SCC’s TAA Grant initiative for students in accelerated foundations courses by Phip Ross with Kara...


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An Introductionfor Intensive Advising Candidates

SCC’s TAA Grant initiative for students in accelerated foundations courses

by Phip Ross with Kara Gall & Patricia DankenbringThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

TAA Grant Overview

» Provide advising & basic skills “Quick-Start” curriculum

» seamless transitional support b/w Pre-F, ABE, ESL and Foundations˃ Learning Center

+ TRANSITION Advisors + Secretary

» Accelerated foundations coursework˃ Accelerated Math & English (7.5 credits)˃ Intensive Advising

TAA Grant Overview




Quickstart Class

0999 Acceleration

Intensive Advising

Learning Center

Learning Center




ConsultationLearning Center

Score Into Pre-Foundations


ESL Test

Accelerated Math/English Cohort

Math/Engl 0999



More exit points

Pass: Yes (?)Choice

Learning Center* success preparation: basic skills M/E tutor, keyboarding, technology



“Single Need?/Choice?


Intense Advising: faculty

OrientationPre-F/Foundation score

Transitions Cohort Selection

Projected Critical Points:*heterogeneous (ability) student population*limit exit points* adaptation via communication/feedback: T-advisors; A-Advisors; 0999 faculty; ABE/GED/ESL; grant team

The Opposing Forces that Shape Developmental Education November 2011, CCRC Working Paper No. 36, Janna Smith Jaggars

“Analyses of student progression through developmental education reveal, however, that this seemingly straightforward process is rife with complexity and confusion, and results in poor outcomes for the majority of developmental students.Various explanations have been advanced to explain developmental students’ lack of progression, including inadequate test preparation, insufficiently predictive exams, poorly aligned curricula, uninspiring skill-and-drill instruction, and the sheer length of time and financial resources required to finish a long sequence of courses (Edgecombe, 2011a; Grubb, 2010; Hughes & Scott-Clayton, 2011). Each explanation implies that the developmental system is broken and that one or more specific fixes will mend it.”

Katie Hern & Tom DeWitt, Chabot College: 2/3/10, Accelerating Students’ Progress through College-Level English and Math: Restructuring Curricula and Reducing the Length of Developmental Sequences

Summary Lit Review of Acceler.

» Points in most all of the more detailed articles:˃ All programs involve extra tutoring, greater

instructor availability and other additional resources

˃ None claim that simply accelerating will work on its own

˃ Shared clarity within a department about the most important learning goals related to readiness for College English/math

English 099: College English Studies

To develop academic literacy skills needed for Comp I (and beyond), students need to practice those skills at the developmental level.

Students in accelerated Foundations English do the same kinds of reading, thinking and writing they’ll see in Comp I but with more scaffolding and support.

• Considered a combo of Reading Strats & Beg/Int Writing• Read full-length books (mostly nonfiction)• Critically engage with the core ideas of the text• Write analytical essays• Basic skills contextualized within the rich ideas of the full-

length books• Intensive advising to facilitate emersion in content

Math 0999

» one class which will combine content of Math Fundamentals (MATH0900) and Beginning Algebra (MATH0950)

» algebra skills will be taught along with proficiency in calculator usage

» thinking skills will incorporate some mental math proficiency

» goal is to accelerate students to a readiness level equivalent to Intermediate Algebra (MATH1100) or Thinking Mathematically (MATH1050)

Intensive advising model …

» involves proactive interactions with students, with the intention of connecting with them before a situation occurs that cannot be fixed. . . is not “hand-holding” or parenting, but rather active concern for students’ academic preparation; it is a willingness to assist students in exploring services and programs to improve skills and increase academic motivation (Upcraft & Kramer, 1995).

» involves intentional contact with students with the goal of developing a caring and beneficial relationship that leads to increased academic motivation and persistence.

» shapes student perception that someone cares about them and that they belong to the school community are more likely to be academically successful than those who do not feel any sense of care by the institution (Heisserer & Parette, 2002)

Heisserer, D.L. & Parette, P. (2002, March). Advising at-risk students in college and university settings. College student journal, 36(1), 69-84. Retrieved April 1, 2007 from EBSCOhost database. Upcraft, M.L. & Kramer, G. (1995). Intrusive advising as discussed in the first-year academic advising: patterns in the present, pathways to the future. Academic Advising and Barton College, 1-2.

Examples of Academic Behaviors at Developmental Stages

Enhancing College and Career Readiness and Success: The Role of Academic Behaviors (Engage)

Basics for IA at SCC

» Objective: To build a faculty mentor and tutor relationship with a Transitionsstudent, expanding the advisee’s familiarity, comfort level, and skill in navigating SCC and its services as well as aid in assisting advisees in successfully completing Transitions accelerated course objectives.

RelationshipCurriculumPlace: Institution (SCC)

Intensive Advising: At the heart of learning

Basics for IA at SCC

» Who: Students who rise out of Pre-Foundations classes are the primary focus, but others too who are starting at SCC and score into Foundations classes with permission only. These students will have the opportunity to enroll in at least one of the new accelerated Foundations courses, either Math 0999 or ENGL0999. These students will be engaged in intensive coursework whether they are in either or both of these accelerated courses.

Basics for IA at SCC

» Why: Intensive Advising will provide important emotional and intellectual support in order to successfully situate the student within the institution, sustain motivation, and orient a “growth mind-set” for learning.

Carol S. Dweck, “Transforming Students’ Motivation to Learn” (Winter 2008)

IA Basics @ SCC

» How & When: Intensive advisors will be assigned no more than 4 students and are expected to spend 30 minutes per week with these folks in one-on-one engagement. This commitment will be in lieu of regular advising times or set at an hourly wage. Scheduling will be arranged between you and the student.

» Where: Personal office or U-7 (Phip’s cube), other: LRC/Learning Center, MAC, cafeteria

IA goals & expectations

» Meet weekly for 30 minutes with each student» Treat students with respect as learners and initiative-takers» Document goal-making and progress with student» Maintain a file of observations of advisee’s academic

experience and adjustment (Moodle)» Communicate routinely with Transitions instructors

(Math/English) and project coordinator » Inquire and discuss Math/English course content objectives

and activities» Assist in registration and financial aid» Attend and participate in advisee’s ENGL0999 College English

Studies Capstone event the last week of the quarter

Advising Protocol

» Make explicit what may not be for students & build supportive/resourceful relationship within a “growth mind-set”

» I. Curricular Connections to explore routinely: (private space)

» Update on activities in class» Successes» Challenges/obstacles to overcome» Current/Up-coming assignments & resources

Advising Protocol

» II. Student Life» Balancing time & other responsibilities» Campus resources: Places & People

IA in a nutshell

» 1. Establish & Maintain Positive Relationships» 2. Regular Opportunities for Students’

Metacognitive Reflection» 3. Intervening When Students Show Signs of

Struggle or Disengagement» 4. Maintaining a “Growth Mindset” Approach ‐

to Feedback & Grading

Discussion & Next steps

» Other expectations: Touching base communique

» Process of assignment of students» Next meeting for IAs: Tues, March 27, 2 p.m.» Resources?

˃ Hand-Outs: Carol Dweck on Student Motivation; Katie Hern on affective domain

˃ Training video (in post production)˃ Communication: teacher/IAs via Moodle˃ Assigning students˃ Other resources?
