Sarah Wertenberger Lauren Blackburn James Villalpondo ...Dino: monstrous Deb: to owe Deci: tenth...


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Sarah Wertenberger Lauren Blackburn James Villalpondo Landon Domenico

Brent Shulman Colton Harrison

PREFIXES Corn: horn, point Counter: against, opposite Cred: to believe Co: together, joint, mutually Cus: lawsuit, case Cornea: The cornea of your eye can become scratched if something is in it. It can be very painful if a rock becomes stuck in your eye and irritates your cornea. Corner: Evie say at the corner of the table uncomfortably. In New York there are pirated movies and handbags on almost every corner. Cornucopia: To begin your meal, there is a wonderful cornucopia of fruits in the kitchen. The sites, all linked together provide a cornucopia of information for my research report. Cornet: Tiffany plays the cornet in the band and also enjoys playing the piano. To me, that cloud looks just like the ice cream on top of an ice cream cornet. Corniche: On our last family vacation together, we drove along the beautiful corniches on the coast of California. Sometimes, driving on corniches can be very scary. Counteract: The man’s argument at the court could be easily counteracted; therefore he did not win the case. The cold pill I took when I felt sick counteracted the stuffy nose. Counterargument: Every good persuasive essay must contain a paragraph for its counter-argument. The other side’s argument was so strong that I couldn’t find any counterargument Encounter: This led to some misunderstandings, but also to life-changing encounters.

We encountered many challenges on the hike we took, including many spier webs and even a bear. Counterattack: All attempts to break through the Iraqi defense were met by Iraqi counterattacks. Counterattacks followed each attack from the opposite sides. Counterbalance: The bill provides that important counterbalance in those children’s lives. The weight of the rock counterbalanced the weight of the gold on the scale. Credential: To become a teacher or substitute, you must have all the right credentials to qualify. Always check the credentials of a caller the with head office before allowing access to your home. Credit: If you have good credit, people associated with through business usually have a good impression of you. The project is funded by landfill tax credits. Incredible: The dance show we just got home from was incredible it was a combination of ballet and acrobatics. The pie my mom made was incredibly delicious! Credulity: I had more credulity when I was young than I do now. In this instance it seems to be sheer credulity. Coauthor: The coauthor will get angry at producers if they do not receive any credit. The coauthor of the novel died before finishing the book, leaving the other author to complete it. Co-edit: My partner and I had to co-edit the book we wrote. On the eve of our wedding, my fiancé and I had to work together to co-edit our vows. Coheir: He left two coheirs Steffi and Mary. The two daughters were left coheirs of their father’s estate. Co-captain: The co-captain of the ship doesn’t have as much power and control as the captain. The co-captain of a ship is similar to the co-pilot of a plane.

Coexist: In the Amazon forest many plants and species coexist. We all must coexist without wars for the world to be peaceful. Accusation: The law protects on honest person from false accusations. Brittney Spears’ manager denies accusations that she a drug addict. Excuse: The boy tried his hardest to come up with a good excuse for not doing his homework. I was tardy to class but I had such a good excuse that my teacher excused me. Recusant: Out of the 58 recusants imprisoned in the “Blockhouses” 40 died. The fear of catholic plots against the King meant that many recusant families were under observation by the government. Accuse: The scapegoat was accused of treason whenever a national conspiracy was uncovered. The same power should be available in respect of accused in custody. Accustom: Mobile phone users are accustomed to pay for mobile services on a per use base. That program is suitable for those already accustomed to weight training. Dorm: to sleep Dino: monstrous Deb: to owe Deci: tenth Dyn(am): to have power Dormant: Many volcanoes in the world are dormant. The project has been dormant for a while, but we will start it again in a week. Dormitory: I live in a dormitory at USC. That was a pretty rowdy party in Steve’s dormitory. Dormouse: The dormouse spent much time inside the wall. There is a dormouse living in my attic. Dormancies: There were many dormancies in the US.

When dormancies rise, you know the economy is not doing well. Dormer: There are dormers on my office building. As I looked out of the dormer I saw a beautiful and serene sight. Dinosaur: The dinosaur devoured the people of New York. Back in the day of the dinosaurs, the world was at its best. Dinosaurian: That boy looks dinosaurian, with his short arms and large teeth. It is dinosaurian to rip flesh off of bones. Dinothere: There was a massive dinothere attack in eastern Asia. When dinotheres attack, there is no stopping them. Dinoflagellate: Dinoflagellates can cause some pretty nasty diseases. Dinoflagellates move extremely quickly like that of Chris Johnson. Debt: The US is in debt to many countries. I am in debt from my gambling addiction. Indebted: I am indebted to Landon because he saved my life when I fell off a cliff. The Ravens are indebted to the Cardinals for giving them such a good deal for Anquan Boldin. Debit: I paid for that with my debit card. You can just put that on my tab and I will pay it off with my debit card at the end of the night. Decibel: The Georgia Bulldogs hold the record for the largest number of decibels in their stadium. When it gets too loud some people ask you to lower the decibels. Decimal: I hate when your answer comes out with a decimal. It is easy to round of decimals. Decimate: The population was decimated by a plague.

I love to decimate the other team in video games. Decimeter: The ruler measured in decimeters. It measured 32 decimeters. Deciliter: Ten deciliters add up to one liter. It rained four deciliters. Dynamic: Some people called Larry Fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin the dynamic duo. Steve Nash is a dynamic basketball player and is very fun to watch. Dynamite: I placed four sticks of dynamite in the car, it will explode in forty-five minutes, beware. If you light the wick then the dynamite will explode. Dynamo: Amare Stoudamire is a dynamo on the court, he never stops working. The dynamo fueled the lights for hours on end. Dynamotor: We have a dynamotor down at the hotel. If there is a dynamotor there then we are in good shape. Dynamometer: The dynamometer measures mechanical force. A dynamometer is much like a balance. Fest: hostile-infest, infestation, festoon, fester, festival Fort: Strong, brave-Fortress, fortify, effort, comfort, comfortable Form: to shape, fashion-formal, format, transform, uniform, deform Fem: woman- female, feminine, feme, feminist, antifemale Firm: stable-affirming, confirm, infirm, disconfirm, confirmation Infest: Sharks infested the coastline. Birds infested the scraps of food. Infestation: An infestation of ants was by my food. An infestation of waves nearly knocked me down. Festooned: The drapes were festooned over our dining room windows.

My mom likes to festoon our house. Festered: Malice festered his spirit. The cut started to fester, so I put Neosporin on it. Festival: An annual strawberry festival is hosted in California, June 13th. I love the Orange County festival. Fortress: My fortress gives me good protection. I have a fortress in my backyard. Fortify: I fortify myself with a good breakfast. If I don’t fortify myself with a good breakfast, I will be starving an hour later. Effort: I use all my effort when it comes to game time. Coaches love effort and hustle. Comfort: I usually like to stay in my comfort level when jogging. When I’m not feeling well, I like it when people try to comfort me to try to make me feel better. Comfortable My bed is comfortable. Everyone hates wearing shoes that aren’t comfortable. Formal: The winter formal is a dance for high school students. It looks formal to wear a tuxedo to prom. Format: The essay format was confusing. MLA format is helpful for teachers because they can write things between the lines. Transform: My brother can transform to someone completely different in a matter of seconds. The movie Transformers is a great movie because robots can transform into other things. Uniform: I wear my white uniforms when our team is home. I wear my brown uniforms when out team is away.

Deform: William King’s face is deformed. There is a 8% chance that your kid could be deformed at birth. Female: I have two female teachers. Females are the opposite of males. Feminine: Everyone has a slight feminine side. Women are extremely feminine. Feme: I married a beautiful feme. My feme is gorgeous. Feminists: Most feminists are women. But, some guys can also be feminists. Antifemales: Antifemales are rare. My mom did not give birth to an antifemale. Affirmed: The appellate court affirmed the judgment of the lower court. He affirmed us that all was well. Confirm: I always like to confirm things so I don’t forget. If I don’t confirm my homework assignments with my teacher, I would have many missing assignments. Infirm: I hate when I get infirm support. My brother gives my infirm support. Disconfirms: My friend always disconfirms homework assignments. You should never disconfirm anything. Confirmation: I am in a confirmation class for my religion. I have to have 2 years of confirmation class before I am officially confirmed in my religion.

Funct: To perform, Discharge. Function, dysfunction, perfunctory, malfunction, defunct.

Furn: To supply, provide. Furnish, furnishings, furniture, furnace, unfurnished.

Fus: To melt, to pour.- Fusion, confusion, infuse, fusillade, fuse.

Fulg- To shine, flush. Fulgent, effulgent, refulgent, fulgently, profulgent.

Fren- Excited mind. Frenetic, frenzy, frenzied, French, frenziedly


The function of a car is to provide a fast and easy way to travel.

The arm has many functions that ease people in their every day routine.


The noticeable dysfunction of the team was their lack of effort during the game.

The doctor had a cure for almost every dysfunction in the body.


The police officer always performed the perfunctory task of getting donuts and coffee.

Doing homework is a perfunctory task and is part of my daily routine.


The robots malfunction was that its joints needed lubrication from all the rough movements.

Children’s toys almost always have some degree of malfunctions once they’ve been used and worn.


After years of small activity the law finally became defunct and ceased to be noticed.

Although the ancient Greek lifestyle has grown to be defunct there are still traditions that have carried over thousands of years.


The furnished house up the block had loads of garden nomes.

The neighbor next door bought a mountain of antique furniture in order to furnish his new home.


The furnishings in the kitchen look marvelous.

The antique hand made coffee table was greatly admired as the star furnishing in the house.


Furniture is almost a necessity for a home to feel like a home.

The furniture in the New York apartment made the atmosphere feel as if one was in a far away place away from the busy city.


During the cold winter months the blacksmith would use his furnace as a supply of heat for the house.

The furnace accidentally caught the house on fire.


Unfurnished and barren, the hotel room seemed more like a dungeon and less like a 5 star getaway.

The public was terrified when they viewed the new unfurnished car that was said to be having its debut this summer.


A ballet production is the fusion of many talents.

Steel was a fusion of many metals and is 3 times as strong.


As the test was handed out, a look of confusion spread throughout the class like a plague.

The vague results left most people with much confusion.


The car was infused with nitrous to increase its speed.

The titanium alloyed was infused with a number of elements to create the perfect metal.


The military was undergoing a fusillade of fire from the enemy.

A fusillade of questions were poured onto he presenter


The fuse that melted and detonated the bomb was set off accidentaly causing a daunting number of casualties.

The bomb was discovered by its lit fuse.


The fulgent light blinded nearly all of the spectators.

New breakthroughs in science have developed a new flashlight, one that will be greatly more fulgent than 1 million candles.


The car lights were so effulgent that it blinded my mirrors.

The effulgent sun rays caused a breathtaking view.


Crystal chandeliers made the opera house a refulgent setting for the ball.

The refulgent beams helped in the making of the epic seen.


The colored light fulgently set the party mood.

Yellows beams of light fulgently reflected of the lake causes a beautiful mirror.


The professors’ profulgent method helped him in solving the problem.

The profulgent light gleamed and glistened on the morning dew.


The boy had a frenetic state of mind after the war.

A frenetic state of mind is caused by any dramatizing activity.


The crazy kid is subject to frenzies several times a year.

The frenzy, the fighter had, enabled him to win the fight.


The crash sent the man into a frenzied state of mind.

This tiredness I’m feeling is really sending me into a frenzied state.


The French live in a country called France in Europe.

The French have established and created a big role in our society and even in the creation of this country.


The team was sent into a frenziedly state after winning the game.

The movie sent the audience into a frenziedly cheer after.

Ep: song word

Ept: to grasp

Exo: outside, external

Es: out of, away

Fall, fals: to deceive


Definition: song word

Words with root in book: 1. Epic 2. epos 3.orthoepy

Words with root not in book: 4. Epode 5. epocal


1. The odyessy is an epic. Star wars in an epic movie

2. The illiad is an epos. An epos another word for epic

3. Orthroepy is the art of uttering words correctly. Colton uses improper orthroepy

4. The epode of the song came after the main bulk of it. An epode is also a type of poem that alternates short and long verses, such as the Epodes of Horace

5. His poem was set up into epocal form. The epocal ending of the song was extremely moving.

Ept –

Definition: to grasp

Words w/ root in book: 1. Adept 2. Inept 3. Ineptitude

Words not in book: 4. Accept 5. Concept


1. His was very adept at weaving blankets. She was adept at cramming for tests

2. She was vey inept at running a mile. She was very inept at basketball.

3. The ineptitude of his actions was immense. The ineptitude shown from cliff diving is ridiculous.

4. He accepted the gifts. HE accepted the D he received on his test, because he knew it was what he deserved.

5. The math concept was hard to grasp. The concept of addition is easy to learn.

Exo –

Definition: outside, external

Words in book: 1. Exocentric 2. Exotic 3.exoskeleton

Words not in book: 4. Exorcist 5. Exothermic


1. Words that are exocentric are considered to be no equivalent to its constituent parts.

2. Toucans are exotic birds. Dancers can be considered exotic

3. Insects have an exoskeleton. AN exoskeleton is a skeleton on the outside of the body.

4. An exorcist is someone who expels evil spirits from their body. Some native American tribes believed had exorcists for tribal leaders.

5. Lizards and reptiles are exothermic. Being exothermic means ones body temperature is dependent on the air temperature.

Es -

Definition: out of, away

Words in book: 1. Escape 2. Escort 3. essay

Words not in book: 4. Escapologist 5. Especial


1. He escapes from school when the bell rings. Some magicians escape from traps.

2. He escorted himself out of the room after getting in trouble. An escort shows a person the way to their destination.

3. An essay is a writing form used typically in English classes. Most essays are structured in a five paragraph format.

4. Harry Houdini is an escapologist. Escapologist are experts in escaping traps.

5. Obama is especial because he distinguished himself from the rest of the presidential candidates.

Fall, fals -

Definition: to deceive

Words in book: 1. Fallible 2. Fallacy 3. False

Words not in book: 4. Fallacious 5. Falsism


1. The testimosy of the witness was obviously fallible. The work of the student was fallible.

2. The drug dealer committed fallacy by lying to the government. Not paying taxes is considered fallacy.

3. The answer to the test question was false. He was charged under false pretenses.

4. His fallacious activity made the government suspicious. Liers are considered to be fallacious.

5. To be accused of falsism is embarrassing because it shows that one lies to often. When making a point in class, Susy’s point was labeled falsism after she went against the strongest point of her argument.

Group Two Prefix Test

1. corn- 2. counter- 3. cred- 4. co- 5. cus- 6. dorm- 7. dino- 8. deb- 9. deci- 10. dyn(am)- 11. fest- 12. fort- 13. form- 14. fem- 15. firm- 16. funct- 17. furn- 18. fus- 19. fulg- 20. fren- 21. ep- 22. ept- 23. exo- 24. es- 25. fall/fals-

A. to deceive

B. song word

C. to owe

D. tenth

E. woman

F. stable

G. melt, pour

H. to sleep

I. shine

J. away

K. monstrous

L. hostile

M. powerful

N. perform, discharge

O. strong, brave

P. grasp

Q. external

R. provide

S. shape, fashion

T. excited mind

Tiffany, Sami, Cassi, Amanda, Rachel, Claire

Mr. Macare

English 1 Honors, Period 5

6 May 2010

English Prefix Project

a - on, in, of, in the direction of


1. The surfer came ashore after being in the water for almost eight hours.

2. The boat was no longer in the water, but ashore on the sand.


1. It takes me a long time to fall asleep.

2. The baby was asleep for the whole time I was babysitting.


1. The pirate hopped aboard our ship and started to take over.

2. The man came aboard the aircraft and stowed his heavy luggage in the overhead



1. Be careful who you hang out with because they may lead you astray.

2. The baby bunnies were astray from their mother.


1. By my account, the person stole two laptops from the computer store and was not aided

by anyone.

2. The man‟s banking account lost its value.

ab - from, away from, off


1. The movie Taken is about two girls who get abducted while in Europe.

2. The prisoners of war had been abducted when they were spying in the enemies camp.


1. The girl‟s characteristics were so abnormal that nobody wanted to be around her.

2. The rate at which the child learned new ideas and subjects was so fast that it was



1. The woman‟s answer was so abrupt that she caught me off guard.

2. After getting the phone call, she stood up abruptly and walked out of the room.


1. His grade in the class continued to abate, and finally his teacher called his parents.

2. The graph began to abate in the middle.


1. The two mountains abutted together at the bottom.

2. The cones were abutting.

ad – to toward


1. She was a flexible person and adapted to any situation.

2. He learned that he needed to adapt to his new job.


1. She admitted to committing the crime, and the judge sentenced her to death.

2. The boy would never admit to having taken the last cookie.


1. This meeting is adjourned.

2. I do not want to adjourn this wonderful time, but I must return to my house.


1. He adjusted his tie right before he went onstage to give his speech.

2. People need to adjust to the new century‟s technology.


1. My address is easy to remember, but it is long.

2. The way she addressed him was with hatred.

an – not, without, to, toward, before, old


1. I do not know one thing about my ancestry, and I do not know how I will begin this

project about it.

2. Her ancestry was full of kings, priests, and great prophets.


1. The beautiful poem was anonymous, therefore, the teacher did not give it any credit.

2. Some people like to stay anonymous.


1. The sports announcer went crazy when the football team scored in the last five seconds,

winning the game.

2. She loves to announce things with a bit of exaggeration.


1. Some people love to tell parables and analogies.

2. The boy loved to try to make up analogies between everything.


1. She analyzed the data and found that it was correct.

2. The way he analyzed me while I was trying out was enough to make me feel extremely


ag – to do, drive, lead, weigh


1. My agent helps me with everything from errands to paying the bills.

2. The agents broke in the house and caught the mass murderer just before he obtained

another victim.


1. One of the most agile animals is the cat, which gets it from its wild ancestors.

2. People who play sports need to be agile.


1. I loved to agitate him because he never truly became mad at me.

2. The skin on her arm was agitated and broke out in a rash.


1. Do not agonize over something that you cannot do anything about.

2. The man gave out an agonized moan when he fell of his bike, breaking his arm.


1. Sometimes I will not agree with anything a person says just to agitate them.

2. Everyone must agree on the resolution in order for it to pass.

Ant- against

1. Antacid

a. Antacids can be taken to sooth the stomach.

b. Antacids can prevent, counteract, or neutralize acidity.

2. Antagonist

a. Several antagonists got into a fight that lasted for hours.

b. An antagonist drug can nullify the effect another substance has on the body.

3. Antonym

a. For an English vocabulary test, we had to match the word with its antonym.

b. When you compare antonyms and synonyms, they are antonyms of each other.

4. Anti-arts

a. The anti-arts movement took place in the twentieth century when there was a

rebellion against easel painting and conventional art.

b. When a person considers themselves ant-art, they are rejecting the established artistic


5. Anticonvulsive

a. An anticonvulsant is a drug used to reduce the incidence of seizures.

b. In order to avoid having a heart attack, many people take anticonvulsants.

Ante- before, earlier, in front of

1. Anterior

a. Insects‟ heads are located on the anterior of its body.

b. The front door is usually located at the anterior of the house.

2. Antedate

a. The picture was mistakenly antedated back to the Roman times.

b. These shirts antedate the expansion of bright colors and tie-dye.

3. Antebellum

a. Many books take place during the antebellum period of World War II.

b. Immigrants were not taken seriously antebellum, but after the war started the security

became very tight.

4. Antecedent

a. Because of his antecedents, he is deeply depressed and he seems to get worse every


b. Getting butterflies in your stomach is usually an antecedent feeling for the race.

5. Antechamber

a. The antechamber of the doctor‟s office was very crowded.

b. Many hotel suits have antechambers that lead to the master bedroom.

Anti- against, opposite of

1. Antifreeze

a. Since the weather was cold outside, we had to substitute water for antifreeze in the

car‟s engine to keep it from freezing.

b. Antifreeze is a commonly used substance in Alaska since the weather reaches such

cool temperatures.

2. Antibiotic

a. Whenever I get a sinus infection, I start using antibiotics to help get rid of the


b. Antibiotics are able to protect the human body by fighting against harmful bacteria.

3. Antibacterial

a. If something is antibacterial it prevents, kills, and reduces the growth of bacteria.

b. “Hand Sanitizer” is a substance that is antibacterial.

4. Antianxiety

a. People take antianxiety medication to relive or prevent anxiety.

b. Antidepressant medication and antianxiety medication are often very similar.

5. Antifriction

a. WD40 is an antifriction substance that prevents rough contact between surfaces.

b. Wheels are very significant antifriction objects.

Ap- to, toward

1. Appall

a. I was appalled when I heard that Suzie was getting married.

b. While at the hospital, I saw appalling sights while peeking into the surgery rooms.

2. Apparent

a. When Rachel got a haircut, it was very apparent.

b. Because of her attitude, it was apparent that she was insecure.

3. Appetite

a. Before Sami‟s important swim meet, she was so nervous that she lost her appetite.

b. After track, Amanda had a very large appetite because she had worked so hard.

4. Apply

a. Claire wanted to get 100% on her English test so she applied all of her best study

skills when she was preparing.

b. Since I didn‟t study for the final exam, I just had to apply all of my common


5. Apparel

a. When I boarded the ship, I was amazed at how refined the apparel was.

b. The competitors in the 2009 Olympics had brand new, high tech apparel that

improved their performance.

Apo- away from, from, without

1. Apology

a. Because of Arianna‟s terrible behavior during class, she owed an apology to her


b. A horrible apology is almost always worse than no apology.

2. Apostrophe

a. An apostrophe is a punctuation mark to show where letters are left out from a word,

to mark the possessive, and sometimes to make numbers, symbols, and letters plural.

b. In order to show that Caroline owned the house I wrote, “Caroline‟s house” with an

apostrophe after the „e‟ in Caroline.

3. Apogee

a. The satellite was placed into orbit at an apogee of 700 kilometers from Earth.

b. When doing her research project on the moon, Hanah found the apogee of the moon

during the month of July.

4. Apocalyptic

a. Global Warming is an apocalyptic scenario.

b. Hurricanes are not usually apocalyptic storms.

5. Apoplexy

a. The young man had a sudden apoplexy.

b. Since Martha‟s mother would not buy her the doll that she wanted, she had an

apoplexy in the toy store.

Be- Completely

1. Beloved, Bemuse, Betray

2. Behind, Bend

3. Sentences:

a. In true, blissful love, the lover is beloved.

b. My beloved childhood toy is my favorite memory.

c. He bemuses me when he shows me his math homework.

d. When he hit me on the head, I became bemused and fell to the ground.

e. I wish my friend would not betray me, but she always does.

f. I felt betrayed when my study guide I worked so hard on was given to the whole


g. When he jumped out behind me, I was scared to death.

h. I always look behind me when walking in dark places.

i. Some trees are strong and stand up, while others bend in the wind.

j. Every day, I must bend over to find my homework on the floor.

Ben- Well

1. Benefit, Benevolent, Benefactor

2. Benignant, Benumb

3. Sentences:

a. Telling the truth will always benefit you in the future.

b. I benefited very well from my last deal.

c. After donating to charity, I was in a benevolent mood.

d. My benevolent teacher always made me feel better.

e. My benefactor helped me get the job I have today.

f. I became the benefactor to my young niece.

g. I always feel benignant after volunteering at the hospital.

h. The benignant girl in school is my favorite.

i. The ice water benumbs my hand.

j. Whenever I make a snowball, the cold benumbs my hand.

Bi- Two, Twice, Both, Every two

1. Bicycle, Biceps, Billion

2. Biased, Bicolor

3. Sentences:

a. I rode my bicycle to the market.

b. One of the events in the triathlon is to ride a bicycle.

c. When lifting weights, I use my biceps.

d. I have two biceps, one in each arm.

e. I hope to become a billionaire some day.

f. Some houses cost in the billions.

g. When at city council, we must make sure there are no biased views.

h. The judge's biased opinion caused the man to lose the case.

i. The bicolor blanket was appealing to the eye.

j. I hope are new uniforms are bicolor.

Can- Dog; Hemp; Reed, Tube, Rod

1. Canine, Cane, Canyon

2. Cancel, Cancer

3. Sentences:

a. The canine acted ferocious toward the mailman.

b. A man's best friend is his canine.

c. The old man had to use a cane to walk.

d. I used a cane to poke at the hard to reach area.

e. I love to travel to the Grand Canyon.

f. Most canyons were originally filled with water.

g. I was mortified when my favorite show was canceled.

h. I want to cancel all homework throughout school.

i. Cancer must be treated very carefully.

j. When my doctor told me I had cancer, I was shocked.

Cad- To fall, Die; Head

1. Cadaver, Cadence, Caddie

2. Cadet, Caducity

3. Sentences:

a. When my mom died, I couldn't bear to look at the cadaver.

b. My job is to get a cadaver ready for burial.

c. I felt my body cadence in the quicksand.

d. The cadence of his loud music was relaxing.

e. The caddie brought my golf clubs.

f. My younger brother wants to be a caddie.

g. My older brother is a cadet in the army.

h. I can't wait until I become a cadet.

i. The caducity of my grandfather is annoying.

j. I felt caducity when walking on the boat.

Carp- wrist. Carpal Tunnel, Carpus, Metacarpus, Endocarp, Carping.

1. Since my mom used to needlepoint all the time, she now has carpal tunnel.

2. Carpal tunnel is a very painful condition.

3. When I broke my wrist, the doctor told me I had broken my carpus.

4. The carpus part of your wrist holds your hand to your arm.

5. When I broke my arm, the only part that I could move was the metacarpus.

6. When you write, you mainly use the muscles attached to your metacarpus.

7. Endocarp is a fancy way of saying the pit of the fruit.

8. Yesterday I choked on the endocarp in my peach!

9. Stop carping about everything that is wrong with your life!

10. If you keep carping than you will have a timeout.

Carn – flesh. Carnage, Carnal, Carnation, Carnivore, Reincarnated.

1. The total carnage from World War 2 was massive.

2. The sight of carnage is not a pretty sight.

3. When they found King Tut‟s mummy, there were no carnal remains left.

4. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the gods would only enter the carnal world to make

sure everything was going smoothly.

5. I picked three carnations from the flower fields to take home.

6. The color carnation is sort of a skin like pink color.

7. Carnivore is a term used to describe any meat eater.

8. I am a vegetarian so therefore I am not a carnivore!

9. Buddhists believe that once you die your soul will be reincarnated into a different

animal‟s body.

10. If I become reincarnated, I would like to come back as a dog.

Card (io) – heart. Cardiac, Cardiology, Cardiovascular, Cardiomyopathy, Cardiologist.

1. The only cardiac muscle in your body is the heart.

2. When Grandpa Bob had a heart attack, he had to go into immediate cardiac surgery.

3. Today we studied cardiology in the anatomy class.

4. Every doctor must know at least a little about cardiology so they can diagnose a patient

with a heart disease.

5. Cardiovascular exercise is when you are constantly moving, and your heart starts to


6. Without a regular amount of cardiovascular exercise, you could become overweight or


7. A cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle from an unknown cause.

8. People who develop a cardiomyopathy will usually die after a few months or years.

9. Cardiologists must be very trained, calm, and not squeamish about blood.

10. Being a cardiologist is a great honor, but also comes with the great responsibility of

having your patient‟s lives literally in your hands.

Caval – horse, knight. Cavalcade, Cavalier, Cavalry, Cavalero, Cavalierish

1. There was a cavalcade of limousines when the president came to town.

2. In Medieval Times a cavalcade of horses would accompany the royal family everywhere

they went.

3. In Medieval Times, cavaliers were looked upon as heroes.

4. The cavalier was very fond of his horse, and always made sure that she was taken care of


5. The American cavalry is much smaller than it used to be.

6. In Medieval Times, cavalry was the main way of attacking people, and was normally

very strong.

7. A cavelero would always be happy to protect the weak.

8. Caveleros exist in the olden days, but not so much in modern times.

9. Someone is defined as cavalierish if they mostly act gallant and selflessly, but not all the


10. Cavalierish people would probably do well in an argument, but not in an actual fight.

Ceil – sky, heaven. Ceiling, Ceilometer, Subceiling, Ceilidh, Underceiling

1. The ceiling caved in on the family when there was a strong earthquake.

2. When the house was being remodeled, the plaster in the ceiling gave everyone a


3. The meteorologist used the ceilometer to measure how high the clouds were in the sky


4. Ceilometers are better at calculating low cloud layers; so on a foggy day would be an

ideal time to experiment with one.

5. The subceiling was only reinforcement so that in drastic conditions the room would not

cave in.

6. The subceiling unit in the nuclear weapons storage area ensured that radiation did not

become emitted into the surrounding environment.

7. When he travelled to Ireland, he participated in a traditional ceilidh.

8. At ceilidh parties in Ireland, traditional music is played, traditional dancing occurs, and

there is much storytelling.

9. The underceiling covered the area below the original ceiling that extended out over the


10. Even if the underceiling breaks, the original ceiling will still be there to support the


Chem- to pour. Alchemy, Chemical, Chemotherapy, Chemistry, Chemist

1. Alchemy is a complex science that no one really uses anymore.

2. Alchemy was used in the Middle Ages which was concerned with discovery methods to make

base metals into gold.

3. Chemicals can sometimes be harmful substances.

4.The combination of chemicals caused a nucleic explosion.

5. Chemotherapy is a way to cure cancer.

6. Viruses are an example of what is inserted to the chemical agents for chemotherapy.

7. The chemistry between Jono and Courtney is unbelievable.

8. Mr. Zogg poured the film chemistry into the canisters so we could get started on our project.

9. The chemist won several awards for his contribution to science worldwide.

10. He studied several years in college to become an honored chemist.

Cid- ro fall, to cut, kill. Accident, Suicide, Incident, Acid, Decide

1. Although he was potty trained, the three year old had an accident at the mall.

2. Her accident of slipping on the rug caused her to break her ankle.

3. The miserable boy assumed that since his life sucked, he should commit suicide.

4. Suicidal fish escape from the bowls.

5. The earthquake was a devastating incident.

6. She incidentally fell off her bike when a dog nearly attacked her.

7. The pH for acidic solutions is less than seven.

8. Our stomachs have acid which help digest our food.

9. She couldn't decide whether to finish homework or to go out with friends.

10.The stage director decided to fire her choreographer.

Circ- a ring, around on all sides. Circle, Circumference, Circulate, Circus, Circa

1. The circle of life is an amazing subject to speak of in Biology.

2. A sphere is a three dimensional circle.

3. The circumference around the world is rumored to be about the size of a grown-ups intestines.

4. The formula for the distance of a circumference is quite simple.

5. The best invention is a lazy Susan which allows you to circulate food.

6. Exercising is a great way to circulate your blood to filtrate it.

7. The ring master looked at the audience in the circus tent.

8. A circus consists of lions and bears doing tricks around the ring.

9. Her dress for prom was so circa 1980's.

10. The cavemen existed in circa 1890 B.C..

Col- to strain, neck, inhabitant, glue, large intestine. Colander, Collar, Accolades, Collage,


1. Many stores have colander which may be used for different foods.

2. His collar almost fell apart when she tugged at it.

3. Popping a collar is a sign of popularity.

4. They were giving accolades to the best students in class.

5. He didn't appreciate the accolade even though it was an honor.

6. Her statue of Prince Henry was made out of a collage.

7. Many art project consist of saving buttons for a collage.

8. A colonoscopy is recommended for men over fifty.

10. A flexible scope is used to view the colon for a colonoscopy.

Com- with, together, completely. Committee, Community, compliment, Comment,


1. The activities committee is in charge of the holiday dinner.

2. School committees take votes on whether to wear uniforms or not.

3. Community service hours are a great way to give back to the needy.

4. The community in Laguna Hills planned a parade for heroes' welcome.

5. The compliment that was given was taken offensively.

6. The dark hair dye complimented her eyes.

7. Unnecessary comments in class result in having detention.

8. She had 190 comments when she posted that she was moving to Idaho.

9. His comrade supported him to ask if his girlfriend if she would marry him.

10.The doctor and his comrade met up for lunch to discuss partnership.

Olivia Maclay 

 Sam Calderon 

 Tyler Welsh 

 Tyler Stein 

 Ruchika Bajaj 

Joe Marx  


1. Vivus/vita‐ to live, life  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Viable  

The newfound town is very viable.  

Anything that is not viable will not survive.  

o Viability  

The viability of our country’s dependence on oil is often questioned. 

The ongoing viability of the premature cub was doubtful. 

o Viand  

The executive chef prepared a variety of viands. 

The viands that were served did not seem very appealing to me. 

‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Vivacious 

Marilyn Monroe was one of the most vivacious stars of the 1950’s. 

Many people consider Lady GaGa a vivacious singer of our age. 

o Revive  

The lifeguard was able to revive the drowning victim with his CPS 


After a thirty minute power nap, I felt revived and ready to finish 

the task.  

2. Vid/vis‐ to see, to look  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Video  

I had never seen that video before, but I really enjoyed it.  

The video we watched in science class showed the true process of 

the digestive system.  

o Provide  

Will you provide me with the necessary information to write the 


As an infant, my mother provided me with all the necessities of life. 

o Evidence  

The evidence to solve the murder mystery was found in an 

abandoned house.  

The paper was turned in nameless, but the sloppy handwriting was 

evidence that it belonged to a boy.  

‐ Sample words not from book:  

o Supervise 

The kindergarten students need to be supervised by an adult at all 


The new surgeon was supervised by a more experienced surgeon 

for several months before he performed any surgeries on his own. 

o Vista  

The vista from Pacific Coast Highway is breathtaking.  

The apartment with the vista of the Eiffel Tower was much more 

expensive than the apartment that had no view. 

3. View‐to see   

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Preview  

At the end of a novel, the author sometimes gives a preview to the 

next book in the series.  

When going to the movie theater, they show previews to upcoming 


o Review  

The New York Times newspaper reviews books in order to rank 


While studying for the Odyssey test, I reviewed each story 


o Interview  

Men and women who work for news stations often interview 

people who are involved in the current news.  

I read an interview in a magazine where Madonna claims she, “loves 

her children deeply”.  

‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Overview  

An overview is a general summary.  

The overview of the class was provided on the teacher’s website 

o Counterview  

The news program showed the counterview to the new immigration 


The counterview to pro‐life is pro‐choice. 

4. Vio‐ to treat with force  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Violet  

I painted my room violet with white accents. 

The violets that were growing in the dish were beginning to bloom. 

o Ultraviolet  

The ultraviolet rays of light were visible from earth. 

The visible spectrum includes ultraviolet light. 

o Violate  

The rules of the game were violated when the players cheated. 

The rebels violated the  

‐ Sample words not from book  

o Violence 

The  violence of the war was too graphic to be shown on the news. 

The Iron Mon movie had many episodes of violence. 

o Violent 

The violent criminal will not be released from prison. 

The three violent attacks by the dog led to the decision for it to be 

put to sleep. 

5. Toil‐ cloth net; to strive  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Toile  

The sundress was made out of toile. 

We bought three yards of toile for the sewing project. 

o Toilet  

The toilet room in the house was beautifully decorated. 

The patient was toileted before the procedure was started. 

o Toil (work) 

The seven dwarfs toiled tirelessly in the mines. 

The workers toiled to rescue the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. 

‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Toilsome  

The student found the assignment toilsome. 

The work that the prisoners were forced to do was toilsome. 

o Toiletries 

We were able to buy small sizes of toiletries to pack for our 


The hotel supplied basic toiletries for its guests.  

6. Ton/estoner‐ to stun, daze, deafen; thunder;  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Astonish  

I like to astonish my mom on mother’s day. 

The parents were astonished when the baby began to walk. 

o Astonishment 

I was in great astonishment when he told me the news. 

 The crowd had expressions of astonishment at the magicians tricks. 

o Detonate  

The dynamite detonated causing an explosion that could be heard 

for miles. 

A small device was detonated to clear tunnels for the miners 


‐ Sample words not from book: 


7. Torr‐ burning; roaring, rushing  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Torrent  

The visit by the president cause a torrent of activity. 

The boxing match was quite a torrent of a fight. 

o Torso 

During a car accident the man’s torso was injured. 

The girl wore an inappropriate shirt that didn’t completely cover her 

upper torso.  

o Torsi  

‐ Sample not from book: 

o Torrential 

The torrential rains resulted in massive flooding in Tennessee. 

The torrential downpours caused the tourists to run for shelter. 

o Torture 

The prisoner was tortured until he confessed to the crime. 

The last five minutes of the final school day are like torture. 


8. Tox‐ poison  

‐ Sample words from book  

o Toxic  

The hysterical woman was raced to the hospital due to the toxic 


The mayor planned to stop the unjust disposal of toxic waste into 

the cities lakes. 

o Toxemia    

The perplexed scientists couldn’t identify the bacteria causing the 


The man was given antibiotics to treat to treat his toxemia. 

o Detoxify  

The first step in the patient’s rehabilitation was to detoxify her of all 


This was the addicts third time trying to detoxify and quit drugs.. 

‐ Sample words not from book:  

o Toxicology 

The eager student has an ambition of majoring in toxicology at 


The tour guides years studying toxicology made him familiar with 

poisonous wildlife. 

o Toxoplasmosis  

The vet was able to determine the parasite that caused the dog’s 


The family mourned the death of their cat that fell to the disease of 


9. Tri‐ three  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Tricycle  

The clown rode the tricycle around the ring at the circus. 

The little boy received a tricycle for his 3rd birthday. 

o Triangle  

There are many triangles in the world of geometry. 

The pizza was cut into 8 equal triangles. 

o Triad  

The triad moved through the mountains, searching for the bear they 


The chord played by the piano was a perfect triad. 

‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Triarchy  

When the country could not elect one ruler, they chose to elect a 


The triarchy in the small country confused everyone since they 

could never agree on anything. 

o Tripod 

The camera tripod is used to steady the video for better shots. 

One of the requirements to take the film production class is to 

provide you own tripod. 


10. Trop‐ a turning, relating to the solstice 

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Tropical 

The tropical oasis was very serene and welcoming. 

The tropical smoothing contained pineapple, mango, and coconut. 

o Trophy  

The team’s championship trophy is on display in the office. 

The young child a soccer trophy taller than herself. 

o Tropic  

We take our annual family vacation to the tropic each year.  

The hot humid weather reminded us of the weeks we spent in the 


‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Atrophy 

The old man’s skin was atrophied.  

On the woman’s thirtieth birthday she had a nightmare that she was 

eighty and her skin was atrophied.  

o Catastrophist  

11. Typ‐ impression, mark, to strike  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Typewriter  

My grandmother still owns a typewriter. 

Typewriters are obsolete now that we have computers. 

o Stereotype  

Many people stereotype middle school students as being immature 

and irresponsible. 

If you stereotype people based on their looks, you may miss out on 

some great opportunities for friendship. 

o Atypical  

The results from the most recent science test were atypical of her  

academic performance.  

It is highly atypical to find people wearing turtlenecks in the 


‐ Sample words not from book; 

o Typecast  

Julie Andrews is usually typecast as a  motherly character. 

The aspiring actress was concerned that her first role as a serial 

killer would lead to typecasting as an evil character for the 

remainder of her career. 

o Typical  

Today was a typical day at school. 

The clothing that the girl wore was typical for girls her age. 

12. Tyran‐ lord, master  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Tyrant  

The tyrant oppressed his people resulting in riots and unrest 

amongst the town. 

The governor slowly turned into a tyrant dictating what cannot be 

done by the people. 

o Tyrannical 

 The tyrannical teacher scolded at least two students per day 

sending them to the principals office. 

The tyrannical child refused to share his new toys with his 


o Tyrannosaurus  

The Tyrannosaurus was feared by many dinosaurs. 

The Tyrannosaurus was known for being deadly and vicious when in 

search for food. 

‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Tyranny 

The tyranny amongst the leaders started to become unbearable. 

Tyranny was thought to be the most infectious disease a leader can 


o Tyrannicide  

The rebels formulated a plan to commit tyrannicide against the 


The member of the revolution movement was arrested for 

committing tyrannicide.  


13. Vapid‐ stale, flat  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Vapid  

The air in the airplane was vapid. 

The air in the upper atmosphere is very vapid. 

o Vapidness 

The vapidness of the lecture put the students to sleep. 

The vapidness of the man’s personality made him unsociable. 

o Vapidity  

The vapidity of the book made it difficult to read. 

The vapidity of the girl’ clothes made her blend into crown. 

‐ Sample words not from book:  

o Vapidities  

The boy’s multiple vapidities made it difficult to get  a date for the 


The family remodeled their house in order to rid them of the many 


o Vapidly  

The counselor spoke vapidly about the opportunities for 

employment after graduation from high school. 

The soccer game was played vapidly. 

14. Vail/van‐ to be strong  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Avail  

Despite much effort, nothing could avail the screaming baby. 

The parent generously availed herself to the school to volunteer in 

any manner. 

o Vainglory 

The student had much vainglory about his test scores. 

The woman’s vainglory about her professional achievements was 


o Vainglorious  

The vainglorious attitude of the girl made her seem self‐centered. 

The vainglorious Vice President of the company was constantly 

devising ways to take control away from the President.  

‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Vanity  

The movie star’s vanity was insulting to the other actors who were 

working on the film. 

 The parents bought a vanity for the children’s bedroom. 

o Available 

The couple called the babysitter to see if she was available for the 


The recent status update of facebook indicated that the boy was 


15. Vad‐ to be strong 

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Evade  

The criminal was not able to evade the police for a significant 

amount of time. 

The student evaded the assignment by asking the teacher questions 

about his Christmas vacation. 

o Invade 

The boys invaded the girl’s privacy by running through the locker 


The stranger who invaded the wedding was escorted out by 


o Pervade 

The poison ivy pervaded the child’s arms and legs. 

The illness pervaded all the neighborhood of the city.  

‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Invasion 

World War II was started by Germany’s invasion into 


The Greeks invaded Troy by building a hollow horse statue, hiding 

inside of it, and sending it to the city as a peace offering. 

o Evasive 

The evasive girl always changed the subject when her family was 

brought up. 

In order to keep the party a surprise, the parents had to be evasive 

when their son asked about his birthday plans. 

16. Verb‐ word  

‐ Sample words from book: 

o Verbiage  

“Too much verbiage,” the teacher said of the essay. 

The ongoing verbiage between the two girls was cut off suddenly by 

an angry teacher, 

o Verbose  

The review stated that the article is too verbose and not concise 


The lecture was so verbose, that the audience began to lose focus 

and daydream. 

o Proverb  

The book of Proverbs was Harry’s favorite section of the Bible. 

Many people use the proverb “You know what you have until it’s 


‐ Sample words not from book: 

o Nonverbal   

Although the boy was saying one thing, his nonverbal language 

conveyed the complete opposite. 

The nonverbal signals that the teacher demonstrated conveyed her 

displeasure with the class. 

o Verbal 

The blind student was allowed to take the test verbally.    

The verbal response given by the student was incomprehensible 

due to his mumbling.  

17. Vari‐ to change, diverse  

‐   Sample words from book  

o Variable  

The weather is Southern California is variable from morning to 


The variable mood of the science teacher depended greatly on the 

class of students she was teaching. 

o Various 

There are various forms of identification that are accepted when you 


There are various careers that you can pursue when you get a degree 

in Engineering. 

o Variform 

 For our weekly vocabulary tests we are responsible to know the 

variforms of the words. 

The variforms of water are liquid water, ice, and steam. 

‐  Sample words not from book: 

o Variety 

The desert menu had a variety of delicious choices. 

There were a variety of elective classes to choose from 

o Variegated 

The leaves on the plant were variegated. 

The puppies variegated colors made them unique and highly prized. 


18. Trans‐across 

‐ Sample words from book 

o Tranquil 

The tranquil setting put the man’s bustling thoughts at ease. 

The tranquil tiger stalked his prey waiting for the opportunity to 


o Transcend 

Monks believe prayer allows you to reach new heights and 

limitations in life. 

The coach’s inspirational speech helped the players transcend from 

their comfort zones. 

o Transcribe 

The journalist was taught to transcribe his collected information 

into his article. 

The student had to transcribe his work onto his test in order to get 

the credit. 


‐ Sample words not from the book 

o Transition 

The children’s transition from school to school made it tough finding 


It was apparent Colton was making the transition from boy to man 

as the crowd heard his voice crack. 

o Translate 

The tourists were constantly asking locals to translate road signs, 

store names, and maps. 

The family was unable to reach their destination due to not being 

able to translate the directions they needed. 

19. Tru‐ faithful 

‐   Sample words from book 

o True 

The quivering in the boy’s lip gave away to the fact his statement wasn’t 


After standing up for his friend in the scuffle, it was easy to see they had 

a true friendship. 

o Truism 

The witness’s claim had such an amount of truism the case was virtually 


The officer didn’t sense an ounce of truism in the criminal’s voice as he 

cried to be released 

o Truce 

The two sides signed a treaty resulting in a truce and the halt of attacks. 

The two siblings compromised and made a truce over who got which 


‐  Sample words not from book 

o Trust  

The boy’s parents had lost their trust in him after finding a lighter in his 


The couple felt they could trust one another after six months of dating. 

o Trustee 

The trustee was seized of the property after being caught throwing 

numerous parties. 

The man felt he had no trustee within his company seeing the amount 

of gossip spread about the office. 



20. Twi‐two, divided 

‐   Sample words from book 

o Twin  

The twin felt neglect due to her sister constantly being better at sports. 

The girl’s influence soon turned her classmate into her twin. 

o Twine 

The twine rope help together long enough for the rock climber to get to 


The grandmother constructed a lanyard made of many wine patterns. 

o Twilight 

The girl felt the twilight moment suited her serene and gentle mood. 

The twilight caused an odd  but pleasant reflection in the boy’s eyes. 

‐  Sample words not from book 

o Twill 

The blanket’s twill pattern showed the time and effort devoted to its 


Twill is a common fabric when intricate patterns are required. 

o Twister 

The twister swept away many of the farmers crops. 

The twister was headed north putting many in fear and concern. 


21. Tre‐ three 

‐   Sample words from book 

o Treble 

The well constructed building was treble, consisting of a base, middle, 

and top. 

The treble test was divided into sections covering the past three studied 


o Trefoil 

The gardener maintained the yellow trefoil plant each Thursday. 

The trefoil swimsuit accentuated the woman’s body. 

o Trellis 

The mango tree grew up well with the help of the trellis in the family’s 

back yard. 

The trellis have been ruptured after the storm, leading the oranges 

scattered across the floor. 

‐  Sample words not from book 

o Trek 

The knight’s trek was a task in which he proved himself to his village. 

The mountaineer’s trek to the top of the Himalaya’s was full of danger 

and excitement. 

o Trey 

The boy’s trey resulted in his team winning the championship. 

The basketball team constantly practiced the trey shot thinking it would 

make them win more often. 


22. Tom‐to cut 

‐   Sample words from book 

o Anatomy 

The student’s hardest class was anatomy, given the fact that he didn’t 

like science or math. 

The anatomy of the human body takes many years of study to fully 


o Atom  

The atom bomb is considered to be one of the world’s greatest 


Many thank John Dalton for the introduction of the atom, helping the 

world understand life 

o Epitome 

The Olympics is the epitome of competition, athleticism, and skill, a 

stage for the world to share. 

Many say and think America is the epitome of freedom and new 


‐  Sample words not from book 

o Tomahawk 

The tomahawk was a common weapon used amongst Indians usually 

used for scalping 

The Tomahawk Indians are known for their unusual haircuts and violent 


o Atomize  

Scientists commonly atomize substances to view them clearly under a 


Scientists have trouble getting the correct size after they atomize a 


23. Trepid‐ to shake, alarm 

‐   Sample words from book 

o Trepid 

The young child felt trepid at the sight of the large roller coasters. 

The soon‐to‐be mother’s face was trepid when she realized her water 


o Trepidation 

The family felt trepidation when they were a mere ten minutes from 

missing their flight. 

Trepidation was common for the soldiers as they sat in camp awaiting 

orders from their sergeant. 

o Intrepid 

The intrepid battalion was awarded purple hearts for outstanding 


Although the Spartan knew he was destined to die, e was intrepid as he 

marched to battle. 

‐  Sample words not from book 

o Trepanation 

The trepanation surgery took hours and was sure to leave the patient in 


Trepanation is known to be one of the hardest fields of medicine. 

o Trephine 

The doctors switched the blades of their trephine in preparation for the 


The trephine did not work properly putting the operation and the 

patient’s life at risk.   

24. Trend‐ to revolve, turn 

‐   Sample words from book 

o Uptrend 

There was an uptrend in the economy for the first fiscal quarter. 

The prices of the stocks demonstrated a consistent uptrend. 

o Downtrend  

The rate of unemployment showed a slight but promising downtrend. 

The downtrend in spending by the company was a concerning sign of 

their financial spending 

o Trendsetter 

The girl’s dynamic style made her a trendsetter among her peers.  

Although the Spartan knew he was destined to die, e was intrepid as he 

marched to battle. 

‐ Sample words not from book 

o Trendy 

The teenage boy asked for the trendy Justin Beiber haircut. 

The girl decided not to invest too much money into trendy items for her 

wardrobe that would quickly be out of fashion.  

o Countertrend 

The countertrend toward the concern for individual health, it the 

increase in extreme sports. 

While the trend for teenage girls is to become more sociable during 

adolescence, some girls demonstrate the countertrend of becoming 

increasingly introverted.  

25. Trud‐ to thrust, push 

‐   Sample words from book 

o Extrude 

The splinter was extruded from the child’s finger through its entry point. 

I extruded a pea size amount of toothpaste onto my toothbrush. 

o Intrude  

The stranger intruded in the couple’s private conversation. 

The screaming children’s voices intruded on the gentleman’s quiet 


o Protrude 

The Children’s Defense Fund commercials routinely show emaciated 

children with protruding bellies. 

The protruding branches of the tree were trimmed by the gardner 

‐ Sample words not from book 

o Abstruse  

Calculus is an abstruse subject for many high school students.   

Then men hovered together trying to figure out the abstruse female 


o Unobstrusive 

An unobstrusive student is often taken advantage of. 

The black dress made the woman unobstrusive in the crowd.   










Jake PriceKevin ShishidoLuke De Grassi

Osama KahnHunter Carr

Tristan ReedPrefixes

Opson-Definition: Cooked FoodWords: Duopsony, monopsony, oligopsony, opsonic, opsonizationSentences:

Duopsony- Only two buyers were present at the market, so a duopsony occurred. A duopsony is a horrible business strategy.

Monopsony- A larger buyer controlled the entire wood industry, creating a monopsony. A monopsony is when a buyer owns an entire industry, rather than a seller having a monopoly.

Oligopsony- Only a few large buyers existed in the tobacco industry, creating an oligopsony. The US fast food industry is a great example of an oligopsony.

Opsonic- In biology, opsonin, a type of opsonic, is capable of promoting phagocytosis. You can learn more about opsonic from an advance biology book.

Opsonization- The process when a pathogen is ingested by the body is opsonization. Opsonization is a very useful tool to the body’s well being.

Onoma- Definition: name Words: Onomatopoeia, acronym, eponym, onomancy, onomasiologySentences:

Onomatopoeia-Onomatopoeia was first used in 1577 and it was translated from the Greek meaning “to make words.”An example of an onomatopoeia is “the bee went buzzing.”

Acronym-The FBI is an acronym for Ferderal Bureau of Investigation.Acronyms are most commonly used for the abbreviating organizations.

Eponym-Achilles heel was an eponym because he died when he was shot in the heel by Paris. An eponym is person who something was named after.

OnomancyIn the old days people used onomancy to find out their fortune.Onomancy was believed to work in the Late Middle Ages to find the divination of their proper name.

OnomasticonMost people forget about the onomasticon and decide their child’s name by relative input.When parents cannot think of a good name for their child they use an onomasticon for inspiration.

Ony- Definition: nailWords: Onyx, perionychium, sadonyx, onyxis, onychosisSentences:

Onyx- The stone onyx was named after the Greek word for talon.2. The Pokemon Onix is derived from the stone onyx.

Perionychium- 1. The perionychium is the skin that surrounds the finger or toe nail or most commonly called nail skin.2. When you get a paper cut it usually occurs on the perionychium.

Sardonyx- A sardonyx is a flesh colored version of an onyx.Most people don’t consider a sardonyx as a gemstone but any stone that is naturally smooth should be consider rare.

Onyxis- Many people complain when they have a ingrown toenail also know as a onyxis. Most people use onyxis as an excuse to get out of running but most coaches just say to walk it off.

Onycholysis- 1.It hurts to have a onycholysis. 2. People make fun of you for having a onycholysis but that means that they never had it.

Optim- Definition: bestWords: Optimum, optimize, optimism, optimacy, optimalSentences:

Optimum-For optimum results in a sporting activity you should eat a well-balanced breakfast.The optimum way for doing well is always do your homework.

Optimize-I optimize my performance if I get a whole 8 hours of sleep.If you optimize your athletic ability with steroids you only cheat yourself.

Optimism-A person who lives a life of optimism would see a glass half filled with water half full instead of half empty.With the optimism of youth soon comes the crushing depression of adulthood.

Opitmacy-The optimacy of the family gave signs of their nobility.The optimacy of higher class citizens give them better living standards in a community.

Optimal-Some professional athletes use gatorade for optimal performance in their sport.For optimal sleep one should never procrastinate and do their homework in a timely manner.

Org- Definition: tool, instrumentWords: Organize, organology, inorganic, organic, organSentences:

Organize-I always organize my room before I go to school.2. When I write papers for school I must write an outline in order to organize my thoughts.

Organology-Organology is a branch of biology that is based on the organs, tissues, and cells used in the body.

I would like to study organology over the summer as a major in college.

Organ-Organs in the body have a wide range of tasks and functions like pumping blood to sweating.In the body some organs have become useless so it is okay if it is unused or taken out of the body.

Inorganic-Inorganic materials like help create stronger and cheaper products like backpacks.Inorganic my be good for the economy but it can also be bad for the environment.

Organic-Organic gardens were created in order for people to have a healthier and pesticide free diet.The freshest and tastiest food is always going to be organic because nothing is tastier then a healthy life style.

Pneum-Definition: Of or pertaining to the lungsWords: Pneumonia, pneumonectomy, pneumatic, pneumonic, pneumothorax Sentences:

Pneumonia-She had caught pneumonia because she was out in the rain for a long time.Pneumonia is an abnormal inflammatory condition of the lung.

Pneumonectomy- He had to get a pneumonectomy due to the fact that his lungs had been severely damaged from prolonged smoking.Pneumonectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the lungs.

Pneumatic- Pneumatic tubes transport solid objects instead of gases.Pneumatic power is used in many industries.

Pneumonic- The pneumonic plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia Pestis.The doctor had to use a pneumonic device to keep pumping air into the patient’s lungs.

Pneumothorax-He died because he had pneumothorax.Pneumothorax is when air or gas is present in the chest.

Pot-Definition: power, drink, pot, put, placeWords: potent, potential, potion, omnipotent, pottery Sentences:

Potent- Hydrochloric Acid is very potent.Hitler was very potent because he was a dictator.

Potential- He had a lot of potential to become the next American Idol.His potential exceeded that of his masters.

Potion- The potion removed the poison’s harmful effects. He used the potion to help his teammate in combat.

Omnipotent- The omnipotent leader could never be defied. The President of the United States is omnipotent.

Pottery- I took pottery class to complete my one year of art.Pottery is a form of art.

Por-Definition: Passage, forthWords: Pore, portrait, portent, portray, importantSentences:

Pore- Warm water opens up your skin pores.You can buy pore treatment products from Target.

Portrait- I made a portrait of myself.He bought a portrait of the Queen of England.

Portent- The godly signs were full of portent. The prophet’s words were full of portent.

Portrayed- He was portrayed as a coward in the picture. I want to be portrayed as a leader.

Important- It was very important to defeat the Japanese. Mr. Macaré said the saturation report was important.

Pir-Definition: breath, prepare, equal, tryWords: empire, umpire, expire, pirate, piranhaSentences:

Empire- The Roman Empire was the largest in history. The Aztec Empire fell due to civil wars and plague.

Umpire- The umpire called a strike. I wanted to be the umpire during baseball practice.

Expire- The milk was going to expire.My coupon for Burger King will expire in two weeks.

Pirate- Somali pirates are of the most notorious in the world. Modern day pirates don’t have eye patches or swords.

Piranha- Piranha’s are very dangerous fish.Timmy has three pet piranhas.

Port-Definition: Harbor, carry, bearWords: Opportunity, importune, passport, portable, portalSentences:

Opportunity- She had a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Really amazing opportunities only come around once in a while.

Importune-He importuned her for some spare change. She importuned the criminal for her life.

Passport- To leave a country, you need to present your passport to the border patrol. Having multiple passports is illegal, however, very helpful for a criminal.

Portable- The elderly are not always portable. Companies are starting to emphasize the portability of many larger objects they sell.

Portal- The portals to the King’s home were heavily guarded. A portal usually refers to a doorway or an opening.

Pre-Definition: Before, beforehand, ahead of timeWords: Preamble, precaution, prevent, premade, predisposeSentences:

Preamble-1. The preamble to the Constitution is one of the greatest sentences every written. 2. Many important documents have preambles.

Precaution-1. Many biology and chemistry labs have many precautions to read. 2. If an activity has hazards or is deemed dangerous, precautions may be necessary.

Prevent:1. Stretching is one way to prevent injuries while playing any sport. 2. If at all possible, you should prevent yourself from getting into dangerous situations.

Precede-1. Johnny preceded George in the speaking order. 2. Commercials precede movies when you go to the theater.

Predispose-1. Eating a horrible diet may predispose someone to a heart attack.

2. Attitudes which predispose people to behave poorly, aren’t favorable.

Pro-Definition: Forward, forthWords: Proceed, produce, profess, professor, professionalSentences:

Proceed-1. He proceeded down the road. 2. They were uncertain as how to proceed.

Produce1. It is a commonly known fact that cows produce milk. 2. The company produces furniture.

Profess-1. Romeo professed his love for Juliet. 2. The King professed Christianity.

Professor-1. Professor is a synonym for a college teacher. 2. You might not necessarily like your professors.

Professional-1. They’re many types of professional. 2. Many children aspire to be professional athletes.

Prob-Definition: To be good, to be worthyWords: Probably, probable, probe, problem, probabilitySentences:

Probably:1. I will probably attend the rock concert tonight. 2. She will probably go to her friend’s birthday party.

Probable: 1. The moon crashing into the earth is not a probable event. 2. It is probable that the Yankees will win the World series.


1. The CIA often probes into terrorist organizations. 2. The police can put a tap on your phone, and probe your conversations.

Problem:1. It is a very big problem when the TV doesn’t work on Super Bowl Sunday.2. I had 18 problems to solve in math for last night’s homework.

Probability:1. The best poker players in the world are masters of probability. 2. Probability can range from simple fractions to highly advanced equations.

Pur-Definition: Forth, AwayWords: Purloin, purport, pursue, purge, purchaseSentences:

Purloin-1. The thieves were the most interested in purloining the jewelry. 2. To purloin is to steal or thieve from others. Purport-1. The purport of his report was that the company had all time high numbers. 2. The purport of the attack was to get revenge for his mother’s death.

Pursue-1. Every basketball team is pursuing the playoffs, but only eight will make it. 2. The policeman was pursuing the convict.

Purge-1. He purged them of any remaining doubt. 2. Criminals were purged away from the military.

Purchase-1. We purchased the new software for our computer.2. She is very happy with her purchase.

Prol-Definition: OffspringWords: Prolific, proliferate, proletariate, proles, profaneSentences:


1. Elephants are prolific throughout Africa. 2. John Williams was considered to be a prolific modern day composer.

Proliferate-1. Rumors about OJ Simpson’s trial proliferated rapidly, towards the conclusion. 2. SCI-FI writing proliferated rapidly in the early 1900s.

Proletariat-1. Working class people can be considered proletariats. 2. The proletariat has many members.

Proles-1. The term prole soldiers originated many years ago. 2. Proles is a synonym to Proletariat.

Profane-1. Things not related to the bible are considered to be profane. 2. It was a serious matter to profane a tomb.

Phil - likeExample Words- Philanthropists, philosophy, Francophile, bibliophile, philanthropyExample Sentences:"The man was so kind and light hearted I believe he was a philanthropist.""The philanthropist was very annoying in his manner of things.""The mans philosophical views were quite odd.""My philosophy was to never get into a drunken brawl.""The francophile loved France.""The francophile would not believe me when i said french fries weren't from France.""The bibliophile sure did love his books.""The bibliophiles library was huge.""The man said he believed in philanthropy.""I would like to see all humans take to philanthropy." Pent - fiveExample Words- Pentagon, Pentagram, Pentathon, pentad, pentaneExample sentences:"The Pentagon is in Washington DC.""I hate pentagons in geometry.""The pentagram was very clever.""I wish to make a pentagram some day.""A pentathon seems very difficult.""Robert was proud of himself fro finishing the pentathon."

"My cohorts and I were a pentad.""I was walking a pentad of dogs.""The scientist used pentane.""I need to memorize what pentane is for the science test." Per - through, intensiveExample words- permit, perfect, persuade, perform, perceiveExample sentences:"I permit you to enter.""You are not permitted to enter.""It was the perfect situation.""That gymnastic routine was perfect.""Can I please persuade you to join me.""The kid was persuaded into doing drugs.""She performed admirably.""The marine performed so well he was given a shiny medal.""I didn't quite perceive the situation.""I don’t know what perceive means."

Peri - aroundExample words- periscope, perimeter, perigee, periodontal, periodExample sentences:"The periscope worked finely.""The boy lost his periscope.""The dogs followed the perimeter.""The boy ran around the perimeter four times.""The moon was reaching its perigee.""The sun was reaching its perigee.""Dentists hate treating periodontal disease.""My teeth had periodontal disease.""Period one is in the beginning of the day.""My favorite period is fifth." Phon - soundExample words- telephone, microphone, phonics, phonograph, homophoneExample sentences:"My mom broke the telephone.""She was using the telephone while cooking.""I usually sing with a microphone.""The microphone was stuck in the actor's ear.""My teacher was good a teaching phonics.""My mother was bad at teaching phonics.""Tristan didn’t know what a phonograph was because he was stupid."

"The phonograph broke when Tristan looked at it.""Homophones are tricky.""Homophones have a lot to do with sound."

Para: around, beside, beyond, through, thoroughly


1. When you finally have a vacation week for work and you are in Hawaii or the Bahamas, you have a mood that you are in paradise.

2. Paradise Point in San Diego is named like such because of its beautiful scenery and res-taurants and its scenic golf course while it all being isolated from the rest of the world.


Being of paramount importance, Mr. Macaré makes Book Club over 100 points sometimes.In a life or death situation, it is paramount that you are on your toes.Paranoid-

Paranoid people are afraid that they are either a very famous person or that people are out to get them and murder them.Cassi was becoming paranoid and scared after the first few English presentations started because they were very goodParadox-The centaur was a paradox, for he thought he was a man, but he was also horseDividing by zero would equal, but in math it is not possible, so it is a paradox.Paralyze-My friend was robbed by a group of thugs, and they beat his legs with bats until he was para-lyzed.Some toxins in bacteria if injected into muscles, can paralyze the activity inside the muscle.

Neg: to deny, refuse, say no


A person is to be called a Negative Nancy if they seem to be optimistic the whole day. The proposition for gay marriage was turned down and marked negative


Come here, let us negotiate our plans to raid Mr. Macare’s house with toilet paperThe Congress must negotiate the actions they must take from the 9/11 attacks.


The horrible parent neglected their baby’s needs and it ended up dying of hunger and exhaustion.Luke neglected to do his prefixes work until 10:00 on Friday so he is now suffering and very tired from procrastination.’Negatory-Me, smoke a cigarette? Negatory, I will never do that.Houston, do you read me? Do you read me? Negatory, sir. He cannot hear me.Abnegate-The priest abnegated his right to marriage and many other luxuries of life.Luke abnegated the fact that Jenn Frerk had just called him fat and useless because he thought she was too nice for that.

Phob- fear of, flight Panophobic-

The man, being panophobic, killed himself in an instant because everything he saw he started being afraid ofA panophobic is mentally crazy and challenged for he was afraid of everything, literally every-thingAgoraphobia-

Many people have the mental anxiety of Agoraphobia because they are afraid to fly.Agoraphobic symptoms are vomiting, respiration, and other height anxiety related side effects.Hydrophobicity-

In chemistry, hydrophobicity is the physical property of a molecule that is repelled from a mass of waterHydrophobicitic molecules include oils and fats that we eat every day.]Phobia-A phobia is defined as a fear of anything or anyone.A famous phobia that most people have is the fear of heights.

Opthalmophobia-Some people in the dark have opthalmophobia, so they don’t open their eyes. Opthalmophobia is the fear of opening one’s eyes and is only in effect in dark or nerve wracking situations.

Nerv: nerve, sinew


Most people become nervous when speaking in front of peers and sweat and stutter a lot.The nervous system is the way your body communicates with each other.Enervate-

You should always enervate what you cant regenerate for it has no use for life.Galactus from the Fantastic Four enervated worlds and planets.Nervosity-

The nervosity of being on the American Idol Finale is heart wrenching because so many people watch it.Nervosity can cause all behavior in one person to change in an instant because of the reaction and impact it makes on the human mind.Nervy-Being the nerviest out of the bunch, Luke decided he would bungee jump of the cliff first.A person needs to be very nervy when skydiving for it can lead to death and Is very risky.Reinnervate-After his lifting competition, Luke’s muscles had to reinnervate for they had been worked out too hard.After athletes who push the limits hit “the wall”, it may take longer than just few hours to rein-nervate their muscles.

Over: above, higher in rank, too much


LeBron James is overrated because he has no skill and is all power in his 6’8” 270 lbs.Luke believes that the Yankees buy their players with their mounds of money, therefore making them overrated. Overachiever-

Only an overachiever would make a visual project 3-D because not only do they have the time, they have the patience to do more than what is needed to get a worthy grade.Most people are “haters” of overachievers because the “haters” are loosely defined and think that they are just doing that to suck up to the teacherVoiceover-

One of the most famous voiceover artists is Don La Fontaine, who does the voices for movie trailers.A voiceover is used in all animated movies to make it seem like the characters are the ones actu-ally talkingCarryover-Since the successful game, a carryover of good will has shined throughout the high school.More carryovers from last year were being presented in the Annual Leland Lee Lynn Fashion Show. Controvert-I controvert your statement for the facts are wrong while it is also undiplomatic.We all controvert against Justin Bieber’s “talent” because he was a “Late Bloomer” one could say.

Quiz Answer Key:

Over: above, higher in rank, too much

Nerv: nerve, sinew

Phob- fear of, flight

Neg: to deny, refuse, say no

Para: around, beside, beyond, through, thor-oughly

Phon - sound

Peri - around

Per - through, intensive

Pent - five

Phil - like

Port- Harbor, carry, bear

Pir- breath, prepare, equal, try

Por- passage, forth

Pot- power, drink, pot, put, place

Pneum- Of or pertaining to the lungs

Org- tool, instrument

Optim- best

Pro- Forward, forth

Prob- To be good, to be worthy

Prol- Offspring

Pur- Forth, Away

Pre- Before, beforehand, ahead of time

Opson- Cooked Food

Onoma- name


Match Each Prefix to its Definition

Para- a. above, higher in rank, too much

Pent- b. nerve, sinew

Phob- c. fear of, flight

Pir- d. to deny, refuse, say no

Over- e. around, beside, beyond, through, thoroughly

Phon - f. sound

Pot - g. around

Pnuem- h. through, intensive

Nerv- i. five

Optim - j. like

Port- k. Harbor, carry, bear

Neg- l. breath, prepare, equal, try

Pro- m. passage, forth

Peri- n. power, drink, pot, put, place

Per- o. Of or pertaining to the lungs

Pur- p. tool, instrument

Phil- q. best

Pre r. nail

Onoma- s. name

Prol- t. Cooked Food

Ony- u. Before, beforehand, ahead of time

Por- v. Forward, forth

Prob- w. To be good, to be worthy

Org- x. Forth, Away

Opson- y. Offspring

Angela Sangalang

Glynis Chua

Tori Johnson

Alana Jones

Sabrina Ickes

Period 5


1. Gyn- woman

Ex: gynecologist, gynarchy, androgynous, gynocracy, misogynist

A woman would go to the gynecologist to have her genitals checked.

My gynecologist recommended to use a clean towel every shower.

There is very rarely a gynarchy in a country.

A gynarchy is a political system governed by women.

The person was androgynous, it was hard to tell whether to call them he or she.

An androgynous person is both male and female.

Gynocracy is something ruled by women.

The book club was a gynocracy.

That man was misogynist, and should be banned from talking to women.

The man was so misogynist, he threw a rock at a girl on the street.

2. Hex- six

Ex: hexagon, hexahedron, hexachord, hexad, hexactine

A common name for a 6 sided figure is a hexagon.

There was a hexagon in the design for the table.

A hexahedron is a 6 faced figure.

Hexahedrons often are only used on math.

There are hexachords in medieval theater.

Hexachords make music more interesting.

There were many hexads in the class.

The teacher had posters with hexads, 6 was her favorite number.

Hexactine men are oddly proportioned on their hands.

In the Princess Bride, there is a hexactine man.

3. Hibit- Habit-to hold

Ex: inhibit, exhibition, prohibition, habitus, habit

I inhibited my friend’s pen.

My father inhibited his grandfather’s house.

My sister went to a wedding exhibition.

A Gun Show is also called a gun exhibition.

Smoking was prohibited in that area.

Although skateboarding was prohibited, they still did.

The man had an odd habitus.

Your habitus makes me wonder about how people look at you.

I have a common habit of procrastinating.

Some people have very odd habits.

4. Histor- wise

Ex: prehistoric, history, historian, historical, ethno historical

That dinosaur bone is from prehistoric times.

Dinosaurs are prehistoric.

I learned about Columbus is history today.

History is never a very dull subject.

A historian came to school to talk about ancient times.

Historians have a wide knowledge of history.

Historical events like the Holocaust still linger on people’s minds.

My favorite historical event is the signing of the Declaration Independence.

Ethno history is a branch of anthropology.

Ethno history is through archaeological findings.

5. Horr- tremble

Ex: horrify, horrendous, horrible, abhorrent, horrid

That wolf mask will horrify children!

Halloween is horrifying for many young kids.

That red hat is horrendous.

What she did was absolutely horrendous.

Cheating on a test is horrible.

He was a horrible husband and always made her work.

She found the singers melody abhorrent.

What she did to her friend was abhorrent.

This weather is absolutely horrid!

She found her uncle quite horrid when he told jokes.

6. Inter: Between among

Ex: Interior, Intercept, Interest, Internal, International

The interior of the car was leather with an elegant stitching across the seats.

Rebecca’s home had a unique interior design. Her walls were covered with pink fur.

While I was trying to swim through the river, lakes intercepted my way.

The missiles intercepted the path of the airplanes.

To capture the reader’s interest, the author has a hook in the beginning of the novel.

Mark finds it interesting to learn about marine biology because he wants to become one when

he’s older.

The soldier’s internal organs were showing when he got shot.

It is important to maintain a steady internal body temperature or else you might get sick.

McDonalds is an international organization. Everyone knows what it is.

David’s dream to become an international singer was finally happening. He’s having a world


7. Iron: To dissemble

Ex: Irony, Ironic, Ironize, Ironman, Iron heart

The irony of having an orthodontist with crooked teeth was ridiculous.

The irony of going through the singing audition was that Alexis didn’t know how to sing at all.

It was ironic that the fireman didn’t show up when there was a fire at her house

People find it ironic that she said she would never drink, yet now she is an alcoholic.

The actor ironized his performance during the play.

To make sure people got his irony, he ironized his way of speaking.

Bobby is considered an ironman to many people due to the fact that he is qualified for the

Olympics when he is only 15.

Anyone has the potential to become an ironman. You just have to have the endurance to do so.

It is said that Miss. Parker has an iron heart due to the fact that she will not provide any extra

credit if a student’s grade is close to an A.

Sarah is iron hearted because it seems as if she doesn’t care whether she breaks a man’s heart or


8. Junct: To join

Ex: Adjunct, Conjunction, Injunction, Junction, Disjunction

My mother felt uncomfortable with having open heart surgery performed by an adjunct surgeon.

The chemist works three nights a week as an adjunct, working as a chemist at a nearby university.

The Confederates, in conjunction with the Patriots, created order once again by ending the Civil


Sam and Alex were in conjunction when they decided they would work together on the project.

The injunctions of the president were to live up to the United States Constitution.

Mr. Park said the injunction of the boss was to work together to find a solution.

He used the rope as a junction between the broken bridge and the boulder.

To get out of the water, she used her necklace as junction to tie to the boat.

To disjunction from my abusive father, my mom and I ran away.

To disjunction from the quick sand, I grabbed the vine and got out.

9. Hypo: Under

Ex: Hypodermic, Hypothesis, Hypotenuse, Hypoglycemic, Hypothetical

The girl was feeling hypodermic when she got in the water during the winter time.

My mother always says to be careful what I wear during winter because she doesn’t want me

feeling hypodermic.

Before we start a lab, the worksheet always asks us what our hypothesis is.

My uncle asked me what my hypothesis was when he put the Mento in his diet Coke.

In mathematical terms, a hypotenuse is the longest leg of the triangle.

People said his leg looked like the hypotenuse of the triangle since he was so tall.

It is said that if you are tired easily and are always sleepy, you can be hypoglycemic.

If you don’t have enough energy to do a simple task, you might be hypoglycemic.

Hypothetically, she wanted to be a dancer

Celebrities’ publicists always deny discussing hypotheticals with the paparazzi.

10. Juven: Young

Ex: Juvenile, Juvenescence, Rejuvenate, Juvenility, Juvenescent

You do not want to go to juvenile hall. That is a place for criminals who are minors.

In the library, I always go to the juvenile section because I am not an adult yet.

While playing with my older sister, you can tell she was feeling juvenescence again.

People are always in search for a juvenescence. Especially in Hollywood since everyone wants

to become young.

When Dave came back from his vacation, he it rejuvenated him.

Face wash commercials always say that their product rejuvenates your skin.

You can tell my grandfather was being filled with juvenility when he played baseball with


It is said the more you work out, the more juvenility you feel.

My mother looked juvenescent with her gown she wore to the ball.

Peoples’ desire to look juvenescent is so extreme, that they’d go to the extent of completely

altering the look of their appearance.

11. Lab: to take; lip

Ex: Syllable, Syllabus, Astrolabe, Laboratory, Laborious

The word pocket has two syllables and the word dog has one syllable.

When we were still in elementary school, we used to count how many syllables there was

in a word.

A syllabus can be defined as a summary of a text or of a course of study

When the student became confused during the professor’s lecture, he requested for a

syllabus summarizing his lecture.

The astrolabe was once an instrument used to determine the altitude of the sun.

The astrolabe was once used for navigation until the 18th


Bill Nye the Science Guy experimented in his laboratory in many of his videos.

Many scientists have their own laboratories so that they could experiment on their own.

Hal spent many laborious hours on the project because he wanted to get a good grade on


Trying to search for a key in his messy closet is a laborious task.

12. Leg: to depute, appoint, charge

Ex: Legacy, College, Allegation, Legalize, Legitimate

The Legacy of the Tanner family was known for thousands of years.

He leaves behind a legacy of dishonest and corruption.

Many students are working hard in school so that they could attend college.

Colleges are very expensive so many people try and earn full scholarships.

There was an allegation that Mickey stole Jackson’s cookie while he wasn’t looking.

Cameron denied the allegations filed against him.

Many people don’t like the idea of legalizing marijuana.

Legalizing alcohol for minors would be a bad idea.

Some people think dealing drugs and selling alcohol to minors are legitimate ways to

make money, but it isn’t.

If you have a legitimate complaint, please feel free to file a report.

13. Liber: Free

Ex: Liberal, Liberate, Liberty, Liberator, Liberalize

He was secretly his nephew’s liberal benefactor.

Many called his translation of the text a liberal translation.

He wanted to liberate his family, but the police refused to return them.

The liberated prisoners were speechless after they had realized they were free.

The Statue of Liberty is a famous tourist spot in the United States.

The liberties protected by the Bill of Rights guarantee American citizens privacy and


A Liberator patrol helicopter with 16 crew members gave the prisoners hope as they

watched it fly.

Liberators are one of the bravest people in the world.

The UN asked many countries to liberalize the ruling about oil drilling.

He requested to be liberalized, but his campaign refused to bail him out.

14. Loy: law, to bind

Ex: Loyal, Loyalty, Disloyalty, Employ, Deploy

My cousin is very loyal to his mother.

He can’t believe he remained loyal to his brother after everything that had happened.

His loyalty should never be doubted.

He has proven his loyalty to his family and his job.

The man who showed extreme disloyalty will one day be severely punished.

Never show disloyalty because no one will ever trust you again.

He agreed to employ the job applicant before the summer was over.

Jobs that employ thousands are helpful to our economy.

The U.S. Navy deployed two submarines into the Atlantic Ocean.

The U.S. Army deployed troops in Afghanistan.

15. Log: Speech, word, reason, idea

Ex: Logic, Dialogue, Epilogue, Logical, Catalog

I don’t understand the logic behind your actions.

Your report is missing the logic to prove your intentions.

Many novels have dialogues in them.

They enjoyed the movie because of its funny dialogue.

She hates reading the epilogue of a novel because it reminds her that it will soon be over.

She noticed that the epilogue in many of her books only has about one to two pages.

She may have a logical explanation for her actions.

The teacher couldn’t come up with a logical explanation, so the student sat down with a

smirk on his face.

Feel free to browse through the catalog before you leave the store.

The catalog is located on your left.

16. Marine: Sea

Ex: Marine, Maritime, Submarine, Mariner, Marinorama

Many marine animals use special sounds to communicate with each other underwater.

To help protect marine life, a group of students helped clean up the beach.

The sailor’s maritime clothing was that of a white uniform and a blue hat.

The maritime plants adapted to living near salt water.

To study the creatures deep in the ocean, the scientists used a submarine to travel underwater.

To have a sneak attack on the terrorist ships, the Navy used a submarine to shoot a torpedo at


The mariner directed the sailors to face the ship west.

After losing his compass, our mariner had a difficult time navigating us around Cape Cod.

The artist painted a marinorama with beautiful yellows and blue to show the sun looking on the


Our hotel room on the beach had a view of a perfect marinorama.

17. Micro: one millionth, very small

Ex: Microgram, Microorganism, Micromotion, Microanalysis, Microbalance

The scientist had to measure the tiny object in micrograms.

The virus was so small that is was measured in micrograms.

The Germ Theory is that we get sick by tiny things called microorganisms.

Everywhere we go there are millions and millions of tiny microorganisms.

The very rare large earthquakes in California are micromotions.

It is a micromotion when the shy girl raises her hand to speak.

The chemist had to microanalysis the very small new virus found.

When looking at the small ant, the tall girl seemed like she was making a microanalysis.

When measuring the weight of a red blood cell the biologist had to use a microbalance.

The model was so skinny when weighing her it would seem that they should use a microbalance.

18. Melan: dark, black

Ex: Melaniferous, Melancholia, Melancholy, Melanoma, Melanin

At the funeral of the beloved grandmother, everyone had a sense of melancholy to them.

After the team lost, the whole baseball team’s spirits were filled with melancholy.

From staying out in the sun too long the girl ended up with tumors called melanoma.

Since the swimmer never wore sunscreen over the summer he ended up with melanoma.

Since the girl never left her house, she did not have a lot of melanin in her skin.

The freckles on the little boy’s nose are caused by an increase in melanin in those certain spots.

From staying out in the sun the girl’s skin was very melaniferous.

From not ever going into the sun the girl’s skin was not melaniferous at all.

The lonely woman had a chemical imbalance in her brain and had a condition of melancholia.

From always having gloomy spirits it seemed the man had a case of melancholia.

19. Melior: better, improve

Ex: Ameliorate, Meliorate, Amelioration, Meliority, Ameliorative

Turning on the lights ameliorated the dark scary room.

Adding bright flowers ameliorated the black room.

The interior decorator used her artistic view to meliorate the old house.

It was really hard to meliorate the hurricane damaged house, to make it buyable.

The amelioration of the two left footed dancer took quite a long time for her to perform on stage

as a beautiful ballerina.

The amelioration of the old software on the computer seemed like an improvement until they

learned about the defects.

The fastest runner on the soccer team thought he had meliority over the slower runners.

The smartest in the group thought she had meliority over the group project.

When watching the world class dancer the novice dancer had an ameliorative sense to her.

She had an ameliorative feeling when she saw the broken down house.

20. Melo: song, tune

Ex: Melody, Melodrama, Melodeon, Melodious, Melodic

To show off her wonderful voice, the girl sang a soft melody.

While the seven dwarfs worked in the gold mine they sang a catchy melody.

The Broadway star was melodramatic about everything, and cried when she saw someone kill a


She had so much melodrama that she acted like it was the end of the world when she was called

ugly for the first time.

When the girl started singing the man picked up a melodeon and started playing to her voice.

The band had so many instruments such as a guitar, drums, and a melodeon.

The girl’s voice was so melodious that when she talked it seemed as if she was singing.

In every fairytale the princess always has a melodious voice that the princes drool over.

A cell phone went off in class, and since it had a very melodic ring to it the teacher didn’t take it


My brother plays the piano in such a melodic way that the neighbors come to just listen to him


21. Myst- to shut the eyes


The man in the dark trench coat seemed brooding and mysterious.

The windows of the stores in Chinatown held may mysterious artifacts and trinkets.


Unicorns are mystical creatures.

The Cotton-Candy forest was a mystical and rare sight.


How skinny people can eat so much and remain thin has never ceased to mystify me.

The crowd was mystified when the magician pulled the rabbit out of the hat.


Sherlock Holmes books are considered mystery.

Where the freshly baked cupcakes had disappeared to was not a mystery to me.


A mystic is somebody who practices or believes in mysticism

The island’s mystic cast a spell to ward off evil.

22. Micro- small


Microbes are sometimes pathogenic and cause disease.

Bacterium are microbes.


Scientists use microscopes to observe small things.

In biology we used dissecting microscopes to look at amoebas.


The speck of dust was microscopic.

Prema was a perfectionist and fussed over every microscopic detail.


A college is a microcosm of the larger community.

The doll house was a microcosm of her own home.


I use a microwave to cook my food.

Microwaves are invisible to the naked eye.

23. Monstr- to warn, show remind, advise


Her wig was a monstrosity and towered over the crowd.

His 16th birthday cake was an extravagant monstrosity complete with eight layers.


With his three eyes and purple hair Jimmy looked like a monster.

He was a monster and liked to kick puppies and take candy from babies for enjoyment.


The teachers remonstrated with the school board over the budget cuts.

He tried to remonstrate his way out of jail.


The demonstrators marched through the streets protesting.

The teacher demonstrated to us how smoking and alcohol can ruin one’s life by showing us a



The mardi gra float was monstrous and almost took up the whole street.

The boy clearly looked monstrous compared to the little girl.

24. Morph- to change shape or form


Caterpillars go through metamorphosis and turn into butterflies.

When his braces came off it seemed that Liam had gone through a metamorphosis and looked

completely different.


Hospitals use morphine to treat patients with serious pain.

Mrs. Dubose was addicted to morphine.


In the morphology class we studied the anatomy of organisms.

The morphologist took apart the frog to see its inner workings.


The Pokémon ditto can morph into and shape.

Shadows morph and warp as the sun sets.


The pygmy people believed in zoomorphism and that their gods were animals.

The naturalists art was zoomorphic and depicted many animals

25. Mis- bad badly wrong


I made a mistake while baking a cake and it was ruined.

We tend to mistake infatuation for real love.


He misunderstood the directions and failed the test.

The cause of most misunderstandings is unclear directions.


Puppies can get themselves into all sorts of mischief.

The drama students were very mischievous and played pranks on their teacher.


Small children tend to misbehave.

Sugary foods can cause them to be hyper and misbehave.


It was misfortunate for her to wear shorts on a rainy day.

How misfortunate it was for Sofia to have her puppy die on her birthday.

Grace Carrillo Pg 31 Sip- to scatter, throw; to taste, be wise Dissipate, dissipation, insipid, siphon, gossip Dissipate 1) The rainbow dissipated into the sky once the sun was up. 2) The cigarette smoke dissipated into the air. Dissipation 1) The dissipation of the water when it landed on the hot ground happened quickly. 2) The dissipation a gambler has to waste money is incontrollable. Insipid 1) All of the food at my cousin’s wedding was insipid and flavorless. 2) My best friend is very lively and doesn’t have an insipid personality. Gossip 1) Gossip is a waste of time and there is no need for it. 2) Girls have a tendency to gossip and talk about others.

Siphon 1) The thief siphoned the gas from my car and I was left stranded at the concert. 2) My parents always taught me to never siphon or steal. ~~~~~~~~~~ Sit- place, position; food, grain Site, situate, situation, situated, position, composition Site 1) The camp site in mammoth was beautiful and surrounded by trees. 2) Internet sites are useful when researching any topic. Situation 1) Talking about religion in my extended family is difficult and it puts us all in an uncomfortable situation when we do. 2) Sometimes we are put in difficult situations. Situated 1) My brother situated himself in my room until I kicked him out. 2) I situated myself in front of the television when I was sick. Position 1) I do not appreciate when my friends put me in awkward positions. 2) The position that I applied for was recently filled. Composition

1) My mom bought me a new composition book for all of my classes in the beginning of the year. 2) My assignment was to write a composition about famous musicians. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sort- to go out; lot, fate, fortune Resort, sortie, assorted, consort, consortium Resort 1) The resort that we vacationed at in the Bahamas last summer was beautiful. 2) The camp that I wanted to go to was full so I resorted to go on a cruise instead. Sortie 1) There were 20 night bombing sorties in the last month alone. 2) Sorties were flown at maximum capacity on September 11, 2001. Assorted 1) After coming home from trick or treating on Halloween, my brother and I assorted all of the candy we received. 2) I love assorted snacks because they include a little bit of everything I like. Consort 1) The consort of Princess Grace Kelly was Prince Rainier. 2) The consort of violins played the most exquisite music I have ever heard. Consortium 1) The consortium of different organizations working together will help the people of Haiti. 2) Consortiums will one day achieve their common goal. ~~~~~~~~~~ Stag- swamp; to stand -Stagnate, stagnant, stage, stagger, upstage Stagnate 1) If I leave the milk out it will stagnate. 2) It doesn’t take long before the shower drain to be clogged and stagnate. Stagnant 1) The water in the pond smelled stagnant for years. 2) I like to stay busy instead of being stagnant and bored in my room. Stage 1) Taylor Swift gets to play her music on stage with her band. 2) The elementary school kids performed their class play on stage. Stagger 1) The drunken man staggered to his car. 2) My brother likes to make a neat pile of his magazines but I like to stagger my magazines on my desk.

Upstage 1) My brother likes to upstage me at family gatherings by acting silly. 2) Movies are better when the actors don’t try to upstage each other. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Stead- to stand, place -Bestead, instead, steadfast, steady, steadily Bestead 1) I bestead myself at the dinner table to talk to my parents about school. 2) I bestead my dog on my bed so I could pet her. Instead 1) Instead of exercising at the gym, I went on a walk with my dog. 2) Instead of working on my homework, I decided to procrastinate and watch television. Steadfast 1) Those who work steadfast on a project will complete it better than others who wait to work on it until the last minute. 2) The cruise ship moved steadfast through the storm. Steady 1) Keeping your feet steady is very important, especially when climbing up a mountain. 2) Most of the time, musicians don’t have very steady jobs like teachers because their job isn’t on a regular day to day basis. Steadily 1) After an operation, it is difficult to walk steadily. 2) In order to finish projects and homework on time, you have to work steadily. techn: art, skill technique, technology, polytechnic technical, technician ~Ashley does not have very good ballet technique. ~Learning the correct technique first will make you better later. ~Technology has truly advanced over time. ~I cannot understand all of the new computer technology these days. ~The polytechnic school offers a range of courses at or below a bachelor’s level. ~My sister studies about the arts and science at a polytechnic institute. ~We are currently having technical difficulties. ~The technical term for interruption of breathing while sleeping is apnea. ~I think that we need to hire a technician to repair the light switch. ~I called a technician to fix my computer because it had a virus. ter: to frighten deter, deterrence, deterrent terrify, terrible

~I tried to deter him from doing drugs. ~By placing screen over the vent holes, the homeowner hoped to deter critters from getting into the area under his house. ~At school we value the deterrence of cheating and stealing. ~This month's newsletter discusses the detection of fraud and next month's will contain an article on the prevention and deterrence of fraud. ~Prison is a deterrent to crime. ~A deterrent is anything that dissuades or impedes something. ~I hope that the haunted house will not terrify the children. ~Spiders and snakes terrify me. ~He sets a terrible example! ~It is so terrible that her father died on her wedding day. therm: heat thermometer, thermos, hypothermia thermal, thermotherapy ~My mom used a thermometer to check my temperature. ~The thermometer read 103°F. ~I filled a thermos with hot soup to take to school for lunch. ~The thermos kept the coffee hot all day. ~After being out in the snow for so long, he suffered from hypothermia. ~Her body temperature was so low; the doctor said she was experiencing hypothermia. ~Don’t forget to bring your thermal underwear to science camp. ~You can see thermal baths in Palm Springs. ~Courtney used thermotherapy to relieve her aching back. ~The doctor suggested thermotherapy to the hurt athlete. tele: far off television, telephone, telescope telephoto, telecommunication ~I cannot watch the television on school nights. ~I heard the television from outside the bedroom door. ~The telephone rang, interrupting the test-taking. ~Telephones are improving as the years go by. ~The scientist studied the stars with his advanced telescope. ~Bryce’s parents bought him a telescope for Christmas. ~The photograph was taken using a telephoto lens. ~A telephoto lens helps to magnify a distant object. ~The military uses very advanced telecommunication systems. ~The telegraph is a form of telecommunication. thus (theo): god enthuse, enthusiastic, enthusiasm over-enthusiasm, unenthusiastic ~I heard Mrs. Smith enthuse about the new restaurant. ~By the end of the week, most enthuse about the experience they've had. ~She was very enthusiastic about cheerleading. ~Jane is the most enthusiastic person I’ve ever met.

~Parker showed his enthusiasm for hockey. ~The birthday girl did not show much enthusiasm while opening her gifts. ~Her over-enthusiasm for the subject scared her classmates. ~Elizabeth’s over-enthusiasm for the superstar showed her obsession with him. ~Many are unenthusiastic on rainy days. ~The students were unenthusiastic about the upcoming project. Prefixes and Roots: 1) Se- apart, without, on one’s own

1. Secede, seclude, secret 2. section, secular

Ex: Sometimes a person who thinks she is better than others will seclude friends. I do not like to seclude others because I know what it feels like. Certain areas are sectioned off on a field because there are ditches or other

dangers. There are sections in math that I understand more than others. I think that all gang members should secede from each other. I do not like to secede from others because I don’t like to be alone. Secrets don’t make friends. In high school secrets last about ten minutes at the most. Most of my friends have secular interests while I am more religious. Most teenagers listen to secular music but I also like to listen to more gospel.

2) Seg-to cut

1. segment, segmentation, segregated 2. segue, segway

Ex: Blacks were segregated from whites because of there skin color. In math we deal with segments which are parts cut off of segments. Cell division can also be known as cell segmentation.

3) Serv-slave, to serve/to keep, guard, watch

1. servant, service, servile 2. conserved, deserved

Ex: Servants have hard lives because they cannot choose for themselves. Some people are more conserved either because of their religion or because they chose to by themselves.

4) Scur-covered

1. obscure, obscurity, chiaroscuro 2. crepuscular, discursive

Ex: Indian tribes have an obscure way of living. I had been on a hike in the wilderness and suddenly became scared when I realized that it was crepuscular and day was turning to night.

5) Sequ-: to follow

1. Sequence, sequacious, subsequence 2. sequel, consequence, sequare-measurement

Ex: The sequence of kids in elementary school usually goes boy girl boy girl. The sequel to the Illiad is the Odyssey. Solid: to make solid

1. solidify: - The water in the freezer solidified into ice after nine hours. - If a substance is cool enough, it will solidify at its freezing point.

2. consolidate: -At schools, sometimes cliques will consolidate. -The rocks in the solution consolidated as it settled.

3. solidus: -In ancient Romanian currency, a solidus is equal to 12 denarii. - The solidus was introduced by Constantine and continued in the Byzantine Empire.

4. solidity: -The solidity of the bouncy ball was equal to four square feet. -Our institutions and our legal system have gained greater solidity.

5. solidarity: -A good example of modern technology being used to strengthen international solidarity. -I stand in solidarity with you in hating the evil of the world.

Spon: to pledge, promise

1. correspond: -My soccer practice corresponds perfectly with my church meeting. -I should correspond with my teacher for what project I should do first.

2. despondent: - 3. respond: -When the teacher asked the student a question, he failed to respond

correctly. -

4. transponder: - 5. responsible: -I hate being responsible for others expensive items.

-My dad is responsible for paying the family’s bills. Spoil: booty

1. Spoiler: -The spoiler on the car made it look like a sports car. -Airplanes use spoilers to reduce air friction.

2. Spoilage: -The spoilage of food by bacteria and mold is reduced when food is kept below 8°C. -The freezer can be used to prevent the spoilage of meat.

3. Spoilsport: -Don’t act like a spoilsport when you lose the game. -Mike was a spoilsport when he didn’t high-five the winning team.

4. Spoiled: -The little girl was so spoiled, she got whatever she wanted. -Because the parents spoiled their son, he didn’t appreciate their hard work.

5. Spoilt: -The milk got spoilt when it was left out over night. -Before electricity, people put salt on meat to prevent it from getting spoilt.

Stab: to stand

1. Stable: -The horse stable was not cleaned for weeks. -The solution proved to be not stable when it began to bubble.

2. Stability: -The stability of the chair was poor because it was on an uneven floor. -The crane had such stability standing on its one leg.

3. Stabilize: -The structure was stabilized by adding rebar to the frame. -The contractor stabilized the house to prevent damage from future earthquakes.

4. Constable: -The constable received an award for his bravery.

-We elected a new constable for our new law enforcement program. 5. Establish: -The law was established once the committee agreed.

-To establish my beliefs, I went to religious classes. Sphere: ball, planet

1. Spherical: -The object flying in the sky was spherical. -The Earth’s shape is spherical.

2. Biosphere: -The biosphere is the ecosystem comprising the entire earth and the living organisms that inhabit it. -The biosphere is part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.

3. Hemisphere: -I live in the northern hemisphere. -To find the area of a hemisphere is 3 multiplied by pi and the radius.

4. Mesosphere: -The mesosphere is the region between the stratosphere and the thermosphere. -The mesosphere is located about 20-50 miles above the earth’s surface.

5. Atmosphere: -The atmosphere has been dramatically affected by global warming. -The atmosphere in the arctic is very cold.