SAP PM Terminology



SAP PM definations

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Plant Maintenance Glossary Items

Activity The activity that was carried out within a maintenance, service or quality notification. It describes what has already been done to solve the problem.

Activity Report Maintenance or service notification describing a maintenance or service activity that has already been carried out.

Annual Estimate The annual estimate for a counter is the counter reading increase ordecrease that is expected for the whole year.

Assembly Part of technical object. A technical object can be subdivided intoassemblies.

Authorization Group The authorization group categorizes objects in plant maintenance,such as equipment and functional locations, according to accesscriteria.

Call Date Date that is generated either automatically or manually in amaintenance plan for which a maintenance order can then begenerated.

Call History Overview of the calls generated by the scheduling function. Thecall history contains information on:

due date due maintenance package scheduling type status call date actual variance

Call Horizon Determines the time at which an order is to be created for a calculated maintenance schedule.

The call horizon is entered as a percentage of the maintenancecycle time.

EXAMPLE: If the duration of the cycle is 250 days and the callhorizon is 80%, the system creates the order after 200 days (=80%*250days).

Catalog Compilation of code groups with related contents.

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Catalog Profile Determines from a functional viewpoint which code groups can beused for a particular technical object.

The catalog profile ensures that only appropriate codes can be used for a particular object, so that, for example, a problem that only occurs in the case of pumps cannot be used for a motor.

If a particular catalog profile is to be valid for a particular technical object (equipment or functional location), the name of the catalog profile must be entered in the maintenance data screen of the appropriate master record.

In addition, each notification type has a default catalog profile, which is valid whenever a technical object has not been entered inthe maintenance notification, or if no catalog profile has been defined for the object. The catalog profile for the notification type should be as global as possible, as it needs to be compatible with the more detailed definitions in the catalog profiles for pieces of equipment and functional locations.

Catalog Type Key that identifies a catalog in plant maintenance.

For example, you can compile all the code groups for malfunction descriptions under one catalog type and all the code groups for causes of malfunction under another.

Using catalog types ensures that only the relevant codes can be entered at particular stages in the maintenance notification.

Codes for malfunctions that have arisen can be entered in the malfunction description fields, codes for completed activities in the item screen.

Code Group Key for structuring codes in maintenance.

Codes which are similar in content or related in some way are combined in code groups for evaluation purposes.

For example, you can group all the codes for damages to motors in one code group and all the codes for damages to pumps in another.

The PM System has code groups for damages, causes of damage, object components, tasks and activities.

Company Area Company areas subdivide maintenance plants into production areas.

Company Area (continued)

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Machines or sets of machines, which are represented in the system as pieces of equipment or functional locations, are installed in company area.

You indicate the place for which a maintenance task was requested with the company area.

You can establish a contact person for Plant Maintenance in Production using the company area.

Construction Type Number of a material master record that is entered in the master record of a piece of equipment or functional location.

This entry marks technical objects as being parts with the same construction. The material can:

serve as an anchor for bills of material and task lists

You can avoid defining these separately for each technical object and define them instead for the material. They are then valid for each technical object to which the material has been assigned in the master record.

determine the selection of replacement equipment for a functional location

It serves as a note that the only equipment that can be installed at this functional location is equipment with a particular material in its master record.

Counter Means with which object wear, consumption or reduction of a working supply can be represented.

Counters can run forward, in other words, the counter readings increase, or they run backwards, in other words, the counter readings decrease.

Counters are represented in the system as a special form of measuring point.

Counter Overflow Counter overflow occurs when the last reading that a counter can display is passed.

This takes the counter back to its initial value.

Counter Overflow (continued)

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Last displayable counter reading: 999 Last counter reading: 990 Units used: 20 New counter reading after counter overflow 010

Counter Overflow ReadingThe first counter reading that a counter can no longer display.

When a counter reaches its overflow reading, counter overflow occurs.


Maximum displayable counter reading: 99999.9 Value to be added to reading: 0.1 Value displayed by the counter after 0.1 is added: 00000.0 Counter overflow reading, in other words, the logical value

the counter has after 0.1 is added: 100000.0

Counter Reading The reading reached by a counter at a particular point in time.

Counter readings represent the transaction data for counters. They form the basis of counter-based maintenance.

Counter Reading DifferenceNumber of counter unites that represents the difference between two counter readings.


Last counter reading 300 Present counter reading 310 Counter reading difference 010

Counter Reading TransferTransfer of a counter reading entered for a superior technical object to counters of objects below in the hierarchy.

EXAMPLE:The number of takeoffs and landings an airplane makes is recorded with a counter. The counter reading is transferred to the counters for the parts that carry out critical functions (for example, the tireswhich have to be changed after a certain number of takeoffs and landings).

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Customer The purchaser of a piece of equipment.

The customer purchases a piece of equipment from the manufacturer.

The customer can then appear again as a vendor and sell the equipment to the end customer.

Cycle Modification FactorPercentage by which the maintenance cycles defined in a maintenance strategy can be changed individually for a maintenance plan.

If a cycle in the maintenance plan is longer than the one defined in the strategy, the factor must be greater than one; if it is shorter, the factor must be less than one.

Data Transfer Central maintenance of data within hierarchical object structures.

Centrally maintained data is:

transferred from superior levels to subordinate levels (“vertical” data transfer)

Transferred from reference functional locations to allocated functional locations and pieces of equipment (“horizontal” data transfer)

Detail Profile Detail data of the serial number master record which is entered when you use the list entry function to create a group of serial numbers.

The detail profile is maintained once for all the serial numbers which are created in a single work step.

Duration Time required to carry out an operation in a network or in a maintenance task list.

End Customer End purchaser of a piece of equipment.

The end customer is the end purchaser and owner of a piece of equipment.

He has purchased the piece of equipment either direct from the manufacturer or from a customer who has sold it to him.

End Customer (continued)

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The equipment procurement hierarchy can take one of the following forms:

manufacturer - > customer (e.g. wholesaler) - > end customer manufacturer - > end customer

Equipment A piece of equipment is an individual, physical object that is to be maintained as an autonomous unit and which can be installed in a technical system or system part.

Each piece of equipment is managed in a separate equipment master record.

An equipment master record should be created for an object, if

data is to be managed individually for the object (for example year of construction, warranty periods, usage sites)

maintenance tasks are to be carried out on the object a record of the maintenance task carried out is required for the

object (e.g. for compulsory annual inspection, insurance or warranty purposes)

a record of the cost of maintenance tasks is required for the object.

Technical data referring to the object needs to be compiled and evaluated over long periods of time.

Besides Plant Maintenance, pieces of equipment are also used in (test equipment), Materials Management (serialized materials) and Sales and Distribution (customer equipment).

Equipment Bill of MaterialUsed to describe the structure of a piece of equipment and to allocate spares to the piece of equipment for maintenance purposes.

Can be created individually for each piece of equipment or for a group of technical objects.

The link between the piece of equipment and the bill of material (BOM) can be formed by:

direct allocation indirect allocation

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Equipment CategoryThe equipment category differentiates individual pieces of equipment according to usage.

A piece of equipment can be used for example as a:

mechanical system device production resource or tool customer equipment

Equipment HierarchyRepresentation of a complex system by means of a hierarchical structure consisting of superior pieces and sub-pieces of equipment.

An equipment hierarchy can consist of any number of levels. You can allocate any number of sub-pieces of equipment to each superior piece of equipment of any number of sub-pieces of equipment.

You can install the highest superior equipment in an equipment hierarchy at a functional location.

Equipment Status The equipment status describes the availability and usability of a piece of equipment. You can use it to define the functions that are permitted for a particular piece of equipment.

Equipment Task ListMaintenance task list with a specific link to a piece of equipment.

You can use equipment task lists to:

define and maintain maintenance tasks for a piece of equipment.

prepare maintenance plans and orders for a specified piece of equipment

Equipment Type The equipment category can be subdivided into equipment types and therefore described in more detail.


Equipment category: “Vehicles”

Equipment types: “Car”, “Truck”, “Fork Lift”

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Equipment Usage PeriodAn equipment usage period represents a period of time during which no changes have occurred to the location, plant maintenance and sales and distribution data of a piece of equipment.

External Equipment StatusThe external equipment status describes the availability and usability of a piece of equipment. It allows you to define which functions are authorized for a piece of equipment.

Float Period of time before and after the date at which a maintenance package becomes due, during which the package can be carried out without altering the subsequent due dates.

The lead float tells you how long before the maintenance package becomes due you can start carrying out the activities.

The follow-up float tells you how long after the maintenance package is due the execution of the activities can be completed.

Functional LocationElement in a technical structure (for example a functional unit in the overall system).

Functional locations may be structured according to:

functional criteria process-related criteria locational criteria

Pieces of equipment are installed at functional locations (installation/replacement of objects at a functional location).

The times at which a piece of equipment is in use at a functional location are documented in chronological order.

Functional Location BOMUsed to describe the structure of a functional location and to allocate spares to the functional location for maintenance purposes.

Can be created individually for each functional location or for a group of technical objects.

The link between the functional location and the bill of material (BOM) can be formed by:

direct allocation indirect allocation

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Functional Location CategoryThe functional location category allows individual functional locations to be differentiated according to how they are used.

Functional Location Task ListMaintenance task list with a link to a particular functional location.

You can use a functional location task to:

define and maintain tasks for a particular functional location prepare maintenance plans and maintenance orders for a

particular functional location.

General Maintenance Task ListStandardized sequence of operations for carrying out particular maintenance work on technical objects.

The general maintenance task list is not linked to a particular object.

It contains all the operations, materials and maintenance resources that are required for a particular maintenance task.

General maintenance task lists or general task lists help work scheduling in maintenance orders. Above all, they make it easier to create maintenance plans, as you can either refer to them in the maintenance plan or copy them into it.

Link Linking of two or more technical objects, partly with the help of further technical objects.

Only functional locations or pieces of equipment can be linked with each other.


A link is created between two pumps by laying a water pipe between them. Both the pumps and the pipe are represented as pieces of equipment in the system.

Link Equipment Piece of equipment representing the link between two or more other pieces of equipment in object networking.

Link Object Technical object, that is, functional location or piece of equipment, that forms the physical connection in an object link.

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Link Object (continued)EXAMPLE:

The electric cable connecting two pylons.

Linked Equipment Piece of equipment that is linked with one or more pieces of equipment in object networking.


Pump 1 and Pump 2 are connected by means of a pipe.

Linked Equipment (continued)Both the pumps and the pipe are represented in the system as pieces of equipment.

Linked equipment: Pump 1 and Pump 2

Link equipment: pipe

Linked Functional LocationFunctional location which is linked with one or more other functional locations in object networking.

The link can be formed by a linking functional location.


The functional locations Host 1 and Host 2 are lined with each other by a telephone cable.

Linked functional locations: Host 1 and Host 2

Linking functional location: telephone cable.

Linked Object Technical object, that is, functional location or piece of equipment, hat is connected with another technical object.


Each electric pylon that is connected by overland cable with another electric pylon.

Location Place within a maintenance plant at which a technical object is to be found.

Main Work Center Work center which is in overall charge when a maintenance task is carried out.

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Maintenance Activity TypeKey for the type of maintenance activity performed.

Activities are divided into repairs, shutdowns, regular activities, inspections and so on. The maintenance activity type assigns the actual costs in the annual history to the technical objects.The maintenance activity types are used to distinguish between the settlement cost elements used for the different activities.

Maintenance Call Record created in the maintenance plan on scheduling.

The call contains among other things the maintenance packages due and the start date for the maintenance order.

Maintenance Cycle The maintenance cycle determines the time or performance interval after which a task becomes due.

Maintenance Group Group of craftsmen (for example, fitters, mechanical workshop) responsible for carrying out maintenance activities.

A maintenance group is treated as a work center in the SAP System, in other words, it has the same data structure.

It refers to a cost center, can carry out various activities and has a certain available capacity.

The activities carried out by a maintenance groups are valued on the basis of charge rates that are determined by the cost centers and activity types defined.

Maintenance Item A maintenance item describes the regular inspection and preventive maintenance activities to be performed on technical objects that require regular maintenance.

The maintenance objects concerned can be specified directly in the maintenance item or by means of the object list.

The necessary activities are described in a task list allocated to the maintenance item.

Maintenance NotificationMeans by which internal company notifications are entered and managed in Plant Maintenance.

In a maintenance notification, you describe the condition of a technical object, request a maintenance task that is required and document the work carried out.

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Maintenance Notification (continued)The following types of maintenance notification exist: malfunction report maintenance report activity report

This data is stored in the maintenance history and is important for evaluations and for future planning.

Maintenance Order In plant maintenance, maintenance orders are used to:

plan maintenance tasks in a targeted manner monitor the execution of maintenance tasks enter and settle the costs incurred by maintenance tasks

The system enters the maintenance order data in the maintenance history and is extremely important for evaluations and future planning.

Maintenance Package HierarchyDetermines which maintenance packages will be carried out if several maintenance packages become due at the same time.

If the maintenance packages are to be carried out together at this point in time, they must have the same hierarchy number (= priority).

If only certain maintenance packages are to be carried out at this time, then those packages must have a higher hierarchy number (= priority) than the others. The system selects only the packages with the highest hierarchy number.

Maintenance Plan SchedulingIn regular maintenance, scheduling refers to the creation on call dates in a maintenance plan.

Maintenance orders can be created for these call dates.

Depending on the type of maintenance plan, scheduling can be based on:

time performance both time and performance

Maintenance Planner GroupThe maintenance planner group is responsible for the planning and processing of maintenance tasks in a particular plant.

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Maintenance Planning PlantPlant in which maintenance tasks are planned and prepared.

The maintenance tasks can relate to equipment and functional locations in your own or in other plants.

Maintenance planning plants are regular plants that are indicated as maintenance planning plants in Customizing. Maintenance plants, which do not plan their own maintenance tasks, are allocated to the planning plants. Planning is carried out for the maintenance plants in the planning plants entered.

In an organizational structure in which maintenance plants are also maintenance planning plants, the maintenance plant must be recorded as maintenance planning plants.

Maintenance Plant Plant in which the technical objects of a company are installed.

The planning responsibility for a maintenance plant is determined by a planning plant. Maintenance plants are allocated to planning plants.

Maintenance RequestMaintenance task, which requests the maintenance department to carry out a particular activity.

The activity is not intended to repair a malfunction or damage; a malfunction report has been created for this. The maintenance request is used more in the case of investments, reconstructions, replacements and so on.

Maintenance ScheduleDescribes the dates at which maintenance and inspection activities are to be carried out.

Maintenance items are allocated to a maintenance schedule. These refer either to functional locations or to pieces of equipment.

When the maintenance plan is scheduled, the system generates maintenance calls for all the maintenance items, which can be converted to maintenance orders.

Maintenance Task ListGeneric term used in plant maintenance.

Maintenance task lists are:

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general maintenance task list equipment task list functional location task list

Malfunction ReportMaintenance notification describing a malfunction at a technical object.

An employee introduction, for example, can use a malfunction report to inform the relevant department that an operational system is not functioning correctly, or not working at all, or producing poor results.

Measurement DocumentRecord of a measurement at a particular measuring point.

A measurement document contains the following data:

date and time of the measurement result of the measurement name of the person who took the measurement reading processing status various indicators which describe the exact circumstances of

the measurement

Measurement PositionA number or description with which you describe the position of a measuring point in relation to an object.

Measurement RangeThe value range of a measurement instrument


Between –20 and +45 degrees Celsius in the case of a thermometer

Between 0 and 10 meters in the case of a tape measure

Measurement ReadingDescription of the condition of a physical/logical place at a particular point of time.

Measurement Reading (continued)Measurement readings are the transaction data associated with measuring points. They form the basis of condition-based maintenance.

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Measuring Point Physical and/or logical place at which a status is described


temperature inside a reactor speed of revolution of a wind wheel

The status is described with measurement readings.

Measuring points are maintained in the SAP System as master data.

Measuring Point CategoryKey for identifying groups of measuring points

You can use the measuring point category to distinguish between measuring point attributes that differ from group to group.

For example, groups may have

different catalog types for the valuation codes different messages when a reading does not fall within the

measurement range defined

Measuring Point ObjectObject with which one or more measuring points are associated.

A measuring point object can be a piece of equipment, for example, or a functional location.

Multiple Counter PlanMaintenance plan that is made up of counter-based maintenance cycles of different dimensions.

You can assign each maintenance cycle a different counter from a technical object. This allows you to define the conditions for when maintenance is due on the basis of more than one dimension.

For example, you define an oil change to take place at an interval of:

every 6,000 milesbut no earlier/later than

every 6 months

Node Description for a linked functional location or piece of equipment

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Notification Means by which a user informs maintenance/quality management/service management departments about a particular occurrence in that area.

The following notifications exist in these areas:

maintenance notifications service notifications quality notifications

The various notifications are described in more detail in separate glossary entries.

Notification Category Key that groups and identifies the notification types belonging to a particular SP application (for example, notification category for notifications in QM, notification category for notifications in PM).

This notification category is necessary as a criterion for distinguishing between the functions of the catalogs, code groups and codes that exist in various SAP applications.

You therefore need to be able to differentiate at this level.

The catalog types that can be used in a particular application are defined for each notification category.

Notification Type Key that determines what type of maintenance or quality notification is involved. The following types of maintenance notifications exist in the standard PM system:

malfunction report activity report maintenance requirement

The following types of quality notifications exist in the standard QM system:

quality notifications notification of defects customer complaint

Object Link Linking of two technical objects through a third technical object.

Object Link (continued)An object link may only consist of objects belonging to the same object category; that is, a piece of equipment can only be linked

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with another piece of equipment and a functional location with another functional location. If the object that forms the connection is managed in the system as a piece of equipment or a functional location, then two pieces of equipment can only be linked by a piece of equipment and two functional locations by a functional location.

Using object links you can build object networks and structure your technical systems horizontally. This allows you to represent and evaluate dependencies between various objects.

Object List List of technical object (equipment or functional locations) that were- allocated to a maintenance notification, a maintenance order or a maintenance item.

Object Network The linking of several technical objects in an overall structure that has the form of a network.

An object network can only consist of either pieces of equipment or functional locations. Two objects are always linked with one another by an object link.

An object network can be subdivided into several subnetworks. The subnetworks do not have to be linked to one another.

You can use object networks to structure your technical systems horizontally.


Several pylons are linked by electric cables as a network. Both the pylons and the cables are represented in the system as pieces of equipment. All the pylons and cables that are linked from the overall network, “Electricity network”. Some of the linked pylons and cables that can be divided into particular areas are subnetworks of the overall network.

One-time Cycle Maintenance cycle that is only to be performed once.

One-time Package Maintenance package that is only to be performed once.

One-way Link The linking of two or more technical objects where a medium is transferred in a single direction.

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Pump A, Pump B and Pump C are linked to each other by means of water pipes. The water is always pumped from Pump A to Pump B and from Pump B to Pump C. The link is therefore “one-way”.

Operator End operator/user of a piece of equipment

The operator is the last link in the processing of obtaining a piece of equipment.

Producer - > Customer - > End Customer - > Operator

The operator is defined by a customer master record and can be a company, a department or an individual.

The operator can also be the customer or end customer.

Order Release Processing stage of an order.

Only an order that has been created can be released. You release an order by assigning the status “released” to it. Only once an order has been released can you withdraw materials, print shop paper, create completion confirmations and post goods movements for it.

Outstanding Maintenance NotificationProcessing status of a maintenance notification

When you create a maintenance notification, the system automatically assigns it the status “outstanding”, which it keeps until you put it in process or until it is assigned to an order.

Performance-based Maintenance PlanMaintenance plan with a maintenance strategy that is performance-based.

You can schedule tasks with a performance-based maintenance plan in such a way that they are carried out as close as possible to when they are due.

A performance-based maintenance plan can be scheduled on the basis of operating hours, kilometers driven and so on.

Permit Regulation or condition which must be observed when maintenance work is to be carried out on a technical object.

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You can allocate permits to the following objects:

equipment functional locations maintenance orders

Permit Category Division of permits into logical groups.

Examples of permit categories:

work permits safety permits

Planned Counter ReadingPlanned reading a counter has at a particular point in time.

Plant Maintenance Measures taken to keep operational systems in working order (for example machines, production installations).

According to DIN-Norm 31051, the maintenance of operational systems incorporates the following activities:

inspectionall measures which confirm the actual condition of an operational system

maintenanceall measures which maintain the ideal condition of an operational system

repairall measures which restore the ideal condition of an operational system

Preventive MaintenanceMaintenance tasks performed within the scope of plant maintenance to keep up the target condition of a technical system.

Preventive Maintenance PackageGroup of activities which are to be carried out at a point in time or at a counter reading within a maintenance strategy.

You can specify in the maintenance plan the content of the maintenance packages, in other works the operations that are to be carried out, by allocating each operation to a maintenance package of the given strategy.

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Preventive Maintenance PlanDescribes the dates and the scope of the maintenance and inspection activities that are to be carried out.

A maintenance plan that refers to a maintenance strategy can be time-based on activity-based.

A maintenance plan that does not refer to a maintenance strategy (multiple counter plan) can contain maintenance cycles with different dimensions.

A maintenance plan consists of:

scheduling data maintenance(s)

The dates come from the:

maintenance strategy selected (in time-based and activity-based plans)

maintenance cycles and relationship type (in multiple counter plans)

start date of the maintenance cycle last completion confirmation date and from the various scheduling parameters in the maintenance

schedule and, where applicable, the maintenance strategy.

Preventive Maintenance StrategyRule for the sequence of planned maintenance jobs.

The maintenance strategy defines how frequently the individual jobs are to be carried out (for example every two months, every 5000 km, every 500 operation hours) and how long the total duration of the maintenance cycle is.

The activities which need to be carried out at a particular time or counter reading are compiled to form a maintenance package.

The maintenance strategy determines how frequently they are carried out for each maintenance package.

Primary Language The language in which the texts of a technical object were entered.

The primary language is the logon language used when a technical object was entered. If a user has logged on in a language in which there are no text entries for the object, the system falls back on the primary language.

Primary Language (continued)

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The primary language cannot be changed and text entries in it cannot be deleted.


A user logs on to the system later in French and displays the master record ABC. If not French texts were created the system will fall back on the primary language and display the English text to the user.

Reference Functional LocationA reference functional location is used to help create new functional locations in the system.

It does not represent a functional location that actually exists in the system, but is rather a reference which allow you to create several functional locations that have the same construction.

By changing the master record of the reference location you can make changes centrally to functional locations whose master records refer to the reference location.


You want to represent the five similar clarification plants in the system as functional locations. To do this, first create a master record for a reference functional location containing all the data that is identical for the five plants. Then create the master records for the individual plants by referring to the reference functional location. You then only have to enter the data specific to the clarification plant for each master record.

Reference Measuring PointMeasuring point associated with a reference object.

A reference object can be a reference functional location or a material.

Reference Object Equipment, functional location or assembly to which the maintenance notification or the maintenance order refers.

Reference Time Date and time at which the system reads the equipment location and account assignment data when you complete a maintenance notification, and under which it sorts the PM notification type on the basis of table settings. These include:

Reference Time (continued)

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Start of malfunction in the case of a malfunction report

PM notification entry in the case of an activity report PM notification completion in the case of a maintenance


Regular MaintenanceAll maintenance tasks for which the time and scope of the workcan be planned in advance.

Generic term for inspections, preventive maintenance and planned repairs.

Relation Type In the case of an object link, this key indicates the direction in which the medium between two linked objects is transferred.

You can distinguish between relation types which are possible I principle and those used in practice.


Pumps A and B are linked by a pipe. Since you can pump both from A to B and from B to A, the relation type possible is “two-way”. However, in practice you only pump from A to B, so the actual relation type used is “one-way”.

Response Profile The response profile determines the time interval within which a predefined task must be carried out and the relevant code defined for the task.

The time interval is calculated with reference to the service window to which the response profile is assigned.


You log a call at 10:00. The response profile defines a time interval of 2 hours for the code “Call back customer” and a time interval of 4 hours for the code “Check whether technician is at customer site”. The service hours are from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00. On the basis of these times, you must call back the customer by 12.00 to discuss or explain the problem. If required, the technician must be at the customer site by 16.00.

Revision Period of time during which the plant or part thereof is temporarily shut down, so that maintenance tasks can be carried out.

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Routing Group A routing group identifies one or more routings.

Groups routing from a logical perspective.

If a routing group contains several routing, they are defined uniquely by a group counter.

Scheduling Period Determines the period of time for which calls are to be created when a maintenance plan is scheduled.


If you are scheduling a maintenance plan where the calls are to be created for a whole year, the scheduling period must 365 days long.

Scheduling Type Indicates how the maintenance due date was generated.

These are four scheduling types:

new start scheduled manual call start within the current cycle

Serial Number Number which you give to an individual item of material in addition to the material number, in order to differentiate that individual item from all the other items of the material.

The material number/serial number combination is unique.

Serial Number ProfileGroup of data grouped under a four-digit indentification code, which defines the conditions and operations for assigning serial numbers in the case of serialized materials.

The serial number profile must be entered in the master record of the material for which the individual items are to be assigned serial numbers.

Serialized Material Individual item of a material which is given a unique identification through the issue of a serial number.

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Service Notification Means of entering and managing notifications for customer service.

In a service notification you describe the condition of a service object, request the service tasks required and document the work carried out.

Depending on the tasks requested, you can create a

service order (PM) sales order (PM)from a service notification.

There are three types of service notifications:

Sales notification Service request Activity report

Service Request Service notification requesting the service or customer service department to carry out a particular activity.

The activity is not intended to repair a malfunction or damage; a sales notification has been created for this. The service notification is used more in the case of reconstructions, replacements and so on.

Service Times Service times are the times at which tasks defined in a response profile are available and can be carried out. Service times are defined in a service window.

Service Window The service window determines the times at which a notification can be processed with the partners involved. The items defined in the service window form the basis for calculating the start and end dates determined at task level.

The planned duration for the task execution is defined for each task code in the response profile.


You can define in the service window that a task defined in the response profile can be carried out from Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 12.00 and 14.00 to 18.00.

Shift Factor Percentage in the maintenance strategy which indicates the degree to which a confirmation date which deviates from the planned date

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Shift Factor (continued)should be taken into account when scheduling the maintenance plan.

The negative shift factor is used if the confirmation is before the due date. The positive shift factor is used if the confirmation is after the due date.

Shop Papers Documents required for the execution of a maintenance order such as:

operation control ticket job ticket material provision list wage slips completion confirmation slips

Standard Maintenance RoutingStandardized sequence of operations for carrying out particular maintenance work on technical objects.

The standard maintenance routing is not linked with a particulartechnical object.

A standard maintenance routing contains all the operations, materials and maintenance resources that are needed for a particular maintenance task.

Standard maintenance routings help the work scheduling of maintenance orders. Above all, they make the creation of maintenance plans easier, as you can either refer to them in the maintenance plan or copy them into it.

Start Offset Period time following which a maintenance package becomes due for the first time.

You have to enter a start offset, if the first time the maintenance package is carried out is not the same as the length of the cycle, for example if the cycle length of a package is two years, but the package is only carried out for the first time after three years.

Structure Indicator The structure indicator defines the way in which functional locations are structured in the system.

It determines the generic structure of the location number and makes the hierarchy levels within the location visible in the location number.

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Superior Equipment Technical object comprising several pieces of equipment.

The structure of a complex technical object can be represented by allocating equipment to superior pieces of equipment. A piece of equipment that is allocated to a superior one can itself be a superior piece of equipment for another piece of equipment, resulting in a hierarchical structure.

System Availability Business ratio for describing the degree of usability of a system, determined as the ratio of the available time to the base time.

In Plant Maintenance, the system availability is entered as part of the completion confirmation:

time and duration of the breakdown availability of the technical object before, during and after the

maintenance task operating state of the technical object before, during and after

the maintenance task

Task The activity that describes the technical management and planning aspects of a maintenance, service or quality notification.

Tasks are used to determine the cooperation of different persons in processing maintenance, service or quality assurance measures. A task can refer both to the header of a notification and to the individual notification items. It can have different status’s.

Task List Group A task list group identifies one or more standard task lists and groups standard task lists from a logical perspective.

If a group contains several standard task lists, they are identified by a group counter.

Technical Completion ConfirmationThe process of entering the technical report.


You make a technical completion confirmation for equipment “Pump XYZ” by entering the technical report for this piece of equipment.

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Technical Report Results determined while processing maintenance tasks.

The technical report refers exclusively to the data of technical objects before and after a maintenance task. It comprises the following data:

damage location, damage description, cause of damage, maintenance tasks/actions.

system availability classification

The data is entered in the object history.

Time-based Maintenance PlanMaintenance plan with a maintenance strategy that is time-based.

You can use a time-based maintenance plan to regular intervals for tasks, for example, every two weeks, every month, and so on.

You can schedule a time-based maintenance plan on the basis of:

time key date factory calendar

Tolerance Timespan within which the actual date deviating from the planned date of a maintenance package does not affect subsequent scheduling.

Two-way Link The linking of two or more technical objects where a medium is transferred in both directions.


Host A and Host B are linked to each other by means of a cable.The flow of information goes from both Host A to Host B as well as the other way around. The link is therefore “two-way”.

Usage List The usage list represents the summary of how a piece of equipment has been used to date.

Warranty Category The warranty category distinguishes individual warranty records by their usage, that is, by the direction of the warranty. Only two categories are possible:

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Warranty Category (continued) Inbound

that is, warranties that are issued by an external guarantor (e.g. vendor, manufacturer) to you, the warrantee and system user.

Outboundthat is, warranties that you (the system user) issue to your customer who is the warrantee

Warranty Counter Means of representing the wear and tear of an object, the use or consumption if a supply within the validity of a warranty.


A pump has two counters:

time operating hours

The pump is delivered together with a warranty that is valid for up to 6 months or 1000 operating hours. The values are checked using these counters every time a warranty claim is made (for example, if the pump breaks down).

Warranty Type The warranty types subdivide a warranty category and thus provide a more detailed description of a warranty category.


Warranty category “I” (inbound)- Warranty type “V” = warranty given to you by your

vendor- Warranty type “M” = warranty given to you by the

product’s manufacturer Warranty category “O” (outbound)

- Warranty type “C” = warranty you give to your customer

The warranty type can be freely defined by the user.

4/28/2023 Lou Costello