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“The small church with a BIG heart: Ordinary people

With an extra ordinary message!

Pastor Gerald Scheperle

(573) 395-4591 (church)

(573) 395-9954 (home)


Web Site:

Schubert Babbtown (Near Meta)

4409 St. John’s Road 7075 Highway P

Jefferson City, MO 65101 Westphalia, MO 65085

Volume 50, Issue 9 SEPTEMBER, 2018


Schubert and Babbtown News

Usher & Communion Schedule

Acolyte Schedule

Calendar for September 2018



8:00 A.M. Worship

(Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday)

9:10 A.M. Sunday school

& Bible Study


9:00 A.M. Sunday school

9:30 Adult Bible Study

10:00 A.M. Worship with

(Holy Communion)


Sept 3 Labor Day

Sept 4 Pastors Conference, Men’s Bible

Study/Supper, 6 pm

Sept 5 Anniversary Committee 6 pm

Elders 7:30 pm

Sept 6 Ladies Aid (Schubert)

6:30 pm

Sept 9 Christian Ed Sunday and Basket

Dinner-Pie Auction

Sept10 Ladies Bible Study, 1 pm

Sept11 Patriot Day 9/11

Sept12 WkDay/Conf. 6-7:30 pm

Sept15 Work Day (Babbtown)

Basement Reserved (Schubert)

Sept16 Meta Fall Festival

Sept19 WkDay/Conf. 6-7:30 pm

Sept24 Babbtown Bible Study and

Ladies Aid 7 pm

Sept26 WkDay/Conf. 6-7:30 pm

Sept29 LWML Board Meeting

9-12 Noon

Sept30 Friendship Sunday (Schubert)

Dear Friends and Members of St. John’s Congregations, Brothers and

Sisters in Christ Fellow Redeemed,

As most of you know, Paula and I have just returned from vacation. For part of our

vacation we went to visit Rachel in Little Falls, New Jersey. Rachel worked very hard to show

us as many sites as possible in New Jersey and nearby New York. To make a long story short, one of the most moving sites that we visited was the

museum at ground zero where the World Trade Center was destroyed during the 9-11 attack.

We descended the ramp to the areas beneath the waterfall monument. This took us

down to the footings of Tower 1. There were many amazing and moving pictures and


There were tributes to the rescue workers passengers and the occupants who perished

in the terrorist attack. There were many artifacts displayed, some that we had already seen in

pictures, like the beam in the shape of a cross. But, Rachel called me over to look at one display

under glass. What I saw there was a Bible that had been melted to the side of a beam. What

was truly amazing is that all the pages from the left side of the open Bible were gone and the

page that was open was from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Matt 5. The display pointed out that

these words of Jesus are printed there.

Matt 5:38 ‘You have heard that it was

said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth

for a tooth.” 39 But I say to you, Do

not resist an evildoer. But if anyone

strikes you on the right cheek, turn

the other also; 40 and if anyone

wants to sue you and take your coat,

give your cloak as well; 41 and if

anyone forces you to go one mile,

go also the second mile. 42 Give to

everyone who begs from you, and do

not refuse anyone who wants to

borrow from you. (Continued pg. 2)


The next two verses are partially

visible 43 You have heard that is was said

love your neighbor and hate your enemy

44 but I tell you love your enemies and

pray for those who persecute you.”

Reading these verses—while

standing in the ruins of 9-11 is very

humbling. We begin to see the full nature

the Gospel and the nature of God’s love

for us and the fallen world.

While God hates sin, He has

mercy on the sinner and that includes all of

us. It is no accident that these words of

Jesus’ are open for the world to see and for

all people to come to the knowledge

Jesus—who is the only one who can save

us from this evil world and the sin that

would destroy us.

Live in the Love of Christ.

Pastor Scheperle


“The culture of life respects human

life at all its stages, recognizing

that those who have lived long and

well, have much to offer those who

are just beginning their journeys

on this earth. Not only should the

young respect the aging, but the

elderly should also respect

themselves with the honor God

says is due them. If Grandpa is too

weak to work, he is not too weak

to pray. Let us cherish our parents

and grandparents as they intercede

on our behalf and pass down to

their children’s children the

wisdom of the Lord.” Ryan C.

MacPherson, Professor at Bethany

Lutheran College, Mankato,

Minnesota – A Life Quote from

Lutherans For Life •


Feeding our Children the Bread of Life

You don’t have to know much about taking care of a child to know that

feeding that child is very important. Infancy, toddlerhood, and the teen-

age years all bring a necessity and sometimes an urgency to be fed.

Even more important, though, than feeding our children food to sustain

their earthly lives is feeding our children food to sustain their spiritual


Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If

anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” John 6:51

What greater gift can we give our children than to give them the Living

Bread—the Bread of Life? To celebrate and honor our opportunity to

feed our children this Living Bread, please bring your whole family to

Christian Education Sunday on September 9. We will start with

devotions downstairs for everyone at 9 AM. In our worship service, we

will commission our teachers and substitutes and have ALL our

children come up and be acknowledged by the congregation. After a

basket dinner, we’ll have a pie auction to raise funds for floor repair in

our Sunday school classrooms. We’ll also have fun with a “Name That

Tune” game and our famous water balloon competition. We will close

with ice cream and a prayer of thanksgiving for our Sunday school and

Christian Education mission.

Intergenerational Sunday school continues through September 2, and

the fall session of Sunday school will begin on September 9. All

children of the congregation from 3 years old through 8th grade are

invited to come and participate. We also hope to start a preschool

Sunday school for children who are 2 years old and their parents.

Please pray for our Sunday school and Christian Education programs so

we can continue to feed our children the Bread of Life.

God’s Blessings,

Kevin Lohraff


We want to thank everyone for attending our 50th

wedding reception and alsofor the prayers, cards

and gifts. Special thanks to our family for hosting

the event. Gods Blessings, Jim and Kay Forbis


Men’s Monthly Bible


Tuesday Sept 4th 6 P.M.

We will kick off the new fall

season with a fish fry. All men

and your sons are invited (all

guests welcome)

We will continue our series on the

mission Journey of Paul.


Ladies Monthly Bible Study

Begins again Monday Sept 10th, at

1 P.M. Come and enjoy time

together with your Sisters in

Christ. We too will be looking at

the mission Journey of Paul.


Confirmation Classes Resume

Again on Sept 12th,

6-7:30 P.M.

Confirmation begins for students

in 6th grade and up.

We also will have WkDay Class

provided for children 2nd-5th



Mark your calendar for the LWML

Fall Rally at Trinity, Jefferson City

on October 20th. They will be

having an ingathering for the

Foster Care and Adoption agency

located in Trinity old parsonage.

Stay tuned for more details.


There was no regular meeting of the Ladies Aid in August due

to many absences. The meeting was postponed until September 6. We

need to plan the luncheon for the L.W.M.L. Zone Board Meeting on

September 29. The Hostess will be Rose. The SOLA Kit goes to

Jeannette in September. All ladies of the congregation are invited and

encouraged to attend.



We are having a Special Pie Auction following lunch.

We need pies and we need bidders. This is to raise

funds to pay for the new floor covering in the Parish

House as we ready it for our Early Childhood

Christian Education Center.

This is an exciting opportunity for us as we rise to

fulfill the Great Commission with our families.


Please be sure to attend worship. Stay for lunch and

bring guests!


Blessings to you in the name of Jesus, the Lover of our souls,

NOW is the time to register for the Lutherans For Life Annual Conference!

The 2018 Lutherans For Life National Conference will take place in the St Louis area on October 12th and 13th at Immanuel Lutheran

Church, 9733 Olive Blvd. Olivette, MO 65132. The theme for the conference is “From Age to Age the Same” from Isaiah 46:4: I am he, and to gray

hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save. Won’t you join your fellow Lutherans in celebrating God’s provision

for his beloved people from the moment of conception to natural death? Our Lord and Savior remains the same from eternity unto eternity through all

changes in human history and individual experiences---including sinfulness. Human sanctity and dignity are the same---that is, infinite---from the

invisible miracle of conception to the moment of natural death, through all states and stages of a person’s life.

Lutherans For Life is celebrating 40 years of being a voice for life and is still motivated by the same Gospel courage and compassion to speak

truth and show love while respecting and protecting every human being as a treasure and privilege from God our Father. Registration is now open for

the conference. To register go to (Call me if you need help.) Speakers include: Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer, Rev. Dr.

Sam Nafzger, Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, Rev. Ed Fehskens III, Rev. Michael Newman, Rev. Chris Wheatley, Laura Davis, Deaconess Rachel Geraci,

Brian Young, Rev. Michael Salemink, Rev. Rory Karg, Rev. Frederick Hinz, Deaconess Chrissie Gillet, PsyD, Lynette Auch, Dr. Cara Buskmiller,

Rev. Michael Dobler, Rev. Todd Kollbaum and Mona Fuerstenau! There will be much to learn and celebrate. Join us for great speakers, fun,

fellowship, good food and inspiration to celebrate the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. Every life is precious because God

has created that gift, Jesus died to redeem that gift and the Holy Spirit calls that gift into a relationship with Himself.

In addition to the Lutherans For Life National Conference, you might be interested in joining fellow Lutherans and many others who cherish all life

that God creates and redeems by planning to participate in the 45th March For Life in Washington, D.C. January 16-19, 2019. Following is the

itinerary provided by Elaine Ott, board member of the Missouri LFL and coordinator for the hotel:

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 bus and

10:00 a.m. Depart Jefferson City (place to be determined)

Possible stops to pick up other marchers Kingdom City and/or St. Charles

Thursday, January 17, 2019

7:00 a.m. Arrive at Hyatt Place Hotel, downtown Washington DC – place bags in holding area; sightseeing on your own

Friday, January 18, 2019

9:00 a.m. Visit Missouri Legislators followed by March for Life Rally with speakers.

1:00 p.m. March for Life

7:00 p.m. Depart for Home

Costs for Hotel plus bus per person (based on 50 people going on the bus)

$385.00 for single hotel room $300.00 for double occupancy

$270.00 for three persons in room $255.00 for four persons in room

If you would like to attend this important event, please fill out the registration form below to reserve your spot and send along with a deposit in the

amount of $50.00 which will be non-refundable to Elaine Ott, 7501 Glover Road Russellville, Missouri 65074 by July 7, 2018. Half of total

(depending on room choice) will be due Nov1. Please make checks payable to Capital Area Lutherans for Life. Your deposit will be subtracted from

total amount due, which will be payable in December.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Elaine Ott, 573-619-668 or 573-782-4985

Yes, please register me for the March For Life, January 16-19 2019

Name: _________________________________________________

Phone Number: _________________________________________

Room preference (please circle one): Single Double 3 person 4 person

Rejoice in our freedom to gather, to speak, to pray. Two recent Supreme Court decisions have affirmed our right and privilege to speak ‘in the public

square’ about the sanctity of life and not compromise our values. “In June the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decisive victory for the work of

pro-life pregnancy centers and for free speech in general. “We rejoice at this ruling,” said the Rev. Michael Salemink, the executive director of

Lutherans For Life. “It safeguards fairness and freedom. Pregnancy resource centers share a truth and show a love that saves lives. They serve with

the compassion of our Savior Jesus. Removing obstacles to these interactions and relationships certainly enhances this outreach.”” (REPORTER,

Official Newspaper of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod---July/August 2018) Thanks be to God!

Sylvia Glenn

Feel free to call me (573-592-7866) for information or concerns about life issues. For those who are suffering, there is a word of hope! "He heals the

brokenhearted and binds up their wounds" (Psalm 147:3). For confidential post-abortion referral, counsel, and reconciliation call WORD of HOPE,

toll-free 888-217-8679, email, or visit





LADIES AID We will meet for Monthly Bible Class on September 24th at 7

P.M. and have our Ladies Aid business meeting following Bible Class.

Jeannette Ripka will be hostess.

The LWML Zone Board meeting will meet at St. John’s

Schubert, Saturday September 29th at 9 A.M. We will make plans for

our Fall Zone Rally to be held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Jefferson

City on Saturday October 20th. Martha Kleindienst of St. John’s

Schubert is our new Zone President with all the Board Meetings to be

held at Schubert.

WORK DAY Plans are to have Work Day at Babbtown on September 15th.

More details later.

META COMMUNITY FALL FESTIVAL The festival will be held on September 16th at the Civic League

in Meta. Sausage and fried chicken with all the trimmings for a good

Fall Dinner will be available from 11-6 P.M. Bring all your friends.

We’ll see you then.


Our Friendship Sunday will be held on Sunday, October 7th

with service at 10 A.M. A carry in Dinner will be held following the

service. Invite your friends and families to come join us. We will be

looking forward to see everyone again.



Sept 15, Work Day, Babbtown

Sept 16, Meta Fall Festival

Sept 29, LWML Board meeting

Babbtown news




Art and Donna Mueller




Sept 16, Joyce Jarvis

Sept 21, Ava Joy Bunker

Sept 23, Ricky Jarvis

Sept 25, Ron Schubert


Usher Schedule

Sept 2 Kurt Boeckmann

Andy Beach

Silas Luetkemeyer

Gary Lofton

Sept 9 Kurt Boeckmann

George Kuhlman

Eric Lofton

Dale Schmutzler

Sept16 Kurt Boeckmann

Mike Forbis

Dave Mueller

Dale Ludwig

Sept23 Kurt Boeckmann

Kevin Lohraff

Berry Wiggins

Sherri Russell

Sept30 Kurt Boeckmann

Mike Forbis

Ross Schmutzler

Bob Nienhueser

Sept 1 Delma Goser

Sept 2 Steven Brenner

Sept 3 Ashley Thoenen

Sept 9 Alexis Kremer

Autumn Kremer

Samuel Luetkemeyer

Silas Luetkemeyer

Sept14 Jeanette Wiggins

Sept18 Josh Kollmeyer

Matt Kollmeyer

Sept19 Peyton Bohl

Sept20 Ronda Williams

Sept23 Ashley Mueller

Sept27 Michael Dippold

Communion Assistant

Sept 2 Gary Stroup

Russ Titus

Sept 9 Gene Walkenhorst

Allan Forbis

Sept16 Russ Mueller

Mark Russell

Sept23 Gary Stroup

Russ Titus

Sept30 Allan Forbis

Mark Russell

Acolyte & Offering

Sept 2 Graham Boeckmann

Claire Prohaska

Sept 9 Emma Fichter

Haley Titus

Sept16 Josh Kollmeyer

Piper Spurgeon

Sept23 Marshall Gibson

Sean Gibson

Sept30 Cale Willson

Brantly Carver



Allan Forbis

Linda Brenner


Bob Nienhueser

Dorece Colter


Mary Vida

Lynn Lofton


Bob Nienhueser

Mary Vida


Allan Forbis

Linda Brenner




Jim and Linda



Martha Kleindienst

Shelley Meyer


Newsletter Items


Due September 23,

2018 Newsletter items may be

placed in either Pastor’s or

Jan’s mailbox.

OR they may be e-mailed

to Pastor Scheperle—

Any announcement:

weddings, birthdays,

anniversaries, personal

notes, pictures or church

related business are
