ScienceSource Collection Understand Complex Science Concepts


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ScienceSource Collection

Understand Complex Science Concepts

A Comprehensive Science Resource

Includes information on • Botany• Zoology• Biology• Physics• Chemistry• Environment• Astronomy• Medicine• Health• Earth Sciences• Mathematics• Technology

ScienceSource Collection includes…

• Biology Digest (1987--->)

• Physical Sciences Digest (1996--->)

• Plexus Encyclopedia

• Biographies of Scientists

• Articles on current science/health issues


• Make scientific and medical data easily understood and usable

• Based on material in science and medical publications

• Retain important concepts from original source

• Written by subject specialists

Plexus Encyclopedia of Medicine, Science & Technology

• Background information on– Diseases-Appendicitis, Multiple Sclerosis

– Environment-Solar Wind, Sunspots

– Mammals-Bats, Platypus

– Physics-Friction, Motion, Nuclear Fusion

• “backgrounder” in the title for identification

Biographies of Scientists

• Biographical and historical information– 580BC (Pythagoras) forward

• 200 entries– Astronomers (Galileo-1564)– Botanists (Linnaeus-1707)– Chemists (Curie-1867)– Geneticists (Mendel-1822)– Mathematicians (Fibonacci-1170)– Physicists (Newton-1642)

• “backgrounder” in the title for identification

Basic Search Screen

•Type in a search term

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•Identify time period

•Search by Lexile/Reading level

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•Select a science area

•Click on a set topic

Type in •NASA and shuttle

•Retrieve articles on topic

•View article

More Search Options Screen

For more precise results

•Combine search terms with and, or, but, nor

•Search by Headline/Title

•Find backgrounder information by typing this word and your search term in the headline/title field

Search in Headline/Title•Backgrounder•Mumps

Retrieves the encyclopedia entry for this disease

ScienceSource Collection

• Covers all science and health topics

• Allows students to understand complex concepts

• Includes – Articles– Encyclopedia– Biographies

• Easy to use

• Saves time
