Saving the planet By: ALLISON. What is Global Warming? Global warming is when the whole earth gets...


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Saving the planet


What is Global Warming?

Global warming is when the whole earth gets hot because the sun rays get trapped in the earth

Cause of Global Warming

Emissions emissions are a type of Green house gas Every time you drive you create more


Cause of Global Warming

Deforestation cutting down trees cutting down trees and other plants causes

global warming

What Can We Do To Make It Better?

turn off the lights or any electronic devices when you are not using them….

drive less stop cutting down trees

What Do Hurricanes Have to Do with Global Warming?

When hurricane katrina moved over the gulf of Mexico the water was unusually warm

This was because of global warming. The warm water caused the hurricane to get stronger.

________ ______

Hurricane Katrina

What is Recycling?

Recycling is turning waste into reusable things

The 3 R’s are: reduce, reuse, recycle

You can recycle cans, bottles, boxes, and paper.

Why Should We Recycle?

It will help the planet

Save money

so you could save energy saving and reduce pollution and landfill reduction

How Do We Recycle?

By putting cans in the blue recycle bin- And by putting the boxes in the recycle bin - And taking care of what we have.
