SATANS MUSI IN THE HURH Part One - Three …€¦ · SATANS MUSI IN THE HURH – Part One ... ...


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1 Chronicles 6:31-32 – And these are they whom David set over the service of

song in the house of the LORD, after that the ark had rest. And they ministered

before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until

Solomon had built the house of the LORD in Jerusalem: and then they waited

(served in) their office according to their order (assignment).

**Please play from 0 to 1:41 - sounds like a good worship song huh**

I’m going to show you some things about this song and video and then I want you

to watch it again.

This puzzled me, but I know it means something. So I googled 5 points in the

occult and stars came up.

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A five pointed star. Yes, I chose this one and in a minute you’ll see why.

lucy in the sky with diamonds is a song about lucifer. The occult refer to him as

the enlightened one or the light bringer or the shining one. This girl with this t-

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shirt is not in this video by accident. Remember they plan everything they do on

purpose and send messages to other masons and those in their secret societies.

The lady in brown looks like she saying, I love you so much Lord.


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The Crook and Flail,the symbols of divine authority, were carried by

Egyptian Pharaohs in State ceremonies. The flail symbolised the Pharaoh’s

role as provider of food for his people and the crook symbolised his role as

the shepherd of his people. Both the crook and flail also served to associate

the Pharaohs with Osiris, as they are Orisis’ emblems. X is a sign of osiris

worship, a sign of sun worship.

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No the lady with the “Target” shirt on is not here by accident either. Sun worship

which equals nimrod/baal/satan worship.

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Sun Symbol

See how they are pointing up like they are praising God? That’s not how you

praise Him. You might point up when speaking of Him but that’s not praising Him.

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The index finger or forefinger was regarded as venomous in bygone days. Even in

present times it is rude to point especially with this finger. Pointing the finger

away from the body is known in occult circles as ‘the sign of faith’, while pointing

upward is the ‘sign of preservation’.

The planet Jupiter is represented by the index finger — in Mesopotamia, the

planet Jupiter was known as Neberu (or Nibiru) and associated with the god

Marduk, the patron god of Babylon, and considered equivalent to the older

Sumerian god Enlil. Psychologically, this finger is related to the conscious mind.

The same thing muslims do to worship allah.

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This is what the intersection looked like in the video. Looks like they took some

editing software and sort of blurred over the image in the middle of the

intersection. I wanted to see what it was.

Here’s that same intersection a little more to normal color.

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Here’s that intersection, with a sports team logo of a fire breathing dragon in a

triangle close to the middle of the intersection, the circle. The dragon always

represents satan.

Rev.12:9 – And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil,

and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and

his angels were cast out with him.

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Here is pan, baphomet, satan, cernunnos, the horned god.

In my research I ran across someone that shared this: Does anyone have any info.

on the Five Points area in Birmingham, Alabama (USA)? Five Points is where five

streets intersect. At this intersection there is a statue of a goat standing on its

back legs holding an open book. If you climb to the top of the statue, you will see

a pentagram engraved in the book. From the air (i.e., an airplane) at night, the lit

street lights on these five roads form a large pentagram across the city. *I could

not find for sure if there’s a pentagram on the book or if the street lights make a

pentagram. But seeing what we’ve seen already, I believe it.*

**Please play the video – look at how they dance when they put their arms up

and then down – as above / so below**

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Sun worship.

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I think this album cover says it all.

No this location was not chosen by accident. It was well orchestrated and if this

singer was truly a Christian he would have protested singing in this location. But

when you want fame and money more than Jesus Christ, these are the things you

will do. They tell you what to do, but you still have free will. Do you want the

lime light and the career and money and girls and big houses and fancy cars and

partying more than Jesus? Are you scared to lose your life if you stand up and say

I want out??

Matt.16:25 - For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose

his life for My sake shall find it.

Is Hezekiah saving his life by bowing to satan, to the illuminati, to the world

system to money? No, he is only saving his fleshly life. However, he is spiritually

dead. If he stays in this state, he will die in his sins and go to hell for eternity. But

if he were to take a stand and say I’m not doing this anymore. I will stand for

Jesus no matter what and ask forgiveness and confess and repent sincerely from

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his heart, then he will have lost his life, his life of fame and fortune and of doing

what is evil in the Lord’s sight doing what the world loves and expects. At that

point, he would have found his life because of Jesus and he would have eternal


**Please play from 3:10 to 3:33 – Carl Lentz of Hillsong Church NYC talking about

wether you believe the lyrics or not, the music itself is good.**

**Please play from 5:57 to 6:28 Hillsong Church NYC**

Jumping up and down in the dark in a night club saying this is worship and praise

to Jesus – No it isn’t.

II Samuel 6:14-16 – And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and

David was girded with a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought

up the ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet. And as

the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal Saul’s daughter looked

through a window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and

she despised him in her heart. (this pretty much ended their marriage)

Dance – strong’s 3769 dance whirl

Leaping – strong’s 3669 to spring (as if separating the limbs) This reminds me of

what a male ballerina might do.

**Please play from 26:11 to 27:00 – Christian says the church is chasing an

experience and their feelings and emotions and music is playing a major role in


It doesn’t matter that they are singing to “god,” they are not singing to the God

we serve, the Lord God Almighty. When they have sold out to satan, and they

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sing about Jesus, they aren’t singing to the Jesus of the Bible. We have let our

guard down and really if we would have tested the spirits we would have known.


They are putting Jesus lyrics and supposedly christian lyrics over rebellious music

and it is changing people.

Psalm 100:1-2 – Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD

with gladness: come before His presence with singing.

We need to be very careful with what we allow in our churches. We serve a Holy

God. Would Jesus approve of the music you are playing in your homes and cars

and churches? This is the kind of filth that has been getting played in churches

across this world. Praise the Lord this one did not get played in our church but

I’m sure there are some just as bad that have. We have repented and cried out

before the Lord and asked forgiveness and stopped playing this kind of music in

our church.


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Five Points South in Birmingham

Pointing the index finger up

Hezekiah Walker Video – “Every Praise is to our god”

Osiris and the X one of his symbols


Hillsong Church NYC – Carl Lentz w/Katie Couric

Christian Berdahl – on music and how satan uses it #4