, but God does it, through the sword. Fire never burns, but by the will of God.

What was said by Sheikh Geylani is consistent with the Koran, which states the story of prophet Abraham (P), who was thrown into the fire by pagans, and God brought the fire to a standstill for him. (We said, “O fire! Be thou cool and (a means of) safely for Abraham”). (21:69)

Years ago, when I was new to mysticism, I was thinking of the story of Abraham (P) as a tale told by the Koran to strengthen people’s belief. One day in a small mountain village in Kurdistan, I met an old mystic named Aref, who had gone into a fire of 20 ft. flame, before a crowd of over 300 people. I interviewed this man to see how he felt when he was in the fire. He said, “The fire was not hot! It was so cold that I was shivering to death while I was in it. I had to push the flames under my armpits to feel some warmth!”

Expressions of this man about the fire are completely consistent with the Koran’s which states that God ordered the fire to be cold and healthy to Abraham. If He had just ordered the fire to be cold, then Abraham would have been frozen to death.

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The Supernatural Acts of Mysticism There are incredible acts done by mystics categorized as Ma’aona,

which are done by common people who receive such incredible ability through the master.

The power of supernatural acts is a gift given by the master to his disciples for assuring them of the validity of his claim. It should be mentioned that disciples are not obligated to do such practices and in the path toward God, such acts are a means not an end. The power of doing supernatural acts is transferred to the disciple, in order to convince and guide people to the right way of virtue. Therefore, it is not permissible for the disciples to do such practices for other reasons.

Some people, unfamiliar with mysticism, associate these supernatural

things with magic and devilish acts. These acts are very different from magic and as explained, are carried out by ordinary people, without any special preparations. Every person can do these acts, but only by giving a pledge to the master in a ten minute operation; called Bay’a, which will be explained later.

Supernatural acts have no relationship to devilish acts. On the contrary, they are used to keep people away from evil, by strengthening their belief and bringing them closer to God. All of these acts are done through the spiritual support and intervention of the master based upon ancient spiritual principles which operate differently from psychological mechanisms or magical effects. .

According to the present master, the supernatural events done by his disciples are an extension of the Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (P) to show the ability and the oneness of God and thus to guide those unbelievers to the road of faith and devotion.

Early on the path I felt uncomfortable in my first experience with

supernatural acts because they seemed cruel and frightening, and were mostly dealing with self-induced injuries to the human body. After some time, I noticed that there was no true mutilation of the body and that these acts work effectively and challenge people who have lost their faith, to re-evaluate their beliefs about God. Such supernatural acts are not that dissimilar to the healing work of Jesus, as a way to get people to re-evaluate their belief systems about healing, God, and the world of the supernatural. Such an approach is in dramatic contrast to only preaching to people as a means of bringing them to God. The people who do these acts prove their righteousness by risking their lives and showing that there is a spiritual power controlling all these unusual events. With such God based spiritual power supporting you, fire does not burn you and a knife cut does

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not cause injury to you. It also shows that our belief system about the body and our world operates along different principles than we used to believe. For example, what we thought and used to believe could hurt us now does not, and as we have known in the field of psychosomatic medicine, what is physically harmless can cause damage to our body through our imagination.

Witnessing the dramatic and potentially deadly nature of these acts can shake the hearts and beliefs of hard-hearted people and convert them to repent and move to the right path. At the same time, many who are reading this book may feel uncomfortable with some of the acts described in it due to fears, insecurity, and uncertainty regarding the outcomes. This feeling will change, when you become sure about the logic behind these acts and the divine science that underlies them.

Some of the supernatural acts done by disciples are as follows:

• Injecting sharp tools (swords or knives) in various parts of the body: such tools are used without being medically cleaned. The parts of the body subject to such practice are (cheeks, tongue, the lower part of the mouth, the outer cover of the ear, the arm, breast muscles, the abdomen and the back).

• Daggers are inserted in various parts of the skull and the shoulder by the use of a hammer.

• Chewing and swallowing glass in various forms and shapes regardless of the danger inherent in the poisonous material out of which such objects are made. Sharp blades are also swallowed by ordinary disciples.

• Swallowing fire emitted form a source of fire or holding a highly heated iron piece by heads or teeth.

• Exposing of the hand, tongue, or other parts of the body to the bite of poisonous snakes and scorpions.

• Exposing of the body to electric shock for minutes. Sometimes a lamp is used to show the passage of an electric current from the body.

It is clear that the people who conduct these potentially fatal acts

show a high degree of sacrifice, indicating their true devotion and sound courage. The uniqueness of such practices lies in their replicability (a basic principle of western science), which allows the disciple the capability of doing these acts, wherever and whenever it seems needed. Such replicability exceeds all the limits of parapsychology.

My first experience with the supernatural acts of mysticism was at the

time that I was eleven years old, when my family was living in the city of

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Sanandaj in west Iran. I had a neighbor friend my age, named Hasan, whose father was an officer in the Ministry of Agriculture. Hasan’s father had a huge and rude driver who was always picking on people and beating them for no reason. One day Hasan informed me that the night before, the driver had gone to a mystical ceremony with his father, in which a young man inserted his tongue into a poisonous snake’s mouth and exposed it to its bite. The driver laughed at the mystics and claimed that he knew that the snake was not poisonous. In spite of people’s opposition, the driver pulled the snake off the man’s hand and inserted his tongue into its mouth. Instantly the snake bit his tongue. In a short while his body started to swell and other snake bite symptoms began to appear. With severe spasms, he was put in an ambulance, but on the way, the ambulance turned over and the poor guy suffered several broken bones.

At that time I was not familiar with the secrets of mysticism, but I was always curious to know how one could be so unlucky as to be simultaneously bitten by a snake and suffer broken bones while traveling in an ambulance.

Later, I learned that in all paranormal acts of mysticism, there is a supernatural power of the master who has control over the entire event, even the punishment of the hostile driver.

Immunity to the bite of a poisonous snake, scorpion, and other

animals during demonstrations is a true ability of Kasnazani mystics. The following picture shows a disciple who has exposed his tongue to the bite of a poisonous snake.

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Several years after the episode of the doomed driver, I myself joined

mysticism through a young caliph, who was a relative of one of my personnel. At that time, I was director of our family shipyard in the city of Babolsar in the north of Iran. Contrary to my perception, joining mysticism was not difficult. I made my repentance, or Bay’a, in twenty minutes. Then made an ablution, which is something similar to an ordinary shower, but in a specified manner. After ablution, I did an inauguration prayer, similar to the ordinary Muslim Morning Prayer, fasted for three days and started the remembrances, words from the Koran which are said in a repeated manner,

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similar to an Indian mantra. Remembrances are some of the most important parts of mysticism and have mysterious effects purifying disciple’s heart and providing metaphysical abilities.

Contrary to most of the mystical schools, Islamic mysticism has defined and documented rules and is not hard to follow. Every day it has five prayer rituals (ordinary Islamic Prayer); each taking only 5 to 10 minutes. It also has daily remembrances, starting from a minimum of 30 minutes per day, up to any spare time that one can spend.

Before joining mysticism, in spite of my amazing experiences, I was

not sure that the repentance and related instructions could lead to any immediate result. Contrary to this idea, even during the act of repentance (Bay'a), I received a warm feeling in my heart, similar to the feeling of pain in the final stages of healing under the influence of a strong tranquilizer. Another expression for this is to consider your heart as an old pot which is in the process of being cleaned of many layers of burned food with a strong dishwashing agent.

During the act of Bay’a, an invisible connection is made between master and disciple, through the caliph. In this process the caliph is acting as a connecting wire, which leads the electricity (the divine light) from an electrical source (master) to a consuming unit (disciple). I have given Bay’a to many people who have become unconscious under its effect. In one instance, I was giving Bay’a to a lady who had a Ph.D. in philosophy. This woman did not believe in mysticism, but for the sake of curiosity took the Bay’a. In a short while, she became unconsciousness and, similar to a tranquilized person, started to explain what was around her of divine souls and angels of mercy.

Going back to the previous subject, several days after me, my wife

also made the pledge through the same caliph and we worked together in our spare time to promote our mystical capabilities. After several months of practice, since the young caliph who gave us the pledge was not experienced, I invited an expert mystic named Khalid from another city in the west of Iran to come to advance our training.

Khalid brought some of his young disciples with him. They performed supernatural acts during the ceremonies to which we invited our friends. They stood in circle and after some recitation which was accompanied by tambourine, started their acts. In their first operation, in front of more than sixty visitors, Khalid inserted a long poke of half an inch diameter, from inside the mouth, into the lower jaw of a young boy and pushed it out from a point close to the throat. After pulling out, no blood was observed and there was no sign of pain. After that, a young disciple grabbed two knives, stuck out his tongue, and continuously cut his tongue with the knives. Suddenly my elder son Babak, who was a whiz-kid and was studying in an

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exceptional student’s school went to Khalid and asked him for permission to do a similar act. I was shocked! Babak was a conservative person and as a child was afraid of going to a physician, having a phobia of injection. Khalid looked at me for my opinion; I nodded my head as approval. I didn’t know why I did this. I think Babak and I were both mesmerized!

Khalid handed two daggers to Babak, and the same as the young disciple, he started to cut his tongue with knives. My wife and I were scared to death. I obviously noticed that every time the knife was slicing his tongue, a cut became apparent. After several times doing this, blood began to run from his tongue,. Khalid took the daggers from his hands.

I went to him and desperately asked him to show me his tongue. What I saw was unbelievable. There were no scars or sign of cutting detectable!

You cannot imagine my mixed feelings, both happy because my son was not hurt, and unhappy because what I had witnessed shook the very foundations of my scientific view of the world. I felt lost like someone desperately trying to find a normal scientific explanation for all of this, and save my faith in traditional Western science which has worked so well for me all of my life.

Another strange thing associated with my son’s act was that when they took snap shots and video of him, the image became dark and nothing was observable. Blackening of pictures happened for two more instances during that day and the following day. One of them happened when Khalid hammered a knife into Babak’s head and the second time was when a young disciple (this man had been fasting for four years, from the time that he had joined the mysticism) inserted three spikes into his eye. In all the three instances, the faces of Babak and the young disciple had been lunar white and you could obviously observe the light emitting from their faces.

Khalid and his young mystics repeated the same operations the following day. This day, a larger crowd was attending; some of them had joined mysticism the previous day, due to observation of unbelievable acts. This day, my son Babak again did a strange thing by asking Khalid to hammer a dagger into his head. This time Khalid did not ask for my approval, and did it while my wife and I were watching the scene fearfully. After removing the knife from his head, I went to my son and asked him if he was ok. He said, “I felt no pain. After a brief whistle sound in my ears, I just could hear the hammering sound of the dagger”.

After Babak, my second son Ali asked for my permission to do similar acts. I had no option but to agree. After hammering the dagger and removing it, just like Babak, he reported hearing the strange sound of a whistle and then just the hammering sound, without any pain.

Some months later, when I experienced the same practice, I also heard the same strange whistle and the hammering, without any pain.

Another extraordinary thing during Khalid’s visit was the swallowing of sharp objects such as razor blades and nails by the disciples. They were

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taking brand new shaving blades from their wrapper, putting them in their mouths, chewing and swallowing them. It was hard to believe that a steel blade which was flexible and hard to break was broken into pieces, like a potato chip, in their mouths and you could see the pieces while they were swallowing it.

The next day my second son Ali asked a young disciple about the way they eat nails. He simply said, “We just put the end of the nail inside our mouth and swallow it”. In a short time, Ali brought a small container in which we were keeping our nails and screws, and before my astonished eyes, my son and the young disciple, each put four big nails of at least three inches, one at a time into their mouths and swallowed them. I was worried about Ali’s health, and several times during that day and the next day, I asked him if he needed medical attention. Every time, he said that he was feeling very well. I even asked him the next day to see if he had discharged the nails, he said he did not notice anything while going to the bathroom.

Later I was informed that the young man who showed this to Ali had never swallowed sharp things before, and it was his first experience.

After leaving Khalid, I was trying to understand how my children had become so stupidly fearless as to carry out such dangerous acts. In my evaluation, the people who were doing these dangerous supernatural acts had no special capabilities. They were not even braver than the usual person. The bravery and power for doing the acts were endowed to them in the metaphysical domain, by the master of mysticism, who has the property of a Ghause.

Later, when I became a caliph, I met a woman who had a strong snake phobia, in a way that she could not even look at a snake’s picture. After giving Bay’a to her, she became so brave as to claim that she can even hold a snake in her hand!

Verse 10 of chapter 27 of the Koran, explains the story of prophet Moses (P), when he was afraid of snakes and by the will of God, lost his fear. (“Now do throw your staff" But when he saw it moving (of its own accord) as if it had been a snake, he turned back in retreat, and retraced not his steps: “O Moses! Fear not! the emissaries fear not in My presence” ).

As I explained, Bay’a and supernatural acts are governed by the divine supernatural power of the master. Two weeks ago, when I was giving Bay’a to two women, as soon as I started the statement of the Bay’a, I heard the strong and continuous singing of Canary Birds. They were singing joyfully and vigorously, and the singing terminated at the moment I finished the Bay’a. Everybody was touched. The owner of the house stated that those birds had been quite from the morning of that day. The birds were so far away from us that I was not even aware of their presence. They were so distant that I doubt they could even hear my voice. Even if they could, the simple statements of Bay’a that I was saying was not so stimulating as to make the birds become so wild and crazy.

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Several years ago, in a similar experience, a small dog who was kept in the yard of my friend’s apartment, was prostrate for several minutes continuously during the time that some people were taking Bay’a.

Supernatural abilities of mysticism are beyond the dimensions of

space and time. In all of the events, signs of an invisible entity called master or Ghaus is evident. In a gathering in which physicians were present, I hammered a dagger into a young disciple’s skull (next picture). It was a real “sword in the rock” phenomenon. Six strong men, one after the other, who tried to pull the dagger out, could not succeed. A friend of mine grabbed a big guy’s hand, brought him to the center and asked him to extract the knife. He also could not do it. Eighty people, some of them physicians, engineers, and highly educated people joined mysticism. The last man was the first to repent. Later, my friend told me when he showed a movie in which they could not retract the dagger from a mystic’s head to this man, he called it fake and claimed that if a dagger with such a shallow penetration was even inserted in a rock, he could extract it. As it is shown in the bottom pictures, only a small part of the dagger is inside the bone, and scientifically looking, with the highest possible coefficient of friction, the maintaining force could not be so significant. Some other pictures of the same operation which I was attending are shown here.

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Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


Picture of Unknown Entities Around Disciple Some time ago, a caliph friend, informed me he had given Bay’a to an

exceptionally noble and virtuous old man. Later, he called again and told me the old man was seeing human like entities with white cloths, floating around him, while he was saying his Remembrances. A couple of days later, due to my curiosity, he sent pictures taken, while the man was reciting his Remembrances. One of pictures showed a mysterious luminous light above his head.

When shown to my wife who was following the story, she noticed

some traces of mysterious entities in the picture that no one had observed. The pictures are shown below with lines drawn around them, to help you identify them.

If you look carefully, in addition to the white-garbed people-like entities

(considered angels), the dark trace of a person (considered a departed mystic, or a living or late Ghaus), with Arabic dress and head fillet (Arabic head band) is visible in the upper right area of the picture.

The reason these entities and person are in the pictures is not known.

Perhaps it is some kind of divine mysticism; or metaphysical conditions at the time the picture was taken.

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Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


Obscure Words on Computer Screen Our Sufi group was invited by a mystic friend who owns a publishing

company, to have a gathering in his office to introduce mysticism to his personnel. A caliph friend attended the gathering and explained mysticism and its related supernatural capabilities, but the subject was not presented properly, and the audience did not take it seriously. They made fun of my friend and called him nuts.

The next morning, going into the office they noticed the computer

terminals were on and someone had bypassed the locked door of the computer room and entered the password to log onto the company’s network. The log-on time indicated the incident occurred sometime during the middle of the previous night.

Since my friend, as the owner and technical manager of the company was the only person who had the key to the room and knew the network password, everyone was amazed at what had happened.

Several days later, the incident was repeated but this time, three lines made of strange characters were found on the computer terminal in the server room. An image of the writing is shown below. Computer experts would notice the indicated characters are not in standard computer fonts and are generated by a matrix of pixels. This method of character generation is very difficult and time consuming and would require an expert.

There are some propositions about the meaning of these words which relate them to supernatural acts of mysticism. For example, in the second line, the Arabic word “Muhammad” (محمد ), which is both the name of the prophet of Islam and the present master of mysticism, is evident.

This amazing event made most of the people in the office believe in

mysticism and over twenty of them made the pledge (Bay’a) and joined mysticism.

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Screen print of the obscure words Disappearance of Razor Blades In the city of Babolsar, a young pupil wanted to witness supernatural

acts, but for the reasons explained earlier, such acts are only done in special cases so the pupil had to wait.

One night three dentists attended our weekly gathering and after

adjourning the ceremony, asked me to perform super acts for them so they could evaluate them from a scientific point of view.

The doctors were led to a quiet room, but the young disciple had

apparently left some minutes before he could be invited to see or participate in any demonstrations.

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The doctors first carefully examined a spike to ensure it was real. Next, one of them volunteered for the experiment.

The spike was pushed through the man’s face and after a couple of

minutes, removed. He seemed mesmerized, with his face white as a fluorescent lamp, but no blood was observed. On the spike, one could only see a colorless sticky liquid, like blood plasma, but not a single red blood cell was apparent.

All the dentists examined the colorless liquid carefully and two of them

examined their friend’s face from inside and outside of the mouth. After several minutes of discussion and exchange of medical opinions, they acknowledged that it was a supernatural act and declared their willingness to take Bay’a.

Two days after this demonstration, the young disciple who had missed

the event, came to me and informed me of the following incident that happened the same night he missed the supernatural event:

“Two nights ago, I dreamed of being in a circle, together with some

reciting mystics in white dress. A tall and big caliph, who was standing at the center, approached me and led me to the center. He handed me three razor blades and asked me to eat them. Although I had seen this sort of activity in the movies, I was fearful to do it. I fearfully took the first blade off its paper and started to chew on it, which felt soft and crispy, like a potato chip. Then, took the other two off the cover and chewed and swallowed them.

The next morning, when I got up, I heard my wife blaming me for

being irresponsible and reckless and not caring for the safety of our child. I noticed that she was mad about my shaving equipment being spread on the floor of the sitting room.

When I went to the sitting room, I saw the drawer turned over on the

floor, with all the blades spread all over the place. I was amazed, because I knew that I had put my equipment back in the drawer. The drawer was also so heavy that there was no way our four year child could open it.

When I was collecting the blades from the floor, I noticed that three of

the paper covers were empty and no blade was inside of them!”

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Supernatural Healing Supernatural manifestations of mysticism can be extended to the field

of health and healing without any deliberately caused bodily damage, which has always been part of the golden heritage and lineage of mystical traditions. This healing method has been practiced by Kasnazani mystics for centuries. The basic principle in Supernatural healing is that the health seeker, through a connection to a supernatural being called a Ghaus or master, receives the mercy of healing from God. After such healing, the supreme life goal of the seeker is to serve and obey God, to emulate His divine attributes, and spread this divine light to people.

Researching ancient supernatural healing methods may help to

further advance the current state of modern medicine. This is based on experiences and divine knowledge of the predecessors in this noble field of healing. The supernatural healing process rejuvenates the body’s life forces. Since we have renewed our pledge to our creator, all the parts of our body will restore its harmony. Thus, a mystical orchestrated harmonic healing process will counter illness; balance all the parts of our body, resulting in the relief of pain and the healing of the diseased areas of the entire body.

According to the Koran, all living creatures are closely connected to the creator at their time of birth and they make their pledge to their creator, with constant praise and remembrances.

Mysticism rejects the idea that our body belongs to us, but instead believes that everything that exists belongs to the creator, to praise and serve God. Therefore, one who is not obedient and has a distant relationship with the creator, is similar to someone who has forced himself into a family and is trying to do harm against the father of the family. Such a negative person would be naïve to expect a family to support him. This negative person would be unaware that not only are all the family members supportive of the father and resistant to such destructive plans, but also the entire community would react strongly to limit such destructive actions. Such a negative destructive relationship with the creator causes many people to suffer mental or physical disorders, where one’s body becomes a battlefield of negative forces instead of a temple of peace, love, and calmness.

Mysticism neither dissuades people from going to physicians, nor tries

to nullify the effect of medicine. The Prophet Muhammad (P) was once curing someone supernaturally when he was asked whether or not remedies should be sought from medicines. He said, "Yes, you must seek remedy from medicine, because whatever disease God has created in this

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world, He has also created its remedy as well. But there is one disease for which He has not created any remedy, which is old age."

Supernatural treatments are considered to be complementary (to orthodox medical) treatment and in some cases in which orthodox medicine fails, supernatural healing prevails. The master of mysticism recommends that people go to physicians, but if such treatment fails, they can consult mysticism.

Supernatural healing as discussed here is different from so-called spiritual healing, which involves the energy field around the body. This energy is known by different names. It is called Ki in Japanese, Chi in Chinese and Prana in Hindi.

Supernatural mystical healing occurs through a real and present mediator called a Ghaus or master, who generates a mutual eternal love relation between you and the everlasting supreme power which has ultimate power over everything and everyone. This relation will provide you with an unlimited ability for healing, since there is no limitation of the power of the Creator. It is said in the Koran: "Wonderful Originator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees an affair, He only says to it, Be, and it is (2:117)."

Supernatural healing is a gift bestowed upon people who are proclaiming the same universal message from God. According to the Koran, there are no differences between the messengers and prophets of God or as noted: “…We make no distinction between one and another of His messengers." (2:285)

Jesus Christ, considered one of the greatest messengers in the

Koran, is an example of a supernatural healer. His Prophetic mission embodied deep supernatural healing work. Jesus Christ himself testified that the gift given to him is also available to all and healing is a sacred spiritual work:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do..." (John 14:12) "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils…," (Matt. 10:8) Islamic mysticism utilizes esoteric scientific principles embodied in the method that God endowed to His latest prophet by a rapid and supernatural direct connection through Bay’a and mystical instructions.

Supernatural healing incorporates holy power, in the context of heart-centered faith, generated by purification and omnipresent consciousness of the master along with sacred words of remembrance. The Master acknowledges the Divine as The Highest Source of Healing and he acts as

Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


a conduit between that Source of Healing and the one who needs healing. The word "supernatural" in the context of supernatural healing refers to the divine nature of the power, which comes from One Invisible, Unseen All Intelligent Source. The healing power from This Source is available to everybody who joins this mystical relationship.

A large number of people who have followed this mystical path have been cured of chronic illnesses such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and even psychiatric conditions such as hypochondria, schizophrenia, insomnia, and many other mental health illnesses.

There have been clinical efforts to show the supernatural healing power of mysticism in the form of self-induced wounds that heal instantly and painlessly, called Deliberately Caused Bodily Damage (DCBD). As was discussed, this power is bestowed on followers at the time they initiate into the order of mysticism.

In 1988, a series of 50 experiments were carried out by Jamal Hussein, Ph.D., on 28 mystics. The mystics shoved unsterilized metal skewers and spikes through their cheeks, tongue, lower mouth, ear lobe, neck, arms, chest and abdomen. They hammered daggers into the sides of their skulls and just below their eyes. They chewed and swallowed glass and sharp razor blades, placed red-hot plates between their hands and their teeth. They laid burning objects against their faces, arms and legs for five to fifteen seconds, and exposed their tongues to the bites of poisonous snakes and scorpions. In every case observed by the researchers, the mystics never felt pain, and the DCBD healed and disappeared in a few seconds. Usually a few drops of blood initially covered the wound; in rare instances a blood line of a few centimeters long appeared, and then disappeared. No infections followed, even though unsterilized instruments had been used. The researchers called this instant healing Super Reaction (SR).

Before, during, and after their performances the volunteers remained entirely alert and able to respond consciously and promptly to external stimuli in the surrounding environment. They were in complete command of their bodies, senses, and consciousness, and showed no loss of control, perceptual distortion, or any other indication or shift in their normal consciousness.

A wider range of physiological measurements taken in these experiments showed no deviation from normality. Notably, the scientists observed no changes in the frequencies of the EEG of the subjects, suggeting that they were in a trance state.

After months of intense analysis, the researchers found that the

healing effects were not within the normal self-healing ability of the human body. They had to accept what they had been told in the first place. The self-healing power of the mystics had been given to them during their initiation into mysticism.

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According to the conclusion derived from these experiments, the

mystic volunteers could not heal themselves if they had suffered an injury in the normal manner.

The researchers observed that the mystics were able to perform the

DCBD feats equally well whether they had become a mystic one minute or 20 years previously, whether they were in a good state of health or a bad one, whether they believed in the powers or not, and whether or not they had any need to perform them. According to the scientists, the performance of the feats had nothing to do with psychological and personal components such as knowledge and understanding of the DCBD process, motivation, belief or need.

EEG recording the brainwaves activity of the mystics performing DCBD feats showed no deviations from the normal alpha rhythm.

In the 1970s, researchers at Tubingen University, Germany, , found that the EEG of a man who was able to stick un-sterilized spikes into his tongue, neck and abdomen showed a different theta wave pattern than normal during his demonstration.

Similarly, the EEG recordings of Brazilian trance surgeons (healer-mediums engaged in quasisurgical practices) confirmed that they were not in a meditative state but demonstrated brain activity that reflected hyper arousal. -

The fact that no changes whatsoever took place in the brain wave

patterns of the performing mystics was an indication that they were in the grip of a force from outside of their body, some kind of intelligent healing power that was qualitatively different from anything observed by science up to that time.

The experiments of Jamal Hussein for the rapid wound healing of the

DCBDs, were later examined by Howard Hall, Ph.D., Psy.D., a clinical psychologist. The research carried out by Dr. Hall was an outgrowth of his academic specialization in medical hypnosis, which he teaches and practices at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Dr. Hall’s primary introduction to DCBDs was through photographs he received from Kasnazani mystics. It was fascinating to him, because not only he was doing hypnosis clinically, but he was also training professionals in hypnosis. When he saw the photos, he wanted to know if hypnosis was involved. Very soon in his research he noticed that the supernatural ability of mystics had no relation with hypnosis, altered states of consciousness, or trance states such as relaxation or meditation. Electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings done by Dr. Hall reflected the absence of a meditative state during DCBD.

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For a thorough investigation Dr. Hall made a journey to Baghdad,

where he met the master of mysticism, Sheikh Muhammad Kasnazan, and through him, he experienced DCBD’s for himself and joined the school of mysticism.

Later he invited a DCDB practitioner to Cleveland and arranged some demonstrations. This led to the publication of the first of many research papers in the U.S.

In the demonstrations arranged by Dr. Hall, the practitioner inserted an unsterilized metal skewer through one side of the cheek area of the face (lateral buccal) and out through the other side. The insertion was observed by Western scientists. The left facial puncture healed within two minutes; the right facial puncture was three quarters healed after 8 hours. According to the practitioner, the piercing was not associated with subjective pain. Radiological, immunological, and electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings were taken before and after the insertion. A random event generator (REG) was also run during the demonstration. Radiological and axial computerized tomography images documented the presence of the metal skewer through the cheeks; EEG findings were inconclusive. Immunological recordings showed no alterations. There was a trend toward REG non-randomness and, therefore, negentropy or increased complexity and order, which may be associated with the reestablishment of tissue integrity.

At an international conference of the Chinesse QiGong healing

method in November 2002, where a large number of leading scientists in the field of energy healing from different associations and affiliations were present, Dr. Hall experienced deliberate wounding and rapid healing, personally. He explains his experience as follows:

“When I was ready, it was necessary to connect with the Sheikh for his protection and energy, to think about that for a few moments. The Sheikh does not have to be physically present; he can be elsewhere. Yet his spiritual presence can transcend distance, so that is how he was able to afford me the connection, and, consequently, the energy and protection.”

One minute after connecting with the master for energy, Dr. Hall

pushed a skewer through his cheek. He was observed by the scientists and was interviewed after about

three minutes regarding how he was feeling with the object through his cheek. Following the interview, he pulled the skewer out. There were only a few drops of blood, which stopped in about one minute and about 10 minutes later the wound could hardly be found, only appearing as a pin point.

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It should be mentioned that Dr. Hall had cut himself shaving the day before, and the shaving cut was more noticeable than the piercing after the demonstration.

The next day after the demonstration Dr. Hall was evaluated by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia, on his Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GOV) which measures human energy fields similar to Kirlian photography. Dr. Korotkov first took a baseline measure of Dr. Hall's energy field from his fingers and displayed the results on a screen for the audience. He then asked him to increase his engery field. Dr. Hall made an unplanned request to the unseen master and mentally requested supernatural healing energy. The computer malfunctioned after that and another one had to be brought in. With the new computer the GOV revealed a major increase in Dr. Hall's energy field, after a quick request of energy from the master.

In 2005, in a National Geographic movie entitled “IS IT REAL?

Superhuman Powers”, a poor evaluation of supernatural claims was presented. The part related to the supernatural claims of mystics in this program was quite biased and unfair. This part of the program was presented right after an episode of an Indian charlatan, a "god man" astrologer, who was ripping off his clients for curing their psychic ailments, which encouraged a negative predisposition from the viewer.

Instead of discussing unbelievable acts of mystics such as hammering

daggers into skulls, swallowing glass and sharp razor blades, placing red-hot plates between hands and teeth and exposure to the bites of poisonous snakes and scorpions, the simple cheek penetration test of Dr. Hall was the focus of an investigation of all the claims. Finally the narrator of the program tried to compare the no-pain property of mystic acts to the simple case of a man with high pain tolerance. There was no mention that the mystics who perform supernatural acts are ordinary people without any special traits.

Dr. Hall has presented a more balanced view of this program at the following Case Western Reserve University link: The flawed evaluation of DCBD by the National Geographic program

viewed it as a ‘pain-control’ phenomenon. This does injustice to phenomena which certainly include unusual abilities other than the control of pain. It involves control of bleeding, control of infection and a complex process of fast wound healing. To give insight into the power and complexity of the supernatural healing power of mysticism, I describe an incident which happened to my wife.

When my family was living in Babolsar, we had a housekeeper named Maryam. She was a middle-aged faithful -Muslim, who had a problem

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accepting mysticism. After some time, when she noticed drastic changes in our family behavior and relations, and following divine dreams she had, she joined the mysticism.

One day at her home, when making barbecue, her daughters, both

university students, made fun of supernatural acts, and claimed that they were fraudulent.

Maryam who was very faithful in her way, objected to them and after a long dispute, her daughters asked her if they were real, why she could not do them. Maryam, who was furious and challenged, then did a crazy thing. Without any experience, and not having supervision (supernatural acts are to be supervised by an experienced mystic), she grabbed a red charcoal from the barbecue brazier and held it in her hand. The daughters cried out and asked her to release it. Not the slightest sign of burning was on her hand. Seeing this, all members of her family; two daughters, son and husband, joined mysticism.

With this introduction I go to the main episode. One night when I went home, I noticed my wife and some women who

were gathered for collective remembrance (as will explained later, it is a ceremony of recitation, playing frame drum) in our house, were weeping and seemed in an emotional state.

I was told that before ending the recitation, our housekeeper, Maryam, who was now enthusiastic about supernatural acts, asked my wife to let them do DCBD feats, as the mystic men do. My wife strongly disagreed, (at that time, my wife was not experienced and it had been a short time since she had become a Caliph). In spite of my wife’s disagreement, in an instant, one of the women named Arezoo, whose father was an experienced Caliph, took a spike and passed it through her cheek. Everybody was shocked since it was the first time any of them had seen a woman do a DCBD. After several minutes of stress and anxiety among the observers, Arezoo withdrew the spike from her face without the slightest bloodshed. My wife protested her doing such a dangerous act. Arezoo humbly stated that she had done it without control, and it seemed that somebody else was doing it for her. After Arezoo, my wife was urged to do the same act on another mystic, but since she did not have any experience, she decided to try it on herself. She passed the spike through her own cheek, without feeling any pain or numbness. When she removed the spike, blood ran off her face. The bleeding was intense and any tissue which was placed on the wound was saturated instantly and started to drip. Everybody tried desperately to stop the bloodshed without success. Arezoo told my wife that whenever her father has a problem stopping the bleeding in DCBD acts, he places a cloth sanctified by the master of mysticism on the wound. My wife placed a piece of green satin cloth given to her by Arezoo, on her wound. The bleeding stopped instantly. She examined the cloth and no evidence of blood was on

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it. “Look, there is no blood mark on the cloth!” screamed my wife. “There is no sign of wound on your face”, other women screamed. It was amazing that in several seconds the scar had totally vanished. I examined the site of the wound on my wife’s face. The skin was just slightly red, similar to the sign of a mosquito bite, and no bruise or sign of injury was detectable.

Step by Step Toward Supernatural Healing Power


Rules of Barakah There are some people who are called unfortunate or unlucky. If a

brick falls from a building, it will hit their car. If they have an important meeting, the alarm clock will not work. If their boss wants to blame someone for problems at work, they will be the target, etc. People usually shy away from these people. Successful business people have a gut feeling around them and often avoid business relationships or partnerships with such individuals.

Several months ago, a farmer came to me and sadly stated that he

was so unlucky that every year, before planting season, the neighboring farmers came to him to find out what type of crops he was planting, so that they could avoid planting it and steer clear of his unfortunate results. They were sure that planting similar crops would result in loss and misery for them. I promised this man that by utilizing mysticism he not only could solve this problem, but also acquire financial wealth. I am happy to report that it worked for him.

Being unfortunate is not a random event, but is a curable mystical

disease that has a supernatural origin. Unlucky people always wonder why bad things in this world always happen to them. The answer is simple; they have spiritually dug themselves into a dark hole where they remain. As a consequence, anything falling will hit them. The deeper the ditch, the larger the fallout will be.

Mysticism is an effective method of helping such unfortunate people.

Because of its divine foundation, this method can elevate one onto a hill of joy and peace causing unfortunate people to become lucky and prosperous.

To explain the reason underlying these mystical effects, I use the term

‘Barakah’ and its governing rules. Barakah is an Arabic term meaning blessing, particularly, spiritual gifts or protection transmitted from God. The parallel Jewish term is Berakhah, and in Christianity, Charisma or divine grace. Baraka is used in contemporary French as a synonym for "luck". A person who has "baraka" is said to be able to emerge unscathed from dangerous situations. The word Barakah is not known to most people. It is a supernatural energy or power with which the mystical body is imbued and is the result of phenomena that are explained below.

Understanding Barakah and its governing rules is an important factor

in mysticism. Most of the occurrences in our material lives are images or reflections of more complicated spiritual phenomena occurring in our mystical lives. Understanding Barakah and its rules will make us familiar

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with phenomena which have a direct effect upon our lives. According to these rules, we should not go to some places, should not eat some foods, should avoid some actions, and not deal with some people. We will understand that if we provide our family with money or food which does not have Barakah, they will run into strange and complicated problems, typically referred to as unluckiness.

In simple terms, Barakah is a type of supernatural energy. If we

consider ourselves to be composed of both natural and supernatural elements, Barakah is the required food for our supernatural element. Since most people are not aware of their need for such spiritual food, a large number of people are starving supernaturally, having symptoms of unluckiness, stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and lack of love and affection.

Barakah can exist in different forms such as people, places, foods,

etc. It is not recognized by ordinary people but by mystics with an enhanced supernatural ability for detecting it. A person with advanced mystical training can identify whether a person has Barakah or not and can rate a food dish based upon its Barakah, which is much more important than its natural taste. A mystic staying in a place, in addition to the typical sense of comfort, could rate that place based on its Barakah.

Barakah is considered to be a divine light in a metaphysical domain.

This light is not visible, but can be felt by mystics and those who are not sinful and are not materialistically dependent (on items such as money, people, etc.). When such people get exposed to this light, tears run from their eyes, their body gets relaxed, loose and numb, and they start to yawn; as if having been sitting in the sun for a long time. Some people go to churches, mosques, or other places of worship in order to experience these relaxed feelings. Small children, whose supernatural sensors have not been tarnished by sins and dependency on materialism, are more sensitive to detecting Barakah than adults.

Most of the supernatural senses are innate in humans at birth, but

they fade away during the primary stages of life, due to generation of a supernatural veil caused by sins and dependency on materialism. Animals also have good senses for supernatural effects. In the Koran, there is a chapter, An-Noor (chapter 24), which means “the Light”. In verse 35 of this chapter, God implicitly states that He is the light of the skies and earth. Hafiz calls this “the divine light of love”. He says:

The radiance of your goodness manifested in eternity Love appeared and set fire to the mountain, earth and sea

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This is the light which makes dead hearts alive. Hafiz states: “If the

light of love hits your heart, you will become more cheerful and shiny than the sun of the sky”.

Mystics refer to this cheerfulness as drinking the sacred wine (of love)

of God. These are some of Hafiz writings about this: O beautiful wine-bearer, bring forth the cup and put it to my lips Path of love seemed easy at first, what came was many hardships. I followed my own path of love, and now I am in bad repute How can a secret remain veiled, if from every tongue it drips? In the chapter of “the Light” of the Koran, God states that the heart of

a human is like a lamp, filled with an olive oil (used as fuel in ancient times), derived from a blessed olive tree, which is not from the earth (neither eastern nor western). This fuel is so flammable that it may burn, even if the flame does not touch it. This is the way that God describes it:

“Allah is the light of the skies and the earth; a likeness of His light is as

a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass (this glass is the heart of the virtuous), and the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not-- light upon light-- Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things.” (24:35)

According to mysticism, love, divine light, and Barakah have similar

meanings. Therefore, by absorbing Barakah, the divine light of love fills every vein and particle of your body and turns you into a shining light. Rumi explains:

Love came; the blood in my veins and body dried up. It took me from myself, and filled me with love. All that is left of me is a name. The rest is all Him...

When you become pure light, you can pass all the boundaries of

space and time (Einstein’s Relativity Theory) and can reach a state of unity with God and all His creations. Rumi describes this phenomenon with the following magnificent wording (previously described in the chapter of “Islamic Mysticism):

So that I jumped out of days and nights,

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As the point of a spear glances off a shield. For in that side all the people are one, A hundred thousand years and a moment are all one; World without beginning and world without end are one; Reason finds no entrance when mind is thus lost. Verse 39 of chapter. “the Light”, of the Koran refers to people who do

not have light (love) as those who go after a mirage, in search of water. God, due to His mercy, warns them on their path, but they do not listen, until they reach the end (of the life) and shamefully try to repent, but face the reckoning of God:

”And (as for) those who disbelieve, their deeds are like the mirage in a

desert, which the thirsty man deems to be water; until when he comes to it he finds it to be naught, and there he finds God, so He pays back to him his reckoning in full; and God is quick in reckoning;” (24:39)

Having Barakah or divine light (love), is the only factor which brings

people to joy and satisfaction. Therefore, someone who does not have this light needs to gain it, not attempt to numb their spiritual sense of light by using alcohol or narcotics. Becoming blind to the divine light leads people to chase after mirages instead of water.

As explained earlier, stress, anxiety, fearfulness and depression some

people have is due to their lack of Barakah or divine light. In chapter, “the Light”, of the Koran, people without Barakah are referred to as those who are lost in a stormy sea in the darkness. They go up and down and since the clouds, one over another, have covered the light. They do not see the cause of their ups and downs (what they call unluckiness), because they have blocked their hearts to the light with veils of sins, such as selfishness, hatred, lies, etc., and are not able to see the realities of life. The Koran says:

“Or like utter darkness in the deep sea: there covers it a wave above which is another wave, above which is a cloud, (layers of) utter darkness one above another; when he holds out his hand, he is almost unable to see it; and to whomsoever God does not give light, he has no light.” (24:40) Hafiz puts the above verse into the following words:

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The dark night, the fear of waves, the terrifying whirlpool, how can they know of our state, those who go lightly along the shore?

In the above verse, God explicitly states that He is the only real source

of divine light (love or Barakah), and all other sources are nothing but a mirage. Hafiz states:

Unfortunate the eyes that can’t shed tears of love, Unhappy the hearts that candle of love barricade. With this statement we go back to the rules of Barakah. One way of

generating Barakah is through our acts. Some acts generate Barakah and others spoil it. Religions and divine sects refer to Barakah generating acts as ‘rewarding acts’ such as praying, fasting, giving away beloved things to the needy. Practicing these acts provides mental calmness and imbues the heart with a sense of love and affection.

Wording and sound are other sources of Barakah. Preaching and inviting people to righteousness, recitations, remembrances, and music which arouses a sense of divine love, produce Barakah. Sinful talk and speeches which promote lying, gossiping, or conspiracy and any wording which drives people away from righteousness; any music which arise the ego and provoke sinfulness, destroy Barakah.

To get a feeling for the transfer mechanism of Barakah, you could

compare it with a sort of electromagnetic energy. As with a piece of steel that gets magnetized by being exposed to a magnet, if you expose yourself (physically or mentally) to Barakahful people and socialize with them; or stay in Barakahful places, you absorb Barakah. On the other hand, approaching people without Barakah and staying in Barkatless places, spoils your Barakah.

One way to recognize Barakahless people is through mystical training.

Ordinary people may also detect Barakahful people through the wetness, shine, and penetrative appearance of their eyes, and also by the luminance and shine of their faces. Barakahful people are usually kind and humble and have warm hearts. Small kids and domestic animals such as dogs and cats, also like Barakahful people.

Barakahless people usually have dry, dull and vague eyes and their

faces are matte and dark. This type of darkness is different from skin’s normal color and is hard to describe. With barakahful people there is a quality of clearness and shine of the skin, which needs training to identify.

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Leading mystics usually avoid Barakahless people (except for guidance). Being close to some of these people is so bothering to them that they feel like they are near a smelly carcass. If compelled to shake hands with them, for several hours they sense a bad smell on their hand. Partnership in life or business with Barakahless people is not recommended and may lead to undesired results.

Similar to magnetic energy, Barakah can be stored in places and

objects. For Barakahful people, the place they stay, the dress they wear, and the objects they have contact with, gains Barakah. Mystics can identify Barakahless places. To them such a place is similar to an unpleasant dead swamp under populated with trees, which needs light to grow and thrive.

Places where sinful acts happen become Barakahless. It may have

occurred to you who have moved to a new place and have become unfortunate and had symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fear. These are indications of the place being Barakahless, and can be reversed by acts such as praying and reciting remembrances. There is an efficient method in mysticism for healing such a place by arranging a collective remembrance ceremony in it. In this ceremony mystics gather in circle and recite remembrances as will be explained later.

There are special properties attributed to collective prayers, and

collective remembrances are of the most ‘Barakah generating’ rituals. If we consider Barakah as a light, when one person is praying or making a Barakahful act, one light will spread over him or her. If two people do the act simultaneously, each of them will receive two lights, one due to his, or her own and the other due to the other’s act. Collective acts are amplifiers of Barakah. If you take part in a collective Barakahfull act, you will get amplified Barakah. In the same way, if you take part in collective Barakahless acts, such as sinful parties, you will lose your Barakah in an amplified manner.

Sessions of collective remembrance of mystics are one of the most

important Barakah generating rituals. It is said in the Koran: “For men and women who engage much in God’s remembrance, for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward” (33:35).

And in another verse: “O you who believe! When the call is made for

prayer on Friday (the day of assembly), then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trading; that is better for you, if you know” (62:9).

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Prophet Muhammad (P) said: “If you pass by the meadows of Heaven, enjoy yourself “. Followers asked: “What is the meadows of Heaven? “ The Prophet answered: “It is the session of remembrance”.

Tekyas (similar to a mosque in which mystics do their rituals),

mosques, churches, etc., due to collective ceremonies are Barakahful places.

In Islamic faith, due to the amplifying property of collective acts, collective prayer and the collective pilgrimage of Hajj are strongly emphasized.

Hajj is the largest pilgrimage in the world. There millions of Muslims

gather in Mecca and worship God, which has an unbelievably high Barakah amplification for the attendee.

Food is another source of Barakah transfer. As with athletes who

watch calories, concerned mystics also watch the Barakah of their food. They only eat Halal food The general idea of Halal food forbids pork and all its products, animals improperly slaughtered, alcoholic drinks including all forms of intoxicants, carnivorous animals, birds of prey and any food contaminated with any of these products. Mystics do not eat at unfamiliar places or where they are not sure of the source of attainment of the food, which may be provided by dirty money, gained by theft, deceit, or bribery. They do not eat food which has been stored in Barakahless places. In advanced training, they do not consume food which is touched or cooked by Barakahless and sinful people. At this level, the mystic can obviously detect Barakah of the food. Barakahless foods smell bad to him. A leading mystic friend of mine claimed that his eye had become foolish when he had cataract laser surgery!

Recall the description presented in the chapter of this book on ‘Islamic

Mysticism’ regarding the contemplation of your mystical body as a hypothetical cone. In this chapter we will improve the previous description, by imagining your mystical body as a balloon, with its opening placed on the surface of a table; the ‘materialistic plane’. This is a hypothetical plane, in which materialistic senses work and it is only within this plane that you can see, hear, taste, or feel. It is from this plane that you would be able to inflate your balloon.

What inflates the figurative balloon is not air, but Barakah. You can

expand the balloon by providing Barakah and can puncture it by sins. The size of this balloon during life and afterwards is the yardstick for evaluation of a human before God. Therefore, mending this balloon and inflating it is to

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be considered the most important duty of a human during life. All the divine religions and creeds through their training and rituals have described this duty.

Mysticism, through its divine training has an effective method for

mending this balloon which is called repentance or Bay’a. Utilizing Bay’a, the punctured balloons get repaired and re-inflated by Barakah, proportional to their damage. The more damaged balloons get more inflated, since they are more prone to leakage.

The following verse of the Koran supports this theory. "Except him

who repents and believes and does a good deed; so these are they of whom God changes the evil deeds to good ones; and God is Forgiving, Merciful” (25:70).

It is stated here that all sins of people who repent are converted to

good deeds. Therefore, if people who are extremely sinful repent, preserve their Barakah, and do not backslide , they will become righteous persons. This is the reason a large number of saints and virtuous people in history have actually had sinful pasts.

For a sinful person, maintaining repentance is more difficult than that

of an ordinary person. For example, one who is addicted to alcohol, narcotics or adultery needs more effort and zeal to maintain repentance than an ordinary person.

Unfortunate people, who suffer Barakah deficiency, can repent and

make the Bay’a, to convert to a positive person. The more unlucky they were, the more fortunate they will become.

In mystical training, repentance or Bay’a is considered to be the most

important step. There are two phenomena occurring simultaneously during this act. One phenomenon is the act of repentance, in which the balloon of the disciple gets mended and proportionally filled with Barakah. The second phenomenon, which is of more importance, is generating a mystical bond or connection between disciple and master. This is the essence of mysticism and is analogous to a hose connection between the balloon of the disciple and the balloon of the master. The master controls the flow of Barakah to the disciple’s balloon. A more diligent disciple will get more Barakah.

Since the size of the master’s balloon compared to the disciple’s is

similar to a mountain compared to a small rock, a simple glance from the master will improve the disciple as much as years of self- endeavor.

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The Barakah which passes from master to disciple is proportional to

the heart’s desire or attraction of the heart of the disciple and the disciple’s efforts in observing the master’s commands. Some commands which are important in generating desire or attraction of the heart are as follows:

• Fasting is a unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam. It

means to abstain completely from food, drink, sexual intercourse and smoking, before the break of the dawn till sunset. Ordinary Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year. Some mystics take two extra days of voluntary fasting on Monday and Thursday of each week during the rest of the year beyond Ramadan. By fasting the desire for eating and drinking, etc., is suppressed. This will cause the attraction of Barakah to the heart, flowing from master to the disciple.

• Donating what you love. When you give away what you love in your

heart, creates a Barakah attraction to your heart. It is expressed in the Koran as, ”By no means shall you attain to righteousness until you spend (benevolently) out of what you love; and whatever thing you spend, Allah surely knows it.” (3:92)

• Constant battling your ego or lower self. If you fill your heart with

whatever your ego wishes, there won’t be any attraction of Barakah. In order to achieve the required ability to master your ego and overcome mood issues, at the primary stages of mysticism, you have to battle with your ego or lower self constantly. This is the true meaning of the concept of peaceful Jihad (- 23:1-11). “The Believeres must win through those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex except with those joined to them in the marriage bond…” 23:1-6) “Those who faithfully observe their trusts and covenants and who guard their prayers- their will be the heirs who will inherit Paradise; they will dwell therein (forever)” (23:8-11). For example, on a hot day, if you are yearning for a cold drink, have a glass of warm- water; if a fruit cake is beckoning you at a party, have a cup of bitter coffee instead. In addition to mystical improvements, these practices have numerous indirect benefits, such as treating narcotic addictions, obesity, managing blood sugar, and other undesired habits.

Becoming emotionally invloved with a Barakahless person is another

way of losing Barakah. For example, a love relationship between a male and female causes a build up of heart desire or attraction between the two.

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In the metaphysical domain, this act is similar to making a hose-like connection between the mystical balloons of man and woman. If the man is at a higher level of Barakah, the Barakah of the man will flow down to the woman. If the man is sinful and wicked, with a punctured or torn balloon, his feeling toward the woman will deplete the Barkah of the woman.

From this analogy, you can imagine how much Barakah a woman will

lose at a party, if by provocative dress and seductive acts, she attracts a lot of attention and desire from lustful or Barakahless people. This is the reason why many people feel depressed, insecure, sad and fearful the day after such a party. To prevent this, in Islam, dressing and behavior of both men and women should follow specific standards, so as not to arouse sexual feelings.

Since having feelings for Barkahless people reduces the Barakah

level, in mysticism, trainees are asked to watch their eyes, ears, mouth, and actions, and not to get enticed by wicked people. Instead they should seek the attraction of a votary and righteous person, especially the master of mysticism.

Eyeing is a common source of loss of Barakah. Usually those who

stare at others, no matter how hard they work, remain Barakahless. Staring into the eyes of wicked people can result in a rapid discharge of Barakah, and looking into the eyes of Barakahful people will give you a jump in Barakah level.

In addition, the love of Barkahless people (even for objects) will spoil

one’s Barakah and cause harm to it (in other words, make one unlucky). Most cultures support this idea, with the notion of Murphy’s Law’ which states: “- The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down on a carpet is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.” It means that if you love a costly carpet, the bread will fall on it on the buttered side. On the other hand, being loved by a righteous person is fortunate and causes luckiness and prosperity, but this can be- dangerous if one becomes emotionally obsessed with another person to the exclusion of God in their hearts.

Leading mystics, who reach a profound mutual love relation with God,

try to exhaust their heart of everything but God. They believe that God is zealous and cannot see anything compete with Him in the heart of His beloved. This was the reason that God ordered Abraham (P) to kill his only son Isaac (P), because love of Isaac was competing with love of God in the heart of Abraham.Jews and Christians say that the sacrificed was Isaac, whereas according to the Islamic tradition the sacrificed was Ishmael.

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In order to avoid this, some creeds prescribe that followers isolate

themselvers from wealth and spouses and retreat to deserted places. Islamic mysticism completely disagrees with this idea and has methods to overcome this problem. The following story describes this:

There was a pious man who was living simply and getting his food

from the sea. Every day he caught two fish, consumed one and donated the other. Once he told one of his disciples, who was traveling to another city, to give his greetings to his friend who was a righteous person and ask him for advice.

The disciple arrived at the city and searched for the pious man’s

friend. He found him in a very luxurious dress and place surrounded by servants. When he asked for the advice, the votary man replied: “when you go back to my friend, ask him why he is so preoccupied with life and why he doesn’t stop his whims and needs” The disciple found this quite amazing.

When he went back to the pious man and told him about his friend’s

reply, the man wept severely and said: “My friend said the truth; he has too much wealth but has removed it from his heart and is keeping it in his hands, while I have little but am keeping it in my heart”. Islamic mysticism believes that you should be rich and affluent, but your wealth should be in your hands instead of your heart.

Getting back to the previous argument, sinful and Barakahless people

are supposed to be unfortunate, but there are some sinful and wicked people who get fruitful results from their acts and look prosperous and thriving to common people. These people are the most miserable and unblessed, according to the Koran and their success is transient and superficial.

People who get undesirable results from their sinful acts are in a

better situation than individuals who have fortunate outcomse because the former are not completely out of God’s favor and still have some chance of salvation. An example of the above two cases:

Consider a thoughtless person, driving recklessly down a slope

leading to a dreadful valley. God, due to His mercy makes a small ditch in the path to stop the car. The tire breaks and the car stops. The driver gets out of the car and blames God and his destiny for being so unlucky. He changes the tire and without examining the road to see the danger ahead, gets in the car and speeds up again. This time, a bigger ditch appears as

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the second warning. The scenario continues several times to make the driver aware of the risk, but when the driver ignores all the warnings and shows his willingness for falling off the slope, God’s policy changes. This time He clears the path, removes the obstacles and removes all the ditches ahead so the ignorant driver can reach his doom with the maximum speed he desires.

The above analogy is supported by the following two verses of the Koran:

”And indeed We will make them taste of the Penalty of this (life) prior

to the supreme Penalty, in order that they may (repent and) return.”(32:21)

“But when they forgot the warning they had received, We opened to them the gates of all (good) things, until, in the midst of their enjoyment of Our gifts, on a sudden, We called them to account, when lo! they were plunged in despair!” (6:44)

Therefore, whenever you see someone who receives fruitful results

from wickedness, don’t envy. This person is in an alarming situation and sooner or later will have the bitter taste of misery. Such a person is like a melon which is being smashed on the floor. The higher the rise of the melon, the harder is the impact.

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How to Become a Mystic Mysticism is the cure for diseases of the heart and is the foundation

and soul of Islam. It teaches harmony with humanitarian values and emphasizes that Islam is the religion of love. Mysticism in Islam is also a comprehensive bridge to other religious and spiritual traditions. This mysticism is not abstract or theoretical material, but is a practical path for individuals and society that does not prescribe isolation from life or family (57:27). There is also no renunciation of life’s pleasures. Instead, it provides a guide for how to find balance and harmony in this world.

Islam since its beginnings has been open to all races and nations.

There is no distinction between one Muslim and another because of race or language, but only on the basis of one’s righteousness. It is said in the Koran: “verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you” (49:13).

Islamic mysticism is not only open to all races, but also all religions. It

is said in the Koran: “We have not sent thee, but as a universal (Messenger) to all the men as a bearer of good news and as a Warner, but most men do not know” (34:28);”We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures” (21:107). Mysticism does not discriminate between men and women and both can reach the highest levels of spiritual growth based upon their degree of righteousness and chastity. Women hold a place of reverence in Islam given their unique status as mothers and wives (4:1) and Islam condemns the pre-Islamic practice of female infanticide (81:8-9). Throughout history women in Islamic countries have achieved the highest level of political status with many becoming heads of state (Woman Muslim Leaders throughout the times: The most important characteristic of a leader in Islamic mysticism is

keeping to spiritual guidance. As it is emphasized in the Koran: “Follow him who does not ask you for reward, and they are the followers of the right course;” (36:21). Masters, teachers and other people who help those on this path - may not expect any type of financial or other reward.

Contrary to many mystical traditions that might deal with intriguing

manuscripts or complicated and exhausting rites and traditions, Islamic mysticism provides a vehicle for those engaged in spiritual practices, as well as scholars of religious and esoteric studies and others following spiritual paths, a straight way (1:6) to Barakah (blessings/Grace). -

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It should be noted that the mystical traditions of Islam were not influenced by philosophy, but had origins from the Holy Koran and the course of the prophet Muhammad (P), his household, and pious companions.

There are some common features between Islamic mysticism with

some Hindu or Buddhist schools, such as Remembrances (called mantra in the aforementioned schools). One difference, however, between the Remembrance in Islamic mysticism and the others is that Islamic Remembrances are not unique or secret; never ever to be revealed.

Contrary to some new schools of thought, Islamic mysticism is based

on drawing close to the divine and supernatural power of God following the spiritual guidance of the Koran. Mysticism was the original foundation of Islamic law and Abrahamic religions with its worship of one God (monotheism) and opposition to any form of idolatry. Similar to other Abrahamian schools, one does not need to become vegetarian nor get involved in inefficient mental gymnastics. It is geared to the general population with ordinary capabilities and since Islamic mysticism is claimed to be the shortest path to God, it does not allow the disciple to have alternatives in the choice of fundamental instructions, such as Remembrances and prayer.

The first school of Islamic mysticism appeared in the city of Medina. It

contained many religious devotees who clung to the Koran and took the Prophet Muhammad (P) as their model in spirituality. They continued on this course until Imam Ali, the closest and the dearest person to the Prophet became the second master of mysticism. After Imam Ali, mastership successively transferred from one master or sheikh to another until it reached the time of the King of the Patrons, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Geylani. He established a school which was unique in his time and enjoyed very wide fame, guiding a large number of people to the way of righteousness. Later, Sheikh Abdul Karim Kasnazan (Kasnazan is an Arabic–Kurdish name that means “the way of secret that is known to no one”) became a center of mysticism, through which many people from distant parts of the world found guidance.

Kasnazani is one of the most prominent schools of mysticism in the

world, whose master, Sheikh Muhammad Kasnazan, traces his origin back to the Prophet Muhammad (P), through a chain of Masters. Kasnazani mysticism is not a religious sect or political movement. It is the practical and spiritual application of the Koranic text.

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Kasnazani mysticism involves conventional Islamic practices, such as daily prayer, fasting, and some prohibitions, plus additional duties such as frequent Remembrance and fasting which will be explained later. These practices have spiritual purposes and also positive health implications.

In order to become a mystic, one (Muslim or non-Muslim) can take the

following steps: 1- Take Bay’a or pledge, in the way explained here. 2- Perform Ghusl, which is washing the entire body with water in a

special order (how to perform Ghusl can be found on most Islamic sites) 3- Perform two units of contact prayer, similar to the Dawn Prayer

(refer to Islamic sites). Contact or link prayer is the name for the obligatory prayers which are

performed five times daily by Muslims. It causes a direct contact or link between the worshipper and God. The five-time prayers become obligatory from the moment a person embraces mysticism. This is an extremely important tenet of Islam and has been enjoined with great emphasis in the Koran (how to perform Salat is described on Islamic sites).

4- Fast for three consecutive days. As explained earlier, fasting is another spiritual characteristic of Islam

during which one abstains completely from food, drink, sexual intercourse and smoking from before dawn till sunset. Muslims usually fast during the entire month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year. At one’s inauguration into mysticism, three days of fasting is sufficient.

5- Start the Remembrances After performing the contact prayer, the mystic should start the first of

nineteen continuous Remembrances, as follows: “There is no Lord but Allah”. This remembrance is to be repeated one hundred thousand times. It is advised to complete each of the first and second remembrances in a period of less than 20 days (an average of - 5000 repetitions every day, which will take about one hour to perform). This purges all bad deeds from the disciple. After finishing it, the second Remembrance (Allah) should be started, followed by 17 additional Remembrances.

Those who are not aware of mysticism may think that performing

Remambrances and other instructions for a mystic in general is “full of hardships”. But in general the burden that a pupil encounters is for sure within his or her ability. It is said in the Koran: “… no burden do We place on any soul but that which it can bear …” (6:152)

We will describe repentance and Remembrances in further detail.

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Repentance or Bay’a Repentance entails a refrain from committing bad deeds that violate

God’s will. Repentance is a spark that enlightens peoples’ hearts by the will of God and his blessings, after being misguided by the Devil. No human is free from the Devil’s temptations or illusions. According to the Koran, repentance is obligatory for all people and many chapters of the Koran refer to this obligation. For the people who repent, all their sins are converted to good deeds. Therefore, anyone who is extremely sinful will become a righteous person, if they repent and do not back-slide,.

As was explained in the chapter, ‘Master of Mysticism’, the most important duty of a master is to light the Divine Love inside the disciple’s heart. Islamic mysticism is equipped with an efficient method, Bay’a, by this light can be turned on with the least amount of effort. Anyone who wants to follow the course of mysticism must take Bay’a. It is a simple operation where a man who wants to follow the pledge, puts his -hand in the right hand of the master or his deputy, a Caliph. In the case of a woman, she holds the beads of the Caliph, instead of the hand.

Bay'a is not restricted to men. It is for men, women and adolescent as

well. Since mysticism is the way which leads to God, anyone who has insight should take the Bay'a from the master who is the prophet's heir and acts as his representative. Prophet Muhammad (P) says: “who died while having no Bay'a, then, his death is like that of the pre-Islamic people”.

Although Bay’a appears simple, it conveys many spiritual secrets. It is

described as being a spiritual touch through which the disciple’s soul is - connected to that of the master of mysticism, who is spiritually connected to the chain of masters who preceded him, leading to the Prophet Muhammad (P). Therefore, Bay’a with the present master is Bay’a or a pledge with the Prophet. According to the Koran, God considers the Bay'a with the prophet as Bay’a with Him. It is said in the Koran: “Surely those who swear allegiance to you do but swear allegiance to Allah; the hand of Allah is above their hands. Therefore whoever breaks (his faith), he breaks it only to the injury of his own soul, and whoever fulfills what he has covenanted with Allah, He will grant him a mighty reward”(48:10).

Prophet Muhammad (P) said: “Who shakes my hand or the hand of

those who hold me till the Day of Judgment go into the paradise”. Shaking the hand means the confession and witness of Muhammad's prophecy, and the promise through hands to cling to the rules of Islam. Bay’a happened at the time of the prophet of Islam and after he was dead, Imam Ali inherited the spiritual touch and the succession of the Caliphate of mysticism.

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The content of the pledge which the disciple reads indicates that the highest duty of the disciple is to stop committing sins, to work sincerely, and to cling to the master’s commands. This text is also a request for supernatural connection with the master.

Following is the text of the repentance, which must be repeated by the disciple sentence by sentence after the Caliph.

The Bay’a or Pledge of Tariqa Kasnazani In the name of Allah, the Merciful and compassionate. I bear witness

there is no God but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (P). I believe in Allah, in His angles, in His Holy books, in His Prophets, in the day of Judgement, in destiny, good or not, is decreed by Allah, in Resurrection after death and in Tariqa, which He revealed to our Master Muhammad (P) who is the seal of the prophets and the Master of messengers. Oh Allah I ask for forgiveness for every sin. .

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, mighty and sublime be He.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to our Master, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Imam Ali, May Allah be pleased with him.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Imam Al-Hussein, May Allah be pleased with him.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Geylani.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Sheikh Ismael Al-Weliani.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Sheikh Abdul Karim Al-Kasnazani.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kasnazani.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Sheikh Hussein Al-Kasnazani.

I ask Allah’s pardon for each sin. I repent and promise Al-Sheikh Abdul Karim Al-Kasnazani.

I ask Allah the Great for forgiveness for every sin. I repent and pledge allegiance to Al-Sheikh Muhammad Al-Kasnazani, our present master, who I accept as my teacher and guide in this life and the hereafter and Allah is the witness on my promise.

After completion of the pledge, the caliph says: “On behalf of Al-

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Kasnazani I give you this Bay’a, do you accept?”

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”Yes, I do”, the disciple replies. Then Sura Al-Fatiha (first chapter of the Koran) is read.

Remembrance Remembrance is for putting everything out of one's mind except God.

It revitalizes the heart like a barren land saved by rains. It entails glorification of God and repetition of His name with great concentration, both by heart and speech. Prophet Muhammad (P) said: “these hearts are to be rusted, but by reading the Holly Koran and attending the sessions of Remembrance these hearts are to be revitalized”.

More than thirty verses of the Koran emphasize Remembrances. See for example, “If anyone withdraws himself from Remembrance of God, we appoint for him an evil, to be an intimate companion to him” (43:36).

Prophet Muhammad (P) said: “It is the living who remembers his God, but he who does not remember his God is like the dead”. By Remembrance of God hearts are revitalized, and he whose heart is lively is living and he whose heart is dead, is himself dead.

Mystic Remembrances have many utilities for cleansing the disciple’s heart of every bad thing which God forbids, and for helping him walk on the right spiritual path. It is considered to be a sword in the hands of the disciple for fighting the enemies of the jinni and the man.

Remembrance has two components; one is Remembrance by tongue

(speech) and the other Remembrance by heart. In the preliminary stages of mysticism, Remembrance is practiced

mostly by speech, but in the advanced stages, it gets converted to Remembrance by heart.

The real Remembrance is that in which the true believer remembers his creator by his heart. Remembrance is moved from the tongue to the heart when the mystic repeats with enjoyment till it becomes a warm cure to the heart. Sheikh Geylani said: “The real Remembrance is done by the heart; tongue is but a slave of the heart”.

By Remembrance the devil is defeated. Prophet Muhammad (P) said: “devil is exhausted by this Remembrance just like a camel exhausted by overloads“.

Remembrance is practiced individually or in group. Group Remembrance, which is referred to as collective Remembrance, is considered better than individual, because of the intimacy, cooperation, and amplifying properties of the collective acts. Ghazali (1058-1111), one of the greatest Islamic mystical thinkers, states that stiff hearts may not be smashed but by the force of collective Remembrance. Therefore, in the Kasnazani School of mysticism, worship is mostly in the collective pattern.

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There are rules of morality during the Remembrance by which a true

mystic must abide:

1. Perform an Ablution before the start of Remembrance since it is mandated by the Koran that every Muslim should do so. Ablution is washing with clean water before performing prayer. How to make ablution is shown on Islamic sites such as: <>.

2. Sit quietly in a state of tranquility at a clean place as if to pray. 3. Close the eyes in order to gradually shut out all apparent senses and

to open the heart. 4. Ask God for forgiveness from every sin in the heart 3 to 7 times or

more, until you experience a feeling of peace and absence of all negative thoughts.

5. Allow the heart to become absent from everything except God, since God loves to see his servant’s heart solely occupied by Him.

6. Attach spiritually with the master in order to communicate through one's soul with God. Through this process of intuitive spiritual guidance one comes to the understanding that what he or she is learning from the master, is coming from God through the Prophet Muhammad (P).

7. Be humble after reaching this spiritual state and do not boast about this inner state of joy and delight.

8. Do not consume cold drinks after Remembrance, as Remembrance creates excitement and eagerness that will be brought to a standstill by cold drinks.

Individual remembrances are divided into two groups. One group, referred to as the ‘Daily Remembrances’, is performed after the five prayers. The other group, ‘Continuous Remembrances’, are to be performed continuously, without any time boundaries.

In addition to the individual Remembrances, collective remembrances

are required, which are to be performed on Monday and Thursday, after the evening prayer.

For a complete listing and description of Remembrances, you may refer to <>.

Continuous or daily Remembrances include 19 collects which should

be said individually. Each one is to be repeated one hundred thousand times. When the disciple finishes the nineteenth remembrance, he goes back again to the first one and this continues for life.

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An important proof of the divinity of these Remembrances is that they are nineteen in number; and this is the number which was proven by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in 1976, through computer decoding, to be the magical number of the Koran.

The following is a list of the nineteen continuous Remembrances:

1. There is no Lord but Allah (this collect purges you from all bad deeds).

2. Allah (leads you to Allah's mercy). 3. Ya Hu (O He) (Puts fixedly the light of faith inside you and elevates

you to the rank of knowing). 4. Ya-Hay (O the Ever living) (removes all the dirty collects from your

heart). 5. Ya-Wahid (O the One) (removes the veil between the servant and

Lord). 6. Ya-Azeez (O the Invincible) (saves you from the self's and devil's

wickedness). 7. Ya-Wadud (O the Loving) (for a faithful disciple, opens supernatural

hearing and insight). 8. Ya-Rahman (O the Gracious) (rescues you from grief and sadness

in this life and the other life). 9. Ya-Raheem (O the Merciful) (makes you enter into God’s mercy). 10. Praise be to Allah, there is no Lord but Allah and Allah is great

(gives you the reward of one hundred pilgrimages of Hajj). 11. Oh Allah! May you pray on our master Muhammad and on his

family and companion (saves you from all problems). 12. In the name of Allah the compassionate and merciful, there is no

power but that of Allah the great and sublime (Allah cures you from diseases).

13. Sura Al-Ikhlas (chapter 112 of the Koran) (Allah forgives you and your parents).

14. There is no Lord but Allah, Al-Malik, Al-Haq, Al-Mubeen; Muhammad is Allah's prophet, the honest and trusted prophet.

15. Prophet of Allah, May Allah have His pray on you. 16. None to be aimed at but Allah. 17. None to be existent but Allah. 18. None to be wanted but Allah. 19. None to be but Allah.

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Metaphysical Interpretation of Bay’a and Remembrances A human being can be thought of as an old swampy pool, with a layer

of thick sludge underneath. Pests like parasites are nesting inside the sludge, with names such as deceitfulness, greed, fear, grief, gloom, and many others. When there is no agitation or disturbing agent in the pool, the sludge settles and one may experience a feeling of calmness. But the slightest agitation disrupts the sludge, causing the clever suspended creatures to become dispersed throughout the pool. Every now and then, some type of pest shows up that we have never seen before, making us do things that we would never imagine.

The following verse of the Koran underscores the above analogy:

“then surely He knows the ‘secret’, and ‘what is yet more hidden’ ” (20:7). At the time of Prophet Muhammad (P), followers asked about the difference between the ‘secret’ and ‘what is yet more hidden’. The Prophet said: “secret is what you have hidden inside of you and are aware of, but ‘what is yet more hidden’ refers to something that is hidden inside of you and you, yourself, are not aware of it”.

In order to clean your pool and remove the nasty creatures living in it,

Islamic mysticism has established a well-tested method. Other mystical schools try to settle the suspended sludge with techniques such as Meditation. When the mud is allowed to settle it just causes all the obnoxious creatures to fall to the bottom of the pool with the accompanying transient feelings of calmness. However, at the first sign of the reoccurrence of agitation in the pool, all of the fierce creatures again become active, destroying the good feelings of calmness.

In order to destroy the negative impact of the vicious creatures, Islamic mysticism is equipped with a group of nineteen pesticides, each designed for a certain group of creatures. Since all the pests are devilish and from negative forces, the exterminating agent must be of divine light, previously described as the light of God, or light of love.

The nineteen continuous Remembrances of mysticism are from the Holy Koran, although the wording may be slightly different, they share the nature of light, due to the following verse of the Koran: “there has come to you ‘light’ and a clear Book from Allah” (15:5).

In the last chapter about continuous Remembrances, a benefit was

described for each of the Remembrances. For example, for the fourth Remembrance (Ya-Hay), it was indicated that it would remove all the dirty collects from your heart, and for the eighth Remembrance (Ya-Rahman), it was claimed that it would rescue you from grief and sadness. Many

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disciples complain when they start these Remembrances, they experience a completely opposite result than what is written in the description. For example, when they start the fourth Remembrance, instead of removing the dirty collects, all the dirty things rush into their minds; or by starting the eighth remembrance, which is supposed to rescue them from grief and sadness, they become sad and depressed. This property of the Remembrance is another proof of its Divinity. In order to explain this phenomenon, I will use a similitude: -

Imagine you are captured by the vicious ‘dragon of darkness’, with nineteen heads (according to the Koran, there are nineteen Hell Angels, appointed as the guardians of Hell). When the dragon is at rest, you enjoy your life and have a peaceful time, but it awakens and starts its attack , making life miserable for you. Each of the malignant heads of this dragon has a certain symptom. For example, whenever you are in a divine mood and have a loving and innocent feeling, the fourth head attacks you and gives you a dirty and sinful feeling. When you are feeling happy and expanded, the eighth head makes you sad and depressed by its attacks, and so on.

Nineteen continuous Remembrances of mysticism are swords, with which you can fight the nineteen heads of the ‘dragon of darkness’, but to use them effectively, you need to keep the following points in mind:

1- When you start your fight, with the first hit, the assaulted head fights

you back and charges you for the period of Remembrance. This is why at the start of each of the Remembrances; you may feel an opposite effect which diminishes gradually during the completion of the Remembrance.

2- If you start to fight with the first head, eighteen other heads attack

you. Therefore, to start safely, you need an initiative blow of light. Bay’a is the initiative blow of light, which is transmitted to the recipient in the act of Repentance. It is the divine light of Allah, directed to the master (Ghaus of the Era), through Prophet Muhammad (P), and a chain of late masters. Bay’a floods a disciple’s heart with light and causes the vicious dragon of darkness to be unconscious for a period of forty days. In this time, the disciple can get trained for fighting and also get an opportunity to cut at least two of the dragon heads by completing the first and the second Remembrances (each in 20 days).

Forty days have been proven to me to be true through numerous

practical cases. Recently, a newly pledged lady told me that she had a nightmare of being attacked by a black python (usually interpreted as demon) the night before. I asked her to give me the exact time of her Bay’a. After some calculation, she said it was the fortieth night afterwards that she had the bad dream. I asked her if she had dreams of a black snake before,

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“I was seeing a black python in my dreams quite often but after taking Bay’a, last night was the first time that it reappeared”, she responded.

Another woman had the frequent nightmare of being crushed by a black serpent. After taking Bay’a, she saw in her dream that the serpent came to her, but a big book, seemingly the Koran, made a barrier and the serpent rolled around the book and disappeared.

Another case was a young girl who had nightmares of being buried alive. The condition of this girl was so critical that she was getting a strong tranquilizer injection before sleep. These bad dreams also passed away after the first night of her Bay’a.

In addition to these, I personally have experienced numerous cases of acute mental disease which have been healed with a simple Bay’a.

3- Without Bay’a, it is not recommended to start the Remembrances. I

know of many people who have tried this, but after a short while experienced the described adverse effects of negativity and bad temper, lost their basic faith and even ceased to practice their ordinary prayers. I would not recommend doing this even if you are doubtful about my claim.

4- Remembrances should be practiced in order. In other words, you

have to cut the Dragon’s heads from the side, not from the middle. If you attack the middle heads, you will get surrounded by the heads on the side.

5- Some of the Remembrances are easy to say in a way that the

disciple easily completes them, but certain Remembrances are more difficult to say. This is because for each person, some of the so-called dragon heads are weak and could be easily cut, but some heads are immensely powerful and would require a difficult battle.

6- After beginning to slay some of the heads of the dragon with the

stunning effect of Bay’a, you need other blows of divine light to help you; otherwise the uncut heads attack you again. Collective Remembrances serve this purpose. Each session of collective Remembrance, has a guaranteed stunning effect of 3-4 days. This is the reason that the collective Remembrances are performed twice a week, on Monday and Thursday, after the evening prayer.

7- Usually the people who take Bay’a, even without saying the

remembrances, have a temporary feeling of divine light, together with a reduction of negativity. Unless sustained by the Master, this feeling will disappear in forty days if instructions are not followed.

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Although some beginners complain about the large number (one hundred thousand) of repetitions of a Remembrance, they should be aware that each Remembrance, in addition to its explained property, has other divine effects as explained through this similitude:

Let’s use our imagination again and assume that we have nineteen

sets of hair (eighteen sets in addition to what we have), all combed and styled at the time of birth. Over time, we dealt carelessly and with them and left them unguarded. They became shapeless and tangled. Therefore, in order to style and reshape them, we need one hundred thousand brush strokes for each of them.

Now imagine that every hair set, after reshaping rises up and converts to an antenna, which gives you metaphysical reception capacity in its corresponding frequency band.

Mystics who complete their continuous Remembrances get much more Barakah during the prayer and Remembrances and have better senses of the supernatural phenomena during observation, dreams, etc. Master of mysticism, Sheikh Muhammad Kasnazan, refers to the nineteen continuous Remembrances as nineteen teeth of a key, which upon engagement, would open your door to the secret world of mysticism.

Let’s use the same analogy to justify the effectiveness of continuous

Remembrances. When you comb your hair, the reason it gets styled is due to the fact that the teeth of the comb are compatible with the form of your hair; otherwise, no matter how many times you try, no styling would result. For example, if you pull a comb one hundred thousand times through a pile of sand, no combing effect would occur.

The reason each Remembrance gets completed one hundred thousand times before you move to the next Remembrance, is that these Remembrances, which are mostly divine names of God, have been engrained in you at the time of creation. By saying the Remembrances you are only renewing something which is already inside you, and has to be kept as a covenant that you gave to your creator at the time of creation!

Prophet Muhammad (P) related that when God created Adam, He took a covenant from him, then He extracted from him all of his descendants who would be born until the end of the world, generation after generation, and took a covenant from them. This statement is described by the following verse of the Holy Koran: “And when your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam, from their backs, their descendants, and made them bear witness against their own souls: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes! we bear witness. Lest you should say on the day of resurrection: Surely we were heedless of this”. (7:172)

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By completing each of the nineteen Remembrances, you renew your covenant for that stage, but after moving to the next Remembrance, how could you preserve the previous effect? For example, by completing a hair set and moving to the next, how could you prevent the previous hair from disarray? An obvious solution is to comb all of the hair sets a few times, on a daily basis.

Daily Remembrances which are performed after the five prayers simulate this act and the disciples are required to take these collects seriously; otherwise, after a while, continuous Remembrances will lose their effectiveness.

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Effect of Mysticism on Human Creativity Prophet David asked the Almighty God: “why did you make the

creation?” God responded: “I was a Treasure unknown then I desired to be known so I created a creation to which I made Myself known.”

It is believed in Islam, as in Christianity that God formed man from the

dust and gave him life by sharing His eternal breath. Accordingly, man is unique among all God’s creations and is made to resemble God.

Mysticism believes that we are images of God and if we clear and still the pools of our heart, we would be able to mirror God’s loving reflection in our existence. This is something which sets us apart from the animal world, allows us to attain the supremacy God intended us to have, and enables us to commune with our Creator. Therefore, anytime someone paints a landscape, invents a machine, writes a book, or conducts a symphony, it is a reflection of God’s image in him or her flowing out. Through starting mystical training, you will separate yourself into two different grades of being. A narrower and limited life that is finite and can never transcend itself, versus the larger life that is infinite and through which you can communication with the immensity of God and the truth of the universe. It is through this latter life that you can have an immense capacity for perception and receiving of messages from other dimensions and open the reception channels of which you are not aware.

It is believed by mystics that creativity originates from the divine light

of God. This light shines only over the virtuous and innocent lands and cannot be received by malignant and wicked ones. There is a story about a mystic complaining to his master of not being creative. The master recommended that he repent and not to commit any more sins. When he asked about the relation, his master told him that creativity is the divine light of Allah, and such light would not land over a sinful heart.

Mysticism transcends the emotional, intellectual, and volitional life of

ordinary people and gives them a sense of power to see into eternity, through the divine light of God. This noble light fertilizes human capabilities and converts an incompetent and barren person into a lively and creative one. The Koran says: “Is he who was dead then We raised him to life and made for him a light by which he walks among the people, like him whose likeness is that of one in utter darkness whence he cannot come forth?” (6:122)

As described earlier, Bay’a and Remembrances are effective tools in

mysticism which can clear and burnish the heart. These Remembrances are not only a group of sound vibrations. They are metaphysical entities

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from the Koran which generate Barakah and enhance supernatural properties of humans. According to the Koran, if these words descend over a mountain, it would fall down, broken asunder (59:21).

Remembrances rescue humans from the control of the Ego, which is a requirement for an artistic genius. The young Raphael says to Leonardo da Vinci, “I have noticed that when one paints one should think of nothing: everything then comes better, “. Remembrances affect the subconscious mind by changing thinking patterns and removing negative impressions such as fear, anger, and jealousy , adding positive impressions to it.

Practice reciting Remembrances enhances concentration, memory, and logical thinking. It also has a soothing effect on the nervous system, which helps relax the muscles and effectively reduces stress and its effects. Since art is more bonded with feeling than with thought, this effect appears to be a tremendous benefit for enhanced artistic ability. A mystic, in moments of deep concentration and enlightement, can transcend the veil of productiveness and touch the divine light inside, bursting open the doors of creativity. When this light rouses activity, not merely the mind, but the whole being of the mystic goes into action and plunges into the truth of things. This is something that ordinary people fail to do, even if spending hours on the most scientific investigations, or brilliant arguments.

Entering the world of mysticism, you become still and silent, and

allow God to work and manifest inside you. When God speaks to men and women in their sub consciousness, as a painter, composer, writer, or inventor, there is a confluence of interior and exterior forces in the unity and bonds of Divine love, bringing home the ‘fresh food of creation’.

Mysticism lifts the heavy yoke from the metaphysical (mystical) body

and releases the transcendental sense from its prison, permitting it to become mighty and free through the gift of spiritual love. Then creativity is allowed to flow willingly, gently, and refreshingly. This is the reason that persons of mystical genius remove their metaphysical eye from the embryo stage and develop it, not to see any kind of vision, but to understand and comprehend supernatural things. In a true mystic, supernatural senses get into full action, receiving their energy from Barakah, and drive to the depths of true being; where no one without divine light can see. This is the moment that creativity showers from beyond the control of the self and an inventor, composer, or artist receives a sudden rush of intuition or ideas. Ordinary people, only in very rare states of mind, are able to experience such moments and let those submerged powers bring up messages from another dimension.

By mystic training and practicing Remembrances, you can quiet both

intellect and will inside yourself and make them passive to the expressions

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of the materialistic word. This is the time that mystical hearing, seeing and speaking starts inside you.

This is not a theoretical concept and I, together with many other mystics, have practiced it numerous times with success. Using this technique, I have come up with three ideas, so original that they were patented and at the present time one of them is on the market.

For developing a novel solution whenever I run into a problem, I wake

up before dawn and after two units of contact prayer (similar to the Dawn Prayer), start my mystic Remembrances. This result in me becoming quiet, empty, and receptive. I make contact with the master by imagining his picture and through him connecting with the divine light of the Prophet Muhammad and Allah. After a short while, through the influence of divine inspiration, I feel the enjoyment of light, and with the most penetrating insight, get outside the boundaries of space and time. This is the moment that ideas, in a mysterious and clear manner, pour forth and give me ideas which solve my problem.
