Saturday, August 29, 2009 1. What does living in the moment mean to you? Focus and intentional...


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Saturday, August 29, 2009


What does “living in the moment” mean to you?Focus and intentional attention on the “present”Savor every moment (even the simple ones!)More aware of feelings and breathingMore effort into the tasks at hand – being more

thoughtfulBeing an observer of your thoughtsBeing right here right nowStop worrying about the future or reflecting on the

pastThe “present” moment is a gift given by Swami and

it comes beautifully wrapped with His love!


Various perspectives on living in the

moment… “We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the

fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.” H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946)

“Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.” Henry Miller (1891 - 1980)

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl, 1952

“Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance.” - William Wirt

“My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” - Oprah Winfrey

“You must be a Lotus, unfolding its petals when the Sun rises in the sky, unaffected by the slush where it is born or even the water which sustains it!” – Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba


The “precious” present…It makes you happy forever…It’s a gift that you give to yourself!When you have the present, you will be

perfectly content with who you are and where you are at this very moment.

The “present” is not a magical carpet, lamp or a ring!

You need not go searching for the gift. Its right here, within you.

When we see the present, accept the present, and experience the present, we are well, and we are happy.  Pain is simply the difference between what is and what I want it to be.


In daily life, what are some ways in which we lack mindfulness?

AT WORK We fantasize about being on vacation; on We fantasize about being on vacation; on

vacation, we worry about the work piling up vacation, we worry about the work piling up on our desks. on our desks.

Any other examples?Any other examples?

AT HOMEAT HOME Arguing about something that is Arguing about something that is

inconsequential or unimportant thus inconsequential or unimportant thus wasting precious present time.wasting precious present time.

Any other examples?Any other examples?

AT SCHOOLAT SCHOOL Worrying about an exam or a project that is Worrying about an exam or a project that is

due instead of using that time to work on it.due instead of using that time to work on it. Any other examples?Any other examples?


What prevents us from living in the moment?

Too many desires (Greed)Jealousy, Anger, EgoUnaware of our potential “Grass is greener on the other side”Lack of focus on the goalMonkey minds!ProcrastinationTaking life for granted (“There is always a

tomorrow!”)Living life for others


How can we learn to live in the moment?

Simple and practical meditation techniquesWatching your breath

Play with or talk to childrenPractice Forgiveness and Appreciation Satsangh or good companyCeiling on desiresLive every day as if there is no tomorrow

(what if today is as good as it gets!)Develop “Unconditional” happiness and joyEnjoying simple things in life


This is certainly a start, don’t you agree?


As good as it gets….Steve Strauss, a professional speaker and personal

coach at suggests that you ask yourself … "What if this is as good as it gets?“

Steve said, "While driving down a quiet country highway, in the clear winter sunlight, that question popped into my mind. My first reaction was to see that I had spent a huge part of my life fantasizing about the future, when things would get "better".

"When I let go of requiring that the future be any certain way - Poof! Suddenly I became content with what I had now. To realize that right now is great has led to gratitude and a surge of energy and strength.”

N – O – W = New Opportunities Waiting9


What is your mindfulness IQ?Do you fear being talked about or judged? What are you controlled by? (person, habit,

substance, fear, behavior) Whom do you fear? Whom do you need to control? From whom do you need approval? What fears control you? What are the beliefs about yourself or others that

you hold that hurt your heart or impede you from living the life you wish?

Make a list of everything you know you should do but don't.

Make a list of everything you know you shouldn't do but do.

What do you feel guilty about? 11

Some tips for “mindful” driving Switch off the radio and experience the silence. Switch off the radio and experience the silence. Slow down. Driving just a fraction under the speed limit Slow down. Driving just a fraction under the speed limit

can take away a lot of tension.can take away a lot of tension. Notice your attitudes. Often we become competitive while Notice your attitudes. Often we become competitive while

driving, and this leads to tension. driving, and this leads to tension. Practice being more aware of the other traffic around you. Practice being more aware of the other traffic around you. As drivers pass you, wish them well. Repeat, “May you be As drivers pass you, wish them well. Repeat, “May you be

well, May you be happy” as cars cut you off.well, May you be happy” as cars cut you off. Use every stop light or any other necessary stop to practice Use every stop light or any other necessary stop to practice

a fuller mindfulness of your body. a fuller mindfulness of your body. If you don’t drive, but take public transport instead, then If you don’t drive, but take public transport instead, then

wish your fellow travelers well, radiating loving kindness wish your fellow travelers well, radiating loving kindness towards them.towards them.


Other reference resources

“The Power of Now” – By Eckhart Tolle

Life Manifested and Unmanifested The Ego and the deeper presence Life under the power of the ego Life in the power of Now 3 Ways of Transformation

“Practicing the Power of Now” – By Eckhart Tolle

Path to "a life of grace, ease, and lightness”

Meditation and other simple techniquesHow to free ourselves from being a slave

to our minds 13

Some points to ponder…If we only thought about the present, how do

we plan for the future?If we don’t keep our eyes on the future goals

and work toward them, won’t that make us lazy?

If we are not supposed to think about our past, how are we to cherish good memories?

If we don’t think about our past mistakes and learn from them, how are we to improve?

How are we to deal with a situation where it is better NOT to live in the moment or focus on the present.


Swami says…You are an embodiment of Divinity. The

Divine Principle in you is eternal. That lives today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. Hence, treat the past, present, and future as one even though our experiences in the three phases of time are different. Do not give much credence to these experiences. Past is past; it will not come back. We are not sure of future. Present is the only reality with which we should be concerned. This is not ordinary present, but omnipresent, because the past as well as future are present in it.


Let us pray to Swami…

Thank you Swami…

For giving us this opportunity to discuss mindfulness.

For making us realize that the past is history. For showing us that the future is a mystery andFor teaching us that the only time we really have is NOW - just this very moment.

For guiding us, so we can live every precious moment to the fullest, so that some day in the future, our past would speak volumes of the worthwhile life we have lived.


