SAT Vocab



Spring Semester. SAT Vocab. The Deets :. A quiz after every fourth-ish list SAT style—specifically geared for SAT improvement L McCue: “There’s an app for that” You should be able to earn an A on every one of them!!. Week 2. 1. nemesis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spring Semester

A quiz after every fourth-ish listSAT style—specifically geared for

SAT improvementL McCue: “There’s an app for that”You should be able to earn an A on

every one of them!!

an opponent or enemy that is likely to be impossible for you to defeat, or a situation that is likely to be impossible for you to deal with

A lack of something

certain to happen and impossible to avoid

disagreement or arguing between people; an unpleasant sound made by a group of musical notes that do not go together well

willing to show that you care about someone

thinking sadly about something you would like to have but cannot have, especially something that you used to have in the past

the quality of expressing something in very few words

extremely annoying or unpleasant

florid language, music, or art has a lot of extra unnecessary details or decorations; a florid face is red in color

the quality that something has when it is difficult to understand or difficult to see through

11 words this week!

too slight or unimportant to have any effect

achieving the opposite result to the one that you want

An event, change, or decision is very important because it will have a great influence on the future

kind and generous, especially to someone that you have defeated; free from resentfulness or vindictiveness

based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas; a quack, charalatan

someone who has a strong unreasonable fear of something

ideas or plans are not practical and are based on unreasonable hopes of improving the world; romantic, visionary; impulsive, unpredictable

to help a skill, feeling, idea etc develop over a period of time

to assert without proof

to find out something

openness to bribery or corruption

(adj) large, impressive, or expensive (v) to give someone or something a

lot of love, praise, money etc

The condition of being excessively fat, obese

to make someone feel annoyed or worried

to exist in very large numbers

making you think of something; smelling strongly of something

relating to or affecting your brain; having or involving complicated ideas rather than strong emotions

making you feel calm and relaxed; relating to the treatment or cure of an illness

to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective

to be legally or officially taken away from you as a punishment

to greatly increase your effort as you try to do something

11 words!Quiz on List 1-3 next Friday!

to speak in a loud angry way, often for a long time, in order to criticize someone or to persuade them that you are right

language or behavior that shows a lack of control which other people think is unacceptable

doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with you

if your speech or movements are halting, you stop for a moment between words or movements, especially because you are not confident

A person, thing or organization is strong and not likely to have problems; showing determination or strong opinions; strong flavor (as in food)

A remark, argument etc. that is too simple and shows a lack of careful thought or understanding; achievement or success that has been obtained too easily and has no value

giving orders and expecting to be obeyed, in a way that seems too proud

showing no emotion or reaction in the expression so that it is impossible to know what they are feeling or thinking

friendly and pleasantly cheerful

very loud and emotional behaviour that is intended to get sympathy and attention - used to show disapproval

very concerned about someone's safety, health, or comfort

Vocab Quiz (SAT fill-in-the-blank style) next Friday

Lists 1-5

when someone or something is cheerful and fun

to defeat or control a person or group, especially using force; to prevent your emotions from showing or being too strong

continuing or existing for only a short time

very easy to notice; great and impressive

soft and moving easily in the way that you want; easily influenced and controlled by others

relating to trees, or living in trees

in a way that shows you do not know or realize something

to make someone feel embarrassed or nervous so that they cannot do or say what they want to; to prevent something from growing or developing well

difficult to find or not often seen; hard to achieve; difficult to describe or understand

to praise something very much

to officially criticize someone for something they have done wrong

relating to the position of being governor

willing to use power and influence in a dishonest way in return for money

behaving as if you want to keep something secret

continuing or existing for only a short period of time; always on the move

interested in your own group, country, way of life etc and no others (- connotation); relating to an island

someone who makes decisions and gives orders to people without asking them for their opinion; a ruler who has complete power over a country

someone who pretends to like an important person and does things for them, so that that person will help them (- connotation)

someone who knows a lot about something such as art, food, or music

praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserve

someone who praises powerful people too much because they want to get something from them (- connotation)

not caring that other people are suffering

relating to growing crops

a liquid that is thick and sticky and does not flow easily

when someone or something shows great knowledge and understanding, or strong, serious feelings

the way in which the level of your voice changes in order to add meaning to what you are saying; the playing or singing of correct musical notes

produced or existing in large quantities

something done to make a bad situation seem better, but which does not solve the problem; in medicine, treatment that will not cure but ease the pain

to decrease in value, price or importance

very willing to take disagreements to a court of law (- connotation)

a book that contains a complete collection of facts, drawings etc on a particular subject

an unusual habit or way of behaving that someone has

completely lacking in something

to deliberately try to influence or change a situation that does not concern you, or that you do not understand

to delay or avoid making a decision in order to gain time

lack of intelligent, interesting, or serious thought

a romantic or sexual relationship between two people that is not considered serious

not suitable or well-chosen; not happy

a man who behaves in a very rude way

involving or accomplished with careful perseverance; diligent in application or pursuit

behaving in an unreasonably impatient and angry way, like a child

(n) a soldier who fights for any country or group that will pay him; (adj) only interested in the money you may be able to get from a person, job etc

a way of expressing love and emotions that seems silly or insincere

done very quickly without much attention to details

to officially state in a special religious ceremony that a place or building is holy and can be used for religious purposes

careless because you did not do something that you ought to have done

to encourage an attitude or feeling and make it stronger

Vocab Mid-Term to Thursday, May 2 ALL 10 Honors words ALL of this year’s words!


to end a situation in which people are behaving violently or protesting, especially by using force; to reduce or stop unpleasant feelings such as fear, doubt, or worry

too great to be described in words

showing a lot of skill; complete

based on a reasonable belief about what is likely to be true

damaging or harmful

when you are loyal to a person, an organization, or something that you believe in (relationships; literature)

a very clear sign that a system, method etc is very bad or very wrong

to divide into clearly separate groups with opposite beliefs, ideas, or opinions, or to make people do this

a speech or piece of writing in which you praise someone or something very much, especially at a funeral

considering a person or thing as a whole, rather than as separate parts
