SCFAH-20140226-004 Title: Draft Baseline Ad-Hoc Recommendation to SC on 3GPP2 Future ver2 Source: J....



Considering that: 1.Many Operators plan not to upgrade their networks but to improve and maintain their networks going forward; 2.3GPP2 activities are diminishing, it is reasonable to forecast that this trend will continue (as provided in SCFAH , attached); 3.3GPP2 activities need to continue to: –Address maintenance requests from Operators –Maintain the availability of specifications –Maintain the ability to update specifications –Maintain the ability to deal with issues and any new Work Items –Stay in sync with 3GPP Releases –Improve existing specifications –Implement “bug fixes” –Address regulatory changes that may require updates –Maintain relationships and respond to requests from external organizations, such as the ITU, 3GPP, OMA, oneM2M, and MPEG 4.There will continue to be the development of new devices operating on 3GPP2 systems for many years. 3

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Title: Draft Baseline Ad-Hoc Recommendation to SC on 3GPP2 Future ver2Source: J. Brownley, Ad-Hoc Chair

Abstract: This is a proposed draft baseline Ad-Hoc recommendation to the SC on the 3GPP2 Future based on a consolidation of the contributions to the Ad-Hoc, to date.

Recommendation: For Consideration © 2013 3GPP2The contributors grant a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner's name any Organizational Partner's standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the Organizational Partner's sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting Organizational Partner's standards publication. The contributors are also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner's standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by the contributors to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on the contributors. The contributors specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and to any intellectual property of the contributors other than provided in the copyright statement above.



• Considerations

• Recommendations

• Recommended Operational Updates

• Reduced Budget Proposal

• Open Items

Considering that:1. Many Operators plan not to upgrade their networks but to improve and

maintain their networks going forward;2. 3GPP2 activities are diminishing, it is reasonable to forecast that this trend will

continue (as provided in SCFAH-20140226-003, attached); 3. 3GPP2 activities need to continue to:

– Address maintenance requests from Operators– Maintain the availability of specifications– Maintain the ability to update specifications– Maintain the ability to deal with issues and any new Work Items– Stay in sync with 3GPP Releases– Improve existing specifications– Implement “bug fixes”– Address regulatory changes that may require updates– Maintain relationships and respond to requests from external organizations, such as

the ITU, 3GPP, OMA, oneM2M, and MPEG4. There will continue to be the development of new devices operating on 3GPP2

systems for many years.


Recommended that:• 3GPP2 remain as an entity until the sunset of networks [or as [or as

long as CDMA is deployed in operators’ networks];long as CDMA is deployed in operators’ networks];• 3GPP2 and IM companies maintain core competence of people

who understand the specifications;• 3GPP2 maintain a minimum level of core administrative

competence to avoid disruptions in procedures, web content, smooth transition to web-meetings, etc.;

• Substantially reduce the 3GPP2 budget going forward with an effective reduction in operational costs

• Going forward 3GPP2 adopt a “reduced operating mode” utilizing the 3GPP2 Working Procedures to support the diminished activities that need to continue;

• No new 3GPP2 System Releases beyond Release 7 (published in January 2014);


Recommended Operational Updates:• Maintain full use of electronic means and web-meetings in 2015

and beyond– Face-to-face meetings sponsored by IM companies as decided by the TSGs

where web-meetings are judged as not effective

• Maintain web presence– Specs library, FTP directory, calendar, agendas, summaries, procedures

• Minimal secretariat support (hosted by TIA)– Secretariat does manage notifications of V&V, approvals by SC, maintains

web presence, work program/plan, other general compliance oversight, membership, maintain email lists, cdma2000fg website, and funding invoicing, process documents

– No travel to meetings

• [Meeting summaries, contribution management, meeting quorum [Meeting summaries, contribution management, meeting quorum handled by meeting chair (or volunteer meeting secretary)]handled by meeting chair (or volunteer meeting secretary)]

• Disband SC PMT Ad Hoc and Vision Ad Hoc


Reduced Budget Proposal


Item 2014 2015

Secretariat (Contract) $214,528 $24,000 (20 hours per month) / $30,000 (F2F support)

Contractor Pool $50,000 $0

Web and Email Servers and Support $3,600 $2,000

LAN Equipment and Support $3,400 $0

Virtual Host/Virtual$1,000 $2,400

Application Support

In-House Equipment $0 $0

Travel Costs $46,500 $0 / $5,000 (Secretariat)

Venue Rental $136,000 $0 / $20,000 (F2F, assuming 4 day; 25 person; 4 rooms)

Space $15,000 $0

General and Administrative $63,800 $3,500

Legal Fees $1,200 $1,200

Miscellaneous Support $8,000 $1,500

Contingency $40,000 $9,600

Total $583,028 $44,200 / $75,200



• 2015 Budget– SDO fixed contributions– OP Finance Committee review of & input to of “Reduced Budget

Proposal”– In 2015 plan for one face-to-face meeting, if needed.

• Disbanding the SC PMT Ad-Hoc requires updates (3) to the WPD– Article 42: Technical Coordination p24– Annex A: Definitions p35– Annex H: SC Document Approval Process p47
