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First year class of 2020: Welcome to theschool of Agriculture and Food Sciences (SAFs)at Meru University of Science and Technology.

Administration Block I

Introductions: SAFs Dean’s Office

• Dr John Thuita (BVM, MVPH, PhD): Ag. Dean of

the School

• Judy Gacheri Itonga (secretary)

• Fridah Kananu (admin assistant)

• Mr Patrick Mutuma: in charge records/filing

School Contacts




• Tel: +254 (0) 712 524 293

• (


Staff in Agriculture Dept

Teaching Staff

1. Mr Bernard Mwai: Chairman of Department

2. Mrs Beth Makau: Examination Officer

3. Professor Peter Masinde

4. Professor Gitonga Nkanata

5. Dr Eric Mworia

6. Mrs Cecilia Wanjau

7. Mr Joshua Thambura

8. Mr Titus Kirimi

9. Mr Richard Kirigia

10. Mrs Reginah Ithili

Dept of Agriculture

Technical staff

1. Mr Michael Ngugi

2. Mr Onesmus Kirui

3. Mr Felix Muthamia


Tel: +254 (0) 712 524 293


Staff in Food Science Dept

Teaching Staff

1. Dr. Rebecca Ebere: Chairman of Department

2. Dr. Alfred Mariga: Examination & Time tabling officer

3. Dr. Joshua Arimi

4. Mr. Kenneth M. Mbae

5. M/s Linet Mutwiri

6. M/S Esther Muriuki

Staff in Food Science Dept

Technical Staff

1. Mercy Ndwiga

2. Lydia Ngeera

3. Pius Kanda

4. Jacqueline Mwikali

5. Florence Mwobobia

Contact:,, tel: Tel: +254 (0) 712 524 293

Animal Science Department staff

Teaching Staff

1. Dr Florence Thiakunu: Chairman of Department

2. Dr Fredrick Obonyo: Examination Officer

3. M/s Beatrice Nyakira: Time Tabling Officer

4. Dr Isaac Mokaya Omwenga

5. Dr John Thuita

Technical Staff

1. Mr Anthony Kibaara

2. Mr Walter Gitonga

3. Charity Wamaitha Kimani (BSC animal production, intern)

Contacts:,, tel:

Tel: +254 (0) 712 524 293

• Vision: to be a University School ofexcellence in agriculture, food and animalsciences

• Mission: To provide quality training andresearch in agricultural technology, foodscience and animal science innovations inorder to produce a nationally and globallycompetitive workforce

SAFs vision and mission

Whatever you (I, we) do, work at it

with all your (my, our) heart, as

working for the Lord, not for human

masters (Colossians 3: 23)

“A commitment to the pursuit


Our Commitment

Why a career in Agriculture is a

good idea

• Agriculture forms the backbone of theeconomy in developing Countries

• In Kenya, Agriculture contributes up to 30%of the GDP.

• Agricultural sector: employs 40% of the total

population and up to 70% of people in rural




• Agriculture Department: established in May


• Food Science Department: established


• Animal Science Department: established as

a fully fledged Department in 2018

1. BSc in Agricultural Education and Education (AGED)

2. BSc in Agriculture

3. BSc in Horticulture

4. BSc in Agribusiness Management (AGBM)

5. MSc in Horticulture

6. MSc in agriculture

7. PhD in Agricultural Sciences



1. PhD in Food Science

2. MSc in Food Science and Technology

3. BSc in Food Science and Technology

4. BSc in Food Science and Nutrition

5. BSc in Food Science and Management

6. Diploma in Food Science and Technology

7. Certificate in Food Science and Technology

Academic Programmes: Food

Science Department

Academic Programmes: Animal

Science Department

1. BSc in Animal Health and Production

2. Diploma in Animal Health and Production

3. Upgrading Diploma in Animal Health and Production

4. Certificate in Animal Health and Production


Centre coordinator Centre Staff

• Examination officer – Regina Ithili

• Office administrator – PeninahNgugi

• IT technician – Benson Kaimenyi

• Library assistant – Martin Bundi

• Teaching staff – Shelef Onyango, Daniel Sankei, Glory Mwendwa, Tabitha Mutemi, Lynn Nkatha, ElosyKinya, Joseph Mutwiri and Moses Njoka

Mr Richard Kirigiah

Academic Programmes:

Marimba learning Centre

Diploma in Agriculture

Diploma in Agriculture Extension

Diploma in Horticulture Production

Diploma in Agripreneurship

Certificate in Agriculture

Requirements for academic


1. BSc programmes take 4 academic years (8 semesters)

2. Classes commence in 5th October 2020. 3. Lectures will be done online. Training for online

classes to be provided4. Practical classes: To be held using innovative

methods + special arrangements when face to face meetings will be allowed

5. Examinations: Continuous assessment tests (CATs

I and II and end of semester exams.

• BSc programmes: CATs 30%, exams: 70% marks

• Diploma and Certificate programmes: CATs 40%

and exams: 60%

6. Must attend at least 75% of lectures to be

permitted to do end of semester examinations

7. Pass mark: 50% for AHP programmes; 40% for all

other programmes.

Requirements for academic


Requirements for academic


Programme Requirements

BSc in Agricultural Education and Extension

Laptop, PPEs: white lab coat,

BSc in Food Science and Technology

Laptop, white labcoat, white cap and white gumboots

BSc in Animal Health and Production + Diploma in Animal Health and Production

Laptop and PPEs: white labcoat, white cap, white gumboots, overall

Marimba Diploma Programmes Laptop and PPEs: labcoat, gumboots and overalls



• The University is offering courses accredited by

Technical Vocation Education and Training Authority


• These courses were developed by TVET Curriculum

Development, Assessment and Certification Council


• The courses are Competence Based Education and

Training (CBET) programs.

• TVET CDACC (equivalent to KNEC) is therefore the

external examination body while MUST is the internal

examination body.

• All Diploma (level 6) courses will take 2 years of 6

terms while a Certificate (level 5) courses will take 1

year of 3 terms (trimesters).

• TVET graduates are considered to be competent

when they are able to apply their knowledge and skills

to successfully complete work activities.

• The University is well-equipped with facilities in all

courses to enable you attain the required

competencies within the period of the course

The 5Ds of success

• Dream

• Determination

• Dependability

• Discipline

• Distinction

Tour of Teaching facilities in SAFs

State of the art laboratories

Complete Bakery Section

Fruits Processing

Meat processing

Water bottling system

Food Chemistry

Rheology equipment

Dairy cattle: Friesians

Dairy cattle: Ayrshire

Dairy Unit at MUST


Students conducting physical examination of cattle

Academic trips

Green house at MUST Demo Farm

Best of MUST Demo Farm


Students and lecturers having fun

Some Fun time with students during Field Training at Igoji Meru County

• Entrepreneurs who will create businesses

and employ others

• Pharmaceutical industry professionals

• Academia and research after further study to

get masters and PhDs

• Professionals working for National and

County Governments, regulatory bodies,

Universities etc

When training is all over!!



• My name is Beatrice Njagi, an Animal Health &Production Assistant. I pursued Bsc in Animal Health and Production in Meru university of science and Technology. Currently am working on a masters research project in beef value addition and Im really passionate about my work. I really love Animal Science. Meru University laid the best foundation in my profession by equipping me with not only knowledge but also best life skills that have made me who I am today. Improud to have studied in Meru University of science and Technology a world class University.

BSc Agriculture

• Frank Murimi Muya (BSc Agriculture 2019

graduate). Working for Greenlife

international, an agrochemical company

specializing on coffee and tea. Based In


Thank you
