Science and engineering research 2014/2015 - University of Hull



From understanding volcanic flows to breakthroughs in cancer treatment, discover our diverse research in the pages to follow.

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Inspired in Hull... Faculty of Science and Engineering



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Welcome to the faculty of Science and Engineering

At Hull, we understand the need for research to be commercially relevant and business oriented. We develop and maintain close links with industry and businesses in all areas of science and engineering. Indeed, we have exploited some of our research and innovation and set up spin-out companies, as well as working in partnership with business to bring the fruits of our research into commercial realisation. You can find examples of our links with business and industry in different Departments in this brochure.

If you are soon to graduate, or perhaps already have a degree, you are well placed for entering the graduate employment market. However, in today’s competitive world you need to stand out from the crowd and offer potential employers the specialist skills and knowledge that they need, and which differentiate you from other graduates.

An MPhil or Doctorate is a perfect way to make you stand out from the crowd. Plus our emphasis on application-driven research will put you in contact with potential employers.

Whatever your subject, you will find studying for a research degree at the University of Hull is a challenging, exciting and rewarding experience. You will make lifelong friendships and have access to all the services offered by the University – both during your studies and then afterwards through our Alumni Office.

I hope that our portfolio of MPhil and Doctoral degrees offers a programme of interest to you and that you make the University of Hull your first choice for postgraduate research.

I’m proud of our diverse and collaborative research in the Faculty, from understanding volcanic flows to breakthroughs in cancer treatment, which you will discover in the pages to follow.

I very much look forward to welcoming you!

Professor Stephen M KellyProfessor of Organic Materials ChemistryDean of Science and Engineering

Professor Stephen KellySport RehabilitationComputer Science

Faculty of Science and Engineering

The University of Hull 2015 | 3Research labs in the Allam Building

Hull is a traditional, research-led University that supports a wide range of core disciplines and a network of exceptional research opportunities.

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Brynmor Jones Library Entrance to the University

THE UNIVERSITY Of HUllThe University has a long and distinguished history. Established in 1927 as a college of the University of london, the University achieved independence through a Royal Charter in 1954, becoming the 14th oldest university in England.

The University of Hull is a distinguished institution with an established track record of groundbreaking research, which continues to produce innovations and expand into new fields. As a result, our students benefit immensely from working with research-engaged staff.

We are an international university with students from more than 100 countries. By joining the University of Hull you begin a lifelong relationship with our global alumni network.

Our main campus is a residential area, self contained on a 125-acre site. It is easy to find your way around. All the facilities you will need during the course of a day – for study, socialising, sport or shopping – are within strolling distance of each other.

Our campus successfully blends the traditional with the innovative, so you’ll be able to experience life on a leafy and inviting campus, complete with historic buildings, while also taking advantage of a high-speed, high-capacity WiFi network that covers the entire campus. It is this blend of the historic and state-of-the-art which gives the University of Hull its unique atmosphere.

The Allam Building

The Business School

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Our University embraces the traditional and the modern. You will feel instantly at home.

The Venn Building

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SCHOOl Of BIOlOGICal, BIOMEDICal aND ENVIRONMENTal SCIENCESWe have developed an international reputation in biomedical science, evolutionary biology and functional ecology.

Our research was assessed as ‘world-leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’, with almost all research carried out in the school classified as ‘internationally recognised’, in the latest UK-wide Research Assessment Exercise. In the light of this continued research success the University has made major investments, totalling several million pounds, with a complete refurbishment of our laboratories and the establishment of dedicated core facilities, including our recently opened new biomedical research facility, the Allam Building.

The School and its researchers carry out true interdisciplinary research with scientists from Chemistry, Geography, Engineering, the Hull York Medical School, academics from around the world, and clinicians and experts at local hospitals to become a centre of research excellence.

This solid reputation for high-quality research, coupled with the excellent infrastructure, means that after joining the department you become part of a vibrant, forward-thinking research community that provides an excellent academic atmosphere for our students’ future studies on our research degree programmes.

More information:

Postgraduate research enquiries

Dr Bernd Hänfling +44 (0)1482 465804

for general enquiries

Ms Liz Pickering +44 (0)1482 466169

Research in the Allam Building

In the latest UK-wide Research Assessment Exercise, our research was assessed as ‘world-leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’, with almost all research carried out in the School classified as ‘internationally recognised’.

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Breast cancer pilot projects begins

The projects have been made possible thanks to grants awarded by breast cancer research charity Breast Cancer Campaign.

When breast cancer enters its advanced stages, cells from the tumour escape into the bloodstream and travel around the body. Some of these cells colonise bones and other organs, leading to the growth of secondary tumours. This is called metastasis, and nearly all cancer-related deaths are as a result of this process.

Now, two University of Hull researchers are hoping to increase understanding of this devastating stage of the disease, helping to develop new diagnostic tools and treatment options for patients affected by breast cancer.

Dr Justin Sturge’s research will focus on a molecule called Endo180, which plays an important role in helping cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body, especially the bones.

He said: ‘When cancer cells enter bone, they need space to grow, so they block some of the normal repair mechanisms that help keep our bones strong and healthy.

‘We already know that levels of Endo180 are significantly elevated in patients who have breast cancer that has spread to bone.

‘We are now investigating precisely how changes in the levels of Endo180 affects the ability of bone to repair and protect itself against invading cancer cells. Using this information, it might be possible to develop a simple test for patients with breast cancer that will tell clinicians ‘what the disease is doing’ or ‘what the disease is going to do next.’’

Dr Sturge’s team have also developed molecules that can bind to Endo180.

He added: ‘If we can target Endo180 and successfully treat breast cancer in the bone, this would be a major advance in current treatment options for these patients.’

Dr Isabel Pires is interested in what happens in a tumour just before the cancer cells start to spread.

She said: ‘As tumours become more advanced, they can develop regions of low oxygen; this is called ‘hypoxia’. We think this stage in tumour development is particularly important, as the presence of hypoxic regions has been correlated with poor prognosis, increased resistance to cancer therapy and an increased potential of cancer-spread.’

Dr Pires’ team has identified an interesting molecule which seems to play a role in how breast cancer cells first become independent and move away from the original tumour, therefore spreading the disease.

‘We believe we’ve found a new factor that regulates the mobility of breast cancer cells in low oxygen conditions,’ she said. ‘We may be able to use this as a way to identify which tumours are most likely to spread before it happens. Ultimately, this would allow clinicians to identify patients at greater or lower risk of cancer spread, paving the way to specific treatments and increased overall survival rates.’

Two pilot research projects at the University of Hull aim to develop new diagnostic tests and treatment for breast cancer.

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Dr Justin Surge and Dr Isabel Pires

‘If we can target Endo180 and successfully treat breast cancer in the bone, this would be a major advance in current treatment options for these patients.’

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Moths may not be everyone’s favourite insect. However, scientists at the University of Hull believe that moths are in danger of being overlooked as important contributors to the pollination of plants. They are also concerned that light pollution, particularly that caused by street lights, may have a negative impact on moth populations.

The research is being carried out by PhD student Callum Macgregor. The project looks at both how moths contribute to plant pollination and whether they are adversely affected by street lighting.

What is not fully understood is the relative importance of moths as pollinators and whether moths are playing a role in the pollination of food crops.

In the last 35 years, around two thirds of our larger moth species have declined in the UK. If moths do indeed play an important role in pollination, then this decline is likely to have a knock-on effect in terms of crop production.

Light pollution, habitat modification and pesticide use are all likely to have contributed to this reduction in moth biodiversity, so street lights are not solely to blame. It is possible, however, that some street lighting technologies are more of a problem for moths than others and if so, it is important to know what these are.

Street lights traditionally use metal halide or high-pressure sodium lamps to illuminate the streets below, however new technologies including LED lights are now appearing across the UK.

About a third of the UK’s street lights are due to be replaced with new lighting technology. This project will provide policy-makers, conservationists and land managers with much needed evidence on what effect these different technologies have on our native moth population.

The project is part of the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment research theme, and is carried out jointly with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and Butterfly Conservation (BC). The project is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) with support from BC.

like a moth to a streetlighta new research project will investigate how street lighting impacts on the many hundreds of species of moths that can be found in Britain.

Callum Macgregor

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In the last 35 years, around two thirds of our larger moth species have declined in the UK. If moths do indeed play an important role in pollination, then this decline is likely to have a knock-on effect in terms of crop production.


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Exploring the natural enemies of insect pests

Green aphids

Aphids can damage crops by stunting growth and spreading disease, meaning many farmers spend large sums of money on pesticides. For this reason, scientists at the University of Hull are examining the beneficial role played by the natural enemies of these pests.

Dr Stéphane Derocles, Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the University of Hull’s Network Ecology Group, is one of the first to take a new approach to this field of research. The results of his study, which are published in the journal Molecular Ecology, shed light on the particularly grisly relationship between aphids and parasitic wasps.

In the past, the only way to identify whether an aphid was harbouring a parasitoid was to collect the aphids in the field, rear them in the lab and then observe if an adult wasp emerged. Identifying the precise species of wasp involved was exceptionally difficult, as they are tiny and appear very similar.

Now we have a revolutionary new molecular technique that can not only tell us whether or not an aphid has a parasitoid, but also which species of parasitoid the aphid contains.

During his PhD in France, supervised by Professors Anne Le Ralec and Manuel Plantegenest at the ‘Agrocampus Ouest’ research institute, Dr Derocles collected more than 530 aphids from field crops, and a further 2,097 aphids from field margins (the strips of grass and

wildflowers found around the edges of fields). He was interested to see if the field margins acted as a ‘reservoir’ for the beneficial parasitoids; therefore helping to control aphid numbers in the crop.

The aphids were collected individually in tubes and then extracted the DNA. By targeting a short region of DNA specific to the parasitoid wasp, Dr Derocles was able to see which aphids were carrying a parasitoid, and which were parasitoid-free.

Taking this a step further, when parasitoid DNA was found, the sequence could be observed in detail, and in the majority of cases were able to identify the precise species of parasitoid that had been living in the aphid.

Dr Derocles’ research showed that the relationship between aphids and parasitoids is much tighter than previously envisaged, and parasitism rates were much higher in field margins than in the crops. In this experiment, field margins appeared to contribute little to the control of aphids in crops, however, they are known to be important for predators of other farmland pests as well as for insect pollinators.

For scientists studying biological methods of pest control, understanding how farmland plants, pollinators, insect pests and their parasitoids interact is important to understand how farmland ecosystems might change in the future.

a method of investigating whether aphid pests have been targeted by their gruesome enemies could shed new light on how farmland organisms interact, and potentially help protect important food crops.

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Pioneering technology targeting killer diseasesPositron Emission Tomography (PET) utilises very short lived radioactive atoms (radioisotopes) to provide incredibly precise medical images. However, the technology is often limited by the time it takes to transport the radioisotopes from the manufacturing site to where they are needed. During the journey the isotopes decay, leaving a small fraction left to work with on arrival. The University is one of very few sites that have overcome this problem with a dedicated cyclotron, which sits alongside its PET scanners. The result is a PET imaging facility that produces the radioisotopes for all its medical imaging and research needs.

The next step is to rapidly combine the radioisotope with other chemicals so that they are targeted to the desired part of the body. To achieve this, the University utilises its expertise in microfluidic devices to produce individual doses for each patient, as and when they are needed.

The result is faster and more accurate PET scans that can show the location and size of tumours.

This project is funded by a local charity, the Daisy Appeal, and aims for rapid translation to clinical use.

The work in the PET Research Centre complements a new research facility at Castle Hill Hospital and supports our wide range of medical research programmes in the School of Biological, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, for which we have an international reputation.

The PET Research Centre is housed in the Allam Building, which was opened in 2013. Two research centres, one focusing on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and the other on cancer, are located in the building. The University has an international reputation in both of these areas and, by bringing together both academics and health professionals, it aims to quickly translate research excellence into tangible benefits for patients.

Hot Cell Laboratory, PET Research Centre

Researchers across Chemistry, Biology and Engineering have joined forces to develop new technologies for diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer and cardiac disease.

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THE aNCIENT BRITONS: ‘Groundwater shrimp’ survive 19 million years of climate changeNew research has revealed that Britain and Ireland’s oldest known inhabitants are tiny crustaceans still living today in water-filled crevices deep beneath our feet.

Over the last 60 million years, Britain and Ireland have experienced dramatic climate change, with conditions ranging from warm and wet periods, to arid episodes and then repeated coverings by glaciers. For this reason, it was not thought that any animal species (fauna) could have survived through these fluctuations.

Now, a new study led by Dr Bernd Hänfling, Lecturer in Ecology and Evolution, has yielded some surprising results. Published in the journal Molecular Ecology, it shows that two species of Niphargus (small, shrimp-like animals) have persisted in Britain and Ireland for at least 19 million years; making them the oldest known inhabitants of these countries.

Previous research shows that the majority of fauna in Britain and Ireland arrived from mainland Europe following the most recent glaciations. We have a few unique animal species – for example, the Irish hare – but these are rare and most importantly, they have only been around for a few tens of thousands of years.

In contrast, the results show that subterranean groundwater contains by far the oldest animals that are unique to Britain and Ireland. These species must have survived a wide range of temperatures as the climate shifted between glacial and warm conditions.

The study was carried out in collaboration with researchers at the British Geological Survey, the University of Ulster and the University of Roehampton. Niphargus specimens were collected from boreholes, springs and wells across the British Isles and Europe. DNA sequence data from these individuals allowed the researchers to uncover the evolutionary relationships between different Niphargus species.

Because the temperature and chemistry of groundwater changes much more slowly than surface water, this may have protected Niphargus from some of the extreme conditions that led to the extinction or migration of other animals.

The most recent common ancestor uniting these two species probably lived in south-west England around 19 million years ago, when the British and Irish land masses were still joined.

The results highlight that groundwater ecosystems provide an important contribution to natural biodiversity.

These species have existed for many millions of years, but whether they will survive the pressures on their habitat inflicted by man remains to be seen.

Predicting how different ecosystems will respond to climate change is one of the major challenges facing the scientific community today. Understanding how these Niphargus species have persisted for so long may help shed light on this important area of research.

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Electron microscopy image of the ancient Irish groundwater shrimp Niphargus irlandicus.Copyrights: Barry O’Hagan, University of Ulster

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Chemistry glass blower

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Liquid crystals

We have some of the best-developed research links and industrial collaborations of any Chemistry Department in the UK – including projects with local, regional, national and global chemical companies such as: AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson-Matthey, Pfizer, Reckitt-Benckiser, Schlumberger and Unilever. The department’s research is also commercially exploited in terms of patents, licensing and spin-out companies such as Chemtrix, Kingston Chemicals, Polar OLED and Sporomex. The department houses the Institute for Chemistry in Industry – a research consultancy unit for local, national and global chemical industries.

In the most recent national Research Assessment Exercise, 95% of outputs assessed were found to be engaged in research which was internationally recognised.

The Department of Chemistry has been recognised as a Royal Society of Chemistry Landmark for its liquid crystals work, which earned it the 1977 Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement.

One of the University’s distinctive features is its strong research culture of collaboration and interdisciplinary working. The Department and its researchers work together with (among others) biologists, clinicians, engineers (including chemical engineers), environmental scientists and, through the Hull York Medical School, with medics, on a variety of projects and initiatives.

The Department has an extensive range of laboratories and scientific, computing and technical services. More than £3 million of investment in recent years means that state-of-the-art facilities and equipment are available to our researchers.

The Department plays a central role within the University’s recent Positron Emission Tomography Research Centre via radiochemistry research in CT scan imaging and radioanalysis.

More information:

Postgraduate research enquiries

Dr M. Grazia Francesconi+44 (0)1482

General enquiries:

Faye Dunn+44 (0)1482

Researching lab-on-a-chip technology applied to DNA profiling

The Department of Chemistry carries out world-class research in many scientific areas, from drug synthesis to advanced functional materials, including liquid crystals, and from electrochemical sensors to lab-on-a-chip miniaturised reaction systems.

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a plant virus, Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV), is being exploited in a wide range of applications; from the delivery of imaging agents to detect cancer, uses in magnetic storage such as hard disks for computers, to the delivery of drugs.

CPMV is used as a nano-building block, scaffold or template. The research in this exciting, developing, multidisciplinary field sits at the interface of chemistry, biology, materials science and medicine.

CPMV particles are 30 nm diameter, pseudo-spherical naturally occurring nanoparticles. Inorganic, organometallic, organic and biomolecular moieties can be chemically linked to the virus surface and the virus particles can be assembled into arrays on solid supports in a controlled fashion.

In addition, several routes to the mineralisation of the external surface of the virus have been developed; providing methods for the preparation of narrowly disperse metallic nanoparticles by environmentally benign processes. Further, the internal cavity of empty virus-like particles is being assessed as a carrier of cargo. These and related systems are being developed for applications such as targeted drug delivery, diagnostics and imaging.

This work was by Professor Dave Evans’ group in collaboration with Professor George Lomonossoff (John Innes Centre, UK).



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It is a constantly evolving technology and we are proud that we continue to be at the forefront, keeping UK science on the global innovation map.

The Department is spearheading the next generation of display technology – Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs).

The Dean of Faculty, Professor Stephen Kelly, worked with Professor Gray on LCDs during the 1970s. He is now at the forefront of the development of OLEDs, which enables screens to be just millimetres thick, flexible and much sharper than plasma or LCD screens.

Such innovation is in commercial demand and the University has attracted investment from IP Group to form a company called Polar OLED Ltd which brings together academia and business to exploit the commercial benefit of these new developments.

Dr Hird’s pioneering interests include ferroelectric LCDs used in micro displays, such as medical imaging cameras for keyhole surgery, apps, virtual reality games, 3D holographic images and high definition television.

The Department of Chemistry’s liquid crystal research and innovation carries on today.

lEGaCY aND CONTINUED INNOVaTION IN lIqUID CRYSTal DISPlaYSDid you know that the phone in your pocket, the screen on your desk and your 3D television exist because of a technological breakthrough 40 years ago by a research team at the University of Hull?

There is no doubt the impact on society of the breakthrough in research made by the University’s research team led by Professor George Gray in 1973.

Everywhere we go, we can see the impact of that work with smartphones, computer screens and portable devices constantly in use all over the world.

In 2012 more than 750 million LCD products, with an estimated value of £56 billion, were manufactured worldwide – all inspired by the breakthrough in Hull over 40 years ago.

Dr Mike Hird, Reader in Organic Chemistry, worked with Prof Gray from 1986 until his retirement in 1990, and has been a member of the University’s research team for the past 27 years.

He says: ‘Liquid crystals have always been and continue to be a fascinating area of science. That state of matter between solid crystals and normal liquids gives them an air of intrigue. Prof Gray’s work catalysed lots of research into liquid crystals.’

And, in 1987, Dr Hird and colleague Dr Ken Toyne invented the difluorophenyl-class liquid crystals used in vertically aligned nematic LCDs (VAN LCDs) – the technology used in the 40in, 50in and even 90in high-definition televisions of today.

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‘Unbreakable’ bubbles and ‘dry’ water research leads to prestigious award

Professor Bernard Binks’ research deals with detergents, also known as surfactants, which are chemicals that act at the interface between oil and water, and air and water. It is the action of surfactants that helps oil and water mix to produce emulsion droplets, and air and water mix to produce foam bubbles.

Many household products including shampoo and washing-up liquid contain surfactants to help remove grease; however, these products can also be harmful to skin.

Professor Binks is interested in developing new formulations in which detergent molecules are replaced with alternative substances, such as nanoparticles of glass, limestone or polystyrene. Amazingly, this can produce bubbles that cannot be popped, and water that appears to be a powder, but reverts back to a liquid on contact with skin.

The 2014 RSC Faraday Division ‘Surfaces and Interfaces Award’ recognises Professor Binks’ outstanding and innovative research on the behaviour of these chemical systems, and in particular of particles at fluid interfaces.

He said: “I am delighted and very proud to be recognised in this way by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Receiving such an honour for doing what I am fascinated by is most pleasing.’

‘The Department of Chemistry has provided me with a vibrant and challenging working environment for over 20 years, and although I am personally thrilled with the award, this recognition also belongs to the young researchers who have worked with me.’

Professor Binks

a University of Hull professor whose research involves creating ‘unbreakable’ bubbles and ‘dry’ water has won a prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) award.

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Since the early 1990s the University of Hull has been a world leader in micro-fluidic lab-on-a-chip devices.

Micro-fluidic research at Hull is a multidisciplinary activity involving staff with backgrounds in chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering and physics.

Our work has led to significant developments in the fields of chemistry and biology. Much of our work in the medical field is focused on developing lab-on-a-chip technology that can be used for personalised medicine.

Our current research encompasses a wide range of applications, ranging from the development of a lab-on-a-chip device to detect sexually transmitted infections, which can be used in a clinic and produce diagnostic information within two hours; to a chip that will synthesise positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agents and perform quality assurance of purity before injection into a patient undergoing cancer diagnostics.

For more information about our PET work, please see page 13.


Lab-on-a-chip technology

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HIVE state-of-the-art visualization

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The department has an international reputation for its research activities, with a solid record of industrial and public grant funding. Of particular note are our achievements in computer graphics, image-guided surgery, radiotherapy training, telehealth and clinical decision support, and safety-critical embedded and distributed information systems.

The department’s research is organised within three groups:

• Dependable Systems The group conducts research and tool development to assist with the design and production of dependable systems. Our work focuses on model-based design of these systems, for example using techniques based on the UML language and derivatives such as SySML, or architecture description languages such as AADL and EAST-ADL.

• Intelligent Systems The group’s three main areas of research are: Decision Support and Data mining, Cognitive and Robot Control Systems and Applied Distributed Information Systems.

• Simulation and Visualization The group concerns the innovative application of simulation and visualiza-tion to real, end-user problems, and the new tools, techniques and theory needed for their construction and validation. Much of our work takes place in HIVE (Hull Immersive Visualization Environment). HIVE’s mission is to encourage and support the adoption of visualization and high performance computing technology across a range of disciplines.

These three groups include more than 25 academic staff and over 30 postgraduate researchers, each supported by state-of-the-art research laboratories.

Much of this multidisciplinary research involves members of other universities, commercial organisations and healthcare providers. Our activities cover a range of areas impacting state-of-the-art technology, including:

• Dependable systems and HiP-HOPs

• Health informatics, data mining and decision support

• Visual analytics and visualisation

• Robotics, pervasive intelligence and cognitive architectures

• Image and vision

• Privacy and security

• Pedagogy and computers in education

• Interactive reality and immersive environments

• Photorealistic graphics

• Graphics processing unit and high performance computing

• DSL automation

HIVE, a virtual reality research laboratory, and SEED (Software Engineering Experience Development), a software development unit, are also available to researchers within the department.

More information:

Postgraduate research enquiries

Postgraduate research:Dr Martin (0)1482 465994

General enquiries:Lynn (0)1482 465067

The Department of Computer Science prides itself on its excellent staff–student relations. We are small enough to maintain a friendly and purposeful atmosphere, yet large enough to offer a range of research opportunities.

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BraveHealth: The heart of e-health

As such, a wearable sensor has been developed which can monitor the required parameters to raise the alarm if someone with cardiovascular disease falls ill.

The wearable unit runs automatic scheduled analysis of particular measurements, and screens specific vital signs on request. The system communicates information to clinicians and to a central supervision unit where it can be assessed.

The research at the Department of Computer Science addresses data mining and decision support. The combination of data mining and more traditional decision support techniques with real-time physiological data from a wearable device provides reliable advance indication of cardiovascular diseases such as aneurysm, angina, stroke, coronary artery disease, and heart attacks.

The solution is made up of the following sub-systems:

1. Wearable unit: An innovative concept of a miniatur-ised multi-parameter sensor, it continuously moni-tors the most critical parameters needed to perform a thorough diagnosis.

2. Remote management unit: This is the main interface between physicians and the system. It provides both automated support, in the form of text messages with information or suggestions to the patient, and doctor managed supervision, allowing direct communication with the patients with voice/text/chat messages. The most important added value of this unit is the possibility for it to be interfaced with existing National Health Records and Physiological Data Banks to generate and verify risk prediction models using advanced data mining approaches.

3. life! Gateway: Data acquired by the wearable unit will be relayed to a gateway, this represents the

means by which information flows from the user to the Central Supervision Unit. This unit has the fol-lowing functionalities:

a) Real time communications: in case of anomalies, or simply to suggest specific drugs to be taken, or to advise some particular activity to be performed

b) Location aware information via GPS

c) Mobile virtual community for education and support.

The BraveHealth (and Hull) lead on Decision Support is Dr Darryl N Davis and the Post Doctoral Research Assistant in Medical Data Mining is Dr Jan Bohacik. Dr Chandrasekhar Kambhampati is a co-investigator.

People who have cardiovascular disease often require close monitoring to ensure that their condition does not worsen. Keeping track of their pulse can help recognise when their health is deteriorating, so they can seek help. However, most monitoring systems require bulky equipment, and most people do not want to have to stay at home or arrange visits to a specialist clinic every time they feel unwell.

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Following years of research, the HiP-HOPS software tool was commercially launched in 2012. It is used by a number of clients around the world, including major companies like Toyota, Honda, Honeywell, and Continental.

The tool is the embodiment of a variety of techniques and algorithms we have created over a period of 15 years and allows users to:

• Automatically develop models to predict how a system can fail

• Analyse failure behaviour in a variety of ways to determine qualitative information such as the location of single points of hazardous failure in a system or quantitative estimates of system reliability and availability

• Optimise the architecture and maintenance to help prevent fail-ures and reduce costs, for example

by automatically deciding on the location and level of replication of components in a system

• Automatically decompose and allocate the overall system dependability requirements to subsystems and components of the system during design refine-ment

We are internationally renowned in academia and industry for our innovative work on improvement of dependability of systems. Dependability – which encompasses a number of qualities, such as safety, reliability, availability, and maintainability – is an important consideration in any safety and mission critical system. Examples can be found in a wide variety of industries: transport, energy, space, process, medical and financial systems to name but a few.

This work has achieved substantial international recognition – more than 100 papers have been published or presented on topics related to this work.

In the context of a string of recent European projects (ATESST, ATESST2, MAENAD), HiP-HOPS has contributed to the specification of the error modelling capabilities of EAST-ADL, an emerging architecture description language developed as an industry standard for the design of vehicle control systems. HiP-HOPS today is widely recognised as one of the state-of-the-art techniques in the area of dependability analysis.

The commercial version will soon support allocation of requirements in the form of Safety Integrity Levels, a capability that is presently maturing and scaling up.

The Dependable Systems Research Group at the University of Hull is pioneering the development of novel methods and tools for dependability analysis and optimisation of complex safety critical engineering systems, collectively known as Hierarchically Performed Hazard Origin and Propagation Studies (HiP-HOPS).

HiP-HOPs Software Automotive Volvo

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3D cave brings virtual reality to offshore renewable trainingThe 3D cave prepares engineers for working in hazardous scenarios, such as working at the top of a 150m offshore wind turbine, or simulate the journey to an offshore platform via specialist vessel. This provides engineers working or training in the renewable energy industry the chance to experience hostile, dangerous and complex conditions, prior to leaving the shore.

Located in the Hull Immersive Visualization Environment (HIVE) in the Department of Computer Science, the cave is part of an investment in renewables led by CASS, the University’s business facing renewable energy and low-carbon hub.

As well as using a 3D cave, the project simulates (using a head mounted display) the winching experience to and from a turbine by helicopter.

A continuous process of ongoing communication with industry partners, potential users and other stakeholders is underway, and it is this bold sector engagement that is going to determine the direction of future products.

HIVE was awarded £240,000 in funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to develop the two-year renewable energy project. The aim is to offer a service to industry and wind farm engineers in training in order to support the continuing professional development of those that work in the sector.

The department’s research team carrying out the installation work comprises Mike Bielby, James Ward, Dr Kevin Elner, Dr Jan Springer, Dr Helen Wright and Warren Viant.

With this technology, users can explore a full-sized wind turbine in 3D

A 3D virtual reality ‘cave’ has been created in the Department of Computer Science to simulate the hazardous conditions faced by engineers working in the offshore renewables sector.

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3D cave brings virtual reality to offshore renewable training

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Hull University Formula Student

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The School has an impressive history of life-changing research. In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise, 95% of our research was rated as being of international quality.

Our research activities are based under two themes: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Engineering (EESE) and Medical Engineering.

Maintaining energy security while mitigating and adapting to climate change is one of the key challenges of the 21st century. The EESE Group brings a wide range of engineering expertise to bear an understanding of the changing environment and providing solutions to the efficient utilisation of energy and resources while minimising the environmental impact of human activity. These include:

• Materials engineering, fluid dy-namics and reliable fault-tolerant control contribute to enhancing the design and performance of complex energy systems, such as wind farms, tidal turbines and carbon capture technology;

• Photonics and semiconductor de-vices enable more efficient solar energy;

• Implementation of carbon dioxide capture and utilisation to produce sustainable chemical feedstocks and micro-combined heat and power for domestic use, with the latter linking in to our work on building energy efficiency.

Emphasis throughout the research is on making engineering systems more energy efficient, greener in their effect on the environment, safer, robust and sustainable in operation.

The impact of the aging population and pressure on health budgets makes the continued well-being of the population difficult to ensure. In parallel, there is a continuous drive to develop better medical devices to improve patients’ quality of life, as well as pressures to improve the way that healthcare is provided.

The Medical Engineering Group addresses problems in musculoskeletal form, function and health, and undertakes fundamental research into the mechanobiology of bone, together with restoration and rehabilitation of speech after trauma or disease, and the development and application of telehealth and care technologies to improve patient care while improving healthcare efficiency.

The School also has extensive links with the international academic community, supports long-term visits of internationally recognised researchers to Hull and has formal exchange programmes with a number of overseas universities.

Hull is distinctive in that we are one of the few universities that has a genuine general, multidisciplinary engineering capability within one School. We recognise that the boundaries between engineering disciplines are becoming less

well defined. We work together with (among others) chemists, biologists, clinicians and physicists on a variety of projects and initiatives.

More information:

Postgraduate research enquiries

Ron (0)1482 465117

General enquiries:

Laura (0)1482 465891

Chemical engineering

The School of Engineering is home to a vibrant research community, and we are particularly proud of our strong international and interdisciplinary research culture.

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a Novel BIPV/PCM-Slurry System Enabling Efficient Utilization of Solar EnergyBuilding-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are increasingly being incorporated into new buildings as a principal or ancillary source of electrical power.

BIPV systems always operate at a relatively higher temperature that result in a reduced electrical efficiency of the PVs. Cooling of the BIPV using various mediums, e.g. air, water or refrigerant, has been proven to be a working solution but presents several inherent problems.

Using a phase change material (PCM) slurry to cool the BIPV has potential to dramatically improve the thermal performance of the BIPV system.

The system can effectively utilize the captured solar energy and convert it into both electricity and heat for use in buildings. It can achieve 10% higher electrical efficiency and 20% higher thermal efficiency over the conventional water-based BIPV/thermal system, thus paving the path towards the real world application of the technology in the near future.

This project is funded by European Commission under the scheme of the EU Marie Curie Actions-International Incoming Fellowships (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IIF-298093).

Professor Xudong Zhao, Professor of Engineering

Climate Change and Global TelecommunicationsThe top twenty global telecommunications companies have an enterprise value of over 2 trillion US dollars. Much of this value is derived from global radio communications infrastructure, such as high capacity radio systems linking satellite and terrestrial communications networks. These radio links fail in the presence of moderate rain and systems are designed to manage patterns of link outage due to weather. However, changes in the climate are affecting telecommunication infrastructure and these changes need to be predicted and managed.

Our research is aimed at identifying and measuring the climate trends that have direct effects on telecommunications. We then integrate these trends into our own global network simulation tool to determine the best way of managing these trends. Simultaneously, we are developing the next generation of the International Telecommunications Union Recommendations, introducing a non-stationary climate into the models used for developing and optimising future telecommunications networks.

Previously we have identified increases in the height of rain events as a major trend increasing outage on Earth-space links. We have developed a global model of the trends in the incidence of rain events that cause outage on high capacity microwave systems. Proposed networks can then be simulated, using future climate scenarios, in our GINSIM simulation tool.

This work has received strong support from the European COST Action IC0802, propagation tools and data for integrated telecommunication, navigation and earth observation systems. International impact is achieved by the adoption of new propagation models by the ITU-R.

Dr Kevin Paulson, Senior Lecturer

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Research on Robust and fault Tolerant Control of Renewable Energy Systems

Control systems are important in renewable energy for two important reasons: (a) to enable optimal energy conversion efficiency to be maintained, and (b) to enhance reliability and make sure that renewable energy systems are ‘fault tolerant’. For example, large turbines operate offshore in order to make best advantage of the power available from large rotor diameters and in wind fields that are not as disturbed as their equivalent operation onshore.

The Hull research has made significant inroads into these developments based on a strong background in new mathematical modelling concepts and real time control systems design tools. Much of the experience has been gained from work in fault-tolerant flight control, for example with the UK Ministry of Defence, Airbus, the European Union and fault-tolerant space strategies through funding from the European Space Agency and EADS-Astrium.

The work has supported the PhD studies of 8 Chinese CSC PhD scholarships since 2009 as well as several international visiting and post-doctoral researchers.

Professor Ron Patton, Professor of Control and Intelligent Systems Engineering

The Control and Intelligent Systems Engineering (C&ISE) research in the School of Engineering focuses on the development of new techniques for controlling renewable energy systems such as wind turbines and wave energy devices.

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Marine Renewable PowerOver the past forty years an ever increasing demand for non-fossil fuel supplies has led to the development of sustainable, commercially viable and efficient alternatives. Renewable energy and the green agenda have gained significant political impetus.

Tidal power is the extraction of kinetic energy produced by tidal currents and flowing streams. Unlike solar and wind power, it is a constant source of energy that yields more power per square metre than most other renewable technologies.

Current projects include the optimisation and design of high efficiency vertical axis marine turbines. Vertical axis turbines, unlike horizontal ones, have been under developed, received less funding and are perceived to have low efficiencies and complex cross flows, and are therefore deemed to be unsuitable for mass production. The focus of this project is how to improve the efficiency of vertical axis turbines by increasing the power coefficient and therefore the amount of kinetic energy captured from the tidal stream.

Dr Philip Rubini, Reader in Thermo-fluids and Acoustics

Vertical Axis Marine Turbines

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a Novel Heat-Pump assisted Solar façade loop-Heat-Pipe Water Heating SystemConventional solar façade water heating systems have the disadvantages of low efficiency, long water run, large flow resistance, high risk of freeze, untrue integration with the façade and high operational temperature. The project aims to develop a novel heat pump assisted solar façade loop-Heat-Pipe (lHP) water heating system that has potential to overcome the above problems, thus creating a cost effective and energy efficient technology that would have greater market potential in the near future.

The major component is a fabricated building façade that comprises a glass cover, a novel LHPs solar panel and the backside insulation. This is connected to the indoor part of the system, which includes the secondary water tank, primary water tank, heat-pump and storage water tank, to convey the absorbed heat into the service water through the condensation of the evaporated heat transfer fluid.

The distinct feature of such a system is that the temperature of the LHP working fluid can be maintained within a lower level via the control of evaporation temperature of the refrigerant in the heat pump loop. This is especially helpful to reduce the evaporation temperature of the solar collector, and increase both LHP thermal efficiency and solar output per unit of absorbing area. Moreover, using a compressor can elevate both temperature and pressure of the refrigerant to a required level, thus helping transfer of heat from the refrigerant to the loop water.

It is indicated that under the selected testing conditions, the average thermal efficiency of the LHP module was around 71%, much higher than that of the LHP without heat pump assistance. The thermal efficiency of the LHP module grew when the heat pump was turned on and fell when the heat pump was turned off. The water temperature remained a steadily growing trend throughout the heat pump turned on period. Neglecting the heat loss of the water tank, the highest coefficient of the performance could reach up to 6.14 and its average value was around 4.93. Overall, the system is a new façade integrated, highly efficient and aesthetically appealing solar water heating configuration; wide deployment of the system will help reduce fossil fuel consumption in the building sector and carbon emission to the environment.

This project is funded by the European Commission under the scheme of the EU Marie Curie actions-International Incoming fellowships (fP7-PEOPlE-2010-IIf-272362).

Professor Xudong Zhao, Professor of Engineering; Dr Wei He, Postdoctoral Researcher; Ms Jinchun Shen

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Geography fieldtrip to Rome

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DEPaRTMENT Of GEOGRaPHY, ENVIRONMENT aND EaRTH SCIENCESThe Department of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences was founded in 1928 and is based in an historic building. It is a leading centre for geographical, environmental and earth sciences research in the UK, with 90% of our research rated at ‘international’ level in the Research assessment Exercise.

Our undergraduates are 100% satisfied that our teaching is ‘intellectually stimulating’ (ranked 1st of 72 Departments in the UK); they are 98% satisfied with our teaching, support and approachability (6/72 in the UK, National Student Satisfaction survey, 2014).

We have an international reputation across the full range of physical and human geography, geology and earth sciences research, plus a long record of supervising PhD research. Many of our PhD graduates have moved into academic positions in leading universities.

Our 25 lecturers are all active researchers – so we can supervise a wide range of research topics. As a medium sized British department we admit eight to ten research postgraduates each year. This ensures a lively, interesting and diverse postgraduate group, but we are not too large - you will not be lost in a huge department. Instead, you will be a valued member of our friendly, supportive research community and you will be known by all lecturers, researchers and other postgraduates.

This vibrant and productive postgraduate community is sustained by research events including weekly research seminars, reading groups, writing groups and conferences – all of which improve the postgraduate experience enormously.

The Department runs a world class research facility – the Total Environment Simulator – at The Deep (Hull’s award-winning aquarium). We offer excellent laboratories, GIS systems, microscopes, flumes and field and laboratory equipment. Our IT equipment and graphics facilities are state-of-the-art and we give full-time research students shared offices, a dedicated desk and a computer (with full printing, IT and network facilities). Postgraduates have access to the department 24 hours a day.

We also provide research and conference funds of up to £2,250 over the three years of registration (subject to satisfactory progress and approved applications for support).

The department offers a personal, thorough training programme, plus access to the comprehensive research training options of the University’s Postgraduate Training Scheme. This research training supports the PhD process and makes students more marketable for careers in universities or the commercial and public sectors.

Finally, we encourage interdisciplinary research and we work with a range of departments across the University including Biology, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, History, Politics, Education, and the Centre for Environmental and Marine Sciences.

More information:

Postgraduate research enquiries

Professor Jeff Blackford+44 (0)1482

General enquiries

Katy Sykes+44 (0)1482

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Modelling ancient hydrology and possible prehistoric human migration routes from africa to the MediterraneanWhile it is accepted that humans originated in sub-Saharan Africa, their migration routes out of Africa to the Mediterranean basin is the subject of much debate. Physical geographers Professor Tom Coulthard and Dr Mike Rogerson (GEES, Hull) were part of a team who pushed these debates in new directions with an innovative 2013 article.

The researchers modelled how North African river systems may have looked under wetter weather conditions around 100,000 years ago. In this scenario, their palaeohydrological and hydraulic modelling suggests that major river systems may have run northwards across the region of the modern Sahara, to drain into the Mediterranean. Crucially, these river corridors offered viable migration routes for early humans.

Three palaeo river systems were identified by the modelling and, although now buried, they could have been active during the key period of human migration across the Sahara. In particular, the most western of the three prehistoric rivers, the Irharhar river, represents the most likely route for human migration from south to north. This river linked mountain regions

to the south of the Sahara which, in that period, were experiencing monsoon climates, to temperate Mediterranean environments where food and resources were more readily available. These easier conditions around the Mediterranean would have drawn migrating humans northwards.

The findings have major implications for our understanding of how humans migrated northwards from sub-Saharan Africa – especially as this is the first research to provide a quantitative measure of the likelihood that these routes were once viable for human habitation. The research was published in the leading international open access journal Plos ONE (September 2013).

Modelling Quaternary hydrology in North Africa (across modern Libya).

Two Hull geographers suggest that prehistoric humans may have migrated from sub-Saharan Africa to the Mediterranean via rivers that once flowed across the Sahara.

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Pyroclastic density currents are currents of searing hot gas, ash and rocks. They are one of the most destructive elements of volcanic eruptions, but also one of the least known – despite one of these being responsible for most of the damage at the famous eruption of Vesuvius, Italy, in AD79.

Dr Rebecca Williams (GEES, Hull) is a geologist and volcanologist who studies these phenomena using the case study of the Italian island of Pantelleria which is located in the Mediterranean Sea between Sicily and Tunisia. Rebecca’s research explores how the geology of Pantelleria reveals the nature and behaviour of pyroclastic density currents. Ignimbrites are the deposits from these hazardous, high-velocity currents and their subsequent distribution reveals how such currents behave and evolve during an eruption.

Detailed logging of the deposits and compositional analysis enabled Rebecca to assess the internal chemical stratigraphy of the ignimbrite that, in turn, allows the history of the current to be divided into successive time-periods. This also permitted the ebb and flow of the pyroclastic density current across the island to be mapped – including how the current encountered and overtopped barriers such as hills and ridges.

This research transforms how we understand the nature and behaviour of pyroclastic density currents and, by extension, the hazards posed to human society by volcanic eruptions. Part of this research has been published in the leading international journal Geology (February 2014), and will be extended by articles in other major journals.

Green tuff ignimbrite, Patelleria, draping Caldera walls and sea cliffs.

Understanding the nature of volcanic flowsa Hull University geologist reveals how pyroclastic density currents behave during eruptions.

The Green Tuff draping a near-vertical caldera wall at Bagno dell’Acqua

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THE DIGITal ECONOMY: food Trust (DE:fT) Project: knowing the food you eatIn recent years the business of producing, selling, buying and consuming food has been altered in the world’s advanced economies by ideas of food quality, traceability and provenance. For consumers this means asking where food comes from and was it produced ethically and sustainably; can you trust its claims of nutrition and local origins? Do you trust your food? And because these questions are driven by consumers, they also affect food producers and food processing companies and retailers.

At the same time, revolutions in digital and portable communication technologies means that virtually all of us carry a smartphone or tablet computer around with us.

This research project explores how these digital technologies and our rising concerns about food and sustainability can be brought together usefully to promote more sustainable production and consumption through reconnecting consumers and producers.To do this, the researchers have developed three prototype apps: ‘Food Cloud’, ‘FoodCrowd’ and ‘Shopstamp’ (which are being tested in the countryside, shops and schools). These allow consumers to reconnect with the countryside and its food production.

The first app – ‘Shopstamp’ – builds on our familiarity with QR codes. It lets us scan QR codes on food packaging to access information about the food and its origins.

The second app, ‘Food Cloud’, allows your smartphone or tablet to name and describe the crops and animals being produced by the countryside around you. The data is generated by local farmers, but captured by your app – reconnecting the consumer with their local food and the methods and practices of the farmer.

The third app, ‘FoodCrowd’, allows users to gather data about the crops and plants they are growing in gardens or schools. This, plus data about the weather, can be shared with other users. For schools, this helps their teaching about issues of food production, the countryside and changing environments, as well as connecting children to the food they eat.

The research is led by Dr Lewis Holloway and Dr Sally Eden (Hull GEES), with Dr David Grey (Computer Science, Hull) and Dr Chris Speed (Edinburgh). It has various partners from the food production sector, including Defra, The English Beef and Lamb Executive, Red Tractor Assurance, the Yorkshire Agricultural Society’s Food, Farming and Rural Network and the Economic Development Department of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. It is funded by the Digital Economy theme of the Research Council UK (National Funding Agency).

An innovative University of Hull project explores how our digital age affects our relationships with food.

The ‘Food Cloud’ app in development.

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Longitudinally-excited CO2 laser

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DEPaRTMENT Of PHYSICS aND MaTHEMaTICSWe are proud to be a dynamic and expanding research-active Department.

The Department of Physics and Mathematics was set up in August 2012 to build on the success and growth of Physics within the former Department of Physical Sciences, and to incorporate the centre for Mathematics.

Physics has a long-established and thriving research culture, with a mixture of experimental and theoretical groups. We have an international reputation in areas such as: photonics; nanophysics; organic- and opto- electronics; laser processing; and condensed matter theory. Physicists contributed to the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) submissions for chemistry and engineering; reflecting the interdisciplinary character of the department’s research.

Our research featured in the publication Eureka UK, which highlights 100 developments and discoveries in UK universities that have changed the world.

Our research is funded by public and private bodies, such as the EPSRC, EU, the Leverhulme Trust and the Office for Naval Research. We also attract industrial funding. Recently, we established a spin-out company, PolarOLED, to exploit our research in organic semiconductors.

Our Research Groups

astrophysics and GravitationOur group comprises staff from both physics and mathematics with interests spanning a wide range of topics, including:

• Cosmology

• Observational Astronomy

• String Theory

• Solar Physics

Theory of Condensed MatterOur research employs theoretical and computational techniques across a wide range of condensed-matter topics such as:

• Quantum technology

• Soft matter

• Semiconductor physics

• Surface science

lasers and light-Matter Interactions GroupOur work focuses on the development and characterisation of lasers and their interaction with materials. Research interests of this group broadly cover the interaction of light with matter for scientific, industrial and medical applications:

• Laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT)

• Analysis of laser produced fume

• Femtosecond laser interactions

• VUV (vacuum ultraviolet) laser interactions

• Enhancing light harvesting in organic solar cells

Experimental Solid-State PhysicsWe carry out research in the areas of organophotonics and nanophysics:

• Organic light-emitting displays, solar cells and plastic electronics

• Plasmonics and nano-photonics

• Molecular spintronics

• Lab-on-chip nanogap sensors for electronic detection of DNA / proteins

• Organic memristors for nonvolatile data storage

• Novel applications of conducting polymers

• New methods of nanoscale engineering

MathematicsOur mathematical research encompasses a broad range of topics:

• Low-dimensional topology

• Superstring theory

• Fluid dynamics

• Environmental and industrial modelling

• Extreme-value statistics in astrophysics

• Foundations of Statistics

Postgraduate research enquiriesDr Ali Adawi +44 (0)1482 465037

General enquiries:

Departmental Admin Office +44 (0)1482 465501

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OBSERVaTIONal aSTRONOMYa Vital Rung on the ‘Distance ladder’: the Coma cluster of galaxies

In everyday life, we measure the distance between objects using a ruler or tape measure.

But as distances grow larger, it becomes ever more challenging to measure distance. At very large separations even the very notion of ‘distance’ itself becomes tough to define due to the fact the Universe is accelerating in its expansion.

For example in the Solar System, we rely on bouncing radar off nearby objects such as the Moon to determine its distance.

But when we get to distances far away from the Sun, we have to rely on techniques that are based on measured correlations between methods that work very close up, and other methods that can only be employed far away, whilst simultaneously accounting for the expanding Universe.

This leads to a succession of techniques used in determining distances, each calibrated off the last.

In astronomy, this is known as the ‘Distance Ladder’.

Recent work, led by Dr Kevin Pimbblet of the Department of Physics and Mathematics, examined one such ‘rung’ on this distance ladder: the Coma cluster of galaxies.

Dr Pimbblet, and his collaborators, determined that there is an anomaly with the galaxies contained within the Coma cluster - they are forming stars at a rate that is too high.

One way to resolve this anomaly would be to have the Coma cluster of galaxies residing at a smaller distance away from us, thus making the light travel time to our observatories on Earth different, and the star-formation rate of the galaxies in-line with what would be expected.

In turn, this would mean that one vital rung in the distance ladder would have to be shifted, and this has direct consequences for cosmology and measuring the distances to galaxies in the far away Universe.

(REFERENCE: Pimbblet, Penny, Davies, 2014, MNRAS, 438, 3049)

K. Cook (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

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Development of a Nano-actuator Optical Tweezer for X-ray Measurements Academics from the Department are working with scientists at DLS and from Optofluidics, USA. They have reached the stage where on-site experiments are planned over the next three years.

The ultimate aim of this collaboration is to commission an optical nano-actuator in one of the experimental stations at DLS. The DLS, where X-ray photons are used to probe the fine structure of matter, is located at the renowned Harwell Science and Innovation campus, Oxfordshire.

This work has a broad range of applications, especially for biomedical research where the system could be used to trap and measure the structure of molecules for the research of new types of drugs.

In the present system proteins and crystals are mobile, and consequently they are difficult to locate and measure. However, the actuator system will be capable of capturing and measuring delicate samples leading to a higher measurement success rate.

The optical actuator uses a laser beam that traps and immobilises the proteins and crystals. Whilst trapped by laser light the X-ray beam at DLS measures the inner structure of the samples. DLS is used by more than 3,000 academic and industrial researchers across a wide range of disciplines.

This is a collaborative project led by principal investigators Dr C D Walton, University of Hull, Dr B Cordovez, CEO, Optofluidics, USA, and Dr P Docker, DLS.

Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source, UK.

Collaborative research is moving forward to develop one of the first nano sample actuators to be tested at the UK’s synchrotron, Diamond Light Source (DLS).

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Pioneering research for nanophotonic materials of the futureScientists at the University have pioneered a method of organising particles that could lead to the ‘smart’ materials of the future.

Dr Martin Buzza, Department of Physics and Maths, and Dr Tommy Horozov, Department of Chemistry, have discovered a unique way of creating two-dimensional structures, using a self-assembly method for colloids (particles) at a liquid interface.

Their research details how specific structures can be engineered by controlling the properties of colloids so that they spontaneously organise themselves into clusters.

Their ‘bottom-up’ method could lead to faster, cheaper and more versatile methods of engineering two-dimensional structures for the next generation of optoelectronic devices. These are currently manufactured using surface lithographical techniques – a traditional “top down” method of organising colloids, which is slow and expensive.

Together with Dr Ali Adawi, Department of Physics and Maths, they have been awarded a £650,000 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant.  The funding has been provided to enable them to use their method to create nanomaterials for advanced optical applications such as single molecule sensing, low threshold lasers, super-lenses and invisibility cloaking devices*, bringing such applications one step closer to reality.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has identified that engineering structures at a nanometer scale is a key challenge in the UK and worldwide. The ability to control structures at this scale is a key technology that will open the door to manufacturing artificial ‘smart’ materials of the future. The University has a rich history in colloid science going all the way back to world-changing research into the development of modern-day Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs), led by Professor George Gray in the 1970s.

*A cloaking device can cause objects to be partially or wholly invisible to parts of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum.

Dr Tommy Horozov and Dr Martin Buzza

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liquid crystal OlEDs (lC-OlEDs) Most TVs are based on liquid crystals with the image formed from many pixels.

Each pixel acts as a shutter, transmitting or blocking coloured light depending on the orientation of the liquid crystals, which move in response to a voltage.

Physicists and chemists at the University have invented a new type of display, a liquid crystal OLED, where the liquid crystal molecules respond to a voltage by emitting light whose colour depends on the chemical structure of the molecule. The acronym OLED refers to organic light-emitting display.

A unique feature of the ‘Hull’ display is that the liquid-crystal material becomes insoluble when exposed to UV light, so pixels can be patterned as follows: A thin film of red-emitting film is deposited by solution processing and then exposed with UV light through a mask to define an insoluble pixel and the remaining material removed by washing in solvent. Pixels of the green and blue light-emitting materials are then sequentially formed in different regions by a similar process.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has sponsored this work over many years. The University holds a suite of patents and has formed a spin out company (Polar OLED) to develop and commercialise the patented materials and include them in commercial OLEDs.

This is an interdisciplinary project led by Prof Mary O’Neill in Physics and Prof Steve Kelly in Chemistry.

In particular, the gravitational force we feel from the Earth is a manifestation of the curvature the Earth causes in the structure of spacetime.

By contrast, quantum theories are only currently understood in flat spacetime. Put another way, we currently understand quantum theories only in the absence of gravity.

This question of how to reconcile Einstein’s theory of gravity with quantum theory is one of the great challenges of modern physics. It goes to the heart of what space and time are at the smallest quantum scales.

String theory is a theoretical framework that answers some, and perhaps one day all, of these questions. The basic starting point is to replace point-like fundamental particles with microscopic vibrating strings. This seemingly innocent proposal leads to profound consequences once quantum effects are taken into account.

Despite many advances in the field, the physical and mathematical principles underlying String theory are still very poorly understood; however, this has not prevented String theory from having a considerable impact on modern mathematics.

Recent work, involving Dr Ron Reid-Edwards of the department of Physics and Mathematics, has shed light on the symmetries of String theory and suggests that the notions of spacetime geometry, upon which general relativity is built and which make sense for a physics of fundamental particles, may be too naïve for a quantum theory of gravity.

Indeed, there is mounting evidence that a more ‘stringy’ notion of geometry may be required.

Superstrings and spacetimeGeneral Relativity, Einstein’s theory of gravity, famously describes gravity in terms of the geometry of space and time (or spacetime).

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Fear affects the perception of time. Researcher: Dr Jason Tipples

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Monitoring brain activity using Electroencephalography (EEG)

Our research has an impact on practice in psychology, mental and physical health, education, the judicial system and the workplace.

The research challenges we set ourselves are mainly trying to develop the best understanding of a) how changes in the brain affect how we think and feel, when we are healthy and unwell and b) using the theories and methods we are skilled in to address real world problems, such as obesity, dementia, sleep disorders and dangerous driving.

The methods we use range from precise measurement of brain activity and hormonal secretion, to using approaches which analyse and interpret what those facing personal mental or physical health challenges say or write about their lives as they experience them. We study people, from infancy to old age, when healthy and unwell.

In the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) in 2008, 80% of our research was internationally recognised in terms of originality, significance and rigour, and half of this was rated as internationally excellent or world-leading. Our research strategy builds on this foundation.

Our research is organised around three main themes: Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience; Cognition and Perception; and Psychological Health and Applied Psychology.

Research themes

Cognitive and Clinical NeuroscienceThis theme focuses on the wide range of ways in which normal psychological functions breakdown, and how understanding the brain basis of dysfunction can guide remediation. Sub-themes include: Social neuroscience (asperger’s syndrome, autism, pheromones and territorial behaviour); Neuropsychological assessment of cognition (in areas such as language, emotion, categorization, space processing, time perception, sleep) and Clinical neuropsychology (Mild Cognitive Impairment; alzheimer’s disease progression, dementia diagnosis).

Cognition and PerceptionThis theme encompasses different theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of human development and social interaction, as well as the processes involved in attention, learning and memory.

Psychological Health and applied PsychologyThis theme is concerned with health and wellbeing, particularly eating disorders, substance abuse and management of chronic health conditions and wellbeing, as well as the application of psychological knowledge to the problems people encounter in the workplace and in education.

More information:

Postgraduate research enquiries:Dr Paul (0)1482 466038

General enquiries:Laura (0)1482 466707

DEPaRTMENT Of PSYCHOlOGYThe Department, opened in 1928, is one of the oldest and most firmly established in the UK and conducts research at the forefront of scientific psychology

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Benefits of false memoriesResearchers at the University of Hull have been investigating the creation of ‘false memories’. Using a range of methods, researchers have shown that false memories of events that did not occur can easily be created.

Our recent research has investigated the possibility that false memories may also be beneficial. For example, we have shown that people who are particularly susceptible to false memories also score high on tests of creativity.

We are currently investigating whether false memories are associated with other positive behaviours, such as problem solving.

This research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

Researchers: Dr Steve Dewhurst and Dr Rachel anderson

Can listening to the sound of someone scratching make you itch?Researchers at the University of Hull have launched a study to discover whether this remarkable effect could help people with psoriasis, a condition which often includes itchy skin.

The research team have been looking for volunteers with psoriasis to see how they are affected by the recorded sound of someone scratching an itch.

The study is based on how one sense can influence another. For instance, changing the frequency of the sound of hands being rubbed together can change the perception of touch, giving rise to the so-called ‘parchment skin illusion’. This illusion describes how people think their skin feels strange – like a piece of parchment – when they listen to scratch recordings at a different frequency.

The study will investigate whether a similar ‘cross-talk’ of the senses exists for itching as well.

It is hoped that this new study could increase our understanding about psoriasis which could eventually lead to new treatments. It is understood that this is the first time this approach has been used with sufferers of skin conditions.

The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance has funded this research.

Researcher: Dr Henning Holle. Co-investigator: Dr fiona Cowdell, University of Hull’s faculty of Health and Social Care

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future memoryRecent work at the University of Hull has investigated the role of autobiographical memory in allowing individuals to plan for the future.

Volunteers have been asked to remember events from their past, or to imagine events that might happen in their future. This is sometimes referred TO as mental time travel.

Our research has shown that remembering past events and imagining future events involve the same underlying cognitive processes.

Future events can be vividly imagined by drawing on memories of past events and combining them with general knowledge to create a novel scenario. Understanding how this is achieved is important because difficulties in imagining future events can be an early sign of mood disorders, such as depression.

This research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

Researchers: Dr Rachel anderson and Dr Steve Dewhurst

New ways of teaching Maths to young children?Research at the University, working with congenitally blind volunteers has revealed their enhanced skills in processing numerical information.

During numerical tasks the blind volunteers showed outstanding estimation skills, better than those of sighted volunteers. This contradicts previous assumptions that vision is essential to the development of numerical skills.

Blindness is known to lead to the development of ‘compensatory strategies’. For example using senses like hearing, movement and touch to make up for the lack of vision.

Further research into multi-sensory access to numerical information could lead to education benefits in teaching mathematics to young children, in helping them master basic numerical skills at an early stage.

Researcher: Dr Julie Castronovo

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We compared whether, and how well, overnight sleep and a two-hour nap affected our ability to remember word pairs that often occur together, for example horse-cart, and word pairs that are unrelated, for example cow-pepper.

People learnt lists of related and unrelated word pairs, and then slept.

Word pair recall was tested on waking using cued recall, for example ‘horse and..’. Sleep did not improve memory, that is people did not remember more after sleep than they had done at the end of learning, but it did slow forgetting, particularly of the unrelated word pairs.

This was especially so with overnight sleep, which is helpful in slowing the forgetting of things we have recently learnt and are more likely to forget.

Research published in PloS One, 2014 by Groeger and external collaborators lo (Singapore), and Dijk (Surrey).

The puzzle of slow wave sleepWhen we sleep our brain activity changes regularly from states which are quite like waking, through periods when the parts of our brain, normally very active during waking, are barely active and we are difficult to wake. During this ‘slow wave sleep’ (SWS), activity in other brain areas continues – but why?

This question is more intriguing when we realise that as young children we have far more SWS than adolescents, who have more SWS than adults. The elderly have far less SWS than all other age groups. When we are deprived of sleep, our brain prioritizes SWS over other types of sleep when we have our next sleep.

We deprived young, middle-aged and elderly adults of SWS for two nights. We examined how well each age group performed a wide range of memory, attention and movement tasks the next day.

While the older people did worse on these tasks than younger participants, there was very little effect of removing SWS on any age group, except that people were generally sleepier.

This suggests that SWS is not important for maintaining next day cognitive functioning, at least in the short term, but is important for preserving a sense of feeling alert and being able to avoid falling asleep.

Whether there are longer term consequences, in terms of supporting maturation, or slowing cognitive decline, of having more or less SWS remains unclear.

Research published in Sleep, 2014 by Groeger and external collaborators Deacon, Stanley, and Dijk (all Surrey), funded by lundbeck.

Is a nap as good as overnight sleep for slowing forgetting?Some of what we need to remember we already know, some of what we need to remember is new to us.

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Simulating parts of the brain allows researchers to understand more about how the brain works. Researcher: Dr Igor Schindler

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DEPaRTMENT Of SPORT, HEalTH aND EXERCISE SCIENCEWith world-class staff and facilities, our researchers work with groups and teams from around the world.

We have collaborated with New Zealand Rugby, Canadian athletics as well as national professional sports teams.

Research is an integral part of our work and adds to the current body of knowledge in our field. The latest Research Assessment Exercise rated 90 % of our research as of international or national standard.Within the Department of Sport, Health and Exercise Science (SHES) research aims to enhance understanding of practices and processes that support the active lifestyles, health and well-being and the sporting performance and coaching practices of both individuals and groups.

(Dr Lee Ingle is the Director of Research and Enterprise within SHES and can be contacted at

There are two SHES research groups; Exercise, Health and Human Performance (EHHP) and Sport, Pedagogy and Practice (SPP).

Exercise, Health and Human Performance (EHHP)

The research in the EHHP group examines a broad range of topics related to the physiological, biomechanical and psychological aspects of exercise.This group is led by the Head of the Department, Professor Sean Carroll. It undertakes research across the spheres of applied sport, exercise

sciences and health and wellbeing.

The research focuses on five sub-themes:

• Exercise epidemiology and meta-analysis

• Clinical exercise testing and exercise training interventions

• Biomolecular aspects of exercise physiology and health

• Skeletal muscle function (plasticity, muscle-tendon stiffness and fatigue)

• Monitoring and evaluation of elite sports performance

The collaborative and translational research projects associated with the EHHP group have medicine as an underlying theme, and seek to understand the role and implementation of exercise testing for disease risk, the effectiveness of life-style interventions involving physical activity, and responses and adaptations to exercise and sport.

Sport, Pedagogy and Practice (SPP)

The research carried out by the SPP group considers the psychological and social-pedagogical complexities of coaching practice and athlete learning and well-being.

The research has been guided by three specific aims:

• To explore how athletes evaluate stress and negative emotions

• To understand which psychological constructs are related to athletes coping in sport

• An overall aim of gaining a better appreciation of coping effectiveness in sport

This group primarily uses qualitative research methods, and conducts investigations that are principally informed by the concepts and theories that have been taken from the academic disciplines of Sociology, Psychology and Education.

This approach can contribute to better preparing coaches and coach educators for the harsh realities of day-to-day coaching practice.The group has expanded its remit to explore the pedagogical delivery of sports science courses within higher education institutes.

More information:

Postgraduate enquiries

Dr Lee (0)1482 463544

General enquiries

Alicia (0)1482 463608

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Researchers work with leading sporting teams from around the worldThe SPP group works and collaborates with leading sporting teams and professional bodies.

Links forged provide opportunities for real-world applications of academic research, and an avenue to further the understanding behind coaching practice.

To date this has included the Rugby Football Union, the Wakefield Wildcats and the Newcastle Knights.

Staff and students from the department recently worked with the New Zealand Rugby League team during their World Cup bid. Members of their coaching staff shared insights into how a professional rugby league team prepares for such a big event, answering questions from undergraduate, postgraduate students and staff.

SHES has on-going collaborations with Canadian Athletics Coaching Centre, Danish Handball Federation and Gaelic Athletics Association.

‘leafy greens’ may be the key to minimising damage caused during exerciseThe saying ‘no pain, no gain’ holds more credence than simply being an old motivational comment to encourage more effort when exercising.

To gain positive health benefits from exercise, a certain level of stress or cellular damage is needed to stimulate important repair processes.

When damage occurs, the body does not repair itself to its original state, but usually up-regulates its repair mechanisms and defence tools to prevent damage if the body is exposed to similar stress again. As a result of this stress, elite or recreational level athletes, or people just wanting to stay relatively healthy, may take a nutritional supplement – like a multivitamin pill.

Although some research supports their use, particularly if an essential micronutrient is deficient from the normal diet, using nutritional supplements in relation to exercise needs careful consideration. The extremely high levels of nutrients in these pills could block some of the cellular damage caused by exercise, eliminating the important ‘stress/recovery’ response necessary in promoting gains in health and fitness.

Research by Dr Mark Fogarty (EHHP group) has identified natural dietary sources as a potential alternative to pharmacological supplements.

His research highlighted that 85g of raw watercress, packed with nutritional vitamins and essential minerals, two hours before an exhaustive bout of exercise, helped reduce damage to cellular DNA. Of interest, this research showed no additional benefit gained by long-term daily consumption (eight weeks), suggesting that the nutritional compounds in watercress do not appear to be stored within the body.

It is plausible that the fibrous nature of these, and other similar vegetables, allow a much slower transit time during digestion, compared with a vitamin pill. This makes it likely that the nutritional compounds are released at a lower, steadier rate during digestion, rather than flooding the bloodstream with very high concentrations, which if not used are excreted in the urine.

Therefore, if you engage in regular physical activity, a diet with green leafy vegetables may be useful in providing some cellular protection and in preventing excessive cellular stress, while still allowing some damage that is important to trigger a physiological adaptation.

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Social complexities of coaching practice Findings from two research studies undertaken by the SPP group both highlighted the value of the relationships a coach develops.

The first research demonstrated the ‘political nature’ of coaching practice and the importance of coaches’ relationships with athletes, and also with administrators.

It found that the quality of these relationships frequently influenced the time and resources made available to implement coaching programmes.

This study resulted from Dr Paul Potrac and Dr Lee Nelson highlighting the need for coach education to give greater consideration to socio-educational aspects of coaching practice. This qualitative research was carried out with the aim of examining the ‘social complexities’ of coaching practice.

Key findings from a further in-depth study, relating to an elite athlete, suggested that the athlete’s perceptions of coaching practice were influenced by the level of respect for the coach. In turn the respect with which an athlete views their coach was found to influence their willingness to listen and respond to that coach’s feedback and instruction.

This type of research is ongoing within the SPP group.

This research is among the first of this kind to study these complex issues which, until now, have received limited attention in the provision of coaching education and in academic literature relating to sports coaching.

The research undertaken by the SPP group, which spans sport and society, is shared through various publications, including journals and books, as well as through presentations of their findings at national and international conferences.

Barbell lift in the Biomechanics lab

Research carried out by the Department of Sport, Health and Exercise Science revealed that relationships developed in a sporting environment can be crucial to the success of coaching programmes.

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Brynmor Jones library

Venn Building – Reception

Students’ Union

International Office

Sports Centre

faculty of arts and Social Sciences

faculty of Education

faculty of Health and Social Care

Hull University Business School

Enterprise Centre

Hull York Medical School, Hull campus

faculty of Science and Engineering

The School of Biological, Biomedical and Environmental Science (CEMS)Hardy Building

Wolfson Building

Allam Building

The Department of Chemistry Chemistry Building

Department of Computer Science Robert Blackburn Building

The School of Engineering Engineering –Robert Blackburn Building

Chemical Engineering

The Department of Geography, Environment and Earth ScienceCohen Building

The Department of Physics and MathematicsRobert Blackburn Building

Applied Science

Fenner Building

Department of Sport, Health and Exercise ScienceDon Building

Health and Human Performance Laboratory

The Department of Psychology Fenner Building

Applied Sciences 3















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Czech Republic









1 hour 1 hour 30 minutes

Not only does our campus in Hull have beautiful surroundings and an abundance of outdoor leisure opportunities right on the doorstep, it is also well situated – making it easily accessible by road, rail, sea and air.

WEll CONNECTEDYou have the best of all worlds at the University of Hull.

1 hour or less

from Hull

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Czech Republic



The city of Hull is in East Yorkshire, on the north bank of the Humber Estuary. A gateway to Europe and beyond, it has strong global transport connections as well as good road and rail links to other major UK cities.

Scarborough, a picturesque seaside town, is situated on the North Yorkshire coast, and is within an hour's drive of York and only 40 miles from the University's Hull campus.

By road, the M62 puts Hull on the national motorway network. By rail, direct trains between Hull and London take as little as two-and-a-half hours.

By sea, daily overnight passenger ferries run from the city’s port to Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Zeebrugge in Belgium.

And by air, Hull is served by international airports including nearby Humberside Airport, which has direct flights to Europe and a global reach via Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport; Robin Hood Airport in South Yorkshire; Leeds Bradford Airport in West Yorkshire; and Manchester Airport.

1 HOUR to Amsterdam (Schiphol) from Humberside Airport

2.5 HOURSto central London

1 HOURfrom Hull to Scarborough

2 HOURSto Manchester Airport

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HOW TO aPPlYThere is no single deadline for applications. We ask that your application reaches the University by 1 august (for a September start) or otherwise at least six weeks before your intended start date. International applicants are advised to give sufficient time for processing by the University and to make visa and travel arrangements.

Please use one of the following methods to apply:

1. Apply online at

2. Download and print the postgraduate application form and the reference form available online: and

3. Apply directly through a University of Hull recruit-ment partner in your country. For a full list, please visit our website

Postgraduate research

Self-funded students with overseas fee status are normally required to pay a non-refundable, tuition fee deposit of £2,000. The offer letter will state whether you are required to pay this to confirm your place on the programme. Students who are sponsored or under government funding schemes, by industry or external agencies will be required to provide evidence of funding.

Supporting documents

With your application you are required to provide academic transcripts, academic references, proof of English language proficiency (if applicable), a copy of your passport and you may be required to provide a copy of your CV and write a personal statement.

The original statement of results, certificate or transcript issued to you by the examination board/awarding institution will be required to support your application. You can only provide photocopies if these are officially verified with an original legible stamp and a legible signature from an authorised person. Where documents are not in English it is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain official translation to English if required by the University and to submit both the translation and the document translated.

Entry requirements

For graduate study, applicants are expected to have the equivalent of a British Honours degree. Detailed entry requirements are provided by course in this brochure. Please note that each application is considered on its own merit and admissions tutors will give careful consideration to other factors, such as work experience and nature of previous studies. funding and fees

For the latest postgraduate fees please visit our website:

The University is considering the introduction of a tuition fee deposit for some students in 2014 to secure a place and obtain a Tier 4 Visa CAS, where relevant.

Scholarships and bursaries

The University offers a number of scholarships and bursaries to its students, including PhD scholarships in specific research areas. The majority of these are offered directly by the academic departments and are based on academic merit.

On postgraduate research degrees, students are either self-funded or have acquired scholarships from either funding bodies such as research councils, commercial sponsorship or government agencies.

For more detailed information about our scholarships and bursaries and postgraduate funding sources, please visit

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For further information, please contact:

T: +44 (0)1482 466850 E:

fees and funding

For a full list of fees and funding advice:


apply Online

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International Office

We welcome enquiries on:

T: +44 (0)1482 466904 E:

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October 2014
